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22 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
41 * The first warning is generated for expressions like t[0], where t is a vector, since 0 is an integer constant, but a
42 * size_t is expected (usually long unsigned). The second is generated for expressions like t[n], where n is an
43 * integer. Both code pieces are likely to be correct. It seems to be impossible to inhibit these messages for
47 /* defining EVAL_USE_EXPRHDLR_ALWAYS uses the exprhdlr methods for the evaluation and differentiation of all expression (except for var and value)
49 * this is incomplete (no hessians) and slow (only forward-mode gradients), but can be useful for testing
53 /* defining NO_CPPAD_USER_ATOMIC disables the use of our own implementation of derivatives of power operators
55 * our customized implementation should give better results (tighter intervals) for the interval data type
56 * but we don't use interval types here anymore and the atomic operator does not look threadsafe (might be better in newer CppAD version)
66 * It is wise to set it to a power of 2, so that if the tape id overflows, it is likely to start at 0 again, which avoids difficult to debug errors.
77 * -Wshadow was too strict with some versions of GCC 4 (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2958457/gcc-wshadow-is-too-strict)
78 * disable -Wimplicit-fallthrough as I don't want to maintain extra comments in CppAD code to suppress these
98 * To run it in a multithreading environment, a special CppAD memory allocator that is aware of the multiple threads has to be used.
100 * To implement this, we follow the team_pthread example of CppAD, which uses pthread's thread-specific data management.
126 /* if no thread_number for this thread yet, then assign a new thread number to the current thread
158 * The purpose is to make sure that init_parallel() is called before any multithreading is started.
209 vector<atomic_userexpr*> userexprs; /**< vector of atomic_userexpr that are created during eval() and need to be kept as long as the tape exists */
210 SCIP_EXPRINTCAPABILITY userevalcapability;/**< (intersection of) capabilities of evaluation routines of user expressions */
212 int* hesrowidxs; /**< row indices of Hessian sparsity: indices are the variables used in expression */
213 int* hescolidxs; /**< column indices of Hessian sparsity: indices are the variables used in expression */
218 // Hessian data in CppAD style: indices are 0..n-1 and elements on both lower and upper diagonal of matrix are considered
219 CppAD::local::internal_sparsity<bool>::pattern_type hessparsity_pattern; /**< packed sparsity pattern of Hessian in CppAD-internal form */
220 CppAD::vector<size_t> hessparsity_row; /**< row indices of sparsity pattern of Hessian in CppAD-internal form */
221 CppAD::vector<size_t> hessparsity_col; /**< column indices of sparsity pattern of Hessian in CppAD-internal form */
229 * For a 1 x q matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the 1 x q matrix S(x) = f'(x) * R.
249 * For a q x 1 matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the q x 1 matrix S(x) = R * f'(x).
274 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
306 * This class implements forward and reverse operations for the function x -> x^p for use within CppAD.
307 * While CppAD would implement integer powers as a recursion of multiplications, we still use pow functions as they allow us to avoid overestimation in interval arithmetics.
309 * @todo treat the exponent as a (variable) argument to the function, with the assumption that we never differentiate w.r.t. it (this should make the approach threadsafe again)
352 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
353 CppAD::vector<bool>& vy, /**< vector to store which function values depend on variables, or empty vector */
387 // ty[2] = 1/2 * exponent * (exponent-1) * pow(tx[0], exponent-2) * tx[1] * tx[1] + exponent * pow(tx[0], exponent-1) * tx[2];
412 * Then in the reverse sweep we have to compute the elements of \f$\partial h / \partial x^[l], l = 0, ..., k,\f$
413 * where x^[l] is the l'th taylor coefficient (x, x', x'', ...) and h(x) = g(y(x)) for some function g:R^k -> R.
416 * px[l] = \partial h / \partial x^[l] = (\partial g / \partial y) * (\partial y / \partial x^[l])
460 // px[0] = py[0] * exponent * pow(tx[0], exponent-1) + py[1] * exponent * (exponent-1) * pow(tx[0], exponent-2) * tx[1];
481 * For a 1 x q matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the 1 x q matrix S(x) = f'(x) * R.
497 * For a q x 1 matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the q x 1 matrix S(x) = R * f'(x).
517 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
569 * This class implements forward and reverse operations for the function x -> sign(x)abs(x)^p for use within CppAD.
570 * While we otherwise would have to use discontinuous sign and abs functions, our own implementation allows to provide
573 * @todo treat the exponent as a (variable) argument to the function, with the assumption that we never differentiate w.r.t. it (this should make the approach threadsafe again)
616 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
617 CppAD::vector<bool>& vy, /**< vector to store which function values depend on variables, or empty vector */
675 * Then in the reverse sweep we have to compute the elements of \f$\partial h / \partial x^[l], l = 0, ..., k,\f$
676 * where x^[l] is the l'th taylor coefficient (x, x', x'', ...) and h(x) = g(y(x)) for some function g:R^k -> R.
679 * px[l] = \partial h / \partial x^[l] = (\partial g / \partial y) * (\partial y / \partial x^[l])
725 // px[0] = py[0] * p * abs(tx[0])^(p-1) + py[1] * p * (p-1) * abs(tx[0])^(p-2) * sign(tx[0]) * tx[1]
757 * For a 1 x q matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the 1 x q matrix S(x) = f'(x) * R.
773 * For a q x 1 matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the q x 1 matrix S(x) = R * f'(x).
793 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
849 /* pow(0,fractional>1) is not differential in the CppAD world (https://github.com/coin-or/CppAD/discussions/93)
852 resultant = CppAD::CondExpEq(arg, adzero, pow(arg+std::numeric_limits<SCIP_Real>::epsilon(), exponent)-pow(std::numeric_limits<SCIP_Real>::epsilon(), exponent),
860 * This class implements forward and reverse operations for a function given by a user expression for use within CppAD.
869 : CppAD::atomic_base<SCIP_Real>(SCIPexprhdlrGetName(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr_)), CppAD::atomic_base<SCIP_Real>::bool_sparsity_enum),
895 * y^2 = 1/2 Y^(2)(0) = 1/2 Y''(0) = 1/2 X'(0) * f''(X(0)) X'(0) + 1/2 * f'(X(0)) * X''(0) = 1/2 x^1 * f''(x^0) * x^1 + f'(x^0) * x^2
899 * ty[1] = y^1 = f'(x^0) * tx[{1..n}*(p+1)+1] = sum(i=1..n, grad[i] * tx[i*(p+1)+1]), where grad = f'(x^0)
900 * ty[2] = 1/2 sum(i,j=1..n, x[i*(p+1)+1] * x[j*(p+1)+q] * hessian[i,j]) + sum(i=1..n, grad[i] * x[i*(p+1)+2])
905 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
906 CppAD::vector<bool>& vy, /**< vector to store which function values depend on variables, or empty vector */
920 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "expr_%s:forward, q=%zd, p=%zd\n", SCIPexprhdlrGetName(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr)), q, p);
1054 * Given functions G: R^(p+1) -> R and H: R^(n*(p+1)) -> R, where H(x^0, x^1, .., x^p) = G(F(x^0,..,x^p)),
1094 CppAD::vector<SCIP_Real>& px, /**< vector to store partial derivatives of h(x) = g(y(x)) w.r.t. x */
1163 * For a 1 x q matrix R, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the 1 x q matrix S(x) = f'(x) * R.
1192 * For a q x 1 matrix S, we have to return the sparsity pattern of the q x 1 matrix R(x) = S * f'(x).
1222 const CppAD::vector<bool>& vx, /**< indicates whether argument is a variable, or empty vector */
1379 val = CppAD::CondExpEq(buf[0], adzero, pow(buf[0]+std::numeric_limits<SCIP_Real>::epsilon(), exponent)-pow(std::numeric_limits<SCIP_Real>::epsilon(), exponent),
1415 * but then derivatives at 0 are 0, while they are actually infinite (see expr_entropy.c:bwdiff)
1423 //SCIPerrorMessage("using derivative methods of exprhdlr %s in CppAD is not implemented yet", SCIPexprhdlrGetName(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr)));
1424 //CppAD::ErrorHandler::Call(true, __LINE__, __FILE__, "evalUser()", "Error: user expressions in CppAD not possible without CppAD user atomic facility");
1442 * We do not want to stop execution in such a case, since the calling routine should check for nan's and decide what to do.
1455 SCIPdebugMessage("ignore CppAD error from %sknown source %s:%d: msg: %s exp: %s\n", known ? "" : "un", file, line, msg, cond);
1470 return "Algorithmic Differentiation of C++ algorithms developed by B. Bell (github.com/coin-or/CppAD)";
1489 *exprint = (SCIP_EXPRINT*)1u; /* some code checks that a non-NULL pointer is returned here, even though it may not point anywhere */
1543 for( expr = SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(it); !SCIPexpriterIsEnd(it); expr = SCIPexpriterGetNext(it) )
1572 * however, only atomic_userexpr:forward() is implemented for p=0,1 at the moment, so we cannot do Hessians
1588 (*exprintdata)->varidxs.insert((*exprintdata)->varidxs.begin(), varidxs.begin(), varidxs.end());
1609 if( SCIPisExprPower(scip, child) && SCIPgetExponentExprPow(child) == 2.0 && SCIPisExprVaridx(scip, SCIPexprGetChildren(child)[0]) )
1612 if( SCIPisExprProduct(scip, child) && SCIPexprGetNChildren(child) == 2 && SCIPisExprVaridx(scip, SCIPexprGetChildren(child)[0]) && SCIPisExprVaridx(scip, SCIPexprGetChildren(child)[1]) )
1646 * In cases of user-given expressions, higher order derivatives may not be available for the user-expression,
1647 * even if the expression interpreter could handle these. This method allows to recognize that, e.g., the
1648 * Hessian for an expression is not available because it contains a user expression that does not provide
1699 exprintdata->x[i] = varvals[idx]; /* need this for a following grad or hessian eval with new_x = false */
1703 for( vector<atomic_userexpr*>::iterator it(exprintdata->userexprs.begin()); it != exprintdata->userexprs.end(); ++it )
1746 SCIP_Bool new_varvals, /**< have variable values changed since last call to a point evaluation routine? */
1805 * Since the AD code might need to do a forward sweep, variable values need to be passed in here.
1877 // following https://github.com/coin-or/CppAD/blob/20180000.0/cppad_ipopt/src/vec_fun_pattern.cpp
1914 // - hesrowidxs,hescolidxs are nonzero entries in the lower-diagonal of the Hessian and are returned to the caller; indices are variable indices as in expression
1915 // - hessparsity_row,hessparsity_col are nonzero entries in the full Hessian and are used in SCIPexprintHessian(); indices are 0..n-1 (n=dimension of f)
1916 // - hessparsity_pattern is the same information as hessparsity_row,hessparsity_col, but stored in different form
1917 // originally we were calling CppAD::local::sparsity_user2internal(exprintdata->hessparsity_pattern, exprintdata->hessparsity, n, n, false, ""),
1933 // we need hessparsity_pattern only if SCIPexprintHessian is doing a sparse hessian eval; nn/4 is the threshold for that
1939 // add above-diagonal elements into end part of hessparsity_row/col, so we have a 1:1 correspondence
1963 SCIPinfoMessage(scip, NULL, " (%d,%d)", exprintdata->hesrowidxs[i], exprintdata->hescolidxs[i]);
1978 * Returned arrays `rowidxs` and `colidxs` and number of elements `nnz` are the same as given by SCIPexprintHessianSparsity().
1987 SCIP_Bool new_varvals, /**< have variable values changed since last call to an evaluation routine? */
2008 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprintHessianSparsity(scip, exprint, expr, exprintdata, varvals, &dummy2, &dummy2, &dummy1) );
2022 // eval hessian; if constant, then only if not evaluated yet (hesvalues has size 0, but hesnnz > 0)
2023 if( n > 0 && (!exprintdata->hesconstant || exprintdata->hesvalues.size() < (size_t)exprintdata->hesnnz) )
2029 // using here hessparsity_row.size() instead of hesnnz as we want to pass hesvalues to CppAD and it prefers to calculate a full Hessian
2036 // use dense Hessian if there are many nonzero elements (approx more than half (recall only lower (or upper)-triangular is considered))
2040 exprintdata->hesvalues[i] = hess[exprintdata->hessparsity_row[i] * n + exprintdata->hessparsity_col[i]];
2044 // originally, this was hess = exprintdata->f.SparseHessian(exprintdata->x, vector<double>(1, 1.0), exprintdata->hessparsity),
2046 // to reuse the coloring of the sparsity pattern and use also a sparse matrix for the Hessian values, we now call SparseHessianCompute directly
2047 exprintdata->f.SparseHessianCompute(exprintdata->x, vector<double>(1, 1.0), exprintdata->hessparsity_pattern, exprintdata->hessparsity_row, exprintdata->hessparsity_col, exprintdata->hesvalues, exprintdata->heswork);
2050 // hessparsity_row, hessparsity_col, hessparsity_pattern are no longer used by SparseHessianCompute after coloring has been computed in first call, except for some asserts, so we free some mem
2069 SCIPinfoMessage(scip, NULL, " (%d,%d)=%g", exprintdata->hesrowidxs[i], exprintdata->hescolidxs[i], exprintdata->hesvalues[i]);
static SCIP_RETCODE eval(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata, const vector< Type > &x, Type &val)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1318
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexpriterInit(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRITER_TYPE type, SCIP_Bool allowrevisit)
Definition: expriter.c:491
methods to interpret (evaluate) an expression "fast"
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, FILE *file)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1476
Definition: struct_scip.h:59
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintCompile(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *rootexpr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA **exprintdata)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1514
void posintpower(const vector< Type > &in, vector< Type > &out, size_t exponent)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:547
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintFreeData(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA **exprintdata)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1625
static void evalSignPower(CppAD::AD< Type > &resultant, const CppAD::AD< Type > &arg, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:831
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintHessianSparsity(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata, SCIP_Real *varvals, int **rowidxs, int **colidxs, int *nnz)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1809
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintGrad(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata, SCIP_Real *varvals, SCIP_Bool new_varvals, SCIP_Real *val, SCIP_Real *gradient)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1740
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:673
void SCIPinfoMessage(SCIP *scip, FILE *file, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: scip_message.c:199
SCIP_Bool SCIPisExprProduct(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1454
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPevalExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1623
public functions to work with algebraic expressions
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcallExprEvalFwdiff(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *childrenvalues, SCIP_Real *direction, SCIP_Real *val, SCIP_Real *dot)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2187
handler for variable index expressions
interval arithmetics for provable bounds
Definition: type_expr.h:691
static void cppaderrorcallback(bool known, int line, const char *file, const char *cond, const char *msg)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1447
public functions to work with algebraic expressions
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:862
power and signed power expression handlers
Definition: type_retcode.h:33
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintCreate(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT **exprint)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1482
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1474
Definition: struct_expr.h:193
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExpriter(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRITER **iterator)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2300
SCIP_Real SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr_product.c:2146
Definition: struct_expr.h:95
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintEval(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata, SCIP_Real *varvals, SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1664
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcallExprEval(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *childrenvalues, SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2160
Definition: type_exprinterpret.h:43
SCIP_EXPRINTCAPABILITY SCIPexprintGetExprCapability(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1651
logarithm expression handler
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintFree(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT **exprint)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1495
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterGetNext(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:848
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprintHessian(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRINT *exprint, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata, SCIP_Real *varvals, SCIP_Bool new_varvals, SCIP_Real *val, int **rowidxs, int **colidxs, SCIP_Real **hessianvals, int *nnz)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1981
static CppAD::ErrorHandler errorhandler(cppaderrorcallback)
static void evalIntPower(Type &resultant, const Type &arg, const int exponent)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1271
Definition: type_exprinterpret.h:41
SCIP_Bool SCIPisExprSignpower(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr_pow.c:3215
SCIP_Bool SCIPisExprVaridx(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr_varidx.c:242
atomic_userexpr(SCIP *scip_, SCIP_EXPR *expr_)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:865
#define SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(scip, ptr, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:102
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
Definition: objbenders.h:33
exponential expression handler
Definition: type_exprinterpret.h:42