

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Detailed Description

filterSQP NLP interface

Stefan Vigerske

Definition in file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "scip/nlpi_filtersqp.h"
#include "scip/nlpioracle.h"
#include "scip/scip_general.h"
#include "scip/scip_message.h"
#include "scip/scip_mem.h"
#include "scip/scip_numerics.h"
#include "scip/scip_nlpi.h"
#include "scip/scip_randnumgen.h"
#include "scip/scip_solve.h"
#include "scip/pub_misc.h"
#include "scip/pub_message.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  SCIP_Time
struct  SCIP_NlpiProblem


#define NLPI_NAME   "filtersqp"
#define NLPI_DESC   "Sequential Quadratic Programming trust region solver by R. Fletcher and S. Leyffer"
#define NLPI_PRIORITY   -1000
#define RANDSEED   26051979
#define MAXPERTURB   0.01
#define MAXNRUNS   3
#define MINEPS   1e-14
#define OPTTOLFACTOR   0.5


typedef int fint
typedef double real
typedef long ftnlen
typedef struct SCIP_Time SCIP_TIME


void F77_FUNC (filtersqp, FILTERSQP)
 F77_FUNC (cpname, CPNAME)
struct {
   fint   phl
   fint   phr
   fint   phc
F77_FUNC (hessc, HESSC)
struct {
   real   ubd
   real   tt
F77_FUNC (ubdc, UBDC)
struct {
   real   infty
   real   eps
F77_FUNC (nlp_eps_inf, NLP_EPS_INF)
struct {
   fint   n_bqpd_calls
   fint   n_bqpd_prfint
F77_FUNC (bqpd_count, BQPD_COUNT)
struct {
   fint   scale_mode
   fint   phe
F77_FUNC (scalec, SCALEC)
static SCIP_TIME gettime (void)
static SCIP_Real timeelapsed (SCIP_NLPIDATA *nlpidata)
static SCIP_Bool timelimitreached (SCIP_NLPIDATA *nlpidata, SCIP_NLPIPROBLEM *nlpiproblem)
void F77_FUNC (objfun, OBJFUN)
void F77_FUNC (confun, CONFUN)
void F77_FUNC (gradient, GRADIENT)
void F77_FUNC (objgrad, OBJGRAD)
void F77_FUNC (hessian, HESSIAN)
static SCIP_RETCODE setupGradients (SCIP *scip, SCIP_NLPIORACLE *oracle, fint **la, int *lasize, real **a)
static SCIP_RETCODE setupHessian (SCIP *scip, SCIP_NLPIORACLE *oracle, fint **la, int *lasize)
static SCIP_RETCODE setupStart (SCIP_NLPIDATA *data, SCIP_NLPIPROBLEM *problem, real *x, SCIP_Bool *success)
static void invalidateSolution (SCIP_NLPIPROBLEM *problem)
static SCIP_RETCODE handleNlpParam (SCIP *scip, SCIP_NLPIPROBLEM *nlpiproblem, const SCIP_NLPPARAM param)
static SCIP_RETCODE processSolveOutcome (SCIP_NLPIDATA *nlpidata, SCIP_NLPIPROBLEM *problem, fint ifail, SCIP_Real feastol, SCIP_Real opttol, real *x, real *lam)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPICOPY (nlpiCopyFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIFREE (nlpiFreeFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPICREATEPROBLEM (nlpiCreateProblemFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIFREEPROBLEM (nlpiFreeProblemFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIADDVARS (nlpiAddVarsFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIADDCONSTRAINTS (nlpiAddConstraintsFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPISETOBJECTIVE (nlpiSetObjectiveFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIDELCONSSET (nlpiDelConstraintSetFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPICHGEXPR (nlpiChgExprFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE (nlpiSolveFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETSOLSTAT (nlpiGetSolstatFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETTERMSTAT (nlpiGetTermstatFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETSOLUTION (nlpiGetSolutionFilterSQP)
static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETSTATISTICS (nlpiGetStatisticsFilterSQP)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeNlpSolverFilterSQP (SCIP *scip)
const char * SCIPgetSolverNameFilterSQP (void)
const char * SCIPgetSolverDescFilterSQP (void)
SCIP_Bool SCIPisFilterSQPAvailableFilterSQP (void)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NLPI_NAME   "filtersqp"

short concise name of solver

Definition at line 63 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define NLPI_DESC   "Sequential Quadratic Programming trust region solver by R. Fletcher and S. Leyffer"

description of solver

Definition at line 64 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define NLPI_PRIORITY   -1000

priority of NLP solver

Definition at line 65 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define RANDSEED   26051979

initial random seed

Definition at line 67 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define MAXPERTURB   0.01

maximal perturbation of bounds in starting point heuristic

Definition at line 68 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define MAXNRUNS   3

maximal number of FilterSQP calls per NLP solve (several calls if increasing workspace or decreasing eps)

Definition at line 69 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.



factor by which to increase workspace

Definition at line 70 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define MINEPS   1e-14

minimal FilterSQP epsilon

Definition at line 71 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


#define OPTTOLFACTOR   0.5

factor to apply to optimality tolerance, because FilterSQP do scaling

Definition at line 72 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ fint

typedef int fint

Definition at line 78 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ real

typedef double real

Definition at line 79 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ ftnlen

typedef long ftnlen

Definition at line 80 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.


typedef struct SCIP_Time SCIP_TIME

Definition at line 87 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

Function Documentation

◆ F77_FUNC() [1/12]

void F77_FUNC ( filtersqp  ,

FilterSQP main routine.

Array a has length nnza, which is the number of nonzeros in the gradient of the objective and the Jacobian. The first entries of a is the objective gradient, next are the gradients of the constraints.

Array la has length lamax, which is at least nnza+m+2. la contains the index information of a row-oriented sparse matrix storage. It stores the number of nonzeros, the column indices, and the row starts: la[0] must be set to nnza+1. la[1][nnza] are indices of the variables corresponding to the entries in a (colidx). la[nnza+1][nnza+1+m] contain the index where each row starts in a and la (rowstart). common block for problemname

Definition at line 170 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE(), SCIPlapackSolveLinearEquations(), SCIPlapackVersion(), and setupHessian().

◆ F77_FUNC() [2/12]

F77_FUNC ( cpname  ,

◆ F77_FUNC() [3/12]

struct @7 F77_FUNC ( hessc  ,

common block for Hessian storage set to 0, i.e. NO Hessian

◆ F77_FUNC() [4/12]

struct @8 F77_FUNC ( ubdc  ,

common block for upper bound on filter

◆ F77_FUNC() [5/12]

struct @9 F77_FUNC ( nlp_eps_inf  ,

common block for infinity & epsilon

◆ F77_FUNC() [6/12]

struct @10 F77_FUNC ( bqpd_count  ,

common block for printing from QP solver

◆ F77_FUNC() [7/12]

struct @11 F77_FUNC ( scalec  ,

common for scaling: scale_mode = 0 (none), 1 (variables), 2 (vars+cons)

◆ gettime()

static SCIP_TIME gettime ( void  )

Definition at line 275 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Time::sec, and SCIP_Time::usec.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE(), and timeelapsed().

◆ timeelapsed()

static SCIP_Real timeelapsed ( SCIP_NLPIDATA nlpidata)
nlpidataNLPI data

Definition at line 297 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References gettime(), NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIP_Time::sec, and SCIP_Time::usec.

Referenced by processSolveOutcome(), and timelimitreached().

◆ timelimitreached()

static SCIP_Bool timelimitreached ( SCIP_NLPIDATA nlpidata,
nlpidataNLPI data
nlpiproblemNLPI problem

Definition at line 315 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References FALSE, SCIP_NlpiProblem::maxtime, SCIP_REAL_MAX, and timeelapsed().

Referenced by F77_FUNC(), and SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE().

◆ F77_FUNC() [8/12]

void F77_FUNC ( objfun  ,

Objective function evaluation set to 1 if arithmetic exception occurs, otherwise 0

Definition at line 327 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_NlpiProblem::oracle, SCIP_NlpiProblem::scip, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPisFinite, SCIPisSolveInterrupted(), SCIPnlpiOracleEvalObjectiveValue(), timelimitreached(), and x.

◆ F77_FUNC() [9/12]

void F77_FUNC ( confun  ,

Constraint functions evaluation set to 1 if arithmetic exception occurs, otherwise 0

Definition at line 362 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_NlpiProblem::oracle, SCIP_NlpiProblem::scip, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPisFinite, SCIPnlpiOracleEvalConstraintValue(), and x.

◆ F77_FUNC() [10/12]

void F77_FUNC ( gradient  ,

Objective gradient and Jacobian evaluation

If an arithmetic exception occurred, then the gradients must not be modified. set to 1 if arithmetic exception occurs, otherwise 0

Definition at line 399 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References a, BMScopyMemoryArray, SCIP_NlpiProblem::evalbuffer, SCIP_NlpiProblem::evalbufsize, NULL, SCIP_NlpiProblem::oracle, SCIP_NlpiProblem::scip, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPnlpiOracleEvalJacobian(), SCIPnlpiOracleEvalObjectiveGradient(), TRUE, and x.

◆ F77_FUNC() [11/12]

void F77_FUNC ( objgrad  ,

Definition at line 455 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References SCIPerrorMessage.

◆ F77_FUNC() [12/12]

void F77_FUNC ( hessian  ,

Hessian of the Lagrangian evaluation

phase = 1 : Hessian of the Lagrangian without objective Hessian

phase = 2 : Hessian of the Lagrangian (including objective Hessian)

If an arithmetic exception occurred, then the Hessian must not be modified. set to 1 if arithmetic exception occurs, otherwise 0

Definition at line 469 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References BMSallocMemoryArray, BMScopyMemoryArray, BMSfreeMemoryArray, SCIP_NlpiProblem::evalbuffer, SCIP_NlpiProblem::evalbufsize, SCIP_NlpiProblem::hessiannz, NULL, SCIP_NlpiProblem::oracle, SCIP_NlpiProblem::scip, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPnlpiOracleEvalHessianLag(), TRUE, and x.

◆ setupGradients()

static SCIP_RETCODE setupGradients ( SCIP scip,
fint **  la,
int *  lasize,
real **  a 
scipSCIP data structure
oracleNLPI oracle
labuffer to store pointer to sparsity structure
lasizebuffer to store length of *la array
abuffer to store pointer to value buffer

Definition at line 527 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References a, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray, SCIPnlpiOracleGetJacobianSparsity(), SCIPnlpiOracleGetNConstraints(), and SCIPnlpiOracleGetNVars().

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE().

◆ setupHessian()

static SCIP_RETCODE setupHessian ( SCIP scip,
fint **  la,
int *  lasize 
scipSCIP data structure
oracleNLPI oracle
labuffer to store pointer to Hessian sparsity structure
lasizebuffer to store length of *la array

Definition at line 596 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References F77_FUNC(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray, SCIPnlpiOracleGetHessianLagSparsity(), and SCIPnlpiOracleGetNVars().

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE().

◆ setupStart()

◆ invalidateSolution()

◆ handleNlpParam()

static SCIP_RETCODE handleNlpParam ( SCIP scip,
const SCIP_NLPPARAM  param 

store NLP solve parameters in nlpiproblem

scipSCIP data structure
paramsolve parameters

Definition at line 747 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References SCIP_NlpParam::fastfail, SCIP_NlpiProblem::fmin, SCIP_NlpParam::lobjlimit, SCIP_NlpiProblem::maxtime, NULL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPdebugMsg, and SCIP_NlpParam::timelimit.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_NLPISOLVE().

◆ processSolveOutcome()

static SCIP_RETCODE processSolveOutcome ( SCIP_NLPIDATA nlpidata,
fint  ifail,
SCIP_Real  feastol,
SCIP_Real  opttol,
real x,
real lam 


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICOPY ( nlpiCopyFilterSQP  )

copy method of NLP interface (called when SCIP copies plugins)

Definition at line 925 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPincludeNlpSolverFilterSQP().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIFREE ( nlpiFreeFilterSQP  )

destructor of NLP interface to free nlpi data

Definition at line 934 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemory, and SCIPfreeRandom().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICREATEPROBLEM ( nlpiCreateProblemFilterSQP  )


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIFREEPROBLEM ( nlpiFreeProblemFilterSQP  )

free a problem instance

Definition at line 974 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemory, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleFree().




static SCIP_DECL_NLPISETOBJECTIVE ( nlpiSetObjectiveFilterSQP  )

sets or overwrites objective, a minimization problem is expected

Definition at line 1191 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleSetObjective().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICHGVARBOUNDS ( nlpiChgVarBoundsFilterSQP  )

change variable bounds

Definition at line 1212 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPnlpiOracleChgVarBounds().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICHGCONSSIDES ( nlpiChgConsSidesFilterSQP  )

change constraint bounds

Definition at line 1239 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPnlpiOracleChgConsSides(), and SCIPnlpiOracleGetNVars().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIDELVARSET ( nlpiDelVarSetFilterSQP  )

delete a set of variables

Definition at line 1269 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References FALSE, invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleDelVarSet().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIDELCONSSET ( nlpiDelConstraintSetFilterSQP  )

delete a set of constraints

Definition at line 1299 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References FALSE, invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleDelConsSet().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICHGLINEARCOEFS ( nlpiChgLinearCoefsFilterSQP  )

changes (or adds) linear coefficients in a constraint or objective

Definition at line 1326 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleChgLinearCoefs().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICHGEXPR ( nlpiChgExprFilterSQP  )

replaces the expression of a constraint or objective

Definition at line 1350 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleChgExpr().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPICHGOBJCONSTANT ( nlpiChgObjConstantFilterSQP  )

change the constant offset in the objective

Definition at line 1376 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References invalidateSolution(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPnlpiOracleChgObjConstant().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPISETINITIALGUESS ( nlpiSetInitialGuessFilterSQP  )

sets initial guess for primal variables

Definition at line 1391 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References BMScopyMemoryArray, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull, and SCIPnlpiOracleGetNVars().



static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETSOLSTAT ( nlpiGetSolstatFilterSQP  )

gives solution status

Definition at line 1718 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL.


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETTERMSTAT ( nlpiGetTermstatFilterSQP  )

gives termination reason

Definition at line 1727 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL.


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETSOLUTION ( nlpiGetSolutionFilterSQP  )

gives primal and dual solution values

Definition at line 1736 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPnlpiOracleEvalObjectiveValue().


static SCIP_DECL_NLPIGETSTATISTICS ( nlpiGetStatisticsFilterSQP  )

gives solve statistics

Definition at line 1784 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

References NULL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPnlpiOracleGetEvalTime().

Variable Documentation

◆ phl

fint phl

Definition at line 237 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ phr

fint phr

Definition at line 237 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ phc

fint phc

Definition at line 237 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ ubd

real ubd

Definition at line 244 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ tt

real tt

Definition at line 244 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ infty

real infty

Definition at line 250 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ eps

◆ n_bqpd_calls

fint n_bqpd_calls

Definition at line 257 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ n_bqpd_prfint

fint n_bqpd_prfint

Definition at line 257 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ scale_mode

fint scale_mode

Definition at line 266 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.

◆ phe

fint phe

Definition at line 266 of file nlpi_filtersqp.c.