

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Using the memory functions of SCIP

SCIP provides three ways for allocating memory:

  1. block memory: efficient handling of memory blocks of similar small sizes
  2. buffer memory: efficient handling of memory that needs to locally be allocated and freed
  3. standard memory: access to standard malloc/free

Whenever possible, the first two should be used, because of reasons detailed below.

In the following, we provide a brief description of these methods. We refer the reader to the dissertation of Tobias Achterberg for more details. We also present best practice models.


The main goals for providing such particular methods are:

  • Accounting: Using its own functions, SCIP knows the total size of memory allocated internally and can change its behavior: for instance, it can change to "memory saving mode" (using depth first search (DFS) and possibly do a garbage collection). It also allows for keeping a memory limit.
  • Speed: SCIP often needs to allocate a very large number of small blocks of similar sizes (often powers of two). Depending on the operating system and compiler, the methods implemented in SCIP can be faster, since blocks of the same size are grouped together. Especially at the end of the 1990ies the standard malloc/free methods were quite ineffective. The experiments of Tobias Achterberg in 2007 show a speed improvement of 11 % when using block memory.
  • Efficiency: Since blocks are groups in sizes, the blocks do not need to store their sizes within each block. In comparison, standard malloc/free stores the size using one word for each memory chunk. The price to pay is that one needs to pass the size to the methods that free a block. In any case, the methods in SCIP can save memory. Moreover, buffer memory is stored in similar places and not spread out, which also might help cache.
  • Debugging: All of the possibilities provide methods to detect memory leaks. Together with tools like valgrind, this can be quite effective in avoiding such problems.

Block memory

SCIP offers its own block memory handling, which allows efficient handling of smaller blocks of memory in cases in which many blocks of the same (small) size appear. This is adequate for branch-and-cut codes in which small blocks of the same size are allocated and freed very often (for data structures used to store rows or branch-and-bound nodes). Actually, most blocks allocated within SCIP have small sizes like 8, 16, 30, 32, 64. The idea is simple: There is a separate list of memory blocks for each interesting small size. When allocating memory, the list is checked for a free spot in the list; if no such spot exists, the list is enlarged. Freeing just sets the block to be available. Very large blocks are handled separately. See the dissertation of Tobias Achterberg for more details.

One important comment is that freeing block memory requires the size of the block in order to find the right list.

The most important functions are

An example code is:

int nparams;
int* array;
nparams = SCIPgetNParams(scip);
/* do something ... */
SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &array, nparams);
#define SCIP_CALL(x)
Definition: def.h:374
int SCIPgetNParams(SCIP *scip)
Definition: scip_param.c:1013
#define SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, ptr, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:110
#define SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, ptr, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:93

Buffer memory

Standard Buffer Memory

In addition to block memory, SCIP offers buffer memory. This should be used if memory is locally used within a function and freed within the same function. For this purpose, SCIP has a list of memory buffers that are reused for this purpose. In this way, a very efficient allocation/freeing is possible.

Note that the buffers are organized in a stack, i.e., freeing buffers in reverse order of allocation is faster.

The most important functions are

Clean Buffer Memory

SCIP 3.2 introduced a new type of buffer memory, the clean buffer. It provides memory which is initialized to zero and requires the user to reset the memory to zero before freeing it. This can be used at performance-critical places where only few nonzeros are added to a dense array and removing these nonzeros individually is much faster than clearing the whole array. Similar to the normal buffer array, the clean buffer should be used for temporary memory allocated and freed within the same function.

The most important functions are

Standard memory

SCIP provides an access to the standard C functions malloc and free with the additional feature of tracking memory in debug mode. In this way, memory leaks can be easily detected. This feature is automatically activated in debug mode.

The most important functions are

Best Practice of Using Memory Functions

Since allocating and freeing memory is very crucial for the speed and memory consumption of a program, it is important to keep the following notes and recommendations in mind.

General Notes

The following holds for all three types of memory functions:

  • In debug mode, the arguments are checked for overly large allocations (usually arising from a bug). Note that all arguments are converted to unsigned values of type size_t, such that negative sizes are converted into very large values.
  • The functions always allocate at least one byte and return non-NULL pointers if memory is available. In particular, freeing is always possible.
  • The freeing methods set the pointer to the memory to NULL.
  • Debugging can be supported by using the compiler flags NOBLKMEM=true, NOBUFMEM=true, NOBLKBUFMEM=true that turn off the usage of block memory, buffer memory, as well as block and buffer memory, respectively. Since, the internal block and buffer memory is freed at the end (leaving no memory leaks), turning them off allows tools like valgrind to find memory leaks.
  • Moreover, additional checks can be turned on by defining CHECKMEM in memory.c.

Things to do ...

  • Use buffer memory if your memory chunk can be allocated and freed within the same function.
  • Use buffer and block memory wherever possible, because of the reasons explained above.
  • Free memory in the reverse order in which it was allocated! For block and buffer memory this significantly speeds up the code.
  • Use as few memory allocations/freeing operations as possible, since these functions take a significant amount of time.

Things to avoid ...

  • Avoid the usage of standard memory, since SCIP is unaware of the size used in such blocks.
  • Avoid reallocation with only slightly increased size, rather use a geometrically growing size allocation. SCIPcalcMemGrowSize() is one way to calculate new sizes.
  • Be careful with buffer memory reallocation: For single buffers, the memory is reallocated (using malloc); since the actual space might be larger than what was needed at allocation time, reallocation sometimes comes without extra cost. Note that reallocating block memory in most cases implies moving memory arround.