Row methods Detailed DescriptionFunction Documentation
comparison method for sorting rows by non-decreasing index
locks an unmodifiable row, which forbids further changes; has no effect on modifiable rows
unlocks a lock of an unmodifiable row; a row with no sealed lock may be modified; has no effect on modifiable rows
returns the scalar product of the coefficient vectors of the two given rows
returns the degree of parallelism between the hyperplanes defined by the two row vectors v, w: p = |v*w|/(|v|*|w|); the hyperplanes are parallel, iff p = 1, they are orthogonal, iff p = 0
returns the degree of orthogonality between the hyperplanes defined by the two row vectors v, w: o = 1 - |v*w|/(|v|*|w|); the hyperplanes are orthogonal, iff p = 1, they are parallel, iff p = 0
sorts row entries such that LP columns precede non-LP columns and inside both parts lower column indices precede higher ones
get number of nonzero entries in row vector
get number of nonzero entries in row vector, that correspond to columns currently in the SCIP_LP;
gets array with columns of nonzero entries
gets array with coefficients of nonzero entries
gets sum norm of row vector (sum of absolute values of coefficients)
returns the left hand side of the row
returns the right hand side of the row
gets the dual LP solution of a row
gets the dual Farkas coefficient of a row in an infeasible LP
gets the basis status of a row in the LP solution; only valid for LPs with status SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL and with SCIPisLPSolBasic(scip) == TRUE; returns SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC for rows not in the current SCIP_LP
returns the name of the row
gets unique index of row
gets age of row
gets rank of row
returns TRUE iff the activity of the row (without the row's constant) is always integral in a feasible solution
returns TRUE iff row is only valid locally
returns TRUE iff row is modifiable during node processing (subject to column generation)
returns TRUE iff row is removable from the LP (due to aging or cleanup)
returns type of origin that created the row
returns origin constraint handler that created the row (NULL if not available)
returns origin separator that created the row (NULL if not available)
returns TRUE iff row is member of the global cut pool
gets position of row in current LP, or -1 if it is not in LP
gets depth in the tree where the row entered the LP, or -1 if it is not in LP
returns TRUE iff row is member of current LP
returns the number of times that this row has been sharp in an optimal LP solution
returns the number of LPs since this row has been created
changes the rank of LP row