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Detailed DescriptionFunction Documentation
creates a binary tree node with sorting value and user data creates a tree node with (optinal) user data
Definition at line 6142 of file misc.c. References btnodeCreateEmpty(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIP_OKAY. Referenced by checkOverloadViaThetaTree(), and insertThetanode().
frees the binary node including the rooted subtree
frees the node including the rooted subtree
Definition at line 6206 of file misc.c. References btnodeFreeLeaf(), NULL, and SCIPbtnodeFree(). Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), SCIPbtFree(), and SCIPbtnodeFree().
returns the user data pointer stored in that node
Definition at line 6251 of file misc.c. References SCIP_BtNode::dataptr, and NULL. Referenced by analyzeConflictOverload(), checkOverloadViaThetaTree(), collectThetaSubtree(), computeEnergyContribution(), deleteLambdaLeaf(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnergy(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnvelop(), inferboundsEdgeFinding(), insertThetanode(), moveNodeToLambda(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), traceLambdaEnergy(), traceLambdaEnvelop(), traceThetaEnvelop(), updateEnvelop(), and updateKeyOnTrace().
returns the parent which can be NULL if the given node is the root
Definition at line 6261 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_BtNode::parent. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), insertThetanode(), SCIPbtnodeGetSibling(), SCIPbtnodeIsLeftchild(), SCIPbtnodeIsRightchild(), updateEnvelop(), and updateKeyOnTrace().
returns left child which can be NULL if the given node is a leaf
Definition at line 6271 of file misc.c. References SCIP_BtNode::left, and NULL. Referenced by btPrintSubtree(), collectThetaSubtree(), deleteLambdaLeaf(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnergy(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnvelop(), insertThetanode(), SCIPbtnodeGetSibling(), SCIPbtnodeIsLeftchild(), traceLambdaEnergy(), traceLambdaEnvelop(), traceThetaEnvelop(), and updateEnvelop().
returns right child which can be NULL if the given node is a leaf
Definition at line 6281 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_BtNode::right. Referenced by btPrintSubtree(), collectThetaSubtree(), deleteLambdaLeaf(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnergy(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnvelop(), insertThetanode(), SCIPbtnodeGetSibling(), SCIPbtnodeIsRightchild(), traceLambdaEnergy(), traceLambdaEnvelop(), traceThetaEnvelop(), and updateEnvelop().
returns the sibling of the node or NULL if does not exist
Definition at line 6291 of file misc.c. References NULL, SCIPbtnodeGetLeftchild(), SCIPbtnodeGetParent(), and SCIPbtnodeGetRightchild().
returns whether the node is a root node
Definition at line 6311 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_BtNode::parent. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), inferboundsEdgeFinding(), SCIPbtnodeIsLeftchild(), SCIPbtnodeIsRightchild(), and updateKeyOnTrace().
returns whether the node is a leaf
Definition at line 6321 of file misc.c. References SCIP_BtNode::left, NULL, and SCIP_BtNode::right. Referenced by collectThetaSubtree(), deleteLambdaLeaf(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnergy(), findResponsibleLambdaLeafTraceEnvelop(), inferboundsEdgeFinding(), insertThetanode(), traceLambdaEnergy(), traceLambdaEnvelop(), traceThetaEnvelop(), and updateEnvelop().
returns TRUE if the given node is left child
Definition at line 6331 of file misc.c. References FALSE, SCIPbtnodeGetLeftchild(), SCIPbtnodeGetParent(), SCIPbtnodeIsRoot(), and TRUE. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), and updateKeyOnTrace().
returns TRUE if the given node is right child
Definition at line 6349 of file misc.c. References FALSE, SCIPbtnodeGetParent(), SCIPbtnodeGetRightchild(), SCIPbtnodeIsRoot(), and TRUE. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf().
sets the give node data
Definition at line 6370 of file misc.c. References SCIP_BtNode::dataptr, and NULL.
sets parent node
Definition at line 6384 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_BtNode::parent. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), and insertThetanode().
sets left child
Definition at line 6398 of file misc.c. References SCIP_BtNode::left, and NULL. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), and insertThetanode().
sets right child
Definition at line 6412 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_BtNode::right. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), and insertThetanode().
creates an binary tree
Definition at line 6423 of file misc.c. References BMSallocMemory, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, and SCIP_OKAY. Referenced by checkOverloadViaThetaTree().
frees binary tree
frees binary tree
Definition at line 6442 of file misc.c. References BMSfreeMemory, NULL, and SCIPbtnodeFree(). Referenced by checkOverloadViaThetaTree().
prints the binary tree in GML format into the given file
Definition at line 6494 of file misc.c. References btPrintSubtree(), NULL, SCIPbtGetRoot(), SCIPbtIsEmpty(), SCIPgmlWriteClosing(), SCIPgmlWriteOpening(), and TRUE. returns whether the binary tree is empty (has no nodes)
Definition at line 6524 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Bt::root. Referenced by checkOverloadViaThetaTree(), inferboundsEdgeFinding(), insertThetanode(), and SCIPbtPrintGml().
returns the root node of the binary tree or NULL if the binary tree is empty returns the the root node of the binary or NULL if the binary tree is empty
Definition at line 6534 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Bt::root. Referenced by checkOverloadViaThetaTree(), inferboundsEdgeFinding(), insertThetanode(), and SCIPbtPrintGml().
sets root node
Definition at line 6547 of file misc.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Bt::root. Referenced by deleteLambdaLeaf(), and insertThetanode(). |