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47 * Store several statistic values about the LP. These values are only needed in order to provide a rudimentary
68 SCIPerrorMessage("Ensure <lp/solvefreq = -1>; note that continuous variables might require an LP-solver.\n");
79 SCIPerrorMessage("Ensure <lp/solvefreq = -1>; note that continuous variables might require an LP-solver.\n");
314/** deletes columns from SCIP_LP; the new position of a column must not be greater that its old position */
399/** deletes rows from SCIP_LP; the new position of a row must not be greater that its old position */
530/** multiplies a row with a non-zero scalar; for negative scalars, the row's sense is switched accordingly */
541/** multiplies a column with a non-zero scalar; the objective value is multiplied with the scalar, and the bounds
653 char** colnames, /**< pointers to column names (of size at least lastcol-firstcol+1) or NULL if namestoragesize is zero */
656 int* storageleft /**< amount of storage left (if < 0 the namestorage was not big enough) or NULL if namestoragesize is zero */
673 char** rownames, /**< pointers to row names (of size at least lastrow-firstrow+1) or NULL if namestoragesize is zero */
675 int namestoragesize, /**< size of namestorage (if 0, -storageleft returns the storage needed) */
676 int* storageleft /**< amount of storage left (if < 0 the namestorage was not big enough) or NULL if namestoragesize is zero */
943 * The feasibility information is with respect to the last solving call and it is only relevant if SCIPlpiWasSolved()
946 * Note that @a primalfeasible and @a dualfeasible should only return true if the solver has proved the respective LP to
947 * be feasible. Thus, the return values should be equal to the values of SCIPlpiIsPrimalFeasible() and
948 * SCIPlpiIsDualFeasible(), respectively. Note that if feasibility cannot be proved, they should return false (even if
964/** returns TRUE iff LP is proven to have a primal unbounded ray (but not necessary a primal feasible point);
976/** returns TRUE iff LP is proven to have a primal unbounded ray (but not necessary a primal feasible point),
1018/** returns TRUE iff LP is proven to have a dual unbounded ray (but not necessary a dual feasible point);
1030/** returns TRUE iff LP is proven to have a dual unbounded ray (but not necessary a dual feasible point),
1084 * This function should return true if the solution is reliable, i.e., feasible and optimal (or proven
1085 * infeasible/unbounded) with respect to the original problem. The optimality status might be with respect to a scaled
1086 * version of the problem, but the solution might not be feasible to the unscaled original problem; in this case,
1138/** tries to reset the internal status of the LP solver in order to ignore an instability of the last solving call */
1164 * Before calling this function, the caller must ensure that the LP has been solved to optimality, i.e., that
1219 * Such information is usually only available, if also a (maybe not optimal) solution is available.
1220 * The LPI should return SCIP_INVALID for @p quality, if the requested quantity is not available.
1248/** gets current basis status for columns and rows; arrays must be large enough to store the basis status */
1274/** returns the indices of the basic columns and rows; basic column n gives value n, basic row m gives value -1-m */
1288 * @note The LP interface defines slack variables to have coefficient +1. This means that if, internally, the LP solver
1289 * uses a -1 coefficient, then rows associated with slacks variables whose coefficient is -1, should be negated;
1309 * @note The LP interface defines slack variables to have coefficient +1. This means that if, internally, the LP solver
1310 * uses a -1 coefficient, then rows associated with slacks variables whose coefficient is -1, should be negated;
1334 * @note The LP interface defines slack variables to have coefficient +1. This means that if, internally, the LP solver
1335 * uses a -1 coefficient, then rows associated with slacks variables whose coefficient is -1, should be negated;
1341 const SCIP_Real* binvrow, /**< row in (A_B)^-1 from prior call to SCIPlpiGetBInvRow(), or NULL */
1356 * @note The LP interface defines slack variables to have coefficient +1. This means that if, internally, the LP solver
1357 * uses a -1 coefficient, then rows associated with slacks variables whose coefficient is -1, should be negated;
1402/** loads LPi state (like basis information) into solver; note that the LP might have been extended with additional
1503/** loads LPi pricing norms into solver; note that the LP might have been extended with additional
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiChgSides(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int nrows, const int *ind, const SCIP_Real *lhs, const SCIP_Real *rhs)
Definition: lpi_none.c:479
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSetState(SCIP_LPI *lpi, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const SCIP_LPISTATE *lpistate)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1405
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBInvACol(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int c, SCIP_Real *coef, int *inds, int *ninds)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1360
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetRealpar(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_LPPARAM type, SCIP_Real *dval)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1565
Definition: lpi_none.c:507
SCIP_Bool SCIPlpiIsInfinity(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1618
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBase(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int *cstat, int *rstat)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1249
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiReadState(SCIP_LPI *lpi, const char *fname)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1452
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiAddRows(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int nrows, const SCIP_Real *lhs, const SCIP_Real *rhs, char **rownames, int nnonz, const int *beg, const int *ind, const SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:346
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetPrimalRay(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Real *ray)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1182
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetIntpar(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_LPPARAM type, int *ival)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1542
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiWriteLP(SCIP_LPI *lpi, const char *fname)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1654
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSetIntegralityInformation(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int ncols, int *intInfo)
Definition: lpi_none.c:119
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSetRealpar(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_LPPARAM type, SCIP_Real dval)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1577
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiStrongbranchFrac(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int col, SCIP_Real psol, int itlim, SCIP_Real *down, SCIP_Real *up, SCIP_Bool *downvalid, SCIP_Bool *upvalid, int *iter)
Definition: lpi_none.c:819
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSetNorms(SCIP_LPI *lpi, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const SCIP_LPINORMS *lpinorms)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1506
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiStrongbranchInt(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int col, SCIP_Real psol, int itlim, SCIP_Real *down, SCIP_Real *up, SCIP_Bool *downvalid, SCIP_Bool *upvalid, int *iter)
Definition: lpi_none.c:870
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBounds(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstcol, int lastcol, SCIP_Real *lbs, SCIP_Real *ubs)
Definition: lpi_none.c:714
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetDualfarkas(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Real *dualfarkas)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1194
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetObjval(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Real *objval)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1151
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiScaleCol(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int col, SCIP_Real scaleval)
Definition: lpi_none.c:544
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiStartStrongbranch(SCIP_LPI *lpi)
Definition: lpi_none.c:801
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetSolFeasibility(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Bool *primalfeasible, SCIP_Bool *dualfeasible)
Definition: lpi_none.c:951
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiFreeNorms(SCIP_LPI *lpi, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LPINORMS **lpinorms)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1518
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiChgBounds(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int ncols, const int *ind, const SCIP_Real *lb, const SCIP_Real *ub)
Definition: lpi_none.c:446
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiIgnoreInstability(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Bool *success)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1139
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiWriteState(SCIP_LPI *lpi, const char *fname)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1464
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiStrongbranchesFrac(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int *cols, int ncols, SCIP_Real *psols, int itlim, SCIP_Real *down, SCIP_Real *up, SCIP_Bool *downvalid, SCIP_Bool *upvalid, int *iter)
Definition: lpi_none.c:843
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetCoef(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int row, int col, SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:744
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiReadLP(SCIP_LPI *lpi, const char *fname)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1642
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetRealSolQuality(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_LPSOLQUALITY qualityindicator, SCIP_Real *quality)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1222
Definition: lpi_none.c:1490
SCIP_Bool SCIPlpiHasStateBasis(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_LPISTATE *lpistate)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1441
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSetIntpar(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_LPPARAM type, int ival)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1554
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSetBase(SCIP_LPI *lpi, const int *cstat, const int *rstat)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1261
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBInvRow(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int r, SCIP_Real *coef, int *inds, int *ninds)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1292
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiDelRows(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstrow, int lastrow)
Definition: lpi_none.c:384
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetCols(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstcol, int lastcol, SCIP_Real *lb, SCIP_Real *ub, int *nnonz, int *beg, int *ind, SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:612
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBInvCol(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int c, SCIP_Real *coef, int *inds, int *ninds)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1313
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetColNames(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstcol, int lastcol, char **colnames, char *namestorage, int namestoragesize, int *storageleft)
Definition: lpi_none.c:649
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBInvARow(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int r, const SCIP_Real *binvrow, SCIP_Real *coef, int *inds, int *ninds)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1338
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetRows(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstrow, int lastrow, SCIP_Real *lhs, SCIP_Real *rhs, int *nnonz, int *beg, int *ind, SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:632
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiSolveBarrier(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Bool crossover)
Definition: lpi_none.c:790
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetRowNames(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstrow, int lastrow, char **rownames, char *namestorage, int namestoragesize, int *storageleft)
Definition: lpi_none.c:669
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetSides(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstrow, int lastrow, SCIP_Real *lhss, SCIP_Real *rhss)
Definition: lpi_none.c:729
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiStrongbranchesInt(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int *cols, int ncols, SCIP_Real *psols, int itlim, SCIP_Real *down, SCIP_Real *up, SCIP_Bool *downvalid, SCIP_Bool *upvalid, int *iter)
Definition: lpi_none.c:894
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetSol(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Real *objval, SCIP_Real *primsol, SCIP_Real *dualsol, SCIP_Real *activity, SCIP_Real *redcost)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1167
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetObj(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstcol, int lastcol, SCIP_Real *vals)
Definition: lpi_none.c:699
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiFreeState(SCIP_LPI *lpi, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_LPISTATE **lpistate)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1428
SCIP_Bool SCIPlpiIsPrimalInfeasible(SCIP_LPI *lpi)
Definition: lpi_none.c:999
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiAddCols(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int ncols, const SCIP_Real *obj, const SCIP_Real *lb, const SCIP_Real *ub, char **colnames, int nnonz, const int *beg, const int *ind, const SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:257
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiLoadColLP(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_OBJSEN objsen, int ncols, const SCIP_Real *obj, const SCIP_Real *lb, const SCIP_Real *ub, char **colnames, int nrows, const SCIP_Real *lhs, const SCIP_Real *rhs, char **rownames, int nnonz, const int *beg, const int *ind, const SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: lpi_none.c:212
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetIterations(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int *iterations)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1206
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiGetBasisInd(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int *bind)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1275
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiCreate(SCIP_LPI **lpi, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_OBJSEN objsen)
Definition: lpi_none.c:166
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiChgObj(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int ncols, const int *ind, const SCIP_Real *obj)
Definition: lpi_none.c:517
Definition: lpi_none.c:689
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiInterrupt(SCIP_LPI *lpi, SCIP_Bool interrupt)
Definition: lpi_none.c:1588
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiDelCols(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int firstcol, int lastcol)
Definition: lpi_none.c:299
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiScaleRow(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int row, SCIP_Real scaleval)
Definition: lpi_none.c:531
Definition: lpi_none.c:1388
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPlpiChgCoef(SCIP_LPI *lpi, int row, int col, SCIP_Real newval)
Definition: lpi_none.c:495
interface methods for specific LP solvers
public methods for message output
Definition: lpi_cpx.c:199
Definition: lpi_clp.cpp:133
Definition: lpi_clp.cpp:105
Definition: struct_message.h:46