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23 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
104 SCIP_Bool branchpriowarning; /**< store if the waring regarding fractional value for the branching
140 /** Allocate storage for the mathematical program instance generated by ZIMPL. xlp_alloc() is the first xlpglue routine
166 /** free storage for mathematical program. xlp_free() is the last xlpglue routine that will be called by Zimpl */
251 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprQuadratic(scip, expr, nlinvars, linvars, lincoefs, nquadterms, quadvar1, quadvar2, quadcoefs, NULL, NULL) );
340 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprMonomial(scip, &monomialexpr, varpos, polyvars, polyexps, NULL, NULL) );
385 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, &monomials[nmonomials], 2, prodchildren, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
501 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "invalid constraint type <%d> in ZIMPL callback xlp_addcon()\n", type);
576 initial, separate, enforce, check, propagate, local, readerdata->dynamicconss, readerdata->dynamicrows, FALSE) );
612 initial, separate, enforce, check, propagate, local, readerdata->dynamicconss, readerdata->dynamicrows, FALSE) );
647 initial, separate, enforce, check, propagate, local, modifiable, readerdata->dynamicconss, readerdata->dynamicrows, FALSE) );
683 initial, separate, enforce, check, propagate, local, modifiable, readerdata->dynamicconss, readerdata->dynamicrows) );
739 SCIPerrorMessage("Could not convert ZIMPL objective term into SCIP expression due to unsupported ZIMPL function.\n");
746 readerdata->initialconss, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, readerdata->dynamicconss, FALSE) );
748 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateVarBasic(scip, &objvar, "objvar", -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip), 1.0, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS) );
789 readerdata->retcode = addConsTerm(scip, readerdata, name, type, lhs, rhs, flags, term, &created);
864 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "invalid variable class <%d> in ZIMPL callback xlp_addvar()\n", usevarclass);
873 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateVar(scip, &var, name, lb, ub, 0.0, vartype, initial, removable, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
903 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "primal solution candidate contains an unknown value for variable <%s>(%g)\n",
953 readerdata->retcode = addVar(scip, readerdata, name, usevarclass, lower, upper, priority, startval, &zplvar);
958 /** add a SOS constraint. Add a given a Zimpl term as an SOS constraint to the mathematical program */
986 readerdata->initialconss, separate, enforce, check, propagate, local, readerdata->dynamicconss, readerdata->dynamicrows, FALSE) );
1011 readerdata->initialconss, separate, enforce, check, propagate, local, readerdata->dynamicconss, readerdata->dynamicrows, FALSE) );
1038 /** add a SOS constraint. Add a given a Zimpl term as an SOS constraint to the mathematical program */
1108 SCIPerrorMessage("invalid SCIP variable type <%d> in ZIMPL callback xlp_getclass()\n", SCIPvarGetType(scipvar));
1309 /* change to the directory of the ZIMPL file, s.t. paths of data files read by the ZIMPL model are relative to
1318 (void) SCIPsnprintf(namewithoutpath, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "%s.%s%s", name, extension, compextension);
1344 /* an extra blank line should be printed separately since the buffer message handler only handle up to one line
1347 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, NULL, "base directory for ZIMPL parsing: <%s>\n", currentpath);
1348 /* an extra blank line should be printed separately since the buffer message handler only handle up to one line
1451 SCIP_CALL( SCIPduplicateBufferArray(scip, &argv[argc], filename, (int) strlen(filename)+1) ); /*lint !e866*/
1507 SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, NULL, "ZIMPL starting solution candidate accepted\n");
1557 SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeReaderBasic(scip, &reader, READER_NAME, READER_DESC, READER_EXTENSION, readerdata) );
1565 "reading/zplreader/changedir", "should the current directory be changed to that of the ZIMPL file before parsing?",
1571 "reading/zplreader/parameters", "additional parameter string passed to the ZIMPL parser (or - for no additional parameters)",
1574 (void) SCIPsnprintf(extcodename, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "ZIMPL %d.%d.%d", ZIMPL_VERSION/100, (ZIMPL_VERSION%100)/10, ZIMPL_VERSION%10); /*lint !e778*/
1575 SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeExternalCodeInformation(scip, extcodename, "Zuse Institute Mathematical Programming Language developed by T. Koch (zimpl.zib.de)"));
1579 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "SCIP does only support ZIMPL 3.4.1 and higher. Please update your ZIMPL version %d.%d.%d\n",
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetStringParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, char **value)
Definition: scip_param.c:336
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprPow(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_Real exponent, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_pow.c:3166
public methods for SCIP parameter handling
Definition: struct_reader.h:36
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddVarObj(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real addobj)
Definition: scip_var.c:4559
Definition: struct_scip.h:59
Definition: type_prob.h:38
public methods for memory management
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprSignpower(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_Real exponent, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_pow.c:3190
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddSolFree(SCIP *scip, SCIP_SOL **sol, SCIP_Bool *stored)
Definition: scip_sol.c:3015
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddVarIndicator(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: cons_indicator.c:7965
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateProb(SCIP *scip, const char *name, SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG((*probdelorig)), SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS((*probtrans)), SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS((*probdeltrans)), SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL((*probinitsol)), SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL((*probexitsol)), SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY((*probcopy)), SCIP_PROBDATA *probdata)
Definition: scip_prob.c:108
Definition: type_result.h:49
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddVarSOS2(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real weight)
Definition: cons_sos2.c:2450
Definition: struct_var.h:198
void SCIPsplitFilename(char *filename, char **path, char **name, char **extension, char **compression)
Definition: misc.c:10974
void * SCIPhashmapEntryGetOrigin(SCIP_HASHMAPENTRY *entry)
Definition: misc.c:3500
constraint handler for indicator constraints
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashmapCreate(SCIP_HASHMAP **hashmap, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, int mapsize)
Definition: misc.c:3014
miscellaneous datastructures
Definition: type_var.h:53
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateVarBasic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR **var, const char *name, SCIP_Real lb, SCIP_Real ub, SCIP_Real obj, SCIP_VARTYPE vartype)
Definition: scip_var.c:185
public methods for problem variables
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddStringParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, char **valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, const char *defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: scip_param.c:185
#define SCIPduplicateBufferArray(scip, ptr, source, num)
Definition: scip_mem.h:123
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprExp(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_exp.c:500
Definition: type_retcode.h:38
Definition: type_message.h:46
public methods for SCIP variables
void SCIPwarningMessage(SCIP *scip, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: scip_message.c:111
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprSum(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nchildren, SCIP_EXPR **children, SCIP_Real *coefficients, SCIP_Real constant, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_sum.c:1070
SCIP_Real SCIPhashmapGetImageReal(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin)
Definition: misc.c:3241
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddCoefLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18162
public methods for numerical tolerances
public functions to work with algebraic expressions
Definition: struct_sol.h:64
Definition: struct_misc.h:128
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetObjsense(SCIP *scip, SCIP_OBJSENSE objsense)
Definition: scip_prob.c:1241
Definition: type_retcode.h:36
Definition: prop_obbt.c:138
Definition: struct_cons.h:37
SCIP_HASHMAPENTRY * SCIPhashmapGetEntry(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, int entryidx)
Definition: misc.c:3489
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddVarSOS1(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real weight)
Definition: cons_sos1.c:10513
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprMonomial(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nfactors, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *exponents, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1131
ZIMPL model file reader.
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetBoolParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, SCIP_Bool *value)
Definition: scip_param.c:241
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprProduct(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nchildren, SCIP_EXPR **children, SCIP_Real coefficient, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_product.c:2121
power and signed power expression handlers
Definition: type_retcode.h:33
void SCIPverbMessage(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL msgverblevel, FILE *file, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: scip_message.c:216
public methods for constraint handler plugins and constraints
public methods for NLP management
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddLinearVarNonlinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real coef)
Definition: cons_nonlinear.c:12510
Definition: struct_expr.h:95
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSolVal(SCIP *scip, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: scip_sol.c:1212
Definition: type_message.h:44
public data structures and miscellaneous methods
logarithm expression handler
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeReaderBasic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_READER **readerptr, const char *name, const char *desc, const char *extension, SCIP_READERDATA *readerdata)
Definition: scip_reader.c:100
Definition: type_var.h:55
type definitions for input file readers
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprAbs(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_abs.c:519
Definition: struct_misc.h:121
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreleaseExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1407
constraint handler for nonlinear constraints specified by algebraic expressions
Definition: type_var.h:54
Definition: type_message.h:43
handler for sin expressions
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateVar(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR **var, const char *name, SCIP_Real lb, SCIP_Real ub, SCIP_Real obj, SCIP_VARTYPE vartype, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_DECL_VARDELORIG((*vardelorig)), SCIP_DECL_VARTRANS((*vartrans)), SCIP_DECL_VARDELTRANS((*vardeltrans)), SCIP_DECL_VARCOPY((*varcopy)), SCIP_VARDATA *vardata)
Definition: scip_var.c:105
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPchgVarBranchPriority(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *var, int branchpriority)
Definition: scip_var.c:7977
Constraint handler for linear constraints in their most general form, .
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetReaderCopy(SCIP *scip, SCIP_READER *reader, SCIP_DECL_READERCOPY((*readercopy)))
Definition: scip_reader.c:138
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprLog(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_log.c:620
absolute expression handler
product expression handler
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetBinaryVarIndicator(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *binvar)
Definition: cons_indicator.c:8142
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsIndicator(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, SCIP_VAR *binvar, int nvars, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *vals, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_indicator.c:7427
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, int nvars, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *vals, SCIP_Real lhs, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool modifiable, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_linear.c:17821
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashmapSetImageReal(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin, SCIP_Real image)
Definition: misc.c:3331
general public methods
public methods for solutions
SCIP_Real SCIPhashmapEntryGetImageReal(SCIP_HASHMAPENTRY *entry)
Definition: misc.c:3530
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprSin(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_trig.c:1421
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreleaseCons(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons)
Definition: scip_cons.c:1110
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprCos(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_trig.c:1441
public methods for input file readers
constraint handler for SOS type 1 constraints
public methods for message handling
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetReaderRead(SCIP *scip, SCIP_READER *reader, SCIP_DECL_READERREAD((*readerread)))
Definition: scip_reader.c:186
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsNonlinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real lhs, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool modifiable, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable)
Definition: cons_nonlinear.c:11132
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeExternalCodeInformation(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *description)
Definition: scip_general.c:704
sum expression handler
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsSOS1(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, int nvars, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *weights, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_sos1.c:10376
constraint handler for SOS type 2 constraints
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsSOS2(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, int nvars, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *weights, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_sos2.c:2351
Definition: type_prob.h:39
Definition: objbenders.h:33
public methods for reader plugins
public methods for global and local (sub)problems
exponential expression handler
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddBoolParam(SCIP *scip, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Bool *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: scip_param.c:48
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprQuadratic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nlinvars, SCIP_VAR **linvars, SCIP_Real *lincoefs, int nquadterms, SCIP_VAR **quadvars1, SCIP_VAR **quadvars2, SCIP_Real *quadcoefs, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1023
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateSol(SCIP *scip, SCIP_SOL **sol, SCIP_HEUR *heur)
Definition: scip_sol.c:319
Definition: type_var.h:58