

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Detailed Description

methods to build and access LP relaxation information

See also
methods to interact with LP columns and LP rows


 LP Column
 public methods for LP columns
 LP Row
 public methods for LP rows
 Cuts and Cutpools
 common methods used to manipulate, generate, and strengthen cuts and to organize the cutpool
 LP Diving
 methods to initiate and conduct LP diving


SCIP_Bool SCIPhasCurrentNodeLP (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPConstructed (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconstructLP (SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool *cutoff)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPPrimalReliable (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPDualReliable (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPRelax (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPColumnObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPLooseObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetGlobalPseudoObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetPseudoObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisRootLPRelax (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPRootObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPRootColumnObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPRootLooseObjval (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPFeastol (SCIP *scip)
void SCIPsetLPFeastol (SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real newfeastol)
void SCIPresetLPFeastol (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPColsData (SCIP *scip, SCIP_COL ***cols, int *ncols)
SCIP_COL ** SCIPgetLPCols (SCIP *scip)
int SCIPgetNLPCols (SCIP *scip)
int SCIPgetNUnfixedLPCols (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPRowsData (SCIP *scip, SCIP_ROW ***rows, int *nrows)
SCIP_ROW ** SCIPgetLPRows (SCIP *scip)
int SCIPgetNLPRows (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Bool SCIPallColsInLP (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPSolBasic (SCIP *scip)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPBasisInd (SCIP *scip, int *basisind)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPBInvRow (SCIP *scip, int r, SCIP_Real *coefs, int *inds, int *ninds)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPBInvCol (SCIP *scip, int c, SCIP_Real *coefs, int *inds, int *ninds)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPBInvARow (SCIP *scip, int r, SCIP_Real *binvrow, SCIP_Real *coefs, int *inds, int *ninds)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetLPBInvACol (SCIP *scip, int c, SCIP_Real *coefs, int *inds, int *ninds)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsumLPRows (SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real *weights, SCIP_REALARRAY *sumcoef, SCIP_Real *sumlhs, SCIP_Real *sumrhs)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPinterruptLP (SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool interrupt)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPwriteLP (SCIP *scip, const char *filename)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPwriteMIP (SCIP *scip, const char *filename, SCIP_Bool genericnames, SCIP_Bool origobj, SCIP_Bool lazyconss)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintLPSolutionQuality (SCIP *scip, FILE *file)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint (SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool relaxrows, SCIP_Bool inclobjcutoff, SCIP_Real timelimit, int iterlimit, SCIP_SOL **point)

Function Documentation

◆ SCIPhasCurrentNodeLP()

SCIP_Bool SCIPhasCurrentNodeLP ( SCIP scip)

returns, whether the LP was or is to be solved in the current node

whether the LP was or is to be solved in the current node.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 83 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPtreeHasCurrentNodeLP(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyVbounds(), checkCons(), consdataGetActivity(), DECL_CHANGESUBSCIP(), DECL_VARFIXINGS(), enforcePseudo(), execRelpscost(), getVariableRedcostScore(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECPS(), SCIP_DECL_DISPOUTPUT(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), and SCIPperformGenericDivingAlgorithm().

◆ SCIPisLPConstructed()

SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPConstructed ( SCIP scip)

returns, whether the LP of the current node is already constructed

whether the LP of the current node is already constructed.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 101 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyVbounds(), createNewSol(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIPbendersComputeSubproblemLowerbound(), and SCIPbendersSolveSubproblemLP().

◆ SCIPconstructLP()

SCIP_Bool cutoff 

makes sure that the LP of the current node is loaded and may be accessed through the LP information methods

Contructing the LP might change the amount of variables known in the transformed problem and therefore also the variables array of SCIP (returned by SCIPgetVars() and SCIPgetVarsData()), so it might be necessary to call one of the later method after this one
SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
cutoffpointer to store whether the node can be cut off

Definition at line 124 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconstructCurrentLP(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyVbounds(), initialiseSubproblem(), and SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC().

◆ SCIPflushLP()


makes sure that the LP of the current node is flushed

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 148 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpFlush(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyVbounds(), and SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC().

◆ SCIPgetLPSolstat()


gets solution status of current LP

the solution status of current LP.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 168 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetSolstat(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.

Referenced by analyzeStrongbranch(), applyBoundHeur(), applyVbounds(), bilinboundGetScore(), branchingIntegralFirst(), collectEstLst(), computeStandardLPFeasibilityCut(), createGenVBound(), DECL_CHANGESUBSCIP(), DECL_VARFIXINGS(), execRelpscost(), executeBranching(), executeBranchingRecursive(), executeHeuristic(), filterExistingLP(), fixAndPropagate(), fixDiscreteVars(), getDualBranchscore(), getNLPFracVars(), getVariableRedcostScore(), performLPRandRounding(), performLPSimpleRounding(), performStrongbranchSOS1(), performStrongbranchWithPropagation(), polishSolution(), runVanillaStrongBranching(), SCIP_DECL_BENDERSCUTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), SCIP_DECL_DISPOUTPUT(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRENFO(), SCIP_DECL_PRICERREDCOST(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPapplyHeurSubNlp(), SCIPbendersComputeSubproblemLowerbound(), SCIPbendersExec(), SCIPbendersSolveSubproblemLP(), SCIPconsBendersEnforceSolution(), SCIPperformGenericDivingAlgorithm(), SCIPselectVarPseudoStrongBranching(), SCIPselectVarStrongBranching(), SCIPvisualUpdateChild(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), solveBilinearLP(), solveLagromoryLP(), solveLP(), solveLp(), tryOneOpt(), and trySolCandidate().

◆ SCIPisLPPrimalReliable()

SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPPrimalReliable ( SCIP scip)

returns whether the current LP solution passed the primal feasibility check

whether the current LP solution passed the primal feasibility check.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

returns whether the current LP solution passed the primal feasibility check

whether the current LP solution passed the primal feasibility check.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 189 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpIsPrimalReliable(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPisLPDualReliable()

SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPDualReliable ( SCIP scip)

returns whether the current LP solution passed the dual feasibility check

whether the current LP solution passed the dual feasibility check.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 207 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpIsDualReliable(), and TRUE.

Referenced by propagateRedcostBinvar(), propagateRedcostVar(), propagateRootRedcostBinvar(), and propagateRootRedcostVar().

◆ SCIPisLPRelax()

SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPRelax ( SCIP scip)

returns whether the current lp is a relaxation of the current problem and its optimal objective value is a local lower bound

whether the current lp is a relaxation of the current problem and its optimal objective value is a local lower bound.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 225 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpIsRelax(), and TRUE.

Referenced by performStrongbranchWithPropagation(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), and SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC().

◆ SCIPgetLPObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets objective value of current LP (which is the sum of column and loose objective value)

the objective value of current LP (which is the sum of column and loose objective value).
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:
This method returns the objective value of the current LP solution, which might be primal or dual infeasible if a limit was hit during solving. It must not be used as a dual bound if the LP solution status returned by SCIPgetLPSolstat() is SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ITERLIMIT or SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_TIMELIMIT.

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 247 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetObjval(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyVbounds(), createGenVBound(), execRelpscost(), executeBranching(), executeStrongBranching(), getBranchingDecisionStrongbranchSOS1(), getDualBranchscore(), performLPRandRounding(), performLPSimpleRounding(), performStrongbranchSOS1(), performStrongbranchWithPropagation(), runVanillaStrongBranching(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_DISPOUTPUT(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRICERREDCOST(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPperformGenericDivingAlgorithm(), SCIPselectVarPseudoStrongBranching(), SCIPselectVarStrongBranching(), SCIPsolveDiveLP(), SCIPtryStrongbranchLPSol(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), selectVarStart(), separateCuts(), solveLagromoryLP(), and solveProbingLP().

◆ SCIPgetLPColumnObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPColumnObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets part of objective value of current LP that results from COLUMN variables only

the part of objective value of current LP that results from COLUMN variables only.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 265 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetColumnObjval(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPgetLPLooseObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPLooseObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets part of objective value of current LP that results from LOOSE variables only

part of objective value of current LP that results from LOOSE variables only.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 283 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetLooseObjval(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPgetGlobalPseudoObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetGlobalPseudoObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets the global pseudo objective value; that is all variables set to their best (w.r.t. the objective function) global bound

the global pseudo objective value; that is all variables set to their best (w.r.t. the objective function) global bound.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 308 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetGlobalPseudoObjval(), and TRUE.

Referenced by propagateCutoffboundGlobally(), propdataInit(), resolvePropagation(), and SCIP_DECL_PROPPRESOL().

◆ SCIPgetPseudoObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetPseudoObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets the pseudo objective value for the current search node; that is all variables set to their best (w.r.t. the objective function) local bound

the pseudo objective value for the current search node; that is all variables set to their best (w.r.t. the objective function) local bound.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 333 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetPseudoObjval(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyOptcumulative(), propagateCutoffbound(), propdataInit(), SCIP_DECL_DISPOUTPUT(), and SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC().

◆ SCIPisRootLPRelax()

SCIP_Bool SCIPisRootLPRelax ( SCIP scip)

returns whether the root lp is a relaxation of the problem and its optimal objective value is a global lower bound

whether the root lp is a relaxation of the problem and its optimal objective value is a global lower bound.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 351 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpIsRootLPRelax(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPgetLPRootObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPRootObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets the objective value of the root node LP or SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved

the objective value of the root node LP or SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 372 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetRootObjval(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC().

◆ SCIPgetLPRootColumnObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPRootColumnObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets part of the objective value of the root node LP that results from COLUMN variables only; returns SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved

the part of the objective value of the root node LP that results from COLUMN variables only; or SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 395 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetRootColumnObjval(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPgetLPRootLooseObjval()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPRootLooseObjval ( SCIP scip)

gets part of the objective value of the root node LP that results from LOOSE variables only; returns SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved

the part of the objective value of the root node LP that results from LOOSE variables only; or SCIP_INVALID if the root node LP was not (yet) solved.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 418 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetRootLooseObjval(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPgetLPFeastol()

SCIP_Real SCIPgetLPFeastol ( SCIP scip)

gets current primal feasibility tolerance of LP

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 428 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetFeastol(), and TRUE.

Referenced by addCut(), consEnfo(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRENFO(), SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(), SCIPcomputeFacetVertexPolyhedralNonlinear(), SCIPlpfeastol(), and SCIPprocessRowprepNonlinear().

◆ SCIPsetLPFeastol()

void SCIPsetLPFeastol ( SCIP scip,
SCIP_Real  newfeastol 

sets primal feasibility tolerance of LP

scipSCIP data structure
newfeastolnew primal feasibility tolerance for LP

Definition at line 438 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpSetFeastol(), and TRUE.

Referenced by consEnfo(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), and SCIPchgLpfeastol().

◆ SCIPresetLPFeastol()

void SCIPresetLPFeastol ( SCIP scip)

resets primal feasibility tolerance of LP

Sets primal feasibility tolerance to min of numerics/lpfeastolfactor * numerics/feastol and relaxfeastol.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 452 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpResetFeastol(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD().

◆ SCIPgetLPColsData()

SCIP_COL ***  cols,
int *  ncols 

gets current LP columns along with the current number of LP columns

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
colspointer to store the array of LP columns, or NULL
ncolspointer to store the number of LP columns, or NULL

Definition at line 471 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetCols(), SCIPlpGetNCols(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.

Referenced by aggregateGeneratedCuts(), buildMod2Matrix(), computeCut(), createCGCutDirect(), createCGMIPprimalsols(), createLPWithHardCuts(), createLPWithSoftCuts(), createSubscip(), extractCapacities(), extractNodes(), generateAverageNBRay(), generateGMICuts(), mcfnetworkExtract(), mcfnetworkFill(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), separateCuts(), solveLagromoryLP(), solveLPWithHardCuts(), storeDenseTableauRow(), and updateObjectiveVector().

◆ SCIPgetLPCols()

SCIP_COL ** SCIPgetLPCols ( SCIP scip)

gets current LP columns

the current LP columns.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 506 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetCols(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.

Referenced by addCols(), computeIntercut(), computeMonoidalStrengthCoef(), computeNegCutcoefs(), computeStrengthenedIntercut(), constructCutRow(), createAndStoreSparseRays(), findUncapacitatedArcs(), getNextFlowrow(), and SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC().

◆ SCIPgetNLPCols()

◆ SCIPgetNUnfixedLPCols()

int SCIPgetNUnfixedLPCols ( SCIP scip)

gets current number of unfixed LP columns

the current number of unfixed LP columns.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 548 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetNUnfixedCols(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyBoundHeur(), applyVbounds(), and SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC().

◆ SCIPgetLPRowsData()

SCIP_ROW ***  rows,
int *  nrows 

gets current LP rows along with the current number of LP rows

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
rowspointer to store the array of LP rows, or NULL
nrowspointer to store the number of LP rows, or NULL

Definition at line 570 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetNRows(), SCIPlpGetRows(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.

Referenced by aggregation(), buildMod2Matrix(), cleanupNetwork(), computeCut(), createCGCutCMIR(), createCGCutStrongCG(), createCGMIPprimalsols(), createLPWithHardCuts(), createLPWithSoftCuts(), createRows(), createSubscip(), extractCapacities(), extractCapacityRows(), extractFlowRows(), extractNodes(), generateAverageNBRay(), generateAverageRay(), generateGMICuts(), initMatrix(), mcfnetworkExtract(), mcfnetworkFill(), mod2MatrixTransformContRows(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPaggrRowSumRows(), SCIPapplyLockFixings(), separateCuts(), setupAggregationData(), and storeDenseTableauRow().

◆ SCIPgetLPRows()

◆ SCIPgetNLPRows()

◆ SCIPallColsInLP()

SCIP_Bool SCIPallColsInLP ( SCIP scip)

returns TRUE iff all columns, i.e. every variable with non-empty column w.r.t. all ever created rows, are present in the LP, and FALSE, if there are additional already existing columns, that may be added to the LP in pricing

TRUE iff all columns, i.e. every variable with non-empty column w.r.t. all ever created rows, are present in the LP, and FALSE, if there are additional already existing columns, that may be added to the LP in pricing.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 649 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPprobAllColsInLP(), and TRUE.

Referenced by branch(), branchOnVar(), execRelpscost(), executeBranchingRecursive(), performRandRounding(), performSimpleRounding(), performStrongbranchWithPropagation(), runVanillaStrongBranching(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_RELAXEXEC(), SCIPgetVarStrongbranchWithPropagation(), SCIPselectVarPseudoStrongBranching(), SCIPselectVarStrongBranching(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), and selectVarRecursive().

◆ SCIPisLPSolBasic()

SCIP_Bool SCIPisLPSolBasic ( SCIP scip)

returns whether the current LP solution is basic, i.e. is defined by a valid simplex basis

whether the current LP solution is basic, i.e. is defined by a valid simplex basis.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 667 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpIsSolBasic(), and TRUE.

Referenced by applyBoundHeur(), applyVbounds(), execRelpscost(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRENFO(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPperformGenericDivingAlgorithm(), and solveLagromoryLP().

◆ SCIPgetLPBasisInd()

int *  basisind 

gets all indices of basic columns and rows: index i >= 0 corresponds to column i, index i < 0 to row -i-1

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
basisindpointer to store basis indices ready to keep number of rows entries

Definition at line 686 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpGetBasisInd(), SCIPlpIsSolBasic(), and TRUE.

Referenced by constructBasicVars2TableauRowMap(), createCGMIPprimalsols(), generateGMICuts(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), and SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP().

◆ SCIPgetLPBInvRow()

int  r,
SCIP_Real coefs,
int *  inds,
int *  ninds 

gets a row from the inverse basis matrix B^-1

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
rrow number
coefsarray to store the coefficients of the row
indsarray to store the non-zero indices, or NULL
nindspointer to store the number of non-zero indices, or NULL (-1: if we do not store sparsity informations)

Definition at line 714 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, r, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPdebugCheckBInvRow, SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpGetBInvRow(), SCIPlpIsSolBasic(), and TRUE.

Referenced by createCGMIPprimalsols(), generateGMICuts(), getTableauRows(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), and storeDenseTableauRow().

◆ SCIPgetLPBInvCol()

int  c,
SCIP_Real coefs,
int *  inds,
int *  ninds 

gets a column from the inverse basis matrix B^-1

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
ccolumn number of B^-1; this is NOT the number of the column in the LP returned by SCIPcolGetLPPos(); you have to call SCIPgetBasisInd() to get the array which links the B^-1 column numbers to the row and column numbers of the LP! c must be between 0 and nrows-1, since the basis has the size nrows * nrows
coefsarray to store the coefficients of the column
indsarray to store the non-zero indices, or NULL
nindspointer to store the number of non-zero indices, or NULL (-1: if we do not store sparsity informations)

Definition at line 749 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpGetBInvCol(), SCIPlpIsSolBasic(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPgetLPBInvARow()

int  r,
SCIP_Real binvrow,
SCIP_Real coefs,
int *  inds,
int *  ninds 

gets a row from the product of inverse basis matrix B^-1 and coefficient matrix A (i.e. from B^-1 * A)

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
rrow number
binvrowrow in B^-1 from prior call to SCIPgetLPBInvRow(), or NULL
coefsarray to store the coefficients of the row
indsarray to store the non-zero indices, or NULL
nindspointer to store the number of non-zero indices, or NULL (-1: if we do not store sparsity informations)

Definition at line 785 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, r, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpGetBInvARow(), SCIPlpIsSolBasic(), and TRUE.

Referenced by getTableauRows(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), and storeDenseTableauRow().

◆ SCIPgetLPBInvACol()

int  c,
SCIP_Real coefs,
int *  inds,
int *  ninds 

gets a column from the product of inverse basis matrix B^-1 and coefficient matrix A (i.e. from B^-1 * A), i.e., it computes B^-1 * A_c with A_c being the c'th column of A

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
ccolumn number which can be accessed by SCIPcolGetLPPos()
coefsarray to store the coefficients of the column
indsarray to store the non-zero indices, or NULL
nindspointer to store the number of non-zero indices, or NULL (-1: if we do not store sparsity informations)

Definition at line 819 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpGetBInvACol(), SCIPlpIsSolBasic(), and TRUE.

Referenced by generateAverageRay().

◆ SCIPsumLPRows()

SCIP_Real weights,
SCIP_Real sumlhs,
SCIP_Real sumrhs 

calculates a weighted sum of all LP rows; for negative weights, the left and right hand side of the corresponding LP row are swapped in the summation

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
weightsrow weights in row summation
sumcoefarray to store sum coefficients indexed by variables' probindex
sumlhspointer to store the left hand side of the row summation
sumrhspointer to store the right hand side of the row summation

Definition at line 852 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpSumRows(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPinterruptLP()

SCIP_Bool  interrupt 

interrupts or disables the interrupt of the currently ongoing lp solve; if the lp is not currently constructed just returns with no effect

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

interrupts or disables the interrupt of the currently ongoing lp solve; if the lp is not currently constructed just returns with no effect

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called in any SCIP stage
scipSCIP data structure
interruptTRUE if interrupt should be set, FALSE if it should be disabled

Definition at line 874 of file scip_lp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpInterrupt(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPpresolve(), and SCIPsolve().

◆ SCIPwriteLP()

const char *  filename 

writes current LP to a file

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
filenamefile name

Definition at line 901 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconstructCurrentLP(), SCIPlpFlush(), SCIPlpWrite(), SCIPtreeIsFocusNodeLPConstructed(), and TRUE.


◆ SCIPwriteMIP()

const char *  filename,
SCIP_Bool  genericnames,
SCIP_Bool  origobj,
SCIP_Bool  lazyconss 

writes MIP relaxation of the current branch-and-bound node to a file

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
filenamefile name
genericnamesshould generic names like x_i and row_j be used in order to avoid troubles with reserved symbols?
origobjshould the original objective function be used?
lazyconssoutput removable rows as lazy constraints?

Definition at line 935 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpFlush(), SCIPlpWriteMip(), and TRUE.


◆ SCIPgetLPI()

SCIP_LPI **  lpi 

gets the LP interface of SCIP; with the LPI you can use all of the methods defined in lpi/lpi.h;

You have to make sure, that the full internal state of the LPI does not change or is recovered completely after the end of the method that uses the LPI. In particular, if you manipulate the LP or its solution (e.g. by calling one of the SCIPlpiAdd...() or one of the SCIPlpiSolve...() methods), you have to check in advance with SCIPlpiWasSolved() whether the LP is currently solved. If this is the case, you have to make sure, the internal solution status is recovered completely at the end of your method. This can be achieved by getting the LPI state before applying any LPI manipulations with SCIPlpiGetState() and restoring it afterwards with SCIPlpiSetState() and SCIPlpiFreeState(). Additionally you have to resolve the LP with the appropriate SCIPlpiSolve...() call in order to reinstall the internal solution status.
Make also sure, that all parameter values that you have changed are set back to their original values.
SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
lpipointer to store the LP interface

Definition at line 985 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPlpGetLPI(), and TRUE.

Referenced by candidateStoreWarmStartInfo(), createLPWithHardCuts(), createLPWithSoftCuts(), getNIterationsLastLP(), performStrongbranchWithPropagation(), SCIP_DECL_DISPOUTPUT(), selectVarRecursive(), and warmStartInfoFree().

◆ SCIPprintLPSolutionQuality()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintLPSolutionQuality ( SCIP scip,
FILE *  file 

Displays quality information about the current LP solution. An LP solution need to be available. Information printed is subject to what the LP solver supports

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

The printing process is done via the message handler system.

displays quality information about the current LP solution. An LP solution need to be available; information printed is subject to what the LP solver supports

SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

The printing process is done via the message handler system.
scipSCIP data structure
fileoutput file (or NULL for standard output)

Definition at line 1021 of file scip_lp.c.



◆ SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint ( SCIP scip,
SCIP_Bool  relaxrows,
SCIP_Bool  inclobjcutoff,
SCIP_Real  timelimit,
int  iterlimit,
SCIP_SOL **  point 

compute relative interior point to current LP

See also
SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
This method can be called if scip is in one of the following stages:

See SCIP_STAGE for a complete list of all possible solving stages.

scipSCIP data structure
relaxrowsshould the rows be relaxed
inclobjcutoffshould a row for the objective cutoff be included
timelimittime limit for LP solver
iterlimititeration limit for LP solver
pointrelative interior point on exit

Definition at line 1094 of file scip_lp.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPallocBufferArray, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPcolGetVar(), SCIPcreateSol(), SCIPfreeBufferArray, SCIPlpComputeRelIntPoint(), SCIPlpGetCols(), SCIPlpGetNCols(), SCIPsetSolVal(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), and setAndUpdateCorePoint().