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24 * - It allows to compute symmetries of the problem and to store this information in adequate form. The symmetry
37 * - We treat implicit integer variables as if they were continuous/real variables. The reason is that there is currently
38 * no distinction between implicit integer and implicit binary. Moreover, currently implicit integer variables hurt
39 * our code more than continuous/real variables (we basically do not handle integral variables at all).
40 * - We do not copy symmetry information, since it is not clear how this information transfers. Moreover, copying
41 * symmetry might inhibit heuristics. But note that solving a sub-SCIP might then happen without symmetry information!
48 * - The code automatically detects whether symmetry substructures like symresacks or orbitopes are present and possibly
51 * - We try to compute symmetry as late as possible and then add constraints based on this information.
52 * - Currently, we only allocate memory for pointers to symresack constraints for group generators. If further
61 * The method computes orbits of variables with respect to the subgroup of the symmetry group that stabilizes the
62 * variables globally fixed or branched to 1. Then one can fix all variables in an orbit to 0 or 1 if one of the other
63 * variables in the orbit is fixed to 0 or 1, respectively. Different from Margot, the subgroup is obtained by filtering
66 * @pre All variable fixings applied by other components are required to be strict, i.e., if one variable is fixed to
67 * a certain value v, all other variables in the same variable orbit can be fixed to v as well, c.f.@n
68 * F. Margot: Symmetry in integer linear programming. 50 Years of Integer Programming, 647-686, Springer 2010.
71 * (x,y) \in \{0,1\}^{2 + n}\} \f$. Since \f$x_1\f$ and \f$x_2\f$ are independent from the remaining problem, the
72 * setppc constraint handler may fix \f$(x_1,x_2) = (1,0)\f$. However, since both variables are symmetric, this setting
73 * is not strict (if it was strict, both variables would have been set to the same value) and orbital fixing would
74 * declare this subsolution as infeasible (there exists an orbit of non-branching variables that are fixed to different
75 * values). To avoid this situation, we have to assume that all non-strict settings fix variables globally, i.e., we
76 * can take care of it by taking variables into account that have been globally fixed to 1. In fact, it suffices to
77 * consider one kind of global fixings since stabilizing one kind prevents an orbit to contain variables that have
80 * @pre All non-strict settings are global settings, since otherwise, we cannot (efficiently) take care of them.
82 * @pre No non-strict setting algorithm is interrupted early (e.g., by a time or iteration limit), since this may lead to
83 * wrong decisions by orbital fixing as well. For example, if cons_setppc in the above toy example starts by fixing
84 * \f$x_2 = 0\f$ and is interrupted afterwards, orbital fixing detects that the orbit \f$\{x_1, x_2\}\f$ contains
85 * one variable that is fixed to 0, and thus, it fixes \f$x_1\f$ to 0 as well. Thus, after these reductions, every
86 * feasible solution has objective 0 which is not optimal. This situation would not occur if the non-strict setting is
87 * complete, because then \f$x_1\f$ is globally fixed to 1, and thus, is stabilized in orbital fixing.
89 * Note that orbital fixing might lead to wrong results if it is called in repropagation of a node, because the path
90 * from the node to the root might have been changed. Thus, the stabilizers of global 1-fixing and 1-branchings of the
91 * initial propagation and repropagation might differ, which may cause conflicts. For this reason, orbital fixing cannot
94 * @note If, besides orbital fixing, also symmetry handling constraints shall be added, orbital fixing is only applied
105 * @todo Order rows of orbitopes (in particular packing/partitioning) w.r.t. cliques in conflict graph.
110 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
138 #define PROP_DELAY FALSE /**< should propagation method be delayed, if other propagators found reductions? */
140 #define PROP_PRESOL_PRIORITY -10000000 /**< priority of the presolving method (>= 0: before, < 0: after constraint handlers) */
141 #define PROP_PRESOLTIMING SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE /* timing of the presolving method (fast, medium, or exhaustive) */
142 #define PROP_PRESOL_MAXROUNDS -1 /**< maximal number of presolving rounds the presolver participates in (-1: no limit) */
146 #define DEFAULT_MAXGENERATORS 1500 /**< limit on the number of generators that should be produced within symmetry detection (0 = no limit) */
147 #define DEFAULT_CHECKSYMMETRIES FALSE /**< Should all symmetries be checked after computation? */
148 #define DEFAULT_DISPLAYNORBITVARS FALSE /**< Should the number of variables affected by some symmetry be displayed? */
149 #define DEFAULT_USECOLUMNSPARSITY FALSE /**< Should the number of conss a variable is contained in be exploited in symmetry detection? */
151 #define DEFAULT_COMPRESSSYMMETRIES TRUE /**< Should non-affected variables be removed from permutation to save memory? */
152 #define DEFAULT_COMPRESSTHRESHOLD 0.5 /**< Compression is used if percentage of moved vars is at most the threshold. */
153 #define DEFAULT_SYMFIXNONBINARYVARS FALSE /**< Whether all non-binary variables shall be not affected by symmetries if OF is active? */
156 #define DEFAULT_CONSSADDLP TRUE /**< Should the symmetry breaking constraints be added to the LP? */
158 #define DEFAULT_DETECTORBITOPES TRUE /**< Should we check whether the components of the symmetry group can be handled by orbitopes? */
159 #define DEFAULT_ADDCONSSTIMING 2 /**< timing of adding constraints (0 = before presolving, 1 = during presolving, 2 = after presolving) */
162 #define DEFAULT_OFSYMCOMPTIMING 2 /**< timing of symmetry computation for orbital fixing (0 = before presolving, 1 = during presolving, 2 = at first call) */
164 #define DEFAULT_RECOMPUTERESTART FALSE /**< Recompute symmetries after a restart has occurred? */
165 #define DEFAULT_DISABLEOFRESTART FALSE /**< whether OF shall be disabled if OF has found a reduction and a restart occurs */
170 #define EVENTHDLR_SYMMETRY_DESC "filter global variable fixing event handler for orbital fixing"
176 #define TABLE_EARLIEST_ORBITALFIXING SCIP_STAGE_SOLVING /**< output of the statistics table is only printed from this stage onwards */
180 #define MAXGENNUMERATOR 64000000 /**< determine maximal number of generators by dividing this number by the number of variables */
181 #define SCIP_SPECIALVAL 1.12345678912345e+19 /**< special floating point value for handling zeros in bound disjunctions */
182 #define COMPRESSNVARSLB 25000 /**< lower bound on the number of variables above which compression could be performed */
203 int** permstrans; /**< pointer to store transposed permutation generators as (npermvars x nperms) matrix */
213 SCIP_Shortbool* componentblocked; /**< array to store whether a component is blocked to be considered by
222 int maxgenerators; /**< limit on the number of generators that should be produced within symmetry detection (0 = no limit) */
224 SCIP_Bool displaynorbitvars; /**< Whether the number of variables in non-trivial orbits shall be computed */
225 SCIP_Bool compresssymmetries; /**< Should non-affected variables be removed from permutation to save memory? */
226 SCIP_Real compressthreshold; /**< Compression is used if percentage of moved vars is at most the threshold. */
230 SCIP_Bool usecolumnsparsity; /**< Should the number of conss a variable is contained in be exploited in symmetry detection? */
232 SCIP_Bool symfixnonbinaryvars; /**< Whether all non-binary variables shall be not affected by symmetries if OF is active? */
239 int addconsstiming; /**< timing of adding constraints (0 = before presolving, 1 = during presolving, 2 = after presolving) */
243 SCIP_Bool detectorbitopes; /**< Should we check whether the components of the symmetry group can be handled by orbitopes? */
257 int nmovedpermvars; /**< number of variables moved by any permutation in a symmetry component that is handled by OF */
260 int ofsymcomptiming; /**< timing of orbital fixing (0 = before presolving, 1 = during presolving, 2 = at first call) */
265 SCIP_Bool offoundreduction; /**< whether orbital fixing has found a reduction since the last time computing symmetries */
266 SCIP_Bool disableofrestart; /**< whether OF shall be disabled if OF has found a reduction and a restart occurs */
275 /** exec the event handler for handling global variable bound changes (necessary for orbital fixing)
277 * Global variable fixings during the solving process might arise because parts of the tree are pruned or if certain
278 * preprocessing steps are performed that do not correspond to strict setting algorithms. Since these fixings might be
279 * caused by or be in conflict with orbital fixing, they can be in conflict with the symmetry handling decisions of
280 * orbital fixing in the part of the tree that is not pruned. Thus, we have to take global fixings into account when
374 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_MINIMAL, file, " vars fixed to 0 :%11d\n", tabledata->propdata->nfixedzero);
375 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_MINIMAL, file, " vars fixed to 1 :%11d\n", tabledata->propdata->nfixedone);
410 * Compare the types of two variables according to objective, lower and upper bound, variable type, and column sparsity.
454 return SCIPhashFour(SCIPrealHashCode(k->obj), SCIPrealHashCode(k->lb), SCIPrealHashCode((double) k->nconss), SCIPrealHashCode(k->ub));
600 /* If symmetry is computed before presolving, it might happen that some variables are turned into binary
601 * variables, for which no event has been catched. Since there currently is no way of checking whether a var
659 assert( propdata->ngenconss > 0 || (ISORBITALFIXINGACTIVE(propdata->usesymmetry) && propdata->norbitopes == 0) );
696 /* if orbital fixing runs exclusively, propdata->perms was already freed in determineSymmetry() */
789 /** Transforms given variables, scalars, and constant to the corresponding active variables, scalars, and constant.
797 SCIP_Real** scalars, /**< pointer to scalars a_1, ..., a_n in linear sum a_1*x_1 + ... + a_n*x_n + c */
816 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetProbvarLinearSum(scip, *vars, *scalars, nvars, *nvars, constant, &requiredsize, TRUE) );
823 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetProbvarLinearSum(scip, *vars, *scalars, nvars, requiredsize, constant, &requiredsize, TRUE) );
844 SCIP_Real* linvals, /**< array of linear coefficients values (or NULL if all linear coefficient values are 1) */
907 /* check whether we have to resize; note that we have to add 2 * nvars since two inequalities may be added */
914 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(matrixdata->matidx), matrixdata->nmaxmatcoef, newsize) );
915 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(matrixdata->matrhsidx), matrixdata->nmaxmatcoef, newsize) );
916 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(matrixdata->matvaridx), matrixdata->nmaxmatcoef, newsize) );
917 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(matrixdata->matcoef), matrixdata->nmaxmatcoef, newsize) );
918 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Resized matrix coefficients from %u to %d.\n", matrixdata->nmaxmatcoef, newsize);
950 assert( 0 <= SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) && SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) < SCIPgetNVars(scip) );
963 /* add negative of equation; increases chance to detect symmetry, but might increase time to compute symmetry. */
969 assert( 0 <= SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) && SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) < SCIPgetNVars(scip) );
1011 assert( 0 <= SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) && SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) < SCIPgetNVars(scip) );
1040 assert( 0 <= SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) && SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) < SCIPgetNVars(scip) );
1063 * We need the matrix and rhs in the original order in order to speed up the comparison process. The matrix is needed
1163 if ( matrixdata->rhssense[r1] == matrixdata->rhssense[r2] && SCIPisEQ(scip, matrixdata->rhscoef[r1], matrixdata->rhscoef[r2]) )
1171 while (j < matrixdata->nmatcoef && matrixdata->matrhsidx[j] == r2 && SCIPisEQ(scip, permrow[matrixdata->matvaridx[j]], matrixdata->matcoef[j]) )
1259 int* nmovedvars, /**< pointer to store number of vars affected by symmetry (if usecompression) or NULL */
1260 SCIP_Bool* binvaraffected, /**< pointer to store whether a binary variable is affected by symmetry */
1262 SCIP_Real compressthreshold, /**< if percentage of moved vars is at most threshold, compression is done */
1359 /* detect whether binary variable is affected by symmetry and count number of binary permvars */
1383 SCIP_Bool compresssymmetries, /**< Should non-affected variables be removed from permutation to save memory? */
1384 SCIP_Real compressthreshold, /**< Compression is used if percentage of moved vars is at most the threshold. */
1389 SCIP_Bool usecolumnsparsity, /**< Should the number of conss a variable is contained in be exploited in symmetry detection? */
1394 int* nmaxperms, /**< pointer to store maximal number of permutations (needed for freeing storage) */
1398 SCIP_Bool* binvaraffected, /**< pointer to store wether a binary variable is affected by symmetry */
1489 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Detecting %ssymmetry on %d variables and %d constraints.\n", local ? "local " : "", nvars, nactiveconss);
1492 SCIP_CALL( SCIPduplicateBlockMemoryArray(scip, &vars, SCIPgetVars(scip), nvars) ); /*lint !e666*/
1497 /* use a staggered scheme for allocating space for non-zeros of constraint matrix since it can become large */
1569 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, SCIPgetVarsLinear(scip, cons), SCIPgetValsLinear(scip, cons),
1582 /* SCIPgetBinVarsLinking returns the number of binary variables, but we also need the integer variable */
1592 /* set final entry of vars and vals to the linking variable and its coefficient, respectively */
1609 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, linvars, 0, nconsvars, 1.0, 1.0, SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_EQUATION, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1612 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, linvars, 0, nconsvars, -SCIPinfinity(scip), 1.0, SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_INEQUALITY, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1615 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, linvars, 0, nconsvars, 1.0, SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_INEQUALITY, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1648 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, consvars, consvals, nconsvars, (SCIP_Real) SCIPgetRhsXor(scip, cons),
1649 (SCIP_Real) SCIPgetRhsXor(scip, cons), SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_XOR, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1703 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, SCIPgetVarsLogicor(scip, cons), 0, SCIPgetNVarsLogicor(scip, cons),
1704 1.0, SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_INEQUALITY, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1718 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, SCIPgetVarsKnapsack(scip, cons), consvals, nconsvars, -SCIPinfinity(scip),
1719 (SCIP_Real) SCIPgetCapacityKnapsack(scip, cons), SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_INEQUALITY, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1729 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, consvars, consvals, 2, SCIPgetLhsVarbound(scip, cons),
1730 SCIPgetRhsVarbound(scip, cons), SCIPconsIsTransformed(cons), SYM_SENSE_INEQUALITY, &matrixdata, nconssforvar) );
1744 * is of type 1. If the bound disjunction has length two and both disjunctions contain the same variable,
1745 * we say the bound disjunction is of type 2. Further bound disjunctions are possible, but can currently
1756 * Note that problems arise if \fb'_i = 0\f for some variable \fx_i\f, because its coefficient in the
1794 /* stop, we cannot handle bounddisjunctions with more than two variables that contain a variable twice */
1800 " Deactivated symmetry handling methods, there exist constraints that cannot be handled by symmetry methods.\n");
1825 SCIP_CALL( collectCoefficients(scip, doubleequations, consvars, consvals, nbounddisjvars, 0.0, 0.0,
1845 SCIPerrorMessage("Cannot determine symmetries for constraint <%s> of constraint handler <%s>.\n",
1888 SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableCreate(&vartypemap, SCIPblkmem(scip), 5 * nvars, SYMhashGetKeyVartype, SYMhashKeyEQVartype, SYMhashKeyValVartype, (void*) scip) );
1912 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Detected variable <%s> of fixed type %d - color %d.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetType(var), matrixdata.nuniquevars - 1);
1943 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Detected variable <%s> of new type (probindex: %d, obj: %g, lb: %g, ub: %g, type: %d) - color %d.\n",
1944 SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetProbindex(var), vt->obj, vt->lb, vt->ub, vt->type, matrixdata.nuniquevars - 1);
2000 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Detected new matrix entry type %f - color: %d\n.", val, matrixdata.nuniquemat);
2034 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Detected new rhs type %f, type: %u - color: %d\n", val, sense, matrixdata.nuniquerhs);
2049 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Number of detected different variables: %d (total: %d).\n", matrixdata.nuniquevars, nvars);
2050 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Number of detected different rhs types: %d (total: %d).\n", matrixdata.nuniquerhs, matrixdata.nrhscoef);
2051 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Number of detected different matrix coefficients: %d (total: %d).\n", matrixdata.nuniquemat, matrixdata.nmatcoef);
2053 /* do not compute symmetry if all variables are non-equivalent (unique) or if all matrix coefficients are different */
2057 SCIP_CALL( SYMcomputeSymmetryGenerators(scip, maxgenerators, &matrixdata, nperms, nmaxperms, perms, log10groupsize) );
2061 if ( checksymmetries && SCIPgetStage(scip) > SCIP_STAGE_INITPRESOLVE && ! SCIPisStopped(scip) )
2068 SCIP_CALL( setSymmetryData(scip, vars, nvars, nbinvars, permvars, npermvars, nbinpermvars, *perms, *nperms,
2110 SYM_SPEC symspecrequire, /**< symmetry specification for which we need to compute symmetries */
2111 SYM_SPEC symspecrequirefixed /**< symmetry specification of variables which must be fixed by symmetries */
2151 " Deactivated symmetry handling methods, since SCIP was built without symmetry detector (SYM=none).\n");
2188 /* count implicit integer variables as real variables, since we cannot currently handle integral variables well */
2196 " (%.1fs) symmetry computation skipped: type (bin %c, int %c, cont %c) does not match requirements (bin %c, int %c, cont %c).\n",
2212 if ( propdata->offoundreduction && propdata->disableofrestart && SCIPgetNRuns(scip) > propdata->lastrestart )
2238 " (%.1fs) symmetry computation skipped: there exist constraints that cannot be handled by symmetry methods.\n",
2258 " (%.1fs) symmetry computation started: requiring (bin %c, int %c, cont %c), (fixed: bin %c, int %c, cont %c)\n",
2276 SCIP_CALL( computeSymmetryGroup(scip, propdata->doubleequations, propdata->compresssymmetries, propdata->compressthreshold,
2277 maxgenerators, symspecrequirefixed, FALSE, propdata->checksymmetries, propdata->usecolumnsparsity,
2278 &propdata->npermvars, &propdata->nbinpermvars, &propdata->permvars, &propdata->nperms, &propdata->nmaxperms,
2292 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, " (%.1fs) could not compute symmetry\n", SCIPgetSolvingTime(scip));
2304 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, " (%.1fs) no symmetry present\n", SCIPgetSolvingTime(scip));
2313 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, " (%.1fs) symmetry computation finished: %d generators found (max: ",
2323 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, ", log10 of symmetry group size: %.1f", propdata->log10groupsize);
2329 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdetermineNVarsAffectedSym(scip, propdata->perms, propdata->nperms, propdata->permvars,
2332 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, ", number of affected variables: %d)\n", propdata->nmovedvars);
2339 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, " (%.1fs) no symmetry on binary variables present.\n", SCIPgetSolvingTime(scip));
2360 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, " (%.1fs) component computation started\n", SCIPgetSolvingTime(scip));
2366 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcomputeComponentsSym(scip, propdata->perms, propdata->nperms, propdata->permvars,
2372 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, " (%.1fs) component computation finished\n", SCIPgetSolvingTime(scip));
2425 /* Only catch binary variables, since integer variables should be fixed pointwise; implicit integer variables
2495 int* componentbegins, /**< array containing begin positions of components in components array */
2561 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetPropertiesPerm(perms[components[j]], permvars, npermvars, &iscompoftwocycles, &ntwocyclesperm, &allvarsbinary) );
2567 /* no or different number of 2-cycles or not all vars binary: permutations cannot generate orbitope */
2592 SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &orbitopevaridx[j], npermsincomponent + 1) ); /*lint !e866*/
2660 j = 0; /*lint !e850*/ /* reset j since previous permutations can now intersect with the latest added column */
2694 j = 0; /*lint !e850*/ /* reset j since previous permutations can now intersect with the latest added column */
2715 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgenerateOrbitopeVarsMatrix(&vars, ntwocyclescomp, npermsincomponent + 1, permvars, npermvars,
2762 int* componentbegins, /**< array containing begin positions of components in components array */
2842 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateSymbreakCons(scip, &cons, name, perms[permidx], permvars, npermvars, FALSE,
2883 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY, SYM_SPEC_INTEGER | SYM_SPEC_REAL) );
2887 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY | SYM_SPEC_REAL, SYM_SPEC_INTEGER) );
2892 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY | SYM_SPEC_INTEGER | SYM_SPEC_REAL, 0) );
2918 SCIP_CALL( detectOrbitopes(scip, propdata, propdata->components, propdata->componentbegins, propdata->ncomponents) );
2938 SCIP_CALL( addSymresackConss(scip, prop, propdata->components, propdata->componentbegins, propdata->ncomponents) );
2954 * Note that we do not have to distinguish between variables that have been fixed or branched to 1, since the
2955 * stabilizer is with respect to the variables that have been branched to 1. Thus, if an orbit contains a variable that
2956 * has been branched to 1, the whole orbit only contains variables that have been branched to 1 - and nothing can be
3095 * The variables are added to bg1 and bg1list, which are prefilled with the variables globally fixed to 1.
3135 /* If we stopped due to a solving limit, it might happen that a non-root node has no domain changes, in all other
3234 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY, SYM_SPEC_INTEGER | SYM_SPEC_REAL) );
3238 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY | SYM_SPEC_REAL, SYM_SPEC_INTEGER) );
3278 SCIP_CALL( computeBranchingVariables(scip, npermvars, propdata->permvarmap, bg1, bg1list, &nbg1) );
3333 /* check whether moved variables have the same type (might have been aggregated in the meanwhile) */
3336 (SCIPvarGetType(varv) == SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT && SCIPvarGetType(varimg) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS &&
3339 (SCIPvarGetType(varv) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS && SCIPvarGetType(varimg) == SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT &&
3392 /* check whether moved variables have the same type (might have been aggregated in the meanwhile) */
3395 (SCIPvarGetType(varv) == SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT && SCIPvarGetType(varimg) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS &&
3398 (SCIPvarGetType(varv) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS && SCIPvarGetType(varimg) == SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT &&
3415 * Note that variables globally fixed to 1 are not resetted, since the loop starts at propdata->nbg1. */
3427 orbits, orbitbegins, &norbits, components, componentbegins, vartocomponent, propdata->componentblocked, ncomponents, propdata->nmovedpermvars) );
3434 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Perform orbital fixing on %d orbits (%d active perms).\n", norbits, nactiveperms);
3435 SCIP_CALL( performOrbitalFixing(scip, permvars, nbinpermvars, orbits, orbitbegins, norbits, infeasible, &nfixedzero, &nfixedone) );
3456 /** presolving initialization method of propagator (called when presolving is about to begin) */
3496 /** presolving deinitialization method of propagator (called after presolving has been finished) */
3512 /* guarantee that symmetries are computed (and handled) if the solving process has not been interrupted
3576 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Added symmetry breaking constraints: %d.\n", propdata->ngenconss - noldngenconns);
3581 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpresolCons(scip, propdata->genconss[i], nrounds, SCIP_PROPTIMING_ALWAYS, nnewfixedvars, nnewaggrvars, nnewchgvartypes,
3582 nnewchgbds, nnewholes, nnewdelconss, nnewaddconss, nnewupgdconss, nnewchgcoefs, nnewchgsides, nfixedvars, naggrvars,
3583 nchgvartypes, nchgbds, naddholes, ndelconss, naddconss, nupgdconss, nchgcoefs, nchgsides, result) );
3588 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Presolving constraint <%s> detected cutoff or unboundedness.\n", SCIPconsGetName(propdata->genconss[i]));
3629 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY, SYM_SPEC_INTEGER | SYM_SPEC_REAL) );
3633 SCIP_CALL( determineSymmetry(scip, propdata, SYM_SPEC_BINARY | SYM_SPEC_REAL, SYM_SPEC_INTEGER) );
3761 * Note that this is relatively difficult to obtain: One needs to include all bounds of variables that are responsible
3762 * for creating the orbit in which the variables that was propagated lies. This includes all variables that are moved
3862 SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeEventhdlrBasic(scip, &(propdata->eventhdlr), EVENTHDLR_SYMMETRY_NAME, EVENTHDLR_SYMMETRY_DESC,
3888 "limit on the number of generators that should be produced within symmetry detection (0 = no limit)",
3924 "timing of adding constraints (0 = before presolving, 1 = during presolving, 2 = after presolving)",
3930 "timing of symmetry computation for orbital fixing (0 = before presolving, 1 = during presolving, 2 = at first call)",
3960 "Shall orbital fixing be disabled if orbital fixing has found a reduction and a restart occurs?",
3971 SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeExternalCodeInformation(scip, SYMsymmetryGetName(), SYMsymmetryGetDesc()) );
3985 int*** perms, /**< pointer to store permutation generators as (nperms x npermvars) matrix (or NULL)*/
3986 int*** permstrans, /**< pointer to store permutation generators as (npermvars x nperms) matrix (or NULL)*/
3990 int** componentbegins, /**< pointer to store begin positions of components in components array (or NULL) */
3991 int** vartocomponent, /**< pointer to store assignment from variable to its component (or NULL) */
4003 assert( ncomponents != NULL || (components == NULL && componentbegins == NULL && vartocomponent == NULL) );
SCIP_Bool SCIPisEQ(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:438
Definition: type_symmetry.h:49
#define SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, ptr, oldnum, newnum)
Definition: scip_mem.h:86
Definition: type_result.h:33
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeTable(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Bool active, SCIP_DECL_TABLECOPY((*tablecopy)), SCIP_DECL_TABLEFREE((*tablefree)), SCIP_DECL_TABLEINIT((*tableinit)), SCIP_DECL_TABLEEXIT((*tableexit)), SCIP_DECL_TABLEINITSOL((*tableinitsol)), SCIP_DECL_TABLEEXITSOL((*tableexitsol)), SCIP_DECL_TABLEOUTPUT((*tableoutput)), SCIP_TABLEDATA *tabledata, int position, SCIP_STAGE earlieststage)
Definition: scip_table.c:47
static SCIP_RETCODE propagateOrbitalFixing(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, int *nprop)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3190
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashtableInsert(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *element)
Definition: misc.c:2486
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintNodeRootPath(SCIP *scip, SCIP_NODE *node, FILE *file)
Definition: scip_tree.c:497
SCIP_CONSHDLR * SCIPfindConshdlr(SCIP *scip, const char *name)
Definition: scip_cons.c:877
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLhsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18330
Definition: type_symmetry.h:42
SCIP_VAR * SCIPgetResultantOr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_or.c:2215
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPropInitpre(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_DECL_PROPINITPRE((*propinitpre)))
Definition: scip_prop.c:238
SCIP_Bool SCIPisGE(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:490
static SCIP_RETCODE computeSymmetryGroup(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool doubleequations, SCIP_Bool compresssymmetries, SCIP_Real compressthreshold, int maxgenerators, SYM_SPEC fixedtype, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool checksymmetries, SCIP_Bool usecolumnsparsity, int *npermvars, int *nbinpermvars, SCIP_VAR ***permvars, int *nperms, int *nmaxperms, int ***perms, SCIP_Real *log10groupsize, int *nmovedvars, SCIP_Bool *binvaraffected, SCIP_Bool *compressed, SCIP_Bool *success)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:1380
Definition: struct_scip.h:59
Constraint handler for variable bound constraints .
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtightenVarLb(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_Bool force, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, SCIP_Bool *tightened)
Definition: scip_var.c:5184
static SCIP_RETCODE addSymresackConss(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, int *components, int *componentbegins, int ncomponents)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:2758
#define SCIPallocClearBufferArray(scip, ptr, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:113
static SCIP_DECL_TABLEFREE(tableFreeOrbitalfixing)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:384
Definition: type_symmetry.h:43
SCIP_Bool SCIPhashtableExists(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *element)
Definition: misc.c:2598
Definition: struct_var.h:151
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetSymmetry(SCIP *scip, int *npermvars, SCIP_VAR ***permvars, SCIP_HASHMAP **permvarmap, int *nperms, int ***perms, int ***permstrans, SCIP_Real *log10groupsize, SCIP_Bool *binvaraffected, int **components, int **componentbegins, int **vartocomponent, int *ncomponents)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3979
void SCIPwarningMessage(SCIP *scip, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: scip_message.c:123
#define SCIPallocClearBlockMemoryArray(scip, ptr, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:84
Definition: type_result.h:49
void * SCIPhashtableRetrieve(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *key)
Definition: misc.c:2547
SCIP_Real * SCIPgetBoundsBounddisjunction(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_bounddisjunction.c:3495
Definition: cons_setppc.h:80
Definition: type_result.h:38
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtightenVarUb(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_Bool force, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, SCIP_Bool *tightened)
Definition: scip_var.c:5301
static SCIP_RETCODE freeSymmetryData(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:575
int SCIPgetNVarsBounddisjunction(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_bounddisjunction.c:3432
Definition: type_symmetry.h:48
Definition: struct_var.h:198
Definition: struct_var.h:82
static SCIP_DECL_PROPRESPROP(propRespropSymmetry)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3766
static SCIP_RETCODE detectOrbitopes(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata, int *components, int *componentbegins, int ncomponents)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:2491
int SCIPgetNVarsKnapsack(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_knapsack.c:13607
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashmapInsertInt(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin, int image)
Definition: misc.c:3131
const char * SCIPeventhdlrGetName(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr)
Definition: event.c:315
Definition: type_message.h:45
void SCIPverbMessage(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL msgverblevel, FILE *file, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: scip_message.c:216
SCIP_EXPORT int SCIPdomchgGetNBoundchgs(SCIP_DOMCHG *domchg)
Definition: var.c:16959
Definition: type_var.h:53
int SCIPgetSymmetryNGenerators(SCIP *scip)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:4079
Definition: cons_setppc.h:79
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPgetVarsSetppc(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_setppc.c:9272
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddBoolParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Bool *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: scip_param.c:48
Definition: type_symmetry.h:47
Constraint handler for AND constraints, .
#define SCIPduplicateBufferArray(scip, ptr, source, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:119
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdetermineNVarsAffectedSym(SCIP *scip, int **perms, int nperms, SCIP_VAR **permvars, int npermvars, int *nvarsaffected)
Definition: symmetry.c:478
SCIP_Longint * SCIPgetWeightsKnapsack(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_knapsack.c:13653
SCIP_EXPORT const char * SYMsymmetryGetName(void)
Definition: compute_symmetry_bliss.cpp:293
Constraint handler for the set partitioning / packing / covering constraints .
static SCIP_RETCODE determineSymmetry(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata, SYM_SPEC symspecrequire, SYM_SPEC symspecrequirefixed)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:2107
SCIP_Real * SCIPgetValsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18465
static SCIP_RETCODE checkSymmetriesAreSymmetries(SCIP *scip, SYM_SPEC fixedtype, SYM_MATRIXDATA *matrixdata, int nperms, int **perms)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:1067
static SCIP_DECL_PROPINITPRE(propInitpreSymmetry)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3458
static SCIP_RETCODE getActiveVariables(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR ***vars, SCIP_Real **scalars, int *nvars, SCIP_Real *constant, SCIP_Bool transformed)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:794
Definition: struct_tree.h:132
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeOrbitsFilterSym(SCIP *scip, int npermvars, int **permstrans, int nperms, SCIP_Shortbool *inactiveperms, int *orbits, int *orbitbegins, int *norbits, int *components, int *componentbegins, int *vartocomponent, SCIP_Shortbool *componentblocked, int ncomponents, int nmovedpermvars)
Definition: symmetry.c:152
SCIP_VAR * SCIPgetResultantAnd(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_and.c:5185
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashtableCreate(SCIP_HASHTABLE **hashtable, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, int tablesize, SCIP_DECL_HASHGETKEY((*hashgetkey)), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYEQ((*hashkeyeq)), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL((*hashkeyval)), void *userptr)
Definition: misc.c:2235
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:458
Definition: struct_symmetry.h:34
SCIP_VAR * SCIPgetLinkvarLinking(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linking.c:3492
interface for symmetry computations
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLE(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:464
int SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin)
Definition: misc.c:3220
constraint handler for (partitioning/packing/full) orbitope constraints w.r.t. the full symmetric gro...
constraint handler for symresack constraints
Constraint handler for "or" constraints, .
Definition: type_symmetry.h:44
SCIP_Bool SCIPhashmapExists(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin)
Definition: misc.c:3362
SCIP_EXPORT SCIP_RETCODE SYMcomputeSymmetryGenerators(SCIP *scip, int maxgenerators, SYM_MATRIXDATA *matrixdata, int *nperms, int *nmaxperms, int ***perms, SCIP_Real *log10groupsize)
Definition: compute_symmetry_bliss.cpp:310
#define SCIPduplicateBlockMemoryArray(scip, ptr, source, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:92
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPmarkDoNotMultaggrVar(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: scip_var.c:8648
Definition: struct_misc.h:128
Constraint handler for knapsack constraints of the form , x binary and .
SCIP_EXPORT SCIP_BOUNDCHG * SCIPdomchgGetBoundchg(SCIP_DOMCHG *domchg, int pos)
Definition: var.c:16967
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetProbvarLinearSum(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *scalars, int *nvars, int varssize, SCIP_Real *constant, int *requiredsize, SCIP_Bool mergemultiples)
Definition: scip_var.c:1742
SCIP_VAR * SCIPgetVarVarbound(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_varbound.c:5173
Definition: tree.c:7515
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPgetVarsBounddisjunction(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_bounddisjunction.c:3453
Definition: type_result.h:35
Definition: struct_cons.h:37
SCIP_Bool SCIPisOrbitalfixingEnabled(SCIP *scip)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:4059
static SCIP_RETCODE computeBranchingVariables(SCIP *scip, int nvars, SCIP_HASHMAP *varmap, SCIP_Shortbool *bg1, int *bg1list, int *nbg1)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3098
Definition: struct_cons.h:117
Definition: var.c:16929
SCIP_Real SCIPgetRhsVarbound(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_varbound.c:5150
static SCIP_DECL_TABLEOUTPUT(tableOutputOrbitalfixing)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:360
Constraint handler for logicor constraints (equivalent to set covering, but algorithms are suited fo...
Definition: type_lp.h:47
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPropExitpre(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_DECL_PROPEXITPRE((*propexitpre)))
Definition: scip_prop.c:254
SCIP_Real SCIPgetVbdcoefVarbound(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_varbound.c:5219
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludePropSymmetry(SCIP *scip)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3802
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgenerateOrbitopeVarsMatrix(SCIP_VAR ****vars, int nrows, int ncols, SCIP_VAR **permvars, int npermvars, int **orbitopevaridx, int *columnorder, int *nusedelems, SCIP_Bool *infeasible)
Definition: symmetry.c:852
SCIP_Real SCIPgetRhsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18354
static SCIP_DECL_HASHGETKEY(SYMhashGetKeyVartype)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:403
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetPropertiesPerm(int *perm, SCIP_VAR **vars, int nvars, SCIP_Bool *iscompoftwocycles, int *ntwocyclesperm, SCIP_Bool *allvarsbinary)
Definition: symmetry.c:424
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPropFree(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_DECL_PROPFREE((*propfree)))
Definition: scip_prop.c:158
internal miscellaneous methods
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeExternalCodeInformation(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *description)
Definition: scip_general.c:697
SCIP_VAR * SCIPgetVbdvarVarbound(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_varbound.c:5196
Definition: type_retcode.h:33
Definition: cons_setppc.h:78
Definition: type_stat.h:33
propagator for symmetry handling
Definition: type_result.h:42
Definition: grphload.c:88
static SCIP_RETCODE delSymConss(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:732
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE * SCIPgetBoundtypesBounddisjunction(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_bounddisjunction.c:3474
Definition: struct_prop.h:37
Definition: type_retcode.h:34
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetIntParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, int *value)
Definition: scip_param.c:260
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPgetVarsLogicor(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_logicor.c:5342
SCIP_EXPORT SCIP_Bool SYMcanComputeSymmetry(void)
Definition: compute_symmetry_bliss.cpp:284
constraint handler for linking binary variables to a linking (continuous or integer) variable ...
static SCIP_RETCODE setSymmetryData(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR **vars, int nvars, int nbinvars, SCIP_VAR ***permvars, int *npermvars, int *nbinpermvars, int **perms, int nperms, int *nmovedvars, SCIP_Bool *binvaraffected, SCIP_Bool usecompression, SCIP_Real compressthreshold, SCIP_Bool *compressed)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:1249
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdropVarEvent(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_EVENTTYPE eventtype, SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_EVENTDATA *eventdata, int filterpos)
Definition: scip_event.c:391
Definition: type_var.h:55
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashmapCreate(SCIP_HASHMAP **hashmap, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, int mapsize)
Definition: misc.c:3013
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPextendSubOrbitope(int **suborbitope, int nrows, int nfilledcols, int coltoextend, int *perm, SCIP_Bool leftextension, int **nusedelems, SCIP_Bool *success, SCIP_Bool *infeasible)
Definition: symmetry.c:530
Definition: type_var.h:54
Definition: type_message.h:43
static SCIP_Bool checkSymmetryDataFree(SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:536
Definition: table.c:279
int SCIPgetNVarsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18417
Definition: type_set.h:40
void SCIPsort(int *perm, SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP((*indcomp)), void *dataptr, int len)
Definition: misc.c:5439
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPgetVarsKnapsack(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_knapsack.c:13630
int SCIPconshdlrGetNActiveConss(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:4628
static SCIP_RETCODE tryAddSymmetryHandlingConss(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_Bool *earlyterm)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:2863
Constraint handler for linear constraints in their most general form, .
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeEventhdlrBasic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EVENTHDLR **eventhdlrptr, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC((*eventexec)), SCIP_EVENTHDLRDATA *eventhdlrdata)
Definition: scip_event.c:95
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddRealParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Real *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Real defaultvalue, SCIP_Real minvalue, SCIP_Real maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: scip_param.c:130
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPropResprop(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_DECL_PROPRESPROP((*propresprop)))
Definition: scip_prop.c:303
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPropExit(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_DECL_PROPEXIT((*propexit)))
Definition: scip_prop.c:190
Definition: type_set.h:39
Constraint handler for XOR constraints, .
Definition: cons_orbitope.h:82
Definition: struct_misc.h:80
methods for handling symmetries
int SCIPgetNVarsLogicor(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_logicor.c:5319
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsOrbitope(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, SCIP_VAR ***vars, SCIP_ORBITOPETYPE orbitopetype, int nspcons, int nblocks, SCIP_Bool resolveprop, SCIP_Bool ismodelcons, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool modifiable, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_orbitope.c:3851
SCIP_EXPORT const char * SYMsymmetryGetDesc(void)
Definition: compute_symmetry_bliss.cpp:304
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateSymbreakCons(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, int *perm, SCIP_VAR **vars, int nvars, SCIP_Bool ismodelcons, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool modifiable, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_symresack.c:1426
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddIntParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, int *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, int defaultvalue, int minvalue, int maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: scip_param.c:74
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPropPresol(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_DECL_PROPPRESOL((*proppresol)), int presolpriority, int presolmaxrounds, SCIP_PRESOLTIMING presoltiming)
Definition: scip_prop.c:270
SCIP_EXPORT SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarGetOrigvarSum(SCIP_VAR **var, SCIP_Real *scalar, SCIP_Real *constant)
Definition: var.c:12540
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeComponentsSym(SCIP *scip, int **perms, int nperms, SCIP_VAR **permvars, int npermvars, SCIP_Bool transposed, int **components, int **componentbegins, int **vartocomponent, SCIP_Shortbool **componentblocked, int *ncomponents)
Definition: symmetry.c:651
Definition: type_retcode.h:45
Definition: type_set.h:44
Definition: struct_symmetry.h:45
static SCIP_RETCODE performOrbitalFixing(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR **permvars, int npermvars, int *orbits, int *orbitbegins, int norbits, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, int *nfixedzero, int *nfixedone)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:2960
static SCIP_RETCODE collectCoefficients(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool doubleequations, SCIP_VAR **linvars, SCIP_Real *linvals, int nlinvars, SCIP_Real lhs, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_Bool istransformed, SYM_RHSSENSE rhssense, SYM_MATRIXDATA *matrixdata, int *nconssforvar)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:840
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcatchVarEvent(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_EVENTTYPE eventtype, SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_EVENTDATA *eventdata, int *filterpos)
Definition: scip_event.c:345
Definition: cons_setppc.c:9295
Definition: var.c:16919
#define SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(scip, ptr, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:98
Definition: type_retcode.h:43
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreleaseCons(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons)
Definition: scip_cons.c:1110
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludePropBasic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PROP **propptr, const char *name, const char *desc, int priority, int freq, SCIP_Bool delay, SCIP_PROPTIMING timingmask, SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC((*propexec)), SCIP_PROPDATA *propdata)
Definition: scip_prop.c:105
constraint handler for bound disjunction constraints
Definition: objbenders.h:33
static SCIP_Bool SymmetryFixVar(SYM_SPEC fixedtype, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:773
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLhsVarbound(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_varbound.c:5127
SCIP_Real * SCIPgetValsLinking(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linking.c:3584
static SCIP_DECL_PROPEXITPRE(propExitpreSymmetry)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:3498
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPgetVarsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18441
static SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL(SYMhashKeyValVartype)
Definition: prop_symmetry.c:448
Definition: type_result.h:39
Definition: struct_event.h:195
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpresolCons(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, int nrounds, SCIP_PRESOLTIMING presoltiming, int nnewfixedvars, int nnewaggrvars, int nnewchgvartypes, int nnewchgbds, int nnewholes, int nnewdelconss, int nnewaddconss, int nnewupgdconss, int nnewchgcoefs, int nnewchgsides, int *nfixedvars, int *naggrvars, int *nchgvartypes, int *nchgbds, int *naddholes, int *ndelconss, int *naddconss, int *nupgdconss, int *nchgcoefs, int *nchgsides, SCIP_RESULT *result)
Definition: scip_cons.c:2343
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetBinvarsLinking(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR ***binvars, int *nbinvars)
Definition: cons_linking.c:3515
SCIP_Longint SCIPgetCapacityKnapsack(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_knapsack.c:13550
Definition: type_var.h:74
Definition: type_symmetry.h:45
Definition: type_var.h:58
Definition: type_symmetry.h:46