

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Installation information
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*                                                                           *
*                  This file is part of the program and library             *
*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      *
*                                                                           *
*    Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            *
*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                *
*                                                                           *
*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         *
*                                                                           *
*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              *
*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not email to      *
*                                                                           *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In most cases (LINUX and MAC), it is quite easy to compile and install
SCIP. Therefore, reading the section "Brief installation description"
should usually be enough. If this is not the case you find "Detailed
installation description" below as well as some examples.


I    Brief installation description:
II   Detailed installation description:
III  Examples

I Brief installation description

The easiest way to install SCIP is to use the SCIP Optimization Suite which
contains SCIP, SoPlex, and ZIMPL. For that we refer to the INSTALL file of
the SCIP Optimization Suite (In case of the SCIP Optimization Suite, there is
no need to specify any directories, the compiling process is fully

Compiling SCIP directly can be done as follows:

1) unpack the tarball "tar xvzf scip-x.y.z.tgz"
2) change into the directory "cd scip-x.y.z"
3) start compiling SCIP "make"
3) (recommended) check your SCIP installation "make test"
4) (optional) install the header, libraries, and binary, e.g.,
   "make install INSTALLDIR="/usr/local/"

On your first compilation you will be asked for some soft-link targets,
depending on the LP solver you want to use. Usually, SCIP needs the
following information
 (a) the directory where the include files of the LP solver are located
 (b) the library file(s) "lib*.a" or/and "lib*.so"

Beside that, SCIP needs similar soft-link targets for ZIMPL
 (a) the directory where the include files of ZIMPL are located
 (b) the library file(s) "lib*.a" or/and "lib*.so"

You will need either the .a or the .so files and can skip the others by
just pressing return.

The most common compiling issue is that some libraries are missing on
your system or that they are outdated. SCIP per default requires the
following packages (with usual names for Linux systems in

- zlib     (libz-dev)
- gmp      (libgmp-dev),
- readline (libreadline-dev), and
- ncurses  (libncurses-dev)

Note that under Linux-based systems, you need to install the
developer-versions of gmp/zlib/readline, in order to also have the
header-files available.

If you are not able or do not want to install these packages, try compiling with:
make ZLIB=false READLINE=false GMP=false.

II Detailed installation description

In the following, some of the names depend on your machine and your
compilation settings:

- $(OSTYPE):  the operating system
              the string returned by "uname -s" in lower case with the following
              - "cygwin*" is replaced by only "cygwin"
              - "irix??" is replaced by only "irix"
              - "windows*" is replaced by only "windows"
              - "mingw*" is replaced by only "mingw"

- $(ARCH):    the architecture
              the string returned by "uname -m", modified by the following
              rules to subsume some architectures:
               - "sun??" is replaced by "sparc"
               - "i?86", "i86pc", and "[0-9]86" are replaced by "x86"
               - "amd64" is replaced by "x86_64"
               - "IP??" is replaced by "mips"
               - "9000????" is replaced by "hppa"
               - "Power Macintosh" is replaced by "ppc"
               - "00??????????" is replaced by "pwr4"

- $(COMP):    the compiler
              "gnu", "intel", "compaq", "sun", "insure", ... (see make/ directory)

- $(OPT):     the optimization level of compilation
              "dbg", "opt", or "prf"

- $(LPS):     the LP solver to use
              "spx2", "spx", "clp", "cpx", "xprs", "msk", "grb", "qso", "none"

- $(EXPRINT): the expressions interpreter (code that computes derivatives and hessians) to use
              "none", "cppad"

- $(SYM):     the graph automorphism code (needed to handle symmetries) to use
             "none", "bliss"

For example, if you want to install SCIP on a Linux system with a x86 processor
using the gnu compiler in debug mode, using Soplex version >= 1.4.0 as LP solver,
and neither an expressions interpreter nor symmetry handling techniques you would
have the following names:
- $(OSTYPE)  = linux
- $(ARCH)    = x86
- $(COMP)    = gnu
- $(OPT)     = dbg
- $(LPS)     = spx
- $(EXPRINT) = none
- $(SYM)     = none


Here is what you have to do to get SCIP running:

1. Compile the library and the solver program:
   In your SCIP main directory, enter "make [options]" with the following options:
   - "OPT=opt"         to use optimized compilation mode (default)
   - "OPT=dbg"         to use debug compilation mode
   - "OPT=prf"         to use performance analysis compilation mode
   - "OPT=opt-gccold"  to use optimized compilation mode and gnu gcc compiler version less than 4.2

   - "LPS=spx"         to use SoPlex as LP solver (based on the new interface available since version 2.0, default)
   - "LPS=spx1"        to use SoPlex as LP solver (based on the old interface for versions >= 1.4)
   - "LPS=cpx"         to use CPLEX as LP solver
   - "LPS=xprs"        to use XPRESS as LP solver
   - "LPS=msk"         to use MOSEK as LP solver
   - "LPS=clp"         to use CLP as LP solver
   - "LPS=grb"         to use Gurobi as LP solver
   - "LPS=qso"         to use QSopt as LP solver
   - "LPS=none"        to use no LP solver

   - "COMP=gnu"        to use GNU c/c++ compiler (default)
   - other compilers are available (see make/ directory)

   - "ZLIB=true"       to use zlib and enable reading of compressed files (default)
   - "ZLIB=false"      disable zlib usage

   - "READLINE=true"   to enable readline library for interactive shell (default)
   - "READLINE=false"  to disable readline library

   - "GMP=true"        to use the GMP library for exact counting and Zimpl support (default)
   - "GMP=false"       to disable GMP usage; note that GMP=false is not compatible with ZIMPL=true since ZIMPL needs the GMP library

   - "ZIMPL=true"      to enable ZIMPL file reader (needs ZIMPL and GMP to be installed, see 2. (g))
   - "ZIMPL=false"     to disable ZIMPL file reader
   - "ZIMPL=auto"      to automatically enable ZIMPL support if and only if the GMP library is available (default)

   - "FILTERSQP=true"  to enable FilterSQP interface
   - "FILTERSQP=false" to disable FilterSQP interface (default)

   - "IPOPT=true"      to enable IPOPT interface (needs IPOPT >= 3.11)
   - "IPOPT=false"     to disable IPOPT interface (default)

   - "WORHP=true"      to enable WORHP interface (needs WORHP >= 1.10)
   - "WORHP=false"     to disable WORHP interface (default)

   - "EXPRINT=cppad"   to use CppAD as expressions interpreter (default)
   - "EXPRINT=none"    to use no expressions interpreter

   - "GAMS=true"       to enable reading of GAMS model files (needs GAMS; only for models that do one solve)
   - "GAMS=false"      to disable GAMS interface (default)

   - "VERBOSE=false"   to suppress display of compiler and linker invocations (default)
   - "VERBOSE=true"    to display compiler and linker invocations

   - "SHARED=false"    to suppress shared libraries
   - "SHARED=true"     to create shared libraries

   - "SYM=bliss"       to use bliss to compute symmetries of a mixed integer program
   - "SYM=none"        to disable symmetry handling in mixed integer programs

   On some machines, you should use gmake instead of make.

   On your first compilation you will be asked for some soft-link targets, depending on the
   LP solver you want to use. Usually, SCIP needs the following information
     (a) the directory where the include files of the LP solver
     (b) the library file(s) "lib*.a" or/and "lib*.so"
   You will need either the .a or the .so files and can skip the others by just pressing return.

   On MAC systems, GMP is often not installed in the library and include paths, e.g. in /sw/include
   and /sw/lib. In this case, you have to add the paths explicitly. In the above example add the settings
   USRFLAGS=-I/sw/include USRCPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include USRCFLAGS=-I/sw/include USRLDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib.

2. Installing SCIP
   After compiling you can install the headers, the libraries, and the binay. Therefore you use the command:

   make install INSATLLDIR=<dirctory>

   - "INSTALLDIR="     directory as install directory (default)
   - "INSTALLDIR=/usr/local"
                       to install the headers (/usr/local/include/), the libraries (/usr/local/lib/),
                       and binary (/usr/loacl/bin/) in the directory /usr/local

   For un-installing SCIP there exist the target "uninstall" which can be used in the same way as "install".

III Examples

   Example 1 (defaults: SoPlex, with ZIMPL support):

   Typing "make" uses SoPlex as LP solver and includes support for the modeling language ZIMPL.
   You will be asked the following questions on the first call to "make" (example answers are already given):

make[1]: Entering directory `/sw/scip'

** creating softlinks: LPS=spx OSTYPE=linux ARCH=x86 COMP=gnu SUFFIX= ZIMPL=true ZIMPLOPT=opt IPOPT=false IPOPTOPT=opt EXPRINT=cppad

** creating directory "lib/zimplinc"
** missing soft-link "lib/spxinc"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/spxinc" (return if not needed): /sw/soplex/src
-> creating softlink "lib/spxinc" -> "/sw/soplex/src"

** missing soft-link "lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.a"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.a" (return if not needed): /sw/soplex/lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a
-> creating softlink "lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.a" -> "/sw/soplex/lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a"

** missing soft-link "lib/"
** this soft-link is not necessarily needed since "lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.a" already exists - press return to skip
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/" (return if not needed):
-> skipped creation of softlink "lib/". Call "make links" if needed later.

** missing soft-link "lib/zimplinc/zimpl"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/zimplinc/zimpl" (return if not needed): /sw/zimpl/src
-> creating softlink "lib/zimplinc/zimpl" -> "/sw/zimpl/src"

** missing soft-link "lib/libzimpl.linux.x86.gnu.a"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/libzimpl.linux.x86.gnu.a" (return if not needed): /sw/zimpl/lib/libzimpl.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a
-> creating softlink "lib/libzimpl.linux.x86.gnu.a" -> "/sw/zimpl/lib/libzimpl.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a"

** missing soft-link "lib/"
** this soft-link is not necessarily needed since "lib/libzimpl.linux.x86.gnu.a" already exists - press return to skip
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/" (return if not needed):
-> skipped creation of softlink "lib/". Call "make links" if needed later.

make[1]: Leaving directory `/sw/scip'

   Example 2 (CPLEX, no ZIMPL):

   Typing "make LPS=cpx ZIMPL=false" uses CPLEX as LP solver. You will be
   asked the following questions on
   the first call to "make" (example answers are already given):

make[1]: Entering directory `/sw/scip'

** creating softlinks: LPS=cpx OSTYPE=linux ARCH=x86 COMP=gnu SUFFIX= ZIMPL=false

** missing soft-link "lib/cpxinc"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/cpxinc" (return to skip): /sw/cplex/include/ilcplex
-> creating softlink "lib/cpxinc" -> "/sw/cplex/include/ilcplex"

** missing soft-link "lib/libcplex.linux.x86.gnu.a"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/libcplex.linux.x86.gnu.a" (return to skip): /sw/cplex/lib/x86_rhel4.0_3.4/static_pic/libcplex.a
-> creating softlink "lib/libcplex.linux.x86.gnu.a" -> "/sw/cplex/lib/x86_rhel4.0_3.4/static_pic/libcplex.a"

** missing soft-link "lib/"
** enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/" (return to skip):
-> skipped creation of softlink "lib/". Call "make links" if needed later.

make[1]: Leaving directory `/sw/scip'

   Example 3 (CLP, IPOPT, no ZIMPL):

   Typing "make LPS=clp ZIMPL=false IPOPT=true" uses CLP as LP solver, and activates
   the interface to IPOPT. You will be asked the following questions on
   the first call to "make" (example answers are already given):

make[1]: Entering directory `/sw/scip'

- Current settings: LPS=clp OSTYPE=linux ARCH=x86_64 COMP=gnu SUFFIX= ZIMPL=false ZIMPLOPT=opt IPOPT=true IPOPTOPT=opt EXPRINT=cppad

* SCIP needs some softlinks to external programs, in particular, LP-solvers.
* Please insert the paths to the corresponding directories/libraries below.
* The links will be installed in the 'lib' directory.
* For more information and if you experience problems see the INSTALL file.

  -> "clp.*" is a directory containing the Clp installation, i.e., "clp.*/include/coin/ClpModel.hpp" should exist.
  -> "ipopt.*" is a directory containing the ipopt installation, i.e., "ipopt.*/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp", "ipopt.*/lib/libipopt*", ... should exist.

- preparing missing soft-link "lib/clp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt":
> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/clp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" (return if not needed):
> /sw/Clp-1.11/build
-> creating softlink "lib/clp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" -> "/sw/Clp-1.11/build"

- preparing missing soft-link "lib/ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt":
> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" (return if not needed):
> /sw/ia64_lx26/ipopt-3.12.0/
-> creating softlink "lib/ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" -> "/sw/ia64_lx26/ipopt-3.12.0/"

make[1]: Leaving directory `/sw/scip'

   Example 4 (default: SoPlex, IPOPT, WORHP, FILTERSQP):

   Typing "make IPOPT=true WORHP=true FILTERSQP=true" uses SoPlex as LP solver, and activates
   the interfaces to IPOPT, WORHP, and FilterSQP. You will be asked the following questions on
   the first call to "make" (example answers are already given):

- Current settings: LPS=spx2 OSTYPE=linux ARCH=x86_64 COMP=gnu SHARED=false SUFFIX= ZIMPL=false ZIMPLOPT=opt IPOPT=true IPOPTOPT=opt FILTERSQP=true EXPRINT=cppad GAMS=false

* SCIP needs some softlinks to external programs, in particular, LP-solvers.
* Please insert the paths to the corresponding directories/libraries below.
* The links will be installed in the 'lib/include' and 'lib/static' directories.
* For more information and if you experience problems see the INSTALL file.

  -> "spxinc" is the path to the SoPlex "src" directory, e.g., "<SoPlex-path>/src".
  -> "libsoplex.*" is the path to the SoPlex library, e.g., "<SoPlex-path>/lib/libsoplex.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a"
  -> "ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" is a directory containing the ipopt installation, i.e., "ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt/include/coin/IpIpoptApplication.hpp", "ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt/lib/libipopt*", ... should exist.
  -> "libfiltersqp.linux.x86_64.gnu.*" is the path to the filterSQP library.
  -> "libbqpd.linux.x86_64.gnu.*" is the path to the BQPD library.
  -> "worhp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" is a directory containing the WORHP installation, i.e., "worhp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt/include/worhp/worhp.h" should exist.

> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/static/ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" (return if not needed):
> /sw/ipopt-3.12.5
-> creating softlink "lib/static/ipopt.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" -> "/sw/ipopt-3.12.5"

> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/static/libfiltersqp.linux.x86_64.gnu.a" (return if not needed):
> /sw/libfiltersqp.a
-> creating softlink "lib/static/libfiltersqp.linux.x86_64.gnu.a" -> "/sw/libfiltersqp.a"

> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/static/libbqpd.linux.x86_64.gnu.a" (return if not needed):
> /sw/libbqpd.a
-> creating softlink "lib/static/libbqpd.linux.x86_64.gnu.a" -> "/sw/libbqpd.a"

> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/static/worhp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" (return if not needed):
> /sw/worhp-2.0
-> creating softlink "lib/static/worhp.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt" -> "/sw/worhp-2.0"

make[1]: Leaving directory `/sw/scip'

   Note on how to (locally) install CLP:
    - create a target directory for the installation, e.g. "clp-build" (this is the directory SCIP has to link to)
    - from within "clp-build", run the "configure" script of coin-Clp, followed by "make install"

   If you ever need to modify the soft-link targets, delete the soft-links in the "lib/" subdirectory
   and enter "make links" to generate them again.

   After the soft-links have been created, the compilation of the source files should start.

   Example 5 (default: SoPlex, SYM):

   Typing "make SYM=bliss" uses SoPlex as LP solver, and activates
   the symmetry handling routines of SCIP. Symmetry is computed by using the graph automorphism
   code bliss. You will be asked the following questions on the first call to "make"
   (example answers are already given):

- Current settings: SYM=bliss

* SCIP needs some softlinks to external programs, in particular, LP-solvers.
* Please insert the paths to the corresponding directories/libraries below.
* The links will be installed in the 'lib/include' and 'lib/static' directories.
* For more information and if you experience problems see the INSTALL file.

  -> "cpxinc" is the path to the CPLEX "include" directory, e.g., "<CPLEX-path>/include/ilcplex".
  -> "libcplex.*.a" is the path to the CPLEX library, e.g., "<CPLEX-path>/lib/x86-64_linux/static_pic/libcplex.a"
  -> "libcplex.*.so" is the path to the CPLEX library, e.g., "<CPLEX-path>/bin/x86-64_linux/"
  -> "blissinc" is the path to the BLISS directory, e.g., "<BLISS-path>".
  -> "libbliss.*.a" is the path to the BLISS library, e.g., "<BLISS-path>/libbliss.a"
  -> "libbliss.*.so" is the path to the BLISS library, e.g., "<BLISS-path>/"

> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/include/bliss" (return if not needed):
> /sw/bliss
-> creating softlink "lib/include/bliss" -> "/sw/bliss"

> Enter soft-link target file or directory for "lib/static/libbliss.linux.x86_64.gnu.a" (return if not needed):
> /sw/bliss/libbliss.a
-> creating softlink "lib/static/libbliss.linux.x86_64.gnu.a" -> "/sw/bliss/libbliss.a"

make[1]: Leaving directory `/sw/scip'

   Note on how to (locally) install bliss:
    - create a target directory for the installation
    - compile the bliss code within this directory

   If you ever need to modify the soft-link targets, delete the soft-links in the "lib/" subdirectory
   and enter "make links" to generate them again.

   After the soft-links have been created, the compilation of the source files should start.

   Compilation problems:

   If the soft-link query script does not work on your machine, read step 2 for instructions on manually
   creating the soft-links.

   If you get an error message of the type
   "make: *** No rule to make target `lib/???', needed by `obj/O.linux.x86.gnu.opt/lib/scip/???.o'.  Stop."
   the corresponding soft-link was not created or points to a wrong location.
   Check the soft-link targets in the "lib/include", "lib/static", "lib/shared" subdirectories. Try to delete all soft-links from those directories
   and call "make links" to generate them again. If this still fails, read step 2 for instructions on manually
   creating the soft-links.

   If you get an error message of the type
   "make: *** No rule to make target `make/make.?.?.?.?.?'.  Stop.",
   the corresponding machine dependent makefile for your architecture and compiler is missing.
   Create one of the given name in the "make/" subdirectory. You may take
   "make/make.linux.x86.gnu.opt" or any other file in the make subdirectory as example.

   The readline library seems to differ slightly on different OS distributions. Some versions
   do not support the remove_history() call.
   In this case, you have to either add "-DNO_REMOVE_HISTORY" to the FLAGS in the
   appropriate make/make.* file, or to compile with "make USRFLAGS=-DNO_REMOVE_HISTORY".
   Make sure, the file "src/scip/dialog.c" is recompiled.
   If this doesn't work either, disable the readline library with "make READLINE=false".

   On some systems, the sigaction() method is not available.
   In this case, you have to either add "-DNO_SIGACTION" to the FLAGS in the
   appropriate make/make.* file, or to compile with "make USRFLAGS=-DNO_SIGACTION".
   Make sure, the file "src/scip/interrupt.c" is recompiled.

   On some systems, the rand_r() method is not available.
   In this case, you have to either add "-DNO_RAND_R" to the FLAGS in the
   appropriate make/make.* file, or to compile with "make USRFLAGS=-DNO_RAND_R".
   Make sure, the file "src/scip/misc.c" is recompiled.

   On some systems, the strtok_r() method is not available.
   In this case, you have to either add "-DNO_STRTOK_R" to the FLAGS in the
   appropriate make/make.* file, or to compile with "make USRFLAGS=-DNO_STRTOK_R".
   Make sure, the file "src/scip/misc.c" is recompiled.

   On some systems, the strerror_r() method is not available.
   In this case, you have to either add "-DNO_STRERROR_R" to the FLAGS in the
   appropriate make/make.* file, or to compile with "make USRFLAGS=-DNO_STRERROR_R".
   Make sure, the file "src/scip/misc.c" is recompiled.

   On some systems, the option [-e] is not available for the read command.
   You have to compile with READ=read.

   In some situations, it may be necessary to adjust the flags for
   linking against Clp. SCIP's Makefile tries to find the file
   "clp_addlibs.txt", which specifies the needed libraries. The first
   thing you should check is whether "clp_addlibs.txt" is present at
   in path "libclp.*/share/coin/doc/Clp/" (you may have to correct
   this path for some Clp versions). If this file is not present in
   your Clp version, SCIP tries to guess the paths and libraries: it
   assumes that Blas and Lapack are installed as system libraries
   (libblas.a, liblapack.a) and are not build into the CoinUtils
   library. If that is different in your build of Clp, you may have to
   remove $(LINKCXX_l)lapack$(LINKLIBSUFFIX) from the LPSLDFLAGS in
   Makefile or make.project. Also removing
   $(LINKCXX_l)bz2$(LINKLIBSUFFIX) may help in some cases.

   If you encounter other compiler or linker errors, you should recompile with
   "make VERBOSE=true ..." in order to get the full compiler invocation. This might help to
   fix the corresponding machine dependent makefile in the make subdirectory.

   If you encounter problems including rational.h from spxinc/ you should
   recompile with "make SPX_LEGACY=true ..." to use the compatibility mode
   of SoPlex. In this case you should also have compiled SoPlex with LEGACY=true.

3. Instructions for manually creating the soft-links, if the query script fails:

   Create necessary soft-links in the "lib/static" and "lib/include/" subdirectories of SCIP:

   (a) to use SOPLEX (Version >= 1.4.0)
       - ln -s <path to SOPLEX' *.h files> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/spxinc
       - ln -s <file libsoplex.[...].a> <path to SCIP>/lib/static/libsoplex.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a
         for each operating system and architecture to use
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s ../soplex/lib/libsoplex.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.a lib/static/libsoplex.linux.x86_64.gnu.a")
         Warning! The ".opt" in the name of the SOPLEX library does not appear in the name of the soft-link.

   (b) to use CPLEX (Version >= 10.0)
       - ln -s <path to directory of cplex.h> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/cpxinc
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /cplex121/include/ilcplex lib/include/cpxinc")
       - ln -s <file libcplex.a> <path to SCIP>/lib/static/libcplex.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a
         for each operation system and architecture to use
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /cplex121/lib/x86-64_debian4.0_4.1/static_pic/libcplex.a lib/static/libcplex.linux.x86.gnu.a")

   (c) to use XPRESS
       - ln -s <path to directory of xprs.h> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/xprsinc
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /xpressmp/include lib/include/xprsinc")
       - ln -s <file libxprs.a> <path to SCIP>/lib/static/libxprs.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a
         for each operation system and architecture to use
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /xpressmp/lib/libxprs.a lib/static/libxprs.linux.x86.gnu.a")

   (d) to use MOSEK
       - ln -s <path to directory of mosek.h> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/mskinc
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /mosek/8/tools/platform/linux64x86/h lib/include/mskinc")
       - ln -s <file> <path to SCIP>/lib/shared/libmosek.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).so
         for each operation system and architecture to use
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /mosek/8/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin/ lib/shared/")
       - since MOSEK is a shared library, make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains <path to SCIP>/lib/shared

   (e) to use CLP
       - ln -s <path to Clp main directory> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/libclp.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).$(LPSOPT)
         for each operating system and architecture to use
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /Coin-Clp lib/include/libclp.linux.x86.gnu.opt")

   (f) to use ZIMPL as additional file reader for reading *.zpl files
       - mkdir <path to SCIP>/lib/include/zimplinc
       - ln -s <path to ZIMPL's *.h files> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/zimplinc/zimpl
       - ln -s <file libzimpl-<version>.<options>.a> <path to SCIP>/lib/static/libzimpl.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a
       Note that ZIMPL needs the GNU multiprecision library (GMP) to be installed on your system.

   (g) to use IPOPT as NLP solver
       - ln -s <path to IPOPT installation> <path to SCIP>/lib/ipopt.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).$(IPOPTOPT)
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /Ipopt lib/shared/ipopt.linux.x86.gnu.opt")
         The path to the IPOPT installation is the path under where the Ipopt build has been installed.
         It should contain the directories include/coin with the Ipopt header files, the directory lib with the Ipopt libraries,
         and the directory share/coin/doc/Ipopt with the ipopt_addlibs_cpp.txt file.

   (h) to use WORHP as NLP solver
       - ln -s <path to WORHP installation> <path to SCIP>/lib/shared/worhp.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).$(WORHPOPT)
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s /Worhp lib/shared/worhp.linux.x86.gnu.opt")
         The path to the WORHP installation is the path under where the Worhp build has been installed.
         It should contain the directories include/worhp with the WORHP header files and the directory lib with the WORHP libraries.

   (i) to use FilterSQP as NLP solver
       - ln -s <path to FilterSQP library> <path to SCIP>/lib/libfiltersqp.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a
       - ln -s <path to BQPD library> <path to SCIP>/lib/libbqpd.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a

   (j) to use GAMS
       - ln -s <path to GAMS system directory> <path to SCIP>/lib/shared/gams.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP)

   (k) to use bliss
       - ln -s <path to bliss *.hh files> <path to SCIP>/lib/include/bliss
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s ../bliss" lib/include/bliss)
       - ln -s <file libbliss.[...].a> <path to SCIP>/lib/static/libbliss.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).a
         for each operation system and architecture to use
         (e.g. "cd scip; ln -s ../bliss/libbliss.a lib.static/libbliss.linux.x86_64.gnu.a")

4. To run the program enter "bin/scip.$(OSTYPE).$(ARCH).$(COMP).$(OPT).$(LPS)"
   (e.g. "bin/scip.linux.x86.gnu.opt.spx") or just "bin/scip" for the last compiled version

5. To generate the documentation, you need to have doxygen installed, and
   enter "make doc"

6. To check the code with lint, you need to have flexelint installed, and
   enter "make lint"

7. To run a short test, enter "make [options] test" with the same options with which you compiled SCIP in step 1.
   If you use EXPRINT=none, a few MINLP instances might be aborted. If you use LPS=none, many instances will fail or take ages to be solved

Remarks on Installing under Windows using MinGW

To build your own Windows binaries under Windows, we recommend using the MinGW-Compiler with MSYS from

First install MSYS, then MinGW to the mingw folder inside the msys folder.
Now you need to install the following packages to the mingw folder:
- zlib (or use ZLIB=false)
- pcre (or use ZIMPL=false since pcre is needed for ZIMPL and ZIMPL-support in SCIP)
- gmplib (or use ZIMPL=false since gmplib is needed for ZIMPL and ZIMPL-support in SCIP)

(After calling "make clean" in the ZIMPL folder you will also need flex and bison to remake ZIMPL.
 We recommend NOT to use "make clean" inside the ZIMPL-folder if you do not have these packages installed.)

You can download these additional packages as precompiled binaries for example from: (zlib&pcre) (gmplib)
or compile the source on your own from the project homepages:
(The command "./configure --prefix=/mingw ; make ; make install" should succeed without problems and installs the packages into the mingw folder.)

Now "make READLINE=false" should be compiling without errors.
Please note that we do NOT support creating the doxygen documentation or readline-usage under Windows.

Since there are no real symlinks in MSYS, the include and library files of SoPlex and ZIMPL are actually copied into the SCIP-lib-folder.
When you recompile ZIMPL or SoPlex after compiling SCIP you have to copy the libraries manually into the SCIP-lib-folder and recompile SCIP afterwards.