

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Wrapper Classes
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CObjBranchruleC++ wrapper for branching rules
 CObjCloneableDefinition of base class for all clonable classes
 CObjConshdlrC++ wrapper for constraint handlers
 CObjDialogC++ wrapper for dialogs
 CObjDispC++ wrapper for display columns
 CObjEventhdlrC++ wrapper for event handlers
 CObjHeurC++ wrapper for primal heuristics
 CObjMessagehdlrC++ wrapper for message handlers
 CObjNodeselC++ wrapper for primal heuristics
 CObjPresolC++ wrapper for presolvers
 CObjPricerC++ wrapper for variable pricer
 CObjProbCloneableDefinition of base class for all clonable classes which define problem data
 CObjProbDataC++ wrapper for user problem data
 CObjPropC++ wrapper for propagators
 CObjReaderC++ wrapper for file readers and writers
 CObjRelaxC++ wrapper for relaxation handlers
 CObjSepaC++ wrapper for cut separators
 CObjVardataC++ wrapper for user variable data
 Catomic_signpower< SCIPInterval >