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21 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
138 char branch_firstsbchild;/**< child node to be regarded first during strong branching (only with propagation): 'u'p child, 'd'own child, or 'a'utomatic */
139 SCIP_Real branch_scorefac; /**< branching score factor to weigh downward and upward gain prediction
142 SCIP_Real branch_clamp; /**< minimal fractional distance of branching point to a continuous variable' bounds; a value of 0.5 leads to branching always in the middle of a bounded domain */
143 char branch_lpgainnorm; /**< strategy for normalizing LP gain when updating pseudo costs of continuous variables */
144 SCIP_Bool branch_delaypscost; /**< whether to delay pseudo costs updates for continuous variables to after separation */
147 SCIP_Bool branch_checksbsol; /**< should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be checked for feasibility? */
148 SCIP_Bool branch_roundsbsol; /**< should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be rounded? (only when checksbsol=TRUE) */
151 SCIP_Real conf_maxvarsfac; /**< maximal fraction of variables involved in a conflict constraint */
152 int conf_minmaxvars; /**< minimal absolute maximum of variables involved in a conflict constraint */
159 int conf_interconss; /**< maximal number of intermediate conflict constraints generated in conflict
163 int conf_reconvlevels; /**< number of depth levels up to which UIP reconvergence constraints are
169 SCIP_Bool conf_usesb; /**< should infeasible/bound exceeding strong branching conflict analysis be
173 SCIP_Bool conf_allowlocal; /**< should conflict constraints be generated that are only valid locally? */
174 SCIP_Bool conf_settlelocal; /**< should conflict constraints be attached only to the local subtree where
176 SCIP_Bool conf_repropagate; /**< should earlier nodes be repropagated in order to replace branching
178 SCIP_Bool conf_keepreprop; /**< should constraints be kept for repropagation even if they are too long? */
181 SCIP_Bool conf_removable; /**< should the conflict's relaxations be subject to LP aging and cleanup? */
182 SCIP_Real conf_depthscorefac; /**< score factor for depth level in bound relaxation heuristic of LP analysis */
183 SCIP_Real conf_scorefac; /**< factor to decrease importance of variables' earlier conflict scores */
188 int conf_maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds;/**< maximal number of variables to try to detect global bound
192 SCIP_Bool conf_fullshortenconflict;/**< try to shorten the whole conflict set or terminate early
195 SCIP_Real conf_conflictweight;/**< the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a
198 SCIP_Real conf_conflictgraphweight; /**< the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a
213 int disp_headerfreq; /**< frequency for displaying header lines (every n'th node information line) */
217 SCIP_Bool history_valuebased; /**< should statistics be collected for variable domain value pairs? */
223 SCIP_Real limit_absgap; /**< solving stops, if the absolute difference between primal and dual bound
226 SCIP_Longint limit_totalnodes; /**< maximal number of total nodes (incl. restarts) to process (-1: no limit) */
227 SCIP_Longint limit_stallnodes; /**< solving stops, if the given number of nodes was processed since the
229 int limit_solutions; /**< solving stops, if the given number of solutions were found (-1: no limit) */
233 int limit_maxorigsol; /**< maximal number of solutions candidates to store in the solution storage of the original problem */
234 int limit_restarts; /**< solving stops, if the given number of restarts was triggered (-1: no limit) */
241 char lp_initalgorithm; /**< LP algorithm for solving initial LP relaxations ('s'implex, 'b'arrier,
243 char lp_resolvealgorithm;/**< LP algorithm for resolving LP relaxations if a starting basis exists
247 SCIP_Bool lp_clearinitialprobinglp;/**< should lp state be cleared at the end of probing mode when LP
249 SCIP_Bool lp_resolverestore; /**< should the LP be resolved to restore the state at start of diving (if
251 SCIP_Bool lp_freesolvalbuffers; /**< should the buffers for storing LP solution values during diving be
258 SCIP_Bool lp_cleanupcolsroot; /**< should new non-basic columns be removed after root LP solving? */
262 SCIP_Real lp_conditionlimit; /**< maximum condition number of LP basis counted as stable (-1.0: no check) */
263 SCIP_Bool lp_checkprimfeas; /**< should LP solutions be checked for primal feasibility, resolving LP when numerical troubles occur? */
264 SCIP_Bool lp_checkdualfeas; /**< should LP solutions be checked for dual feasibility, resolving LP when numerical troubles occur? */
265 int lp_fastmip; /**< which FASTMIP setting of LP solver should be used? 0: off, 1: medium, 2: full */
269 SCIP_Bool lp_lexdualrootonly; /**< should the lexicographic dual algorithm be applied only at the root node */
271 SCIP_Bool lp_lexdualbasic; /**< choose fractional basic variables in lexicographic dual algorithm */
273 int lp_disablecutoff; /**< disable the cutoff bound in the LP solver? (0: enabled, 1: disabled, 2: auto) */
277 SCIP_Real lp_resolveiterfac; /**< factor of average LP iterations that is used as LP iteration limit
282 SCIP_Bool nlp_disable; /**< should the NLP be disabled even if a constraint handler enabled it? */
287 SCIP_Real mem_savefac; /**< fraction of maximal memory usage resulting in switch to memory saving mode */
297 SCIP_Bool misc_usevartable; /**< should a hashtable be used to map from variable names to variables? */
298 SCIP_Bool misc_useconstable; /**< should a hashtable be used to map from constraint names to constraints? */
299 SCIP_Bool misc_usesmalltables;/**< should smaller hashtables be used? yields better performance for small problems with about 100 variables */
300 SCIP_Bool misc_exactsolve; /**< should the problem be solved exactly (with proven dual bounds)? */
301 int misc_permutationseed;/**< seed value for permuting the problem after the problem was tranformed
303 SCIP_Bool misc_permuteconss; /**< should order of constraints be permuted (depends on permutationseed)? */
304 SCIP_Bool misc_permutevars; /**< should order of variables be permuted (depends on permutationseed)? */
305 SCIP_Bool misc_resetstat; /**< should the statistics be reset if the transformed problem is freed
309 SCIP_Bool misc_improvingsols; /**< should only solutions be checked which improve the primal bound */
310 SCIP_Bool misc_printreason; /**< should the reason be printed if a given start solution is infeasible? */
312 SCIP_Bool misc_transorigsols; /**< should SCIP try to transfer original solutions to the extended space (after presolving)? */
313 SCIP_Bool misc_calcintegral; /**< should SCIP calculate the primal dual integral value which may require
315 SCIP_Bool misc_finitesolstore;/**< should SCIP try to remove infinite fixings from solutions copied to the solution store? */
318 char nodesel_childsel; /**< child selection rule ('d'own, 'u'p, 'p'seudo costs, 'i'nference, 'l'p value,
330 SCIP_Real num_pseudocosteps; /**< minimal variable distance value to use for pseudo cost updates */
331 SCIP_Real num_pseudocostdelta;/**< minimal objective distance value to use for pseudo cost updates */
338 SCIP_Real presol_abortfac; /**< abort presolve, if l.t. this frac of the problem was changed in last round */
341 SCIP_Real presol_restartfac; /**< fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node
343 SCIP_Real presol_immrestartfac;/**< fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node triggering an
345 SCIP_Real presol_subrestartfac;/**< fraction of integer variables that were globally fixed during the
347 SCIP_Real presol_restartminred;/**< minimal fraction of integer variables removed after restart to allow for
353 SCIP_Real price_abortfac; /**< pricing is aborted, if fac * maxpricevars pricing candidates were found */
356 SCIP_Bool price_delvars; /**< should variables created at the current node be deleted when the node is solved
358 SCIP_Bool price_delvarsroot; /**< should variables created at the root node be deleted when the root is solved
363 int prop_maxroundsroot; /**< maximal number of propagation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited) */
364 SCIP_Bool prop_abortoncutoff; /**< should propagation be aborted immediately? setting this to FALSE could
368 SCIP_Real sepa_maxbounddist; /**< maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound
372 SCIP_Real sepa_minefficacyroot; /**< minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP in the root node */
374 SCIP_Real sepa_minorthoroot; /**< minimal orthogonality for a cut to enter the LP in the root node */
375 SCIP_Real sepa_objparalfac; /**< factor to scale objective parallelism of cut in separation score calc. */
376 SCIP_Real sepa_orthofac; /**< factor to scale orthogonality of cut in separation score calculation */
377 SCIP_Real sepa_feastolfac; /**< factor on cut infeasibility to limit feasibility tolerance for relaxation solver (-1: off) */
378 SCIP_Real sepa_primfeastol; /**< primal feasibility tolerance derived from cut feasibility (set by sepastore, not a parameter) */
379 char sepa_orthofunc; /**< function used for calc. scalar prod. in orthogonality test ('e'uclidean, 'd'iscrete) */
380 char sepa_efficacynorm; /**< row norm to use for efficacy calculation ('e'uclidean, 'm'aximum, 's'um,
382 int sepa_maxruns; /**< maximal number of runs for which separation is enabled (-1: unlimited) */
384 int sepa_maxroundsroot; /**< maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited) */
385 int sepa_maxroundsrootsubrun; /**< maximal number of separation rounds in the root node of a subsequent run (-1: unlimited) */
386 int sepa_maxaddrounds; /**< maximal additional number of separation rounds in subsequent price-and-cut
392 int sepa_cutagelimit; /**< maximum age a cut can reach before it is deleted from the global cut pool */
401 char* vbc_filename; /**< name of the VBC Tool output file, or - if no output should be created */
402 SCIP_Bool vbc_realtime; /**< should the real solving time be used instead of time step counter in VBC output? */
412 SCIP_Bool write_allconss; /**< should all constraints be written (including the redundant constraints)? */