lp.h File Reference Detailed Descriptioninternal methods for LP management Definition in file lp.h. #include <stdio.h> #include "scip/def.h" #include "blockmemshell/memory.h" #include "scip/type_set.h" #include "scip/type_stat.h" #include "scip/type_misc.h" #include "scip/type_lp.h" #include "scip/type_var.h" #include "scip/type_prob.h" #include "scip/type_sol.h" #include "scip/pub_lp.h" #include "scip/struct_lp.h" Go to the source code of this file. Function Documentation
creates an LP column
Definition at line 3086 of file lp.c. References BMSallocBlockMemory, BMSallocBlockMemoryArray, BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray, FALSE, SCIP_Stat::ncolidx, NULL, SCIP_Var::obj, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_BASESTAT_ZERO, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetLbLazy(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), SCIPvarGetUbLazy(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), SCIPvarGetUnchangedObj(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPvarColumn().
frees an LP column
Definition at line 3183 of file lp.c. References BMSfreeBlockMemory, BMSfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, BMSfreeBlockMemoryNull, colUnlink(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, and SCIPvarGetStatus(). Referenced by SCIPvarLoose(), and varFree().
output column to file stream
Definition at line 3213 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Col::len, SCIP_Row::name, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::rows, SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(), SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Col::var.
adds a previously non existing coefficient to an LP column
Definition at line 3253 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colAddCoef(), SCIP_Lp::diving, NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIP_OKAY.
deletes coefficient from column deletes existing coefficient from column
Definition at line 3274 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colDelCoefPos(), SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, colSearchCoef(), SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Col::linkpos, SCIP_Row::name, NULL, rowDelCoefPos(), SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDDATA, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIP_Col::vals, SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var.
changes or adds a coefficient to an LP column
Definition at line 3319 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colAddCoef(), colChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, colSearchCoef(), SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Col::linkpos, NULL, rowChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Row::vals.
increases value of an existing or nonexisting coefficient in an LP column increases value of an existing or non-existing coefficient in an LP column
Definition at line 3370 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colAddCoef(), colChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, colSearchCoef(), SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Col::linkpos, NULL, rowChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Row::vals.
changes objective value of column
Definition at line 3504 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::divingobjchg, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, insertColChgcols(), SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Col::lpipos, lpUpdateObjNorms(), SCIP_Lp::nchgcols, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::objchanged, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarGetUnchangedObj(), TRUE, SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Col::unchangedobj, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess(), SCIPlpEndDive(), and SCIPvarChgObjDive().
changes lower bound of column
Definition at line 3563 of file lp.c. References FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, insertColChgcols(), SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Col::lbchanged, SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Lp::nchgcols, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), TRUE, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess(), SCIPlpEndDive(), and SCIPvarChgLbDive().
changes upper bound of column
Definition at line 3608 of file lp.c. References FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, insertColChgcols(), SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Lp::nchgcols, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), TRUE, SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Col::ubchanged, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess(), SCIPlpEndDive(), and SCIPvarChgUbDive(). calculates the reduced costs of a column using the given dual solution vector
Definition at line 3653 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Col::linkpos, SCIP_Row::lppos, SCIP_Col::nlprows, NULL, SCIP_Col::nunlinked, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by undoBdchgsDualsol(). gets the reduced costs of a column in last LP or after recalculation
Definition at line 3758 of file lp.c. References colCalcInternalRedcost(), SCIP_Stat::lpcount, NULL, SCIP_Col::redcost, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Col::validredcostlp, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by SCIPcolGetFeasibility(), SCIPgetColRedcost(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), and SCIPvarGetRedcost(). gets the feasibility of (the dual row of) a column in last LP or after recalculation
Definition at line 3782 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPcolGetRedcost(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsNegative(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIP_Col::ub, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(). calculates the Farkas coefficient y^T A_i of a column i using the given dual Farkas vector y
Definition at line 3836 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Col::linkpos, SCIP_Row::lppos, SCIP_Col::nlprows, NULL, SCIP_Col::nunlinked, SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. gets the Farkas coefficient y^T A_i of a column i in last LP (which must be infeasible) gets the Farkas coefficient of a column in last LP (which must be infeasible)
Definition at line 3941 of file lp.c. References colCalcInternalFarkasCoef(), SCIP_Col::farkascoef, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, NULL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Col::validfarkaslp, and SCIP_Lp::validfarkaslp. Referenced by SCIPcolGetFarkasValue(), and SCIPgetColFarkasCoef(). gets the Farkas value of a column in last LP (which must be infeasible), i.e. the Farkas coefficient y^T A_i times the best bound for this coefficient, i.e. max{y^T A_i x_i | lb <= x_i <= ub}
Definition at line 3967 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Col::lb, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPcolGetFarkasCoef(), and SCIP_Col::ub. Referenced by SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars().
start strong branching - call before any strong branching
Definition at line 3986 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpiStartStrongbranch(), SCIP_Lp::strongbranching, and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPstartStrongbranch().
end strong branching - call after any strong branching
Definition at line 4001 of file lp.c. References FALSE, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpiEndStrongbranch(), and SCIP_Lp::strongbranching. Referenced by SCIPendStrongbranch().
sets strong branching information for a column variable
Definition at line 4016 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Lp::cutoffbound, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Col::lppos, MIN, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Stat::nnodes, SCIP_Stat::nrootsblpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nrootstrongbranchs, SCIP_Col::nsbcalls, SCIP_Stat::nsbdivinglps, SCIP_Stat::nsblpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nstrongbranchs, NULL, SCIP_Col::sbdown, SCIP_Col::sbdownvalid, SCIP_Col::sbitlim, SCIP_Col::sblpobjval, SCIP_Col::sbnode, SCIP_Col::sbsolval, SCIP_Col::sbup, SCIP_Col::sbupvalid, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPcolIsIntegral(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), SCIP_Lp::strongbranchprobing, SCIP_Col::validsblp, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPgetVarStrongbranchWithPropagation().
invalidates strong branching information for a column variable
Definition at line 4070 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, FALSE, SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Col::lppos, SCIP_Lp::ncols, NULL, SCIP_Col::sbdown, SCIP_Col::sbdownvalid, SCIP_Col::sbitlim, SCIP_Col::sblpobjval, SCIP_Col::sbnode, SCIP_Col::sbsolval, SCIP_Col::sbup, SCIP_Col::sbupvalid, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPcolIsIntegral(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), SCIP_Lp::strongbranchprobing, SCIP_Col::validsblp, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPgetVarStrongbranchWithPropagation().
gets strong branching information on a column variable
Definition at line 4105 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Lp::cutoffbound, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, getFiniteLooseObjval(), SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalinf, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, SCIP_Col::lppos, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, MIN, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Stat::nduallpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nduallps, SCIP_Stat::ndualresolvelpiterations, SCIP_Stat::ndualresolvelps, SCIP_Stat::nnodes, SCIP_Stat::nprimallpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nprimallps, SCIP_Stat::nprimalresolvelpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nprimalresolvelps, SCIP_Stat::nrootsblpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nrootstrongbranchs, SCIP_Col::nsbcalls, SCIP_Stat::nsbdivinglps, SCIP_Stat::nsblpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nstrongbranchs, NULL, SCIP_Col::primsol, SCIP_Col::sbdown, SCIP_Col::sbdownvalid, SCIP_Col::sbitlim, SCIP_Col::sblpobjval, SCIP_Col::sbnode, SCIP_Col::sbsolval, SCIP_Col::sbup, SCIP_Col::sbupvalid, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_LPERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPclockStart(), SCIPclockStop(), SCIPcolIsIntegral(), SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetObjval(), SCIPlpiStrongbranchFrac(), SCIPlpiStrongbranchInt(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(), SCIPsetIsIntegral(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), SCIP_Lp::solved, SCIP_Lp::strongbranching, SCIP_Stat::strongbranchtime, TRUE, SCIP_Col::validsblp, SCIP_Lp::validsollp, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPgetVarStrongbranchFrac(), and SCIPgetVarStrongbranchInt().
gets strong branching information on column variables
Definition at line 4264 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Lp::cutoffbound, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, getFiniteLooseObjval(), SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalinf, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Col::lppos, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, MIN, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Stat::nduallpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nduallps, SCIP_Stat::ndualresolvelpiterations, SCIP_Stat::ndualresolvelps, SCIP_Stat::nnodes, SCIP_Stat::nprimallpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nprimallps, SCIP_Stat::nprimalresolvelpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nprimalresolvelps, SCIP_Stat::nrootsblpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nrootstrongbranchs, SCIP_Col::nsbcalls, SCIP_Stat::nsbdivinglps, SCIP_Stat::nsblpiterations, SCIP_Stat::nstrongbranchs, NULL, SCIP_Col::primsol, SCIP_Col::sbdown, SCIP_Col::sbdownvalid, SCIP_Col::sbitlim, SCIP_Col::sblpobjval, SCIP_Col::sbnode, SCIP_Col::sbsolval, SCIP_Col::sbup, SCIP_Col::sbupvalid, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_LPERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPclockStart(), SCIPclockStop(), SCIPcolIsIntegral(), SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetObjval(), SCIPlpiStrongbranchesFrac(), SCIPlpiStrongbranchesInt(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), SCIP_Lp::solved, SCIP_Stat::strongbranchtime, TRUE, SCIP_Col::validsblp, SCIP_Lp::validsollp, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPgetVarsStrongbranchesFrac(), and SCIPgetVarsStrongbranchesInt().
gets last strong branching information available for a column variable; returns values of SCIP_INVALID, if strong branching was not yet called on the given column; keep in mind, that the returned old values may have nothing to do with the current LP solution
Definition at line 4500 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Col::sbdown, SCIP_Col::sbdownvalid, SCIP_Col::sblpobjval, SCIP_Col::sbsolval, SCIP_Col::sbup, and SCIP_Col::sbupvalid. Referenced by SCIPgetVarStrongbranchLast().
if strong branching was already applied on the column at the current node, returns the number of LPs solved after the LP where the strong branching on this column was applied; if strong branching was not yet applied on the column at the current node, returns INT_MAX
Definition at line 4532 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Stat::nnodes, SCIP_Stat::nsbdivinglps, NULL, SCIP_Col::sbnode, SCIP_LONGINT_MAX, and SCIP_Col::validsblp. Referenced by SCIPgetVarStrongbranchLPAge(). marks a column to be not removable from the LP in the current node because it became obsolete
Definition at line 4544 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Stat::nnodes, NULL, and SCIP_Col::obsoletenode. Referenced by SCIPmarkColNotRemovableLocal().
creates and captures an LP row
Definition at line 4894 of file lp.c. References BMSallocBlockMemory, BMSallocBlockMemoryArray, BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray, FALSE, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Stat::nrowidx, NULL, rowCalcNorms(), SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPeventfilterCreate(), SCIProwCapture(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsIntegral(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPsetRound(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), TRUE, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPcreateEmptyRowCons(), SCIPcreateEmptyRowSepa(), SCIPcreateEmptyRowUnspec(), SCIPcreateRowCons(), SCIPcreateRowSepa(), and SCIPcreateRowUnspec().
frees an LP row
Definition at line 5033 of file lp.c. References BMSfreeBlockMemory, BMSfreeBlockMemoryArray, BMSfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, BMSfreeBlockMemoryNull, NULL, rowUnlink(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPeventfilterFree(). Referenced by SCIProwRelease().
output row to file stream
Definition at line 5065 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::name, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_DEFAULT_EPSILON, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPprintRow().
ensures, that column array of row can store at least num entries
Definition at line 580 of file lp.c. References BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray, checkRow, SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, FALSE, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Row::lpcolssorted, SCIP_Row::nlpcols, SCIP_Row::nonlpcolssorted, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIP_Row::size, TRUE, and SCIP_Row::vals. Referenced by rowAddCoef(), SCIPaddVarsToRow(), and SCIPaddVarsToRowSameCoef().
increases usage counter of LP row
Definition at line 5105 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::name, SCIP_Row::nlocks, NULL, SCIP_Row::nuses, and SCIPdebugMessage. Referenced by cutCreate(), forkCreate(), forkFree(), lpFlushAddRows(), pseudoforkCreate(), SCIPcaptureRow(), SCIPlpAddRow(), SCIProwCreate(), SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(), and sepastoreAddCut().
decreases usage counter of LP row, and frees memory if necessary
Definition at line 5118 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, and SCIProwFree(). Referenced by cutFree(), forkFree(), lpDelRowset(), lpFlushDelRows(), pseudoforkFree(), SCIPlpFree(), SCIPlpShrinkRows(), SCIPreleaseRow(), SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(), SCIPsepastoreClearCuts(), sepastoreAddCut(), sepastoreDelCut(), and subrootFree().
enables delaying of row sorting
Definition at line 5912 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::delaysort, NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPaddVarsToRow(), SCIPaddVarsToRowSameCoef(), and SCIPcacheRowExtensions(). disables delaying of row sorting, sorts row and merges coefficients with equal columns
Definition at line 5923 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::delaysort, FALSE, NULL, and rowMerge(). Referenced by SCIPaddVarsToRow(), SCIPaddVarsToRowSameCoef(), and SCIPflushRowExtensions().
adds a previously non existing coefficient to an LP row
Definition at line 5175 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Row::lppos, NULL, rowAddCoef(), SCIP_CALL, and SCIP_OKAY.
deletes coefficient from row
Definition at line 5196 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colDelCoefPos(), SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, SCIP_Row::delaysort, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Row::lppos, SCIP_Row::name, NULL, rowDelCoefPos(), SCIP_Col::rows, rowSearchCoef(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDDATA, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIP_Col::vals, SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var.
changes or adds a coefficient to an LP row
Definition at line 5242 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, SCIP_Row::delaysort, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Row::lppos, NULL, rowAddCoef(), rowChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Col::rows, rowSearchCoef(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Row::vals.
increases value of an existing or nonexisting coefficient in an LP column increases value of an existing or non-existing coefficient in an LP row
Definition at line 5294 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, colChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Col::index, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Row::lppos, NULL, rowAddCoef(), rowChgCoefPos(), SCIP_Col::rows, rowSearchCoef(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Row::vals. Referenced by SCIPvarAddToRow().
changes constant value of a row
Definition at line 5348 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Stat::domchgcount, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::lppos, SCIP_Row::maxactivity, SCIP_Row::minactivity, NULL, SCIP_Row::pseudoactivity, REALABS, SCIP_Row::rhs, rowEventConstantChanged(), rowSideChanged(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIP_Row::validactivitybdsdomchg, and SCIP_Row::validpsactivitydomchg. Referenced by rowScale(), and SCIProwAddConstant().
add constant value to a row
Definition at line 5403 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::lppos, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIProwChgConstant(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), and SCIPsetIsZero(). Referenced by SCIPvarAddToRow().
changes left hand side of LP row
Definition at line 5429 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Row::lhs, NULL, rowEventSideChanged(), rowSideChanged(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, and SCIPsetIsEQ(). Referenced by rowScale(), SCIPchgRowLhs(), SCIPchgRowLhsDive(), and SCIPlpEndDive().
changes right hand side of LP row
Definition at line 5461 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, NULL, SCIP_Row::rhs, rowEventSideChanged(), rowSideChanged(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, and SCIPsetIsEQ(). Referenced by rowScale(), SCIPchgRowRhs(), SCIPchgRowRhsDive(), and SCIPlpEndDive().
changes the local flag of LP row
Definition at line 5493 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::local, NULL, and SCIP_OKAY. Referenced by sepastoreAddCut().
tries to find a value, such that all row coefficients, if scaled with this value become integral
Definition at line 5510 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, FALSE, isIntegralScalar(), SCIP_Row::len, MIN, nscalars, NULL, REALABS, scalars, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Longint, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPcalcGreComDiv(), SCIPcolIsIntegral(), SCIPdebug, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPrealToRational(), SCIProwGetName(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), TRUE, SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPcalcRowIntegralScalar(), and SCIProwMakeIntegral().
tries to scale row, s.t. all coefficients become integral
Definition at line 5745 of file lp.c. References NULL, rowScale(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, and SCIProwCalcIntegralScalar(). Referenced by SCIPmakeRowIntegral(). recalculates the current activity of a row
Definition at line 5936 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::activity, SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Col::lppos, SCIP_Row::nlpcols, NULL, SCIP_Row::nunlinked, SCIP_Col::primsol, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Row::validactivitylp, and SCIP_Row::vals. Referenced by SCIPrecalcRowActivity(), SCIPrecalcRowLPActivity(), and SCIProwGetLPActivity(). returns the activity of a row in the current LP solution
Definition at line 5988 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::activity, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, MAX, MIN, NULL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Real, SCIProwRecalcLPActivity(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIP_Row::validactivitylp, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by SCIPgetRowActivity(), SCIPgetRowLPActivity(), SCIPgetRowSolActivity(), and SCIProwGetLPFeasibility().
returns the feasibility of a row in the current LP solution: negative value means infeasibility
Definition at line 6018 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::lhs, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, and SCIProwGetLPActivity(). Referenced by SCIPcutpoolSeparate(), SCIPgetRowFeasibility(), SCIPgetRowLPFeasibility(), SCIPgetRowSolFeasibility(), SCIProwGetLPEfficacy(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), and sepastoreApplyCut(). returns the feasibility of a row in the current relaxed solution: negative value means infeasibility returns the feasibility of a row in the relaxed solution solution: negative value means infeasibility
Definition at line 6038 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Col::lppos, MAX, MIN, SCIP_Row::nlpcols, NULL, SCIP_Row::nunlinked, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPvarGetRelaxSol(), SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIProwGetRelaxEfficacy(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), and sepastoreApplyCut(). returns the feasibility of a row in the current NLP solution: negative value means infeasibility returns the feasibility of a row in the current NLP solution: negative value means infeasibility
Definition at line 6100 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Col::lppos, MAX, MIN, SCIP_Row::nlpcols, NULL, SCIP_Row::nunlinked, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPvarGetNLPSol(), SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIProwGetNLPEfficacy(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), and sepastoreApplyCut(). calculates the current pseudo activity of a row
Definition at line 6159 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Stat::domchgcount, EPSISINT, SCIP_Row::integral, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Col::lppos, NULL, SCIP_Row::pseudoactivity, SCIP_DEFAULT_SUMEPSILON, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPcolGetBestBound(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIP_Row::validpsactivitydomchg, SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPrecalcRowActivity(), SCIPrecalcRowPseudoActivity(), and SCIProwGetPseudoActivity(). returns the pseudo activity of a row in the current pseudo solution
Definition at line 6186 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Stat::domchgcount, MAX, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Row::pseudoactivity, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Real, SCIProwRecalcPseudoActivity(), SCIPsetInfinity(), and SCIP_Row::validpsactivitydomchg. Referenced by SCIPgetRowActivity(), SCIPgetRowPseudoActivity(), SCIPgetRowSolActivity(), and SCIProwGetPseudoFeasibility(). returns the pseudo feasibility of a row in the current pseudo solution: negative value means infeasibility
Definition at line 6214 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::lhs, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, and SCIProwGetPseudoActivity(). Referenced by SCIPgetRowFeasibility(), SCIPgetRowPseudoFeasibility(), and SCIPgetRowSolFeasibility().
returns the activity of a row for a given solution
Definition at line 6230 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::linkpos, SCIP_Col::lppos, MAX, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, SCIP_UNKNOWN, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsolGetVal(), SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPgetRowSolActivity(), SCIProwGetSolFeasibility(), and SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals().
returns the feasibility of a row for the given solution
Definition at line 6272 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::lhs, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, and SCIProwGetSolActivity(). Referenced by SCIPcutpoolSeparate(), SCIPgetRowSolFeasibility(), and SCIProwGetSolEfficacy(). returns the minimal activity of a row w.r.t. the columns' bounds
Definition at line 6350 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Stat::domchgcount, SCIP_Row::maxactivity, SCIP_Row::minactivity, NULL, rowCalcActivityBounds(), SCIP_INVALID, and SCIP_Row::validactivitybdsdomchg. Referenced by SCIPaddCut(), SCIPgetRowMinActivity(), SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows(), SCIProwIsRedundant(), sepastoreIsCutRedundant(), and sepastoreIsCutRedundantOrInfeasible(). returns the maximal activity of a row w.r.t. the columns' bounds
Definition at line 6371 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Stat::domchgcount, SCIP_Row::maxactivity, SCIP_Row::minactivity, NULL, rowCalcActivityBounds(), SCIP_INVALID, and SCIP_Row::validactivitybdsdomchg. Referenced by SCIPaddCut(), SCIPgetRowMaxActivity(), SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows(), SCIProwIsRedundant(), sepastoreIsCutRedundant(), and sepastoreIsCutRedundantOrInfeasible(). returns whether the row is unmodifiable and redundant w.r.t. the columns' bounds
Definition at line 6392 of file lp.c. References FALSE, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::modifiable, NULL, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Real, SCIProwGetMaxActivity(), SCIProwGetMinActivity(), SCIPsetIsFeasGT(), SCIPsetIsFeasLT(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows(). gets maximal absolute value of row vector coefficients
Definition at line 6423 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::maxval, NULL, SCIP_Row::nummaxval, and rowCalcIdxsAndVals(). Referenced by SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL(), SCIPgetRowMaxCoef(), SCIProwGetLPEfficacy(), SCIProwGetNLPEfficacy(), SCIProwGetRelaxEfficacy(), and SCIProwGetSolEfficacy(). gets minimal absolute value of row vector's non-zero coefficients
Definition at line 6439 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::minval, NULL, SCIP_Row::numminval, and rowCalcIdxsAndVals(). Referenced by SCIPgetRowMinCoef(). gets maximal column index of row entries
Definition at line 6455 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::maxidx, NULL, rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), and SCIP_Row::validminmaxidx. Referenced by SCIPcutpoolAddNewRow(), and SCIPcutpoolAddRow(). gets minimal column index of row entries
Definition at line 6471 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::minidx, NULL, rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), and SCIP_Row::validminmaxidx. returns row's efficacy with respect to the current LP solution: e = -feasibility/norm
Definition at line 6487 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, MAX, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPABORT, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIProwGetLPFeasibility(), SCIProwGetMaxval(), SCIProwGetNorm(), SCIProwGetSumNorm(), and SCIPsetSumepsilon(). Referenced by computeScore(), SCIPgetCutEfficacy(), and SCIProwIsLPEfficacious().
returns whether the row's efficacy with respect to the current LP solution is greater than the minimal cut efficacy
Definition at line 6528 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Real, SCIProwGetLPEfficacy(), and SCIPsetIsEfficacious(). Referenced by SCIPcutpoolSeparate(), and SCIPisCutEfficacious().
returns row's efficacy with respect to the given primal solution: e = -feasibility/norm
Definition at line 6544 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, MAX, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPABORT, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIProwGetMaxval(), SCIProwGetNorm(), SCIProwGetSolFeasibility(), SCIProwGetSumNorm(), and SCIPsetSumepsilon(). Referenced by SCIPgetCutEfficacy(), and SCIProwIsSolEfficacious().
returns whether the row's efficacy with respect to the given primal solution is greater than the minimal cut efficacy
Definition at line 6587 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Real, SCIProwGetSolEfficacy(), and SCIPsetIsEfficacious(). Referenced by SCIPcutpoolSeparate(), and SCIPisCutEfficacious(). returns row's efficacy with respect to the relaxed solution: e = -feasibility/norm
Definition at line 6603 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, MAX, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPABORT, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIProwGetMaxval(), SCIProwGetNorm(), SCIProwGetRelaxFeasibility(), SCIProwGetSumNorm(), and SCIPsetSumepsilon(). Referenced by computeScore(). returns row's efficacy with respect to the NLP solution: e = -feasibility/norm
Definition at line 6643 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::len, MAX, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPABORT, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIProwGetMaxval(), SCIProwGetNLPFeasibility(), SCIProwGetNorm(), SCIProwGetSumNorm(), and SCIPsetSumepsilon(). Referenced by computeScore(). gets parallelism of row with objective function: if the returned value is 1, the row is parallel to the objective function, if the value is 0, it is orthogonal to the objective function
Definition at line 7447 of file lp.c. References checkRowObjprod, checkRowSqrnorm, MAX, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Row::objprod, SCIP_Lp::objsqrnorm, SCIP_Lp::objsqrnormunreliable, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPlpRecalculateObjSqrNorm(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIPsetIsSumGE(), SCIPsetIsSumLE(), and SCIP_Row::sqrnorm. Referenced by sepastoreAddCut().
includes event handler with given data in row's event filter
Definition at line 7480 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::eventfilter, SCIP_Row::name, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_ROWCHANGED, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, and SCIPeventfilterAdd(). Referenced by SCIPcatchRowEvent().
deletes event handler with given data from row's event filter
Definition at line 7504 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::eventfilter, SCIP_Row::name, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, and SCIPeventfilterDel(). Referenced by SCIPdropRowEvent(). marks a row to be not removable from the LP in the current node marks a row to be not removable from the LP in the current node because it became obsolete
Definition at line 7525 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Stat::nnodes, NULL, and SCIP_Row::obsoletenode. Referenced by SCIPmarkRowNotRemovableLocal().
creates empty LP data object
frees LP data object
Definition at line 8890 of file lp.c. References BMSfreeMemory, BMSfreeMemoryArrayNull, BMSfreeMemoryNull, freeDiveChgSideArrays(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpClear(), SCIPlpiFree(), and SCIProwRelease(). Referenced by freeTransform().
resets the LP to the empty LP by removing all columns and rows from LP, releasing all rows, and flushing the changes to the LP solver
Definition at line 8934 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::dualfeasible, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::lastlpalgo, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, NULL, SCIP_Lp::primalfeasible, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPALGO_DUALSIMPLEX, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpClear(), SCIPlpFlush(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, SCIP_Lp::solved, TRUE, SCIP_Lp::validfarkaslp, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by freeSolve(), and initSolve().
adds a column to the LP and captures the variable adds a column to the LP
Definition at line 8963 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Col::age, checkLinks, SCIP_Lp::cols, colUpdateAddLP(), SCIP_Lp::diving, ensureColsSize(), ensureLazycolsSize(), FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Col::integral, SCIP_Lp::lazycols, SCIP_Col::lazylb, SCIP_Col::lazyub, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Col::len, SCIP_Col::lpdepth, SCIP_Col::lppos, lpUpdateObjNorms(), SCIP_Row::name, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlazycols, SCIP_Lp::nremovablecols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::removable, SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPdebugPrintf, SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Col::unchangedobj, SCIP_Col::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by forkAddLP(), pseudoforkAddLP(), SCIPpricestoreApplyVars(), and subrootConstructLP().
adds a row to the LP and captures it
Definition at line 9022 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::age, checkLinks, SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, ensureRowsSize(), SCIP_EventFilter::eventmask, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_EventFilter::len, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::lpdepth, SCIP_Row::lppos, SCIP_Row::name, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nremovablerows, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Row::removable, SCIP_Row::rhs, rowCalcNorms(), SCIP_Lp::rows, rowUpdateAddLP(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_ROWADDEDLP, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPdebugPrintf, SCIPeventCreateRowAddedLP(), SCIPeventqueueAdd(), SCIProwCapture(), SCIProwLock(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by forkAddLP(), pseudoforkAddLP(), SCIPaddRowDive(), SCIPaddRowProbing(), sepastoreApplyCut(), and subrootConstructLP().
removes all columns after the given number of columns from the LP removes all columns after the given number of cols from the LP
Definition at line 9146 of file lp.c. References checkLazyColArray(), checkLinks, SCIP_Lp::cols, colUpdateDelLP(), SCIP_Lp::diving, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lazycols, SCIP_Col::len, SCIP_Col::lpdepth, SCIP_Lp::lpifirstchgcol, SCIP_Col::lppos, lpUpdateObjNorms(), MIN, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlazycols, SCIP_Lp::nremovablecols, NULL, SCIP_Col::removable, SCIP_Col::rows, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIP_Col::unchangedobj, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by focusnodeCleanupVars(), focusnodeToFork(), SCIPlpClear(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), and treeBacktrackProbing().
removes and releases all rows after the given number of rows from the LP
Definition at line 9217 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_EventFilter::eventmask, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_EventFilter::len, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::lpdepth, SCIP_Lp::lpifirstchgrow, SCIP_Row::lppos, MIN, SCIP_Lp::nremovablerows, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Row::removable, SCIP_Lp::rows, rowUpdateDelLP(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_ROWDELETEDLP, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPeventCreateRowDeletedLP(), SCIPeventqueueAdd(), SCIProwRelease(), and SCIProwUnlock(). Referenced by focusnodeToFork(), SCIPlpClear(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), and treeBacktrackProbing().
removes all columns and rows from LP, releases all rows
Definition at line 9283 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpShrinkCols(), and SCIPlpShrinkRows(). Referenced by SCIPlpFree(), SCIPlpReset(), and SCIPtreeLoadLP().
remembers number of columns and rows to track the newly added ones
Definition at line 9302 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::firstnewcol, SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, and NULL. Referenced by SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), and treeCreateProbingNode().
sets the remembered number of columns and rows to the given values
Definition at line 9314 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::firstnewcol, SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, and NULL. Referenced by treeBacktrackProbing().
gets all indices of basic columns and rows: index i >= 0 corresponds to column i, index i < 0 to row -i-1
Definition at line 9328 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetBasisInd(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPgetLPBasisInd().
gets current basis status for columns and rows; arrays must be large enough to store the basis status
Definition at line 9345 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetBase(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved.
gets a row from the inverse basis matrix B^-1
Definition at line 9362 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetBInvRow(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPgetLPBInvRow().
gets a column from the inverse basis matrix B^-1
Definition at line 9384 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetBInvCol(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPgetLPBInvCol().
gets a row from the product of inverse basis matrix B^-1 and coefficient matrix A (i.e. from B^-1 * A)
Definition at line 9410 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetBInvARow(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPgetLPBInvARow().
gets a column from the product of inverse basis matrix B^-1 and coefficient matrix A (i.e. from B^-1 * A), i.e., it computes B^-1 * A_c with A_c being the c'th column of A
Definition at line 9435 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetBInvACol(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPgetLPBInvACol().
calculates a weighted sum of all LP rows; for negative weights, the left and right hand side of the corresponding LP row are swapped in the summation
Definition at line 9459 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Row::cols_index, SCIP_Row::constant, FALSE, SCIP_Row::len, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Prob::nvars, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Lp::rows, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPrealarrayClear(), SCIPrealarrayExtend(), SCIPrealarrayIncVal(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIP_Row::vals, SCIP_Col::var, and SCIP_Col::var_probindex. Referenced by SCIPsumLPRows().
Definition at line 11043 of file lp.c. References BMScopyMemoryArray, cleanupMIRRow(), FALSE, getMIRRowActivity(), MAXCMIRSCALE, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Prob::nvars, REALABS, roundMIRRow(), SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebug, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetDuplicateBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPsetSumFloor(), SCIP_Lp::solved, substituteMIRRow(), sumMIRRow(), transformMIRRow(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPcalcMIR().
Definition at line 12136 of file lp.c. References cleanupMIRRow(), FALSE, getMIRRowActivity(), SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Prob::nvars, roundStrongCGRow(), SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebug, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetCeil(), SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPsetSumFloor(), SCIP_Lp::solved, substituteStrongCGRow(), sumStrongCGRow(), transformStrongCGRow(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPcalcStrongCG().
stores LP state (like basis information) into LP state object
Definition at line 12339 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetState(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by forkCreate(), forkFree(), probingnodeUpdate(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().
loads LP state (like basis information) into solver
Definition at line 12363 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::dualfeasible, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_Lp::primalfeasible, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpFlush(), SCIPlpiHasStateBasis(), SCIPlpiSetState(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), and SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState().
frees LP state information
Definition at line 12401 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPlpiFreeState(). Referenced by forkReleaseLPIState(), probingnodeFree(), probingnodeUpdate(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and subrootReleaseLPIState().
stores pricing norms into LP norms object
Definition at line 12418 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPlpiGetNorms(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPtreeStartProbing().
loads pricing norms from LP norms object into solver
Definition at line 12442 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPlpiSetNorms(). Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState().
frees pricing norms information
Definition at line 12462 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPlpiFreeNorms(). Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing().
sets the upper objective limit of the LP solver
Definition at line 12476 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cutoffbound, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, lpCutoffDisabled, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, NULL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OBJLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpDivingObjChanged(), SCIPlpGetObjval(), SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by primalSetCutoffbound(), SCIPchgCutoffboundDive(), SCIPchgVarObjDive(), SCIPchgVarObjProbing(), SCIPendDive(), and treeBacktrackProbing().
applies all cached changes to the LP solver
Definition at line 8258 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushaddedcols, SCIP_Lp::flushaddedrows, SCIP_Lp::flushdeletedcols, SCIP_Lp::flushdeletedrows, SCIP_Lp::flushed, lpFlushAddCols(), lpFlushAddRows(), lpFlushChgCols(), lpFlushChgRows(), lpFlushDelCols(), lpFlushDelRows(), SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpifirstchgcol, SCIP_Lp::lpifirstchgrow, SCIP_Lp::nchgcols, SCIP_Lp::nchgrows, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpiGetNCols(), SCIPlpiGetNRows(), and TRUE. Referenced by focusnodeCleanupVars(), lpFlushAndSolve(), priceAndCutLoop(), SCIPflushLP(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPlpReset(), SCIPlpSetState(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPwriteLP(), and SCIPwriteMIP().
marks the LP to be flushed, even if the LP thinks it is not flushed
Definition at line 8313 of file lp.c. References checkLinks, SCIP_Lp::chgcols, SCIP_Lp::chgrows, SCIP_Col::coefchanged, SCIP_Row::coefchanged, SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Col::flushedlb, SCIP_Row::flushedlhs, SCIP_Col::flushedobj, SCIP_Row::flushedrhs, SCIP_Col::flushedub, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Col::lbchanged, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Row::lhschanged, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpicols, SCIP_Lp::lpifirstchgcol, SCIP_Lp::lpifirstchgrow, SCIP_Col::lpipos, SCIP_Row::lpipos, SCIP_Lp::lpirows, SCIP_Lp::nchgcols, SCIP_Lp::nchgrows, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::objchanged, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Row::rhschanged, SCIP_Lp::rows, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPlpiGetBounds(), SCIPlpiGetObj(), SCIPlpiGetSides(), SCIPlpiGetSolverName(), SCIPlpiInfinity(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsSumEQ(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), TRUE, SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Col::ubchanged, and SCIP_Col::var.
solves the LP with simplex algorithm, and copy the solution into the column's data
Definition at line 14511 of file lp.c. References checkLazyBounds(), SCIP_Lp::cutoffbound, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::divinglazyapplied, SCIP_Lp::dualfeasible, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushaddedcols, SCIP_Lp::flushdeletedcols, SCIP_Lp::flushed, getFiniteLooseObjval(), SCIP_Lp::lastlpalgo, lpCutoffDisabled, lpFlushAndSolve(), lpGetResolveItlim(), SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpifromscratch, SCIP_Lp::lpihasfastmip, SCIP_Lp::lpiuobjlim, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, lpSetFromscratch(), SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, lpSolve(), MIN, SCIP_Stat::nclockskipsleft, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlazycols, SCIP_Stat::nlps, SCIP_Stat::nnodes, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Prob::nvars, SCIP_Lp::primalfeasible, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_ERROR, SCIP_Longint, SCIP_LPALGO_DUALSIMPLEX, SCIP_LPALGO_PRIMALSIMPLEX, SCIP_LPERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ITERLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OBJLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_TIMELIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_STATUS_TIMELIMIT, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpFlush(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetLPI(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpiGetObjval(), SCIPlpiHasDualRay(), SCIPlpiInfinity(), SCIPlpiIsObjlimExc(), SCIPlpRemoveNewObsoletes(), SCIPlpUpdateAges(), SCIPmessagePrintVerbInfo(), SCIPmessagePrintWarning(), SCIPprobAllColsInLP(), SCIPsetGetCharParam(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsFeasNegative(), SCIPsetIsGE(), SCIPsetIsLT(), SCIPsetSetCharParam(), SCIPsolveIsStopped(), SCIP_Lp::solved, SCIP_Stat::status, TRUE, and updateLazyBounds(). Referenced by focusnodeToFork(), priceAndCutLoop(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPsolveDiveLP(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), separationRoundResolveLP(), solveNodeInitialLP(), solveNodeLP(), and solveProbingLP().
gets solution status of current LP
Definition at line 15060 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, NULL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by branchcandCalcLPCands(), conflictAnalyzeBoundexceedingLP(), conflictAnalyzeInfeasibleLP(), enforceConstraints(), focusnodeToFork(), forkCreate(), forkFree(), nodeToLeaf(), priceAndCutLoop(), propAndSolve(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeLP(), SCIPgetLPBranchCands(), SCIPgetLPSolstat(), SCIPgetNLPBranchCands(), SCIPgetNPrioLPBranchCands(), SCIPlpCleanupAll(), SCIPlpCleanupNew(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpRemoveAllObsoletes(), SCIPlpRemoveNewObsoletes(), SCIPlpSetCutoffbound(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPlpStartDive(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPpricerExec(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPsolveDiveLP(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeStartProbing(), separationRoundLP(), solveNode(), solveNodeInitialLP(), solveNodeLP(), solveProbingLP(), updateEstimate(), updatePrimalRay(), and updatePseudocost(). sets whether the root LP is a relaxation of the problem and its optimal objective value is a global lower bound sets whether the root lp is a relaxation of the problem and its optimal objective value is a global lower bound
Definition at line 19295 of file lp.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Lp::rootlpisrelax. Referenced by SCIPprobStoreRootSol(). returns whether the root lp is a relaxation of the problem and its optimal objective value is a global lower bound
Definition at line 19306 of file lp.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Lp::rootlpisrelax. Referenced by SCIPisRootLPRelax(). gets objective value of current LP
Definition at line 15076 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::looseobjval, SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalid, SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalinf, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, SCIP_Lp::nloosevars, NULL, recomputeLooseObjectiveValue(), SCIP_INVALID, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by analyzeStrongbranch(), forkCreate(), forkFree(), priceAndCutLoop(), propAndSolve(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranch(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranches(), SCIPgetLPObjval(), SCIPgetSolOrigObj(), SCIPgetSolTransObj(), SCIPlpSetCutoffbound(), SCIPnodeUpdateLowerboundLP(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), solveNodeInitialLP(), solveNodeLP(), and updatePseudocost(). gets part of objective value of current LP that results from COLUMN variables only
Definition at line 15104 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, NULL, SCIP_INVALID, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPgetLPColumnObjval(), and SCIPlpStoreRootObjval(). gets part of objective value of current LP that results from LOOSE variables only
Definition at line 15115 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, getFiniteLooseObjval(), SCIP_Lp::looseobjval, SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalinf, SCIP_Lp::nloosevars, NULL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIPsetInfinity(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by performStrongbranchWithPropagation(), SCIPgetLPLooseObjval(), SCIPlpStoreRootObjval(), and SCIPsolLinkLPSol(). remembers the current LP objective value as root solution value
Definition at line 15135 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Lp::rootlooseobjval, SCIP_Lp::rootlpobjval, SCIPlpGetColumnObjval(), and SCIPlpGetLooseObjval(). Referenced by SCIPprobStoreRootSol().
invalidates the root LP solution value
Definition at line 15148 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Lp::rootlooseobjval, SCIP_Lp::rootlpobjval, and SCIP_INVALID. Referenced by freeSolve(). gets the global pseudo objective value; that is all variables set to their best (w.r.t. the objective function) global bound
Definition at line 15227 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::glbpseudoobjval, SCIP_Lp::glbpseudoobjvalid, SCIP_Lp::glbpseudoobjvalinf, NULL, recomputeGlbPseudoObjectiveValue(), SCIPsetInfinity(), and SCIPsetIsInfinity(). Referenced by SCIPgetGlobalPseudoObjval(), and solveNode(). recomputes local and global pseudo objective values
Definition at line 15159 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::glbpseudoobjval, SCIP_Lp::glbpseudoobjvalid, SCIP_Lp::glbpseudoobjvalinf, NULL, SCIP_Prob::nvars, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjval, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalid, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalinf, SCIP_Lp::relglbpseudoobjval, SCIP_Lp::relpseudoobjval, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsNegative(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), TRUE, and SCIP_Prob::vars. Referenced by treeBacktrackProbing(). gets the pseudo objective value for the current search node; that is all variables set to their best (w.r.t. the objective function) local bound
Definition at line 15256 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjval, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalid, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalinf, recomputePseudoObjectiveValue(), SCIPsetInfinity(), and SCIPsetIsInfinity(). Referenced by applyBounding(), enforceConstraints(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPgetPseudoObjval(), SCIPgetSolOrigObj(), SCIPgetSolTransObj(), SCIPprimalHeuristics(), SCIPsolLinkPseudoSol(), and solveNode().
gets pseudo objective value, if a bound of the given variable would be modified in the given way
Definition at line 15283 of file lp.c. References getFinitePseudoObjval(), SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalinf, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetBestBoundType(), and SCIPvarGetObj(). Referenced by SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer().
gets pseudo objective value, if a bound of the given variable would be modified in the given way; perform calculations with interval arithmetic to get an exact lower bound
Definition at line 15323 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjval, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalid, SCIP_Lp::pseudoobjvalinf, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPintervalAdd(), SCIPintervalGetInf(), SCIPintervalMul(), SCIPintervalSet(), SCIPintervalSub(), SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPvarGetBestBoundType(), and SCIPvarGetObj(). Referenced by SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer().
updates current pseudo and loose objective value for a change in a variable's objective value
Definition at line 15790 of file lp.c. References FALSE, getObjvalDeltaObj(), lpUpdateObjval(), lpUpdateVarProved(), NULL, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess(), SCIPlpUpdateAddVar(), and SCIPlpUpdateDelVar().
updates current root pseudo objective value for a global change in a variable's lower bound
Definition at line 15844 of file lp.c. References FALSE, getObjvalDeltaLb(), lpUpdateObjval(), NULL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIPvarGetObj(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess().
updates current pseudo and loose objective value for a change in a variable's lower bound
Definition at line 15872 of file lp.c. References FALSE, getObjvalDeltaLb(), lpUpdateObjval(), lpUpdateVarProved(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess().
updates current root pseudo objective value for a global change in a variable's upper bound
Definition at line 15913 of file lp.c. References FALSE, getObjvalDeltaUb(), lpUpdateObjval(), NULL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsNegative(), SCIPvarGetObj(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess().
updates current pseudo objective value for a change in a variable's upper bound
Definition at line 15940 of file lp.c. References FALSE, getObjvalDeltaUb(), lpUpdateObjval(), lpUpdateVarProved(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsNegative(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPeventProcess().
informs LP, that given variable was added to the problem
Definition at line 15981 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::nloosevars, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE, SCIPlpUpdateVarObj(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), and SCIPvarGetStatus(). Referenced by SCIPprobAddVar().
informs LP, that given variable is to be deleted from the problem
Definition at line 16002 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE, SCIPlpDecNLoosevars(), SCIPlpUpdateVarObj(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), and SCIPvarGetStatus(). Referenced by SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions().
informs LP, that given formerly loose problem variable is now a column variable
Definition at line 16138 of file lp.c. References lpUpdateVarColumn(), lpUpdateVarColumnProved(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIP_OKAY. Referenced by SCIPvarColumn().
informs LP, that given formerly column problem variable is now again a loose variable
Definition at line 16262 of file lp.c. References lpUpdateVarLoose(), lpUpdateVarLooseProved(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIP_OKAY. Referenced by SCIPvarLoose().
decrease the number of loose variables by one
Definition at line 16283 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::looseobjval, SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalinf, SCIP_Lp::nloosevars, and NULL. Referenced by lpUpdateVarColumn(), SCIPlpUpdateDelVar(), SCIPvarFix(), and SCIPvarMultiaggregate().
stores the LP solution in the columns and rows
Definition at line 16301 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::activity, SCIP_Col::basisstatus, SCIP_Row::basisstatus, BMSclearMemoryArray, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Row::dualsol, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lastlpalgo, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpicols, SCIP_Lp::lpirows, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, MAX, SCIP_Col::maxprimsol, MIN, SCIP_Col::minprimsol, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::primsol, SCIP_Col::redcost, SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_Longint, SCIP_LPALGO_BARRIER, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIPlpiGetBase(), SCIPlpiGetSol(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative(), SCIPsetIsDualfeasPositive(), SCIPsetIsFeasGE(), SCIPsetIsFeasGT(), SCIPsetIsFeasLE(), SCIPsetIsFeasLT(), SCIPsetIsFeasNegative(), SCIPsetIsFeasPositive(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPvarGetName(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, SCIP_Lp::solved, TRUE, SCIP_Row::validactivitylp, SCIP_Col::validredcostlp, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), and SCIPlpStartDive().
stores LP solution with infinite objective value in the columns and rows
Definition at line 16595 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::activity, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Row::dualsol, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpicols, SCIP_Lp::lpirows, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, MIN, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Col::primsol, SCIP_Col::redcost, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_Longint, SCIP_LPERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpiGetPrimalRay(), SCIPlpiGetSol(), SCIPlpiHasPrimalRay(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetInfinity(), SCIPsetIsFeasGE(), SCIPsetIsFeasLE(), SCIPsetIsFeasNegative(), SCIPsetIsFeasPositive(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsNegative(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIP_Lp::solved, TRUE, SCIP_Row::validactivitylp, SCIP_Col::validredcostlp, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), and SCIPlpStartDive().
returns primal ray proving the unboundedness of the current LP
Definition at line 16765 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpicols, SCIP_Lp::lpobjval, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpiGetPrimalRay(), SCIPlpiHasPrimalRay(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPvarGetProbindex(), SCIP_Lp::solved, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by updatePrimalRay().
stores the dual Farkas multipliers for infeasibility proof in rows
Definition at line 16822 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::activity, SCIP_Row::basisstatus, SCIP_Row::dualfarkas, SCIP_Row::dualsol, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_Lp::lpicols, SCIP_Lp::lpirows, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, NULL, SCIP_Col::primsol, SCIP_Col::redcost, SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpiGetDualfarkas(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIP_Lp::solved, SCIP_Row::validactivitylp, SCIP_Col::validfarkaslp, SCIP_Lp::validfarkaslp, and SCIP_Col::validredcostlp. Referenced by SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), and SCIPlpStartDive().
get number of iterations used in last LP solve
Definition at line 16888 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPlpiGetIterations(). Referenced by lpBarrier(), lpDualSimplex(), lpLexDualSimplex(), and lpPrimalSimplex().
increases age of columns with solution value 0.0 and rows with activity not at its bounds, resets age of non-zero columns and sharp rows increases age of columns with solution value 0.0 and basic rows with activity not at its bounds, resets age of non-zero columns and sharp rows
Definition at line 16903 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::activeinlpcounter, SCIP_Col::age, SCIP_Row::age, SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpicols, SCIP_Lp::lpirows, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, SCIP_Row::nlpsaftercreation, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Lp::rows, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIP_Lp::solved, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by SCIPlpSolveAndEval().
removes all non-basic columns and basic rows in the part of the LP created at the current node, that are too old
Definition at line 17308 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::firstnewcol, SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteRows(), SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetSolstat(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by SCIPlpSolveAndEval().
removes all non-basic columns and basic rows in whole LP, that are too old
Definition at line 17339 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteRows(), SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetSolstat(), and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by focusnodeToFork().
removes all non-basic columns at 0.0 and basic rows in the part of the LP created at the current node
Definition at line 17508 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::firstnewcol, SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, SCIP_Lp::lastlpalgo, lpCleanupCols(), lpCleanupRows(), SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by focusnodeToFork().
removes all non-basic columns at 0.0 and basic rows in the whole LP
Definition at line 17547 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::lastlpalgo, lpCleanupCols(), lpCleanupRows(), SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by focusnodeToFork().
removes all redundant rows that were added at the current node
Definition at line 17586 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::basisstatus, BMSclearMemoryArray, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, lpDelRowset(), SCIP_Lp::lpirows, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::nlpicols, SCIP_Lp::nlpirows, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Lp::rows, SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIProwGetLhs(), SCIProwGetMaxActivity(), SCIProwGetMinActivity(), SCIProwGetName(), SCIProwGetRhs(), SCIProwIsRedundant(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIP_Lp::solisbasic, and SCIP_Lp::validsollp. Referenced by priceAndCutLoop().
initiates LP diving
Definition at line 17660 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, colStoreSolVals(), SCIP_Lp::divelpistate, SCIP_Lp::divelpwasdualfeas, SCIP_Lp::divelpwasprimfeas, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::divinglpiitlim, SCIP_Lp::dualfeasible, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_Lp::lpi, SCIP_LpSolVals::lpsolstat, SCIP_Lp::lpsolstat, lpStoreSolVals(), SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::ndivechgsides, SCIP_Lp::ndivingrows, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Lp::primalfeasible, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_Lp::rows, rowStoreSolVals(), SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPPAR_LPITLIM, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ERROR, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ITERLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OBJLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_TIMELIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpiGetIntpar(), SCIPlpiGetState(), SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), SCIP_Lp::solved, SCIP_Lp::storedsolvals, TRUE, SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Lp::validsollp, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPstartDive().
quits LP diving and resets bounds and objective values of columns to the current node's values
Definition at line 17761 of file lp.c. References colRestoreSolVals(), SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Lp::divechgrows, SCIP_Lp::divechgsides, SCIP_Lp::divechgsidetypes, SCIP_Lp::divelpistate, SCIP_Lp::divelpwasdualfeas, SCIP_Lp::divelpwasprimfeas, SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::divinglazyapplied, SCIP_Lp::divinglpiitlim, SCIP_Lp::divingobjchg, FALSE, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Stat::lpcount, SCIP_LpSolVals::lpissolved, lpRestoreSolVals(), lpSetIterationLimit(), SCIP_LpSolVals::lpsolstat, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Lp::ndivechgsides, SCIP_Lp::ndivingrows, SCIP_Lp::nlazycols, SCIP_Stat::nlps, SCIP_Stat::nnodes, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, SCIP_Lp::resolvelperror, rowRestoreSolVals(), SCIP_Lp::rows, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ITERLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OBJLIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_TIMELIMIT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, SCIPcolChgLb(), SCIPcolChgObj(), SCIPcolChgUb(), SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpFlush(), SCIPlpFreeState(), SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIPlpSetState(), SCIPlpShrinkRows(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPmessagePrintVerbInfo(), SCIProwChgLhs(), SCIProwChgRhs(), SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPvarGetCol(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetStatus(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), SCIP_Lp::storedsolvals, TRUE, SCIP_Col::ub, updateLazyBounds(), and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPendDive().
records a current row side such that any change will be undone after diving
Definition at line 17943 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::divechgrows, SCIP_Lp::divechgsides, SCIP_Lp::divechgsidessize, SCIP_Lp::divechgsidetypes, DIVESTACKGROWFACT, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Lp::ndivechgsides, NULL, reallocDiveChgSideArrays(), SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT. Referenced by SCIPchgRowLhsDive(), and SCIPchgRowRhsDive().
informs the LP that probing mode was initiated
Definition at line 17967 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Lp::strongbranching, SCIP_Lp::strongbranchprobing, and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPtreeStartProbing().
informs the LP that probing mode was finished
Definition at line 17982 of file lp.c. References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Lp::strongbranching, and SCIP_Lp::strongbranchprobing. Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing().
informs the LP that the probing mode is now used for strongbranching
Definition at line 17997 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_Lp::strongbranching, SCIP_Lp::strongbranchprobing, and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPstartStrongbranch().
informs the LP that the probing mode is not used for strongbranching anymore
Definition at line 18010 of file lp.c. References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Lp::probing, SCIP_Lp::strongbranching, and SCIP_Lp::strongbranchprobing. Referenced by SCIPendStrongbranch().
gets proven lower (dual) bound of last LP solution
Definition at line 18143 of file lp.c. References FALSE, provedBound(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPdebugMessage. Referenced by SCIPnodeUpdateLowerboundLP(), and solveNodeInitialLP().
gets proven dual bound of last LP solution
Definition at line 18157 of file lp.c. References NULL, provedBound(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, and TRUE.
writes LP to a file
Definition at line 18179 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Lp::lpi, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPlpiWriteLP(). Referenced by lpBarrier(), lpDualSimplex(), lpPrimalSimplex(), and SCIPwriteLP().
writes MIP to a file writes MIP relaxation of the current B&B node to a file
Definition at line 18194 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Lp::flushed, SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Col::lppos, SCIP_Row::lppos, SCIP_Row::name, SCIP_Var::name, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Row::nlpcols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, REALABS, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Lp::rows, SCIP_ERROR, SCIP_FILECREATEERROR, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, SCIP_OBJSENSE_MINIMIZE, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(), SCIPmessagePrintWarning(), SCIPprintSysError(), SCIProwIsRemovable(), SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsnprintf(), SCIPvarIsIntegral(), SCIP_Col::ub, SCIP_Row::vals, and SCIP_Col::var. Referenced by SCIPwriteMIP(). recalculates Euclidean norm of objective function vector of column variables if it have gotten unreliable during calculation
Definition at line 19252 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, FALSE, MAX, SCIP_Lp::ncols, NULL, SCIP_Lp::objsqrnorm, SCIP_Lp::objsqrnormunreliable, and SCIPsetIsGE(). Referenced by SCIPgetObjNorm(), and SCIProwGetObjParallelism().
compute relative interior point compute relative interior point We use the approach of
to compute a relative interior point for the current LP. Assume the original LP looks as follows:
Note that bounds should be included in the system. To find an interior point the following LP does the job:
If the original LP is feasible, this LP is feasible as well. Any optimal solution yields the relative interior point
Definition at line 19490 of file lp.c. References BMSclearMemoryArray, SCIP_Row::cols, SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Row::constant, SCIP_Lp::cutoffbound, FALSE, getFiniteLooseObjval(), SCIP_Col::lb, SCIP_Row::lhs, SCIP_Lp::looseobjval, SCIP_Lp::looseobjvalinf, SCIP_Row::lpcolssorted, SCIP_Col::lppos, MAX, SCIP_Lp::ncols, SCIP_Row::nlpcols, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, REALABS, SCIP_Row::rhs, SCIP_Lp::rows, rowSortLP(), SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_LPPAR_DUALFEASTOL, SCIP_LPPAR_FEASTOL, SCIP_LPPAR_LPITLIM, SCIP_LPPAR_LPTILIM, SCIP_OBJSEN_MAXIMIZE, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_PARAMETERUNKNOWN, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPlpiAddCols(), SCIPlpiAddRows(), SCIPlpiCreate(), SCIPlpiFree(), SCIPlpiGetNCols(), SCIPlpiGetSol(), SCIPlpiInfinity(), SCIPlpiIsIterlimExc(), SCIPlpiIsOptimal(), SCIPlpiIsTimelimExc(), SCIPlpiSetIntpar(), SCIPlpiSetRealpar(), SCIPlpiSolveDual(), SCIPlpiWriteLP(), SCIPmessagePrintWarning(), SCIProwIsModifiable(), SCIPsetAllocBufferArray, SCIPsetDualfeastol(), SCIPsetFreeBufferArray, SCIPsetIsEQ(), SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(), SCIPsetIsFeasGE(), SCIPsetIsFeasGT(), SCIPsetIsFeasLT(), SCIPsetIsFeasZero(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetLpfeastol(), TRUE, SCIP_Col::ub, and SCIP_Row::vals. Referenced by SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint(). gets array with columns of the LP
Definition at line 19168 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, and NULL. Referenced by branchcandCalcLPCands(), forkFree(), SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint(), SCIPgetLPCols(), SCIPgetLPColsData(), and SCIPsolLinkLPSol().
gets current number of columns in LP
Definition at line 19178 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::ncols, and NULL. Referenced by branchcandCalcLPCands(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), focusnodeCleanupVars(), focusnodeToFork(), forkFree(), initLP(), probingnodeCreate(), probingnodeUpdate(), SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint(), SCIPgetLPColsData(), SCIPgetNLPCols(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPpricestoreApplyVars(), SCIPprobAllColsInLP(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), treeBacktrackProbing(), and undoBdchgsDualsol(). gets array with rows of the LP
Definition at line 19188 of file lp.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Lp::rows. Referenced by conflictAnalyzeLP(), forkFree(), SCIPgetLPRows(), SCIPgetLPRowsData(), undoBdchgsDualfarkas(), and undoBdchgsDualsol().
gets current number of rows in LP
Definition at line 19198 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::nrows, and NULL. Referenced by conflictAnalyzeLP(), focusnodeToFork(), forkFree(), initLP(), probingnodeCreate(), probingnodeUpdate(), SCIPgetLPRowsData(), SCIPgetNLPRows(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), treeBacktrackProbing(), undoBdchgsDualfarkas(), and undoBdchgsDualsol(). gets array with newly added columns after the last mark
Definition at line 19208 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::cols, SCIP_Lp::firstnewcol, SCIP_Lp::ncols, and NULL. Referenced by forkCreate(), and pseudoforkCreate().
gets number of newly added columns after the last mark
Definition at line 19219 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::firstnewcol, SCIP_Lp::ncols, and NULL. Referenced by focusnodeCleanupVars(), focusnodeToFork(), focusnodeToJunction(), forkCreate(), pseudoforkCreate(), and SCIPnodeFocus(). gets array with newly added rows after the last mark
Definition at line 19230 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, SCIP_Lp::nrows, NULL, and SCIP_Lp::rows. Referenced by forkCreate(), and pseudoforkCreate().
gets number of newly added rows after the last mark
Definition at line 19241 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::firstnewrow, SCIP_Lp::nrows, and NULL. Referenced by focusnodeToFork(), forkCreate(), pseudoforkCreate(), and SCIPnodeFocus(). gets Euclidean norm of objective function vector of column variables, only use this method if lp->objsqrnormunreliable == FALSE, so probably you have to call SCIPlpRecalculateObjSqrNorm before
Definition at line 19283 of file lp.c. References NULL, SCIP_Lp::objsqrnorm, and SCIP_Lp::objsqrnormunreliable. Referenced by SCIPgetObjNorm(). gets the objective value of the root node LP; returns SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved
Definition at line 19316 of file lp.c. References MIN, NULL, SCIP_Lp::rootlooseobjval, SCIP_Lp::rootlpobjval, and SCIP_INVALID. Referenced by SCIPgetLPRootObjval(). gets part of the objective value of the root node LP that results from COLUMN variables only; returns SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved
Definition at line 19328 of file lp.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Lp::rootlpobjval. Referenced by SCIPgetLPRootColumnObjval(). gets part of the objective value of the root node LP that results from LOOSE variables only; returns SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved
Definition at line 19340 of file lp.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Lp::rootlooseobjval. Referenced by SCIPgetLPRootLooseObjval(). gets the LP solver interface
Definition at line 19350 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::lpi, and NULL. Referenced by conflictAnalyzeLP(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeLP(), SCIPgetLPI(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPprintLPSolutionQuality(), solveNodeLP(), undoBdchgsDualfarkas(), and undoBdchgsDualsol(). sets whether the current lp is a relaxation of the current problem and its optimal objective value is a local lower bound sets whether the current LP is a relaxation of the current problem and its optimal objective value is a local lower bound
Definition at line 19360 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::isrelax, and NULL. Referenced by SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and solveProbingLP(). returns whether the current LP is a relaxation of the problem for which it has been solved and its solution value a valid local lower bound?
Definition at line 19373 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::isrelax, and NULL. Referenced by priceAndCutLoop(), propAndSolve(), SCIPendDive(), SCIPisLPRelax(), SCIPprobStoreRootSol(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), solveNodeInitialLP(), and updateEstimate(). returns whether the current LP is flushed and solved
Definition at line 19383 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::flushed, NULL, and SCIP_Lp::solved. Referenced by priceAndCutLoop(), SCIPendDive(), SCIPlinkLPSol(), SCIPsolCreateLPSol(), and SCIPsolLinkCurrentSol(). returns whether the current LP solution is a basic solution
Definition at line 19393 of file lp.c. References NULL, and SCIP_Lp::solisbasic. Referenced by SCIPgetLPBasisInd(), SCIPgetLPBInvACol(), SCIPgetLPBInvARow(), SCIPgetLPBInvCol(), SCIPgetLPBInvRow(), SCIPisLPSolBasic(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), and SCIPvarGetRedcost(). returns whether the LP is in diving mode
Definition at line 19403 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, and NULL. Referenced by computeLPBounds(), conflictAnalyzeBoundexceedingLP(), conflictAnalyzeInfeasibleLP(), SCIPaddRowDive(), SCIPchgCutoffboundDive(), SCIPchgRowLhs(), SCIPchgRowLhsDive(), SCIPchgRowRhs(), SCIPchgRowRhsDive(), SCIPchgVarLbDive(), SCIPchgVarObjDive(), SCIPchgVarUbDive(), SCIPendDive(), SCIPgetVarLbDive(), SCIPgetVarObjDive(), SCIPgetVarUbDive(), SCIPinDive(), SCIPprimalHeuristics(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), SCIPsolveDiveLP(), SCIPstartDive(), SCIPstartProbing(), SCIPstartStrongbranch(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPvarChgLbDive(), and SCIPvarChgUbDive(). returns whether the LP is in diving mode and the objective value of at least one column was changed
Definition at line 19413 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::divingobjchg, and NULL. Referenced by conflictAnalyzeBoundexceedingLP(), conflictAnalyzeInfeasibleLP(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), SCIPchgVarObjProbing(), SCIPlpSetCutoffbound(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), SCIPsolveDiveLP(), and SCIPtreeEndProbing().
marks the diving LP to have a changed objective function
Definition at line 19423 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::divingobjchg, NULL, SCIP_Lp::probing, and TRUE. Referenced by SCIPchgVarObjDive(), SCIPchgVarObjProbing(), and SCIPpropagateProbing().
marks the diving LP to not have a changed objective function anymore
Definition at line 19434 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::divingobjchg, FALSE, NULL, and SCIP_Lp::probing. Referenced by SCIPpropagateProbing(), and treeBacktrackProbing().
Definition at line 19445 of file lp.c. References SCIP_Lp::diving, SCIP_Lp::ndivechgsides, and NULL. Referenced by SCIPsolveDiveLP(). |