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33 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
64 #define MAXREPROPMARK 511 /**< maximal subtree repropagation marker; must correspond to node data structure */
179 SCIPdebugMessage("captured LPI state of fork %p %d times -> new nlpistateref=%d\n", (void*)fork, nuses, fork->nlpistateref);
201 SCIPdebugMessage("released LPI state of fork %p -> new nlpistateref=%d\n", (void*)fork, fork->nlpistateref);
241 SCIPdebugMessage("released LPI state of subroot %p -> new nlpistateref=%d\n", (void*)subroot, subroot->nlpistateref);
254 SCIPdebugMessage("capture %d times LPI state of node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d (current: %d)\n",
256 SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK ? node->data.fork->nlpistateref : node->data.subroot->nlpistateref);
283 SCIPdebugMessage("release LPI state of node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d (current: %d)\n",
285 SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK ? node->data.fork->nlpistateref : node->data.subroot->nlpistateref);
320 SCIPdebugMessage("created probingnode information (%d cols, %d rows)\n", (*probingnode)->ncols, (*probingnode)->nrows);
375 SCIPdebugMessage("updated probingnode information (%d cols, %d rows)\n", probingnode->ncols, probingnode->nrows);
465 SCIPdebugMessage("creating pseudofork information with %d children (%d new cols, %d new rows)\n",
471 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*pseudofork)->addedcols, SCIPlpGetNewcols(lp), (*pseudofork)->naddedcols) ); /*lint !e666*/
478 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*pseudofork)->addedrows, SCIPlpGetNewrows(lp), (*pseudofork)->naddedrows) ); /*lint !e666*/
562 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "creating fork information with %u children (%d new cols, %d new rows)\n", (*fork)->nchildren, (*fork)->naddedcols, (*fork)->naddedrows);
567 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*fork)->addedcols, SCIPlpGetNewcols(lp), (*fork)->naddedcols) ); /*lint !e666*/
574 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*fork)->addedrows, SCIPlpGetNewrows(lp), (*fork)->naddedrows) ); /*lint !e666*/
659 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*subroot)->cols, SCIPlpGetCols(lp), (*subroot)->ncols) );
665 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*subroot)->rows, SCIPlpGetRows(lp), (*subroot)->nrows) );
726 assert(sibling->data.sibling.arraypos >= 0 && sibling->data.sibling.arraypos < tree->nsiblings);
789 /** makes node a child of the given parent node, which must be the focus node; if the child is a probing node,
804 assert(SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD || SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE);
833 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "assigning parent #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " to node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d\n",
834 parent != NULL ? SCIPnodeGetNumber(parent) : -1, SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node));
865 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "releasing parent-child relationship of node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d of type %d with parent #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " of type %d\n",
878 assert(SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD || SCIPnodeGetType(node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE
903 freeParent = (parent->data.junction.nchildren == 0); /* free parent if it has no more children */
909 freeParent = (parent->data.pseudofork->nchildren == 0); /* free parent if it has no more children */
921 freeParent = (parent->data.subroot->nchildren == 0); /* free parent if it has no more children */
924 /* the only possible child a refocused node can have in its refocus state is the probing root node;
925 * we don't want to free the refocused node, because we first have to convert it back to its original
1046 SCIP_Real estimate /**< estimate for (transformed) objective value of best feasible solution in subtree */
1058 assert(tree->focusnode == NULL || SCIPnodeGetType(tree->focusnode) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FOCUSNODE);
1082 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "created child node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %u (prio: %g)\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(*node), (*node)->depth, nodeselprio);
1120 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "free node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d of type %d\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(*node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(*node), SCIPnodeGetType(*node));
1192 /* release special root LPI state capture which is used to keep the root LPI state over the whole solving
1257 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(reopt, set, blkmem, node, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEINFEASIBLE, lp, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp),
1273 SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(stat, set, transprob, origprob, SCIPsetInfinity(set), SCIPsetInfinity(set));
1280 /* updating the primal integral is only necessary if dual bound has increased since last evaluation */
1282 SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(stat, set, transprob, origprob, SCIPsetInfinity(set), SCIPsetInfinity(set));
1287 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "cutting off %s node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d (cutoffdepth: %d)\n",
1288 node->active ? "active" : "inactive", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), tree->cutoffdepth);
1293 /** marks node, that propagation should be applied again the next time, a node of its subtree is focused */
1314 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "marked %s node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d to be propagated again (repropdepth: %d)\n",
1315 node->active ? "active" : "inactive", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), tree->repropdepth);
1332 /* if the node was the highest repropagation node in the path, update the repropdepth in the tree data */
1407 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "propagating again node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node));
1413 SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventqueueProcess(eventqueue, blkmem, set, primal, lp, branchcand, eventfilter) );
1442 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpropagateDomains(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
1443 eventqueue, conflict, cliquetable, SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), 0, SCIP_PROPTIMING_ALWAYS, cutoff) );
1461 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "repropagation %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %u changed %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " bounds (total reprop bound changes: %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "), cutoff: %u\n",
1462 stat->nreprops, node->depth, stat->nboundchgs - oldnboundchgs, stat->nrepropboundchgs, *cutoff);
1464 /* if a propagation marked with the reprop flag was successful, we want to repropagate the whole subtree */
1465 /**@todo because repropsubtree is only a bit flag, we cannot mark a whole subtree a second time for
1473 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "initial repropagation at depth %u changed %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " bounds -> repropagating subtree (new mark: %d)\n",
1475 assert((int)(node->repropsubtreemark) == tree->repropsubtreecount); /* bitfield must be large enough */
1511 /** informs node, that it is now on the active path and applies any domain and constraint set changes */
1539 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "activate node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d of type %d (reprop subtree mark: %u)\n",
1540 SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPnodeGetType(node), node->repropsubtreemark);
1545 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdomchgApply(node->domchg, blkmem, set, stat, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, (int) node->depth, cutoff) );
1554 /* try to repropagate the node to see, if the propagation also leads to a conflict and a conflict constraint
1555 * could be generated; if propagation conflict analysis is turned off, repropagating the node makes no
1564 /* propagate node again, if the reprop flag is set; in the new focus node, no repropagation is necessary, because
1568 && (node->reprop || (node->parent != NULL && node->repropsubtreemark != node->parent->repropsubtreemark)) )
1572 SCIP_CALL( nodeRepropagate(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, conflict,
1580 /** informs node, that it is no longer on the active path and undoes any domain and constraint set changes */
1601 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "deactivate node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d of type %d (reprop subtree mark: %u)\n",
1602 SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPnodeGetType(node), node->repropsubtreemark);
1651 /** adds constraint locally to the node and captures it; activates constraint, if node is active;
1652 * if a local constraint is added to the root node, it is automatically upgraded into a global constraint
1680 /* add constraint addition to the node's constraint set change data, and activate constraint if node is active */
1681 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconssetchgAddAddedCons(&node->conssetchg, blkmem, set, stat, cons, (int) node->depth,
1687 /* if the constraint is added to an active node which is not a probing node, increment the corresponding counter */
1694 /** locally deletes constraint at the given node by disabling its separation, enforcing, and propagation capabilities
1710 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "disabling constraint <%s> at node at depth %u\n", cons->name, node->depth);
1854 /** adds bound change with inference information to focus node, child of focus node, or probing node;
1917 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "adding boundchange at node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %u to variable <%s>: old bounds=[%g,%g], new %s bound: %g (infer%s=<%s>, inferinfo=%d)\n",
1918 node->number, node->depth, SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var),
1919 boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? "lower" : "upper", newbound, infercons != NULL ? "cons" : "prop",
1920 infercons != NULL ? SCIPconsGetName(infercons) : (inferprop != NULL ? SCIPpropGetName(inferprop) : "-"), inferinfo);
1922 /* remember variable as inference variable, and get corresponding active variable, bound and bound type */
1930 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot change bounds of multi-aggregated variable <%s>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
1934 assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN);
1959 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot change lower bound of variable <%s> to infinity.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
1976 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot change upper bound of variable <%s> to minus infinity.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
1989 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> transformed to active variable <%s>: old bounds=[%g,%g], new %s bound: %g, obj: %g\n",
1990 SCIPvarGetName(var), oldlb, oldub, boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? "lower" : "upper", newbound,
1993 /* if the bound change takes place at an active node but is conflicting with the current local bounds,
1994 * we cannot apply it immediately because this would introduce inconsistencies to the bound change data structures
1996 * instead we have to remember the bound change as a pending bound change and mark the affected nodes on the active
2011 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> bound change <%s> %s %g violates current local bounds [%g,%g] since depth %d: remember for later application\n",
2016 SCIP_CALL( treeAddPendingBdchg(tree, set, node, var, newbound, boundtype, infercons, inferprop, inferinfo,
2020 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(tree->path[conflictingdepth], set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
2028 /* if we are in probing mode we have to additionally count the bound changes for the probing statistic */
2040 SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarChgBdGlobal(var, blkmem, set, stat, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, newbound, boundtype) );
2046 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "marked root node to be repropagated due to global bound change <%s>:[%g,%g] -> [%g,%g] found in depth %u\n",
2069 * - if the last solved LP was the one in the current lpstatefork, the LP value in the columns are still valid
2073 || (tree->focuslpstateforklpcount == stat->lpcount && SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN) )
2080 /* remember the bound change as branching decision (infervar/infercons/inferprop are not important: use NULL) */
2081 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdomchgAddBoundchg(&node->domchg, blkmem, set, var, newbound, boundtype, SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING,
2086 newpseudoobjval = SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval(lp, set, var, oldbound, newbound, boundtype);
2088 newpseudoobjval = SCIPlpGetModifiedPseudoObjval(lp, set, transprob, var, oldbound, newbound, boundtype);
2094 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckInference(blkmem, set, node, var, newbound, boundtype) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/
2107 assert(node->domchg->domchgdyn.boundchgs[node->domchg->domchgdyn.nboundchgs-1].newbound == newbound); /*lint !e777*/
2114 /**@todo if the node is active, it currently must either be the effective root (see above) or the current node;
2115 * if a bound change to an intermediate active node should be added, we must make sure, the bound change
2116 * information array of the variable stays sorted (new info must be sorted in instead of putting it to
2117 * the end of the array), and we should identify now redundant bound changes that are applied at a
2121 SCIP_CALL( SCIPboundchgApply(&node->domchg->domchgdyn.boundchgs[node->domchg->domchgdyn.nboundchgs-1],
2122 blkmem, set, stat, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, (int) node->depth, node->domchg->domchgdyn.nboundchgs-1, &cutoff) );
2152 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
2221 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "adding hole (%g,%g) at node at depth %u to variable <%s>: bounds=[%g,%g], (infer%s=<%s>, inferinfo=%d)\n",
2222 left, right, node->depth, SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), infercons != NULL ? "cons" : "prop",
2223 infercons != NULL ? SCIPconsGetName(infercons) : (inferprop != NULL ? SCIPpropGetName(inferprop) : "-"), inferinfo);
2226 /* remember variable as inference variable, and get corresponding active variable, bound and bound type */
2233 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot change bounds of multi-aggregated variable <%s>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
2237 assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN);
2239 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> transformed to active variable <%s>: hole (%g,%g), obj: %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), left, right, SCIPvarGetObj(var));
2243 /* if we are in probing mode we have to additionally count the bound changes for the probing statistic */
2261 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "marked root node to be repropagated due to global added hole <%s>: (%g,%g) found in depth %u\n",
2275 /* if we are in probing mode we have to additionally count the bound changes for the probing statistic */
2346 /* It can happen, that a pending bound change conflicts with the global bounds, because when it was collected, it
2347 * just conflicted with the local bounds, but a conflicting global bound change was applied afterwards. In this
2352 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(tree->pendingbdchgs[i].node, set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
2367 /* ignore bounds that are now redundant (for example, multiple entries in the pendingbdchgs for the same
2388 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(tree->pendingbdchgs[i].node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt,
2389 lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, var, tree->pendingbdchgs[i].newbound, tree->pendingbdchgs[i].boundtype,
2390 tree->pendingbdchgs[i].infercons, tree->pendingbdchgs[i].inferprop, tree->pendingbdchgs[i].inferinfo,
2392 assert(tree->npendingbdchgs == npendingbdchgs); /* this time, the bound change can be applied! */
2410 /** if given value is larger than the node's lower bound, sets the node's lower bound to the new value */
2436 SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(stat, set, transprob, origprob, SCIPsetInfinity(set), newbound);
2447 /* updating the primal integral is only necessary if dual bound has increased since last evaluation */
2448 if( set->misc_calcintegral && SCIPsetIsEQ(set, oldbound, stat->lastlowerbound) && lowerbound > stat->lastlowerbound )
2449 SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(stat, set, transprob, origprob, SCIPsetInfinity(set), lowerbound);
2471 /* @todo check for dual feasibility of LP solution and use sub-optimal solution if they are dual feasible */
2517 /* due to numerical reasons we need this check, see https://git.zib.de/integer/scip/issues/2866 */
2522 /** propagates implications of binary fixings at the given node triggered by the implication graph and the clique table */
2549 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "implication graph propagation of node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " in depth %d\n",
2591 /* @note should this be checked here (because SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer fails for multi-aggregated variables)
2631 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
2690 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
2691 eventqueue, cliquetable, vars[k], (SCIP_Real)(!values[k]), values[k] ? SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER : SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER,
2751 || (ncols == node->data.probingnode->ninitialcols && nrows == node->data.probingnode->ninitialrows));
2814 /** finds the common fork node, the new LP state defining fork, and the new focus subroot, if the path is switched to
2825 SCIP_Bool* cutoff /**< pointer to store whether the given node can be cut off and no path switching
2840 assert(tree->focuslpstatefork == NULL || tree->focuslpstatefork->depth <= tree->focuslpfork->depth);
2842 assert(tree->focussubroot == NULL || tree->focussubroot->depth <= tree->focuslpstatefork->depth);
2861 /* if the new focus node is NULL, there is no common fork node, and the new LP fork, LP state fork, and subroot
2878 /* if the old focus node is NULL, there is no common fork node, and we have to search the new LP fork, LP state fork
2890 && SCIPnodeGetType(lpfork) != SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK && SCIPnodeGetType(lpfork) != SCIP_NODETYPE_SUBROOT )
2904 while( SCIPnodeGetType(lpstatefork) != SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK && SCIPnodeGetType(lpstatefork) != SCIP_NODETYPE_SUBROOT )
2944 /* find the common fork node, the new LP defining fork, the new LP state defining fork, and the new focus subroot */
2963 || SCIPnodeGetType(fork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK || SCIPnodeGetType(fork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_SUBROOT) )
2966 && (SCIPnodeGetType(fork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK || SCIPnodeGetType(fork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_SUBROOT) )
2976 /* if the common fork node is below the current cutoff depth, the cutoff node is an ancestor of the common fork
2995 /* if not already found, continue searching the LP defining fork; it cannot be deeper than the common fork */
3000 /* focuslpfork is not on the same active path as the new node: we have to continue searching */
3013 /* focuslpfork is on the same active path as the new node: old and new node have the same lpfork */
3023 SCIPdebugMessage("find switch forks: lpforkdepth=%d\n", lpfork == NULL ? -1 : (int)(lpfork->depth));
3025 /* if not already found, continue searching the LP state defining fork; it cannot be deeper than the
3032 /* focuslpstatefork is not on the same active path as the new node: we have to continue searching */
3047 /* focuslpstatefork is on the same active path as the new node: old and new node have the same lpstatefork */
3057 SCIPdebugMessage("find switch forks: lpstateforkdepth=%d\n", lpstatefork == NULL ? -1 : (int)(lpstatefork->depth));
3059 /* if not already found, continue searching the subroot; it cannot be deeper than the LP defining fork, the
3066 /* focussubroot is not on the same active path as the new node: we have to continue searching */
3086 SCIPdebugMessage("find switch forks: subrootdepth=%d\n", subroot == NULL ? -1 : (int)(subroot->depth));
3088 /* if a node prior to the common fork should be repropagated, we select the node to be repropagated as common
3089 * fork in order to undo all bound changes up to this node, repropagate the node, and redo the bound changes
3116 /** switches the active path to the new focus node, frees dead end, applies domain and constraint set changes */
3140 int forkdepth; /* depth of the common subroot/fork/pseudofork/junction node, or -1 if no common fork exists */
3163 /* delay events in node deactivations to fork and node activations to parent of new focus node */
3166 /* undo the domain and constraint set changes of the old active path by deactivating the path's nodes */
3169 SCIP_CALL( nodeDeactivate(tree->path[i], blkmem, set, stat, tree, lp, branchcand, eventfilter, eventqueue) );
3174 SCIP_CALL( treeApplyPendingBdchgs(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable) );
3193 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeFree(&oldfocusnode, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, lp) );
3201 /* promote the constraint set and bound changes up to the new effective root to be global changes */
3205 "shift effective root from depth %d to %d: applying constraint set and bound changes to global problem\n",
3208 /* at first globalize constraint changes to update constraint handlers before changing bounds */
3213 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconssetchgMakeGlobal(&tree->path[i]->conssetchg, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, reopt) );
3216 /* at last globalize bound changes triggering delayed events processed after the path switch */
3217 for( i = tree->appliedeffectiverootdepth + 1; i <= newappliedeffectiverootdepth && !(*cutoff); ++i )
3221 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdomchgApplyGlobal(tree->path[i]->domchg, blkmem, set, stat, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, cutoff) );
3238 SCIP_CALL( nodeRepropagate(fork, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, conflict,
3244 * on the way, domain propagation might be applied again to the path's nodes, which can result in the cutoff of
3246 * We only activate all nodes down to the parent of the new focus node, because the events in this process are
3247 * delayed, which means that multiple changes of a bound of a variable are merged (and might even be cancelled out,
3248 * if the bound is first relaxed when deactivating a node on the old path and then tightened to the same value
3250 * This is valid for all nodes down to the parent of the new focus node, since they have already been propagated.
3251 * Bound change events on the new focus node, however, must not be cancelled out, since they need to be propagated
3252 * and thus, the event must be thrown and catched by the constraint handlers to mark constraints for propagation.
3261 SCIP_CALL( nodeActivate(tree->path[i], blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
3266 SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventqueueProcess(eventqueue, blkmem, set, primal, lp, branchcand, eventfilter) );
3276 SCIP_CALL( nodeActivate(tree->path[focusnodedepth], blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
3285 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(tree->path[tree->pathlen-1], set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
3335 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpAddRow(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, rows[r], (int) subroot->depth) );
3380 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpAddRow(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, rows[r], (int) fork->depth) );
3425 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpAddRow(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, rows[r], (int) pseudofork->depth) );
3459 || (ncols == node->data.probingnode->ninitialcols && nrows == node->data.probingnode->ninitialrows));
3493 SCIPerrorMessage("node at depth %d on active path has to be of type JUNCTION, PSEUDOFORK, FORK, SUBROOT, FOCUSNODE, REFOCUSNODE, or PROBINGNODE, but is %d\n",
3513 SCIP_Bool* initroot /**< pointer to store whether the root LP relaxation has to be initialized */
3537 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "-> old LP has %d cols and %d rows\n", SCIPlpGetNCols(lp), SCIPlpGetNRows(lp));
3559 || SCIPnodeGetType(lpfork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK || SCIPnodeGetType(lpfork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_SUBROOT);
3564 assert(lpforkdepth < tree->pathlen-1); /* lpfork must not be the last (the focus) node of the active path */
3570 assert(lpforkdepth == -1 || tree->pathnlpcols[tree->correctlpdepth] <= tree->pathnlpcols[lpforkdepth]);
3571 assert(lpforkdepth == -1 || tree->pathnlprows[tree->correctlpdepth] <= tree->pathnlprows[lpforkdepth]);
3575 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpShrinkRows(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, tree->pathnlprows[tree->correctlpdepth]) );
3611 assert(lpforkdepth == -1 || tree->pathnlpcols[tree->correctlpdepth] == tree->pathnlpcols[lpforkdepth]);
3612 assert(lpforkdepth == -1 || tree->pathnlprows[tree->correctlpdepth] == tree->pathnlprows[lpforkdepth]);
3622 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "-> new LP has %d cols and %d rows\n", SCIPlpGetNCols(lp), SCIPlpGetNRows(lp));
3664 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "load LP state for current fork node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d\n",
3675 assert(SCIPnodeGetType(lpstatefork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_FORK || SCIPnodeGetType(lpstatefork) == SCIP_NODETYPE_SUBROOT);
3679 assert(lpstateforkdepth < tree->pathlen-1); /* lpstatefork must not be the last (the focus) node of the active path */
3680 assert(lpstateforkdepth <= tree->correctlpdepth); /* LP must have been constructed at least up to the fork depth */
3681 assert(tree->pathnlpcols[tree->correctlpdepth] >= tree->pathnlpcols[lpstateforkdepth]); /* LP can only grow */
3682 assert(tree->pathnlprows[tree->correctlpdepth] >= tree->pathnlprows[lpstateforkdepth]); /* LP can only grow */
3698 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSetState(lp, blkmem, set, prob, eventqueue, lpstatefork->data.subroot->lpistate,
3709 /* we do not need to check the bounds, since primalfeasible is updated anyway when flushing the LP */
3725 /* check the path from LP fork to focus node for domain changes (destroying primal feasibility of LP basis) */
3731 lp->primalfeasible = (tree->path[d]->domchg == NULL || tree->path[d]->domchg->domchgbound.nboundchgs == 0);
3737 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "-> primalfeasible=%u, dualfeasible=%u\n", lp->primalfeasible, lp->dualfeasible);
3765 SCIP_Real cutoffbound /**< cutoff bound: all nodes with lowerbound >= cutoffbound are cut off */
3768 assert(SCIPnodeGetType(*node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_SIBLING || SCIPnodeGetType(*node) == SCIP_NODETYPE_CHILD
3772 assert(lpstatefork == NULL || lpstatefork->active || SCIPsetIsGE(set, (*node)->lowerbound, cutoffbound));
3778 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "convert node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d to leaf with lpstatefork #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d\n",
3786 /* check, if the LP state fork is the first node with LP state information on the path back to the root */
3787 if( !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -cutoffbound) ) /* if the node was cut off in SCIPnodeFocus(), the lpstatefork is invalid */
3802 if( !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, (*node)->lowerbound) && SCIPsetIsLT(set, (*node)->lowerbound, cutoffbound) )
3819 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(reopt, set, blkmem, *node, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEINFEASIBLE, lp, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp),
3820 tree->root == *node, tree->focusnode == *node, (*node)->lowerbound, tree->effectiverootdepth) );
3832 /** removes variables from the problem, that are marked to be deletable, and were created at the focusnode;
3833 * only removes variables that were created at the focusnode, unless inlp is TRUE (e.g., when the node is cut off, anyway)
3874 /* also delete variables currently in the LP, thus remove all new variables from the LP, first */
3901 tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, var, 0.0, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER, FALSE) );
3906 tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, var, 0.0, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER, FALSE) );
3924 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "delvars at node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", deleted %d vars\n", stat->nnodes, ndelvars);
3929 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions(transprob, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, cliquetable, lp, branchcand) );
3961 /* remove variables from the problem that are marked as deletable and were created at this node */
3962 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeCleanupVars(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, cliquetable, TRUE) );
3987 SCIP_Real cutoffbound /**< cutoff bound: all nodes with lowerbound >= cutoffbound are cut off */
4000 SCIP_CALL( nodeToLeaf(&tree->focusnode, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, reopt, lp, lpstatefork, cutoffbound));
4018 assert(tree->focusnode->active); /* otherwise, no children could be created at the focus node */
4064 assert(tree->focusnode->active); /* otherwise, no children could be created at the focus node */
4072 /* remove variables from the problem that are marked as deletable and were created at this node */
4073 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeCleanupVars(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, cliquetable, FALSE) );
4118 assert(tree->focusnode->active); /* otherwise, no children could be created at the focus node */
4135 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpCleanupNew(lp, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, (tree->focusnode->depth == 0)) );
4139 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, -1LL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &lperror) );
4149 * - Something numerically weird happened after cleaning up or after resolving a diving or probing LP.
4159 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") numerical troubles: LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " not optimal -- convert node into junction instead of fork\n",
4164 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpShrinkRows(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, SCIPlpGetNRows(lp) - SCIPlpGetNNewrows(lp)) );
4175 /* remove variables from the problem that are marked as deletable, were created at this node and are not contained in the LP */
4176 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeCleanupVars(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, cliquetable, FALSE) );
4187 /* capture the LPI state of the root node to ensure that the LPI state of the root stays for the whole solving
4231 assert(tree->focusnode->active); /* otherwise, no children could be created at the focus node */
4250 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpCleanupAll(lp, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, (tree->focusnode->depth == 0)) );
4260 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, -1LL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &lperror) );
4280 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") numerical troubles: LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " not optimal -- convert node into junction instead of subroot\n",
4285 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpShrinkRows(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, SCIPlpGetNRows(lp) - SCIPlpGetNNewrows(lp)) );
4296 /* remove variables from the problem that are marked as deletable, were created at this node and are not contained in the LP */
4297 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeCleanupVars(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, lp, branchcand, cliquetable, FALSE) );
4338 SCIP_Real cutoffbound /**< cutoff bound: all nodes with lowerbound >= cutoffbound are cut off */
4350 /* convert node to LEAF and put it into leaves queue, or delete it if it's lower bound exceeds the cutoff bound */
4351 SCIP_CALL( nodeToLeaf(&nodes[i], blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, reopt, lp, lpstatefork, cutoffbound) );
4392 /* because CHILD and SIBLING structs contain the same data in the same order, we do not have to copy it */
4393 assert(&(tree->siblings[i]->data.sibling.arraypos) == &(tree->siblings[i]->data.child.arraypos));
4449 *node != NULL ? SCIPnodeGetNumber(*node) : -1, *node != NULL ? (int)SCIPnodeGetType(*node) : 0,
4452 /* remember old cutoff depth in order to know, whether the children and siblings can be deleted */
4459 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "focus node: focusnodedepth=%ld, forkdepth=%ld, lpforkdepth=%ld, lpstateforkdepth=%ld, subrootdepth=%ld, cutoff=%u\n",
4460 *node != NULL ? (long)((*node)->depth) : -1, fork != NULL ? (long)(fork->depth) : -1, /*lint !e705 */
4461 lpfork != NULL ? (long)(lpfork->depth) : -1, lpstatefork != NULL ? (long)(lpstatefork->depth) : -1, /*lint !e705 */
4479 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(reopt, set, blkmem, *node, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEINFEASIBLE, lp, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp),
4480 tree->root == (*node), tree->focusnode == (*node), (*node)->lowerbound, tree->effectiverootdepth) );
4497 /* we are in the same subtree with valid LP fork: the LP is correct at most upto the common fork depth */
4503 /* we are in a different subtree, or no valid LP fork exists: the LP is completely incorrect */
4509 /* if the LP state fork changed, the lpcount information for the new LP state fork is unknown */
4515 * @note because we might do a 'newstart' and converted cuts to constraints might have rendered the LP in the current
4520 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> deleting the %d children (in exitsolve) of the old focus node\n", tree->nchildren);
4521 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->children, &tree->nchildren, NULL, -SCIPsetInfinity(set)) );
4531 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "path to old focus node of depth %u was cut off at depth %d\n", tree->focusnode->depth, oldcutoffdepth);
4533 /* delete the focus node's children by converting them to leaves with a cutoffbound of -SCIPsetInfinity(set);
4534 * we cannot delete them directly, because in SCIPnodeFree(), the children array is changed, which is the
4536 * the children don't have an LP fork, because the old focus node is not yet converted into a fork or subroot
4539 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->children, &tree->nchildren, NULL, -SCIPsetInfinity(set)) );
4544 /* delete the focus node's siblings by converting them to leaves with a cutoffbound of -SCIPsetInfinity(set);
4545 * we cannot delete them directly, because in SCIPnodeFree(), the siblings array is changed, which is the
4550 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->siblings, &tree->nsiblings, tree->focuslpstatefork,
4570 /* if the node is infeasible, convert it into a dead-end; otherwise, put it into the LEAF queue */
4573 /* in case the LP was not constructed (due to the parameter settings for example) we have the finally remember the
4574 * old size of the LP (if it was constructed in an earlier node) before we change the current node into a dead-end
4580 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeToDeadend(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
4585 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeToLeaf(blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, reopt, lp, tree->focuslpstatefork,
4604 #ifdef WITHSUBROOTS /** @todo test whether subroots should be created, decide: old focus node becomes fork or subroot */
4608 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeToSubroot(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, origprob, tree, lp, branchcand) );
4617 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeToFork(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, origprob, tree,
4627 /* if a child of the old focus node was selected as new focus node, the old node becomes the new focus
4643 else if( tree->focuslpconstructed && (SCIPlpGetNNewcols(lp) > 0 || SCIPlpGetNNewrows(lp) > 0) )
4646 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeToPseudofork(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp,
4654 /* if a child of the old focus node was selected as new focus node, the old node becomes the new focus LP fork */
4663 /* in case the LP was not constructed (due to the parameter settings for example) we have the finally remember the
4664 * old size of the LP (if it was constructed in an earlier node) before we change the current node into a junction
4674 /* in case the LP was not constructed (due to the parameter settings for example) we have the finally remember the
4675 * old size of the LP (if it was constructed in an earlier node) before we change the current node into a dead-end
4681 SCIP_CALL( focusnodeToDeadend(blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, cliquetable) );
4700 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->siblings, &tree->nsiblings, tree->focuslpstatefork,
4704 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->children, &tree->nchildren, childrenlpstatefork,
4720 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->children, &tree->nchildren, childrenlpstatefork,
4726 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "selected sibling node, lowerbound=%g, plungedepth=%d\n", (*node)->lowerbound, stat->plungedepth);
4730 /* reset plunging depth, if the selected node is better than all leaves; otherwise, increase plunging depth */
4738 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->siblings, &tree->nsiblings, tree->focuslpstatefork,
4747 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "selected child node, lowerbound=%g, plungedepth=%d\n", (*node)->lowerbound, stat->plungedepth);
4752 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->siblings, &tree->nsiblings, tree->focuslpstatefork,
4755 /* encounter an early backtrack if there is a child which does not exceed given reference bound */
4760 /* loop over children and stop if we find a child with a lower bound below given reference bound */
4771 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->children, &tree->nchildren, childrenlpstatefork,
4780 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "selected leaf node, lowerbound=%g, plungedepth=%d\n", (*node)->lowerbound, stat->plungedepth);
4784 SCIPerrorMessage("selected node is neither sibling, child, nor leaf (nodetype=%d)\n", SCIPnodeGetType(*node));
4803 /* track the path from the old focus node to the new node, free dead end, set new focus node, and perform domain and constraint set changes */
4804 SCIP_CALL( treeSwitchPath(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, lp, branchcand, conflict,
4926 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodepqFree(&(*tree)->leaves, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, *tree, lp) );
4931 BMSfreeBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*tree)->divebdchgdirs[p], (*tree)->divebdchgsize[p]); /*lint !e866*/
4932 BMSfreeBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*tree)->divebdchgvals[p], (*tree)->divebdchgsize[p]); /*lint !e866*/
4933 BMSfreeBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*tree)->divebdchgvars[p], (*tree)->divebdchgsize[p]); /*lint !e866*/
4974 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodepqClear(tree->leaves, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, lp) );
4977 /* we have to remove the captures of the variables within the pending bound change data structure */
5033 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCreateChild(&tree->root, blkmem, set, stat, tree, 0.0, -SCIPsetInfinity(set)) );
5043 tree->root->repropsubtreemark++; /* this should produce an overflow and reset the value to 0 */
5053 SCIP_CALL( treeNodesToQueue(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, lp, tree->children, &tree->nchildren, NULL,
5093 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeFocus(&tree->root, blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
5130 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeFocus(&node, blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
5153 /** sets the node selector used for sorting the nodes in the priority queue, and resorts the queue if necessary */
5174 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") switching to node selector <%s>\n", stat->nnodes, SCIPnodeselGetName(nodesel));
5191 SCIP_Real cutoffbound /**< cutoff bound: all nodes with lowerbound >= cutoffbound are cut off */
5201 /* if we are in diving mode, it is not allowed to cut off nodes, because this can lead to deleting LP rows which
5214 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodepqBound(tree->leaves, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, reopt, lp, cutoffbound) );
5216 /* cut off siblings: we have to loop backwards, because a removal leads to moving the last node in empty slot */
5220 if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, node->lowerbound) || SCIPsetIsGE(set, node->lowerbound, cutoffbound) )
5222 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "cut off sibling #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d with lowerbound=%g at position %d\n",
5229 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(reopt, set, blkmem, node, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEINFEASIBLE, lp, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp),
5239 /* cut off children: we have to loop backwards, because a removal leads to moving the last node in empty slot */
5243 if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, node->lowerbound) || SCIPsetIsGE(set, node->lowerbound, cutoffbound) )
5245 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "cut off child #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d with lowerbound=%g at position %d\n",
5252 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(reopt, set, blkmem, node, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEINFEASIBLE, lp, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp),
5265 /** calculates the node selection priority for moving the given variable's LP value to the given target value;
5273 SCIP_BRANCHDIR branchdir, /**< type of branching that was performed: upwards, downwards, or fixed
5388 /* since choosing the upwards direction is usually superior than the downwards direction (see results of
5415 /** calculates an estimate for the objective of the best feasible solution contained in the subtree after applying the given
5446 * = parentestimate - min{f_b * pscdown_b, (1-f_b) * pscup_b} + (targetvalue-oldvalue)*{pscdown_b or pscup_b}
5453 /* due to rounding errors estimateinc might be slightly negative; in this case return the parent node's estimate */
5464 * the variable is fixed to val (if not SCIP_INVALID) or a well chosen alternative in the current node,
5474 * if solution value is equal to one of the bounds and the other bound is infinite, only two child nodes
5489 SCIP_Real val, /**< value to branch on or SCIP_INVALID for branching on current LP/pseudo solution.
5491 SCIP_NODE** downchild, /**< pointer to return the left child with variable rounded down, or NULL */
5493 SCIP_NODE** upchild /**< pointer to return the right child with variable rounded up, or NULL */
5546 if( SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_FIXED || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_MULTAGGR )
5548 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot branch on fixed or multi-aggregated variable <%s>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
5553 /* ensure, that branching on continuous variables will only be performed when a branching point is given. */
5556 SCIPerrorMessage("Cannot branch on continuous variable <%s> without a given branching value.", SCIPvarGetName(var));
5563 assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN);
5564 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(set, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)));
5565 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(set, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)));
5574 /* if there was no explicit value given for branching, branch on current LP or pseudo solution value */
5599 SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -2.1*SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) || SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, 2.1*SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)) ||
5600 (SCIPsetIsLT(set, 2.1*SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), 2.1*val) && SCIPsetIsLT(set, 2.1*val, 2.1*SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var))) );
5610 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "fixing continuous variable <%s> with value %g and bounds [%.15g, %.15g], priority %d (current lower bound: %g)\n",
5611 SCIPvarGetName(var), val, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(tree->focusnode));
5616 if( SCIPsetIsGT(set, val, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) && SCIPsetIsLT(set, val, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)) )
5618 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(tree->focusnode, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp,
5620 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(tree->focusnode, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp,
5625 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(SCIPtreeGetCurrentNode(tree), blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob,
5626 tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, NULL, var, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER, FALSE) );
5630 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(SCIPtreeGetCurrentNode(tree), blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob,
5631 tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, NULL, var, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER, FALSE) );
5634 else if( SCIPrelDiff(SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) <= 2.02 * SCIPsetEpsilon(set) )
5636 /* if the only way to branch is such that in both sides the relative domain width becomes smaller epsilon,
5639 * however, if one of the bounds is at infinity (and thus the other bound is at most 2eps away from the same infinity (in relative sense),
5642 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "continuous branch on variable <%s> with bounds [%.15g, %.15g], priority %d (current lower bound: %g), node %p\n",
5643 SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(tree->focusnode), (void*)tree->focusnode);
5647 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(SCIPtreeGetCurrentNode(tree), blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob,
5648 tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, NULL, var, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER, FALSE) );
5653 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(SCIPtreeGetCurrentNode(tree), blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob,
5654 tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, NULL, var, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER, FALSE) );
5665 * a sophisticated user should have also chosen the branching value such that it is not very close to the bounds
5668 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "continuous branch on variable <%s> with value %g, priority %d (current lower bound: %g)\n",
5669 SCIPvarGetName(var), val, SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(tree->focusnode));
5682 /* if there was no explicit value given for branching, the variable has a finite domain and the current LP/pseudo
5720 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "integral branch on variable <%s> with value %g, priority %d (current lower bound: %g)\n",
5721 SCIPvarGetName(var), val, SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(tree->focusnode));
5729 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "fractional branch on variable <%s> with value %g, root value %g, priority %d (current lower bound: %g)\n",
5730 SCIPvarGetName(var), val, SCIPvarGetRootSol(var), SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var), SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(tree->focusnode));
5734 * set the node selection priority in a way, s.t. a node is preferred whose branching goes in the same direction
5740 priority = SCIPtreeCalcNodeselPriority(tree, set, stat, var, SCIP_BRANCHDIR_DOWNWARDS, downub);
5742 * otherwise we cannot expect a direct change in the best solution, so we keep the estimate of the parent node */
5750 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
5769 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
5774 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
5795 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
5807 /** branches a variable x using the given domain hole; two child nodes will be created (x <= left, x >= right) */
5822 SCIP_NODE** downchild, /**< pointer to return the left child with variable rounded down, or NULL */
5823 SCIP_NODE** upchild /**< pointer to return the right child with variable rounded up, or NULL */
5849 if( SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_FIXED || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_MULTAGGR )
5851 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot branch on fixed or multi-aggregated variable <%s>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
5858 assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN);
5859 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(set, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)));
5860 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(set, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)));
5883 * set the node selection priority in a way, s.t. a node is preferred whose branching goes in the same direction
5891 * otherwise we cannot expect a direct change in the best solution, so we keep the estimate of the parent node
5902 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, NULL,
5922 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
5934 * Branches on variable x such that up to n/2 children are created on each side of the usual branching value.
5936 * If n is 2 or the variables local domain is too small for a branching into n pieces, SCIPtreeBranchVar() is called.
5937 * The parameters minwidth and widthfactor determine the domain width of the branching variable in the child nodes.
5938 * If n is odd, one child with domain width 'width' and having the branching value in the middle is created.
5939 * Otherwise, two children with domain width 'width' and being left and right of the branching value are created.
5940 * Next further nodes to the left and right are created, where width is multiplied by widthfactor with increasing distance from the first nodes.
5941 * The initial width is calculated such that n/2 nodes are created to the left and to the right of the branching value.
5942 * If this value is below minwidth, the initial width is set to minwidth, which may result in creating less than n nodes.
5944 * Giving a large value for widthfactor results in creating children with small domain when close to the branching value
5945 * and large domain when closer to the current variable bounds. That is, setting widthfactor to a very large value and n to 3
5946 * results in a ternary branching where the branching variable is mostly fixed in the middle child.
5947 * Setting widthfactor to 1.0 results in children where the branching variable always has the same domain width
5962 SCIP_Real val, /**< value to branch on or SCIP_INVALID for branching on current LP/pseudo solution.
5966 SCIP_Real widthfactor, /**< multiplier for children domain width with increasing distance from val, must be >= 1.0 */
5987 /* if binary branching is requested or we have not enough space for n children, delegate to SCIPtreeBranchVar */
5990 SCIPrelDiff(SCIPvarGetUbLocal(SCIPvarGetProbvar(var)), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(SCIPvarGetProbvar(var))) <= n * SCIPsetEpsilon(set) )
5996 SCIP_CALL( SCIPtreeBranchVar(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, var, val,
6000 *nchildren = (downchild != NULL ? 1 : 0) + (fixchild != NULL ? 1 : 0) + (upchild != NULL ? 1 : 0);
6032 if( SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_FIXED || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_MULTAGGR )
6034 SCIPerrorMessage("cannot branch on fixed or multi-aggregated variable <%s>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
6039 /* ensure, that branching on continuous variables will only be performed when a branching point is given. */
6042 SCIPerrorMessage("Cannot branch on continuous variable <%s> without a given branching value.", SCIPvarGetName(var));
6049 assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_LOOSE || SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN);
6050 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(set, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)));
6051 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(set, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)));
6057 /* if there was no explicit value given for branching, branch on current LP or pseudo solution value */
6081 (SCIPsetIsLT(set, 2.1*SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), 2.1*val) && SCIPsetIsLT(set, 2.1*val, 2.1*SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var))) ); /* see comment in SCIPbranchVarVal */
6094 * if we have at least one finite bound, choose width such that we have roughly the same number of nodes left and right of val
6117 * <-> width * (1/2 + widthfactor * (widthfactor^(n/2) - 1) / (widthfactor - 1) = min(ub-val, val-lb)
6123 width /= 0.5 + widthfactor * (pow(widthfactor, (SCIP_Real)(n/2)) - 1.0) / (widthfactor - 1.0); /*lint !e653*/
6131 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "%d-ary branching on variable <%s> [%g, %g] around %g, initial width = %g\n",
6138 * if we are supposed to create an odd number of children, then create a child that has val in the middle of its domain */
6149 priority = SCIPtreeCalcNodeselPriority(tree, set, stat, var, SCIP_BRANCHDIR_FIXED, val); /* ????????????? how to compute priority for such a child? */
6151 * otherwise we cannot expect a direct change in the best solution, so we keep the estimate of the parent node */
6159 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> creating middle child: %g <= <%s> <= %g (priority: %g, estimate: %g, width: %g)\n",
6163 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
6165 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
6177 /* if it's a discrete variable, we can use left-1 and right+1 as upper and lower bounds for following nodes on the left and right, resp. */
6210 if( SCIPsetIsRelLT(set, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), left) || SCIPvarGetType(var) != SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS )
6212 /* new lower bound should be variables lower bound, if we are in the last round or left - width is very close to lower bound
6228 priority = SCIPtreeCalcNodeselPriority(tree, set, stat, var, SCIP_BRANCHDIR_DOWNWARDS, bnd) / (i+1);
6230 * otherwise we cannot expect a direct change in the best solution, so we keep the estimate of the parent node */
6238 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> creating left child: %g <= <%s> <= %g (priority: %g, estimate: %g, width: %g)\n",
6244 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
6247 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
6261 if( SCIPsetIsRelGT(set, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), right) || SCIPvarGetType(var) != SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS )
6263 /* new upper bound should be variables upper bound, if we are in the last round or right + width is very close to upper bound
6279 priority = SCIPtreeCalcNodeselPriority(tree, set, stat, var, SCIP_BRANCHDIR_UPWARDS, bnd) / (i+1);
6281 * otherwise we cannot expect a direct change in the best solution, so we keep the estimate of the parent node */
6289 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> creating right child: %g <= <%s> <= %g (priority: %g, estimate: %g, width: %g)\n",
6293 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
6297 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(node, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
6317 /** adds a diving bound change to the tree together with the information if this is a bound change
6337 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &tree->divebdchgdirs[idx], tree->divebdchgsize[idx], tree->divebdchgsize[idx] + ARRAYGROWTH) ); /*lint !e866*/
6338 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &tree->divebdchgvars[idx], tree->divebdchgsize[idx], tree->divebdchgsize[idx] + ARRAYGROWTH) ); /*lint !e866*/
6339 SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &tree->divebdchgvals[idx], tree->divebdchgsize[idx], tree->divebdchgsize[idx] + ARRAYGROWTH) ); /*lint !e866*/
6386 /** creates a probing child node of the current node, which must be the focus node, the current refocused node,
6387 * or another probing node; if the current node is the focus or a refocused node, the created probing node is
6449 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "created probing child node #%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " at depth %d, probing depth %d\n",
6450 SCIPnodeGetNumber(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(node) - SCIPnodeGetDepth(tree->probingroot));
6465 /* update the path LP size for the previous node and set the (initial) path LP size for the newly created node */
6471 assert(lp->firstnewrow == tree->pathnlprows[tree->pathlen-1]); /* marked LP size should be initial size of new node */
6497 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "probing started in depth %d (LP flushed: %u, LP solved: %u, solstat: %d), probing root in depth %d\n",
6521 /**@todo could the lp state be worth storing if the LP is not flushed (and hence not solved)? */
6555 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "new probing child in depth %d (probing depth: %d)\n", tree->pathlen, tree->pathlen-1 - SCIPnodeGetDepth(tree->probingroot));
6565 * @note state and norms are stored at the node and later released by SCIP; therefore, the pointers are set
6568 * @note the pointers to state and norms must not be NULL; however, they may point to a NULL pointer if the
6675 /* if there was no LP information stored in the probing nodes, use the one stored before probing started */
6749 int probingdepth /**< probing depth of the node in the probing path that should be reactivated,
6780 /* the correct LP size of the node to which we backtracked is stored as initial LP size for its child */
6799 /* @todo only do this if we don't backtrack to the root node - in that case, we can just restore the unchanged
6806 SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarChgObj(node->data.probingnode->origobjvars[i], blkmem, set, transprob, primal, lp,
6826 SCIP_CALL( nodeDeactivate(node, blkmem, set, stat, tree, lp, branchcand, eventfilter, eventqueue) );
6829 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeFree(&tree->path[tree->pathlen-1], blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, tree, lp) );
6837 tree->pathnlpcols[tree->pathlen-1] = tree->path[tree->pathlen-1]->data.probingnode->ninitialcols;
6838 tree->pathnlprows[tree->pathlen-1] = tree->path[tree->pathlen-1]->data.probingnode->ninitialrows;
6854 /* if the highest cutoff or repropagation depth is inside the deleted part of the probing path,
6860 SCIP_CALL( treeApplyPendingBdchgs(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable) );
6862 /* applying the pending bound changes might have changed the cutoff depth; so the highest cutoff depth might
6872 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "probing backtracked to depth %d (%d cols, %d rows)\n", tree->pathlen-1, SCIPlpGetNCols(lp), SCIPlpGetNRows(lp));
6878 * the changes of the probing node of the given probing depth are the last ones that remain active;
6895 int probingdepth /**< probing depth of the node in the probing path that should be reactivated */
6902 /* undo the domain and constraint set changes and free the temporary probing nodes below the given probing depth */
6903 SCIP_CALL( treeBacktrackProbing(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, lp, primal, branchcand,
6912 /** switches back from probing to normal operation mode, frees all nodes on the probing path, restores bounds of all
6946 /* undo the domain and constraint set changes of the temporary probing nodes and free the probing nodes */
6947 SCIP_CALL( treeBacktrackProbing(tree, reopt, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, lp, primal, branchcand,
6994 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, -1LL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &lperror) );
6998 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles while resolving LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " after probing\n",
7013 else if( tree->focuslpconstructed && SCIPlpIsRelax(lp) && SCIPprobAllColsInLP(transprob, set, lp))
7015 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeUpdateLowerboundLP(tree->focusnode, set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, lp) );
7024 /* if no LP was solved during probing and the LP before probing was not solved, then it should not be solved now */
7027 /* if the LP was solved (and hence flushed) before probing, then lp->solved should be TRUE unless we occured an error
7030 assert(!tree->probinglpwassolved || !tree->probinglpwasflushed || lp->solved || lp->resolvelperror);
7032 /* if the LP was not solved before probing it should be marked unsolved now; this can occur if a probing LP was
7041 /* if the LP was solved during probing, but had been unsolved before probing started, we discard the LP state */
7044 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "clearing lp state at end of probing mode because LP was initially unsolved\n");
7068 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrsResetPropagationStatus(set, blkmem, set->conshdlrs, set->nconshdlrs) );
7070 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "probing ended in depth %d (LP flushed: %u, solstat: %d)\n", tree->pathlen-1, lp->flushed, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp));
7152 /** gets the best child of the focus node w.r.t. the node selection priority assigned by the branching rule */
7178 /** gets the best sibling of the focus node w.r.t. the node selection priority assigned by the branching rule */
7268 /** gets the best node from the tree (child, sibling, or leaf) w.r.t. the node selection strategy */
7292 if( bestsibling != NULL && (bestnode == NULL || SCIPnodeselCompare(nodesel, set, bestsibling, bestnode) < 0) )
7294 if( bestleaf != NULL && (bestnode == NULL || SCIPnodeselCompare(nodesel, set, bestleaf, bestnode) < 0) )
7340 /** gets the node with minimal lower bound of all nodes in the tree (child, sibling, or leaf) */
7365 if( SCIPsetIsLT(set, tree->children[i]->lowerbound, lowerbound) || tree->childrenprio[i] > bestprio )
7380 if( SCIPsetIsLT(set, tree->siblings[i]->lowerbound, lowerbound) || tree->siblingsprio[i] > bestprio )
7558 /** gets the unique id to identify the node during reoptimization; the id is 0 if the node is the root or not part of
7582 /** gets the domain change information of the node, i.e., the information about the differences in the
7594 /** counts the number of bound changes due to branching, constraint propagation, and propagation */
7598 int* nconsprop, /**< pointer to store number of constraint propagations (or NULL if not needed) */
7625 if( count_branchings && node->domchg->domchgbound.boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING )
7627 else if( count_consprop && node->domchg->domchgbound.boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER )
7629 else if( count_prop && node->domchg->domchgbound.boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER )
7637 * currently, this methods works only for bound changes made by strong branching on binary variables. we need this
7640 * since the bound changes made by strong branching are stored as SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER or SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER
7641 * with no constraint or propagator, resp., we are are interested in bound changes with these attributes.
7643 * all bound changes of type SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING are stored in the beginning of the bound change array, afterwards,
7644 * we can find the other two types. thus, we start the search at the end of the list and stop when reaching the first
7669 /* count the number of pseudo-branching decisions; pseudo-branching decisions have to be in the ending of the bound change
7676 isint = boundchgs[i].var->vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || boundchgs[i].var->vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER
7691 /** returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in the parent node to create this node */
7694 SCIP_VAR** vars, /**< array of variables on which the bound change is based on dual information */
7725 /* count the number of pseudo-branching decisions; pseudo-branching decisions have to be in the ending of the bound change
7730 if( boundchgs[i].var->vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || boundchgs[i].var->vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER
7750 if( boundchgs[i].var->vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || boundchgs[i].var->vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER
7779 /** returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in the parent node to create this node */
7782 SCIP_VAR** branchvars, /**< array of variables on which the branching has been performed in the parent node */
7784 SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtypes, /**< array of boundtypes which the branching in the parent node set */
7785 int* nbranchvars, /**< number of variables on which branching has been performed in the parent node
7813 /* count the number of branching decisions; branching decisions have to be in the beginning of the bound change
7843 /** returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in all ancestor nodes (nodes on the path to the root) to create this node */
7846 SCIP_VAR** branchvars, /**< array of variables on which the branchings has been performed in all ancestors */
7848 SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtypes, /**< array of boundtypes which the branchings in all ancestors set */
7849 int* nbranchvars, /**< number of variables on which branchings have been performed in all ancestors
7873 SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings(node, &branchvars[start], &branchbounds[start], &boundtypes[start], &nodenbranchvars, size);
7880 /** returns the set of variable branchings that were performed between the given @p node and the given @p parent node. */
7884 SCIP_VAR** branchvars, /**< array of variables on which the branchings has been performed in all ancestors */
7886 SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtypes, /**< array of boundtypes which the branchings in all ancestors set */
7887 int* nbranchvars, /**< number of variables on which branchings have been performed in all ancestors
7912 SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings(node, &branchvars[start], &branchbounds[start], &boundtypes[start], &nodenbranchvars, size);
7919 /** return all bound changes based on constraint propagation; stop saving the bound changes if we reach a branching
7924 SCIP_VAR** vars, /**< array of variables on which constraint propagation triggers a bound change */
7927 int* nconspropvars, /**< number of variables on which constraint propagation triggers a bound change
7961 && !(boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons == NULL)
7962 && !(boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.prop == NULL) )
7972 if( (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons != NULL)
7973 || (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.prop != NULL) )
7978 else if( (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons == NULL)
7979 || (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.prop == NULL))
7990 if( boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons != NULL )
8008 * @note: currently, we can only detect bound changes based in dual information if they arise from strong branching.
8012 SCIP_VAR** vars, /**< array of variables on which the branching has been performed in the parent node */
8014 SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* varboundtypes, /**< array of boundtypes which the branching in the parent node set */
8016 int* nbranchvars, /**< number of variables on which branching has been performed in the parent node
8048 && !(boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons == NULL)
8049 && !(boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.prop == NULL) )
8054 /* count the number of branching decisions; branching decisions have to be in the beginning of the bound change array */
8059 if( (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons != NULL)
8060 || (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.prop != NULL) )
8073 if( (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.cons != NULL)
8074 || (boundchgs[i].boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER && boundchgs[i].data.inferencedata.reason.prop != NULL) )
8117 (SCIP_BOUNDTYPE) boundchgs[i].boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=", boundchgs[i].newbound);
8138 /** returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in all ancestor nodes (nodes on the path to the root) to create this node
8143 SCIP_VAR** branchvars, /**< array of variables on which the branchings has been performed in all ancestors */
8145 SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtypes, /**< array of boundtypes which the branchings in all ancestors set */
8146 int* nbranchvars, /**< number of variables on which branchings have been performed in all ancestors
8150 int* nodeswitches, /**< marks, where in the arrays the branching decisions of the next node on the path
8174 /* calculate the start position for the current node and the maximum remaining slots in the arrays */
8181 SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings(node, &branchvars[start], &branchbounds[start], &boundtypes[start], &nodenbranchvars, size);
8189 /** checks for two nodes whether they share the same root path, i.e., whether one is an ancestor of the other */
8337 assert(tree->probingroot == NULL || (SCIP_NODETYPE)tree->probingroot->nodetype == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE);
8339 assert(tree->probingroot == NULL || tree->path[SCIPnodeGetDepth(tree->probingroot)] == tree->probingroot);
8350 assert(tree->probingroot == NULL || (SCIP_NODETYPE)tree->probingroot->nodetype == SCIP_NODETYPE_PROBINGNODE);
8352 assert(tree->probingroot == NULL || tree->path[SCIPnodeGetDepth(tree->probingroot)] == tree->probingroot);
8429 return (tree->focusnode != NULL && SCIPnodeGetType(tree->focusnode) == SCIP_NODETYPE_REFOCUSNODE);
8432 /** gets current node of the tree, i.e. the last node in the active path, or NULL if no current node exists */
8449 /** gets depth of current node in the tree, i.e. the length of the active path minus 1, or -1 if no current node exists */
8477 /** returns the current probing depth, i.e. the number of probing sub nodes existing in the probing path */
8488 /** returns the depth of the effective root node (i.e. the first depth level of a node with at least two children) */
8509 /** returns whether we are in probing and the objective value of at least one column was changed */
union SCIP_BoundChg::@21 data
static SCIP_RETCODE forkAddLP(SCIP_NODE *fork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:3343
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeAddDiveBoundChange(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_BRANCHDIR dir, SCIP_Real value, SCIP_Bool preferred)
Definition: tree.c:6321
Definition: type_tree.h:42
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpGetProvedLowerbound(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real *bound)
Definition: lp.c:16491
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeCreatePresolvingRoot(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_CONFLICTSTORE *conflictstore, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:5060
void SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
Definition: tree.c:7780
void SCIPnodeGetDualBoundchgs(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *bounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nvars, int varssize)
Definition: tree.c:7692
Definition: struct_nodesel.h:61
Definition: type_reopt.h:65
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeEndProbing(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:6915
#define BMSfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(mem, ptr, num)
Definition: memory.h:468
internal methods for managing events
Definition: lp.c:10177
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeCreateChild(SCIP_NODE **node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_Real nodeselprio, SCIP_Real estimate)
Definition: tree.c:1039
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeSetProbingLPState(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_LPISTATE **lpistate, SCIP_LPINORMS **lpinorms, SCIP_Bool primalfeas, SCIP_Bool dualfeas)
Definition: tree.c:6571
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6327
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeBranchVar(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real val, SCIP_NODE **downchild, SCIP_NODE **eqchild, SCIP_NODE **upchild)
Definition: tree.c:5477
void SCIPvisualRepropagatedNode(SCIP_VISUAL *visual, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: visual.c:651
static SCIP_RETCODE treeEnsurePendingbdchgsMem(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: tree.c:124
static SCIP_RETCODE junctionInit(SCIP_JUNCTION *junction, SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:419
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconssetchgFree(SCIP_CONSSETCHG **conssetchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cons.c:5371
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpShrinkRows(SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, int newnrows)
Definition: lp.c:9705
static SCIP_RETCODE probingnodeUpdate(SCIP_PROBINGNODE *probingnode, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:327
Definition: type_lp.h:48
internal methods for branch and bound tree
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpropagateDomains(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, int depth, int maxproprounds, SCIP_PROPTIMING timingmask, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: solve.c:644
SCIP_Real SCIPtreeCalcChildEstimate(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real targetvalue)
Definition: tree.c:5418
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real left, SCIP_Real right, SCIP_NODE **downchild, SCIP_NODE **upchild)
Definition: tree.c:5808
void SCIPtreeSetFocusNodeLP(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_Bool solvelp)
Definition: tree.c:8402
SCIP_NODE * SCIPnodesGetCommonAncestor(SCIP_NODE *node1, SCIP_NODE *node2)
Definition: tree.c:8214
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventqueueProcess(SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter)
Definition: event.c:2496
SCIP_BRANCHDIR SCIPvarGetBranchDirection(SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: var.c:18261
SCIP_NODE * SCIPtreeGetLowerboundNode(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: tree.c:7341
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6667
union SCIP_Node::@19 data
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpRemoveAllObsoletes(SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter)
Definition: lp.c:15682
methods for implications, variable bounds, and cliques
int SCIPnodepqCompare(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODE *node1, SCIP_NODE *node2)
Definition: nodesel.c:264
Definition: struct_var.h:160
static SCIP_RETCODE pseudoforkCreate(SCIP_PSEUDOFORK **pseudofork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:443
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeSetNodesel(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: tree.c:5154
Definition: event.c:1040
void SCIPgmlWriteArc(FILE *file, unsigned int source, unsigned int target, const char *label, const char *color)
Definition: misc.c:639
static SCIP_RETCODE treeEnsurePathMem(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: tree.c:98
internal methods for clocks and timing issues
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeFree(SCIP_NODE **node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:1101
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeDelCons(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: tree.c:1697
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, SCIP_CONS *infercons, SCIP_PROP *inferprop, int inferinfo, SCIP_Bool probingchange)
Definition: tree.c:1858
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:6625
SCIP_CLIQUE ** SCIPvarGetCliques(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool varfixing)
Definition: var.c:18442
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeCreate(SCIP_TREE **tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: tree.c:4823
void SCIPgmlWriteNode(FILE *file, unsigned int id, const char *label, const char *nodetype, const char *fillcolor, const char *bordercolor)
Definition: misc.c:497
Definition: struct_var.h:207
Definition: struct_conflict.h:113
Definition: struct_var.h:91
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarAddHoleGlobal(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_Real left, SCIP_Real right, SCIP_Bool *added)
Definition: var.c:8875
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeBacktrackProbing(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, int probingdepth)
Definition: tree.c:6881
interface methods for specific LP solvers
SCIP_NODE * SCIPtreeGetBestNode(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: tree.c:7269
SCIP_NODE * SCIPtreeGetBestChild(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: tree.c:7205
Definition: type_reopt.h:64
Definition: lp.c:10100
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE SCIPboundchgGetBoundtype(SCIP_BOUNDCHG *boundchg)
Definition: var.c:17347
Definition: type_reopt.h:63
Definition: type_reopt.h:59
static SCIP_RETCODE subrootFree(SCIP_SUBROOT **subroot, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:683
static SCIP_RETCODE focusnodeToLeaf(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_NODE *lpstatefork, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: tree.c:3977
static void forkCaptureLPIState(SCIP_FORK *fork, int nuses)
Definition: tree.c:169
Definition: struct_primal.h:46
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventProcess(SCIP_EVENT *event, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter)
Definition: event.c:1574
static void treeRemoveSibling(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_NODE *sibling)
Definition: tree.c:716
datastructures for managing events
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6810
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdomchgUndo(SCIP_DOMCHG *domchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue)
Definition: var.c:1349
Definition: struct_event.h:188
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventqueueDelay(SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue)
Definition: event.c:2481
Definition: struct_message.h:45
SCIP_NODE * SCIPnodepqGetLowerboundNode(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: nodesel.c:605
Definition: type_var.h:62
Definition: lp.c:10033
Definition: type_tree.h:48
SCIP_Real SCIPnodepqGetLowerboundSum(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq)
Definition: nodesel.c:629
Definition: type_tree.h:43
Definition: type_tree.h:50
#define SCIPdebugCheckLocalLowerbound(blkmem, set, node)
Definition: debug.h:290
Definition: struct_prob.h:48
Definition: event.c:1317
static SCIP_RETCODE treeBacktrackProbing(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, int probingdepth)
Definition: tree.c:6735
SCIP_Real SCIPvarGetAvgInferences(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_BRANCHDIR dir)
Definition: var.c:16068
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpSolveAndEval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_Longint itlim, SCIP_Bool limitresolveiters, SCIP_Bool aging, SCIP_Bool keepsol, SCIP_Bool *lperror)
Definition: lp.c:12413
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpCleanupAll(SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_Bool root)
Definition: lp.c:15890
void SCIPrelaxationSetSolValid(SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation, SCIP_Bool isvalid, SCIP_Bool includeslp)
Definition: relax.c:795
Definition: struct_tree.h:55
SCIP_Bool SCIPrelaxationIsSolValid(SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation)
Definition: relax.c:808
Definition: lp.c:10157
methods for creating output for visualization tools (VBC, BAK)
static SCIP_RETCODE treeAddChild(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODE *child, SCIP_Real nodeselprio)
Definition: tree.c:742
Definition: type_history.h:46
Definition: type_message.h:57
int SCIPvarGetConflictingBdchgDepth(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, SCIP_Real bound)
Definition: var.c:17046
SCIP_NODESEL * SCIPnodepqGetNodesel(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq)
Definition: nodesel.c:206
void SCIPvarAdjustLb(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real *lb)
Definition: var.c:6518
Definition: type_lp.h:46
Definition: struct_tree.h:124
static SCIP_RETCODE probingnodeFree(SCIP_PROBINGNODE **probingnode, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:382
static SCIP_RETCODE treeCreateProbingNode(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:6391
internal methods for LP management
Definition: heur_padm.c:134
void SCIPvisualLowerbound(SCIP_VISUAL *visual, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_Real lowerbound)
Definition: visual.c:768
SCIP_Bool SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:8413
Definition: struct_tree.h:141
Definition: type_tree.h:51
void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
Definition: tree.c:7844
internal methods for collecting primal CIP solutions and primal informations
Definition: struct_lp.h:135
Definition: lpi_cpx.c:197
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6363
internal methods for propagators
Definition: struct_set.h:73
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqInsert(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: nodesel.c:280
static SCIP_RETCODE pseudoforkAddLP(SCIP_NODE *pseudofork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:3388
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeRepropagate(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: tree.c:1362
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeCutoff(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem)
Definition: tree.c:1234
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeToLeaf(SCIP_NODE **node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_NODE *lpstatefork, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: tree.c:3754
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6309
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpCleanupNew(SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_Bool root)
Definition: lp.c:15851
SCIP_Real SCIPtreeCalcNodeselPriority(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_BRANCHDIR branchdir, SCIP_Real targetvalue)
Definition: tree.c:5268
static SCIP_RETCODE subrootConstructLP(SCIP_NODE *subroot, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:3298
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand)
Definition: prob.c:1104
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvisualNewChild(SCIP_VISUAL *visual, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: visual.c:266
void SCIPnodeUpdateLowerbound(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_Real newbound)
Definition: tree.c:2411
SCIP_Real SCIPvarGetPseudocost(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_Real solvaldelta)
Definition: var.c:14478
#define BMSduplicateBlockMemoryArray(mem, ptr, source, num)
Definition: memory.h:462
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconssetchgApply(SCIP_CONSSETCHG *conssetchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, int depth, SCIP_Bool focusnode)
Definition: cons.c:5609
Definition: type_reopt.h:61
Definition: lp.c:8671
Definition: type_reopt.h:62
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdomchgApplyGlobal(SCIP_DOMCHG *domchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: var.c:1384
SCIP_Bool SCIPnodesSharePath(SCIP_NODE *node1, SCIP_NODE *node2)
Definition: tree.c:8190
void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingPath(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize, int *nodeswitches, int *nnodes, int nodeswitchsize)
Definition: tree.c:8141
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqBound(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: nodesel.c:639
static SCIP_RETCODE forkReleaseLPIState(SCIP_FORK *fork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:184
SCIP_Bool SCIPtreeWasNodeLastBranchParent(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: tree.c:1088
static void treeFindSwitchForks(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_NODE **commonfork, SCIP_NODE **newlpfork, SCIP_NODE **newlpstatefork, SCIP_NODE **newsubroot, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: tree.c:2818
internal methods for storing and manipulating the main problem
Definition: struct_cons.h:46
void SCIPmessagePrintVerbInfo(SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_VERBLEVEL verblevel, SCIP_VERBLEVEL msgverblevel, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: message.c:678
SCIP_Bool SCIPboundchgIsRedundant(SCIP_BOUNDCHG *boundchg)
Definition: var.c:17357
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdomchgMakeStatic(SCIP_DOMCHG **domchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: var.c:1162
static SCIP_RETCODE pseudoforkFree(SCIP_PSEUDOFORK **pseudofork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:496
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeReleaseParent(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:848
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdomchgFree(SCIP_DOMCHG **domchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: var.c:1061
Definition: type_tree.h:45
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarChgObj(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_Real newobj)
Definition: var.c:6265
void SCIPnodeGetNDomchg(SCIP_NODE *node, int *nbranchings, int *nconsprop, int *nprop)
Definition: tree.c:7595
static SCIP_RETCODE treeAddPendingBdchg(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, SCIP_CONS *infercons, SCIP_PROP *inferprop, int inferinfo, SCIP_Bool probingchange)
Definition: tree.c:1771
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpAddCol(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_COL *col, int depth)
Definition: lp.c:9450
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeFocus(SCIP_NODE **node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_CONFLICTSTORE *conflictstore, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Bool *cutoff, SCIP_Bool postponed, SCIP_Bool exitsolve)
Definition: tree.c:4398
#define SCIPdebugCheckInference(blkmem, set, node, var, newbound, boundtype)
Definition: debug.h:287
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeCreateRoot(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:5014
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7146
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarRelease(SCIP_VAR **var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: var.c:2873
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpShrinkCols(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, int newncols)
Definition: lp.c:9633
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqSetNodesel(SCIP_NODEPQ **nodepq, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: nodesel.c:216
Definition: type_lp.h:56
void SCIPnodeMarkPropagated(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:1320
static SCIP_RETCODE focusnodeToPseudofork(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:4044
Definition: type_var.h:88
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqFree(SCIP_NODEPQ **nodepq, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: nodesel.c:141
Definition: type_tree.h:41
Definition: type_history.h:45
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodePrintAncestorBranchings(SCIP_NODE *node, FILE *file)
Definition: tree.c:8089
SCIP_NODE * SCIPtreeGetBestSibling(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: tree.c:7232
void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingsPart(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_NODE *parent, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
Definition: tree.c:7881
Definition: type_var.h:51
SCIP_Bool SCIPnodeIsPropagatedAgain(SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: tree.c:8255
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpSetState(SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LPISTATE *lpistate, SCIP_Bool wasprimfeas, SCIP_Bool wasprimchecked, SCIP_Bool wasdualfeas, SCIP_Bool wasdualchecked)
Definition: lp.c:10057
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpAddRow(SCIP_LP *lp, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_ROW *row, int depth)
Definition: lp.c:9509
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeLoadLP(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Bool *initroot)
Definition: tree.c:3506
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarSetRelaxSol(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation, SCIP_Real solval, SCIP_Bool updateobj)
Definition: var.c:13863
static SCIP_RETCODE focusnodeToFork(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:4095
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7212
static void subrootCaptureLPIState(SCIP_SUBROOT *subroot, int nuses)
Definition: tree.c:208
internal methods for node selectors and node priority queues
static SCIP_RETCODE treeEnsureChildrenMem(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: tree.c:73
Definition: type_retcode.h:42
Definition: struct_event.h:161
internal methods for global SCIP settings
internal methods for storing conflicts
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6755
SCIP_CONSSETCHG * SCIPnodeGetConssetchg(SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: tree.c:8265
int SCIPnodeselCompare(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODE *node1, SCIP_NODE *node2)
Definition: nodesel.c:1035
Definition: cons.c:6970
internal methods for relaxators
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6291
SCIP_Real SCIPlpGetObjval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob)
Definition: lp.c:13119
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6711
Definition: type_lp.h:43
Definition: struct_prop.h:46
SCIP_RETCODE SCIProwRelease(SCIP_ROW **row, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: lp.c:5352
SCIP_Real SCIPtreeGetAvgLowerbound(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: tree.c:7393
void SCIPvarAdjustBd(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, SCIP_Real *bd)
Definition: var.c:6552
void SCIPtreeClearDiveBoundChanges(SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:6376
Definition: type_var.h:89
data structures and methods for collecting reoptimization information
internal methods for problem variables
void SCIPnodeSetEstimate(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newestimate)
Definition: tree.c:2507
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE * SCIPvarGetImplTypes(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool varfixing)
Definition: var.c:18389
void SCIPnodePropagateAgain(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:1294
Definition: lp.c:9771
static SCIP_RETCODE treeUpdatePathLPSize(SCIP_TREE *tree, int startdepth)
Definition: tree.c:2710
Definition: struct_conflictstore.h:45
int SCIPtreeGetEffectiveRootDepth(SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:8489
void SCIPlpRecomputeLocalAndGlobalPseudoObjval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob)
Definition: lp.c:13202
static SCIP_RETCODE treeSwitchPath(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_NODE *fork, SCIP_NODE *focusnode, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: tree.c:3118
Definition: type_var.h:64
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_EVENTTYPE eventtype, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT lpsolstat, SCIP_Bool isrootnode, SCIP_Bool isfocusnode, SCIP_Real lowerbound, int effectiverootdepth)
Definition: reopt.c:5989
Definition: type_var.h:78
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeStartProbing(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_Bool strongbranching)
Definition: tree.c:6481
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeAssignParent(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_NODE *parent, SCIP_Real nodeselprio)
Definition: tree.c:793
Definition: type_tree.h:44
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeFree(SCIP_TREE **tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:4904
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqRemove(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: nodesel.c:524
void SCIPtreeGetDiveBoundChangeData(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_VAR ***variables, SCIP_BRANCHDIR **directions, SCIP_Real **values, int *ndivebdchgs, SCIP_Bool preferred)
Definition: tree.c:6353
Definition: type_var.h:63
static SCIP_RETCODE focusnodeCleanupVars(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Bool inlp)
Definition: tree.c:3836
#define SCIPdebugCheckGlobalLowerbound(blkmem, set)
Definition: debug.h:289
Definition: struct_lp.h:201
static SCIP_RETCODE probingnodeCreate(SCIP_PROBINGNODE **probingnode, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:300
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqCreate(SCIP_NODEPQ **nodepq, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: nodesel.c:105
static SCIP_RETCODE forkCreate(SCIP_FORK **fork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:526
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPboundchgApply(SCIP_BOUNDCHG *boundchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, int depth, int pos, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: var.c:629
methods for debugging
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeAddHolechg(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real left, SCIP_Real right, SCIP_Bool probingchange, SCIP_Bool *added)
Definition: tree.c:2283
SCIP_BOUNDCHG * SCIPdomchgGetBoundchg(SCIP_DOMCHG *domchg, int pos)
Definition: var.c:17375
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7168
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeClear(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:4953
SCIP_Bool SCIPprobAllColsInLP(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: prob.c:2350
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrsResetPropagationStatus(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_CONSHDLR **conshdlrs, int nconshdlrs)
Definition: cons.c:7993
Definition: struct_reopt.h:139
Definition: struct_tree.h:91
Definition: type_var.h:50
Definition: type_var.h:54
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvisualUpdateChild(SCIP_VISUAL *visual, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: visual.c:341
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeCaptureLPIState(SCIP_NODE *node, int nuses)
Definition: tree.c:247
static SCIP_RETCODE forkFree(SCIP_FORK **fork, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:589
void SCIPnodeGetBdChgsAfterDual(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *varbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *varboundtypes, int start, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
Definition: tree.c:8010
SCIP_Real * SCIPvarGetImplBounds(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool varfixing)
Definition: var.c:18403
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6689
Definition: lp.c:10133
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeLoadLPState(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:3634
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeReleaseLPIState(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:275
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarGetProbvarBound(SCIP_VAR **var, SCIP_Real *bound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtype)
Definition: var.c:12470
SCIP_Real SCIPlpGetModifiedPseudoObjval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real oldbound, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype)
Definition: lp.c:13332
Definition: type_lp.h:45
Definition: type_history.h:43
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPvarGetImplVars(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool varfixing)
Definition: var.c:18374
void SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_Real upperbound, SCIP_Real lowerbound)
Definition: stat.c:459
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeDeactivate(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue)
Definition: tree.c:1582
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarChgBdGlobal(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype)
Definition: var.c:7519
SCIP_Bool SCIPtreeProbingObjChanged(SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:8511
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real val, int n, SCIP_Real minwidth, SCIP_Real widthfactor, int *nchildren)
Definition: tree.c:5950
static void treeNextRepropsubtreecount(SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:1350
SCIP_Real SCIPnodepqGetLowerbound(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: nodesel.c:582
Definition: type_history.h:44
Definition: struct_tree.h:97
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpSetCutoffbound(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: lp.c:10201
internal methods for main solving loop and node processing
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconssetchgUndo(SCIP_CONSSETCHG *conssetchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:5696
Definition: lpi_clp.cpp:132
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, SCIP_Bool probingchange)
Definition: tree.c:2133
Definition: struct_lp.h:269
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real left, SCIP_Real right, SCIP_CONS *infercons, SCIP_PROP *inferprop, int inferinfo, SCIP_Bool probingchange, SCIP_Bool *added)
Definition: tree.c:2162
Definition: type_lp.h:57
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconssetchgAddAddedCons(SCIP_CONSSETCHG **conssetchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_CONS *cons, int depth, SCIP_Bool focusnode, SCIP_Bool active)
Definition: cons.c:5445
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeMarkProbingNodeHasLP(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:6707
Definition: struct_tree.h:107
public methods for message output
Definition: struct_implics.h:97
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6345
static SCIP_RETCODE subrootReleaseLPIState(SCIP_SUBROOT *subroot, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:224
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeFreePresolvingRoot(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_CONFLICTSTORE *conflictstore, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:5101
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeCreate(SCIP_NODE **node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: tree.c:1012
void SCIPvisualCutoffNode(SCIP_VISUAL *visual, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_Bool infeasible)
Definition: visual.c:533
internal methods for problem statistics
Definition: struct_cons.h:115
datastructures for branching rules and branching candidate storage
Definition: type_tree.h:47
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdomchgApply(SCIP_DOMCHG *domchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, int depth, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: var.c:1300
static SCIP_RETCODE treeNodesToQueue(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_NODE **nodes, int *nnodes, SCIP_NODE *lpstatefork, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: tree.c:4326
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeStoreRelaxSol(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation, SCIP_PROB *transprob)
Definition: tree.c:7076
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasPositive(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6788
Definition: struct_implics.h:75
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarGetProbvarHole(SCIP_VAR **var, SCIP_Real *left, SCIP_Real *right)
Definition: var.c:12563
internal methods for constraints and constraint handlers
static SCIP_RETCODE treeApplyPendingBdchgs(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:2316
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeAddCons(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: tree.c:1654
Definition: type_set.h:53
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6733
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeUpdateLowerboundLP(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:2455
Definition: type_lp.h:44
void SCIPnodeSetReopttype(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_REOPTTYPE reopttype)
Definition: tree.c:7540
Definition: type_reopt.h:58
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconssetchgMakeGlobal(SCIP_CONSSETCHG **conssetchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_REOPT *reopt)
Definition: cons.c:5782
Definition: type_reopt.h:60
Definition: type_tree.h:49
Definition: type_tree.h:46
Definition: struct_relax.h:74
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconssetchgAddDisabledCons(SCIP_CONSSETCHG **conssetchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons.c:5491
Definition: type_lp.h:42
SCIP_Real SCIPtreeGetLowerbound(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: tree.c:7303
Definition: type_lp.h:47
void SCIPvarAdjustUb(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real *ub)
Definition: var.c:6535
Definition: type_retcode.h:59
Definition: struct_stat.h:59
Definition: struct_tree.h:184
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeRestoreRelaxSol(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation, SCIP_PROB *transprob)
Definition: tree.c:7120
SCIP_Bool SCIPeventqueueIsDelayed(SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue)
Definition: event.c:2568
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobDelVar(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool *deleted)
Definition: prob.c:1043
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
SCIP_Real SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real oldbound, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype)
Definition: lp.c:13372
void SCIPvisualMarkedRepropagateNode(SCIP_VISUAL *visual, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_NODE *node)
Definition: visual.c:630
Definition: struct_event.h:223
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarGetProbvarSum(SCIP_VAR **var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real *scalar, SCIP_Real *constant)
Definition: var.c:12648
Definition: type_retcode.h:52
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrsStorePropagationStatus(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONSHDLR **conshdlrs, int nconshdlrs)
Definition: cons.c:7953
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodePropagateImplics(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: tree.c:2523
static SCIP_RETCODE nodeActivate(SCIP_NODE *node, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CONFLICT *conflict, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
Definition: tree.c:1513
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7234
static SCIP_RETCODE focusnodeToDeadend(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable)
Definition: tree.c:3937
Definition: type_var.h:52
Definition: struct_branch.h:46
void SCIPnodeGetAddedConss(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_CONS **addedconss, int *naddedconss, int addedconsssize)
Definition: tree.c:1727
void SCIPchildChgNodeselPrio(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_NODE *child, SCIP_Real priority)
Definition: tree.c:2489
void SCIPnodeGetConsProps(SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *varbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *varboundtypes, int *nconspropvars, int conspropvarssize)
Definition: tree.c:7922
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeCreateProbingNode(SCIP_TREE *tree, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:6546
#define BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(mem, ptr, oldnum, newnum)
Definition: memory.h:458
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdomchgAddBoundchg(SCIP_DOMCHG **domchg, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real newbound, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE boundchgtype, SCIP_Real lpsolval, SCIP_VAR *infervar, SCIP_CONS *infercons, SCIP_PROP *inferprop, int inferinfo, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE inferboundtype)
Definition: var.c:1423
static SCIP_RETCODE focusnodeToJunction(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: tree.c:4007
void SCIPtreeMarkProbingObjChanged(SCIP_TREE *tree)
Definition: tree.c:8522
SCIP_Bool SCIPrelaxationIsLpIncludedForSol(SCIP_RELAXATION *relaxation)
Definition: relax.c:818
SCIP callable library.
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasNegative(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6799
Definition: type_var.h:87
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtreeCutoff(SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Real cutoffbound)
Definition: tree.c:5182
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodepqClear(SCIP_NODEPQ *nodepq, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: nodesel.c:165
Definition: type_var.h:71