

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp File Reference

Detailed Description

interface for symmetry computations to sassy as a preprocessor to bliss

Marc Pfetsch

Definition in file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

#include "compute_symmetry.h"
#include <bliss/defs.hh>
#include <bliss/graph.hh>
#include <sassy/preprocessor.h>
#include <sassy/tools/bliss_converter.h>
#include "build_sassy_graph.h"
#include "scip/expr_var.h"
#include "scip/expr_sum.h"
#include "scip/expr_pow.h"
#include "scip/expr.h"
#include "scip/cons_nonlinear.h"
#include "scip/cons_linear.h"
#include "scip/scip_mem.h"
#include "scip/symmetry_graph.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  SYMMETRY_Data


#define STR(x)   #x
#define XSTR(x)   STR(x)


static void sassyhook (void *user_param, int n, const int *aut, int nsupp, const int *suppa)
SCIP_Bool SYMcanComputeSymmetry (void)
const char * SYMsymmetryGetName (void)
const char * SYMsymmetryGetDesc (void)
const char * SYMsymmetryGetAddName (void)
const char * SYMsymmetryGetAddDesc (void)
static SCIP_RETCODE computeAutomorphisms (SCIP *scip, SYM_SYMTYPE symtype, sassy::static_graph *G, int nsymvars, int maxgenerators, int ***perms, int *nperms, int *nmaxperms, SCIP_Real *log10groupsize, SCIP_Bool restricttovars, SCIP_Real *symcodetime)
SCIP_RETCODE SYMcomputeSymmetryGenerators (SCIP *scip, int maxgenerators, SYM_GRAPH *graph, int *nperms, int *nmaxperms, int ***perms, SCIP_Real *log10groupsize, SCIP_Real *symcodetime)
SCIP_Bool SYMcheckGraphsAreIdentical (SCIP *scip, SYM_SYMTYPE symtype, SYM_GRAPH *G1, SYM_GRAPH *G2)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define STR (   x)    #x

Definition at line 204 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.


#define XSTR (   x)    STR(x)

Definition at line 205 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

Referenced by SYMsymmetryGetAddName().

Function Documentation

◆ sassyhook()

static void sassyhook ( void *  user_param,
int  n,
const int *  aut,
int  nsupp,
const int *  suppa 

callback function for sassy

user_paramparameter supplied at call to sassy
ndimension of permutations
nsuppsupport size
suppasupport list

Definition at line 99 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

References SYMMETRY_Data::maxgenerators, SYMMETRY_Data::nmaxperms, SYMMETRY_Data::nperms, SYMMETRY_Data::npermvars, NULL, SYMMETRY_Data::perms, SYMMETRY_Data::restricttovars, SYMMETRY_Data::scip, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray, SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray, SYM_SYMTYPE_PERM, SYM_SYMTYPE_SIGNPERM, and SYMMETRY_Data::symtype.

Referenced by computeAutomorphisms().

◆ SYMcanComputeSymmetry()

SCIP_Bool SYMcanComputeSymmetry ( void  )

return whether symmetry can be computed

Definition at line 183 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

References TRUE.

◆ SYMsymmetryGetName()

const char* SYMsymmetryGetName ( void  )

return name of external program used to compute generators

Definition at line 189 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

◆ SYMsymmetryGetDesc()

const char* SYMsymmetryGetDesc ( void  )

return description of external program used to compute generators

Definition at line 199 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

◆ SYMsymmetryGetAddName()

const char* SYMsymmetryGetAddName ( void  )

return name of additional external program used for computing symmetries

Definition at line 208 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

References XSTR.

◆ SYMsymmetryGetAddDesc()

const char* SYMsymmetryGetAddDesc ( void  )

return description of additional external program used to compute symmetries

Definition at line 214 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

◆ computeAutomorphisms()

static SCIP_RETCODE computeAutomorphisms ( SCIP scip,
SYM_SYMTYPE  symtype,
sassy::static_graph *  G,
int  nsymvars,
int  maxgenerators,
int ***  perms,
int *  nperms,
int *  nmaxperms,
SCIP_Real log10groupsize,
SCIP_Bool  restricttovars,
SCIP_Real symcodetime 

computes autormorphisms of a graph

scipSCIP pointer
symtypetype of symmetries that need to be computed
Gpointer to graph for that automorphisms are computed
nsymvarsnumber of variables encoded in graph
maxgeneratorsmaximum number of generators to be constructed (=0 if unlimited)
permspointer to store generators as (nperms x npermvars) matrix
npermspointer to store number of permutations
nmaxpermspointer to store maximal number of permutations (needed for freeing storage)
log10groupsizepointer to store log10 of size of group
restricttovarswhether permutations shall be restricted to variables
symcodetimepointer to store the time for symmetry code

Definition at line 221 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

References SYMMETRY_Data::maxgenerators, SYMMETRY_Data::nmaxperms, SYMMETRY_Data::nperms, SYMMETRY_Data::npermvars, NULL, SYMMETRY_Data::perms, SYMMETRY_Data::restricttovars, sassyhook(), SYMMETRY_Data::scip, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPgetProbName(), SCIPgetSolvingTime(), SCIPsnprintf(), and SYMMETRY_Data::symtype.

Referenced by SYMcheckGraphsAreIdentical(), and SYMcomputeSymmetryGenerators().

◆ SYMcomputeSymmetryGenerators()

SCIP_RETCODE SYMcomputeSymmetryGenerators ( SCIP scip,
int  maxgenerators,
SYM_GRAPH graph,
int *  nperms,
int *  nmaxperms,
int ***  perms,
SCIP_Real log10groupsize,
SCIP_Real symcodetime 

compute generators of symmetry group

scipSCIP pointer
maxgeneratorsmaximal number of generators constructed (= 0 if unlimited)
graphsymmetry detection graph
npermspointer to store number of permutations
nmaxpermspointer to store maximal number of permutations (needed for freeing storage)
permspointer to store permutation generators as (nperms x npermvars) matrix
log10groupsizepointer to store log10 of size of group
symcodetimepointer to store the time for symmetry code

Definition at line 370 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

References computeAutomorphisms(), FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPgetSymgraphNVars(), SCIPgetSymgraphSymtype(), SYMbuildSassyGraph(), and TRUE.

◆ SYMcheckGraphsAreIdentical()

SCIP_Bool SYMcheckGraphsAreIdentical ( SCIP scip,
SYM_SYMTYPE  symtype,

returns whether two given graphs are identical

scipSCIP pointer
symtypetype of symmetries to be checked
G1first graph
G2second graph

Definition at line 412 of file compute_symmetry_sassy_bliss.cpp.

References computeAutomorphisms(), FALSE, SYMMETRY_Data::nmaxperms, nnodes, SYMMETRY_Data::nperms, SYMMETRY_Data::perms, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIP_Real, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, SCIPgetSymgraphSymtype(), SYMbuildSassyGraphCheck(), and TRUE.