The Makefile is based on the main SCIP Makefile. This means that all compiling options which are available for SCIP are also available for the binpacking project. Below, you find a list of the most important compiling flags, the values they can take, and a short description. The values in bold face are the default values.
LPS={clp | cpx | none | spx}
use COIN-OR CLPcpx
use IBM CPLEXnone
no LP solverspx
use SoPlexOPT={dbg | opt}
) mode or optimized (opt
) mode. In the debug mode all assertions are checked.ZIMPL={false | true}
In the following we explain the all Makefile targets.
which contains all the detected warnings. From the experience when developing SCIP, we strongly recommend to use such a code checker. It is always a surprising the stuff such tools detect.