

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /* */
3 /* This file is part of the program PolySCIP */
4 /* */
5 /* Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum */
6 /* fuer Informationstechnik Berlin */
7 /* */
8 /* PolySCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License. */
9 /* */
10 /* You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License */
11 /* along with PolySCIP; see the file LICENCE. */
12 /* */
13 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
15 /**
16  * @file polyscip.h
17  * @brief PolySCIP solver class
18  * @author Sebastian Schenker
19  *
20  */
25 #include <cstdlib>
26 #include <functional>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <iterator>
29 #include <ostream>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <utility>
34 #include <vector>
36 #include "cmd_line_args.h"
37 #include "objscip/objscip.h"
38 #include "polyscip_types.h"
41 namespace polyscip {
43  /**
44  * @class TwoDProj
45  * @brief Class representing a two-dimensional projection of an outcome
46  */
47  class TwoDProj {
48  public:
50  /**
51  * Default constructor
52  * @param outcome Corresponding outcome to take two-dimensional projection of
53  * @param first First (objective) index of outcome to consider for projection
54  * @param second Second (objective) index of outcome to consider for projection
55  */
56  explicit TwoDProj(const OutcomeType& outcome,
57  std::size_t first,
58  std::size_t second);
60  /**
61  * Get first projection value
62  * @return First value of projection
63  */
64  ValueType getFirst() const {return proj_.first;}
66  /**
67  * Get second projection value
68  * @return Second value of projection
69  */
70  ValueType getSecond() const {return proj_.second;}
72  /**
73  * Ostream operator
74  * @param os Output stream
75  * @param proj Projection to write to stream
76  * @return Output stream
77  */
78  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TwoDProj& proj);
80  private:
81  std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> proj_; ///< Pair of projection values
83  };
85  /**
86  * @class NondomProjections
87  * @brief Class representing non-dominated projections
88  */
90  public:
91  using ProjMap = std::map<TwoDProj, ResultContainer, std::function<bool(const TwoDProj&, const TwoDProj&)>>; ///< Container for non-dominated projections
93  /**
94  * Default constructor
95  * @param epsilon Error value for comparisons
96  * @param supported Results to take non-dominated projections
97  * @param first First (objective) index to consider for projection
98  * @param second Second (objective) index to consider for projection
99  */
100  explicit NondomProjections(double epsilon,
101  const ResultContainer& supported,
102  std::size_t first,
103  std::size_t second);
105  /**
106  * Ostream operator
107  * @param os Output stream
108  * @param nd_proj Non-dominated projections to write to stream
109  * @return Output stream
110  */
111  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NondomProjections& nd_proj);
113  /**
114  * lhs-Projection epsilonDominates rhs-Projection if lhs.first - epsilon < rhs.first && lhs.second - epsilon < rhs.second
115  * @param lhs lhs-Projection
116  * @param rhs rhs-Projection
117  * @return true if lhs-Projection epsilon-dominated rhs-Projection; false otherwise
118  */
119  bool epsilonDominates(const TwoDProj& lhs,
120  const TwoDProj& rhs) const;
122  /**
123  * Indicates that all stored projections are investigated
124  * @return true if all stored projections have been investigated; false otherwise
125  */
126  bool finished() const;
128  /**
129  * Advances current_ iterator
130  */
131  void update();
133  /**
134  * Incorporates a new projection and corresponding result into non-dominated projections
135  * @param proj Projection to incorporated
136  * @param res Corresponding result of projection
137  */
138  void update(TwoDProj proj, Result res);
140  /**
141  * Get outcomes corresponding to non-dominated projections
142  * @return Vector of outcomes corresponding to non-dominated projections
143  */
144  std::vector<OutcomeType> getNondomProjOutcomes() const;
146  /**
147  * Get projection to be investigated
148  * @return Two-dimensional projection
149  */
150  TwoDProj getLeftProj() const {return current_->first;};
152  /**
153  * Get right neighbour of projection to be investigated
154  * @return Two-dimensional projection
155  */
156  TwoDProj getRightProj() const {return std::next(current_)->first;};
158  /**
159  * Get projection with maximal value for second index
160  * @return Two-dimensional projection
161  */
162  TwoDProj getLastProj() const {return std::prev(end(nondom_projections_))->first;};
165  private:
166  /**
167  * Add projection and corresponding result to non-dominated projections
168  * @param proj Projection to add
169  * @param res Corresponding result of projections
170  * @return Iterator pointing to proj
171  */
172  ProjMap::iterator add(TwoDProj proj,
173  Result res);
175  double epsilon_; ///< Epsilon value used in fct 'epsilonDominates'
176  ProjMap nondom_projections_; ///< Container for non-dominated projections
177  ProjMap::iterator current_; ///< Currently investigated projection
178  };
180  /**
181  * @class RectangularBox
182  * @brief A rectangular box R = [a_1,e_1) x ... x [a_k,e_k) is a k-ary Cartesian product of half-open intervals
183  */
185  public:
186  using Interval = std::pair<ValueType, ValueType>; ///< Interval I = [a,b)
188  /**
189  * Copy constructor
190  * @param box RectangularBox to copy
191  */
192  explicit RectangularBox(const std::vector<Interval>& box);
194  /**
195  * Move constructor
196  * @param box RectangularBox to copy
197  */
198  explicit RectangularBox(std::vector<Interval>&& box);
200  /**
201  * Ostream operator
202  * @param os Output stream to write to
203  * @param box Box to write to stream
204  * @return Output stream
205  */
206  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RectangularBox& box);
208  /**
209  * Indicates whether given box is subset
210  * @param other Box to compare
211  * @return true if 'other' is subset; false otherwise
212  */
213  bool isSupersetOf(const RectangularBox &other) const;
215  /**
216  * Indicates whether given box is superset
217  * @param other Box to compare
218  * @return true if 'other' is superset; false otherwise
219  */
220  bool isSubsetOf(const RectangularBox &other) const;
222  /**
223  * Indicates whether given box is disjoint
224  * @param other Box to compare
225  * @return true if 'other' is disjoint; false otherwise
226  */
227  bool isDisjointFrom(const RectangularBox &other) const;
229  /**
230  * Indicates whether a_i + epsilon > e_i for all i
231  * @param epsilon Value to add to left interval limit
232  * @return true if a_i + epsilon <= e_i for all i; false otherwise
233  */
234  bool isFeasible(double epsilon) const;
236  /**
237  * Makes disjoint rectangular boxes with respect to given box
238  * @param delta Feasibility threshold
239  * @param other Box to compare to
240  * @return Container of disjoint boxes
241  */
242  std::vector<RectangularBox> getDisjointPartsFrom(double delta, const RectangularBox &other) const;
244  /**
245  * Get get number of intervals
246  * @return Dimension of rectangular box
247  */
248  std::size_t size() const;
250  /**
251  * Get interval of box
252  * @param index Corresponding interval index
253  * @return Interval corresponding to index
254  */
255  Interval getInterval(std::size_t index) const;
257  /**
258  * Indicates whether outcome dominates entire box
259  * @param outcome Outcome to compare to
260  * @return true if given outcome dominates entire box; false otherwise
261  */
262  bool isDominated(const OutcomeType& outcome) const;
264  private:
265  /**
266  * Get interval intersection with respect to given dimension and given box
267  * @param index Interval index to take intersection
268  * @param other Box to consider intersection
269  * @return Interval intersection
270  */
271  Interval getIntervalIntersection(std::size_t index,
272  const RectangularBox& other) const;
274  /**
275  * Constructor: constructs box first_beg x ... x (first_end-1) x second x third_bex x ... x (third_end-1)
276  * @param first_beg Iterator referring to interval
277  * @param first_end Iterator referring to past-the-end interval
278  * @param second Middle interval
279  * @param third_beg Iterator referring to interval
280  * @param third_end Iterator referring to past-the-end interval
281  */
282  RectangularBox(std::vector<Interval>::const_iterator first_beg,
283  std::vector<Interval>::const_iterator first_end,
284  Interval second,
285  std::vector<Interval>::const_iterator third_beg,
286  std::vector<Interval>::const_iterator third_end);
288  std::vector<Interval> box_; ///< Container storing interval of rectangular box
289  };
291  /**
292  * @class Polyscip
293  * @brief Class for PolySCIP solver functions
294  */
295  class Polyscip {
296  public:
298  /**
299  * Different statuses of PolySCIP solver
300  */
301  enum class PolyscipStatus {
302  Unsolved, ///< Initial status after calling public constructor
303  ProblemRead, ///< Status after problem instance was read successfully
304  LexOptPhase, ///< Status after lexicographic optimal results were computed
305  WeightSpacePhase, ///< Status while results of weight space polyhedron are computed
306  TwoProjPhase, ///< Status while computing 2-dimensional non-dominated projection results
307  Finished, ///< Status if problem was solved successfully
308  TimeLimitReached, ///< Status if given time limit was reached
309  Error ///< Status if an error occured
310  };
312  using ObjPair = std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>; ///< Pair of objectives indices
314  /**
315  * Default constructor
316  * @param argc Argument count
317  * @param argv Argument vector
318  */
319  explicit Polyscip(int argc,
320  const char *const *argv);
322  /**
323  * Destructor
324  */
325  ~Polyscip();
327  /**
328  * Read multi-objective problem file
329  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
330  */
331  SCIP_RETCODE readProblem();
333  /**
334  * Compute non-dominated points of given problem
335  * @attention readProblem() needs to be called before
336  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
337  */
338  SCIP_RETCODE computeNondomPoints();
340  /**
341  * Indicates whether results shold be written to a file
342  * @return true if results should be written to a file; otherwise false
343  */
344  bool writeResults() const {return cmd_line_args_.writeResults();};
346  /**
347  * Write results to file named 'solutions_name-of-problem-file.txt'
348  */
349  void writeResultsToFile() const;
351  /**
352  * Print results
353  * @param os Output stream to print to
354  */
355  void printResults(std::ostream &os = std::cout) const;
357  /**
358  * Print PolySCIP status
359  * @param os Output stream to print to
360  */
361  void printStatus(std::ostream& os = std::cout) const;
363  /**
364  * Get PolySCIP status
365  * @return Current PolySCIP status
366  */
367  PolyscipStatus getStatus() const;
369  /**
370  * Get number of bounded results
371  * @return Number of computed bounded results
372  */
373  std::size_t numberOfBoundedResults() const;
375  /**
376  * Get number of unbounded results
377  * @return Number of computed unbounded results
378  */
379  std::size_t numberofUnboundedResults() const;
381  /**
382  * Indicates whether dominated results were computed
383  * @return true if dominated bounded results were computed
384  */
385  bool dominatedPointsFound() const;
387  /**
388  * Get iterator to beginning of bounded results
389  * @return Const_iterator to beginning of bounded results
390  */
391  ResultContainer::const_iterator boundedCBegin() {return bounded_.cbegin();};
393  /**
394  * Get iterator to past-the-end of bounded results
395  * @return Const_iterator to past-the-end of bounded results
396  */
397  ResultContainer::const_iterator boundedCEnd() {return bounded_.cend();};
399  private:
401  /**
402  * Check whether file can be opened
403  * @param filename Name of file to open
404  * @return true if corresponding file can be opened; false otherwise
405  */
406  bool filenameIsOkay(const std::string &filename);
408  /**
409  * Compute lexicographic optimal results
410  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
411  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
412  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
413  */
414  SCIP_RETCODE computeLexicographicOptResults(std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR*>>& orig_vars,
415  std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& orig_vals);
417  /**
418  * Compute lexicographic optimal result with given objective having highest preference
419  * @param obj Objective with highest preference
420  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
421  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
422  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
423  */
424  SCIP_RETCODE computeLexicographicOptResult(std::size_t obj,
425  std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR*>>& orig_vars,
426  std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& orig_vals);
429  /**
430  * Checks whether results corresponding to given iterator is dominated or equal to other given elements
431  * @param it Const_iterator corresponding to result
432  * @param beg_it Const_iterator to beginning of result container
433  * @param end_it Const_iterator to past-the-end of result container
434  * @return true if result given by it is dominated or equal to other given results; false otherwise
435  */
436  bool isDominatedOrEqual(ResultContainer::const_iterator it,
437  ResultContainer::const_iterator beg_it,
438  ResultContainer::const_iterator end_it) const;
440  /**
441  * Set weighted objective: weight * (c_1,...,c_k) \\cdot x
442  * @param weight Weight
443  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
444  */
445  SCIP_RETCODE setWeightedObjective(const WeightType& weight);
447  /**
448  * Solves currently considered SCIP instance
449  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
450  */
451  SCIP_RETCODE solve();
453  /**
454  * Resolve INFORUNBD SCIP status to either infeasible or unbounded
455  * @param weight Weight yielding INFORUNBD status
456  * @param with_presolving Indicates whether presolving should be used or not
457  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
458  */
459  SCIP_STATUS separateINFORUNBD(const WeightType& weight,
460  bool with_presolving = true);
462  /**
463  * Handle SCIP status that is neither optimal nor unbounded
464  * @param status Current SCIP status
465  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
466  */
467  SCIP_RETCODE handleNonOptNonUnbdStatus(SCIP_STATUS status);
469  /**
470  * Handle unbounded SCIP status
471  * @param check_if_new_result Indicates whether to check if computed results is already known
472  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
473  */
474  SCIP_RETCODE handleUnboundedStatus(bool check_if_new_result=false);
476  /**
477  * Indicates whether given outcomes coincide within some epsilon error
478  * @param a First outcome to compare
479  * @param b Second outcome to compare
480  * @param epsilon Allowed error
481  * @return true if outcomes coincides; false otherwise
482  */
483  static bool outcomesCoincide(const OutcomeType& a,
484  const OutcomeType& b,
485  double epsilon);
487  /**
488  * Indicates whether given outcome was not computed before
489  * @param outcome Outcome to check
490  * @param outcome_is_bounded Indicates whether given outcome is bounded or unbounded
491  * @return true if given outcome was not computed before; false otherwise
492  */
493  bool outcomeIsNew(const OutcomeType& outcome,
494  bool outcome_is_bounded) const;
496  /**
497  * Indicates whether given outcome is new with respect to other given results
498  * @param outcome Outcome to check
499  * @param beg Const_iterator to beginning of result container
500  * @param last Const_iterator to past-the-end of result container
501  * @return true if given outcome does not coincide with outcomes; false otherwise
502  */
503  bool outcomeIsNew(const OutcomeType& outcome,
504  ResultContainer::const_iterator beg,
505  ResultContainer::const_iterator last) const;
507  /**
508  * Get computed result
509  * @param outcome_is_bounded Indicates whether previous computation yielded unbounded status
510  * @param primal_sol Corresponding SCIP primal solution pointer if previous computation yielded optimal status
511  * @return Result type
512  */
513  Result getResult(bool outcome_is_bounded = false,
514  SCIP_SOL* primal_sol = nullptr);
516  /**
517  * Get bounded optimal result
518  * @return Result type
519  */
520  Result getOptimalResult();
522  /**
523  * Print objective
524  * @param obj_no Corresponding index of objective
525  * @param nonzero_indices Indices of variables with non-zero coefficients
526  * @param nonzero_vals Corresponding non-zero coefficient variable values
527  * @param os Output stream to write to
528  */
529  void printObjective(std::size_t obj_no,
530  const std::vector<int>& nonzero_indices,
531  const std::vector<SCIP_Real>& nonzero_vals,
532  std::ostream& os = std::cout) const;
534  /**
535  * Indicates whether objective given by index is redundant
536  * @param begin_nonzeros begin_nonzeros[i+1] = begin_nonzeros[i] + obj_probdata->getNumberNonzeroCoeffs(i)
537  * @param obj_to_nonzero_indices indices of non-zero variables for each objective
538  * @param obj_to_nonzero_values non-zero variables for each objective
539  * @param index index of objective to check
540  * @return true if checked objective is redundant; false otherwise
541  */
542  bool objIsRedundant(const std::vector<int>& begin_nonzeros,
543  const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& obj_to_nonzero_indices,
544  const std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_Real>>& obj_to_nonzero_values,
545  std::size_t index) const;
547  /**
548  * Compute non-dominated extreme point results
549  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
550  */
551  SCIP_RETCODE computeWeightSpaceResults();
553  /**
554  * Compute bounded non-dominated extreme points for objective for which unbounded ray exits
555  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
556  */
557  SCIP_RETCODE computeBoundedNondomResultsForUnbdObjs();
559  /**
560  * Compute non-dominated points which are not lexicographically optimal
561  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
562  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
563  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
564  */
565  SCIP_RETCODE computeNonLexicographicNondomResults(const std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR*>>& orig_vars,
566  const std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& orig_vals);
568  /**
569  * Compute non-dominated points via subproblems with weighted Tchebycheff norm
570  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
571  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
572  * @param obj_1 Index of first considered objective
573  * @param obj_2 Index of second considered objective
574  * @return Container of non-dominated outcomes which are also non-dominated for projection onto obj_1 and obj_2
575  */
576  std::vector<OutcomeType> solveWeightedTchebycheff(const std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR*>>& orig_vars,
577  const std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& orig_vals,
578  std::size_t obj_1,
579  std::size_t obj_2);
581  /**
582  * Compute disjoint rectangular boxes from given feasible rectangular boxes
583  * @param feasible_boxes List of feasible boxes
584  * @return Vector of disjoint feasible rectangular boxes
585  */
586  std::vector<RectangularBox> computeDisjointBoxes(std::list<RectangularBox>&& feasible_boxes) const;
588  /**
589  * Compute feasible rectangular boxes
590  * @param proj_nondom_outcomes Non-dominated outcomes which are non-dominated for objective pair
591  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
592  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
593  * @return List of feasible rectangular boxes
594  */
595  std::list<RectangularBox> computeFeasibleBoxes(
596  const std::map<ObjPair, std::vector<OutcomeType>> &proj_nondom_outcomes,
597  const std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR *>> &orig_vars,
598  const std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> &orig_vals);
600  /**
601  * Compute locally non-dominated results in given rectangular box
602  * @param box Rectangular box
603  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
604  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
605  * @return Container with locally non-dominated results
606  */
607  ResultContainer computeNondomPointsInBox(const RectangularBox& box,
608  const std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR *>>& orig_vars,
609  const std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& orig_vals);
611  /**
612  * Indicates whether given outcome is globally dominated
613  * @param outcome Outcome to check for dominance
614  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
615  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
616  * @return true if given outcome is dominated; false otherwise
617  */
618  bool boxResultIsDominated(const OutcomeType& outcome,
619  const std::vector<std::vector<SCIP_VAR*>>& orig_vars,
620  const std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& orig_vals);
623  /**
624  * Create constraint: new_var - beta_i * orig_vals \\cdot orig_vars >= - beta_i * rhs
625  * @param new_var Non-original variable
626  * @param orig_vars Container storing original problem variables with non-zero coefficients for each objective
627  * @param orig_vals Container storing original non-zero objective coefficients for each objective
628  * @param rhs rhs value
629  * @param beta_i coefficient
630  * @return Pointer to corresponding SCIP constraint
631  */
632  SCIP_CONS* createNewVarTransformCons(SCIP_VAR *new_var,
633  const std::vector<SCIP_VAR *> &orig_vars,
634  const std::vector<ValueType> &orig_vals,
635  const ValueType &rhs,
636  const ValueType &beta_i);
638  /**
639  * Create constraint: lhs <= vals \\cdot vars <= rhs
640  * @param vars Considered variables
641  * @param vals Considered coefficient values
642  * @param lhs lhs value
643  * @param rhs rhs value
644  * @return Pointer to corresponding SCIP constraint
645  */
646  SCIP_CONS* createObjValCons(const std::vector<SCIP_VAR *>& vars,
647  const std::vector<ValueType>& vals,
648  const ValueType& lhs,
649  const ValueType& rhs);
651  /**
652  * Computes non-dominated point which fulfills: obj_val_cons1 = obj_val_cons1_rhs and obj_val_cons2 = obj_val_cons2_rhs
653  * @param obj_val_cons1 First constraint to consider
654  * @param obj_val_cons2 Second constraint to consider
655  * @param obj_val_cons1_rhs Corresponding rhs of first constraint
656  * @param obj_val_cons2_rhs Corresponding rhs of second constraint
657  * @param obj_1 Considered objective index corresponding to first constraint
658  * @param obj_2 Considered objective index corresponding to second constraint
659  * @param results Container to store computed non-dominated result
660  * @return SCIP_OKAY if everything worked; otherwise a suitable error code is passed
661  */
662  SCIP_RETCODE computeNondomProjResult(SCIP_CONS* obj_val_cons1,
663  SCIP_CONS* obj_val_cons2,
664  ValueType obj_val_cons1_rhs,
665  ValueType obj_val_cons2_rhs,
666  std::size_t obj_1,
667  std::size_t obj_2,
668  ResultContainer &results);
670  /**
671  * Indicates whether unbounded results were computed
672  * @return true if unbounded results were computed; false otherwise
673  */
674  bool unboundedResultsExist() const {return !unbounded_.empty();};
676  /**
677  * Print solution
678  * @param sol Solution to print
679  * @param os Output stream to write to
680  */
681  void printSol(const SolType& sol,
682  std::ostream& os) const;
684  /**
685  * Print outcome
686  * @param outcome Outcome to print
687  * @param os Output stream to write to
688  * @param desc Description to print before given outcome
689  */
690  void outputOutcome(const OutcomeType &outcome,
691  std::ostream& os,
692  const std::string desc ="") const;
694  /**
695  * Constructor
696  * @param cmd_line_args Command line parameter object
697  * @param scip SCIP pointer
698  * @param no_objs Number of considered objective
699  * @param clock_total Clock measuring total computation time
700  */
701  explicit Polyscip(const CmdLineArgs& cmd_line_args,
702  SCIP* scip,
703  std::size_t no_objs,
704  SCIP_CLOCK *clock_total);
706  CmdLineArgs cmd_line_args_; ///< Object containing command line parameter information
707  PolyscipStatus polyscip_status_; ///< Current PolySCIP status
708  SCIP* scip_; ///< SCIP pointer
709  SCIP_Objsense obj_sense_; ///< Objective sense of given problem
710  std::size_t no_objs_; ///< Considered number of objectives
711  SCIP_CLOCK* clock_total_; ///< Clock measuring the time needed for the entire computation
712  bool only_weight_space_phase_; ///< Indicates whether only non-dominated extreme points should be computed
713  bool is_sub_prob_; ///< Indicates whether PolySCIP instance belongs to subproblem
714  std::unique_ptr<WeightSpacePolyhedron> weight_space_poly_; ///< Pointer holding weight space polyhedron object
715  ResultContainer bounded_; ///< Container storing bounded non-dominated results
716  ResultContainer unbounded_; ///< Container storing unbounded non-dominated results
717  std::vector<std::size_t> unbd_orig_objs_; ///< Container storing objectives indices for which unbounded rays were found
718  };
720 }
ResultContainer::const_iterator boundedCBegin()
Definition: polyscip.h:391
std::vector< ValueType > WeightType
Type for weight vectors.
std::pair< ValueType, ValueType > Interval
Interval I = [a,b)
Definition: polyscip.h:186
ResultContainer::const_iterator boundedCEnd()
Definition: polyscip.h:397
static SCIP_RETCODE printStatus(SCIP *masterscip, SCIP_STATUS status)
Definition: benders.c:31
TwoDProj getRightProj() const
Definition: polyscip.h:156
SCIP_Real ValueType
Type for computed values.
Definition: type_retcode.h:54
ValueType getFirst() const
Definition: polyscip.h:64
General types used for PolySCIP.
std::vector< ValueType > OutcomeType
Type for points, rays in objective space.
std::pair< SolType, OutcomeType > Result
A result comprises of a solution/ray in feasible space and a corresponding outcome in objective space...
std::map< TwoDProj, ResultContainer, std::function< bool(const TwoDProj &, const TwoDProj &)> > ProjMap
Container for non-dominated projections.
Definition: polyscip.h:91
C++ wrapper classes for SCIP.
Class representing the 1-skeleton of the weight space polyhedron.
TwoDProj getLeftProj() const
Definition: polyscip.h:150
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TwoDProj &proj)
Command line arguments for PolySCIP.
Definition: cmd_line_args.h:34
std::vector< Result > ResultContainer
Container type for results.
Definition: type_stat.h:58
Class for PolySCIP solver functions.
Definition: polyscip.h:295
Class representing a two-dimensional projection of an outcome.
Definition: polyscip.h:47
Definition: circlepacking.c:56
Definition: circlepacking.c:57
std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > ObjPair
Pair of objectives indices.
Definition: polyscip.h:312
Class representing non-dominated projections.
Definition: polyscip.h:89
ValueType getSecond() const
Definition: polyscip.h:70
TwoDProj getLastProj() const
Definition: polyscip.h:162
A rectangular box R = [a_1,e_1) x ... x [a_k,e_k) is a k-ary Cartesian product of half-open intervals...
Definition: polyscip.h:184
bool writeResults() const
Definition: polyscip.h:344
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, ValueType > > SolType
Type for solutions in feasible space.
Definition: type_prob.h:36
PolySCIP command line arguments.
TwoDProj(const OutcomeType &outcome, std::size_t first, std::size_t second)
Definition: polyscip.cpp:81