struct_lp.h File Reference Detailed Descriptiondatastructures for LP management In SCIP, the LP is defined as follows: min obj * x lhs <= A * x + const <= rhs lb <= x <= ub The row activities are defined as activity = A * x + const and must therefore be in the range of [lhs,rhs]. Mathematically, each range constraint would account for two dual variables, one for each inequality. Since in an optimal solution (at least) one of them may be chosen to be zero, we may define one dual multiplier for each row as the difference of those two. Let y be the vector of dual multipliers for the rows, then the reduced costs are defined as redcost = obj - A^T * y. In an optimal solution, y must be
and the reduced costs must be
The main datastructures for storing an LP are the rows and the columns. A row can live on its own (if it was created by a separator), or as SCIP_LP relaxation of a constraint. Thus, it has a nuses-counter, and is deleted, if not needed any more. A column cannot live on its own. It is always connected to a problem variable. Because pricing is always problem specific, it cannot create LP columns without introducing new variables. Thus, each column is connected to exactly one variable, and is deleted, if the variable is deleted. Definition in file struct_lp.h. #include "scip/def.h" #include "scip/type_lp.h" #include "scip/type_var.h" #include "scip/type_event.h" #include "lpi/type_lpi.h" |