

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

scip::ObjConshdlr Class Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

C++ wrapper for constraint handlers.

This class defines the interface for constraint handlers implemented in C++. Note that there are pure virtual functions (these have to be implemented). These functions are: scip_trans(), scip_enfolp(), scip_enforelax(), scip_enfops(), scip_check(), and scip_lock().

Definition at line 56 of file objconshdlr.h.

C++ wrapper for constraint handlers. More...

#include <objconshdlr.h>

Public Member Functions

 ObjConshdlr (SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, int sepapriority, int enfopriority, int checkpriority, int sepafreq, int propfreq, int eagerfreq, int maxprerounds, SCIP_Bool delaysepa, SCIP_Bool delayprop, SCIP_Bool needscons, SCIP_PROPTIMING proptiming, SCIP_PRESOLTIMING presoltiming)
 ObjConshdlr (const ObjConshdlr &o)
 ObjConshdlr (ObjConshdlr &&o)
virtual ~ObjConshdlr ()
ObjConshdlroperator= (const ObjConshdlr &o)=delete
ObjConshdlroperator= (ObjConshdlr &&o)=delete
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSFREE (scip_free)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSINIT (scip_init)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSEXIT (scip_exit)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE (scip_initpre)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE (scip_exitpre)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL (scip_initsol)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITSOL (scip_exitsol)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE (scip_delete)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS (scip_trans)=0
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP (scip_initlp)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP (scip_sepalp)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL (scip_sepasol)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP (scip_enfolp)=0
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSENFORELAX (scip_enforelax)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS (scip_enfops)=0
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK (scip_check)=0
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP (scip_prop)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL (scip_presol)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSRESPROP (scip_resprop)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSLOCK (scip_lock)=0
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE (scip_active)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE (scip_deactive)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSENABLE (scip_enable)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSDISABLE (scip_disable)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSDELVARS (scip_delvars)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSPRINT (scip_print)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY (scip_copy)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE (scip_parse)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS (scip_getvars)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS (scip_getnvars)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSGETDIVEBDCHGS (scip_getdivebdchgs)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSGETPERMSYMGRAPH (scip_getpermsymgraph)
virtual SCIP_DECL_CONSGETSIGNEDPERMSYMGRAPH (scip_getsignedpermsymgraph)
- Public Member Functions inherited from scip::ObjProbCloneable
virtual ~ObjProbCloneable ()
ObjProbCloneableoperator= (const ObjProbCloneable &o)=delete
ObjProbCloneableoperator= (ObjProbCloneable &&o)=delete
virtual SCIP_DECL_OBJPROBCLONE (ObjProbCloneable *clone)

Data Fields

char * scip_name_
char * scip_desc_
const int scip_sepapriority_
const int scip_enfopriority_
const int scip_checkpriority_
const int scip_sepafreq_
const int scip_propfreq_
const int scip_eagerfreq_
const int scip_maxprerounds_
const SCIP_Bool scip_delaysepa_
const SCIP_Bool scip_delayprop_
const SCIP_Bool scip_needscons_
const SCIP_PROPTIMING scip_proptiming_
const SCIP_PRESOLTIMING scip_presoltiming_

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ObjConshdlr() [1/3]

scip::ObjConshdlr::ObjConshdlr ( SCIP scip,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
int  sepapriority,
int  enfopriority,
int  checkpriority,
int  sepafreq,
int  propfreq,
int  eagerfreq,
int  maxprerounds,
SCIP_Bool  delaysepa,
SCIP_Bool  delayprop,
SCIP_Bool  needscons,
SCIP_PROPTIMING  proptiming,
SCIP_PRESOLTIMING  presoltiming 

default constructor

scipSCIP data structure
namename of constraint handler
descdescription of constraint handler
sepaprioritypriority of the constraint handler for separation
enfoprioritypriority of the constraint handler for constraint enforcing
checkprioritypriority of the constraint handler for checking infeasibility (and propagation)
sepafreqfrequency for separating cuts; zero means to separate only in the root node
propfreqfrequency for propagating domains; zero means only preprocessing propagation
eagerfreqfrequency for using all instead of only the useful constraints in separation, propagation and enforcement, -1 for no eager evaluations, 0 for first only
maxpreroundsmaximal number of presolving rounds the constraint handler participates in (-1: no limit)
delaysepashould separation method be delayed, if other separators found cuts?
delaypropshould propagation method be delayed, if other propagators found reductions?
needsconsshould the constraint handler be skipped, if no constraints are available?
proptimingpositions in the node solving loop where propagation method of constraint handlers should be executed
presoltimingtiming mask of the constraint handler's presolving method

Definition at line 107 of file objconshdlr.h.

References scip_, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, scip_desc_, scip_name_, and SCIPduplicateMemoryArray.

◆ ObjConshdlr() [2/3]

scip::ObjConshdlr::ObjConshdlr ( const ObjConshdlr o)

copy constructor

Definition at line 147 of file objconshdlr.h.

◆ ObjConshdlr() [3/3]

scip::ObjConshdlr::ObjConshdlr ( ObjConshdlr &&  o)

move constructor

Definition at line 155 of file objconshdlr.h.

References scip_desc_, and scip_name_.

◆ ~ObjConshdlr()

virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::~ObjConshdlr ( )


Definition at line 177 of file objconshdlr.h.

References scip_, scip_desc_, scip_name_, and SCIPfreeMemoryArray.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ObjConshdlr & scip::ObjConshdlr::operator= ( const ObjConshdlr o)

assignment of polymorphic classes causes slicing and is therefore disabled.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ObjConshdlr & scip::ObjConshdlr::operator= ( ObjConshdlr &&  o)

assignment of polymorphic classes causes slicing and is therefore disabled.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSFREE ( scip_free  )

destructor of constraint handler to free user data (called when SCIP is exiting)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSFREE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 195 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSINIT ( scip_init  )

initialization method of constraint handler (called after problem has been transformed)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSINIT(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 204 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSEXIT ( scip_exit  )

deinitialization method of constraint handler (called before transformed problem is freed)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSEXIT(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 213 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE ( scip_initpre  )

presolving initialization method of constraint handler (called when presolving is about to begin)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 222 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE ( scip_exitpre  )

presolving deinitialization method of constraint handler (called after presolving has been finished)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 231 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL ( scip_initsol  )

solving process initialization method of constraint handler (called when branch and bound process is about to begin)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 240 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITSOL ( scip_exitsol  )

solving process deinitialization method of constraint handler (called before branch and bound process data is freed)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITSOL(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 249 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE ( scip_delete  )

frees specific constraint data

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 258 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS ( scip_trans  )
pure virtual

transforms constraint data into data belonging to the transformed problem

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(x) in type_cons.h

Implemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP ( scip_initlp  )

LP initialization method of constraint handler (called before the initial LP relaxation at a node is solved)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 273 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP ( scip_sepalp  )

separation method of constraint handler for LP solution

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 282 of file objconshdlr.h.



virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL ( scip_sepasol  )

separation method of constraint handler for arbitrary primal solution

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 293 of file objconshdlr.h.



virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP ( scip_enfolp  )
pure virtual

constraint enforcing method of constraint handler for LP solutions

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(x) in type_cons.h

Implemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSENFORELAX ( scip_enforelax  )

constraint enforcing method of constraint handler for relaxation solutions

See also

Definition at line 310 of file objconshdlr.h.



virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS ( scip_enfops  )
pure virtual

constraint enforcing method of constraint handler for pseudo solutions

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS(x) in type_cons.h

Implemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK ( scip_check  )
pure virtual

feasibility check method of constraint handler for primal solutions

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(x) in type_cons.h

Implemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP ( scip_prop  )

domain propagation method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 333 of file objconshdlr.h.



virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL ( scip_presol  )

presolving method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 344 of file objconshdlr.h.



virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSRESPROP ( scip_resprop  )

propagation conflict resolving method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSRESPROP(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 355 of file objconshdlr.h.



virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSLOCK ( scip_lock  )
pure virtual

variable rounding lock method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSLOCK(x) in type_cons.h

Implemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE ( scip_active  )

constraint activation notification method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 372 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE ( scip_deactive  )

constraint deactivation notification method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 381 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSENABLE ( scip_enable  )

constraint enabling notification method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSENABLE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 390 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSDISABLE ( scip_disable  )

constraint disabling notification method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSDISABLE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 399 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSDELVARS ( scip_delvars  )

variable deletion method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSDELVARS(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 408 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSPRINT ( scip_print  )

constraint display method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSPRINT(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 417 of file objconshdlr.h.

References NULL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPconshdlrGetName().


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY ( scip_copy  )

constraint copying method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(x) in type_cons.h

Reimplemented in tsp::ConshdlrSubtour.

Definition at line 430 of file objconshdlr.h.

References FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE ( scip_parse  )

constraint parsing method of constraint handler

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 441 of file objconshdlr.h.

References SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS ( scip_getvars  )

constraint method of constraint handler which returns the variables (if possible)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 450 of file objconshdlr.h.

References FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS ( scip_getnvars  )

constraint method of constraint handler which returns the number of variables (if possible)

See also
SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS(x) in type_cons.h

Definition at line 461 of file objconshdlr.h.

References FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSGETDIVEBDCHGS ( scip_getdivebdchgs  )

constraint handler method to suggest dive bound changes during the generic diving algorithm

See also

Definition at line 476 of file objconshdlr.h.

References FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSGETPERMSYMGRAPH ( scip_getpermsymgraph  )

constraint handler method which returns the permutation symmetry detection graph of a constraint (if possible)

See also

Definition at line 487 of file objconshdlr.h.

References FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY.


virtual scip::ObjConshdlr::SCIP_DECL_CONSGETSIGNEDPERMSYMGRAPH ( scip_getsignedpermsymgraph  )

constraint handler method which returns the signed permutation symmetry detection graph of a constraint (if possible)

See also

Definition at line 498 of file objconshdlr.h.

References FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY.

Field Documentation

◆ scip_

SCIP* scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_

SCIP data structure

Definition at line 62 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by ObjConshdlr(), SCIPincludeObjConshdlr(), and ~ObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_name_

char* scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_name_

name of the constraint handler

Definition at line 65 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by ObjConshdlr(), SCIPincludeObjConshdlr(), and ~ObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_desc_

char* scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_desc_

description of the constraint handler

Definition at line 68 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by ObjConshdlr(), SCIPincludeObjConshdlr(), and ~ObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_sepapriority_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_sepapriority_

default separation priority of the constraint handler

Definition at line 71 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_enfopriority_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_enfopriority_

default enforcing priority of the constraint handler

Definition at line 74 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_checkpriority_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_checkpriority_

default checking priority of the constraint handler

Definition at line 77 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_sepafreq_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_sepafreq_

default separation frequency of the constraint handler

Definition at line 80 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_propfreq_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_propfreq_

default propagation frequency of the constraint handler

Definition at line 83 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_eagerfreq_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_eagerfreq_

default frequency of the constraint handler for eager evaluations in separation, propagation and enforcement

Definition at line 86 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_maxprerounds_

const int scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_maxprerounds_

maximal number of presolving rounds the constraint handler participates in (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 89 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_delaysepa_

const SCIP_Bool scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_delaysepa_

should separation method be delayed, if other separators found cuts?

Definition at line 92 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_delayprop_

const SCIP_Bool scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_delayprop_

should propagation method be delayed, if other propagators found reductions?

Definition at line 95 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_needscons_

const SCIP_Bool scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_needscons_

should the constraint handler be skipped, if no constraints are available?

Definition at line 98 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_proptiming_

const SCIP_PROPTIMING scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_proptiming_

positions in the node solving loop where propagation method of constraint handler should be executed timing mask of the constraint handler's presolving method

Definition at line 101 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().

◆ scip_presoltiming_

const SCIP_PRESOLTIMING scip::ObjConshdlr::scip_presoltiming_

Definition at line 104 of file objconshdlr.h.

Referenced by SCIPincludeObjConshdlr().