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Solving Constraint Integer Programs

intervalarith.h File Reference

Detailed Description

interval arithmetics for provable bounds

Tobias Achterberg
Stefan Vigerske
Kati Wolter

Definition in file intervalarith.h.

#include "scip/def.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  SCIP_Interval


typedef struct SCIP_Interval SCIP_INTERVAL
typedef int SCIP_ROUNDMODE


SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalHasRoundingControl (void)
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode (SCIP_ROUNDMODE roundmode)
SCIP_ROUNDMODE SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode (void)
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeDownwards (void)
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeUpwards (void)
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeToNearest (void)
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeTowardsZero (void)
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalNegateReal (SCIP_Real x)
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalGetInf (SCIP_INTERVAL interval)
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalGetSup (SCIP_INTERVAL interval)
void SCIPintervalSet (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real value)
void SCIPintervalSetBounds (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real inf, SCIP_Real sup)
void SCIPintervalSetEmpty (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsEmpty (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalSetEntire (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsEntire (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsPositiveInfinity (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsNegativeInfinity (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsSubsetEQ (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalAreDisjoint (SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalIntersect (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalUnify (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalAddInf (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalAddSup (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalAdd (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalAddScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalAddVectors (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand2)
void SCIPintervalSub (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalSubScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalMulInf (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalMulSup (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalMul (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalMulScalarInf (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalMulScalarSup (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalMulScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalDiv (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalDivScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalScalprod (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand2)
void SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_Real *operand2)
void SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_Real *operand2)
void SCIPintervalScalprodScalars (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_Real *operand2)
void SCIPintervalSquare (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalSquareRoot (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalPower (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalPowerScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalPowerScalarScalar (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf (SCIP_Real operand1, int operand2)
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup (SCIP_Real operand1, int operand2)
void SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger (SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real operand1, int operand2)
void SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL basedomain, SCIP_Real exponent, SCIP_INTERVAL image)
void SCIPintervalSignPowerScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
void SCIPintervalReciprocal (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalExp (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalLog (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalMin (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalMax (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
void SCIPintervalAbs (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalSin (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalCos (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
void SCIPintervalSign (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_Real a, SCIP_INTERVAL b_, SCIP_INTERVAL x)
void SCIPintervalQuad (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL xrng)
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real sqrcoeff, SCIP_Real lincoeff, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
void SCIPintervalQuadBivar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real ax, SCIP_Real ay, SCIP_Real axy, SCIP_Real bx, SCIP_Real by, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds, SCIP_INTERVAL ybnds)
void SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar (SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real ax, SCIP_Real ay, SCIP_Real axy, SCIP_Real bx, SCIP_Real by, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds, SCIP_INTERVAL ybnds)

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct SCIP_Interval SCIP_INTERVAL

Definition at line 42 of file intervalarith.h.


typedef int SCIP_ROUNDMODE

rounding mode of floating point operations (upwards, downwards, nearest, ...) exact values depend on machine and compiler, so we define a corresponding enum in the header file

Definition at line 46 of file intervalarith.h.

Function Documentation

◆ SCIPintervalHasRoundingControl()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalHasRoundingControl ( void  )

returns whether rounding mode control is available

Definition at line 183 of file intervalarith.c.

References FALSE.

Referenced by SCIPfindSimpleRational().

◆ SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode()

◆ SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode()

◆ SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeDownwards()

◆ SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeUpwards()

void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeUpwards ( void  )

◆ SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeToNearest()

void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeToNearest ( void  )

sets rounding mode of floating point operations to nearest rounding

Definition at line 286 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, and SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode().

◆ SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeTowardsZero()

void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeTowardsZero ( void  )

sets rounding mode of floating point operations to towards zero rounding

Definition at line 294 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_ROUND_ZERO, and SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode().

◆ SCIPintervalNegateReal()

SCIP_Real SCIPintervalNegateReal ( SCIP_Real  x)

negates a number in a way that the compiler does not optimize it away

xnumber to negate

Definition at line 302 of file intervalarith.c.

References negate().

Referenced by consdataUpdateLinearActivityLbChange(), consdataUpdateLinearActivityUbChange(), exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), propagateBoundsCons(), and propagateConstraintSides().

◆ SCIPintervalGetInf()

◆ SCIPintervalGetSup()

◆ SCIPintervalSet()

◆ SCIPintervalSetBounds()

◆ SCIPintervalSetEmpty()

◆ SCIPintervalIsEmpty()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsEmpty ( SCIP_Real  infinity,

indicates whether interval is empty, i.e., whether inf > sup

infinityvalue for infinity
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 384 of file intervalarith.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_Interval::inf, and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by computeBoundsX(), computeBoundsZ(), enforceViolatedFixedNonlinear(), exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), exprgraphNodeUpdateBounds(), propagateBounds(), propagateBoundsBilinearTerm(), propagateBoundsCons(), propagateBoundsGetQuadActivity(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), propagateBoundsTightenVar(), reformEnsureChildrenMinCurvature(), reformMonomial(), reformulate(), replaceViolatedByLinearConstraints(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), SCIPexprgraphCheckCurvature(), SCIPexprgraphGetNodePolynomialMonomialCurvature(), SCIPexprgraphPropagateVarBounds(), SCIPexprgraphTightenNodeBounds(), SCIPexprgraphUpdateNodeBoundsCurvature(), SCIPintervalAbs(), SCIPintervalAdd(), SCIPintervalAddScalar(), SCIPintervalCos(), SCIPintervalDiv(), SCIPintervalDivScalar(), SCIPintervalExp(), SCIPintervalLog(), SCIPintervalMax(), SCIPintervalMin(), SCIPintervalMul(), SCIPintervalMulInf(), SCIPintervalMulScalar(), SCIPintervalMulScalarInf(), SCIPintervalMulScalarSup(), SCIPintervalMulSup(), SCIPintervalPower(), SCIPintervalPowerScalar(), SCIPintervalQuad(), SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(), SCIPintervalReciprocal(), SCIPintervalSign(), SCIPintervalSignPowerScalar(), SCIPintervalSin(), SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression(), SCIPintervalSquare(), SCIPintervalSquareRoot(), and SCIPintervalSub().

◆ SCIPintervalSetEntire()

◆ SCIPintervalIsEntire()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsEntire ( SCIP_Real  infinity,

indicates whether interval is entire, i.e., whether inf <= -infinity and sup >= infinity

infinityvalue for infinity
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 408 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), nlrowCalcActivityBounds(), propagateBoundsBilinearTerm(), propagateBoundsCons(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), and SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL().

◆ SCIPintervalIsPositiveInfinity()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsPositiveInfinity ( SCIP_Real  infinity,

indicates whether interval is positive infinity, i.e., [infinity, infinity]

infinityvalue for infinity
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 417 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by propagateBoundsTightenVar().

◆ SCIPintervalIsNegativeInfinity()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsNegativeInfinity ( SCIP_Real  infinity,

indicates whether interval is negative infinity, i.e., [-infinity, -infinity]

infinityvalue for infinity
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 426 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by propagateBoundsTightenVar().

◆ SCIPintervalIsSubsetEQ()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsSubsetEQ ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

indicates whether operand1 is contained in operand2

infinityvalue for infinity
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 435 of file intervalarith.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_Interval::inf, MAX, MIN, SCIP_Interval::sup, and TRUE.

Referenced by propagateBoundsCons().

◆ SCIPintervalAreDisjoint()

SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalAreDisjoint ( SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

indicates whether operand1 and operand2 are disjoint

operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 454 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by propagateBoundsCons().

◆ SCIPintervalIntersect()

void SCIPintervalIntersect ( SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

◆ SCIPintervalUnify()

void SCIPintervalUnify ( SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

interval enclosure of the union of two intervals

resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 476 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, MAX, MIN, NULL, and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse(), SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), and SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression().

◆ SCIPintervalAddInf()

void SCIPintervalAddInf ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

adds operand1 and operand2 and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 503 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, and SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode().

Referenced by SCIPintervalAdd(), SCIPintervalAddVectors(), SCIPintervalScalprod(), and SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf().

◆ SCIPintervalAddSup()

void SCIPintervalAddSup ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

adds operand1 and operand2 and stores supremum of result in supremum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 530 of file intervalarith.c.

References infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalAdd(), SCIPintervalAddVectors(), SCIPintervalScalprod(), and SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup().

◆ SCIPintervalAdd()

void SCIPintervalAdd ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

◆ SCIPintervalAddScalar()

void SCIPintervalAddScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

adds operand1 and scalar operand2 and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 584 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), propagateBounds(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), SCIPintervalQuadBivar(), SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), and SCIPintervalSubScalar().

◆ SCIPintervalAddVectors()

void SCIPintervalAddVectors ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
int  length,

adds vector operand1 and vector operand2 and stores result in vector resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantarray of resultant intervals of operation
lengthlength of arrays
operand1array of first operands of operation
operand2array of second operands of operation

Definition at line 634 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalAddInf(), SCIPintervalAddSup(), SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), and SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode().

◆ SCIPintervalSub()

void SCIPintervalSub ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

subtracts operand2 from operand1 and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 664 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), lpUpdateVarColumnProved(), lpUpdateVarProved(), operator-(), propagateBounds(), propagateBoundsCons(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), provedBound(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), and SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval().

◆ SCIPintervalSubScalar()

void SCIPintervalSubScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

subtracts scalar operand2 from operand1 and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 712 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIPintervalAddScalar().

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), and propagateBounds().

◆ SCIPintervalMulInf()

void SCIPintervalMulInf ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

multiplies operand1 with operand2 and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation; can be +/-inf
operand2second operand of operation; can be +/-inf

Definition at line 723 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MIN, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalMulScalarInf(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by propagateBoundsCons(), SCIPintervalMul(), and SCIPintervalScalprod().

◆ SCIPintervalMulSup()

void SCIPintervalMulSup ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

multiplies operand1 with operand2 and stores supremum of result in supremum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation; can be +/-inf
operand2second operand of operation; can be +/-inf

Definition at line 783 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalMulScalarSup(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by propagateBoundsCons(), SCIPintervalMul(), and SCIPintervalScalprod().

◆ SCIPintervalMul()

void SCIPintervalMul ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

multiplies operand1 with operand2 and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation; can be +/-inf
operand2second operand of operation; can be +/-inf

Definition at line 843 of file intervalarith.c.

References NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalMulInf(), SCIPintervalMulSup(), and SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode().

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), lpUpdateVarColumnProved(), lpUpdateVarLooseProved(), lpUpdateVarProved(), operator*(), provedBound(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), SCIPintervalDiv(), SCIPintervalPower(), SCIPintervalQuad(), and SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval().

◆ SCIPintervalMulScalarInf()

void SCIPintervalMulScalarInf ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

multiplies operand1 with scalar operand2 and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation; can be +/- inf

Definition at line 870 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalMulInf(), SCIPintervalMulScalar(), and SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf().

◆ SCIPintervalMulScalarSup()

void SCIPintervalMulScalarSup ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

multiplies operand1 with scalar operand2 and stores supremum of result in supremum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation; can be +/- inf

Definition at line 926 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalMulScalar(), SCIPintervalMulSup(), and SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup().

◆ SCIPintervalMulScalar()

void SCIPintervalMulScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

◆ SCIPintervalDiv()

void SCIPintervalDiv ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

divides operand1 by operand2 and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1008 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalMul(), SCIPintervalSet(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), operator/(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression().

◆ SCIPintervalDivScalar()

void SCIPintervalDivScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

divides operand1 by scalar operand2 and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1062 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by presolveTryAddLinearReform(), propagateBounds(), and propagateBoundsCons().

◆ SCIPintervalScalprod()

void SCIPintervalScalprod ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
int  length,

computes the scalar product of two vectors of intervals and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
lengthlength of vectors
operand1first vector as array of intervals; can have +/-inf entries
operand2second vector as array of intervals; can have +/-inf entries

Definition at line 1165 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalAddInf(), SCIPintervalAddSup(), SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalMulInf(), SCIPintervalMulSup(), SCIPintervalSetEntire(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

◆ SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf()

void SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
int  length,
SCIP_Real operand2 

computes the scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant

computes scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
lengthlength of vectors
operand1first vector as array of intervals
operand2second vector as array of scalars; can have +/-inf entries

Definition at line 1207 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIPintervalAddInf(), SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalMulScalarInf(), SCIPintervalSetEntire(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalScalprodScalars().

◆ SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup()

void SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
int  length,
SCIP_Real operand2 

computes the scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores supremum of result in supremum of resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
lengthlength of vectors
operand1first vector as array of intervals
operand2second vector as array of scalars; can have +/-inf entries

Definition at line 1235 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalAddSup(), SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalMulScalarSup(), SCIPintervalSetEntire(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalScalprodScalars().

◆ SCIPintervalScalprodScalars()

void SCIPintervalScalprodScalars ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
int  length,
SCIP_Real operand2 

computes the scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
lengthlength of vectors
operand1first vector as array of intervals
operand2second vector as array of scalars; can have +/-inf entries

Definition at line 1261 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf(), SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.


◆ SCIPintervalSquare()

void SCIPintervalSquare ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

squares operand and stores result in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 1289 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), SCIP_Interval::sup, x, and y.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), propagateBounds(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and square().

◆ SCIPintervalSquareRoot()

void SCIPintervalSquareRoot ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores (positive part of) square root of operand in resultant

we assume a correctly rounded sqrt(double) function when rounding is to nearest
infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 1361 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPnextafter(), sqrt(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), propagateBounds(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and sqrt().

◆ SCIPintervalPower()

void SCIPintervalPower ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

stores operand1 to the power of operand2 in resultant

uses SCIPintervalPowerScalar if operand2 is a scalar, otherwise computes exp(op2*log(op1))

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1422 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, NULL, SCIPintervalExp(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalLog(), SCIPintervalMul(), SCIPintervalPowerScalar(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by pow(), and SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse().

◆ SCIPintervalPowerScalar()

void SCIPintervalPowerScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

stores operand1 to the power of the scalar operand2 in resultant

stores operand1 to the power of the scalar operand2 in resultant

we assume a correctly rounded pow(double) function when rounding is to nearest
infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1745 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, NULL, pow(), SCIP_Bool, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf(), SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPnextafter(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), pow(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and SCIPintervalPower().

◆ SCIPintervalPowerScalarScalar()

void SCIPintervalPowerScalarScalar ( SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_Real  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

stores bounds on the power of a scalar operand1 to a scalar operand2 in resultant both operands need to be finite numbers need to have operand1 >= 0 or operand2 integer and need to have operand2 >= 0 if operand1 == 0

we assume a correctly rounded pow(double) function when rounding is to nearest
resultantresultant of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1702 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, NULL, pow(), SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalSet(), SCIPnextafter(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

◆ SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf()

SCIP_Real SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf ( SCIP_Real  operand1,
int  operand2 

computes lower bound on power of a scalar operand1 to an integer operand2 both operands need to be finite numbers need to have operand1 >= 0 and need to have operand2 >= 0 if operand1 == 0

operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1455 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Real, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPintervalPowerScalar(), and SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup().

◆ SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup()

SCIP_Real SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup ( SCIP_Real  operand1,
int  operand2 

computes upper bound on power of a scalar operand1 to an integer operand2 both operands need to be finite numbers need to have operand1 >= 0 and need to have operand2 >= 0 if operand1 == 0

operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1537 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Real, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPintervalPowerScalar(), and SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf().

◆ SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger()

void SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger ( SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_Real  operand1,
int  operand2 

computes bounds on power of a scalar operand1 to an integer operand2 both operands need to be finite numbers need to have operand1 >= 0 and need to have operand2 >= 0 if operand1 == 0

resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 1611 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, negate(), SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger(), SCIPintervalReciprocal(), SCIPintervalSet(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), SCIP_Interval::sup, and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger().

◆ SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse()

void SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  basedomain,
SCIP_Real  exponent,

given an interval for the image of a power operation, computes an interval for the origin that is, for y = x^p with p = exponent a given scalar and y = image a given interval, computes a subinterval x of basedomain such that y in x^p and such that for all z in basedomain less x, z^p not in y

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
basedomaindomain of base
imageinterval image of power

Definition at line 1993 of file intervalarith.c.

References EPSISINT, SCIP_Interval::inf, MAX, MIN, NULL, SCIPintervalIntersect(), SCIPintervalPower(), SCIPintervalReciprocal(), SCIPintervalSetBounds(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPintervalUnify(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds().

◆ SCIPintervalSignPowerScalar()

void SCIPintervalSignPowerScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_Real  operand2 

stores operand1 to the signed power of the scalar positive operand2 in resultant

the signed power of x w.r.t. an exponent n >= 0 is given as sign(x) * abs(x)^n

we assume correctly rounded sqrt(double) and pow(double) functions when rounding is to nearest
infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 2074 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, negate(), NULL, pow(), SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), SCIPnextafter(), sqrt(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and signpow().

◆ SCIPintervalReciprocal()

void SCIPintervalReciprocal ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

computes the reciprocal of an interval

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2246 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger(), and SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse().

◆ SCIPintervalExp()

void SCIPintervalExp ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores exponential of operand in resultant

we assume a correctly rounded exp(double) function when rounding is to nearest
infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2319 of file intervalarith.c.

References exp(), SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPnextafter(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exp(), exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and SCIPintervalPower().

◆ SCIPintervalLog()

void SCIPintervalLog ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores natural logarithm of operand in resultant

we assume a correctly rounded log(double) function when rounding is to nearest
infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2403 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, log(), NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPnextafter(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), log(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and SCIPintervalPower().

◆ SCIPintervalMin()

void SCIPintervalMin ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

stores minimum of operands in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 2471 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, MIN, NULL, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.


◆ SCIPintervalMax()

void SCIPintervalMax ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand1,
SCIP_INTERVAL  operand2 

stores maximum of operands in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operand1first operand of operation
operand2second operand of operation

Definition at line 2487 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, MAX, NULL, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.


◆ SCIPintervalAbs()

void SCIPintervalAbs ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores absolute value of operand in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2503 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, MAX, NULL, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by abs(), fabs(), and SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL().

◆ SCIPintervalSin()

void SCIPintervalSin ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores sine value of operand in resultant NOTE: the operations are not applied rounding-safe here

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2531 of file intervalarith.c.

References a, b, SCIP_Interval::inf, M_PI, MAX, MIN, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetBounds(), sin(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and sin().

◆ SCIPintervalCos()

void SCIPintervalCos ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores cosine value of operand in resultant NOTE: the operations are not applied rounding-safe here

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2617 of file intervalarith.c.

References a, b, cos(), SCIP_Interval::inf, M_PI, MAX, MIN, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetBounds(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by cos(), and SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL().

◆ SCIPintervalSign()

void SCIPintervalSign ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,

stores sign of operand in resultant

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
operandoperand of operation

Definition at line 2701 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, NULL, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), and sign().

◆ SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound()

SCIP_Real SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_Real  a,

computes exact upper bound on a x^2 + b x for x in [xlb, xub], b an interval, and a scalar

Uses Algorithm 2.2 from Domes and Neumaier: Constraint propagation on quadratic constraints (2008)

infinityvalue for infinity
acoefficient of x^2
b_coefficient of x
xrange of x

Definition at line 2730 of file intervalarith.c.

References b, SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, negate(), SCIP_Real, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), SCIP_Interval::sup, and x.

Referenced by propagateBoundsGetQuadActivity(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), SCIPintervalQuad(), SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(), and SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar().

◆ SCIPintervalQuad()

void SCIPintervalQuad ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_Real  sqrcoeff,
SCIP_INTERVAL  lincoeff,

stores range of quadratic term in resultant

given scalar a and intervals b and x, computes interval for a x^2 + b x

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
sqrcoeffcoefficient of x^2
lincoeffcoefficient of x
xrngrange of x

Definition at line 2825 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, SCIP_Real, SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalMul(), SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by nlrowCalcActivityBounds(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), SCIP_DECL_EXPRINTEVAL(), SCIPintervalQuadBivar(), and SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar().

◆ SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive()

void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  sqrcoeff,
SCIP_INTERVAL  lincoeff,

computes interval with positive solutions of a quadratic equation with interval coefficients

Given intervals a, b, and c, this function computes an interval that contains all positive solutions of a x^2 + b x \in c within xbnds.

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
sqrcoeffcoefficient of x^2
lincoeffcoefficient of x
rhsright hand side of equation
xbndsbounds on x

Definition at line 2860 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, NULL, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPdebugPrintf, SCIPintervalIntersect(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression(), and SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative().

◆ SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative()

void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  sqrcoeff,
SCIP_INTERVAL  lincoeff,

computes interval with negative solutions of a quadratic equation with interval coefficients

Given intervals a, b, and c, this function computes an interval that contains all negative solutions of a x^2 + b x \in c within xbnds.

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
sqrcoeffcoefficient of x^2
lincoeffcoefficient of x
rhsright hand side of equation
xbndsbounds on x

Definition at line 2907 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, SCIP_Real, SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), and SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression().

◆ SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar()

void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_Real  sqrcoeff,
SCIP_Real  lincoeff,
SCIP_Real  rhs,

computes positive solutions of a quadratic equation with scalar coefficients

Given scalar a, b, and c, this function computes an interval that contains all positive solutions of a x^2 + b x \geq c within xbnds. Implements Algorithm 3.2 from Domes and Neumaier: Constraint propagation on quadratic constraints (2008).

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
sqrcoeffcoefficient of x^2
lincoeffcoefficient of x
rhsright hand side of equation
xbndsbounds on x

Definition at line 2943 of file intervalarith.c.

References b, SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, negate(), NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_REAL_MAX, SCIP_REAL_MIN, SCIP_ROUND_DOWNWARDS, SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST, SCIP_ROUND_UPWARDS, SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(), SCIPintervalIntersect(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(), SCIPnextafter(), sqrt(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive().

◆ SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression()

void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_INTERVAL  sqrcoeff,
SCIP_INTERVAL  lincoeff,

solves a quadratic equation with interval coefficients

Given intervals a, b and c, this function computes an interval that contains all solutions of a x^2 + b x \in c within xbnds

infinityvalue for infinity
resultantresultant interval of operation
sqrcoeffcoefficient of x^2
lincoeffcoefficient of x
rhsright hand side of equation
xbndsbounds on x

Definition at line 3147 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, MAX, MIN, NULL, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPintervalDiv(), SCIPintervalGetInf(), SCIPintervalGetSup(), SCIPintervalIntersect(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(), SCIPintervalUnify(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), propagateBoundsQuadVar(), and SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar().

◆ SCIPintervalQuadBivar()

void SCIPintervalQuadBivar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_Real  ax,
SCIP_Real  ay,
SCIP_Real  axy,
SCIP_Real  bx,
SCIP_Real  by,

stores range of bivariate quadratic term in resultant given scalars ax, ay, axy, bx, and by and intervals for x and y, computes interval for ax x^2 + ay y^2 + axy x y + bx x + by y NOTE: the operations are not applied rounding-safe here

infinityvalue for infinity in interval arithmetics
resultantbuffer where to store result of operation
axsquare coefficient of x
aysquare coefficient of y
axybilinear coefficients
bxlinear coefficient of x
bylinear coefficient of y
xbndsbounds on x
ybndsbounds on y

Definition at line 3210 of file intervalarith.c.

References SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, MIN, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMessage, SCIPintervalAdd(), SCIPintervalAddScalar(), SCIPintervalQuad(), SCIPintervalSet(), SCIPintervalSetBounds(), SCIP_Interval::sup, x, and y.


◆ SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar()

void SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar ( SCIP_Real  infinity,
SCIP_INTERVAL resultant,
SCIP_Real  ax,
SCIP_Real  ay,
SCIP_Real  axy,
SCIP_Real  bx,
SCIP_Real  by,

solves a bivariate quadratic equation for the first variable given scalars ax, ay, axy, bx and by, and intervals for x, y, and rhs, computes \{ x \in \mathbf{x} : \exists y \in \mathbf{y} : a_x x^2 + a_y y^2 + a_{xy} x y + b_x x + b_y y \in \mathbf{\mbox{rhs}} \} NOTE: the operations are not applied rounding-safe here

infinityvalue for infinity in interval arithmetics
resultantbuffer where to store result of operation
axsquare coefficient of x
aysquare coefficient of y
axybilinear coefficients
bxlinear coefficient of x
bylinear coefficient of y
rhsright-hand-side of equation
xbndsbounds on x
ybndsbounds on y

Definition at line 3469 of file intervalarith.c.

References b, CALCB, CALCR, EPSGE, EPSGT, EPSLE, EPSLT, EPSN, EPSZ, SCIP_Interval::inf, infinity, MAX, MIN, NULL, REALABS, SCIP_Real, SCIPintervalAddScalar(), SCIPintervalIntersect(), SCIPintervalIsEmpty(), SCIPintervalMulScalar(), SCIPintervalQuad(), SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(), SCIPintervalSet(), SCIPintervalSetBounds(), SCIPintervalSetEmpty(), SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative(), SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(), SCIPintervalSub(), SCIPintervalUnify(), sqrt(), and SCIP_Interval::sup.

Referenced by exprgraphNodePropagateBounds(), propagateBoundsBilinearTerm(), and SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar().