

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

SCIP_Tree Struct Reference

Detailed Description

branch and bound tree

Definition at line 184 of file struct_tree.h.

#include <struct_tree.h>

Data Fields

SCIP_NODE ** path
SCIP_NODE ** children
SCIP_NODE ** siblings
SCIP_VAR ** divebdchgvars [2]
SCIP_BRANCHDIRdivebdchgdirs [2]
SCIP_Realdivebdchgvals [2]
int * pathnlpcols
int * pathnlprows
int nprobdiverelaxsol
SCIP_Longint focuslpstateforklpcount
SCIP_Longint lastbranchparentid
int divebdchgsize [2]
int ndivebdchanges [2]
int pendingbdchgssize
int npendingbdchgs
int childrensize
int nchildren
int siblingssize
int nsiblings
int pathlen
int pathsize
int effectiverootdepth
int appliedeffectiverootdepth
int correctlpdepth
int cutoffdepth
int repropdepth
int repropsubtreecount
int probingsumchgdobjs
SCIP_Bool focusnodehaslp
SCIP_Bool probingnodehaslp
SCIP_Bool focuslpconstructed
SCIP_Bool cutoffdelayed
SCIP_Bool probinglpwasflushed
SCIP_Bool probinglpwassolved
SCIP_Bool probingloadlpistate
SCIP_Bool probinglpwasrelax
SCIP_Bool probingsolvedlp
SCIP_Bool forcinglpmessage
SCIP_Bool probingobjchanged
SCIP_Bool sbprobing
SCIP_Bool probinglpwasprimfeas
SCIP_Bool probinglpwasprimchecked
SCIP_Bool probinglpwasdualfeas
SCIP_Bool probinglpwasdualchecked
SCIP_Bool probdiverelaxstored
SCIP_Bool probdiverelaxincludeslp

Field Documentation

◆ root

◆ leaves

◆ path

◆ focusnode

◆ focuslpfork

SCIP_NODE* SCIP_Tree::focuslpfork

LP defining pseudofork/fork/subroot of the focus node

Definition at line 195 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by nodeRepropagate(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), and treeFindSwitchForks().

◆ focuslpstatefork

◆ focussubroot

SCIP_NODE* SCIP_Tree::focussubroot

subroot of the focus node's sub tree

Definition at line 197 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by nodeRepropagate(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), and treeFindSwitchForks().

◆ probingroot

◆ children

◆ siblings

◆ childrenprio

SCIP_Real* SCIP_Tree::childrenprio

array with node selection priorities of children

Definition at line 201 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPchildChgNodeselPrio(), SCIPtreeGetLowerboundNode(), SCIPtreeGetPrioChild(), treeAddChild(), treeChildrenToSiblings(), treeEnsureChildrenMem(), and treeRemoveChild().

◆ siblingsprio

SCIP_Real* SCIP_Tree::siblingsprio

array with node selection priorities of siblings

Definition at line 202 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeGetLowerboundNode(), SCIPtreeGetPrioSibling(), treeChildrenToSiblings(), and treeRemoveSibling().

◆ divebdchgvars

SCIP_VAR** SCIP_Tree::divebdchgvars[2]

two arrays to store variables for branching

Definition at line 203 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeAddDiveBoundChange(), and SCIPtreeGetDiveBoundChangeData().

◆ divebdchgdirs

SCIP_BRANCHDIR* SCIP_Tree::divebdchgdirs[2]

arrays to hold the directions for diving

Definition at line 204 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeAddDiveBoundChange(), and SCIPtreeGetDiveBoundChangeData().

◆ divebdchgvals

SCIP_Real* SCIP_Tree::divebdchgvals[2]

arrays to store bound change values for diving

Definition at line 205 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeAddDiveBoundChange(), and SCIPtreeGetDiveBoundChangeData().

◆ pathnlpcols

int* SCIP_Tree::pathnlpcols

array with number of LP columns for each problem in active path (except newly added columns of the focus node and the current probing node)

Definition at line 206 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), treeBacktrackProbing(), treeCheckPath(), treeCreateProbingNode(), treeEnsurePathMem(), and treeUpdatePathLPSize().

◆ pathnlprows

int* SCIP_Tree::pathnlprows

array with number of LP rows for each problem in active path (except newly added rows of the focus node and the current probing node)

Definition at line 208 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPconstructCurrentLP(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), treeBacktrackProbing(), treeCheckPath(), treeCreateProbingNode(), treeEnsurePathMem(), and treeUpdatePathLPSize().

◆ probinglpistate

SCIP_LPISTATE* SCIP_Tree::probinglpistate

LP state information before probing started

Definition at line 210 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ focuslpistate

SCIP_LPISTATE* SCIP_Tree::focuslpistate

LP state information of focus node

Definition at line 211 of file struct_tree.h.

◆ probinglpinorms

SCIP_LPINORMS* SCIP_Tree::probinglpinorms

LP pricing norms information before probing started

Definition at line 212 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ pendingbdchgs

SCIP_PENDINGBDCHG* SCIP_Tree::pendingbdchgs

array of pending bound changes, or NULL

Definition at line 213 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), treeAddPendingBdchg(), treeApplyPendingBdchgs(), and treeEnsurePendingbdchgsMem().

◆ probdiverelaxsol

SCIP_Real* SCIP_Tree::probdiverelaxsol

array with stored original relaxation solution during diving or probing

Definition at line 214 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeRestoreRelaxSol(), and SCIPtreeStoreRelaxSol().

◆ nprobdiverelaxsol

int SCIP_Tree::nprobdiverelaxsol

size of probdiverelaxsol

Definition at line 215 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeStoreRelaxSol().

◆ focuslpstateforklpcount

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Tree::focuslpstateforklpcount

LP number of last solved LP in current LP state fork, or -1 if unknown

Definition at line 216 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by nodeRepropagate(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeClear(), and SCIPtreeLoadLPState().

◆ lastbranchparentid

SCIP_Longint SCIP_Tree::lastbranchparentid

last node id/number of branching parent

Definition at line 217 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPnodeCreateChild(), and SCIPtreeWasNodeLastBranchParent().

◆ divebdchgsize

int SCIP_Tree::divebdchgsize[2]

holds the two sizes of the dive bound change information

Definition at line 218 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeAddDiveBoundChange().

◆ ndivebdchanges

int SCIP_Tree::ndivebdchanges[2]

current number of stored dive bound changes for the next depth

Definition at line 219 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeAddDiveBoundChange(), SCIPtreeClearDiveBoundChanges(), and SCIPtreeGetDiveBoundChangeData().

◆ pendingbdchgssize

int SCIP_Tree::pendingbdchgssize

size of pendingbdchgs array

Definition at line 220 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by treeEnsurePendingbdchgsMem().

◆ npendingbdchgs

int SCIP_Tree::npendingbdchgs

number of pending bound changes

Definition at line 221 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), treeAddPendingBdchg(), and treeApplyPendingBdchgs().

◆ childrensize

int SCIP_Tree::childrensize

available slots in children vector

Definition at line 222 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by treeChildrenToSiblings(), and treeEnsureChildrenMem().

◆ nchildren

◆ siblingssize

int SCIP_Tree::siblingssize

available slots in siblings vector

Definition at line 224 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by treeChildrenToSiblings().

◆ nsiblings

◆ pathlen

◆ pathsize

int SCIP_Tree::pathsize

number of available slots in path arrays

Definition at line 227 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by treeEnsurePathMem().

◆ effectiverootdepth

◆ appliedeffectiverootdepth

int SCIP_Tree::appliedeffectiverootdepth

the effective root depth which was already enforced (that is constraint and bound changes were made global)

Definition at line 229 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), and treeSwitchPath().

◆ correctlpdepth

int SCIP_Tree::correctlpdepth

depth to which current LP data corresponds to LP data of active path

Definition at line 230 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPconstructCurrentLP(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), and SCIPtreeLoadLPState().

◆ cutoffdepth

int SCIP_Tree::cutoffdepth

depth of first node in active path that is marked being cutoff

Definition at line 231 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by propagationRound(), propAndSolve(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPtreeClear(), treeApplyPendingBdchgs(), treeBacktrackProbing(), treeFindSwitchForks(), and updateLoopStatus().

◆ repropdepth

int SCIP_Tree::repropdepth

depth of first node in active path that has to be propagated again

Definition at line 232 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPnodeMarkPropagated(), SCIPnodePropagateAgain(), SCIPtreeClear(), treeBacktrackProbing(), and treeFindSwitchForks().

◆ repropsubtreecount

int SCIP_Tree::repropsubtreecount

cyclicly increased counter to create markers for subtree repropagation

Definition at line 233 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by nodeRepropagate(), SCIPtreeClear(), and treeNextRepropsubtreecount().

◆ probingsumchgdobjs

int SCIP_Tree::probingsumchgdobjs

number of changed objective coefficients in all probing nodes

Definition at line 234 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeStartProbing(), and treeBacktrackProbing().

◆ focusnodehaslp

◆ probingnodehaslp

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probingnodehaslp

was the LP solved (at least once) in the current probing node?

Definition at line 236 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeHasCurrentNodeLP(), SCIPtreeMarkProbingNodeHasLP(), and treeCreateProbingNode().

◆ focuslpconstructed

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::focuslpconstructed

◆ cutoffdelayed

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::cutoffdelayed

the treeCutoff() call was delayed because of diving and has to be executed

Definition at line 238 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPtreeClear(), and SCIPtreeCutoff().

◆ probinglpwasflushed

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwasflushed

was the LP flushed before we entered the probing mode?

Definition at line 239 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probinglpwassolved

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwassolved

was the LP solved before we entered the probing mode?

Definition at line 240 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probingloadlpistate

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probingloadlpistate

must the LP state be reloaded because of a backtrack in probing?

Definition at line 241 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), SCIPtreeSetProbingLPState(), SCIPtreeStartProbing(), and treeBacktrackProbing().

◆ probinglpwasrelax

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwasrelax

was the LP a valid relaxation before we entered the probing mode?

Definition at line 242 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probingsolvedlp

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probingsolvedlp

was the LP solved during probing mode, i.e., was SCIPsolveProbingLP() called?

Definition at line 243 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ forcinglpmessage

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::forcinglpmessage

was forcing LP solving message be posted

Definition at line 244 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by solveNode().

◆ probingobjchanged

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probingobjchanged

was the objective function changed during probing?

Definition at line 245 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeMarkProbingObjChanged(), SCIPtreeProbingObjChanged(), SCIPtreeStartProbing(), and treeBacktrackProbing().

◆ sbprobing

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::sbprobing

is the probing mode used for strong branching?

Definition at line 246 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by propagationRound(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probinglpwasprimfeas

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwasprimfeas

primal feasibility when probing started

Definition at line 247 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probinglpwasprimchecked

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwasprimchecked

primal feasibility has been checked when probing started

Definition at line 248 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probinglpwasdualfeas

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwasdualfeas

dual feasibility when probing started

Definition at line 249 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probinglpwasdualchecked

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probinglpwasdualchecked

dual feasibility has been check when probing started

Definition at line 250 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeLoadProbingLPState(), and SCIPtreeStartProbing().

◆ probdiverelaxstored

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probdiverelaxstored

was a relax solution stored before diving or probing ?

Definition at line 251 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeRestoreRelaxSol(), and SCIPtreeStoreRelaxSol().

◆ probdiverelaxincludeslp

SCIP_Bool SCIP_Tree::probdiverelaxincludeslp

did the stored relaxation solution include all lp cuts ?

Definition at line 252 of file struct_tree.h.

Referenced by SCIPtreeRestoreRelaxSol(), and SCIPtreeStoreRelaxSol().