

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Detailed Description

methods for nodes of the search tree of SCIP


void SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings (SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings (SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingsPart (SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_NODE *parent, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodePrintAncestorBranchings (SCIP_NODE *node, FILE *file)
void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingPath (SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_VAR **branchvars, SCIP_Real *branchbounds, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, int *nbranchvars, int branchvarssize, int *nodeswitches, int *nnodes, int nodeswitchsize)
SCIP_Bool SCIPnodesSharePath (SCIP_NODE *node1, SCIP_NODE *node2)
SCIP_NODESCIPnodesGetCommonAncestor (SCIP_NODE *node1, SCIP_NODE *node2)
SCIP_Longint SCIPnodeGetNumber (SCIP_NODE *node)
int SCIPnodeGetDepth (SCIP_NODE *node)
SCIP_Real SCIPnodeGetLowerbound (SCIP_NODE *node)
SCIP_Real SCIPnodeGetEstimate (SCIP_NODE *node)
unsigned int SCIPnodeGetReoptID (SCIP_NODE *node)
void SCIPnodeSetReopttype (SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_REOPTTYPE reopttype)
void SCIPnodeSetReoptID (SCIP_NODE *node, unsigned int id)
void SCIPnodeGetNDomchg (SCIP_NODE *node, int *nbranchings, int *nconsprop, int *nprop)
SCIP_NODESCIPnodeGetParent (SCIP_NODE *node)
void SCIPnodeGetAddedConss (SCIP_NODE *node, SCIP_CONS **addedconss, int *naddedconss, int addedconsssize)
int SCIPnodeGetNAddedConss (SCIP_NODE *node)
SCIP_Bool SCIPnodeIsActive (SCIP_NODE *node)
SCIP_Bool SCIPnodeIsPropagatedAgain (SCIP_NODE *node)

Function Documentation



node comparator for best lower bound

Definition at line 154 of file tree.c.

References NULL.

◆ SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings()

void SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings ( SCIP_NODE node,
SCIP_VAR **  branchvars,
SCIP_Real branchbounds,
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtypes,
int *  nbranchvars,
int  branchvarssize 

returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in the parent node to create this node

nodenode data
branchvarsarray of variables on which the branching has been performed in the parent node
branchboundsarray of bounds which the branching in the parent node set
boundtypesarray of boundtypes which the branching in the parent node set
nbranchvarsnumber of variables on which branching has been performed in the parent node if this is larger than the array size, arrays should be reallocated and method should be called again
branchvarssizeavailable slots in arrays

Definition at line 7783 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_DomChgBound::boundchgs, SCIP_Node::domchg, SCIP_DomChg::domchgbound, SCIP_DomChgBound::nboundchgs, SCIP_BoundChg::newbound, NULL, SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING, SCIPnodeGetDepth(), and SCIP_BoundChg::var.

Referenced by SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingPath(), SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings(), and SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingsPart().

◆ SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings()

void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings ( SCIP_NODE node,
SCIP_VAR **  branchvars,
SCIP_Real branchbounds,
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtypes,
int *  nbranchvars,
int  branchvarssize 

returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in all ancestor nodes (nodes on the path to the root) to create this node

nodenode data
branchvarsarray of variables on which the branchings has been performed in all ancestors
branchboundsarray of bounds which the branchings in all ancestors set
boundtypesarray of boundtypes which the branchings in all ancestors set
nbranchvarsnumber of variables on which branchings have been performed in all ancestors if this is larger than the array size, arrays should be reallocated and method should be called again
branchvarssizeavailable slots in arrays

Definition at line 7847 of file tree.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Node::parent, SCIPnodeGetDepth(), and SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings().

Referenced by saveGlobalCons(), and writeBounds().

◆ SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingsPart()

void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingsPart ( SCIP_NODE node,
SCIP_NODE parent,
SCIP_VAR **  branchvars,
SCIP_Real branchbounds,
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtypes,
int *  nbranchvars,
int  branchvarssize 

returns the set of variable branchings that were performed between the given node and the given parent node.

nodenode data
parentnode data of the last ancestor node
branchvarsarray of variables on which the branchings has been performed in all ancestors
branchboundsarray of bounds which the branchings in all ancestors set
boundtypesarray of boundtypes which the branchings in all ancestors set
nbranchvarsnumber of variables on which branchings have been performed in all ancestors if this is larger than the array size, arrays should be reallocated and method should be called again
branchvarssizeavailable slots in arrays

Definition at line 7884 of file tree.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Node::parent, and SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings().

Referenced by saveAncestorBranchings().

◆ SCIPnodePrintAncestorBranchings()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodePrintAncestorBranchings ( SCIP_NODE node,
FILE *  file 

◆ SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingPath()

void SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingPath ( SCIP_NODE node,
SCIP_VAR **  branchvars,
SCIP_Real branchbounds,
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtypes,
int *  nbranchvars,
int  branchvarssize,
int *  nodeswitches,
int *  nnodes,
int  nodeswitchsize 

returns the set of variable branchings that were performed in all ancestor nodes (nodes on the path to the root) to create this node sorted by the nodes, starting from the current node going up to the root

nodenode data
branchvarsarray of variables on which the branchings has been performed in all ancestors
branchboundsarray of bounds which the branchings in all ancestors set
boundtypesarray of boundtypes which the branchings in all ancestors set
nbranchvarsnumber of variables on which branchings have been performed in all ancestors if this is larger than the array size, arrays should be reallocated and method should be called again
branchvarssizeavailable slots in arrays
nodeswitchesmarks, where in the arrays the branching decisions of the next node on the path start branchings performed at the parent of node always start at position 0. For single variable branching, nodeswitches[i] = i holds
nnodesnumber of nodes in the nodeswitch array
nodeswitchsizeavailable slots in node switch array

Definition at line 8143 of file tree.c.

References nnodes, NULL, SCIP_Node::parent, SCIPnodeGetDepth(), and SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings().

Referenced by SCIPprintNodeRootPath().

◆ SCIPnodesSharePath()

SCIP_Bool SCIPnodesSharePath ( SCIP_NODE node1,
SCIP_NODE node2 

checks for two nodes whether they share the same root path, i.e., whether one is an ancestor of the other

node1node data
node2node data

Definition at line 8192 of file tree.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Node::parent, and SCIPnodeGetDepth().

◆ SCIPnodesGetCommonAncestor()

SCIP_NODE * SCIPnodesGetCommonAncestor ( SCIP_NODE node1,
SCIP_NODE node2 

finds the common ancestor node of two given nodes

node1node data
node2node data

Definition at line 8216 of file tree.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Node::parent, and SCIPnodeGetDepth().

◆ SCIPnodeGetType()


gets the type of the node


Definition at line 7483 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_Node::nodetype, and NULL.

Referenced by addNodesInformation(), focusnodeCleanupVars(), focusnodeToDeadend(), focusnodeToFork(), focusnodeToJunction(), focusnodeToLeaf(), focusnodeToPseudofork(), forkAddLP(), nodeActivate(), nodeAssignParent(), nodeDeactivate(), nodeReleaseParent(), nodeToLeaf(), priceAndCutLoop(), propagateDomains(), pseudoforkAddLP(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_NODESELCOMP(), SCIPaddConflict(), SCIPchgChildPrio(), SCIPchgVarLbProbing(), SCIPchgVarObjProbing(), SCIPchgVarUbProbing(), SCIPchildChgNodeselPrio(), SCIPendStrongbranch(), SCIPfixVarProbing(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeAddCons(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPnodeCaptureLPIState(), SCIPnodeCreateChild(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodeFree(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPnodepqClear(), SCIPnodePropagateImplics(), SCIPnodeReleaseLPIState(), SCIPnodeUpdateLowerbound(), SCIPprimalHeuristics(), SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(), SCIPstartDive(), SCIPtreeBacktrackProbing(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeInRepropagation(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), SCIPtreeMarkProbingNodeHasLP(), SCIPtreeSetProbingLPState(), SCIPvisualCutoffNode(), SCIPvisualFoundConflict(), SCIPvisualFoundSolution(), SCIPvisualMarkedRepropagateNode(), SCIPvisualNewChild(), SCIPvisualRepropagatedNode(), SCIPvisualSolvedNode(), SCIPvisualUpdateChild(), solveNode(), solveNodeInitialLP(), solveNodeRelax(), subrootConstructLP(), treeAddChild(), treeBacktrackProbing(), treeCheckPath(), treeChildrenToSiblings(), treeCreateProbingNode(), treeFindSwitchForks(), treeRemoveChild(), treeRemoveSibling(), treeSwitchPath(), treeUpdatePathLPSize(), and updatePseudocost().

◆ SCIPnodeGetNumber()

SCIP_Longint SCIPnodeGetNumber ( SCIP_NODE node)

gets successively assigned number of the node


Definition at line 7493 of file tree.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Node::number.

Referenced by addBranchingComplementaritiesSOS1(), addLocalConss(), addNode(), addSplitcons(), applyObbt(), applyVbounds(), branchCons(), branchOnVar(), checkDivingCandidates(), collectDualInformation(), consdataPrint(), consEnfo(), consSepa(), constructCompression(), createAndAddProofcons(), createAndSplitProblem(), Exec(), findComponents(), focusnodeToDeadend(), focusnodeToFork(), focusnodeToJunction(), focusnodeToLeaf(), focusnodeToPseudofork(), getRowOrder(), initProblem(), nodeActivate(), nodeAssignParent(), nodeDeactivate(), nodeGetVisits(), nodeReleaseParent(), nodeRepropagate(), nodeToLeaf(), populateRootedPathColumnOrder(), propagateOrbitope(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRENFO(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRESTIMATE(), SCIP_DECL_NODESELCOMP(), SCIP_DECL_NODESELSELECT(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), SCIPnodeCaptureLPIState(), SCIPnodeCreateChild(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodeFree(), SCIPnodePropagateAgain(), SCIPnodePropagateImplics(), SCIPnodeReleaseLPIState(), SCIPreoptAddDualBndchg(), SCIPreoptApply(), SCIPreoptApplyCuts(), SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(), SCIPreoptGetNDualBndchgs(), SCIPshadowTreeGetShadowNode(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), SCIPvarUpdatePseudocost(), SCIPvisualMarkedRepropagateNode(), selectVarStart(), separateOddCycles(), shrinkNode(), subtreeSumGapInsertChildren(), subtreeSumGapRemoveNode(), subtreeSumGapStoreNode(), tightenSingleVar(), treeCreateProbingNode(), updateVisits(), and writeBounds().

◆ SCIPnodeGetDepth()

int SCIPnodeGetDepth ( SCIP_NODE node)

gets the depth of the node


Definition at line 7503 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_Node::depth, and NULL.

Referenced by addNode(), addNodesInformation(), applyProbing(), compareNodes(), computeDynamicRowOrder(), constructCompression(), ensureDepthInfoArraySize(), focusnodeToDeadend(), focusnodeToFork(), focusnodeToJunction(), focusnodeToLeaf(), focusnodeToPseudofork(), getColumnOrder(), getLastSavedNode(), nodeActivate(), nodeAssignParent(), nodeDeactivate(), nodeReleaseParent(), nodeRepropagate(), nodeToLeaf(), populateRootedPathColumnOrder(), priceAndCutLoop(), propagateDomains(), releaseNodeFromDepthInfo(), removeNode(), reoptCheckLocalRestart(), saveGlobalCons(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECEXT(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECPS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRENFO(), SCIP_DECL_NODESELCOMP(), SCIP_DECL_NODESELSELECT(), SCIPaddConsNode(), SCIPaddRowDive(), SCIPaddRowProbing(), SCIPanalyzeDeductionsProbing(), SCIPconflicthdlrExec(), SCIPconstructCurrentLP(), SCIPdelConsLocal(), SCIPdelConsNode(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeAddCons(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPnodeCaptureLPIState(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodeFree(), SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchingPath(), SCIPnodeGetAncestorBranchings(), SCIPnodeGetBdChgsAfterDual(), SCIPnodeGetConsProps(), SCIPnodeGetDualBoundchgs(), SCIPnodeGetParentBranchings(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPnodePrintAncestorBranchings(), SCIPnodePropagateAgain(), SCIPnodePropagateImplics(), SCIPnodeReleaseLPIState(), SCIPnodesGetCommonAncestor(), SCIPnodesSharePath(), SCIPprimalHeuristics(), SCIPprintNodeRootPath(), SCIPreoptApplyCuts(), SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(), SCIPreoptGetChildIDs(), SCIPreoptGetNAddedConss(), SCIPreoptGetNLeaves(), SCIPreoptGetNNodes(), SCIPreoptGetSolveLP(), SCIPreoptResetDualBndchgs(), SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPtreeCreateProbingNode(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeGetProbingDepth(), SCIPtreeGetProbingRoot(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), SCIPtreeProbing(), SCIPvisualCutoffNode(), SCIPvisualNewChild(), SCIPvisualSolvedNode(), SCIPvisualUpdateChild(), shadowtreeFillNodeDepthBranchIndices(), shadowtreeUndoNodeDepthBranchIndices(), solveNode(), solveNodeInitialLP(), solveNodeLP(), treeApplyPendingBdchgs(), treeBacktrackProbing(), treeCreateProbingNode(), updatePseudocost(), updateTreeData(), updateTreeProfile(), updateVisits(), and writeBounds().

◆ SCIPnodeGetLowerbound()

◆ SCIPnodeGetEstimate()

◆ SCIPnodeGetReopttype()


gets the reoptimization type of a node

gets the reoptimization type of this node


Definition at line 7533 of file tree.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Node::reopttype.

Referenced by getLastSavedNode(), and SCIPreoptGetSolveLP().

◆ SCIPnodeGetReoptID()

unsigned int SCIPnodeGetReoptID ( SCIP_NODE node)

gets the unique id to identify the node during reoptimization; id is 0 if the node is the root or not part of the reoptimization tree

gets the unique id to identify the node during reoptimization; the id is 0 if the node is the root or not part of the reoptimization tree


Definition at line 7564 of file tree.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Node::reoptid.

Referenced by addNode(), Exec(), getLastSavedNode(), reoptCheckLocalRestart(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECEXT(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECPS(), SCIPreoptApplyCuts(), SCIPreoptGetChildIDs(), SCIPreoptGetLeaves(), SCIPreoptGetNAddedConss(), SCIPreoptGetNLeaves(), SCIPreoptGetNNodes(), SCIPreoptGetSolveLP(), SCIPreoptimizeNode(), and SCIPreoptResetDualBndchgs().

◆ SCIPnodeSetReopttype()

void SCIPnodeSetReopttype ( SCIP_NODE node,
SCIP_REOPTTYPE  reopttype 

sets the reoptimization type of the node

sets the reoptimization type of this node

reopttypereoptimization type

Definition at line 7543 of file tree.c.


Referenced by addNode(), getLastSavedNode(), SCIPreoptApply(), SCIPreoptSplitRoot(), and shrinkNode().

◆ SCIPnodeSetReoptID()

void SCIPnodeSetReoptID ( SCIP_NODE node,
unsigned int  id 

sets a unique id to identify the node during reoptimization

set a unique id to identify the node during reoptimization

idunique id

Definition at line 7574 of file tree.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Node::reoptid.

Referenced by addNode(), getLastSavedNode(), and SCIPreoptApply().

◆ SCIPnodeGetNDomchg()

void SCIPnodeGetNDomchg ( SCIP_NODE node,
int *  nbranchings,
int *  nconsprop,
int *  nprop 

counts the number of bound changes due to branching, constraint propagation, and propagation

nbranchingspointer to store number of branchings (or NULL if not needed)
nconsproppointer to store number of constraint propagations (or NULL if not needed)
nproppointer to store number of propagations (or NULL if not needed)

Definition at line 7598 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_DomChgBound::boundchgs, SCIP_BoundChg::boundchgtype, SCIP_Node::domchg, SCIP_DomChg::domchgbound, SCIP_DomChgBound::nboundchgs, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING, SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER, and SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_PROPINFER.

Referenced by getLastSavedNode(), propagateOrbitope(), SCIPnodeGetConsProps(), and updateConstraintPropagation().

◆ SCIPnodeGetDomchg()

SCIP_DOMCHG * SCIPnodeGetDomchg ( SCIP_NODE node)

gets the domain change information of the node, i.e., the information about the differences in the variables domains to the parent node


Definition at line 7588 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_Node::domchg, and NULL.

Referenced by computeDynamicRowOrder(), propagateOrbitope(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), and SCIPendStrongbranch().

◆ SCIPnodeGetParent()

◆ SCIPnodeGetAddedConss()

void SCIPnodeGetAddedConss ( SCIP_NODE node,
SCIP_CONS **  addedconss,
int *  naddedconss,
int  addedconsssize 

returns all constraints added to a given node

addedconssarray to store the constraints
naddedconssnumber of added constraints
addedconsssizesize of the constraint array

Definition at line 1691 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_ConsSetChg::addedconss, SCIP_Node::conssetchg, SCIP_ConsSetChg::naddedconss, and NULL.

Referenced by saveLocalConssData().

◆ SCIPnodeGetNAddedConss()

int SCIPnodeGetNAddedConss ( SCIP_NODE node)

returns the number of added constraints to the given node


Definition at line 1721 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_Node::conssetchg, SCIP_ConsSetChg::naddedconss, and NULL.

Referenced by addNode(), saveLocalConssData(), and SCIPreoptGetNAddedConss().

◆ SCIPnodeIsActive()

SCIP_Bool SCIPnodeIsActive ( SCIP_NODE node)

returns whether node is in the path to the current node


Definition at line 8247 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_Node::active, and NULL.

Referenced by propagateDomains(), SCIPnodePropagateImplics(), and updatePseudocost().

◆ SCIPnodeIsPropagatedAgain()

SCIP_Bool SCIPnodeIsPropagatedAgain ( SCIP_NODE node)

returns whether the node is marked to be propagated again

nodenode data

Definition at line 8257 of file tree.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Node::reprop.

Referenced by updateLoopStatus().

◆ SCIPnodeGetConssetchg()

SCIP_CONSSETCHG * SCIPnodeGetConssetchg ( SCIP_NODE node)
nodenode data

Definition at line 8267 of file tree.c.

References SCIP_Node::conssetchg, and NULL.