

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

type_nlhdlr.h File Reference

Detailed Description

type definitions related to nonlinear handlers of nonlinear constraints

Ksenia Bestuzheva
Benjamin Mueller
Felipe Serrano
Stefan Vigerske

This file defines the interface for nonlinear handlers.

Definition in file type_nlhdlr.h.

#include "scip/type_expr.h"
#include "scip/type_cons.h"
#include "scip/type_misc.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




typedef unsigned int SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD
typedef struct SCIP_Nlhdlr SCIP_NLHDLR
typedef struct SCIP_NlhdlrData SCIP_NLHDLRDATA
typedef struct SCIP_NlhdlrExprData SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA

Macro Definition Documentation



no enforcement

Definition at line 50 of file type_nlhdlr.h.



separation for expr <= auxvar, thus might estimate expr from below

Definition at line 51 of file type_nlhdlr.h.



separation for expr >= auxvar, thus might estimate expr from above

Definition at line 52 of file type_nlhdlr.h.



separation for expr == auxvar

Definition at line 53 of file type_nlhdlr.h.



activity computation (interval evaluation) and propagation (reverse propagation)

Definition at line 54 of file type_nlhdlr.h.



all enforcement methods

Definition at line 55 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* targetscip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* targetconshdlr, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* sourceconshdlr, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* sourcenlhdlr)
Definition: circlepacking.c:63
Definition: type_retcode.h:63

nonlinear handler copy callback

The method includes the nonlinear handler into a nonlinear constraint handler.

This method is usually called when doing a copy of a nonlinear constraint handler.

[in]targetsciptarget SCIP main data structure
[in]targetconshdlrtarget nonlinear constraint handler
[out]sourceconshdlrnonlinear constraint handler in source SCIP
[out]sourcenlhdlrnonlinear handler in source SCIP

Definition at line 70 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_NLHDLRDATA** nlhdlrdata)
Definition: type_nlhdlr.h:452

callback to free data of handler

[in]scipSCIP data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrdatanonlinear handler data to be freed

Definition at line 82 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA** nlhdlrexprdata)
Definition: type_nlhdlr.h:453

callback to free expression specific data

[in]scipSCIP data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdatanonlinear handler expression data to be freed

Definition at line 94 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr)

callback to be called in initialization (called after problem was transformed)

[in]scipSCIP data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler

Definition at line 105 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr)

callback to be called in deinitialization (called before transformed problem is freed)

[in]scipSCIP data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler

Definition at line 114 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_CONS* cons, \
SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD* enforcing, \
SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD* participating, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA** nlhdlrexprdata)
Definition: type_nlhdlr.h:57

callback to detect structure in expression

The nonlinear handler shall analyze the current expression and decide whether it wants to contribute in enforcing the relation between this expression (expr) and its descendants (e.g., children) via linear under- or overestimation, cut generation, and/or activity computation and propagation. For linear under- or overestimation and cut generation, an auxiliary variable (auxvar) can be assumed to be associated with expr and auxiliary variables may be requested in descendant expressions.

We distinguish the following enforcement methods:

On input, parameter enforcing indicates for any of these methods, whether

  • it is not necessary to have such a method, e.g., because no auxvar will exist for expr, or no one uses or sets activities of this expression, or because analysis of the expression has shown that a relation like exprauxvar is not necessary to be satisfied,
  • or there already exists a nonlinear handler that will provide this method in an "enforcement" sense, that is, it believes that no one else could provide this method in a stronger sense. (This is mainly used by nlhdlr_default to check whether it should still reach out to the exprhdlr or whether it would be dominated by some nonlinear handler.)

The DETECT callback shall augment the enforcing bitmask by setting the enforcement methods it wants to provide in an "enforcement" sense.

Additionally, the participating bitmask shall be set if the nonlinear handler wants to be called on this expression at all. Here, it shall set all methods that it wants to provide, which are those set in enforcing, but additionally those where it wants to participate but leave enforcement to another nonlinear handler. This can be useful for nonlinear handlers that do not implement a complete enforcement, e.g., a handler that only contributes cutting planes in some situations only.

A nonlinear handler will be called only for those callbacks that it mentioned in participating, which is

If SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_SEPABELOW or SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_SEPAABOVE has been set, then at least one of the callbacks ENFO and ESTIMATE needs to be implemented. Also EVALAUX will be called in this case. If SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_ACTIVITY has been set, then at least one of INTEVAL and REVERSEPROP needs to be implemented. If the nonlinear handler chooses not to participate, then it must not set nlhdlrexprdata and can leave participating at its initial value (SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_NONE).

Additionally, a nonlinear handler that decides to participate in any of the enforcement methods must call SCIPregisterExprUsageNonlinear() for every subexpression that it will use and indicate whether

  • it will use an auxiliary variable in ENFO or ESTIMATE,
  • it will use activity for some subexpressions when computing estimators or cuts, and
  • it will use activity for some subexpressions when in INTEVAL or REVERSEPROP.
Auxiliary variables do not exist in subexpressions during DETECT and are not created by a call to SCIPregisterExprUsageNonlinear(). They will be available when the INITSEPA callback is called.
[in]scipSCIP data structure
[in]conshdlrnonlinear constraint handler
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]exprexpression to analyze
[in]consthe constraint that expression defines, or NULL when the expr does not define any constraint, that is, when it is not the root of an expression of a constraint
[in,out]enforcingenforcement methods that are provided by some nonlinear handler (to be updated by detect callback)
[out]participatingenforcement methods that this nonlinear handler should be called for (to be set by detect callback), initialized to SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_NONE
[out]nlhdlrexprdatanlhdlr's expr data to be stored in expr, can only be set to non-NULL if success is set to TRUE

Definition at line 177 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_Real* auxvalue, \
SCIP_SOL* sol)
#define SCIP_Real
Definition: def.h:173

auxiliary evaluation callback of nonlinear handler

Evaluates the expression w.r.t. the auxiliary variables that were introduced by the nonlinear handler (if any). The method is used to determine the violation of the relation that the nonlinear handler attempts to enforce. During enforcement, this violation value is used to decide whether estimation/separation callbacks should be called.

It can be assumed that the expression itself has been evaluated in the given sol.

[in]scipSCIP data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]exprexpression to evaluate
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexpression specific data of the nonlinear handler
[out]auxvaluebuffer to store value of expression w.r.t. auxiliary variables
[in]solpoint to evaluate

Definition at line 202 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_INTERVAL* interval, \
void* intevalvardata)
Definition: type_expr.h:163

nonlinear handler interval evaluation (activity computation) callback

The method computes an interval that contains the image (range) of the expression.

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexpression specific data of the nonlinear handler
[in,out]intervalbuffer where to store interval (on input: current interval for expr, on output: computed interval for expr)
[in]intevalvarcallback to be called when interval evaluating a variable
[in]intevalvardatadata to be passed to intevalvar callback

Definition at line 222 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_Bool* infeasible, \
int* nreductions)
#define SCIP_Bool
Definition: def.h:91

nonlinear handler callback for reverse propagation

The method propagates the given bounds over the arguments of an expression. The arguments of an expression are other expressions and the tighter intervals should be passed to the corresponding argument (expression) via SCIPtightenExprIntervalNonlinear().

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]conshdlrnonlinear constraint handler
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexpression specific data of the nonlinear handler
[in]boundsthe bounds on the expression that should be propagated
[out]infeasiblebuffer to store whether an expression's bounds were propagated to an empty interval
[out]nreductionsbuffer to store the number of interval reductions of all children

Definition at line 246 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr, \
SCIP_CONS* cons, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_Bool overestimate, \
SCIP_Bool underestimate, \
SCIP_Bool* infeasible)

separation initialization method of a nonlinear handler (called during CONSINITLP)

The method shall initialize the separation data of the nonlinear handler, if any, and add initial cuts to the LP relaxation.

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]conshdlrnonlinear constraint handler
[in]consnonlinear constraint
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexprdata of nonlinear handler
[in]overestimatewhether the expression needs to be overestimated
[in]underestimatewhether the expression needs to be underestimated
[out]infeasiblebuffer to store whether infeasibility was detected while building the LP

Definition at line 270 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata)

separation deinitialization method of a nonlinear handler (called during CONSEXITSOL)

The method shall deinitialize the separation data of the nonlinear handler, if any.

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexprdata of nonlinear handler

Definition at line 290 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr, \
SCIP_CONS* cons, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_SOL* sol, \
SCIP_Real auxvalue, \
SCIP_Bool overestimate, \
SCIP_Bool allowweakcuts, \
SCIP_Bool separated, \
SCIP_Bool addbranchscores, \
SCIP_Bool branchcandonly, \
SCIP_RESULT* result)
Definition: type_result.h:61

nonlinear handler separation and enforcement callback

The method tries to separate the given solution from the set defined by either

  expr - auxvar <= 0 (if !overestimate)


  expr - auxvar >= 0 (if  overestimate),

where auxvar = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(expr).

It can do so by

  • separation, i.e., finding an affine hyperplane (a cut) that separates the given point,
  • bound tightening, i.e., changing bounds on a variable so that the given point is outside the updated domain,
  • adding branching scores to potentially split the current problem into 2 subproblems

If parameter inenforcement is FALSE, then only the first option (separation) is allowed.

If the nonlinear handler always separates by computing a linear under- or overestimator of expr, then it could be advantageous to implement the ESTIMATE callback instead.

Note, that the nonlinear handler may also choose to separate for a relaxation of the mentioned sets, e.g., expr ≤ upperbound(auxvar) or expr ≥ lowerbound(auxvar). This is especially useful in situations where expr is the root expression of a constraint and it is sufficient to satisfy lhsexprrhs. cons_nonlinear ensures that lhs ≤ lowerbound(auxvar) and upperbound(auxvar) ≤ rhs.

cons_nonlinear may call this callback first with allowweakcuts = FALSE and repeat later with allowweakcuts = TRUE, if it didn't succeed to enforce a solution without using weak cuts. If in enforcement and the nonlinear handler cannot enforce by separation or bound tightening, it should register branching scores for those expressions where branching may help to compute tighter cuts in children. If branchcandonly, then cons_nonlinear is interested in collecting potential branching candidates only (in order to decide whether to enforce nonlinear constraints before integrality). Therefore, in this situation, the nlhdlr should not do anything if it normally (branchcandonly=FALSE) were to separate or tighten bounds. (Since in the normal mode it will only add branching candidates if it does no separation/tightening.) In other words, with branchcandonly = TRUE, the nlhdlr should follow the same logic as for branchcandonly = FALSE, but skip the addition of cuts or bound tightenings.

The nonlinear handler must set result to SCIP_SEPARATED if it added a cut, to SCIP_REDUCEDDOM if it added a bound change, to SCIP_CUTOFF if it found the current node infeasible, and to SCIP_BRANCHED if it added branching scores. Otherwise, it may set result to SCIP_DIDNOTRUN or SCIP_DIDNOTFIND. If branchcandonly, then SCIP_SEPARATED and SCIP_REDUCEDDOM are not allowed.

Parameter cons gives the constraint that is currently enforced. Note that expr does not need to be the root of this constraint, i.e., SCIPgetExprNonlinear(cons)==expr may not hold. If an expression appears in several constraints, it is not well defined which constraint is given in cons. The main purpose of cons is to provide a constraint source for LP rows that are added in this callback.

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]conshdlrnonlinear constraint handler
[in]consnonlinear constraint that is currently enforced
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexpression specific data of the nonlinear handler
[in]solsolution to be separated (NULL for the LP solution)
[in]auxvaluecurrent value of expression w.r.t. auxiliary variables as obtained from EVALAUX
[in]overestimatewhether the expression needs to be over- or underestimated
[in]allowweakcutswhether we should only look for "strong" cuts, or anything that separates is fine
[in]separatedwhether another nonlinear handler already added a cut for this expression
[in]inenforcementwhether we are in enforcement, or only in separation
[in]branchcandonlywhether to generate branching candidates only (no separation or propagation; detecting infeasibility is ok)
[out]resultpointer to store the result

Definition at line 362 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_SOL* sol, \
SCIP_Real auxvalue, \
SCIP_Bool overestimate, \
SCIP_Real targetvalue, \
SCIP_Bool addbranchscores, \
SCIP_PTRARRAY* rowpreps, \
SCIP_Bool* success, \
SCIP_Bool* addedbranchscores)

nonlinear handler under/overestimation callback

The method tries to compute linear under- or overestimators of expr that are as tight as possible at a given point. Note that the cons_nonlinear handler adds an auxvar into a rowprep automatically after this callback. Therefore, the rowprep should only store the estimator in this callback. If the value of the estimator in the solution is smaller (larger) than targetvalue when underestimating (overestimating), then no estimator needs to be computed. Note, that targetvalue can be infinite if any estimator will be accepted. If successful, it shall store the estimators in the given rowpreps data structure and set the rowprep->local flag accordingly (SCIProwprepSetLocal()). The sidetype of a rowprep must be set to SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT if overestimating and SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT if underestimating.

If the callback is required to indicate for which expression a reduction in the local bounds (usually by branching) would improve the estimator, it shall do so via calls to SCIPaddExprsViolScoreNonlinear().

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]conshdlrconstraint handler
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexpression data of nonlinear handler
[in]solsolution at which to estimate (NULL for the LP solution)
[in]auxvaluecurrent value of expression w.r.t. auxiliary variables as obtained from EVALAUX
[in]overestimatewhether the expression needs to be over- or underestimated
[in]targetvaluea value the estimator shall exceed, can be +/-infinity
[in]addbranchscoresindicates whether to register branching scores
[out]rowprepsan array where to store the estimators
[out]successbuffer to indicate whether an estimator could be computed
[out]addedbranchscoresbuffer to store whether the branching score callback was successful

Definition at line 408 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


SCIP* scip, \
SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr, \
SCIP_CONS* cons, \
SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr, \
SCIP_EXPR* expr, \
SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata, \
SCIP_SOL* sol, \
SCIP_Bool solisbest, \
SCIP_Bool overestimate, \
SCIP_Bool underestimate)

nonlinear handler solution linearization callback

The callback is called when a new feasible solution has been found. The nonlinear handler may add tight estimates on its nonlinear function to the cut pool of SCIP.

[in]scipSCIP main data structure
[in]conshdlrconstraint handler
[in]consa nonlinear constraint which includes expression
[in]nlhdlrnonlinear handler
[in]nlhdlrexprdataexpression data of nonlinear handler
[in]solsolution that has been found
[in]solisbestwhether solution is new best solution (incumbent)
[in]overestimatewhether the expression needs is overestimated by the nlhdlr
[in]underestimatewhether the expression needs is underestimated by the nlhdlr

Definition at line 439 of file type_nlhdlr.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef unsigned int SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD

nlhdlr methods bitflags

Definition at line 57 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


typedef struct SCIP_Nlhdlr SCIP_NLHDLR

nonlinear handler

Definition at line 451 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


typedef struct SCIP_NlhdlrData SCIP_NLHDLRDATA

nonlinear handler data

Definition at line 452 of file type_nlhdlr.h.


typedef struct SCIP_NlhdlrExprData SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA

nonlinear handler data for a specific expression

Definition at line 453 of file type_nlhdlr.h.