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Solving Constraint Integer Programs

SCIP_ConflictStore Struct Reference

Detailed Description

storage for conflicts

Definition at line 36 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

#include <struct_conflictstore.h>

Data Fields

SCIP_CONS ** conflicts
SCIP_CONS ** dualrayconfs
SCIP_CONS ** dualsolconfs
SCIP_CONS ** origconfs
SCIP_Real avgswitchlength
SCIP_Real lastcutoffbound
SCIP_Longint lastnodenum
SCIP_Longint ncleanups
SCIP_Longint nnzdualrays
SCIP_Longint nnzdualsols
int conflictsize
int origconflictsize
int nconflicts
int ndualrayconfs
int ndualsolconfs
int norigconfs
int ncbconflicts
int nconflictsfound
int cleanupfreq
int nswitches
int initstoresize
int storesize
int maxstoresize

Field Documentation

◆ eventhdlr

SCIP_EVENTHDLR* SCIP_ConflictStore::eventhdlr

event handler to catch improving solutions

Definition at line 38 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

◆ conflicts

◆ dualrayconfs

SCIP_CONS** SCIP_ConflictStore::dualrayconfs

array with proofs based on dual rays

Definition at line 40 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by cleanDeletedDualrayCons(), delPosDualray(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualraycons(), and SCIPconflictstoreClear().

◆ dualsolconfs

SCIP_CONS** SCIP_ConflictStore::dualsolconfs

◆ origconfs

SCIP_CONS** SCIP_ConflictStore::origconfs

array of original conflicts added in stage SCIP_STAGE_PROBLEM

Definition at line 42 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreAddOrigConflict(), SCIPconflictstoreClear(), and SCIPconflictstoreTransform().

◆ confprimalbnds

SCIP_Real* SCIP_ConflictStore::confprimalbnds

array of primal bounds valid at the time the corresponding bound exceeding conflict was found (-infinity if the conflict based on an infeasible LP)

Definition at line 43 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), conflictstoreEnsureMem(), delPosConflict(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), and SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent().

◆ dualprimalbnds

SCIP_Real* SCIP_ConflictStore::dualprimalbnds

array of primal bounds valid at the time the corresponding dual proof based on a dual solution was found

Definition at line 45 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by delPosDualsol(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), and SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent().

◆ scalefactors

SCIP_Real* SCIP_ConflictStore::scalefactors

scaling factor that needs to be considered when updating the side

Definition at line 47 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by delPosDualsol(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), and SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent().

◆ updateside

SCIP_Bool* SCIP_ConflictStore::updateside

array to store whether the side should be updated whenever a new incumbent is found

Definition at line 48 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by delPosDualsol(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), SCIPconflictstoreClean(), and SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent().

◆ avgswitchlength

SCIP_Real SCIP_ConflictStore::avgswitchlength

average length of switched paths

Definition at line 49 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

◆ lastcutoffbound

SCIP_Real SCIP_ConflictStore::lastcutoffbound

last cutoff bound for which the conflict store was cleaned

Definition at line 50 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent().

◆ lastnodenum

SCIP_Longint SCIP_ConflictStore::lastnodenum

number of the last seen node

Definition at line 51 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict().

◆ ncleanups

SCIP_Longint SCIP_ConflictStore::ncleanups

number of storage cleanups

Definition at line 52 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreCleanUpStorage().

◆ nnzdualrays

SCIP_Longint SCIP_ConflictStore::nnzdualrays

number of non-zeros in all stored proofs based on dual rays

Definition at line 53 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by delPosDualray(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualraycons(), and SCIPconflictstoreGetAvgNnzDualInfProofs().

◆ nnzdualsols

SCIP_Longint SCIP_ConflictStore::nnzdualsols

number of non-zeros in all stored proofs based on dual solutions

Definition at line 54 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by delPosDualsol(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), and SCIPconflictstoreGetAvgNnzDualBndProofs().

◆ conflictsize

int SCIP_ConflictStore::conflictsize

size of conflict array (bounded by conflict->maxpoolsize)

Definition at line 55 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), conflictstoreEnsureMem(), and SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict().

◆ origconflictsize

int SCIP_ConflictStore::origconflictsize

size of origconfs array

Definition at line 56 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreAddOrigConflict().

◆ nconflicts

◆ ndualrayconfs

◆ ndualsolconfs

◆ norigconfs

int SCIP_ConflictStore::norigconfs

◆ ncbconflicts

int SCIP_ConflictStore::ncbconflicts

number of conflicts depending on cutoff bound

Definition at line 61 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), delPosConflict(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), and SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent().

◆ nconflictsfound

int SCIP_ConflictStore::nconflictsfound

total number of conflicts found so far

Definition at line 62 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict().

◆ cleanupfreq

int SCIP_ConflictStore::cleanupfreq

frequency to cleanup the storage if the storage is not full

Definition at line 63 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

◆ nswitches

int SCIP_ConflictStore::nswitches

number of path switches

Definition at line 64 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

◆ initstoresize

int SCIP_ConflictStore::initstoresize

initial size of the storage (different to maxstoresize iff dynamic)

Definition at line 65 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), initConflictstore(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), and SCIPconflictstoreGetInitPoolSize().

◆ storesize

int SCIP_ConflictStore::storesize

current size of the storage (different to maxstoresize iff dynamic)

Definition at line 66 of file struct_conflictstore.h.

Referenced by adjustStorageSize(), conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), conflictstoreEnsureMem(), initConflictstore(), and SCIPconflictstoreGetMaxPoolSize().

◆ maxstoresize

int SCIP_ConflictStore::maxstoresize