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Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /* */
3 /* This file is part of the program and library */
4 /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */
5 /* */
6 /* Copyright 2002-2022 Zuse Institute Berlin */
7 /* */
8 /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9 /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10 /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11 /* */
12 /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */
13 /* */
14 /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15 /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16 /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17 /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18 /* limitations under the License. */
19 /* */
20 /* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21 /* along with SCIP; see the file LICENSE. If not visit scipopt.org. */
22 /* */
23 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25 /**@file struct_stat.h
26  * @ingroup INTERNALAPI
27  * @brief datastructures for problem statistics
28  * @author Tobias Achterberg
29  * @author Timo Berthold
30  * @author Stefan Heinz
31  * @author Gregor Hendel
32  * @author Gerald Gamrath
33  * @author Marc Pfetsch
34  * @author Stefan Vigerske
35  */
37 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
39 #ifndef __SCIP_STRUCT_STAT_H__
40 #define __SCIP_STRUCT_STAT_H__
43 #include "scip/def.h"
44 #include "scip/type_stat.h"
45 #include "scip/type_clock.h"
46 #include "scip/type_visual.h"
47 #include "scip/type_history.h"
48 #include "scip/type_var.h"
49 #include "scip/type_lp.h"
50 #include "scip/type_heur.h"
51 #include "scip/type_relax.h"
52 #include "scip/type_misc.h"
54 #ifdef __cplusplus
55 extern "C" {
56 #endif
58 /** problem and runtime specific statistics */
59 struct SCIP_Stat
60 {
61  SCIP_REGRESSION* regressioncandsobjval;/**< linear regression of pairs (nbranchcands, lpobjval) for every node */
62  SCIP_Longint nlpiterations; /**< total number of LP iterations */
63  SCIP_Longint nrootlpiterations; /**< total number of LP iterations in root node */
64  SCIP_Longint nrootfirstlpiterations;/**< number of LP iterations for first LP solved at the root node */
65  SCIP_Longint nprimallpiterations;/**< number of iterations in primal simplex */
66  SCIP_Longint nduallpiterations; /**< number of iterations in dual simplex */
67  SCIP_Longint nlexduallpiterations;/**< number of iterations in lexicographic dual simplex */
68  SCIP_Longint nbarrierlpiterations;/**< number of iterations in barrier algorithm */
69  SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelpiterations; /**< number of primal LP iterations with advanced start basis */
70  SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelpiterations; /**< number of dual LP iterations with advanced start basis */
71  SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelpiterations; /**< number of lexicographic dual LP iterations with advanced start basis */
72  SCIP_Longint nnodelpiterations; /**< number of iterations for totally solving node relaxations */
73  SCIP_Longint ninitlpiterations; /**< number of iterations for solving nodes' initial relaxations */
74  SCIP_Longint ndivinglpiterations;/**< number of iterations in diving and probing */
75  SCIP_Longint ndivesetlpiterations; /**< total number of LP iterations performed by divesets */
76  SCIP_Longint nsbdivinglpiterations;/**< number of iterations in probing mode for strong branching */
77  SCIP_Longint nsblpiterations; /**< number of simplex iterations used in strong branching */
78  SCIP_Longint nrootsblpiterations;/**< number of simplex iterations used in strong branching at the root node */
79  SCIP_Longint nconflictlpiterations;/**< number of simplex iterations used in conflict analysis */
80  SCIP_Longint nresolveinstablelps; /**< number of simplex resolves of instable LPs */
81  SCIP_Longint nresolveinstablelpiters; /**< number of simplex iterations used for resolving instable LPs */
82  SCIP_Longint nnodes; /**< number of nodes processed in current run (including focus node) */
83  SCIP_Longint ninternalnodes; /**< number of nodes processed in current run where a branching was performed */
84  SCIP_Longint nobjleaves; /**< number of leaf nodes processed that reached the cutoff bound */
85  SCIP_Longint nfeasleaves; /**< number of leaf nodes processed with feasible relaxation solution */
86  SCIP_Longint ninfeasleaves; /**< number of infeasible leaf nodes processed */
87  SCIP_Longint ntotalnodes; /**< total number of nodes processed in all runs (including focus node) */
88  SCIP_Longint ntotalinternalnodes;/**< total number of nodes processed in all runs where a branching was performed */
89  SCIP_Longint ntotalnodesmerged; /**< total number of nodes added ot the statistics of the main SCIP so far (see SCIPmergeStatistics) */
90  SCIP_Longint ncreatednodes; /**< total number of nodes created */
91  SCIP_Longint ncreatednodesrun; /**< number of nodes created in current run */
92  SCIP_Longint nactivatednodes; /**< number of times, a node got activated in current run */
93  SCIP_Longint ndeactivatednodes; /**< number of times, a node got deactivated in current run */
94  SCIP_Longint nearlybacktracks; /**< counter for early switches (if children dual bound is below reference value) */
95  SCIP_Longint nnodesaboverefbound;/**< counter for the number of focus nodes exceeding the reference bound */
96  SCIP_Longint nbacktracks; /**< number of times, the new node was chosen from the leaves queue */
97  SCIP_Longint ndelayedcutoffs; /**< number of times, the selected node was from a cut off subtree */
98  SCIP_Longint nreprops; /**< number of times, a solved node is repropagated again */
99  SCIP_Longint nrepropboundchgs; /**< number of bound changes generated in repropagating nodes */
100  SCIP_Longint nrepropcutoffs; /**< number of times, a repropagated node was cut off */
101  SCIP_Longint nlpsolsfound; /**< number of CIP-feasible LP solutions found so far */
102  SCIP_Longint nrelaxsolsfound; /**< number of CIP-feasible relaxation solutions found so far */
103  SCIP_Longint npssolsfound; /**< number of CIP-feasible pseudo solutions found so far */
104  SCIP_Longint nsbsolsfound; /**< number of CIP-feasible solutions found during strong branching so far */
105  SCIP_Longint nlpbestsolsfound; /**< number of new best CIP-feasible LP solutions found so far */
106  SCIP_Longint nrelaxbestsolsfound;/**< number of new best CIP-feasible relaxation solutions found so far */
107  SCIP_Longint npsbestsolsfound; /**< number of new best CIP-feasible pseudo solutions found so far */
108  SCIP_Longint nsbbestsolsfound; /**< number of new best CIP-feasible solutions found during strong branching so far */
109  SCIP_Longint nexternalsolsfound; /**< number of externally given CIP-feasible solutions (or new solutions found when transforming old ones) */
110  SCIP_Longint lastdispnode; /**< last node for which an information line was displayed */
111  SCIP_Longint lastdivenode; /**< last node where LP diving was applied */
112  SCIP_Longint lastconflictnode; /**< last node where conflict analysis was applied */
113  SCIP_Longint bestsolnode; /**< node number where the last incumbent solution was found */
114  SCIP_Longint domchgcount; /**< internal counter, where all domain changes are counted */
115  SCIP_Longint nboundchgs; /**< total number of bound changes generated in the tree */
116  SCIP_Longint nholechgs; /**< total number of hole changes generated in the tree */
117  SCIP_Longint nprobboundchgs; /**< total number of bound changes generated in the tree during probing */
118  SCIP_Longint nprobholechgs; /**< total number of hole changes generated in the tree during probing */
119  SCIP_Longint nsbdowndomchgs; /**< total number of domain changes generated at down children during strong branching */
120  SCIP_Longint nsbupdomchgs; /**< total number of domain changes generated at up children during strong branching */
121  SCIP_Longint nsbtimesiterlimhit; /**< total number of times that the strong branching iteration limit was hit */
122  SCIP_Longint nnodesbeforefirst; /**< number of nodes before first primal solution */
123  SCIP_Longint ninitconssadded; /**< total number of initial constraints added during the solve */
124  SCIP_Longint nactiveconssadded; /**< total number of active constraints added */
125  SCIP_Longint externmemestim; /**< estimation of external memory usage, e.g., by LP solver */
126  SCIP_Longint exprlastvisitedtag; /**< last used visited tag; used by expression iterators to identify expression that have been visited already */
127  SCIP_Longint exprlastsoltag; /**< last solution tag; used by expression evaluation to identify whether expression has been evaluated for given sol already */
128  SCIP_Longint exprlastdifftag; /**< last differentiation tag; used by expression differentiation to identify whether expression has been differentiated for given sol already */
129  SCIP_Real avgnnz; /**< average number of nonzeros per constraint in presolved problem */
130  SCIP_Real firstlpdualbound; /**< dual bound of root node computed by first LP solve (without cuts) */
131  SCIP_Real rootlowerbound; /**< lower bound of root node */
132  SCIP_Real vsidsweight; /**< current weight to use for updating VSIDS in history */
133  SCIP_Real firstprimalbound; /**< objective value of first primal solution */
134  SCIP_Real firstprimaltime; /**< time (in seconds) needed for first primal solution */
135  SCIP_Real firstsolgap; /**< solution gap when first solution is found */
136  SCIP_Real lastsolgap; /**< solution gap when last solution is found */
137  SCIP_Real primalzeroittime; /**< time used in primal simplex calls without iterations */
138  SCIP_Real dualzeroittime; /**< time used in dual simplex calls without iterations */
139  SCIP_Real barrierzeroittime; /**< time used in barrier calls without iterations */
140  SCIP_Real maxcopytime; /**< maxmimal time needed for copying a problem */
141  SCIP_Real mincopytime; /**< minimal time needed for copying a problem */
142  SCIP_Real firstlptime; /**< time needed to solve the very first LP in the root node */
143  SCIP_Real lastbranchvalue; /**< domain value of the last branching */
144  SCIP_Real dualrefintegral; /**< current reference-dual integral value */
145  SCIP_Real primalrefintegral; /**< current primal-reference integral value */
146  SCIP_Real primaldualintegral; /**< current primal-dual integral value */
147  SCIP_Real previousgap; /**< primal dual gap preceding the current gap */
148  SCIP_Real previousdualrefgap; /**< reference-dual gap preceding the current gap */
149  SCIP_Real previousprimalrefgap; /**< primal-reference gap preceding the current gap */
150  SCIP_Real previntegralevaltime;/**< last time of primal-dual integral evaluation */
151  SCIP_Real lastprimalbound; /**< last (non-infinite) primal bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
152  SCIP_Real lastdualbound; /**< last (non-infinite) dual bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
153  SCIP_Real lastlowerbound; /**< last lower bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
154  SCIP_Real lastupperbound; /**< last upper bound (in transformed space) for integral evaluation */
155  SCIP_Real rootlpbestestimate; /**< best-estimate for final root LP solution that changes with every pseudo-cost update */
156  SCIP_Real referencebound; /**< objective bound for reference purposes */
157  SCIP_Real bestefficacy; /**< best efficacy of global pool cut seen so far */
158  SCIP_Real minefficacyfac; /**< factor of best efficacy to use as min efficacy */
159  SCIP_Real detertimecnt; /**< internal counter for deterministic time */
160  SCIP_CLOCK* solvingtime; /**< total time used for solving (including presolving) the current problem */
161  SCIP_CLOCK* solvingtimeoverall; /**< total time used for solving (including presolving) during reoptimization */
162  SCIP_CLOCK* presolvingtime; /**< total time used for presolving the current problem */
163  SCIP_CLOCK* presolvingtimeoverall;/**< total time used for presolving during reoptimization */
164  SCIP_CLOCK* primallptime; /**< primal LP solution time */
165  SCIP_CLOCK* duallptime; /**< dual LP solution time */
166  SCIP_CLOCK* lexduallptime; /**< lexicographic dual LP solution time */
167  SCIP_CLOCK* barrierlptime; /**< barrier LP solution time */
168  SCIP_CLOCK* resolveinstablelptime;/**< LP solution time for taking care of instable LPs */
169  SCIP_CLOCK* divinglptime; /**< diving and probing LP solution time */
170  SCIP_CLOCK* strongbranchtime; /**< strong branching time */
171  SCIP_CLOCK* conflictlptime; /**< conflict analysis LP solution time */
172  SCIP_CLOCK* lpsoltime; /**< time needed for storing feasible LP solutions */
173  SCIP_CLOCK* relaxsoltime; /**< time needed for storing feasible relaxation solutions */
174  SCIP_CLOCK* pseudosoltime; /**< time needed for storing feasible pseudo solutions */
175  SCIP_CLOCK* sbsoltime; /**< time needed for searching and storing feasible strong branching solutions */
176  SCIP_CLOCK* nodeactivationtime; /**< time needed for path switching and activating nodes */
177  SCIP_CLOCK* nlpsoltime; /**< time needed for solving NLPs */
178  SCIP_CLOCK* copyclock; /**< time needed for copying problems */
179  SCIP_CLOCK* strongpropclock; /**< time needed for propagation during strong branching */
180  SCIP_CLOCK* reoptupdatetime; /**< time needed for storing and recreating nodes and solutions for reoptimization */
181  SCIP_HISTORY* glbhistory; /**< global history information over all variables */
182  SCIP_HISTORY* glbhistorycrun; /**< global history information over all variables for current run */
183  SCIP_VAR* lastbranchvar; /**< last variable, that was branched on */
184  SCIP_VISUAL* visual; /**< visualization information */
185  SCIP_HEUR* firstprimalheur; /**< heuristic which found the first primal solution */
186  SCIP_STATUS status; /**< SCIP solving status */
187  SCIP_BRANCHDIR lastbranchdir; /**< direction of the last branching */
188  SCIP_LPSOLSTAT lastsblpsolstats[2];/**< last LP solving statuses for variable strong branching */
189  SCIP_Longint nnz; /**< number of nonzeros in presolved problem */
190  SCIP_Longint lpcount; /**< internal counter, where all lp calls are counted; this includes the restored lps after diving and probing */
191  SCIP_Longint relaxcount; /**< internal counter, where all relax calls are counted */
192  SCIP_Longint nlps; /**< total number of LPs solved with at least 1 iteration */
193  SCIP_Longint nrootlps; /**< number of LPs solved at the root node with at least 1 iteration */
194  SCIP_Longint nprimallps; /**< number of primal LPs solved with at least 1 iteration */
195  SCIP_Longint nprimalzeroitlps; /**< number of primal LPs with 0 iterations */
196  SCIP_Longint nduallps; /**< number of dual LPs solved with at least 1 iteration */
197  SCIP_Longint ndualzeroitlps; /**< number of dual LPs with 0 iterations */
198  SCIP_Longint nlexduallps; /**< number of lexicographic dual LPs solved */
199  SCIP_Longint nbarrierlps; /**< number of barrier LPs solved with at least 1 iteration */
200  SCIP_Longint nbarrierzeroitlps; /**< number of barrier LPs with 1 iteration */
201  SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelps; /**< number of primal LPs solved with advanced start basis and at least 1 iteration */
202  SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelps; /**< number of dual LPs solved with advanced start basis and at least 1 iteration */
203  SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelps; /**< number of lexicographic dual LPs solved with advanced start basis and at least 1 iteration */
204  SCIP_Longint nnodelps; /**< number of LPs solved for node relaxations */
205  SCIP_Longint nnodezeroitlps; /**< number of LPs solved with 0 iterations for node relaxations */
206  SCIP_Longint ninitlps; /**< number of LPs solved for nodes' initial relaxations */
207  SCIP_Longint ndivinglps; /**< number of LPs solved during diving and probing */
208  SCIP_Longint ndivesetlps; /**< total number of diveset LPs */
209  SCIP_Longint nsbdivinglps; /**< number of LPs solved during strong branching probing mode */
210  SCIP_Longint nnumtroublelpmsgs; /**< number of messages about numerical trouble in LP on verblevel HIGH or lower */
211  SCIP_Longint nstrongbranchs; /**< number of strong branching calls */
212  SCIP_Longint nrootstrongbranchs; /**< number of strong branching calls at the root node */
213  SCIP_Longint nconflictlps; /**< number of LPs solved during conflict analysis */
214  SCIP_Longint nnlps; /**< number of NLPs solved */
215  SCIP_Longint nisstoppedcalls; /**< number of calls to SCIPsolveIsStopped() */
216  SCIP_Longint totaldivesetdepth; /**< the total probing depth over all diveset calls */
217  int subscipdepth; /**< depth of current scip instance (increased by each copy call) */
218  int ndivesetcalls; /**< total number of diveset diving calls */
219  int nruns; /**< number of branch and bound runs on current problem, including current run */
220  int ncutpoolfails; /**< number of fails in a cutpool to separate efficacious cuts */
221  int nconfrestarts; /**< number of restarts performed due to conflict analysis */
222  int nrootboundchgs; /**< total number of bound changes generated in the root node */
223  int nrootboundchgsrun; /**< total number of bound changes generated in the root node of current run */
224  int nrootintfixings; /**< total number of global fixings of integer variables */
225  int nrootintfixingsrun; /**< total number of global fixings of integer variables of current run */
226  int prevrunnvars; /**< number of variables in the previous run */
227  int nvaridx; /**< number of used variable indices */
228  int ncolidx; /**< number of used column indices */
229  int nrowidx; /**< number of used row indices */
230  int marked_nvaridx; /**< number of used variable indices before solving started */
231  int marked_ncolidx; /**< number of used column indices before solving started */
232  int marked_nrowidx; /**< number of used row indices before solving started */
233  int npricerounds; /**< number of pricing rounds performed in current node */
234  int nseparounds; /**< number of separation rounds performed in current node */
235  int ndisplines; /**< number of displayed information lines */
236  int maxdepth; /**< maximal depth of all processed nodes in current run */
237  int maxtotaldepth; /**< maximal depth of all processed nodes over all runs */
238  int plungedepth; /**< current plunging depth (successive times, a child was selected as next node) */
239  int nactiveconss; /**< total number of currently active constraints */
240  int nenabledconss; /**< total number of currently enabled constraints */
241  int nimplications; /**< total number of implications stored in the implication graph */
242  int npresolrounds; /**< number of presolving rounds in current run */
243  int npresolroundsfast; /**< number of fast presolving rounds in current run */
244  int npresolroundsmed; /**< number of medium presolving rounds in current run */
245  int npresolroundsext; /**< number of exhaustive presolving rounds in current run */
246  int npresolfixedvars; /**< number of presolving fixings in current run */
247  int npresolaggrvars; /**< number of presolving aggregations in current run */
248  int npresolchgvartypes; /**< number of presolving variable type changes in current run */
249  int npresolchgbds; /**< number of presolving bound changes in current run */
250  int npresoladdholes; /**< number of presolving hole additions in current run */
251  int npresoldelconss; /**< number of presolving constraint deletions in current run */
252  int npresoladdconss; /**< number of presolving constraint additions in current run */
253  int npresolupgdconss; /**< number of presolving constraint upgrades in current run */
254  int npresolchgcoefs; /**< number of presolving coefficient changes in current run */
255  int npresolchgsides; /**< number of presolving side changes in current run */
256  int lastnpresolfixedvars;/**< number of presolving fixings before presolving round */
257  int lastnpresolaggrvars;/**< number of presolving aggregations before presolving round */
258  int lastnpresolchgvartypes;/**< number of presolving variable type changes before presolving round */
259  int lastnpresolchgbds; /**< number of presolving bound changes before presolving round */
260  int lastnpresoladdholes;/**< number of presolving hole additions before presolving round */
261  int lastnpresoldelconss;/**< number of presolving constraint deletions before presolving round */
262  int lastnpresoladdconss;/**< number of presolving constraint additions before presolving round */
263  int lastnpresolupgdconss;/**< number of presolving constraint upgrades before presolving round */
264  int lastnpresolchgcoefs;/**< number of presolving coefficient changes before presolving round */
265  int lastnpresolchgsides;/**< number of presolving side changes before presolving round */
267  int lastnpresolimplications;/**< number of implications before presolving round */
268  int lastnpresolcliques; /**< number of cliques before presolving round */
269 #endif
270  int solindex; /**< consecutively numbered solution index */
271  int nrunsbeforefirst; /**< number of runs until first primal solution */
272  int firstprimaldepth; /**< depth in which first primal solution was found */
273  int ncopies; /**< counter how often SCIPcopy() was performed */
274  int nreoptruns; /**< number of reoptimization runs */
275  int nclockskipsleft; /**< how many times the timing should be skipped in SCIPsolveIsStopped() */
276  int nactiveexpriter; /**< number of active expression iterators */
277  SCIP_Bool memsavemode; /**< should algorithms be switched to memory saving mode? */
278  SCIP_Bool userinterrupt; /**< has the user asked to interrupt the solving process? */
279  SCIP_Bool userrestart; /**< has the user asked to restart the solving process? */
280  SCIP_Bool inrestart; /**< are we currently restarting the system? */
281  SCIP_Bool collectvarhistory; /**< should variable history statistics be collected */
282  SCIP_Bool performpresol; /**< indicates whether presolving is enabled */
283  SCIP_Bool branchedunbdvar; /**< indicates whether branching on an unbounded variable has been performed */
284  SCIP_Bool disableenforelaxmsg;/**< was disable enforelax message printed? */
285 };
287 #ifdef __cplusplus
288 }
289 #endif
291 #endif
SCIP_Longint nlexduallps
Definition: struct_stat.h:198
SCIP_Longint nprimallps
Definition: struct_stat.h:194
SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:70
SCIP_Real lastupperbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:154
SCIP_Longint nsbdivinglps
Definition: struct_stat.h:209
int npresoladdconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:252
SCIP_Longint ninfeasleaves
Definition: struct_stat.h:86
SCIP_Real firstlpdualbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:130
int npresolroundsfast
Definition: struct_stat.h:243
SCIP_Longint nnodelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:72
int marked_ncolidx
Definition: struct_stat.h:231
SCIP_Longint nlpsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:101
int solindex
Definition: struct_stat.h:270
SCIP_Longint nsbdowndomchgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:119
Definition: struct_stat.h:186
SCIP_Longint nlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:62
SCIP_Longint externmemestim
Definition: struct_stat.h:125
SCIP_Real primalrefintegral
Definition: struct_stat.h:145
SCIP_Longint nfeasleaves
Definition: struct_stat.h:85
type definitions for miscellaneous datastructures
SCIP_Longint nnumtroublelpmsgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:210
SCIP_Longint ndeactivatednodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:93
SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelps
Definition: struct_stat.h:203
int npricerounds
Definition: struct_stat.h:233
SCIP_Longint relaxcount
Definition: struct_stat.h:191
SCIP_Longint nlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:192
SCIP_Longint nbarrierlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:68
SCIP_Longint ninitconssadded
Definition: struct_stat.h:123
SCIP_CLOCK * conflictlptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:171
int nrunsbeforefirst
Definition: struct_stat.h:271
SCIP_Real rootlowerbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:131
SCIP_Longint ntotalnodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:87
SCIP_Real previntegralevaltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:150
int npresolaggrvars
Definition: struct_stat.h:247
SCIP_Real lastbranchvalue
Definition: struct_stat.h:143
SCIP_Longint nrootfirstlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:64
int nactiveexpriter
Definition: struct_stat.h:276
SCIP_Longint ndivinglps
Definition: struct_stat.h:207
SCIP_Longint nsbtimesiterlimhit
Definition: struct_stat.h:121
SCIP_BRANCHDIR lastbranchdir
Definition: struct_stat.h:187
int npresolfixedvars
Definition: struct_stat.h:246
SCIP_Real lastsolgap
Definition: struct_stat.h:136
SCIP_Longint nrootstrongbranchs
Definition: struct_stat.h:212
SCIP_Longint nactiveconssadded
Definition: struct_stat.h:124
int nreoptruns
Definition: struct_stat.h:274
int nclockskipsleft
Definition: struct_stat.h:275
int npresoldelconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:251
SCIP_Longint nstrongbranchs
Definition: struct_stat.h:211
int lastnpresolchgvartypes
Definition: struct_stat.h:258
SCIP_Longint nholechgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:116
SCIP_Longint nrootsblpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:78
SCIP_Real detertimecnt
Definition: struct_stat.h:159
SCIP_Longint nrootlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:193
SCIP_Longint ncreatednodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:90
SCIP_Real primaldualintegral
Definition: struct_stat.h:146
int nenabledconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:240
SCIP_Longint nnlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:214
SCIP_Longint nbacktracks
Definition: struct_stat.h:96
SCIP_Longint exprlastdifftag
Definition: struct_stat.h:128
SCIP_Real previousdualrefgap
Definition: struct_stat.h:148
int maxtotaldepth
Definition: struct_stat.h:237
SCIP_CLOCK * barrierlptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:167
int ndisplines
Definition: struct_stat.h:235
SCIP_Longint lastdispnode
Definition: struct_stat.h:110
SCIP_Longint nnodesaboverefbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:95
int npresolroundsext
Definition: struct_stat.h:245
SCIP_CLOCK * copyclock
Definition: struct_stat.h:178
SCIP_Real rootlpbestestimate
Definition: struct_stat.h:155
Definition: type_lp.h:51
SCIP_Longint exprlastsoltag
Definition: struct_stat.h:127
int maxdepth
Definition: struct_stat.h:236
SCIP_CLOCK * nlpsoltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:177
SCIP_Real lastdualbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:152
SCIP_VISUAL * visual
Definition: struct_stat.h:184
int lastnpresoladdconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:262
SCIP_Longint nlpbestsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:105
SCIP_Real dualzeroittime
Definition: struct_stat.h:138
SCIP_Longint nexternalsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:109
type definitions for problem statistics
type definitions for output for visualization tools (VBC, BAK)
int nrootintfixings
Definition: struct_stat.h:224
SCIP_Longint ntotalnodesmerged
Definition: struct_stat.h:89
SCIP_Longint nsblpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:77
SCIP_Real primalzeroittime
Definition: struct_stat.h:137
int nrootboundchgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:222
type definitions for LP management
SCIP_HISTORY * glbhistorycrun
Definition: struct_stat.h:182
int ncutpoolfails
Definition: struct_stat.h:220
Definition: type_history.h:48
SCIP_Real avgnnz
Definition: struct_stat.h:129
int nconfrestarts
Definition: struct_stat.h:221
SCIP_Longint nlexduallpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:67
SCIP_CLOCK * strongpropclock
Definition: struct_stat.h:179
int npresolchgcoefs
Definition: struct_stat.h:254
int npresolchgvartypes
Definition: struct_stat.h:248
SCIP_Real barrierzeroittime
Definition: struct_stat.h:139
int lastnpresolfixedvars
Definition: struct_stat.h:256
SCIP_Longint nobjleaves
Definition: struct_stat.h:84
SCIP_Longint npssolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:103
SCIP_Real mincopytime
Definition: struct_stat.h:141
int npresolroundsmed
Definition: struct_stat.h:244
int lastnpresoladdholes
Definition: struct_stat.h:260
int prevrunnvars
Definition: struct_stat.h:226
SCIP_Longint lpcount
Definition: struct_stat.h:190
type definitions for primal heuristics
int ndivesetcalls
Definition: struct_stat.h:218
SCIP_Longint bestsolnode
Definition: struct_stat.h:113
SCIP_Longint nconflictlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:79
int npresolchgsides
Definition: struct_stat.h:255
SCIP_CLOCK * pseudosoltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:174
SCIP_Longint nrelaxbestsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:106
int lastnpresolchgbds
Definition: struct_stat.h:259
SCIP_Longint nsbupdomchgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:120
SCIP_HEUR * firstprimalheur
Definition: struct_stat.h:185
SCIP_LPSOLSTAT lastsblpsolstats[2]
Definition: struct_stat.h:188
SCIP_Longint ninitlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:73
SCIP_CLOCK * solvingtimeoverall
Definition: struct_stat.h:161
SCIP_Longint nsbdivinglpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:76
SCIP_REGRESSION * regressioncandsobjval
Definition: struct_stat.h:61
SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:69
int nseparounds
Definition: struct_stat.h:234
SCIP_HISTORY * glbhistory
Definition: struct_stat.h:181
SCIP_Bool userinterrupt
Definition: struct_stat.h:278
SCIP_Longint nconflictlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:213
int npresolchgbds
Definition: struct_stat.h:249
int npresoladdholes
Definition: struct_stat.h:250
int marked_nvaridx
Definition: struct_stat.h:230
SCIP_Longint nsbbestsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:108
type definitions for problem variables
SCIP_Longint nduallpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:66
SCIP_Longint nbarrierzeroitlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:200
type definitions for relaxators
SCIP_Real vsidsweight
Definition: struct_stat.h:132
int lastnpresoldelconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:261
SCIP_Real previousprimalrefgap
Definition: struct_stat.h:149
SCIP_Longint ncreatednodesrun
Definition: struct_stat.h:91
SCIP_Longint nprimalresolvelps
Definition: struct_stat.h:201
SCIP_Longint nresolveinstablelps
Definition: struct_stat.h:80
SCIP_CLOCK * divinglptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:169
SCIP_Longint nprobboundchgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:117
SCIP_CLOCK * presolvingtimeoverall
Definition: struct_stat.h:163
SCIP_Longint nduallps
Definition: struct_stat.h:196
SCIP_Bool userrestart
Definition: struct_stat.h:279
SCIP_Real bestefficacy
Definition: struct_stat.h:157
SCIP_Longint nisstoppedcalls
Definition: struct_stat.h:215
#define SCIP_Bool
Definition: def.h:93
SCIP_Real lastprimalbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:151
SCIP_Longint ndivesetlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:75
SCIP_Longint ndualresolvelps
Definition: struct_stat.h:202
SCIP_CLOCK * sbsoltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:175
SCIP_Longint ndivesetlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:208
SCIP_Real minefficacyfac
Definition: struct_stat.h:158
SCIP_CLOCK * presolvingtime
Definition: struct_stat.h:162
Definition: type_stat.h:67
SCIP_Bool memsavemode
Definition: struct_stat.h:277
int npresolrounds
Definition: struct_stat.h:242
SCIP_Longint nearlybacktracks
Definition: struct_stat.h:94
SCIP_Longint nlexdualresolvelpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:71
SCIP_Bool branchedunbdvar
Definition: struct_stat.h:283
SCIP_Real lastlowerbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:153
int marked_nrowidx
Definition: struct_stat.h:232
SCIP_Longint nrepropcutoffs
Definition: struct_stat.h:100
SCIP_Longint lastdivenode
Definition: struct_stat.h:111
int lastnpresolchgcoefs
Definition: struct_stat.h:264
SCIP_Longint nresolveinstablelpiters
Definition: struct_stat.h:81
SCIP_Real maxcopytime
Definition: struct_stat.h:140
SCIP_CLOCK * resolveinstablelptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:168
type definitions for clocks and timing issues
SCIP_CLOCK * relaxsoltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:173
SCIP_Longint nnz
Definition: struct_stat.h:189
SCIP_CLOCK * lexduallptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:166
SCIP_Longint nnodesbeforefirst
Definition: struct_stat.h:122
SCIP_Longint nrootlpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:63
SCIP_CLOCK * strongbranchtime
Definition: struct_stat.h:170
SCIP_Real firstsolgap
Definition: struct_stat.h:135
int nactiveconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:239
SCIP_Longint lastconflictnode
Definition: struct_stat.h:112
SCIP_Longint domchgcount
Definition: struct_stat.h:114
SCIP_CLOCK * solvingtime
Definition: struct_stat.h:160
SCIP_Longint nbarrierlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:199
SCIP_Longint nprimalzeroitlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:195
SCIP_CLOCK * primallptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:164
SCIP_Longint nnodezeroitlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:205
SCIP_Longint npsbestsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:107
int nrootboundchgsrun
Definition: struct_stat.h:223
SCIP_Longint nboundchgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:115
#define SCIP_Real
Definition: def.h:186
SCIP_Longint exprlastvisitedtag
Definition: struct_stat.h:126
type definitions for branching and inference history
SCIP_Real firstprimaltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:134
SCIP_Real referencebound
Definition: struct_stat.h:156
SCIP_Longint nrepropboundchgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:99
SCIP_Real firstprimalbound
Definition: struct_stat.h:133
SCIP_Longint ntotalinternalnodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:88
SCIP_CLOCK * duallptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:165
SCIP_CLOCK * reoptupdatetime
Definition: struct_stat.h:180
#define SCIP_Longint
Definition: def.h:171
SCIP_Longint nactivatednodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:92
SCIP_VAR * lastbranchvar
Definition: struct_stat.h:183
SCIP_Longint nprimallpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:65
SCIP_Longint nreprops
Definition: struct_stat.h:98
SCIP_Longint nsbsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:104
SCIP_Bool disableenforelaxmsg
Definition: struct_stat.h:284
SCIP_CLOCK * nodeactivationtime
Definition: struct_stat.h:176
SCIP_Longint ndualzeroitlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:197
SCIP_Real firstlptime
Definition: struct_stat.h:142
SCIP_Bool collectvarhistory
Definition: struct_stat.h:281
SCIP_Longint ninternalnodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:83
SCIP_Bool performpresol
Definition: struct_stat.h:282
int plungedepth
Definition: struct_stat.h:238
SCIP_Bool inrestart
Definition: struct_stat.h:280
SCIP_Real previousgap
Definition: struct_stat.h:147
SCIP_Longint nnodelps
Definition: struct_stat.h:204
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
SCIP_Longint nnodes
Definition: struct_stat.h:82
int nrootintfixingsrun
Definition: struct_stat.h:225
SCIP_Longint nrelaxsolsfound
Definition: struct_stat.h:102
int firstprimaldepth
Definition: struct_stat.h:272
int lastnpresolchgsides
Definition: struct_stat.h:265
SCIP_Longint nprobholechgs
Definition: struct_stat.h:118
int npresolupgdconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:253
int lastnpresolaggrvars
Definition: struct_stat.h:257
SCIP_Real dualrefintegral
Definition: struct_stat.h:144
int subscipdepth
Definition: struct_stat.h:217
int lastnpresolupgdconss
Definition: struct_stat.h:263
SCIP_Longint ninitlps
Definition: struct_stat.h:206
SCIP_Longint ndelayedcutoffs
Definition: struct_stat.h:97
SCIP_CLOCK * lpsoltime
Definition: struct_stat.h:172
int nimplications
Definition: struct_stat.h:241
SCIP_Longint totaldivesetdepth
Definition: struct_stat.h:216
SCIP_Longint ndivinglpiterations
Definition: struct_stat.h:74