

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

tpi Directory Reference


file  def_openmp.h [code]
 wrappers for OpenMP defines
file  tpi.h [code]
 the type definitions for the SCIP parallel interface
file  tpi_none.c [code]
 the interface functions for dummy tpi
file  tpi_none.h [code]
 the dummy implementation defines all functions as macros
file  tpi_openmp.c [code]
 the interface functions for openmp
file  tpi_openmp.h [code]
 the tpi_openmp redefines the lock functionality and some condition functionality as macros
file  tpi_tnycthrd.c [code]
 a TPI implementation using tinycthreads
file  tpi_tnycthrd.h [code]
 the tinycthreads implementation defines the lock and condition functionality as macros
file  type_tpi.h [code]
 the type definitions for the task processing interface
file  type_tpi_none.h [code]
 the type definitions for the the locks and condition variables for the dummy implementation of the TPI
file  type_tpi_openmp.h [code]
 the type definitions for the the locks and condition variables for the OpenMP implementation of the TPI
file  type_tpi_tnycthrd.h [code]
 the type definitions for the the locks and condition variables for the tinycthreads implementation of the TPI