

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Release notes for SCIP 7

SCIP 7.0.3

Interface changes

New API functions

Changed API functions

  • added attribute((format(printf,,,))) to variadic SCIP message printing functions; this enables warnings about mismatches between format string and variadic function arguments if using GCC.

Interfaces to external software

  • removed MATLAB interface from interfaces/matlab

Build system

  • Compilation will now also work in a raw tarball of the scip git repository


  • Make find_package more verbose and require packages to be found. Now enabled packages that are not found result in an error.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed numerical bug by creating and checking the empty solution when problem vanishes in presolving.
  • Fixed several bugs in reoptimization.
  • Fixed bug in cons_bounddisjunction in which a constraint leads to a cutoff.
  • Fixed bug in reoptimization by avoiding redundant literals for bound disjunctions.
  • Replace wrong usage of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR by PROJECT_BINARY_DIR in CMake system
  • Fixed lpi_glop to use absl flag instead of GFlags
  • Fixed invalid initialization of limits/softtime parameter in cons_components
  • Fixed MIN macro not defined in some cases.
  • Safeguard some API methods for querying solving statistics against segmentation faults after SCIPpresolve()
  • Fixed unfreed solution in concurrent solving
  • Make sure that logicor constraints are enforced/separated if genlogicor is true in cons_indicator. Thus, do not change constraints/logicor/sepafreq anymore, but output warning.
  • Fixed assert that assumed infeasibility cannot occur in presol_boundshift.
  • Fixed sign bug during creation of conflict constraints with almost zero left-hand side.
  • Disabled call of conflict handler for conflict sets that contain relaxation-only variables.
  • Fixed bug in cons_symresack by initializing all constraint data in constrans
  • Avoid allowing the upgrade of linear constraints corresponding to indicators in propagation of nodes.
  • Fixed bug in computing lex. min/max faces in dynamic orbitope propagation.
  • Limit vbounds propagator to one sweep through all bounds per call in order to avoid an infinite loop.
  • Fixed mismatches between formatter strings and arguments in calls to SCIP message printing functions.


  • To avoid performance variablity during reoptimization, the active constraints are now stored in the same order as in the original problem.
  • Added workaround for bug in MSVS 2019 when compiling CppAD source.
  • The original order of variables is now only restored after presolve if randomization/permutevars is set to FALSE.

SCIP 7.0.2


  • Extended check for valid variable and constraint names in PIP writer.
  • Indicator constraints now write the name of the linear constraint in CIP format. This avoids a complicated name matching during parsing. The old format is still supported.
  • The objective scale and offset are now taken into account when reading/writing problems in lp/mps/fzn/pip format. This often changes the behavior when writing transformed problems.

Performance improvements

Examples and applications

  • Add c++ Sudoku example

Interface changes

Deleted and changed API methods

New API functions

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed a sign bug occuring for some cases in the computation of the directed cutoff distance
  • Fixed overflow in inference information of cumulative constraint handler
  • Fixed problem with propfreq == 0 in cons_linear.c
  • Fixed aggregation heuristic in sepa_aggregation.c to not use local rows when that is requested nor modifiable rows
  • Fixed problem with incompatibility of symmetry handling in Benders decomposition
  • Fixed parsing of small number in CIP format of nonlinear constraint
  • Fixed problem in upgrading full orbitopes to partitioning orbitopes
  • Fixed treatment of negated variables in parsing orbitope constraints
  • Fixed potential indexing error in prop_vbounds.c
  • Fixed bug in writing fzn format
  • Revert to old parameter value when parameter change is rejected in PARAMCHGD callback
  • Fixed order of linker flags when building AMPL interface with cmake system.
  • Fixed bug with ofsymcomptiming == 0: now symmetry is actually computed
  • Improved separation for SOC constraint with multiaggregated variable on right-hand-side.
  • Fixed bug in presol_boundshift: do not shift non-active variables
  • Fixed bug in domain propagation for SOC constraints with negative coefficient for variable on right-hand-side.
  • Fixed bug with multi-aggregated integer variables in cons_xor.
  • Fixed bug with changed number of variables in storing relaxation solution in probing/diving.
  • Fixed issues with scip statistics
  • Fixed issue with multi-aggregated variables
  • Fixed issue in with buffer memory in cons_cumulative

SCIP 7.0.1

Build system


  • Fixed cmake module for Ipopt to support Ipopt 3.13
  • Added cmake variable BLISS_LIBRARY_DIR to pass a bliss library
  • Added warning to require minimal GCC version 4.8
  • Renamed FindCriterion cmake findmodule to FindCRITERION


  • Updated make/make.project for macOS
  • Fixed GCC version check in make/make.linux.gnu.dbg

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed handling of constant term in quadratic objective of pip-reader
  • Fixed incorrect value string for parameter estimation/completiontype
  • Fixed initialization of first LP which led to wrong output about LPs not resolved correctly
  • Fixed bug in SCIPcutpoolClear() function not clearing internal datastructures properly
  • Fixed inability to set a value in a solution if it was within epsilon to the current value
  • Fixed problems for linking optimized code with debug library of SCIP (and vice versa) by moving debug-only members to end of SCIP structs


  • Variables that are marked as relaxation-only are no longer checked against debug solutions if they are captured by the transformed problem only.

SCIP 7.0.0


  • Using the parameter "propagating/symmetry/recomputerestart" one can now decide to recompute symmetries after a restart or not. Previously one could just turn off symmetry computation after a restart. If orbital fixing has found a reduction before the restart occured, symmetries have to be updated to ensure correctness. To this end, the user can decide via "propagating/symmetry/disableofrestart" whether orbital fixing is disabled or whether symmetries are recomputed.
  • extended relaxators statistics in solve statistics about information on number of cutoffs, improved bounds, etc.
  • extends SMPS file reader for the stochastic information, the sto files, to read a lower bound for the discrete scenarios. The lower bound is used when creating the auxiliary variables for Benders' decomposition.
  • extended Benders framework to solve NLPs and generate optimality and feasibility cuts from their solution when the subproblem is convex nonlinear.
  • extended Benders framework to create copies of Benders decompositions that can be used in a multithreading environment
  • additional functionality has been added to enable the transfer of Benders' decomposition cuts between different SCIP instances, e.g., when used in UG
  • LP rows (SCIP_ROW) can now store pointer to a constraint from which the row originates
  • Trust region, a new LNS heuristic, has been added to SCIP as both a standalone primal heuristic heur_trustregion.c and as a neighborhood inside of Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (heur_alns.c). This heuristic is designed to improve the heuristic performance of the Benders' decomposition algorithm. It builds upon the successful trust region approaches applied to Benders' decomposition.
  • Modularity of symmetry handling has been increased. It is now possible to use orbitopes (i.e., polyhedral symmetry handling techniques) and orbital fixing on the same instance.
  • cut strengthening enabled within the Benders' decomposition framework. This uses a mix of the Improved Magnanti-Wong method and Kelly's method. The cut strengthening is enabled by setting the paramemter "benders/<bendersname>/cutstrengthenenabled" to TRUE. The parameters "cutstrengthenmult", "noimprovelimit" and "corepointperturb" control the behavior of the cut strengthening method. Additionally, the parameter "cutstrengthenintpoint" allows the user to specify the solution that is used to initialize the core point. The options are the first LP solution, the first integer feasible solution, a relative interior point, a solution vector of all ones and a solution vector of all zeros. Also, the core point can be reinitialized after each update to the incumbent solution.
  • added option to adjust weights of different scores in relpscost (hybrid) branching rule based on degeneracy information and skip strong branching for very high degeneracy rates
  • added new SCIP_DECOMP* object to store user decompositions. The user can specify one or several decompositions by assigning variable and/or constraint labels either through the API or by reading a file in DEC format (which is one of the formats that GCG writes). This format specifies constraint labels, variable labels are inferred from that. The decomposition is transformed after presolving.
  • statistics regarding the number of blocks, the largest and smallest blocks, the border, and the constraint graph are printed for the original decomposition, and for each decomposition after presolving.
  • the decomposition can be used as initial decomposition for the Benders functionality of SCIP.
  • new subsection "How to provide a problem decomposition" in the SCIP documentation
  • GINS heuristic can make use of a user-provided decomposition labels in two ways:
    1. by selecting a block of variables that maximizes the potential, and randomly selecting a start variable for the neighborhood and/or
    2. by selecting an interval of consecutive blocks as neighborhood, until fixing rate is reached. In this case, no variable is randomly selected.
  • extend potential parameter of GINS to allow computation based on local LP solution, as well
  • new primal heuristic Adaptive Diving, which registers all publicly available dive sets from other diving heuristics. At each call, it selects one of the available dive sets based on the user's score type choice (heuristics/adaptivediving/scoretype). During the solution process, the heuristics learns online which divesets reach the best score, and executes them more frequently. The statistic output for Diving heuristics has been extended to incorporate the statistics of each dive set within Adaptive diving.
  • Added new penalty alternating direction method (PADM) primal heuristic that splits the problem into several sub-SCIPs according to a user-provided decomposition. The sub-SCIPs are solved on an alternating basis until a feasible solution of the original problem is found.
  • Symmetry handling constraints (cons_orbisack, cons_orbitope, cons_symresack) now have an additional parameter to encode whether they are model constraints, i.e., define the problem, or whether they are only present to handle symmetries.
  • The symmetry code has been completely restructured. The presolvers presol_symbreak and presol_symmetry as well as the propagator prop_orbitalfixing have been merged into the single propagator prop_symmetry to avoid storing the same information multiple times. This propagator is now responsible for adding symmetry handling constraints as well as activating orbital fixing. Moreover, the new file symmetry.c contains general functions for symmetry computations like orbit computations.
  • Variables can now be marked as "relaxation-only". This flag should be used to introduce new variables that are required to define a relaxation, but that are not part of any checked constraints. Essentially, these variables should only be used in the current SCIP solve and disregarded after a restart or in SCIP copies. Hence, these variables are not copied by SCIPcopy and SCIPgetVarCopy, they are currently not used in conflict constraints, and cuts involving them are not upgraded to linear constraints. Relaxation-only variables cannot appear in the objective function.
  • The OSiL reader now supports nonlinear expressions of type "signpower".
  • Expressions of form abs(x)^p * x in a nonlinear constraint are now sometimes recognized and handled by abspower constraints.
  • If polyhedral symmetry handling methods are used (cons_orbisack, cons_orbitope, cons_symresack), it is now possible to recompute symmetries if a restart occured.
  • upgrade some more quadratic constraints to second-order cone constraints, that is, handle linear binary variables as if squared in simple upgrade and do not require bounds for variables that have a zero entry in the computed eigenvectors in the non-simple upgrade
  • new variable event when changing the variable type
  • It is no longer necessary to provide a SCIP pointer for the subproblem in SCIPaddBendersSubproblem if custom solving methods are defined. A NULL pointer can be supplied to SCIPaddBendersSubproblem. In this case, no internal Benders' cut generation methods can be used.
  • Using the parameter "constraints/symresack/checkmonotonicity" one can now decide to upgrade to packing/partitioning symresacks even if the underlying permutation is not monotone.
  • New branching rule vanillafullstrong, mostly for scientific purpose, with the following features: 1) no cutoff or domain reduction: only branching; 2) idempotent (optional): leave SCIP, as much as possible, in the same state before / after the strong branching calls
    • basically, do not update any statistic; 3) donotbranch (optional): do no perform branching. So that the brancher can be called as an oracle only (on which variable would you branch ? But do not branch please); 4) scoreall (optional): keep scoring variables, even if infeasibility is detected; 5) collectscores (optional): store the candidate scores from the last call, which can then be retrieved by calling SCIPgetVanillafullstrongData(); 6) integralcands (optional): consider integral candidates for branching, i.e., get candidates from SCIPgetPseudoBranchCands() instead of SCIPgetLPBranchCands().
  • If a reference value (misc/referencevalue) is given, the primal-reference and reference-dual integrals are calculated automatically and printed within the SCIP statistics.
  • Locally valid cuts / rows are now considered for dual proof analysis when conflict/uselocalrows is set to TRUE.
  • Linking variables in the linking constraint handler (cons_linking.{ch}) can now be integer or continuous. The coefficients of the binary variables are therefore now stored as SCIP_Real.
  • To save memory, it is now possible to remove all variables from the internal symmetry data structures that are not affected by any symmetry.
  • Allow to filter first variables from orbits and transfer pseudo cost information to variables in orbit
  • Add integration of external MILP presolve library as a SCIP presolver plugin that runs on MILP problems
  • Parallelisation can be used when applying Benders' decomposition. There are two different forms of parallelisation available. The first is applying Benders' decomposition within a parallel branch-and-bound. This is achieved through the integration with the UG framework. The second is the use of shared memory parallelisation for solving the Benders' decomposition subproblems. A priority queue has been added to help with load balancing.
  • The Benders' decomposition framework can handle MINLPs. If a convex relaxation of the MINLP exists, then this is solved to generate optimality and feasibility cuts. The extensions to the framework are:
    • New generic solving methods to solve convex NLP subproblems.
    • Modification to benderscut_opt and benderscut_feas to enable the generation of cuts from convex NLPs.
    • Addition of benderscut_feasalt to generate feasibility cuts from an alternative subproblem that minimises the violation of infeasible problems.
    • Better handling of subproblem solution results
  • Adds a feasibility phase to the Benders' decomposition subproblem solving methods. The feasibility phase adds slack variables to each of the constraints to ensure feasibility of the subproblem. A large coefficient is given to these slack variables in the objective function to penalise constraint violations. The coefficients are progressively increased until all slack variables take the value 0.0.
  • Improved convexity check for Benders' decomposition subproblems. The constraints of the subproblem are now checked for convexity in the initialisation of the Benders' decomposition algorithm. This enables the solving of convex NLPs as Benders' decomposition subproblems.
  • Benders' decomposition can be applied using decomposition supplied in the DEC format. To apply Benders' decomposition the parameters decomposition/benderslabels and decomposition/applybenders must be set to TRUE.
  • new event handler event_estim.c/h that approximates search tree completion and estimates tree size to trigger restarts; many approximations of search tree completion and estimation, including WBE, SSG, and tree profile method
  • new display column that reports approx. search tree completion during the search, and an overview in the statistics table
  • added resources (script, tutorial, test data) to adapt tree size estimation to user instances.
  • Orbital Fixing uses a list of variables that have been fixed globally since the computation of symmetries to filter symmetries. Previously, some plugins were disabled, which is not necessary anymore.
  • A new presolver "dualsparsify" was added. It tries to combine columns (i.e. variables) to cancel nonzero coefficients in the constraint matrix.
  • The presolver "tworowbnd" was implemented with better performance.
  • To be able to calculate better bounds for the dual variables, the presolver "dualinfer" was extended by the ability to perform convex combinations of continuous columns.
  • allow disabling of pricers during solving process
  • added emphasis setting for numerically challenging instances

Performance improvements

  • Extended cut presolving by removing variables that been fixed at their bounds
  • Improved branching point selection when branching on externals branching candidates. Instead of using exactly the LP solution, a point closer to the middle of the variables domain is chosen.
  • Matrix presolvers that do not work on incomplete matrices now skip matrix creation if unsupported constraint types are detected.
  • consLockBenders callback implemented to add down locks on the Benders' decomposition auxiliary variables and up and down locks per subproblem for all master problem variables. This allows the use of presolving and propagation with Benders' decomposition.
  • improved performance of orbital fixing in several ways: store permutations in transposed form to improve cache efficency; reverse order to speed up filtering of permutations; handle variables globally fixed to 1 in list; use event handler to catch global fixings; speed up orbit computations; change handling of restarts; use only permutations that can contribute to a variable's orbit;
  • allow rapid learning at local nodes
  • allow to recompute cut without using fractional values for sepa_cgmip
  • restrict the number of the clique table nonzeros relative to the number of problem nonzeros, which could be a performance bottleneck.
  • variable fixings of LP face heuristic are now computed earlier; subproblem creation is skipped if not enough variables are fixed.
  • Improved domcol presolver to not require a complete representation of all constraints in the matrix
  • performance improvement of adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic on merely continuous problems. The heuristic stops if presolving in the sub-SCIP fixes less than 50 % of the current target fixing rate over all variables (including continuous).
  • reduce memory usage in symmetry detection by a staggered allocation with decreasing overhead for larger instances
  • improved full orbitope propagation using a static implementation or a dynamic reordering of orbitope rows by a global rank function
  • improved detection of packing/partitioning orbitopes
  • enable an in-tree restart if after a reasonable initialization, the estimated size of the remaining tree is large.

Examples and applications

  • added methods to set and get hmin and hmax for optcumulative constraints

Interface changes

New and changed callbacks

  • new optional callback SCIP_DECL_DIVESETAVAILABLE to check preconditions for this dive set, e.g., if an incumbent solution is available, which is passed as new argument to SCIPcreateDiveset(). SCIPcreateDiveset() has another new parameter "ispublic".
  • new callback SCIP_DECL_CONSHDLRCOPY and SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY in cons_orbisack and cons_symresack
  • new idempotent argument to SCIPgetVarStrongbranchInt() and SCIPgetVarStrongbranchFrac(), so that statistics are not updated during the call. Likewise, new updatecol and updatestat arguments to SCIPcolGetStrongbranch().
  • callback SCIP_DECL_CONSHDLRENFOLP can now also return SCIP_SOLVELP as *result, which indicates to the SCIP core that the LP relaxation should be solved again because the primal feasibility tolerance of the LP has been tightened (using SCIPsetLPFeastol())
  • extension of SCIP_PQUEUE by a new callback SCIP_DECL_PQUEUEELEMCHGPOS to catch swaps as well as functionality to delete arbitrary elements from the priority queue.

Deleted and changed API methods

New API functions

  • new argument "onlyifcomplete" in SCIPmatrixCreate() to skip matrix creation right after detecting unsupported constraint types and new arguments to count statistics when doing a clean-up of inactive variables in the constraints before building the matrix
  • new argument "threadsafe" in SCIPcopy(), SCIPcopyConsCompression(), SCIPcopyOrig(), SCIPcopyOrigConsCompression and SCIPcopyBenders(). This argument must only be set to TRUE if the source and target SCIP instances are to be solved in parallel. Setting this argument to TRUE has a performance cost.
  • new argument "append" in SCIPsetModifiedDefaultSettingsIpopt()
  • functions SCIPclearRelaxSolVals(), SCIPsetRelaxSolVal(), SCIPsetRelaxSolVals(), SCIPsetRelaxSolValsSol(), and SCIPmarkRelaxSolValid() receive an additional argument "relax" to store the relaxation handler as creator of the relaxation solution.
  • LP:
  • new parameter "divecontext" for every method that queries statistics for a diveset. The context can be used to distinguish between the dive set as single (standalone) heuristic or within Adaptive Diving.
  • new parameters "divecontext" and "iterlim" to SCIPperformGenericDivingAlgorithm() to control in which context (single,adaptive) statistics are updated.
  • SCIPcopyVars, SCIPcopy, SCIPcopyConsCompression, and SCIPgetVarCopy do not copy variables that are marked as relaxation-only, thus it cannot be assumed anymore that each active variable from the master SCIP also has a counterpart in the copy. SCIPcopy, SCIPcopyConsCompression, and SCIPcopyConss can now return *valid=TRUE if some non-checked and non-enforced constraints were not copied, e.g., because they involved relaxation-only variables. Thus, a copy is already regarded as valid if all checked or enforced constraints were copied successfully.
  • linking constraint handler:
  • SCIPbendersCheckSubproblemOptimality() now returns a boolean indicating whether the subproblem is optimal or not. Previously this result was returned through a parameter. The change was required to facilitate the integration with the UG framework.
  • deleted SCIPcombineTwoInt(), SCIPcombineThreeInt(), SCIPcombineFourInt(); use the appropriate SCIPhashTwo(), ..., SCIPhashSeven() method instead
  • SCIPsetupBendersSubproblem takes a parameter of the enforcement type.
  • SCIPcreateNlpiProb takes a hashmap to store the map between the nlrows and the index in the nlrow array.

New API functions

Event system

  • new event type SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEDELETE to react on nodes that are about to be deleted from the tree

Changed parameters

  • renamed parameter "propagating/orbitalfixing/enableafterrestart" to ".../symmetry/recomputerestart"
  • Parameter "misc/allowdualreds" is now called "misc/allowstrongdualreds"
  • Parameter "misc/allowobjprop" is now called "misc/allowweakdualreds"
  • changed default values of propagation (new value: 1, old value: 5) and separation frequency (new value: -1, old value: 5) in cons_orbitope.c
  • all primal heuristics that use sub-SCIPs are disabled within the heuristics fast emphasis setting
  • deleted parameter heuristics/localbranching/useuct, use heuristics/useuctsubscip instead
  • changed default value of "presolving/symbreak/detectorbitopes" (new value: TRUE, old value: FALSE)
  • extended range of "misc/usesymmetry" (new range: [0,3], old range: [0,2])
  • deleted parameter "constraints/orbisack/checkalwaysfeas"
  • deleted parameter "constraints/orbitope/checkalwaysfeas"
  • deleted parameter "constraints/symresack/checkalwaysfeas"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symmetry/maxgenerators"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symmetry/checksymmetries"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symmetry/displaynorbitvars"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symbreak/conssaddlp"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symbreak/addsymresacks"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symbreak/computeorbits"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symbreak/detectorbitopes"
  • deleted parameter "presolving/symbreak/addconsstiming"
  • deleted parameter "propagating/orbitalfixing/symcomptiming"
  • deleted parameter "propagating/orbitalfixing/performpresolving"
  • deleted parameter "propagating/orbitalfixing/recomputerestart"
  • changed default value of "heuristics/coefdiving/freq" (old: 10, new: -1)
  • changed default value of "heuristics/conflictdiving/freq" (old: -1, new: 10)
  • changed default value of "heuristics/conflictdiving/lockweight" (old: 1.0, new: 0.75)
  • replaced parameter "numerics/lpfeastol" by "numerics/lpfeastolfactor" to specify which factor should be applied to the SCIP feasibility tolerance to initialize the primal feasibility tolerance of the LP solver
  • enabling aggressive presolving now activates all available presolving plugins, and decreases the presolving/restartfac parameter correctly with respect to default.
  • changed default value of heuristics/rins/nodesquot to 0.3 (was 0.1), to compensate the removal of a hard coded factor of 3.0 in the code without affecting the default behavior of the RINS heuristic.
  • changed default value of "constraints/quadratic/empathy4and" (old: 0, new: 2)
  • changed default value of "propagating/redcost/useimplics" (old: TRUE, new: FALSE)

New parameters

  • the possibility to define the Benders' decomposition auxiliary variables as implicit integer is provided. This behavior is controlled with an additional parameter in the Benders' decomposition framework.
  • added parameter benders/<bendersname>/cutcheck to enable the generation of Benders' decomposition cuts during solution checking.
  • constraints/orbitope/usedynamicprop: the possibility to propagate orbitope constraints by reordering the rows based on the branching strategy is provided (only possible for non-model constraints)
  • new parameters heuristics/shiftandpropagate/minfixingratelp and heuristics/locks/minfixingratelp to stop the heuristics after propagating integer fixings if no sufficient fixing of the all variables (including continuous) could be achieved. These parameters help to avoid solving LP's that are comparable in hardness to the main root LP.
  • Added parameters branching/midpull and branching/midpullreldomtrig to control by how much to move the branching point for an external branching candidate closer to the middle of the candidates domain. The default of 0.75 and 0.5, respectively, uses a point that is 75*alpha% closer to the middle of the domain, where alpha is the relative width of the candidates domain (width of local domain divided by width of global domain), if the latter is below 0.5, and alpha=1.0 otherwise. That is, with the default settings, a branching point is chosen closer to the middle of the candidates domain if the variables local domain is still similar to its global domain, but is chosen closer to the LP solution if the local domain is much smaller than the global domain.
  • Added parameter lp/minmarkowitz to set the Markowitz stability threshold (range 0.0001 to 0.9999). High values sacrifice performance for stability.
  • Added parameters benders/<bendersname>/lnsmaxcalls and benders/<bendersname>/lnsmaxcallsroot to the Benders' decomposition core. These parameters limit the number of Benders' decomposition subproblem checks, for the full branch-and-bound tree and root node respective, when solving the auxiliary problem of LNS hueristics. These parameters only have effect if the lnscheck parameter is set to TRUE.
  • Added parameter cons/linear/maxmultaggrquot to limit the maximum coefficient dynamism of an equation on which multiaggregation is performed. This replaces a compiler define of the same name. Default value is 1000, smaller values make multiaggregations numerically more stable.
  • new global parameter heuristics/useuctsubscip that affects all LNS heuristics using common sub-SCIP parameters
  • new parameter branching/relpscost/degeneracyaware to switch degeneracy-aware hybrid branching
  • new parameter separation/rapidlearning/checkexec to check whether rapid learning is allowed to run locally
  • new parameters separation/rapidlearning/check{degeneracy,dualbound,leaves,nsols,obj} to enable checking the respective feature for local rapid learning
  • new parameter separation/rapidlearning/maxcalls to limit the number of rapid learning executions
  • new parameter separation/rapidlearning/nwaitingnodes to set the number of waiting nodes before the dual bound is checked
  • new parameter separation/rapidlearning/mindegeneracy to set the minimal threshold of degenerate basic-variables
  • new parameters separation/rapidlearning/minvarconsratio to set the minimal ratio of unfixed variables in relation to basis size
  • new parameters to control the Benders' decomposition two-phase method.
    • constraints/benderslp/depthfreq: after the maxdepth is reached, then the two-phase method will only be called at nodes at a depth divisible by depthfreq.
    • constraints/benderslp/stalllimit: after the maxdepth is reached, if there has been no improvement in the dual bound for stalllimit number of nodes, then the two-phase method is executed for the next fractional LP solution that is encountered.
    • constraints/benderslp/iterlimit: after the root node, only iterlimit fractional LP solutions are used at each node to generate Benders' decomposition cuts.
  • new parameters for symmetry handling
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/maxgenerators"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/checksymmetries"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/displaynorbitvars"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/conssaddlp"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/addsymresacks"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/detectorbitopes"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/addconsstiming"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/ofsymcomptiming"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/performpresolving"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/recomputerestart"
    • new parameter "constraints/symresack/checkmonotonicity"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/compresssymmetries"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/compressthreshold"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/disableofrestart"
    • new parameter "propagating/symmetry/symfixnonbinaryvars"
  • new parameter for enabling shared memory parallelisation for solving Benders' decomposition subproblems. The parameter benders/<bendersname>/numthreads sets the number of threads used for parallel subproblem solving.
  • new parameters to control enhancements for solving MINLPs by Benders' decomposition
    • benders/<bendersname>/execfeasphase: enables the feasibility phase for solving the Benders' decomposition subproblems
    • benders/<bendersname>/slackvarcoef: the initial coefficient of the slack variable for the feasibility phase
    • benders/<bendersname>/checkconsconvexity: should the constraints be checked for convexity. This can be set to FALSE if you are certain that the NLP subproblem is convex.
  • new parameter presolving/clqtablefac (default value 2.0) as limit on number of entries in clique table relative to number of problem nonzeros
  • new parameter conflict/uselocalrows (default: TRUE) to incorporate locally valid cuts / rows for dual proof analysis
  • new return code SCIP_NOTIMPLEMENTED for functions, e.g., in the LPI that have not been implemented (yet)
  • new parameter separating/cgmip/genprimalsols that allows to generate initial primal solutions from Gomory cuts
  • new parameter branching/relpscost/filtercandssym to allow filtering from orbits
  • new parameter branching/relpscost/transsympscost to transfer pseudo cost information to orbit
  • new parameters for tree size estimation and restarts:
    • estimation/restarts/restartpolicy (default value n)
    • estimation/method (default value c)
    • estimation/restarts/restartlimit (default value 1)
    • estimation/restarts/minnodes (default value 1000)
    • estimation/restarts/countonlyleaves (default value FALSE)
    • estimation/restarts/restartfactor (default value 2)
    • estimation/coefmonoprog (default value 0.3667)
    • estimation/coefmonossg (default value 0.6333)
    • estimation/restarts/hitcounterlim (default value 50)
    • estimation/reportfreq (default value -1)
    • estimation/regforestfilename (default value "-")
    • estimation/completiontype (default value a)
    • estimation/treeprofile/enabled (default value FALSE)
    • estimation/treeprofile/minnodesperdepth (default value 20)
    • estimation/useleafts (default value TRUE)
    • estimation/ssg/nmaxsubtrees (default value -1)
    • estimation/ssg/nminnodeslastsplit (default value 0)
  • new parameter constraints/linear/extractcliques to turn clique extraction off
  • new emphasis setting emphasis/numerics to increase numerical stability of (mostly) presolving operations such as (multi-)aggregations at the cost of performance.
  • new parameters for treemodel:
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/enable to enable the treemodel in reliability pscost branching and possible future parts of the code where it could be used.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/highrule to specify which branching rule to use when treemodel thinks the node is high in the tree.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/lowrule to specify which branching rule to use when treemodel thinks the node is low in the tree.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/height to specify at which (estimated) height a node is high or low in the tree.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/filterhigh to specify whether to filter dominated candidates in nodes which are high in the tree.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/filterlow to specify whether to filter dominated candidates in nodes which are low in the tree.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/maxfpiter to specify the maximum number of fixed-point iterations to use when computing the ratio of a variable using the fixed-point method.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/maxsvtsheight to specify the maximum height to compute the SVTS score exactly before approximating it using the ratio.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/fallbackinf defines the fallback strategy to use when the tree size estimates obtained by SVTS are infinite.
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/fallbacknoprim defines the fallback strategy to use when no primal bound is known and thus SVTS would not be able to compute a tree size (it would be infinite).
    • new parameter branching/treemodel/smallpscost defines the value under which pscosts are considered too small to be the deciding factor for branching, in which case it may be better not to use the treemodel.
  • new parameters for symmetry handling constraint handlers to enforce that also non-model constraint are copied:
    • new parameter "constraints/orbisack/forceconscopy"
    • new parameter "constraints/orbitope/forceconscopy"
    • new parameter "constraints/symresack/forceconscopy"

Data structures

  • small changes in constants of hash functions
  • added fast 2-universal hash functions for two to seven 32bit elements with 32bit output
  • extended SCIPpqueueCreate() by additional callback argument SCIP_DECL_PQUEUEELEMCHGPOS to catch position changes
  • new methods SCIPpqueueDelPos() to delete elements at a specific position in the priority queue and SCIPpqueueFind() to find a specific position. It is recommended to track position changes using the new callback SCIP_DECL_PQUEUEELEMCHGPOS. In contrast, using SCIPpqueueFind() can be slow because it needs to compare the element it searches for with each slot in the queue.

Build system

  • The default value for DFLAGS in the non-cmake buildsystem has changed from -MM to -MMD. This will break the generation of depend.* files if that was done by a compiler call that relied on -MM. The new preferred way to handle compilation dependencies is to additionally use when compiling the object files (.o) and to include the generated .d files in the Makefile, see also "Build system / Makefile" below.

Unit tests

  • new unit test for treemodel.


  • fixed an issue that may have lead to wrong status reports in the evaluation scripts

Build system


  • avoid problem with doubly defined object together with CPLEX


  • Removed static object compilation dependency files (depend.*). If using a GCC compatible compiler, then dependency files are now dynamically created and updated during build. The new dependency files (*.d) reside next to each object file (.o) in the corresponding obj subdirectory.
  • added support for building against Ipopt >= 3.13
  • unify compiler switches for Intel compiler and avoid problem with doubly defined object together with CPLEX

Fixed bugs

  • fix and improve memory handling in symmetry computation
  • fix shown number of applied conflicts in solving statistics
  • fix wrongly skipping strong branching call and using old information if LP was solved with 0 iterations
  • fix minor bug in cut score calculation
  • fixed several bugs related to rounding locks of variables not being updated correctly
  • small fix in cons_varbound.c to skip changing bounds of multi-aggregated variables in separation callback
  • fixed issue in SCIPtightenVar* and SCIPinferVar* that occurs for small bound changes
  • fixed rejecting minimal boundchange that changed sign of variable, even though SCIPisLb/UbBetter approved it
  • fixed issue in generateCutNonConvex() which is triggered when adding quadratic constraints during the solving process
  • fixed bug in freeing the reoptimization data if no problem exists
  • fixed bug in SCIPreoptReleaseData() when freeing all stored constraints
  • fixed bug when freeing the transformed problem via interactive shell if reoptimization is enabled
  • fixed two issues related to (near-)redundant logicor constraints in presolving
  • fixed counting of aggregations in XOR constraint handler
  • fixed handling of unbounded solutions
  • fixed update of LP size information when an LP error occured during probing
  • handle special case of variable bound constraints during aggregating variables
  • tighten sides of linear constraints before trying to upgrade them to more specialized constraints (knapsack, logic-or etc.) when calling SCIPupgradeConsLinear()
  • fixed an issue in repair heuristic in the case of loose (noncolumn) variables
  • allow user to correctly set heuristics/alns/(un)fixtol
  • fixed an issue in heur_completesol which is triggered during bound widening of unbounded continuous variables
  • fixed bug in cons_indicator if addopposite is true
  • fixed bug in sepa_disjunctive: treat case that conflictgraph is empty
  • added safety check in conversion to rational number to avoid overflow
  • fixed bug in interval evaluation with power-operator in certain situations
  • fixed behavior of SCIPmatrixCreate() regarding memory management and column generation
  • SCIPmatrixCreate() returns complete=FALSE when locks do not add up
  • fixed bug in sepa_oddcylce when variables are fixed
  • fixed numerical issues related to tighter constraint sides in varbound constraint handler
  • fixed update of watchedvars in logicor constraint handler in case of a restart during the tree
  • fixed treatment of multi-aggregated variables in logicor constraint handler
  • handle special case of redundant implications
  • fixed numerical issue related to almost-0-values in pseudosolution conflict analysis
  • fixed numerical issue related to very large greatest common dividers in linear constraint handler
  • avoid using implications on multiaggregated variables when propagating implications
  • fixed creation of (Lagrangian) variable bounds in the OBBT propagator
  • fixed sorting of primal solutions
  • fixed cleaning of clean buffer in conflict analysis
  • avoid probing on variables with huge bounds in shift and propagate heuristic
  • fix issue in printing solutions for variables that have been added by the dual sparsify presolver
  • fix issue related to fixing redundant logic-or constraints after presolving
  • fixed bug when parsing logic-or and and-constraints
  • fixed wrong assert in updateLazyBounds()
  • fixed bug in pricestore, which resulted in too many problem variables being added
  • fixed bug in cons_knapsack where weight of clique was not reset after an infeasibility was detected
  • fixed bug in presol_inttobinary which did not take into account that the aggregation could be rejected due to numerics
  • fixed bug in debug solution mechanism in connection to variables created by presol_inttobinary
  • fixed wrong indexing while undoing the implications from a redundant variable in SCIPshrinkDisjunctiveVarSet
  • redundancy checks in SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer now take a possible change to an active variable into account
  • fixed adding already added quadratic rows to NLP relaxation during solve
  • fixed issue related to variable locks in the varbound constraint handler
  • fixed bug in the quadratic constraint handler when changing infinite constraint sides
  • fixed sorting of variables in linear constraint handler
  • added additional checks to ensure numerical stability of dual proofs
  • fixed a case when activities of a linear constraint got unreliable but where still used for reductions
  • ensure that lhs <= rhs for linear constraints (without tolerances)
  • make handling of read errors in SCIPfread() consistent between version with and without ZLIB
  • correctly drop variable events in cons_indicator in restart
  • fixed bug in cons_orbitope with upgrading of orbitope constraints
  • additional checks in some presolvers for time limit being exceeded
  • fixed bug in presolving of cons_varbound with multi-aggregated variables
  • improve numerics in conflict analysis by using double-double arithmetic
  • fixed bound acceptance condition to avoid inconsistencies
  • fixed numerics in pseudoobj propagator by using double-double arithmetic


  • modified display column for memory usage ("mem"), which reports the memory usage most of the time, but shows the creator name (heuristic, relaxation handler, LP relaxation, strong branching, pseudo solution) of every new incumbent solution. Together with this change, heuristic display characters have been unified to represent the type of the heuristic (diving, Large neighborhood search, propagation, etc.), see also type_heur.h.
  • added assert that ensures that the locks of a variable have been decreased to 0 when it is freed
  • added more output for completing a partial solution
  • checks in debug mode that clean buffer memory is really clean when being freed are now disabled by default
  • don't compute symmetries if reoptimization is enabled
  • prefer integral values when fixing an almost-fixed continuous variable in the trivial presolver
  • changed the name of the variable that is added by the OSiL reader to represent the quadratic or nonlinear parts of the objective function
  • SCIP_EXPORT is now defined as attribute((visibility("default"))) if GCC and no SCIP config header is used