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24 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
38 * certain optimizations should be omitted (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cfenv/FENV_ACCESS/).
49 * There are ways to work around this by declaring variables volatile or inserting more assembler code,
51 * A more drastic but safer way seems to be to just disable all compiler optimizations for this file.
271 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) /* gcc or icc compiler on x86 32bit or 64bit */
274 * Do this in a way that the compiler does not "optimize" it away, which usually does not considers rounding modes.
276 * @todo We now set the FENV_ACCESS pragma to on, which is the same as -frounding-math, so we might be able to eliminate this.
280 /* we explicitly use double here, since I'm not sure the assembler code would work as it for other float's */
295 * Do this in a way that the compiler does not "optimize" it away, which usually does not considers rounding modes.
299 /* we explicitly use double here, since I'm not sure the assembler code would work as it for other float's */
469 /** indicates whether interval is entire, i.e., whether inf ≤ -infinity and sup ≥ infinity */
559 * If intersection of operand1 and operand2 is empty, but minimal (relative) distance of intervals
562 * - `resultant = { operand1.sup }`, if `operand1.sup` < `operand2.inf` and `reldiff(operand2.inf,operand1.sup)` ≤ eps
563 * - `resultant = { operand1.inf }`, if `operand1.inf` > `operand2.sup` and `reldiff(operand1.inf,operand2.sup)` ≤ eps
634 /* [a,...] + [-inf,...] = [-inf,...] for all a, in particular, [+inf,...] + [-inf,...] = [-inf,...] */
661 /* [...,b] + [...,+inf] = [...,+inf] for all b, in particular, [...,-inf] + [...,+inf] = [...,+inf] */
820 assert(resultant->inf == -infinity); /* should be set above, since operand1.inf <= operand1.sup <= -infinity */
990 /** multiplies operand1 with scalar operand2 and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant */
1046 /** multiplies operand1 with scalar operand2 and stores supremum of result in supremum of resultant */
1338 /** computes the scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores infimum of result in infimum of resultant */
1364 /** computes the scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores supremum of result in supremum of resultant */
1390 /** computes the scalar product of a vector of intervals and a vector of scalars and stores result in resultant */
1517 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
1535 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
1543 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
1570 * if 0 is in exponent, then resultant should also contain 1 (the case exponent == [0,0] is handled above)
1728 /* use a binary exponentiation algorithm... see comments in SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf */
1793 SCIPintervalReciprocal(SCIP_REAL_MAX, resultant, *resultant); /* value for infinity does not matter, since there should be no 0.0 in the interval, so just use something large enough */
1845 * Needs to have operand1 ≥ 0 or operand2 integer and needs to have operand2 ≥ 0 if operand1 = 0.
1880 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
1968 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
1978 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
1999 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
2008 assert(intervalGetRoundingMode() == SCIP_ROUND_NEAREST); /* usually, no-one should have changed rounding mode */
2083 assert(resultant->inf <= resultant->sup || resultant->inf >= infinity || resultant->sup <= -infinity);
2087 assert(op2isint); /* otherwise we had set operand1.inf == 0.0, which was handled in first case */
2095 resultant->sup = SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup(MAX(-operand1.inf, operand1.sup), (int)operand2);
2104 resultant->inf = SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf(MAX(-operand1.inf, operand1.sup), (int)operand2);
2137 * That is, for \f$y = x^p\f$ with the exponent \f$p\f$ a given scalar and \f$y\f$ = `image` a given interval,
2138 * computes \f$x \subseteq \text{basedomain}\f$ such that \f$y \in x^p\f$ and such that for all \f$z \in \text{basedomain} \setminus x: z^p \not \in y\f$.
2191 if( basedomain.inf <= -resultant->inf && EPSISINT(exponent, 0.0) && (int)exponent % 2 == 0 ) /*lint !e835 */
2204 /* invert negative part of image, if any and if base can take negative value and if exponent is such that negative values are possible */
2205 if( image.inf < 0.0 && basedomain.inf < 0.0 && EPSISINT(exponent, 0.0) && ((int)exponent % 2 != 0) ) /*lint !e835 */
2219 * @attention we assume correctly rounded sqrt(double) and pow(double) functions when rounding is to nearest
2525 /* make sure we do not exceed value for infinity, so interval is not declared as empty if inf and sup are both > infinity */
2694 /* the function evaluates sine transforming it to a cosine via sin(x) = cos(x-pi/2) = -cos(x+pi/2) */
2703 * if we can achieve this here by add pi/2 instead of subtracting it, then use the sin(x) = -cos(x+pi/2) identity
2743 * To make sure that a is always between [0, pi] we use the identity cos(x) = (-1)^k cos(x + k pi), i.e.,
2744 * we compute k such that a + k pi \in [0,pi], compute cos([a,b] + k pi) and then multiply by (-1)^k.
2818 SCIPdebugMessage("cos([%.16g,%.16g]) = [%.16g,%.16g]\n", operand.inf, operand.sup, resultant->inf, resultant->sup);
2836 SCIPdebugMessage("cos([%.16g,%.16g]) = [%.16g,%.16g]\n", operand.inf, operand.sup, resultant->inf, resultant->sup);
2917 /* compute infimum = MIN(entropy(op.inf), entropy(op.sup)) and supremum = MAX(MIN(entropy(op.inf), entropy(op.sup))) */
2979 /** computes exact upper bound on \f$ a x^2 + b x \f$ for x in [xlb, xub], b an interval, and a scalar
2981 * Uses Algorithm 2.2 from Domes and Neumaier: Constraint propagation on quadratic constraints (2008).
3109 /** computes interval with positive solutions of a quadratic equation with interval coefficients
3111 * Given intervals a, b, and c, this function computes an interval that contains all positive solutions of \f$ a x^2 + b x \in c\f$ within xbnds.
3132 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar(infinity, resultant, -sqrcoeff.inf, -lincoeff.inf, -rhs.sup, xbnds);
3133 SCIPdebugMessage("solve %g*x^2 + %g*x >= %g gives [%.20f, %.20f]\n", -sqrcoeff.inf, -lincoeff.inf, -rhs.sup, resultant->inf, resultant->sup);
3141 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar(infinity, &res2, sqrcoeff.sup, lincoeff.sup, rhs.inf, xbnds);
3142 SCIPdebugMessage("solve %g*x^2 + %g*x >= %g gives [%.20f, %.20f]\n", sqrcoeff.sup, lincoeff.sup, rhs.inf, res2.inf, res2.sup);
3143 SCIPdebugMessage("intersection of [%.20f, %.20f] and [%.20f, %.20f]", resultant->inf, resultant->sup, res2.inf, res2.sup);
3156 /** computes interval with negative solutions of a quadratic equation with interval coefficients
3158 * Given intervals a, b, and c, this function computes an interval that contains all negative solutions of \f$ a x^2 + b x \in c\f$ within xbnds.
3183 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, resultant, sqrcoeff, lincoeff, rhs, xbnds);
3193 * Givens scalar a, b, and c, this function computes an interval that contains all positive solutions of \f$ a x^2 + b x \geq c\f$ within xbnds.
3194 * Implements Algorithm 3.2 from Domes and Neumaier: Constraint propagation on quadratic constraints (2008).
3224 * The same should have been computed below, but without the sqrcoeff, terms simplify (thus, also less rounding).
3398 * Given intervals a, b and c, this function computes an interval that contains all solutions of \f$ a x^2 + b x \in c\f$ within xbnds.
3419 * the code below would also work, but uses many more case distinctions to get to a result that should be the same (though epsilon differences can sometimes be observed)
3425 SCIPdebugMessage("solving [%g,%g]*x = [%g,%g] for x in [%g,%g] gives [%g,%g]\n", lincoeff.inf, lincoeff.sup, rhs.inf, rhs.sup, xbnds.inf, xbnds.sup, resultant->inf, resultant->sup);
3429 SCIPdebugMessage("solving [%g,%g]*x^2 + [%g,%g]*x = [%g,%g] for x in [%g,%g]\n", sqrcoeff.inf, sqrcoeff.sup, lincoeff.inf, lincoeff.sup, rhs.inf, rhs.sup, xbnds.inf, xbnds.sup);
3434 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, &xpos, sqrcoeff, lincoeff, rhs, xbnds);
3435 SCIPdebugMessage(" solutions of [%g,%g]*x^2 + [%g,%g]*x in [%g,%g] for x in [%g,%g] are [%.15g,%.15g]\n",
3436 sqrcoeff.inf, sqrcoeff.sup, lincoeff.inf, lincoeff.sup, rhs.inf, rhs.sup, MAX(xbnds.inf, 0.0), xbnds.sup, xpos.inf, xpos.sup);
3446 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative(infinity, &xneg, sqrcoeff, lincoeff, rhs, xbnds);
3447 SCIPdebugMessage(" solutions of [%g,%g]*x^2 + [%g,%g]*x in [%g,%g] for x in [%g,%g] are [%g,%g]\n",
3448 sqrcoeff.inf, sqrcoeff.sup, lincoeff.inf, lincoeff.sup, rhs.inf, rhs.sup, xbnds.inf, MIN(xbnds.sup, 0.0), xneg.inf, xneg.sup);
3456 SCIPdebugMessage(" unify gives [%g,%g]\n", SCIPintervalGetInf(*resultant), SCIPintervalGetSup(*resultant));
3461 * Given scalars \f$a_x\f$, \f$a_y\f$, \f$a_{xy}\f$, \f$b_x\f$, and \f$b_y\f$ and intervals for \f$x\f$ and \f$y\f$,
3478 /* we use double double precision and finally widen the computed range by 1e-8% to compensate for not computing rounding-safe here */
3526 /* The whole line (x, -bx/axy - (axy/2ay) x) defines an extreme point with value -ay bx^2 / axy^2
3527 * If x is unbounded, then there is an (x,y) with y in ybnds where the extreme value is assumed.
3528 * If x is bounded on at least one side, then we can rely that the checks below for x at one of its bounds will check this extreme point.
3578 SCIPintervalAddScalar(infinity, &tmp, tmp, (SCIP_Real)(ax * xbnds.inf * xbnds.inf + bx * xbnds.inf));
3621 SCIPintervalAddScalar(infinity, &tmp, tmp, (SCIP_Real)(ax * xbnds.sup * xbnds.sup + bx * xbnds.sup));
3707 SCIPintervalAddScalar(infinity, &tmp, tmp, (SCIP_Real)(ay * ybnds.sup * ybnds.sup + by * ybnds.sup));
3716 SCIPdebugMessage("range for %gx^2 + %gy^2 + %gxy + %gx + %gy = [%g, %g] for x = [%g, %g], y=[%g, %g]\n",
3722 * Given scalars \f$a_x\f$, \f$a_y\f$, \f$a_{xy}\f$, \f$b_x\f$ and \f$b_y\f$, and intervals for \f$x\f$, \f$y\f$, and rhs,
3723 * computes \f$ \{ x \in \mathbf{x} : \exists y \in \mathbf{y} : a_x x^2 + a_y y^2 + a_{xy} x y + b_x x + b_y y \in \mathbf{\mbox{rhs}} \} \f$.
3740 /* we use double double precision and finally widen the computed range by 1e-8% to compensate for not computing rounding-safe here */
3764 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, &pos, sqrcoef, lincoef, rhs, xbnds);
3775 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, &neg, sqrcoef, lincoef, rhs, xbndsneg);
3790 * fall back to univariate case by solving a_x x^2 + b_x x + a_y y^2 + (a_xy xbnds + b_y) y in rhs
3826 SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(infinity, resultant, -ax, -ay, -axy, -bx, -by, rhs, xbnds, ybnds);
3866 ub = (SCIP_Real)(SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(infinity, (SCIP_Real)rcoef_yy, ycoef, ybnds) + rhs.sup + rcoef_const);
3875 /* it looks like there will be no solution (rhs < 0), but we are very close and above operations did not take care of careful rounding
3876 * thus, we relax rhs a be feasible a bit (-ub would be sufficient, but that would put us exactly onto the boundary)
3931 /* here axy * axy < 4 * ax * ay, so need to check for zeros of r(rhs,y), which is done below */
4005 /* here axy * axy < 4 * ax * ay, so need to check for zeros of r(rhs,y), which will happen below */
4062 sqrtterm = axy * axy * ay * (ay * bx * bx - axy * bx * by + ax * by * by - axy * axy * rhs.sup + 4.0 * ax * ay * rhs.sup);
4116 sqrtterm = axy * axy * ay * (ay * bx * bx - axy * bx * by + ax * by * by - axy * axy * rhs.inf + 4.0 * ax * ay * rhs.inf);
4241 SCIPintervalSetBounds(&rhs2, (SCIP_Real)(-rhs.sup - rcoef_const), (SCIP_Real)(-rhs.inf - rcoef_const));
4250 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, &ypos, rcoef_yy_int, rcoef_y_int, rhs2, ybnds);
4293 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative(infinity, &yneg, rcoef_yy_int, rcoef_y_int, rhs2, ybnds);
4329 if( rhs.inf > -infinity && xbnds.inf > -infinity && EPSGT(xbnds.inf, maxvalleft / sqrtax, 1e-9) )
4331 /* if sqrt(ax)*x > -sqrt(r(rhs,y))-b(y), then tighten lower bound of sqrt(ax)*x to lower bound of sqrt(r(rhs,y))-b(y)
4332 * this is only possible if rhs.inf > -infinity, otherwise the value for maxvalleft is not valid (but tightening wouldn't be possible for sure anyway) */
4333 assert(EPSGE(minvalright, minvalleft, 1e-9)); /* right interval should not be above lower bound of left interval */
4350 if( rhs.inf > -infinity && xbnds.sup < infinity && EPSLT(xbnds.sup, minvalright / sqrtax, 1e-9) )
4352 /* if sqrt(ax)*x < sqrt(r(rhs,y))-b(y), then tighten upper bound of sqrt(ax)*x to upper bound of -sqrt(r(rhs,y))-b(y)
4353 * this is only possible if rhs.inf > -infinity, otherwise the value for minvalright is not valid (but tightening wouldn't be possible for sure anyway) */
4354 assert(EPSLE(maxvalleft, maxvalright, 1e-9)); /* left interval should not be above upper bound of right interval */
4430 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, resultant, a_, lincoef, myrhs, xbnds);
4443 SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(infinity, resultant, a_, lincoef, myrhs, xbndsneg);
4609 * @attention Valid values are returned in resultants only if any tightening has been found and no empty interval, that is, function returns with non-zero and `*infeasible` = FALSE.
4620 SCIP_INTERVAL* resultants, /**< array to store propagated intervals, if any reduction is found at all (check return code and *infeasible) */
4666 c = noperands; /* signal for terminate code to not copy operands to resultants because we return *infeasible == TRUE */ /*lint !e850*/
4695 /* if there are too many unbounded bounds, then could only compute infinite bounds for children, so give up */
4696 if( (minlinactivityinf >= 2 || rhs.sup >= infinity) && (maxlinactivityinf >= 2 || rhs.inf <= -infinity) )
4698 c = noperands; /* signal for terminate code that it doesn't need to copy operands to resultants because we return nreductions==0 */
4705 * node->bounds.sup - (minlinactivity - c_i.inf), if c_i.inf > -infinity and minlinactivityinf == 0
4724 * node->bounds.inf - (maxlinactivity - c_i.sup), if c_i.sup < infinity and maxlinactivityinf == 0
4740 SCIPdebugMessage("child %d: %.20g*x in [%.20g,%.20g]", c, weights[c], childbounds.inf, childbounds.sup);
4770 /* pop -O0 from beginning, though it probably doesn't matter here at the end of the compilation unit */
void SCIPintervalSetEntire(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant)
Definition: intervalarith.c:458
void SCIPintervalReciprocal(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2393
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsSubsetEQ(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:497
void SCIPintervalUnify(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:597
void SCIPintervalCos(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2730
Definition: intervalarith.h:44
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsEntire(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:470
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerSup(SCIP_Real operand1, int operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1681
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsPositiveInfinity(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:479
void SCIPintervalPowerScalarScalar(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1848
void SCIPintervalMulSup(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:904
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingMode(SCIP_ROUNDMODE roundmode)
Definition: intervalarith.c:256
void SCIPintervalQuad(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL xrng)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3078
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsNegativeInfinity(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:488
void SCIPintervalSub(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:785
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalPowerScalarIntegerInf(SCIP_Real operand1, int operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1598
void SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsInf(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_Real *operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1339
void SCIPintervalAddScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:705
void SCIPintervalIntersectEps(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real eps, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:566
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3400
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositiveAllScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real sqrcoeff, SCIP_Real lincoeff, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3196
void SCIPintervalPowerScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1891
void SCIPintervalSet(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real value)
Definition: intervalarith.c:409
void SCIPintervalAdd(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:678
SCIP_ROUNDMODE SCIPintervalGetRoundingMode(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:264
void SCIPintervalAddSup(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:651
void SCIPintervalMulInf(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:844
static SCIP_ROUNDMODE intervalGetRoundingMode(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:245
void SCIPintervalScalprodScalars(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_Real *operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1391
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalAreDisjoint(SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:516
void SCIPintervalDiv(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1142
void SCIPintervalAbs(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2650
interval arithmetics for provable bounds
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalIsEmpty(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:446
void SCIPintervalSolveBivariateQuadExpressionAllScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real ax, SCIP_Real ay, SCIP_Real axy, SCIP_Real bx, SCIP_Real by, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds, SCIP_INTERVAL ybnds)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3727
void SCIPintervalScalprod(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1299
void SCIPintervalSetEmpty(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant)
Definition: intervalarith.c:435
void SCIPintervalScalprodScalarsSup(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_Real *operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1365
void SCIPintervalSquareRoot(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1491
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalGetInf(SCIP_INTERVAL interval)
Definition: intervalarith.c:393
internal miscellaneous methods
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalQuadUpperBound(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_Real a, SCIP_INTERVAL b_, SCIP_INTERVAL x)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2983
SCIP_Real SCIPintervalGetSup(SCIP_INTERVAL interval)
Definition: intervalarith.c:401
void SCIPintervalMulScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1103
void SCIPintervalMulScalarSup(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1047
void SCIPintervalIntersect(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:545
int SCIPintervalPropagateWeightedSum(SCIP_Real infinity, int noperands, SCIP_INTERVAL *operands, SCIP_Real *weights, SCIP_Real constant, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultants, SCIP_Bool *infeasible)
Definition: intervalarith.c:4613
void SCIPintervalEntropy(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2884
void SCIPintervalLog(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2550
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionPositive(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3113
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeDownwards(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:332
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeToNearest(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:348
void SCIPintervalAddInf(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:624
void SCIPintervalPower(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1552
void SCIPintervalPowerScalarInverse(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL basedomain, SCIP_Real exponent, SCIP_INTERVAL image)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2140
void SCIPintervalPowerScalarInteger(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real operand1, int operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1756
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalAreDisjointEps(SCIP_Real eps, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:529
void SCIPintervalSubScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:833
void SCIPintervalQuadBivar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real ax, SCIP_Real ay, SCIP_Real axy, SCIP_Real bx, SCIP_Real by, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds, SCIP_INTERVAL ybnds)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3466
void SCIPintervalSign(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2857
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeTowardsZero(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:356
void SCIPintervalSignPowerScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2221
void SCIPintervalDivScalar(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1196
void SCIPintervalSquare(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:1419
void SCIPintervalMulScalarInf(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_Real operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:991
void SCIPintervalMul(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:964
void SCIPintervalSetRoundingModeUpwards(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:340
public methods for message output
#define CALCB(y)
SCIP_Bool SCIPintervalHasRoundingControl(void)
Definition: intervalarith.c:227
void SCIPintervalSetBounds(SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_Real inf, SCIP_Real sup)
Definition: intervalarith.c:421
static void intervalSetRoundingMode(SCIP_ROUNDMODE roundmode)
Definition: intervalarith.c:236
void SCIPintervalAddVectors(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, int length, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL *operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:755
#define CALCR(c, y)
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
void SCIPintervalMax(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2634
void SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpressionNegative(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL lincoeff, SCIP_INTERVAL rhs, SCIP_INTERVAL xbnds)
Definition: intervalarith.c:3160
void SCIPintervalMin(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand1, SCIP_INTERVAL operand2)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2618
void SCIPintervalSin(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2688
void SCIPintervalExp(SCIP_Real infinity, SCIP_INTERVAL *resultant, SCIP_INTERVAL operand)
Definition: intervalarith.c:2466