Detailed Description
dual inference presolver
This presolver does bound strengthening on continuous variables (columns) for getting bounds on dual variables y. The bounds of the dual variables are then used to fix primal variables or change the side of constraints. For ranged rows one needs to decide which side (rhs or lhs) determines the equality.
We distinguish two cases concerning complementary slackness: i) reduced cost fixing: c_j - sup_y(y^T A_{.j}) > 0 => x_j = l_j c_j - inf_y(y^T A_{.j}) < 0 => x_j = u_j ii) positive dual lower bound: y_i > 0 => A_{i.}x = b_i
Further information on this presolving approach are given in Achterberg et al. "Presolve reductions in mixed integer programming" and for a two-column extension in Chen et al. "Two-row and two-column mixed-integer presolve using hasing-based pairing methods".
Definition in file presol_dualinfer.c.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "scip/scipdefplugins.h"
#include "scip/pub_matrix.h"
#include "blockmemshell/memory.h"
#include "scip/cons_linear.h"
#include "scip/presol_dualinfer.h"
#include "scip/pub_cons.h"
#include "scip/pub_message.h"
#include "scip/pub_presol.h"
#include "scip/pub_var.h"
#include "scip/scip_general.h"
#include "scip/scip_mem.h"
#include "scip/scip_message.h"
#include "scip/scip_numerics.h"
#include "scip/scip_presol.h"
#include "scip/scip_prob.h"
#include "scip/scip_probing.h"
#include "scip/scip_var.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | ColPair |
Macros | |
#define | PRESOL_NAME "dualinfer" |
#define | PRESOL_DESC "exploit dual information for fixings and side changes" |
#define | PRESOL_PRIORITY (-3000) |
#define | PRESOL_MAXROUNDS 0 |
#define | PRESOL_TIMING SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE /* timing of the presolver (fast, medium, or exhaustive) */ |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum Fixingdirection | FIXINGDIRECTION |
typedef enum SideChange | SIDECHANGE |
typedef struct ColPair | COLPAIR |
Enumerations | |
enum | Fixingdirection { FIXATLB = -1 , NOFIX = 0 , FIXATUB = 1 , FIXATLB = -1 , NOFIX = 0 , FIXATUB = 1 , FIXATLB = -1 , NOFIX = 0 , FIXATUB = 1 , FIXATLB = -1 , NOFIX = 0 , FIXATUB = 1 } |
enum | SideChange { RHSTOLHS = -1 , NOCHANGE = 0 , LHSTORHS = 1 } |
enum | signum { UP , DN , POS , NEG } |
Functions | |
static void * | encodeColPair (COLPAIR *colpair) |
static int | hashIndexPair (int idx1, int idx2) |
static SCIP_RETCODE | addEntry (SCIP *scip, int *pos, int *listsize, int **hashlist, int **colidxlist, int hash, int colidx) |
static void | findNextBlock (const int *list, int len, int *start, int *end) |
static SCIP_RETCODE | combineCols (SCIP *scip, int *row1idxptr, int *row2idxptr, SCIP_Real *row1valptr, SCIP_Real *row2valptr, SCIP_Real b1, SCIP_Real b2, int row1len, int row2len, int ncols, SCIP_Bool swaprow1, SCIP_Bool swaprow2, SCIP_Real *lbs, SCIP_Real *ubs, SCIP_Bool *success) |
static void | getMinMaxActivityResiduals (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int withoutcol, int row, SCIP_Real *lbs, SCIP_Real *ubs, SCIP_Real *minresactivity, SCIP_Real *maxresactivity, SCIP_Bool *isminsettoinfinity, SCIP_Bool *ismaxsettoinfinity) |
static void | getVarBoundsOfRow (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col, int row, SCIP_Real val, SCIP_Real *lbs, SCIP_Real *ubs, SCIP_Real *rowub, SCIP_Bool *ubfound, SCIP_Real *rowlb, SCIP_Bool *lbfound) |
static void | getImpliedBounds (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col, SCIP_Real *lbs, SCIP_Real *ubs, SCIP_Bool *ubimplied, SCIP_Bool *lbimplied) |
static SCIP_Real | getMinColActWithoutRow (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col, int withoutrow, SCIP_Real *lbdual, SCIP_Real *ubdual) |
static void | calcMinColActResidual (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col, int row, SCIP_Real val, SCIP_Real *lbdual, SCIP_Real *ubdual, const SCIP_Real *mincolact, const int *mincolactinf, SCIP_Real *mincolresact) |
static void | calcMinColActivity (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col, SCIP_Real *lbdual, SCIP_Real *ubdual, SCIP_Real *mincolact, int *mincolactinf) |
static void | calcMaxColActivity (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col, SCIP_Real *lbdual, SCIP_Real *ubdual, SCIP_Real *maxcolact, int *maxcolactinf) |
static void | infinityCountUpdate (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row, SCIP_Real *lbdual, SCIP_Real *ubdual, const SCIP_Bool *isubimplied, SCIP_Real *mincolact, int *mincolactinf, SCIP_Bool ubinfchange, SCIP_Bool lbinfchange) |
static void | updateDualBounds (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, SCIP_Real objval, SCIP_Real val, int row, SCIP_Real mincolresact, SCIP_Real *lbdual, SCIP_Real *ubdual, int *boundchanges, SCIP_Bool *ubinfchange, SCIP_Bool *lbinfchange) |
static SCIP_RETCODE | dualBoundStrengthening (SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, SCIP_PRESOLDATA *presoldata, FIXINGDIRECTION *varstofix, int *npossiblefixings, SIDECHANGE *sidestochange, int *npossiblesidechanges) |
static | SCIP_DECL_PRESOLCOPY (presolCopyDualinfer) |
static | SCIP_DECL_PRESOLFREE (presolFreeDualinfer) |
static | SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC (presolExecDualinfer) |
SCIP_RETCODE | SCIPincludePresolDualinfer (SCIP *scip) |
Macro Definition Documentation
#define PRESOL_NAME "dualinfer" |
Definition at line 70 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
#define PRESOL_DESC "exploit dual information for fixings and side changes" |
Definition at line 71 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
#define PRESOL_PRIORITY (-3000) |
priority of the presolver (>= 0: before, < 0: after constraint handlers)
Definition at line 72 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
maximal number of presolving rounds the presolver participates in (-1: no limit)
Definition at line 73 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
#define PRESOL_TIMING SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE /* timing of the presolver (fast, medium, or exhaustive) */ |
Definition at line 74 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
should two column convex combination be used per default
Definition at line 76 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of loops for dual bound strengthening
Definition at line 77 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of considered non-zeros within one row
Definition at line 78 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of consecutive useless hashtable retrieves
Definition at line 79 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of consecutive useless row combines
Definition at line 80 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of hashlist entries as multiple of number of rows in the problem
Definition at line 81 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of processed row pairs as multiple of the number of rows in the problem
Definition at line 82 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
default maximal number of non-zeros in one row for turning an inequality into an equality
Definition at line 83 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
Typedef Documentation
typedef enum Fixingdirection FIXINGDIRECTION |
Definition at line 110 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
typedef enum SideChange SIDECHANGE |
Definition at line 119 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
Definition at line 135 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
Enumeration Type Documentation
◆ Fixingdirection
enum Fixingdirection |
type of variable fixing direction
Definition at line 104 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
◆ SideChange
enum SideChange |
type of constraint side change
Enumerator | |
NOCHANGE | set rhs to value of lhs |
LHSTORHS | no side change |
Definition at line 113 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
◆ signum
enum signum |
Signum for convex-combined variable coefficients (\lambda * A_{ri} + (1 - \lambda) * A_{si}) UP - Coefficient changes from negative to positive for increasing lambda DN - Coefficient changes from positive to negative for increasing lambda POS - Coefficient is positive for all lambda in (0,1) NEG - Coefficient is negative for all lambda in (0,1)
Enumerator | |
UP | |
DN | |
POS | |
Definition at line 127 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
Function Documentation
◆ encodeColPair()
static |
encode contents of a colpair as void* pointer
- Parameters
colpair pointer to colpair
Definition at line 144 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References a, b, ColPair::col1idx, and ColPair::col2idx.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ hashIndexPair()
static |
compute single positive int hashvalue for two ints
- Parameters
idx1 first integer index idx2 second integer index
Definition at line 162 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References SCIPhashTwo.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ addEntry()
static |
add hash/rowidx pair to hashlist/rowidxlist
- Parameters
scip SCIP datastructure pos position of last entry added listsize size of hashlist and rowidxlist hashlist block memory array containing hashes colidxlist block memory array containing column indices hash hash to be inserted colidx column index to be inserted
Definition at line 173 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(), and SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ findNextBlock()
static |
Within a sorted list, get next block with same value E.g. for [h1, h1, h1, h2, h2, h2, h2, h3,...] and end = 0 returns start = 0, end = 3 and on a second call with end = 3 on the same list returns start = 3, end = 7.
- Parameters
list list of integers len length of list start variable to contain start index of found block end variable to contain end index of found block
Definition at line 205 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ combineCols()
static |
The algorithm described in Belotti P. "Bound reduction using pairs of linear inequalities" tries to derive upper and lower bounds for all variables via convex combinations of linear inequalities We apply Belotti's algorithm to pairs of columns of continuous variables.
- Parameters
scip SCIP datastructure row1idxptr indices specifying bound positions in lbs and ubs for first row row2idxptr indices specifying bound positions in lbs und ubs for second row row1valptr first row coefficients row2valptr second row coefficients b1 rhs of first row b2 rhs of second row row1len length of first row (e.g. row1idxptr and row1valptr) row2len length of second row (e.g. row2idxptr and row2valptr) ncols length of bound arrays lbs and ubs swaprow1 should the sense of the first row be swapped to <= ? swaprow2 should the sense of the second row be swapped to <= ? lbs lower bound array ubs upper bound array success we return (success || found better bounds")
Definition at line 227 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References DN, FALSE, MAX, MIN, NEG, POS, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPallocBufferArray, SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPfreeBufferArray, SCIPisEQ(), SCIPisGE(), SCIPisGT(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPisLE(), SCIPisLT(), SCIPisNegative(), SCIPisPositive(), SCIPisZero(), SCIPsortIntReal(), SCIPsortRealInt(), TRUE, and UP.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ getMinMaxActivityResiduals()
static |
get minimal and maximal residual activities without one specific column
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints withoutcol exclude this column index row row index lbs lower bounds ubs upper bounds minresactivity minimum residual activity of this row maxresactivity maximum residual activity of this row isminsettoinfinity flag indicating if minresactiviy is set to infinity ismaxsettoinfinity flag indicating if maxresactiviy is set to infinity
Definition at line 719 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPmatrixGetRowIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetRowNNonzs(), SCIPmatrixGetRowValPtr(), and TRUE.
Referenced by getVarBoundsOfRow().
◆ getVarBoundsOfRow()
static |
calculate the upper and lower bound of one variable from one row
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints col column index of variable row row index val coefficient of this column in this row lbs lower bounds ubs upper bounds rowub upper bound of row ubfound flag indicating that an upper bound was calculated rowlb lower bound of row lbfound flag indicating that a lower bound was caluclated
Definition at line 814 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References FALSE, getMinMaxActivityResiduals(), NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, SCIPinfinity(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPmatrixGetRowLhs(), SCIPmatrixGetRowRhs(), and TRUE.
Referenced by getImpliedBounds().
◆ getImpliedBounds()
static |
detect implied variable bounds
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints col column index for implied free test lbs lower bounds ubs upper bounds ubimplied flag indicating an implied upper bound lbimplied flag indicating an implied lower bound
Definition at line 885 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References FALSE, getVarBoundsOfRow(), NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, SCIPinfinity(), SCIPisGE(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPisLE(), SCIPmatrixGetColIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetColNNonzs(), SCIPmatrixGetColValPtr(), and TRUE.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ getMinColActWithoutRow()
static |
calculate minimal column activity from one variable without one row
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints col column index withoutrow exclude this row index lbdual lower bounds of dual variables ubdual upper bounds of dual variables
Definition at line 947 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPmatrixGetColIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetColNNonzs(), and SCIPmatrixGetColValPtr().
Referenced by calcMinColActResidual().
◆ calcMinColActResidual()
static |
In the primal the residual activity of a constraint w.r.t. a variable is the activity of the constraint without the variable. This function does the same but in the dual. It computes the residual activity of column 'col' w.r.t. variable 'row'
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints col column index row row index val matrix coefficient lbdual lower bounds of the dual variables ubdual upper bounds of the dual variables mincolact minimal column activities mincolactinf number of infinite contributions to minimal column activity mincolresact minimal residual column activity
Definition at line 1003 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References getMinColActWithoutRow(), NULL, SCIPinfinity(), and SCIPisInfinity().
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ calcMinColActivity()
static |
calculate minimal column activity of one column
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints col column for activity calculations lbdual lower bounds of dual variables ubdual upper bounds of dual variables mincolact minimal column activities mincolactinf number of -inf contributions to minimal column activity
Definition at line 1066 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPinfinity(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPmatrixGetColIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetColNNonzs(), and SCIPmatrixGetColValPtr().
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening(), and infinityCountUpdate().
◆ calcMaxColActivity()
static |
calculate maximal column activity of one column
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints col column for activity calculations lbdual lower bounds of dual variables ubdual upper bounds of dual variables maxcolact minimal column activities maxcolactinf number of -inf contributions to minimal column activity
Definition at line 1126 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPinfinity(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPmatrixGetColIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetColNNonzs(), and SCIPmatrixGetColValPtr().
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ infinityCountUpdate()
static |
update minimal/maximal column activity infinity counters
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints row row index lbdual lower bounds of dual variables ubdual upper bounds of dual variables isubimplied flags indicating of the upper bound is implied mincolact minimal column activities mincolactinf number of infinity contributions to minimal column activity ubinfchange flag indicating if the upper bound has changed from infinity to a finite value lbinfchange flag indicating if the lower bound has changed from -infinity to a finite value
Definition at line 1187 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References calcMinColActivity(), SCIP_Real, SCIPmatrixGetRowIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetRowNNonzs(), and SCIPmatrixGetRowValPtr().
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ updateDualBounds()
static |
update bounds of the dual variables
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints objval objective function value val matrix coefficient row row index mincolresact minimal column residual activity lbdual dual lower bounds ubdual dual upper bounds boundchanges counter for the number of bound changes ubinfchange flag indicating an upper bound change from infinite to finite lbinfchange flag indicating a lower bound change from infinite to finite
Definition at line 1483 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPisLE(), and TRUE.
Referenced by dualBoundStrengthening().
◆ dualBoundStrengthening()
static |
dual bound strengthening
- Parameters
scip SCIP main data structure matrix matrix containing the constraints presoldata presolver data structure varstofix array holding information for later upper/lower bound fixing npossiblefixings number of possible fixings sidestochange array holding if this is an implied equality npossiblesidechanges number of possible equality changes
Definition at line 1552 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References addEntry(), calcMaxColActivity(), calcMinColActivity(), calcMinColActResidual(), ColPair::col1idx, ColPair::col2idx, combineCols(), encodeColPair(), FALSE, findNextBlock(), FIXATLB, FIXATUB, getImpliedBounds(), hashIndexPair(), infinityCountUpdate(), LHSTORHS, MAX, MIN, NOCHANGE, NOFIX, NULL, RHSTOLHS, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_Longint, SCIP_LONGINT_MAX, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS, SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT, SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray, SCIPallocBufferArray, SCIPblkmem(), SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray, SCIPfreeBufferArray, SCIPhashsetCreate(), SCIPhashsetExists(), SCIPhashsetFree(), SCIPhashsetInsert(), SCIPinfinity(), SCIPisEQ(), SCIPisGT(), SCIPisLE(), SCIPisLT(), SCIPisPositive(), SCIPmatrixDownlockConflict(), SCIPmatrixGetColIdxPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetColNNonzs(), SCIPmatrixGetColValPtr(), SCIPmatrixGetNColumns(), SCIPmatrixGetNRows(), SCIPmatrixGetRowLhs(), SCIPmatrixGetRowRhs(), SCIPmatrixGetVar(), SCIPmatrixIsRowRhsInfinity(), SCIPmatrixUplockConflict(), SCIPsortIntInt(), SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetObj(), SCIPvarGetType(), SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), TRUE, and updateDualBounds().
static |
copy method for constraint handler plugins (called when SCIP copies plugins)
Definition at line 2153 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References NULL, PRESOL_NAME, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPincludePresolDualinfer(), and SCIPpresolGetName().
static |
destructor of presolver to free user data (called when SCIP is exiting)
Definition at line 2167 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References NULL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPfreeBlockMemory, SCIPpresolGetData(), and SCIPpresolSetData().
static |
execution method of presolver
Definition at line 2183 of file presol_dualinfer.c.
References BMSclearMemoryArray, dualBoundStrengthening(), FALSE, FIXATLB, FIXATUB, LHSTORHS, NOCHANGE, NOFIX, NULL, RHSTOLHS, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_CUTOFF, SCIP_DIDNOTFIND, SCIP_DIDNOTRUN, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_SUCCESS, SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS, SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT, SCIPallocBufferArray, SCIPallowWeakDualReds(), SCIPchgLhsLinear(), SCIPchgRhsLinear(), SCIPconsGetHdlr(), SCIPconshdlrGetName(), SCIPdebugMsg, SCIPfixVar(), SCIPfreeBufferArray, SCIPgetLhsLinear(), SCIPgetNContVars(), SCIPgetNImplVars(), SCIPgetPseudoObjval(), SCIPgetRhsLinear(), SCIPisEQ(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPmatrixCreate(), SCIPmatrixDownlockConflict(), SCIPmatrixFree(), SCIPmatrixGetCons(), SCIPmatrixGetNColumns(), SCIPmatrixGetNRows(), SCIPmatrixGetRowLhs(), SCIPmatrixGetRowNNonzs(), SCIPmatrixGetRowRhs(), SCIPmatrixGetVar(), SCIPmatrixUplockConflict(), SCIPpresolGetData(), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetType(), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(), and TRUE.