

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

SCIP_Set Struct Reference

Detailed Description

global SCIP settings

Definition at line 73 of file struct_set.h.

#include <struct_set.h>

Data Fields

SCIP_READER ** readers
SCIP_PRICER ** pricers
SCIP_CONSHDLR ** conshdlrs
SCIP_CONSHDLR ** conshdlrs_sepa
SCIP_CONSHDLR ** conshdlrs_enfo
SCIP_CONSHDLR ** conshdlrs_include
SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR ** conflicthdlrs
SCIP_PRESOL ** presols
SCIP_RELAX ** relaxs
SCIP_SEPA ** sepas
SCIP_CUTSEL ** cutsels
SCIP_PROP ** props
SCIP_PROP ** props_presol
SCIP_HEUR ** heurs
SCIP_COMPR ** comprs
SCIP_EVENTHDLR ** eventhdlrs
SCIP_NODESEL ** nodesels
SCIP_BRANCHRULE ** branchrules
SCIP_DISP ** disps
SCIP_TABLE ** tables
SCIP_DIALOG ** dialogs
SCIP_EXPRHDLR ** exprhdlrs
SCIP_NLPI ** nlpis
SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE ** concsolvertypes
SCIP_CONCSOLVER ** concsolvers
SCIP_BENDERS ** benders
SCIP_BANDITVTABLE ** banditvtables
char ** extcodenames
char ** extcodedescs
int nreaders
int readerssize
int npricers
int nactivepricers
int pricerssize
int nconshdlrs
int conshdlrssize
int nconflicthdlrs
int conflicthdlrssize
int npresols
int presolssize
int nrelaxs
int relaxssize
int nsepas
int sepassize
int ncutsels
int cutselssize
int nprops
int propssize
int nheurs
int heurssize
int ncomprs
int comprssize
int neventhdlrs
int eventhdlrssize
int nnodesels
int nodeselssize
int nbranchrules
int branchrulessize
int ndisps
int dispssize
int ntables
int tablessize
int ndialogs
int dialogssize
int nexprhdlrs
int exprhdlrssize
int nnlpis
int nlpissize
int nconcsolvertypes
int concsolvertypessize
int nconcsolvers
int concsolverssize
int nbenders
int nactivebenders
int benderssize
int nextcodes
int extcodessize
int nbanditvtables
int banditvtablessize
SCIP_Bool pricerssorted
SCIP_Bool pricersnamesorted
SCIP_Bool conflicthdlrssorted
SCIP_Bool conflicthdlrsnamesorted
SCIP_Bool presolssorted
SCIP_Bool presolsnamesorted
SCIP_Bool relaxssorted
SCIP_Bool relaxsnamesorted
SCIP_Bool sepassorted
SCIP_Bool sepasnamesorted
SCIP_Bool cutselssorted
SCIP_Bool propssorted
SCIP_Bool propspresolsorted
SCIP_Bool propsnamesorted
SCIP_Bool heurssorted
SCIP_Bool heursnamesorted
SCIP_Bool comprssorted
SCIP_Bool comprsnamesorted
SCIP_Bool branchrulessorted
SCIP_Bool branchrulesnamesorted
SCIP_Bool tablessorted
SCIP_Bool exprhdlrssorted
SCIP_Bool nlpissorted
SCIP_Bool benderssorted
SCIP_Bool bendersnamesorted
SCIP_Bool limitchanged
SCIP_Bool subscipsoff
char branch_scorefunc
char branch_firstsbchild
SCIP_Real branch_scorefac
SCIP_Bool branch_preferbinary
SCIP_Real branch_clamp
SCIP_Real branch_midpull
SCIP_Real branch_midpullreldomtrig
char branch_lpgainnorm
SCIP_Bool branch_delaypscost
SCIP_Bool branch_divingpscost
SCIP_Bool branch_forceall
SCIP_Bool branch_checksbsol
SCIP_Bool branch_roundsbsol
SCIP_Bool branch_sumadjustscore
SCIP_Real conf_maxvarsfac
int conf_minmaxvars
int conf_maxlploops
int conf_lpiterations
int conf_fuiplevels
int conf_interconss
int conf_maxconss
int conf_maxstoresize
int conf_reconvlevels
SCIP_Bool conf_enable
SCIP_Bool conf_cleanbnddepend
SCIP_Bool conf_useprop
char conf_useinflp
char conf_useboundlp
SCIP_Bool conf_usesb
SCIP_Bool conf_usepseudo
SCIP_Bool conf_prefinfproof
SCIP_Bool conf_preferbinary
SCIP_Bool conf_allowlocal
SCIP_Bool conf_settlelocal
SCIP_Bool conf_repropagate
SCIP_Bool conf_keepreprop
SCIP_Bool conf_separate
SCIP_Bool conf_dynamic
SCIP_Bool conf_removable
SCIP_Real conf_depthscorefac
SCIP_Real conf_proofscorefac
SCIP_Real conf_uplockscorefac
SCIP_Real conf_downlockscorefac
SCIP_Real conf_scorefac
int conf_restartnum
SCIP_Real conf_restartfac
SCIP_Bool conf_ignorerelaxedbd
int conf_maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds
SCIP_Bool conf_fullshortenconflict
SCIP_Real conf_conflictweight
SCIP_Real conf_conflictgraphweight
SCIP_Real conf_weightsize
SCIP_Real conf_weightrepropdepth
SCIP_Real conf_weightvaliddepth
SCIP_Bool conf_sepaaltproofs
SCIP_Real conf_minimprove
SCIP_Bool conf_uselocalrows
int cons_agelimit
int cons_obsoleteage
SCIP_Bool cons_disableenfops
SCIP_VERBLEVEL disp_verblevel
int disp_width
int disp_freq
int disp_headerfreq
SCIP_Bool disp_lpinfo
SCIP_Bool disp_allviols
SCIP_Bool disp_relevantstats
SCIP_Bool heur_useuctsubscip
SCIP_Bool history_valuebased
SCIP_Bool history_allowmerge
SCIP_Bool history_allowtransfer
SCIP_Real limit_time
SCIP_Real limit_memory
SCIP_Real limit_gap
SCIP_Real limit_absgap
SCIP_Real limit_primal
SCIP_Real limit_dual
SCIP_Longint limit_nodes
SCIP_Longint limit_totalnodes
SCIP_Longint limit_stallnodes
int limit_solutions
int limit_bestsol
int limit_maxsol
int limit_maxorigsol
int limit_restarts
int limit_autorestartnodes
SCIP_Bool istimelimitfinite
int lp_solvefreq
SCIP_Longint lp_iterlim
SCIP_Longint lp_rootiterlim
int lp_solvedepth
char lp_initalgorithm
char lp_resolvealgorithm
char lp_pricing
SCIP_Bool lp_clearinitialprobinglp
SCIP_Bool lp_resolverestore
SCIP_Bool lp_freesolvalbuffers
int lp_colagelimit
int lp_rowagelimit
SCIP_Bool lp_cleanupcols
SCIP_Bool lp_cleanupcolsroot
SCIP_Bool lp_cleanuprows
SCIP_Bool lp_cleanuprowsroot
SCIP_Bool lp_checkstability
SCIP_Real lp_conditionlimit
SCIP_Real lp_markowitz
SCIP_Bool lp_checkprimfeas
SCIP_Bool lp_checkdualfeas
SCIP_Bool lp_checkfarkas
int lp_fastmip
int lp_scaling
SCIP_Bool lp_presolving
SCIP_Bool lp_lexdualalgo
SCIP_Bool lp_lexdualrootonly
int lp_lexdualmaxrounds
SCIP_Bool lp_lexdualbasic
SCIP_Bool lp_lexdualstalling
int lp_disablecutoff
SCIP_Real lp_rowrepswitch
int lp_threads
SCIP_Real lp_resolveiterfac
int lp_resolveitermin
int lp_solutionpolishing
int lp_refactorinterval
SCIP_Bool lp_alwaysgetduals
SCIP_Bool nlp_disable
char * nlp_solver
SCIP_Real mem_savefac
SCIP_Real mem_arraygrowfac
SCIP_Real mem_treegrowfac
SCIP_Real mem_pathgrowfac
int mem_arraygrowinit
int mem_treegrowinit
int mem_pathgrowinit
SCIP_Bool misc_catchctrlc
SCIP_Bool misc_usevartable
SCIP_Bool misc_useconstable
SCIP_Bool misc_usesmalltables
SCIP_Bool misc_exactsolve
SCIP_Bool misc_resetstat
SCIP_Bool misc_improvingsols
SCIP_Bool misc_printreason
SCIP_Bool misc_estimexternmem
SCIP_Bool misc_avoidmemout
SCIP_Bool misc_transorigsols
SCIP_Bool misc_transsolsorig
SCIP_Bool misc_calcintegral
SCIP_Bool misc_finitesolstore
SCIP_Bool misc_outputorigsol
SCIP_Bool misc_allowstrongdualreds
SCIP_Bool misc_allowweakdualreds
SCIP_Real misc_referencevalue
int misc_usesymmetry
char * misc_debugsol
SCIP_Bool misc_scaleobj
SCIP_Bool misc_showdivingstats
int random_randomseedshift
int random_permutationseed
int random_randomseed
SCIP_Bool random_permuteconss
SCIP_Bool random_permutevars
char nodesel_childsel
SCIP_Real num_infinity
SCIP_Real num_epsilon
SCIP_Real num_sumepsilon
SCIP_Real num_feastol
SCIP_Real num_checkfeastolfac
SCIP_Real num_lpfeastolfactor
SCIP_Real num_dualfeastol
SCIP_Real num_barrierconvtol
SCIP_Real num_boundstreps
SCIP_Real num_pseudocosteps
SCIP_Real num_pseudocostdelta
SCIP_Real num_recompfac
SCIP_Real num_hugeval
SCIP_Real num_relaxfeastol
SCIP_Real presol_abortfac
int presol_maxrounds
int presol_maxrestarts
SCIP_Real presol_clqtablefac
SCIP_Real presol_restartfac
SCIP_Real presol_immrestartfac
SCIP_Real presol_subrestartfac
SCIP_Real presol_restartminred
SCIP_Bool presol_donotmultaggr
SCIP_Bool presol_donotaggr
SCIP_Real price_abortfac
int price_maxvars
int price_maxvarsroot
SCIP_Bool price_delvars
SCIP_Bool price_delvarsroot
SCIP_Bool decomp_benderslabels
SCIP_Bool decomp_applybenders
int decomp_maxgraphedge
SCIP_Bool decomp_disablemeasures
SCIP_Real benders_soltol
SCIP_Bool benders_cutlpsol
SCIP_Bool benders_copybenders
int prop_maxrounds
int prop_maxroundsroot
SCIP_Bool prop_abortoncutoff
SCIP_Real reopt_objsimsol
SCIP_Real reopt_objsimrootlp
SCIP_Real reopt_objsimdelay
char reopt_varorderinterdiction
int reopt_forceheurrestart
int reopt_maxcutage
int reopt_maxdiffofnodes
int reopt_maxsavednodes
int reopt_solvelp
int reopt_solvelpdiff
int reopt_savesols
SCIP_Bool reopt_commontimelimit
SCIP_Bool reopt_enable
SCIP_Bool reopt_reducetofrontier
SCIP_Bool reopt_saveconsprop
SCIP_Bool reopt_sbinit
SCIP_Bool reopt_shrinkinner
SCIP_Bool reopt_sepaglbinfsubtrees
SCIP_Bool reopt_sepabestsol
SCIP_Bool reopt_storevarhistory
SCIP_Bool reopt_usepscost
SCIP_Bool reopt_usecuts
SCIP_Bool reopt_usesplitcons
SCIP_Real sepa_maxbounddist
SCIP_Real sepa_maxlocalbounddist
SCIP_Real sepa_maxcoefratio
SCIP_Real sepa_maxcoefratiofacrowprep
SCIP_Real sepa_minefficacy
SCIP_Real sepa_minefficacyroot
SCIP_Real sepa_minortho
SCIP_Real sepa_minorthoroot
SCIP_Real sepa_minactivityquot
char sepa_orthofunc
char sepa_efficacynorm
char sepa_cutselrestart
char sepa_cutselsubscip
SCIP_Bool sepa_filtercutpoolrel
int sepa_maxruns
int sepa_maxrounds
int sepa_maxroundsroot
int sepa_maxroundsrootsubrun
int sepa_maxaddrounds
int sepa_maxstallrounds
int sepa_maxstallroundsroot
SCIP_Real sepa_maxcutsgenfactor
SCIP_Real sepa_maxcutsrootgenfactor
int sepa_maxcuts
int sepa_maxcutsroot
int sepa_cutagelimit
int sepa_poolfreq
int parallel_mode
int parallel_minnthreads
int parallel_maxnthreads
SCIP_Bool concurrent_changeseeds
SCIP_Bool concurrent_changechildsel
SCIP_Bool concurrent_commvarbnds
SCIP_Bool concurrent_presolvebefore
int concurrent_initseed
SCIP_Real concurrent_freqinit
SCIP_Real concurrent_freqmax
SCIP_Real concurrent_freqfactor
SCIP_Real concurrent_targetprogress
int concurrent_maxnsols
int concurrent_nbestsols
int concurrent_maxnsyncdelay
SCIP_Real concurrent_minsyncdelay
char * concurrent_paramsetprefix
SCIP_CLOCKTYPE time_clocktype
SCIP_Bool time_enabled
SCIP_Bool time_reading
SCIP_Bool time_rareclockcheck
SCIP_Bool time_statistictiming
SCIP_Bool time_nlpieval
SCIP_Bool compr_enable
SCIP_Real compr_time
char * visual_vbcfilename
char * visual_bakfilename
SCIP_Bool visual_realtime
SCIP_Bool visual_dispsols
SCIP_Bool visual_displb
SCIP_Bool visual_objextern
SCIP_Bool read_initialconss
SCIP_Bool read_dynamicconss
SCIP_Bool read_dynamiccols
SCIP_Bool read_dynamicrows
SCIP_Bool write_allconss
SCIP_Bool write_printzeros
int write_genoffset

Field Documentation

◆ stage


SCIP operation stage

Definition at line 75 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by copyProb(), SCIPcopyConcurrentSolvingStats(), and SCIPcopyCuts().

◆ scip

SCIP* SCIP_Set::scip

very ugly: pointer to scip main data structure for callback methods

Definition at line 76 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by createMasterVarMapping(), SCIPbendersCopyInclude(), SCIPexprCopy(), SCIPexprhdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPnlpiCopyInclude(), and SCIPsetCopyParams().

◆ paramset


set of parameters

Definition at line 77 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyParams().

◆ buffer

BMS_BUFMEM* SCIP_Set::buffer

memory buffers for short living temporary objects

Definition at line 78 of file struct_set.h.

◆ cleanbuffer

BMS_BUFMEM* SCIP_Set::cleanbuffer

memory buffers for short living temporary objects init. to all zero

Definition at line 79 of file struct_set.h.

◆ readers

SCIP_READER** SCIP_Set::readers

file readers

Definition at line 80 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ pricers

SCIP_PRICER** SCIP_Set::pricers

variable pricers

Definition at line 81 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ conshdlrs

SCIP_CONSHDLR** SCIP_Set::conshdlrs

constraint handlers (sorted by check priority)

Definition at line 82 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conshdlrs_sepa

SCIP_CONSHDLR** SCIP_Set::conshdlrs_sepa

constraint handlers (sorted by separation priority)

Definition at line 83 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conshdlrs_enfo

SCIP_CONSHDLR** SCIP_Set::conshdlrs_enfo

constraint handlers (sorted by enforcement priority)

Definition at line 84 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conshdlrs_include

SCIP_CONSHDLR** SCIP_Set::conshdlrs_include

constraint handlers (sorted by inclusion order)

Definition at line 85 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ conflicthdlrs

SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR** SCIP_Set::conflicthdlrs

conflict handlers

Definition at line 86 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ presols

SCIP_PRESOL** SCIP_Set::presols


Definition at line 87 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ relaxs

SCIP_RELAX** SCIP_Set::relaxs


Definition at line 88 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ sepas

SCIP_SEPA** SCIP_Set::sepas


Definition at line 89 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ cutsels

SCIP_CUTSEL** SCIP_Set::cutsels

cut selectors

Definition at line 90 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ props

SCIP_PROP** SCIP_Set::props


Definition at line 91 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ props_presol

SCIP_PROP** SCIP_Set::props_presol

propagators (sorted by presol priority)

Definition at line 92 of file struct_set.h.

◆ heurs

SCIP_HEUR** SCIP_Set::heurs

primal heuristics

Definition at line 93 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ comprs

SCIP_COMPR** SCIP_Set::comprs

tree compressions

Definition at line 94 of file struct_set.h.

◆ eventhdlrs

SCIP_EVENTHDLR** SCIP_Set::eventhdlrs

event handlers

Definition at line 95 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ nodesels

SCIP_NODESEL** SCIP_Set::nodesels

node selectors

Definition at line 96 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ nodesel


currently used node selector, or NULL if invalid

Definition at line 97 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branchrules

SCIP_BRANCHRULE** SCIP_Set::branchrules

branching rules

Definition at line 98 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ disps

SCIP_DISP** SCIP_Set::disps

display columns

Definition at line 99 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ tables

SCIP_TABLE** SCIP_Set::tables

statistics tables

Definition at line 100 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ dialogs

SCIP_DIALOG** SCIP_Set::dialogs


Definition at line 101 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ exprhdlrs

SCIP_EXPRHDLR** SCIP_Set::exprhdlrs

expression handlers

Definition at line 102 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ exprhdlrvar

SCIP_EXPRHDLR* SCIP_Set::exprhdlrvar

expression handler for variables (for quick access)

Definition at line 103 of file struct_set.h.

◆ exprhdlrval

SCIP_EXPRHDLR* SCIP_Set::exprhdlrval

expression handler for constant values (for quick access)

Definition at line 104 of file struct_set.h.

◆ exprhdlrsum

SCIP_EXPRHDLR* SCIP_Set::exprhdlrsum

expression handler for sums (for quick access)

Definition at line 105 of file struct_set.h.

◆ exprhdlrproduct

SCIP_EXPRHDLR* SCIP_Set::exprhdlrproduct

expression handler for products (for quick access)

Definition at line 106 of file struct_set.h.

◆ exprhdlrpow

SCIP_EXPRHDLR* SCIP_Set::exprhdlrpow

expression handler for power (for quick access)

Definition at line 107 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nlpis

SCIP_NLPI** SCIP_Set::nlpis

interfaces to NLP solvers

Definition at line 108 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPmergeNLPIStatistics(), and SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ concsolvertypes

SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE** SCIP_Set::concsolvertypes

concurrent solver types

Definition at line 109 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concsolvers

SCIP_CONCSOLVER** SCIP_Set::concsolvers

the concurrent solvers used for solving

Definition at line 110 of file struct_set.h.

◆ benders

SCIP_BENDERS** SCIP_Set::benders

the data structures managing the Benders' decomposition algorithm

Definition at line 111 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPcopyBenders().

◆ debugsoldata


data for debug solutions

Definition at line 112 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by copyProb().

◆ banditvtables

SCIP_BANDITVTABLE** SCIP_Set::banditvtables

virtual function tables for bandit algorithms

Definition at line 113 of file struct_set.h.

◆ extcodenames

char** SCIP_Set::extcodenames

names of externals codes

Definition at line 114 of file struct_set.h.

◆ extcodedescs

char** SCIP_Set::extcodedescs

descriptions of external codes

Definition at line 115 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nreaders

int SCIP_Set::nreaders

number of file readers

Definition at line 116 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ readerssize

int SCIP_Set::readerssize

size of readers array

Definition at line 117 of file struct_set.h.

◆ npricers

int SCIP_Set::npricers

number of variable pricers

Definition at line 118 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ nactivepricers

int SCIP_Set::nactivepricers

number of variable pricers used in the current problem

Definition at line 119 of file struct_set.h.

◆ pricerssize

int SCIP_Set::pricerssize

size of pricers array

Definition at line 120 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nconshdlrs

int SCIP_Set::nconshdlrs

number of constraint handlers

Definition at line 121 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ conshdlrssize

int SCIP_Set::conshdlrssize

size of conshdlrs array

Definition at line 122 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nconflicthdlrs

int SCIP_Set::nconflicthdlrs

number of conflict handlers

Definition at line 123 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ conflicthdlrssize

int SCIP_Set::conflicthdlrssize

size of conflicthdlrs array

Definition at line 124 of file struct_set.h.

◆ npresols

int SCIP_Set::npresols

number of presolvers

Definition at line 125 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ presolssize

int SCIP_Set::presolssize

size of presols array

Definition at line 126 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nrelaxs

int SCIP_Set::nrelaxs

number of relaxators

Definition at line 127 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ relaxssize

int SCIP_Set::relaxssize

size of relaxs array

Definition at line 128 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nsepas

int SCIP_Set::nsepas

number of separators

Definition at line 129 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ sepassize

int SCIP_Set::sepassize

size of sepas array

Definition at line 130 of file struct_set.h.

◆ ncutsels

int SCIP_Set::ncutsels

number of cut selectors

Definition at line 131 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ cutselssize

int SCIP_Set::cutselssize

size of cutsels array

Definition at line 132 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nprops

int SCIP_Set::nprops

number of propagators

Definition at line 133 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ propssize

int SCIP_Set::propssize

size of props array

Definition at line 134 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nheurs

int SCIP_Set::nheurs

number of primal heuristics

Definition at line 135 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ heurssize

int SCIP_Set::heurssize

size of heurs array

Definition at line 136 of file struct_set.h.

◆ ncomprs

int SCIP_Set::ncomprs

number of tree compressions

Definition at line 137 of file struct_set.h.

◆ comprssize

int SCIP_Set::comprssize

size of comprs array

Definition at line 138 of file struct_set.h.

◆ neventhdlrs

int SCIP_Set::neventhdlrs

number of event handlers

Definition at line 139 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ eventhdlrssize

int SCIP_Set::eventhdlrssize

size of eventhdlrs array

Definition at line 140 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nnodesels

int SCIP_Set::nnodesels

number of node selectors

Definition at line 141 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ nodeselssize

int SCIP_Set::nodeselssize

size of nodesels array

Definition at line 142 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nbranchrules

int SCIP_Set::nbranchrules

number of branching rules

Definition at line 143 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ branchrulessize

int SCIP_Set::branchrulessize

size of branchrules array

Definition at line 144 of file struct_set.h.

◆ ndisps

int SCIP_Set::ndisps

number of display columns

Definition at line 145 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ dispssize

int SCIP_Set::dispssize

size of disps array

Definition at line 146 of file struct_set.h.

◆ ntables

int SCIP_Set::ntables

number of statistics tables

Definition at line 147 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ tablessize

int SCIP_Set::tablessize

size of tables array

Definition at line 148 of file struct_set.h.

◆ ndialogs

int SCIP_Set::ndialogs

number of dialogs

Definition at line 149 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ dialogssize

int SCIP_Set::dialogssize

size of dialogs array

Definition at line 150 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nexprhdlrs

int SCIP_Set::nexprhdlrs

number of expression handlers

Definition at line 151 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ exprhdlrssize

int SCIP_Set::exprhdlrssize

size of expression handlers array

Definition at line 152 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nnlpis

int SCIP_Set::nnlpis

number of NLPIs

Definition at line 153 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPmergeNLPIStatistics(), and SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ nlpissize

int SCIP_Set::nlpissize

size of NLPIs array

Definition at line 154 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nconcsolvertypes

int SCIP_Set::nconcsolvertypes

number of concurrent solver types

Definition at line 155 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concsolvertypessize

int SCIP_Set::concsolvertypessize

size of concurrent solver types array

Definition at line 156 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nconcsolvers

int SCIP_Set::nconcsolvers

number of concurrent solvers used for solving

Definition at line 157 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concsolverssize

int SCIP_Set::concsolverssize

size of concurrent solvers array

Definition at line 158 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nbenders

int SCIP_Set::nbenders

number of Benders' decomposition algorithms

Definition at line 159 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPcopyBenders().

◆ nactivebenders

int SCIP_Set::nactivebenders

number of Benders' decomposition algorithms that are used

Definition at line 160 of file struct_set.h.

◆ benderssize

int SCIP_Set::benderssize

size of Benders' decomposition algorithms array

Definition at line 161 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nextcodes

int SCIP_Set::nextcodes

number of external codes

Definition at line 162 of file struct_set.h.

◆ extcodessize

int SCIP_Set::extcodessize

size of external code arrays

Definition at line 163 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nbanditvtables

int SCIP_Set::nbanditvtables

number of bandit algorithm virtual function tables

Definition at line 164 of file struct_set.h.

◆ banditvtablessize

int SCIP_Set::banditvtablessize

size of banditvtables array

Definition at line 165 of file struct_set.h.

◆ pricerssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::pricerssorted

are the pricers sorted by activity and priority?

Definition at line 166 of file struct_set.h.

◆ pricersnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::pricersnamesorted

are the pricers sorted by name?

Definition at line 167 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conflicthdlrssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conflicthdlrssorted

are the conflict handlers sorted by priority?

Definition at line 168 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conflicthdlrsnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conflicthdlrsnamesorted

are the conflict handlers sorted by name?

Definition at line 169 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presolssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::presolssorted

are the presolvers sorted by priority?

Definition at line 170 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presolsnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::presolsnamesorted

are the presolvers sorted by name?

Definition at line 171 of file struct_set.h.

◆ relaxssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::relaxssorted

are the relaxators sorted by priority?

Definition at line 172 of file struct_set.h.

◆ relaxsnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::relaxsnamesorted

are the relaxators sorted by name?

Definition at line 173 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepassorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::sepassorted

are the separators sorted by priority?

Definition at line 174 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepasnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::sepasnamesorted

are the separators sorted by name?

Definition at line 175 of file struct_set.h.

◆ cutselssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::cutselssorted

are the cutsels sorted by priority?

Definition at line 176 of file struct_set.h.

◆ propssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::propssorted

are the propagators sorted by priority?

Definition at line 177 of file struct_set.h.

◆ propspresolsorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::propspresolsorted

are the propagators in prop_presol sorted?

Definition at line 178 of file struct_set.h.

◆ propsnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::propsnamesorted

are the propagators sorted by name?

Definition at line 179 of file struct_set.h.

◆ heurssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::heurssorted

are the heuristics sorted by priority?

Definition at line 180 of file struct_set.h.

◆ heursnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::heursnamesorted

are the heuristics sorted by name?

Definition at line 181 of file struct_set.h.

◆ comprssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::comprssorted

are the compressions sorted by priority?

Definition at line 182 of file struct_set.h.

◆ comprsnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::comprsnamesorted

are the compressions sorted by name?

Definition at line 183 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branchrulessorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branchrulessorted

are the branching rules sorted by priority?

Definition at line 184 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branchrulesnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branchrulesnamesorted

are the branching rules sorted by name?

Definition at line 185 of file struct_set.h.

◆ tablessorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::tablessorted

are the tables sorted by position?

Definition at line 186 of file struct_set.h.

◆ exprhdlrssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::exprhdlrssorted

are the expression handlers sorted by name?

Definition at line 187 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nlpissorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::nlpissorted

are the NLPIs sorted by priority?

Definition at line 188 of file struct_set.h.

◆ benderssorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::benderssorted

are the Benders' algorithms sorted by activity and priority?

Definition at line 189 of file struct_set.h.

◆ bendersnamesorted

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::bendersnamesorted

are the Benders' algorithms sorted by name?

Definition at line 190 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limitchanged

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::limitchanged

marks whether any of the limit parameters was changed

Definition at line 191 of file struct_set.h.

◆ subscipsoff

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::subscipsoff

marks whether the sub-SCIPs have been deactivated

Definition at line 192 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_scorefunc

char SCIP_Set::branch_scorefunc

branching score function ('s'um, 'p'roduct, 'q'uotient)

Definition at line 195 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_firstsbchild

char SCIP_Set::branch_firstsbchild

child node to be regarded first during strong branching (only with propagation): 'u'p child, 'd'own child, 'h'istory-based, or 'a'utomatic

Definition at line 196 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_scorefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::branch_scorefac

branching score factor to weigh downward and upward gain prediction in sum score function

Definition at line 197 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_preferbinary

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_preferbinary

should branching on binary variables be preferred?

Definition at line 199 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_clamp

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::branch_clamp

minimal fractional distance of branching point to a continuous variable' bounds; a value of 0.5 leads to branching always in the middle of a bounded domain

Definition at line 200 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_midpull

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::branch_midpull

fraction by which to move branching point of a continuous variable towards the middle of the domain; a value of 1.0 leads to branching always in the middle of the domain

Definition at line 201 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_midpullreldomtrig

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::branch_midpullreldomtrig

multiply midpull by relative domain width if the latter is below this value

Definition at line 202 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_lpgainnorm

char SCIP_Set::branch_lpgainnorm

strategy for normalizing LP gain when updating pseudo costs of continuous variables

Definition at line 203 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_delaypscost

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_delaypscost

whether to delay pseudo costs updates for continuous variables to after separation

Definition at line 204 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_divingpscost

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_divingpscost

should pseudo costs be updated also in diving and probing mode?

Definition at line 205 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_forceall

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_forceall

should all strong branching children be regarded even if one is detected to be infeasible? (only with propagation)

Definition at line 206 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_checksbsol

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_checksbsol

should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be checked for feasibility?

Definition at line 208 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_roundsbsol

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_roundsbsol

should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be rounded? (only when checksbsol=TRUE)

Definition at line 209 of file struct_set.h.

◆ branch_sumadjustscore

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::branch_sumadjustscore

score adjustment near zero by adding epsilon (TRUE) or using maximum (FALSE)

Definition at line 210 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_maxvarsfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_maxvarsfac

maximal fraction of variables involved in a conflict constraint

Definition at line 213 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_minmaxvars

int SCIP_Set::conf_minmaxvars

minimal absolute maximum of variables involved in a conflict constraint

Definition at line 214 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_maxlploops

int SCIP_Set::conf_maxlploops

maximal number of LP resolving loops during conflict analysis (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 215 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_lpiterations

int SCIP_Set::conf_lpiterations

maximal number of LP iterations in each LP resolving loop (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 217 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_fuiplevels

int SCIP_Set::conf_fuiplevels

number of depth levels up to which first UIP's are used in conflict analysis (-1: use All-FirstUIP rule)

Definition at line 219 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_interconss

int SCIP_Set::conf_interconss

maximal number of intermediate conflict constraints generated in conflict graph (-1: use every intermediate constraint)

Definition at line 221 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_maxconss

int SCIP_Set::conf_maxconss

maximal number of conflict constraints accepted at an infeasible node (-1: use all generated conflict constraints)

Definition at line 223 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_maxstoresize

int SCIP_Set::conf_maxstoresize

maximal size of conflict store

Definition at line 225 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_reconvlevels

int SCIP_Set::conf_reconvlevels

number of depth levels up to which UIP reconvergence constraints are generated (-1: generate reconvergence constraints in all depth levels)

Definition at line 226 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_enable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_enable

should conflict analysis be enabled?

Definition at line 228 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_cleanbnddepend

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_cleanbnddepend

should conflicts related to an old cutoff bound be removed?

Definition at line 229 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_useprop

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_useprop

should propagation conflict analysis be used? (uses conflict graph only)

Definition at line 230 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_useinflp

char SCIP_Set::conf_useinflp

should infeasible LP conflict analysis be used? ('o'ff, 'c'onflict graph, 'd'ual ray, 'b'oth conflict graph and dual ray)

Definition at line 231 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_useboundlp

char SCIP_Set::conf_useboundlp

should bound exceeding LP conflict analysis be used? ('o'ff, 'c'onflict graph, 'd'ual ray, 'b'oth conflict graph and dual ray)

Definition at line 234 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_usesb

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_usesb

should infeasible/bound exceeding strong branching conflict analysis be used?

Definition at line 237 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_usepseudo

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_usepseudo

should pseudo solution conflict analysis be used?

Definition at line 239 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_prefinfproof

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_prefinfproof

prefer infeasibility proof to boundexceeding proof

Definition at line 240 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_preferbinary

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_preferbinary

should binary conflicts be preferred?

Definition at line 241 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_allowlocal

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_allowlocal

should conflict constraints be generated that are only valid locally?

Definition at line 242 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_settlelocal

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_settlelocal

should conflict constraints be attached only to the local subtree where they can be useful?

Definition at line 243 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_repropagate

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_repropagate

should earlier nodes be repropagated in order to replace branching decisions by deductions?

Definition at line 245 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_keepreprop

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_keepreprop

should constraints be kept for repropagation even if they are too long?

Definition at line 247 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_separate

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_separate

should the conflict constraints be separated?

Definition at line 248 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_dynamic

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_dynamic

should the conflict constraints be subject to aging?

Definition at line 249 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_removable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_removable

should the conflict's relaxations be subject to LP aging and cleanup?

Definition at line 250 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_depthscorefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_depthscorefac

score factor for depth level in bound relaxation heuristic

Definition at line 251 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_proofscorefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_proofscorefac

score factor for contribution to infeasibility proof in bound relaxation heuristic

Definition at line 252 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_uplockscorefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_uplockscorefac

score factor for number of up locks in bound relaxation heuristic

Definition at line 253 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_downlockscorefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_downlockscorefac

score factor for number of down locks in bound relaxation heuristic

Definition at line 254 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_scorefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_scorefac

factor to decrease importance of variables' earlier conflict scores

Definition at line 255 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_restartnum

int SCIP_Set::conf_restartnum

number of successful conflict analysis calls that trigger a restart (0: disable conflict restarts)

Definition at line 256 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_restartfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_restartfac

factor to increase restartnum with after each restart

Definition at line 258 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_ignorerelaxedbd

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_ignorerelaxedbd

should relaxed bounds be ignored?

Definition at line 259 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds

int SCIP_Set::conf_maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds

maximal number of variables to try to detect global bound implications and shorten the whole conflict set (0: disabled )

Definition at line 260 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_fullshortenconflict

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_fullshortenconflict

try to shorten the whole conflict set or terminate early (depending on the 'maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds' parameter)

Definition at line 264 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_conflictweight

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_conflictweight

the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a variable if it is part of a conflict

Definition at line 267 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_conflictgraphweight

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_conflictgraphweight

the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a variable if it is part of a conflict graph

Definition at line 270 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_weightsize

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_weightsize

weight of the size of a conflict used in score calculation

Definition at line 273 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_weightrepropdepth

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_weightrepropdepth

weight of the prepropagtion depth of a conflict used in score calculation

Definition at line 274 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_weightvaliddepth

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_weightvaliddepth

weight of the valid depth of a conflict used in score calculation

Definition at line 275 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_sepaaltproofs

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_sepaaltproofs

separate valid inequalities from dualray proofs

Definition at line 276 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_minimprove

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::conf_minimprove

minimal improvement of primal bound to remove conflicts depending on a previous incumbent.

Definition at line 277 of file struct_set.h.

◆ conf_uselocalrows

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::conf_uselocalrows

use local rows to construct infeasibility proofs

Definition at line 280 of file struct_set.h.

◆ cons_agelimit

int SCIP_Set::cons_agelimit

maximum age an unnecessary constraint can reach before it is deleted (0: dynamic, -1: disable aging)

Definition at line 283 of file struct_set.h.

◆ cons_obsoleteage

int SCIP_Set::cons_obsoleteage

age of a constraint after which it is marked obsolete (0: dynamic, -1: disable obsoletion)

Definition at line 285 of file struct_set.h.

◆ cons_disableenfops

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::cons_disableenfops

should enforcement of pseudo solution be disabled?

Definition at line 287 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_verblevel

SCIP_VERBLEVEL SCIP_Set::disp_verblevel

verbosity level of output

Definition at line 290 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_width

int SCIP_Set::disp_width

maximal number of characters in a node information line

Definition at line 291 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_freq

int SCIP_Set::disp_freq

frequency for displaying node information lines

Definition at line 292 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_headerfreq

int SCIP_Set::disp_headerfreq

frequency for displaying header lines (every n'th node information line)

Definition at line 293 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_lpinfo

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::disp_lpinfo

should the LP solver display status messages?

Definition at line 294 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_allviols

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::disp_allviols

display all violations of the best solution after the solving process finished?

Definition at line 295 of file struct_set.h.

◆ disp_relevantstats

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::disp_relevantstats

should the relevant statistics be displayed at the end of solving?

Definition at line 296 of file struct_set.h.

◆ heur_useuctsubscip

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::heur_useuctsubscip

should setting of common subscip parameters include the activation of the UCT node selector?

Definition at line 299 of file struct_set.h.

◆ history_valuebased

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::history_valuebased

should statistics be collected for variable domain value pairs?

Definition at line 302 of file struct_set.h.

◆ history_allowmerge

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::history_allowmerge

should variable histories be merged from sub-SCIPs whenever possible?

Definition at line 303 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPmergeVariableStatistics().

◆ history_allowtransfer

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::history_allowtransfer

should variable histories be transferred to initialize SCIP copies?

Definition at line 304 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_time

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::limit_time

maximal time in seconds to run

Definition at line 307 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_memory

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::limit_memory

maximal memory usage in MB

Definition at line 308 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_gap

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::limit_gap

solving stops, if the given gap is reached

Definition at line 309 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_absgap

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::limit_absgap

solving stops, if the absolute difference between primal and dual bound reaches this value

Definition at line 310 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_primal

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::limit_primal

solving stops, if primal bound is at least as good as given value

Definition at line 312 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_dual

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::limit_dual

solving stops, if dual bound is at least as good as given value

Definition at line 313 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_nodes

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Set::limit_nodes

maximal number of nodes to process (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 314 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_totalnodes

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Set::limit_totalnodes

maximal number of total nodes (incl. restarts) to process (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 315 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_stallnodes

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Set::limit_stallnodes

solving stops, if the given number of nodes was processed since the last improvement of the primal solution value (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 316 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_solutions

int SCIP_Set::limit_solutions

solving stops, if the given number of solutions were found; this limit is first checked in presolving (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 318 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_bestsol

int SCIP_Set::limit_bestsol

solving stops, if the given number of solution improvements were found (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 319 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_maxsol

int SCIP_Set::limit_maxsol

maximal number of solutions to store in the solution storage

Definition at line 321 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_maxorigsol

int SCIP_Set::limit_maxorigsol

maximal number of solutions candidates to store in the solution storage of the original problem

Definition at line 322 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_restarts

int SCIP_Set::limit_restarts

solving stops, if the given number of restarts was triggered (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 323 of file struct_set.h.

◆ limit_autorestartnodes

int SCIP_Set::limit_autorestartnodes

nodes to trigger automatic restart

Definition at line 324 of file struct_set.h.

◆ istimelimitfinite

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::istimelimitfinite

is the time limit finite

Definition at line 325 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_solvefreq

int SCIP_Set::lp_solvefreq

frequency for solving LP at the nodes (-1: never; 0: only root LP)

Definition at line 328 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_iterlim

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Set::lp_iterlim

iteration limit for each single LP solve; -1: no limit

Definition at line 329 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_rootiterlim

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Set::lp_rootiterlim

iteration limit for initial root LP solve; -1: no limit

Definition at line 330 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_solvedepth

int SCIP_Set::lp_solvedepth

maximal depth for solving LP at the nodes (-1: no depth limit)

Definition at line 331 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_initalgorithm

char SCIP_Set::lp_initalgorithm

LP algorithm for solving initial LP relaxations ('s'implex, 'b'arrier, barrier with 'c'rossover)

Definition at line 332 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_resolvealgorithm

char SCIP_Set::lp_resolvealgorithm

LP algorithm for resolving LP relaxations if a starting basis exists ('s'implex, 'b'arrier, barrier with 'c'rossover)

Definition at line 334 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_pricing

char SCIP_Set::lp_pricing

LP pricing strategy ('a'uto, 'f'ull pricing, 's'teepest edge pricing, 'q'uickstart steepest edge pricing, 'd'evex pricing)

Definition at line 336 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_clearinitialprobinglp

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_clearinitialprobinglp

should lp state be cleared at the end of probing mode when LP was initially unsolved, e.g., when called right after presolving?

Definition at line 338 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_resolverestore

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_resolverestore

should the LP be resolved to restore the state at start of diving (if FALSE we buffer the solution values)?

Definition at line 340 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_freesolvalbuffers

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_freesolvalbuffers

should the buffers for storing LP solution values during diving be freed at end of diving?

Definition at line 342 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_colagelimit

int SCIP_Set::lp_colagelimit

maximum age a column can reach before it is deleted from the SCIP_LP (-1: don't delete columns due to aging)

Definition at line 344 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_rowagelimit

int SCIP_Set::lp_rowagelimit

maximum age a row can reach before it is deleted from the LP (-1: don't delete rows due to aging)

Definition at line 346 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_cleanupcols

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_cleanupcols

should new non-basic columns be removed after LP solving?

Definition at line 348 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_cleanupcolsroot

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_cleanupcolsroot

should new non-basic columns be removed after root LP solving?

Definition at line 349 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_cleanuprows

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_cleanuprows

should new basic rows be removed after LP solving?

Definition at line 350 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_cleanuprowsroot

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_cleanuprowsroot

should new basic rows be removed after root LP solving?

Definition at line 351 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_checkstability

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_checkstability

should LP solver's return status be checked for stability?

Definition at line 352 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_conditionlimit

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::lp_conditionlimit

maximum condition number of LP basis counted as stable (-1.0: no check)

Definition at line 353 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_markowitz

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::lp_markowitz

minimal Markowitz threshold to control sparsity/stability in LU factorization

Definition at line 354 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_checkprimfeas

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_checkprimfeas

should LP solutions be checked for primal feasibility, resolving LP when numerical troubles occur?

Definition at line 355 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_checkdualfeas

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_checkdualfeas

should LP solutions be checked for dual feasibility, resolving LP when numerical troubles occur?

Definition at line 356 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_checkfarkas

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_checkfarkas

should infeasibility proofs from the LP be checked?

Definition at line 357 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_fastmip

int SCIP_Set::lp_fastmip

which FASTMIP setting of LP solver should be used? 0: off, 1: medium, 2: full

Definition at line 358 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_scaling

int SCIP_Set::lp_scaling

LP scaling (0: none, 1: normal, 2: aggressive)

Definition at line 359 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_presolving

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_presolving

should presolving of LP solver be used?

Definition at line 360 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_lexdualalgo

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_lexdualalgo

should the lexicographic dual algorithm be used?

Definition at line 361 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_lexdualrootonly

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_lexdualrootonly

should the lexicographic dual algorithm be applied only at the root node

Definition at line 362 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_lexdualmaxrounds

int SCIP_Set::lp_lexdualmaxrounds

maximum number of rounds in the lexicographic dual algorithm

Definition at line 363 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_lexdualbasic

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_lexdualbasic

choose fractional basic variables in lexicographic dual algorithm

Definition at line 364 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_lexdualstalling

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_lexdualstalling

turn on the lex dual algorithm only when stalling?

Definition at line 365 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_disablecutoff

int SCIP_Set::lp_disablecutoff

disable the cutoff bound in the LP solver? (0: enabled, 1: disabled, 2: auto)

Definition at line 366 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_rowrepswitch

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::lp_rowrepswitch

simplex algorithm shall use row representation of the basis if number of rows divided by number of columns exceeds this value

Definition at line 367 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_threads

int SCIP_Set::lp_threads

number of threads used for solving the LP (0: automatic)

Definition at line 369 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_resolveiterfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::lp_resolveiterfac

factor of average LP iterations that is used as LP iteration limit for LP resolve (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 370 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_resolveitermin

int SCIP_Set::lp_resolveitermin

minimum number of iterations that are allowed for LP resolve

Definition at line 372 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_solutionpolishing

int SCIP_Set::lp_solutionpolishing

LP solution polishing method (0: disabled, 1: only root, 2: always, 3: auto)

Definition at line 373 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_refactorinterval

int SCIP_Set::lp_refactorinterval

LP refactorization interval (0: automatic)

Definition at line 374 of file struct_set.h.

◆ lp_alwaysgetduals

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::lp_alwaysgetduals

should the dual solution always be collected for LP solutions.

Definition at line 375 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nlp_disable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::nlp_disable

should the NLP be disabled even if a constraint handler enabled it?

Definition at line 378 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nlp_solver

char* SCIP_Set::nlp_solver

name of NLP solver to use

Definition at line 379 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_savefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::mem_savefac

fraction of maximal memory usage resulting in switch to memory saving mode

Definition at line 382 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_arraygrowfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::mem_arraygrowfac

memory growing factor for dynamically allocated arrays

Definition at line 383 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_treegrowfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::mem_treegrowfac

memory growing factor for tree array

Definition at line 384 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_pathgrowfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::mem_pathgrowfac

memory growing factor for path array

Definition at line 385 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_arraygrowinit

int SCIP_Set::mem_arraygrowinit

initial size of dynamically allocated arrays

Definition at line 386 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_treegrowinit

int SCIP_Set::mem_treegrowinit

initial size of tree array

Definition at line 387 of file struct_set.h.

◆ mem_pathgrowinit

int SCIP_Set::mem_pathgrowinit

initial size of path array

Definition at line 388 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_catchctrlc

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_catchctrlc

should the CTRL-C interrupt be caught by SCIP?

Definition at line 391 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_usevartable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_usevartable

should a hashtable be used to map from variable names to variables?

Definition at line 392 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_useconstable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_useconstable

should a hashtable be used to map from constraint names to constraints?

Definition at line 393 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_usesmalltables

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_usesmalltables

should smaller hashtables be used? yields better performance for small problems with about 100 variables

Definition at line 394 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_exactsolve

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_exactsolve

should the problem be solved exactly (with proven dual bounds)?

Definition at line 395 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_resetstat

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_resetstat

should the statistics be reset if the transformed problem is freed otherwise the statistics get reset after original problem is freed (in case of bender decomposition this parameter should be set to FALSE and therefore can be used to collect statistics over all runs)

Definition at line 396 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_improvingsols

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_improvingsols

should only solutions be checked which improve the primal bound

Definition at line 400 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_printreason

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_printreason

should the reason be printed if a given start solution is infeasible?

Definition at line 401 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_estimexternmem

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_estimexternmem

should the usage of external memory be estimated?

Definition at line 402 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_avoidmemout

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_avoidmemout

try to avoid running into memory limit by restricting plugins like heuristics?

Definition at line 403 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPcheckCopyLimits().

◆ misc_transorigsols

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_transorigsols

should SCIP try to transfer original solutions to the transformed space (after presolving)?

Definition at line 404 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_transsolsorig

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_transsolsorig

should SCIP try to transfer transformed solutions to the original space (after solving)?

Definition at line 405 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_calcintegral

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_calcintegral

should SCIP calculate the primal dual integral value which may require a large number of additional clock calls (and decrease the performance)?

Definition at line 406 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_finitesolstore

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_finitesolstore

should SCIP try to remove infinite fixings from solutions copied to the solution store?

Definition at line 408 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_outputorigsol

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_outputorigsol

should the best solution be transformed to the orignal space and be output in command line run?

Definition at line 409 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_allowstrongdualreds

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_allowstrongdualreds

should strong dual reductions be allowed in propagation and presolving?

Definition at line 410 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_allowweakdualreds

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_allowweakdualreds

should weak dual reductions be allowed in propagation and presolving?

Definition at line 411 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_referencevalue

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::misc_referencevalue

objective value for reference purposes

Definition at line 412 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_usesymmetry

int SCIP_Set::misc_usesymmetry

bitset describing used symmetry handling technique (0: off; 1: polyhedral (orbitopes and/or symresacks); 2: orbital fixing; 3: orbitopes and orbital fixing; 4: Schreier Sims cuts; 5: Schreier Sims cuts and symresacks)

Definition at line 413 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_debugsol

char* SCIP_Set::misc_debugsol

path to a debug solution

Definition at line 416 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_scaleobj

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_scaleobj

should the objective function be scaled?

Definition at line 417 of file struct_set.h.

◆ misc_showdivingstats

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::misc_showdivingstats

should detailed statistics for diving heuristics be shown?

Definition at line 418 of file struct_set.h.

◆ random_randomseedshift

int SCIP_Set::random_randomseedshift

global shift of all random seeds in the plugins, this will have no impact on the permutation and LP seeds

Definition at line 421 of file struct_set.h.

◆ random_permutationseed

int SCIP_Set::random_permutationseed

seed value for permuting the problem after reading/transformation (0: no permutation)

Definition at line 422 of file struct_set.h.

◆ random_randomseed

int SCIP_Set::random_randomseed

random seed for LP solver, e.g. for perturbations in the simplex (0: LP default)

Definition at line 424 of file struct_set.h.

◆ random_permuteconss

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::random_permuteconss

should order of constraints be permuted (depends on permutationseed)?

Definition at line 425 of file struct_set.h.

◆ random_permutevars

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::random_permutevars

should order of variables be permuted (depends on permutationseed)?

Definition at line 426 of file struct_set.h.

◆ nodesel_childsel

char SCIP_Set::nodesel_childsel

child selection rule ('d'own, 'u'p, 'p'seudo costs, 'i'nference, 'l'p value, 'r'oot LP value difference, 'h'brid inference/root LP value difference)

Definition at line 429 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_infinity

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_infinity

values larger than this are considered infinity

Definition at line 433 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_epsilon

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_epsilon

absolute values smaller than this are considered zero

Definition at line 434 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_sumepsilon

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_sumepsilon

absolute values of sums smaller than this are considered zero

Definition at line 435 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_feastol

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_feastol

feasibility tolerance for constraints

Definition at line 436 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_checkfeastolfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_checkfeastolfac

factor to change the feasibility tolerance when testing the best solution for feasibility (after solving process)

Definition at line 437 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_lpfeastolfactor

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_lpfeastolfactor

factor w.r.t. primal feasibility tolerance that determines default (and maximal) primal feasibility tolerance of LP solver (user parameter, see also num_relaxfeastol)

Definition at line 439 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_dualfeastol

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_dualfeastol

feasibility tolerance for reduced costs

Definition at line 440 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_barrierconvtol

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_barrierconvtol

convergence tolerance used in barrier algorithm

Definition at line 441 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_boundstreps

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_boundstreps

minimal improve for strengthening bounds

Definition at line 442 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_pseudocosteps

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_pseudocosteps

minimal variable distance value to use for pseudo cost updates

Definition at line 443 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_pseudocostdelta

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_pseudocostdelta

minimal objective distance value to use for pseudo cost updates

Definition at line 444 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_recompfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_recompfac

minimal decrease factor that causes the recomputation of a value (e.g., pseudo objective) instead of an update

Definition at line 445 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_hugeval

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_hugeval

values larger than this are considered huge and should be handled separately (e.g., in activity computation)

Definition at line 447 of file struct_set.h.

◆ num_relaxfeastol

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::num_relaxfeastol

primal feasibility tolerance for relaxations (set by core or plugins, not a parameter)

Definition at line 449 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_abortfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::presol_abortfac

abort presolve, if l.t. this frac of the problem was changed in last round

Definition at line 452 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_maxrounds

int SCIP_Set::presol_maxrounds

maximal number of presolving rounds (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 453 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_maxrestarts

int SCIP_Set::presol_maxrestarts

maximal number of restarts (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 454 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_clqtablefac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::presol_clqtablefac

limit on number of entries in clique table relative to number of problem nonzeros

Definition at line 455 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_restartfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::presol_restartfac

fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node triggering a restart with preprocessing after root node evaluation

Definition at line 456 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_immrestartfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::presol_immrestartfac

fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node triggering an immediate restart with preprocessing

Definition at line 458 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_subrestartfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::presol_subrestartfac

fraction of integer variables that were globally fixed during the solving process triggering a restart with preprocessing

Definition at line 460 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_restartminred

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::presol_restartminred

minimal fraction of integer variables removed after restart to allow for an additional restart

Definition at line 462 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_donotmultaggr

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::presol_donotmultaggr

should multi-aggregation of variables be forbidden?

Definition at line 464 of file struct_set.h.

◆ presol_donotaggr

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::presol_donotaggr

should aggregation of variables be forbidden?

Definition at line 465 of file struct_set.h.

◆ price_abortfac

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::price_abortfac

pricing is aborted, if fac * maxpricevars pricing candidates were found

Definition at line 468 of file struct_set.h.

◆ price_maxvars

int SCIP_Set::price_maxvars

maximal number of variables priced in per pricing round

Definition at line 469 of file struct_set.h.

◆ price_maxvarsroot

int SCIP_Set::price_maxvarsroot

maximal number of priced variables at the root node

Definition at line 470 of file struct_set.h.

◆ price_delvars

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::price_delvars

should variables created at the current node be deleted when the node is solved in case they are not present in the LP anymore?

Definition at line 471 of file struct_set.h.

◆ price_delvarsroot

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::price_delvarsroot

should variables created at the root node be deleted when the root is solved in case they are not present in the LP anymore?

Definition at line 473 of file struct_set.h.

◆ decomp_benderslabels

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::decomp_benderslabels

should the variables be labeled for the application of Benders' decomposition

Definition at line 477 of file struct_set.h.

◆ decomp_applybenders

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::decomp_applybenders

if a decomposition exists, should Benders' decomposition be applied

Definition at line 479 of file struct_set.h.

◆ decomp_maxgraphedge

int SCIP_Set::decomp_maxgraphedge

maximum number of edges in block graph computation (-1: no limit, 0: disable block graph computation)

Definition at line 480 of file struct_set.h.

◆ decomp_disablemeasures

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::decomp_disablemeasures

disable expensive measures

Definition at line 481 of file struct_set.h.

◆ benders_soltol

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::benders_soltol

the tolerance for checking optimality in Benders' decomposition

Definition at line 484 of file struct_set.h.

◆ benders_cutlpsol

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::benders_cutlpsol

should cuts be generated from the solution to the LP relaxation?

Definition at line 485 of file struct_set.h.

◆ benders_copybenders

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::benders_copybenders

should Benders' decomposition be copied for sub-SCIPs?

Definition at line 486 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by SCIPbendersCopyInclude().

◆ prop_maxrounds

int SCIP_Set::prop_maxrounds

maximal number of propagation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 489 of file struct_set.h.

◆ prop_maxroundsroot

int SCIP_Set::prop_maxroundsroot

maximal number of propagation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 490 of file struct_set.h.

◆ prop_abortoncutoff

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::prop_abortoncutoff

should propagation be aborted immediately? setting this to FALSE could help conflict analysis to produce more conflict constraints

Definition at line 491 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_objsimsol

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::reopt_objsimsol

similarity of two objective functions to reuse stored solutions.

Definition at line 495 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_objsimrootlp

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::reopt_objsimrootlp

similarity of two sequential objective function to disable solving the root LP.

Definition at line 496 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_objsimdelay

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::reopt_objsimdelay

minimum similarity for using reoptimization of the search tree.

Definition at line 499 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_varorderinterdiction

char SCIP_Set::reopt_varorderinterdiction

Definition at line 500 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_forceheurrestart

int SCIP_Set::reopt_forceheurrestart

use the 'd'efault or a 'r'andom variable order for interdiction branching when applying the reoptimization force a restart if the last n optimal solutions were found by heuristic reoptsols

Definition at line 503 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_maxcutage

int SCIP_Set::reopt_maxcutage

maximal age of cuts to use them in reoptimization

Definition at line 506 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_maxdiffofnodes

int SCIP_Set::reopt_maxdiffofnodes

maximal number of bound changes between two stored nodes on one path

Definition at line 507 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_maxsavednodes

int SCIP_Set::reopt_maxsavednodes

maximal number of saved nodes

Definition at line 508 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_solvelp

int SCIP_Set::reopt_solvelp

strategy for solving the LP at nodes from reoptimization

Definition at line 509 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_solvelpdiff

int SCIP_Set::reopt_solvelpdiff

maximal number of bound changes at node to skip solving the LP

Definition at line 510 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_savesols

int SCIP_Set::reopt_savesols

number of best solutions which should be saved for the following runs. (-1: save all)

Definition at line 511 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_commontimelimit

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_commontimelimit

time limit over all reoptimization rounds?

Definition at line 514 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_enable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_enable

enable reoptimization

Definition at line 515 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_reducetofrontier

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_reducetofrontier

delete stored nodes which were not reoptimized

Definition at line 516 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_saveconsprop

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_saveconsprop

save constraint propagations

Definition at line 517 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_sbinit

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_sbinit

try to fix variables before reoptimizing by probing like strong branching

Definition at line 518 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_shrinkinner

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_shrinkinner

replace branched inner nodes by their child nodes, if the number of bound changes is not to large

Definition at line 521 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_sepaglbinfsubtrees

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_sepaglbinfsubtrees

save global constraints to separate infeasible subtrees

Definition at line 524 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_sepabestsol

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_sepabestsol

separate only the best solution, i.e., for constrained shortest path

Definition at line 525 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_storevarhistory

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_storevarhistory

use variable history of the previous solve if the objective function has changed only slightly

Definition at line 526 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_usepscost

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_usepscost

reuse pseudo costs if the objective function changed only slightly

Definition at line 529 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_usecuts

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_usecuts

reoptimize cuts found at the root node

Definition at line 530 of file struct_set.h.

◆ reopt_usesplitcons

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::reopt_usesplitcons

use constraints to reconstruct the subtree pruned be dual reduction when reactivating the node

Definition at line 531 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxbounddist

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_maxbounddist

maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)

Definition at line 536 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxlocalbounddist

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_maxlocalbounddist

maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying local separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)

Definition at line 539 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxcoefratio

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_maxcoefratio

maximal ratio between coefficients in strongcg, cmir, and flowcover cuts

Definition at line 542 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxcoefratiofacrowprep

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_maxcoefratiofacrowprep

maximal ratio between coefficients (as factor of 1/feastol) to ensure in rowprep cleanup

Definition at line 543 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_minefficacy

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_minefficacy

minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP

Definition at line 544 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_minefficacyroot

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_minefficacyroot

minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP in the root node

Definition at line 545 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_minortho

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_minortho

minimal orthogonality for a cut to enter the LP

Definition at line 546 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_minorthoroot

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_minorthoroot

minimal orthogonality for a cut to enter the LP in the root node

Definition at line 547 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_minactivityquot

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_minactivityquot

minimum cut activity quotient to convert cuts into constraints during a restart (0.0: all cuts are converted)

Definition at line 548 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_orthofunc

char SCIP_Set::sepa_orthofunc

function used for calc. scalar prod. in orthogonality test ('e'uclidean, 'd'iscrete)

Definition at line 550 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_efficacynorm

char SCIP_Set::sepa_efficacynorm

row norm to use for efficacy calculation ('e'uclidean, 'm'aximum, 's'um, 'd'iscrete)

Definition at line 551 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_cutselrestart

char SCIP_Set::sepa_cutselrestart

cut selection during restart ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient)

Definition at line 553 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by copyCuts().

◆ sepa_cutselsubscip

char SCIP_Set::sepa_cutselsubscip

cut selection for sub SCIPs ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient)

Definition at line 554 of file struct_set.h.

Referenced by copyCuts().

◆ sepa_filtercutpoolrel

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::sepa_filtercutpoolrel

should cutpool separate only cuts with high relative efficacy?

Definition at line 555 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxruns

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxruns

maximal number of runs for which separation is enabled (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 556 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxrounds

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxrounds

maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 557 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxroundsroot

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxroundsroot

maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 558 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxroundsrootsubrun

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxroundsrootsubrun

maximal number of separation rounds in the root node of a subsequent run (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 559 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxaddrounds

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxaddrounds

maximal additional number of separation rounds in subsequent price-and-cut loops (-1: no additional restriction)

Definition at line 560 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxstallrounds

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxstallrounds

maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement (-1: no additional restriction)

Definition at line 562 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxstallroundsroot

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxstallroundsroot

maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement (-1: no additional restriction)

Definition at line 564 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxcutsgenfactor

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_maxcutsgenfactor

factor w.r.t. maxcuts for maximal number of cuts generated per separation round (-1.0: no limit, >= 0.0: valid finite limit)

Definition at line 566 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxcutsrootgenfactor

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::sepa_maxcutsrootgenfactor

factor w.r.t. maxcutsroot for maximal number of generated cuts at the root node (-1.0: no limit, >= 0.0: valid finite limit)

Definition at line 568 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxcuts

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxcuts

maximal number of cuts separated per separation round

Definition at line 570 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_maxcutsroot

int SCIP_Set::sepa_maxcutsroot

maximal number of separated cuts at the root node

Definition at line 571 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_cutagelimit

int SCIP_Set::sepa_cutagelimit

maximum age a cut can reach before it is deleted from the global cut pool

Definition at line 572 of file struct_set.h.

◆ sepa_poolfreq

int SCIP_Set::sepa_poolfreq

separation frequency for the global cut pool

Definition at line 573 of file struct_set.h.

◆ parallel_mode

int SCIP_Set::parallel_mode

the mode for the parallel implementation. 0: opportunistic or 1: deterministic

Definition at line 576 of file struct_set.h.

◆ parallel_minnthreads

int SCIP_Set::parallel_minnthreads

the minimum number of threads used for parallel code

Definition at line 578 of file struct_set.h.

◆ parallel_maxnthreads

int SCIP_Set::parallel_maxnthreads

the maximum number of threads used for parallel code

Definition at line 579 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_changeseeds

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::concurrent_changeseeds

change the seeds in the different solvers?

Definition at line 582 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_changechildsel

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::concurrent_changechildsel

change the child selection rule in different solvers?

Definition at line 583 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_commvarbnds

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::concurrent_commvarbnds

should the concurrent solvers communicate global variable bound changes?

Definition at line 584 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_presolvebefore

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::concurrent_presolvebefore

should the problem be presolved before it is copied to the concurrent solvers?

Definition at line 585 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_initseed

int SCIP_Set::concurrent_initseed

the seed for computing the concurrent solver seeds

Definition at line 586 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_freqinit

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::concurrent_freqinit

initial frequency of synchronization

Definition at line 587 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_freqmax

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::concurrent_freqmax

maximal frequency of synchronization

Definition at line 588 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_freqfactor

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::concurrent_freqfactor

factor by which the frequency of synchronization changes

Definition at line 589 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_targetprogress

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::concurrent_targetprogress

when adapting the synchronization frequency this value is the targeted relative difference by which the absolute gap decreases per synchronization

Definition at line 590 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_maxnsols

int SCIP_Set::concurrent_maxnsols

maximum number of solutions that will get stored in one synchronization

Definition at line 592 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_nbestsols

int SCIP_Set::concurrent_nbestsols

number of best solutions that should be considered for synchronization

Definition at line 593 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_maxnsyncdelay

int SCIP_Set::concurrent_maxnsyncdelay

max number of synchronizations before data is used

Definition at line 594 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_minsyncdelay

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::concurrent_minsyncdelay

min offset before synchronization data is used

Definition at line 595 of file struct_set.h.

◆ concurrent_paramsetprefix

char* SCIP_Set::concurrent_paramsetprefix

path prefix for parameter setting files of concurrent solver scip-custom

Definition at line 596 of file struct_set.h.

◆ time_clocktype

SCIP_CLOCKTYPE SCIP_Set::time_clocktype

default clock type to use

Definition at line 599 of file struct_set.h.

◆ time_enabled

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::time_enabled

is timing enabled?

Definition at line 600 of file struct_set.h.

◆ time_reading

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::time_reading

belongs reading time to solving time?

Definition at line 601 of file struct_set.h.

◆ time_rareclockcheck

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::time_rareclockcheck

should clock checks of solving time be performed less frequently (might exceed time limit slightly)

Definition at line 602 of file struct_set.h.

◆ time_statistictiming

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::time_statistictiming

should timing for statistic output be enabled?

Definition at line 603 of file struct_set.h.

◆ time_nlpieval

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::time_nlpieval

should time for evaluation in NLP solves be measured?

Definition at line 604 of file struct_set.h.

◆ compr_enable

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::compr_enable

should automatic tree compression after presolving be enabled? (only for reoptimization)

Definition at line 607 of file struct_set.h.

◆ compr_time

SCIP_Real SCIP_Set::compr_time

maximum time to run tree compression heuristics

Definition at line 608 of file struct_set.h.

◆ visual_vbcfilename

char* SCIP_Set::visual_vbcfilename

name of the VBC tool output file, or - if no VBC output should be created

Definition at line 611 of file struct_set.h.

◆ visual_bakfilename

char* SCIP_Set::visual_bakfilename

name of the BAK tool output file, or - if no BAK output should be created

Definition at line 612 of file struct_set.h.

◆ visual_realtime

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::visual_realtime

should the real solving time be used instead of time step counter in visualization?

Definition at line 613 of file struct_set.h.

◆ visual_dispsols

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::visual_dispsols

should the node where solutions are found be visualized?

Definition at line 614 of file struct_set.h.

◆ visual_displb

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::visual_displb

should lower bound information be visualized?

Definition at line 615 of file struct_set.h.

◆ visual_objextern

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::visual_objextern

should be output the external value of the objective?

Definition at line 616 of file struct_set.h.

◆ read_initialconss

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::read_initialconss

should model constraints be marked as initial?

Definition at line 619 of file struct_set.h.

◆ read_dynamicconss

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::read_dynamicconss

should model constraints be subject to aging?

Definition at line 620 of file struct_set.h.

◆ read_dynamiccols

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::read_dynamiccols

should columns be added and removed dynamically to the LP?

Definition at line 621 of file struct_set.h.

◆ read_dynamicrows

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::read_dynamicrows

should rows be added and removed dynamically to the LP?

Definition at line 622 of file struct_set.h.

◆ write_allconss

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::write_allconss

should all constraints be written (including the redundant constraints)?

Definition at line 625 of file struct_set.h.

◆ write_printzeros

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Set::write_printzeros

should variables set to zero be printed?

Definition at line 626 of file struct_set.h.

◆ write_genoffset

int SCIP_Set::write_genoffset

when writing the problem with generic names, we start with index 0; using this parameter we can change the starting index to be different

Definition at line 627 of file struct_set.h.