

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

nlpi Directory Reference


file  expr.c [code]
 methods for expressions, expression trees, expression graphs, and related
file  exprinterpret.h [code]
 methods to interpret (evaluate) an expression tree "fast"
file  exprinterpret_cppad.cpp [code]
 methods to interpret (evaluate) an expression tree "fast" using CppAD
file  exprinterpret_none.c [code]
 function definitions for nonexisting expression interpreter to resolve linking references
file  intervalarithext.cpp [code]
 C++ extensions to interval arithmetics for provable bounds.
file  intervalarithext.h [code]
 C++ extensions to interval arithmetics for provable bounds.
file  nlpi.c [code]
 methods for handling nlp interface
file  nlpi.h [code]
 internal methods for NLPI solver interfaces
file  nlpi_all.c [code]
 NLP interface that uses all available NLP interfaces.
file  nlpi_all.h [code]
 ALL NLP interface.
file  nlpi_filtersqp.c [code]
 filterSQP NLP interface
file  nlpi_filtersqp.h [code]
 filterSQP NLP interface
file  nlpi_filtersqp_dummy.c [code]
 dummy filterSQP NLP interface for the case that FilterSQP is not available
file  nlpi_ipopt.cpp [code]
 Ipopt NLP interface.
file  nlpi_ipopt.h [code]
 Ipopt NLP interface.
file  nlpi_ipopt_dummy.c [code]
 dummy Ipopt NLP interface for the case that Ipopt is not available
file  nlpi_worhp.c [code]
 Worhp NLP interface.
file  nlpi_worhp.h [code]
 Worhp NLP interface.
file  nlpi_worhp_dummy.c [code]
 dummy WORHP NLP interface
file  nlpioracle.c [code]
 implementation of NLPI oracle interface
file  nlpioracle.h [code]
 methods to store an NLP and request function, gradient, and hessian values
file  pub_expr.h [code]
 public methods for expressions, expression trees, expression graphs, and related stuff
file  struct_expr.h [code]
 data definitions for expressions and expression trees
file  struct_nlpi.h [code]
 data definitions for an NLP solver interface
file  type_expr.h [code]
 type definitions for expressions and expression trees
file  type_exprinterpret.h [code]
 type definitions for expression interpreter
file  type_nlpi.h [code]
 type definitions for specific NLP solver interfaces