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28 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
52 SCIP_REGRESSION* regressioncandsobjval;/**< linear regression of pairs (nbranchcands, lpobjval) for every node */
55 SCIP_Longint nrootfirstlpiterations;/**< number of LP iterations for first LP solved at the root node */
60 SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelpiterations; /**< number of primal LP iterations with advanced start basis */
61 SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelpiterations; /**< number of dual LP iterations with advanced start basis */
62 SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelpiterations; /**< number of lexicographic dual LP iterations with advanced start basis */
63 SCIP_Longint nnodelpiterations; /**< number of iterations for totally solving node relaxations */
64 SCIP_Longint ninitlpiterations; /**< number of iterations for solving nodes' initial relaxations */
67 SCIP_Longint nsbdivinglpiterations;/**< number of iterations in probing mode for strong branching */
69 SCIP_Longint nrootsblpiterations;/**< number of simplex iterations used in strong branching at the root node */
70 SCIP_Longint nconflictlpiterations;/**< number of simplex iterations used in conflict analysis */
72 SCIP_Longint nresolveinstablelpiters; /**< number of simplex iterations used for resolving instable LPs */
74 SCIP_Longint ninternalnodes; /**< number of nodes processed in current run where a branching was performed */
76 SCIP_Longint nfeasleaves; /**< number of leaf nodes processed with feasible relaxation solution */
78 SCIP_Longint ntotalnodes; /**< total number of nodes processed in all runs (including focus node) */
79 SCIP_Longint ntotalinternalnodes;/**< total number of nodes processed in all runs where a branching was performed */
80 SCIP_Longint ntotalnodesmerged; /**< total number of nodes added ot the statistics of the main SCIP so far (see SCIPmergeStatistics) */
85 SCIP_Longint nearlybacktracks; /**< counter for early switches (if children dual bound is below reference value) */
86 SCIP_Longint nnodesaboverefbound;/**< counter for the number of focus nodes exceeding the reference bound */
88 SCIP_Longint ndelayedcutoffs; /**< number of times, the selected node was from a cut off subtree */
95 SCIP_Longint nsbsolsfound; /**< number of CIP-feasible solutions found during strong branching so far */
97 SCIP_Longint nrelaxbestsolsfound;/**< number of new best CIP-feasible relaxation solutions found so far */
98 SCIP_Longint npsbestsolsfound; /**< number of new best CIP-feasible pseudo solutions found so far */
99 SCIP_Longint nsbbestsolsfound; /**< number of new best CIP-feasible solutions found during strong branching so far */
100 SCIP_Longint nexternalsolsfound; /**< number of externally given CIP-feasible solutions (or new solutions found when transforming old ones) */
108 SCIP_Longint nprobboundchgs; /**< total number of bound changes generated in the tree during probing */
109 SCIP_Longint nprobholechgs; /**< total number of hole changes generated in the tree during probing */
110 SCIP_Longint nsbdowndomchgs; /**< total number of domain changes generated at down children during strong branching */
111 SCIP_Longint nsbupdomchgs; /**< total number of domain changes generated at up children during strong branching */
112 SCIP_Longint nsbtimesiterlimhit; /**< total number of times that the strong branching iteration limit was hit */
114 SCIP_Longint ninitconssadded; /**< total number of initial constraints added during the solve */
118 SCIP_Real firstlpdualbound; /**< dual bound of root node computed by first LP solve (without cuts) */
135 SCIP_Real lastprimalbound; /**< last (non-infinite) primal bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
136 SCIP_Real lastdualbound; /**< last (non-infinite) dual bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
137 SCIP_Real lastlowerbound; /**< last lower bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
138 SCIP_Real lastupperbound; /**< last upper bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
139 SCIP_Real rootlpbestestimate; /**< best-estimate for final root LP solution that changes with every pseudo-cost update */
144 SCIP_CLOCK* solvingtime; /**< total time used for solving (including presolving) the current problem */
145 SCIP_CLOCK* solvingtimeoverall; /**< total time used for solving (including presolving) during reoptimization */
159 SCIP_CLOCK* sbsoltime; /**< time needed for searching and storing feasible strong branching solutions */
164 SCIP_CLOCK* reoptupdatetime; /**< time needed for storing and recreating nodes and solutions for reoptimization */
166 SCIP_HISTORY* glbhistorycrun; /**< global history information over all variables for current run */
172 SCIP_LPSOLSTAT lastsblpsolstats[2];/**< last LP solving statuses for variable strong branching */
174 SCIP_Longint lpcount; /**< internal counter, where all lp calls are counted; this includes the restored lps after diving and probing */
185 SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelps; /**< number of primal LPs solved with advanced start basis and at least 1 iteration */
186 SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelps; /**< number of dual LPs solved with advanced start basis and at least 1 iteration */
187 SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelps; /**< number of lexicographic dual LPs solved with advanced start basis and at least 1 iteration */
193 SCIP_Longint nnumtroublelpmsgs; /**< number of messages about numerical trouble in LP on verblevel HIGH or lower */
206 int nrootboundchgsrun; /**< total number of bound changes generated in the root node of current run */
208 int nrootintfixingsrun; /**< total number of global fixings of integer variables of current run */
221 int plungedepth; /**< current plunging depth (successive times, a child was selected as next node) */
241 int lastnpresolchgvartypes;/**< number of presolving variable type changes before presolving round */
244 int lastnpresoldelconss;/**< number of presolving constraint deletions before presolving round */
245 int lastnpresoladdconss;/**< number of presolving constraint additions before presolving round */
246 int lastnpresolupgdconss;/**< number of presolving constraint upgrades before presolving round */
247 int lastnpresolchgcoefs;/**< number of presolving coefficient changes before presolving round */
258 int nclockskipsleft; /**< how many times the timing should be skipped in SCIPsolveIsStopped() */
265 SCIP_Bool branchedunbdvar; /**< indicates whether branching on an unbounded variable has been performed */
SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:61
type definitions for miscellaneous datastructures
Definition: struct_misc.h:241
Definition: struct_var.h:198
type definitions for problem statistics
type definitions for output for visualization tools (VBC, BAK)
type definitions for LP management
type definitions for primal heuristics
Definition: struct_history.h:36
SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:60
type definitions for problem variables
type definitions for relaxators
Definition: struct_heur.h:79
SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:62
type definitions for clocks and timing issues
Definition: struct_visual.h:40
type definitions for branching and inference history
Definition: struct_stat.h:50
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
Definition: struct_clock.h:55