

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

set.h File Reference

Detailed Description

internal methods for global SCIP settings

Tobias Achterberg
Timo Berthold

Definition in file set.h.

#include "scip/def.h"
#include "blockmemshell/memory.h"
#include "scip/type_bandit.h"
#include "scip/type_set.h"
#include "scip/type_stat.h"
#include "scip/type_clock.h"
#include "scip/type_paramset.h"
#include "scip/type_event.h"
#include "scip/type_scip.h"
#include "scip/type_branch.h"
#include "scip/type_conflict.h"
#include "scip/type_cons.h"
#include "scip/type_disp.h"
#include "scip/type_heur.h"
#include "scip/type_compr.h"
#include "scip/type_nodesel.h"
#include "scip/type_presol.h"
#include "scip/type_pricer.h"
#include "scip/type_reader.h"
#include "scip/type_relax.h"
#include "scip/type_sepa.h"
#include "scip/type_table.h"
#include "scip/type_prop.h"
#include "scip/type_benders.h"
#include "scip/struct_set.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SCIPsetAllocBuffer(set, ptr)   ( (BMSallocBufferMemory((set)->buffer, (ptr)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetAllocBufferSize(set, ptr, size)   ( (BMSallocBufferMemorySize((set)->buffer, (ptr), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, ptr, num)   ( (BMSallocBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetDuplicateBufferSize(set, ptr, source, size)   ( (BMSduplicateBufferMemory((set)->buffer, (ptr), (source), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetDuplicateBufferArray(set, ptr, source, num)   ( (BMSduplicateBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr), (source), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetReallocBufferSize(set, ptr, size)   ( (BMSreallocBufferMemorySize((set)->buffer, (ptr), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, ptr, num)   ( (BMSreallocBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetFreeBuffer(set, ptr)   BMSfreeBufferMemory((set)->buffer, (ptr))
#define SCIPsetFreeBufferSize(set, ptr)   BMSfreeBufferMemorySize((set)->buffer, (ptr))
#define SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, ptr)   BMSfreeBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr))
#define SCIPsetAllocCleanBuffer(set, ptr)   ( (BMSallocBufferMemory((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferSize(set, ptr, size)   ( (BMSallocBufferMemorySize((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferArray(set, ptr, num)   ( (BMSallocBufferMemoryArray((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )
#define SCIPsetFreeCleanBuffer(set, ptr)   BMSfreeBufferMemory((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr))
#define SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferSize(set, ptr)   BMSfreeBufferMemorySize((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr))
#define SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferArray(set, ptr)   BMSfreeBufferMemoryArray((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr))
#define SCIPsetDebugMsg   while ( FALSE ) SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint
#define SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint   while ( FALSE ) SCIPsetDebugMessagePrint


SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCopyPlugins (SCIP_SET *sourceset, SCIP_SET *targetset, SCIP_Bool copyreaders, SCIP_Bool copypricers, SCIP_Bool copyconshdlrs, SCIP_Bool copyconflicthdlrs, SCIP_Bool copypresolvers, SCIP_Bool copyrelaxators, SCIP_Bool copyseparators, SCIP_Bool copycutselectors, SCIP_Bool copypropagators, SCIP_Bool copyheuristics, SCIP_Bool copyeventhdlrs, SCIP_Bool copynodeselectors, SCIP_Bool copybranchrules, SCIP_Bool copydisplays, SCIP_Bool copydialogs, SCIP_Bool copytables, SCIP_Bool copyexprhdlrs, SCIP_Bool copynlpis, SCIP_Bool *allvalid)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCopyParams (SCIP_SET *sourceset, SCIP_SET *targetset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCreate (SCIP_SET **set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP *scip)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddBoolParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Bool *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddIntParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, int *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, int defaultvalue, int minvalue, int maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddLongintParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Longint *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Longint defaultvalue, SCIP_Longint minvalue, SCIP_Longint maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddRealParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Real *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Real defaultvalue, SCIP_Real minvalue, SCIP_Real maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddCharParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, char *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, char defaultvalue, const char *allowedvalues, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddStringParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, char **valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, const char *defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsParamFixed (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_PARAMSCIPsetGetParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetBoolParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Bool *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetIntParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, int *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetLongintParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Longint *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetRealParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Real *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetCharParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, char *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetStringParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, char **value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgParamFixed (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Bool fixed)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgBoolParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_Bool value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetBoolParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Bool value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDefaultBoolParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgIntParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, int value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetIntParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, int value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDefaultIntParam (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, int defaultvalue)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgLongintParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_Longint value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetLongintParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Longint value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgRealParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_Real value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetRealParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Real value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgCharParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, char value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetCharParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, char value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgStringParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, const char *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetStringParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, const char *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, const char *value)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetReadParams (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *filename)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetWriteParams (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *filename, SCIP_Bool comments, SCIP_Bool onlychanged)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetResetParam (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetResetParams (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetEmphasis (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMEMPHASIS paramemphasis, SCIP_Bool quiet)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetReoptimizationParams (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
void SCIPsetEnableOrDisablePluginClocks (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool enabled)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetSubscipsOff (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_Bool quiet)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetHeuristics (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetPresolving (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetSeparating (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
SCIP_PARAM ** SCIPsetGetParams (SCIP_SET *set)
int SCIPsetGetNParams (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeReader (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_READER *reader)
SCIP_READERSCIPsetFindReader (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludePricer (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRICER *pricer)
SCIP_PRICERSCIPsetFindPricer (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortPricers (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortPricersName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBenders (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BENDERS *benders)
SCIP_BENDERSSCIPsetFindBenders (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortBenders (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortBendersName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConshdlr (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
void SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, int oldpriority)
SCIP_CONSHDLRSCIPsetFindConshdlr (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConflicthdlr (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr)
SCIP_CONFLICTHDLRSCIPsetFindConflicthdlr (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrs (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrsName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludePresol (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRESOL *presol)
SCIP_PRESOLSCIPsetFindPresol (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortPresols (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortPresolsName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeRelax (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_RELAX *relax)
SCIP_RELAXSCIPsetFindRelax (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortRelaxs (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortRelaxsName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeSepa (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_SEPA *sepa)
SCIP_SEPASCIPsetFindSepa (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortSepas (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortSepasName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeCutsel (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel)
SCIP_CUTSELSCIPsetFindCutsel (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortCutsels (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeProp (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROP *prop)
SCIP_PROPSCIPsetFindProp (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortProps (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortPropsPresol (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortPropsName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConcsolverType (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE *concsolvertype)
SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPESCIPsetFindConcsolverType (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConcsolver (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONCSOLVER *concsolver)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetFreeConcsolvers (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeHeur (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_HEUR *heur)
SCIP_HEURSCIPsetFindHeur (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortHeurs (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortHeursName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeCompr (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_COMPR *compr)
SCIP_COMPRSCIPsetFindCompr (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortComprs (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortComprsName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeEventhdlr (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr)
SCIP_EVENTHDLRSCIPsetFindEventhdlr (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeNodesel (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
SCIP_NODESELSCIPsetFindNodesel (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBranchrule (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule)
SCIP_BRANCHRULESCIPsetFindBranchrule (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortBranchrules (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSortBranchrulesName (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeDisp (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_DISP *disp)
SCIP_DISPSCIPsetFindDisp (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeTable (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_TABLE *table)
SCIP_TABLESCIPsetFindTable (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeDialog (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_DIALOG *dialog)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetExistsDialog (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_DIALOG *dialog)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExprhdlr (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr)
SCIP_EXPRHDLRSCIPsetFindExprhdlr (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortExprhdlrs (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeNlpi (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NLPI *nlpi)
SCIP_NLPISCIPsetFindNlpi (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
void SCIPsetSortNlpis (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetSetPriorityNlpi (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NLPI *nlpi, int priority)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExternalCode (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, const char *description)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBanditvtable (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BANDITVTABLE *banditvtable)
SCIP_BANDITVTABLESCIPsetFindBanditvtable (SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitPlugins (SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitPlugins (SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitprePlugins (SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitprePlugins (SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitsolPlugins (SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitsolPlugins (SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_Bool restart)
int SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize (SCIP_SET *set, int num)
int SCIPsetCalcTreeGrowSize (SCIP_SET *set, int num)
int SCIPsetCalcPathGrowSize (SCIP_SET *set, int num)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetFeastol (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Real feastol)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDualfeastol (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real dualfeastol)
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetBarrierconvtol (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real barrierconvtol)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSetRelaxfeastol (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real relaxfeastol)
void SCIPsetSetLimitChanged (SCIP_SET *set)
int SCIPsetGetPriceMaxvars (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root)
int SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetSepaMaxCoefRatioRowprep (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetReferencevalue (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsUpdateUnreliable (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newvalue, SCIP_Real oldvalue)
unsigned int SCIPsetInitializeRandomSeed (SCIP_SET *set, unsigned int initialseedvalue)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetInfinity (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetHugeValue (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetEpsilon (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumepsilon (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeastol (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetLPFeastolFactor (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeastol (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetBarrierconvtol (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetPseudocosteps (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetPseudocostdelta (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetCutoffbounddelta (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetRelaxfeastol (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetRecompfac (SCIP_SET *set)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEQ (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsInfinity (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsHugeValue (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsZero (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsPositive (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsNegative (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsScalingIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val, SCIP_Real scalar)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFracIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFloor (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetCeil (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetRound (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFrac (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumEQ (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumLT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumLE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumGT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumGE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumZero (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumPositive (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumNegative (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumFloor (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumCeil (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumRound (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumFrac (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasEQ (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasLT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasLE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasGT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasGE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasZero (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasPositive (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasNegative (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasFracIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasFloor (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasCeil (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasRound (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasFrac (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasEQ (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasLT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasLE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasGE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasZero (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasPositive (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasFracIntegral (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasFloor (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasCeil (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasRound (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasFrac (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLbBetter (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newlb, SCIP_Real oldlb, SCIP_Real oldub)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsUbBetter (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newub, SCIP_Real oldlb, SCIP_Real oldub)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEfficacious (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root, SCIP_Real efficacy)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelEQ (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelEQ (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelLT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelLE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelGT (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelGE (SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetGetSubscipsOff (SCIP_SET *set)
void SCIPsetPrintDebugMessage (SCIP_SET *set, const char *sourcefile, int sourceline, const char *formatstr,...)
void SCIPsetDebugMessagePrint (SCIP_SET *set, const char *formatstr,...)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ SCIPsetAllocBuffer

#define SCIPsetAllocBuffer (   set,
)    ( (BMSallocBufferMemory((set)->buffer, (ptr)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1746 of file set.h.

Referenced by lpbdchgsCreate().

◆ SCIPsetAllocBufferSize

#define SCIPsetAllocBufferSize (   set,
)    ( (BMSallocBufferMemorySize((set)->buffer, (ptr), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1747 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetAllocBufferArray

#define SCIPsetAllocBufferArray (   set,
)    ( (BMSallocBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1748 of file set.h.

Referenced by calcCliquePartitionGreedy(), computeRelIntPoint(), conflictAnalyze(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), conflictsetCalcInsertDepth(), detectImpliedBounds(), dryBranch(), getInferenceOrder(), lpbdchgsCreate(), lpCleanupCols(), lpCleanupRows(), lpCopyIntegrality(), lpFlushAddCols(), lpFlushAddRows(), lpFlushChgCols(), lpFlushChgRows(), lpLexDualSimplex(), lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteRows(), nlpFlushNlRowAdditions(), nlpFlushNlRowDeletions(), nlpFlushObjective(), nlpFlushVarAdditions(), nlpFlushVarDeletions(), nlpSetupNlpiIndices(), nlpSolve(), proofsetAddAggrrow(), provedBound(), saveConsLinear(), saveGlobalCons(), saveLocalConssData(), SCIPcalcCliquePartition(), SCIPcalcNegatedCliquePartition(), SCIPcliquetableAdd(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranches(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeLP(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPgetDualProof(), SCIPgetFarkasProof(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetPrimalRay(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows(), SCIPnlpChgVarObjDive(), SCIPnlpChgVarsBoundsDive(), SCIPnlpEndDive(), SCIPnlrowCreateFromRow(), SCIPprimalTransformSol(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPreaderWrite(), SCIPreoptApply(), SCIPreoptApplyCuts(), SCIPreoptSplitRoot(), SCIPrunBoundHeuristic(), SCIPsolMarkPartial(), SCIPsolRetransform(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), SCIPvarGetActiveRepresentatives(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), SCIPvarsGetActiveVars(), separateAlternativeProofs(), separateSolution(), sortLocalRows(), storeCuts(), updatePrimalRay(), and updatePseudocost().

◆ SCIPsetDuplicateBufferSize

#define SCIPsetDuplicateBufferSize (   set,
)    ( (BMSduplicateBufferMemory((set)->buffer, (ptr), (source), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1749 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetDuplicateBufferArray

#define SCIPsetDuplicateBufferArray (   set,
)    ( (BMSduplicateBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr), (source), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

◆ SCIPsetReallocBufferSize

#define SCIPsetReallocBufferSize (   set,
)    ( (BMSreallocBufferMemorySize((set)->buffer, (ptr), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1751 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetReallocBufferArray

#define SCIPsetReallocBufferArray (   set,
)    ( (BMSreallocBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

◆ SCIPsetFreeBuffer

#define SCIPsetFreeBuffer (   set,
)    BMSfreeBufferMemory((set)->buffer, (ptr))

Definition at line 1753 of file set.h.

Referenced by lpbdchgsFree().

◆ SCIPsetFreeBufferSize

#define SCIPsetFreeBufferSize (   set,
)    BMSfreeBufferMemorySize((set)->buffer, (ptr))

Definition at line 1754 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetFreeBufferArray

#define SCIPsetFreeBufferArray (   set,
)    BMSfreeBufferMemoryArray((set)->buffer, (ptr))

Definition at line 1755 of file set.h.

Referenced by calcCliquePartitionGreedy(), computeRelIntPoint(), conflictAnalyze(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), conflictsetCalcInsertDepth(), detectImpliedBounds(), dryBranch(), getInferenceOrder(), lpbdchgsFree(), lpCleanupCols(), lpCleanupRows(), lpCopyIntegrality(), lpFlushAddCols(), lpFlushAddRows(), lpFlushChgCols(), lpFlushChgRows(), lpLexDualSimplex(), lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteRows(), nlpFlushNlRowAdditions(), nlpFlushNlRowDeletions(), nlpFlushObjective(), nlpFlushVarAdditions(), nlpFlushVarDeletions(), nlpSolve(), proofsetAddAggrrow(), provedBound(), resetVarname(), saveConsLinear(), saveGlobalCons(), saveLocalConssData(), SCIPcalcCliquePartition(), SCIPcalcNegatedCliquePartition(), SCIPcliquetableAdd(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranches(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeLP(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPgetDualProof(), SCIPgetFarkasProof(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetPrimalRay(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows(), SCIPnlpChgVarObjDive(), SCIPnlpChgVarsBoundsDive(), SCIPnlpEndDive(), SCIPnlrowCreateFromRow(), SCIPprimalTransformSol(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPreaderWrite(), SCIPreoptApply(), SCIPreoptApplyCuts(), SCIPreoptSplitRoot(), SCIPrunBoundHeuristic(), SCIPsolMarkPartial(), SCIPsolRetransform(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), SCIPvarGetActiveRepresentatives(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), SCIPvarsGetActiveVars(), separateAlternativeProofs(), separateSolution(), sortLocalRows(), storeCuts(), updatePrimalRay(), and updatePseudocost().

◆ SCIPsetAllocCleanBuffer

#define SCIPsetAllocCleanBuffer (   set,
)    ( (BMSallocBufferMemory((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1757 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferSize

#define SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferSize (   set,
)    ( (BMSallocBufferMemorySize((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr), (size)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1758 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferArray

#define SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferArray (   set,
)    ( (BMSallocBufferMemoryArray((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr), (num)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY )

Definition at line 1759 of file set.h.

Referenced by detectImpliedBounds(), and SCIPvarGetImplRedcost().

◆ SCIPsetFreeCleanBuffer

#define SCIPsetFreeCleanBuffer (   set,
)    BMSfreeBufferMemory((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr))

Definition at line 1760 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferSize

#define SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferSize (   set,
)    BMSfreeBufferMemorySize((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr))

Definition at line 1761 of file set.h.

◆ SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferArray

#define SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferArray (   set,
)    BMSfreeBufferMemoryArray((set)->cleanbuffer, (ptr))

Definition at line 1762 of file set.h.

Referenced by detectImpliedBounds(), and SCIPvarGetImplRedcost().

◆ SCIPsetDebugMsg

#define SCIPsetDebugMsg   while ( FALSE ) SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint

prints a debugging message if SCIP_DEBUG flag is set

Definition at line 1784 of file set.h.

Referenced by addBoundViolated(), addCand(), addCurrentSolution(), addLocalConss(), addLocalRows(), addNode(), addRowToAggrRow(), addSplitcons(), applyBounding(), boundchgApplyGlobal(), branchcandCalcLPCands(), changeAncestorBranchings(), checkDualFeasibility(), checkSubproblemConvexity(), cleanActiveConss(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedConflicts(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedDualrayCons(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedDualsolCons(), cliqueCleanup(), colAddCoef(), collectDualInformation(), colLink(), colUnlink(), computeRelIntPoint(), conflictAddBound(), conflictAddConflictBound(), conflictAddConflictCons(), conflictAddConflictset(), conflictAnalyze(), conflictAnalyzeBoundexceedingLP(), conflictAnalyzeInfeasibleLP(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), conflictCreateReconvergenceConss(), conflictInsertConflictset(), conflictMarkBoundCheckPresence(), conflictResolveBound(), conflictsetAddBounds(), conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), conshdlrActivateCons(), conshdlrAddUpdateCons(), conshdlrDeactivateCons(), conshdlrDisableCons(), conshdlrEnableCons(), conshdlrEnableConsPropagation(), conshdlrEnableConsSeparation(), conshdlrForceUpdates(), conshdlrProcessUpdates(), conssetchgDelAddedCons(), conssetchgDelDisabledCons(), createAndAddProofcons(), createReoptnode(), deleteChildrenBelow(), delPosConflict(), delPosDualray(), delPosDualsol(), detectImpliedBounds(), domAddHole(), domMerge(), dryBranch(), enforceConstraints(), eventqueueAppend(), fixBounds(), fixInterdiction(), focusnodeCleanupVars(), focusnodeToDeadend(), focusnodeToFork(), focusnodeToJunction(), focusnodeToLeaf(), focusnodeToPseudofork(), forkCreate(), holelistCreate(), initConflictstore(), initLP(), lpAlgorithm(), lpBarrier(), lpCleanupCols(), lpCleanupRows(), lpDualSimplex(), lpFlushAddCols(), lpFlushAddRows(), lpFlushAndSolve(), lpFlushChgCols(), lpFlushChgRows(), lpFlushDelRows(), lpLexDualSimplex(), lpPrimalSimplex(), lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteRows(), lpSolve(), nlpCalcFracVars(), nlrowAddLinearCoef(), nodeActivate(), nodeAssignParent(), nodeDeactivate(), nodepqDelPos(), nodeReleaseParent(), nodeRepropagate(), nodeToLeaf(), paramSetBool(), paramSetChar(), paramSetInt(), paramSetLongint(), paramSetReal(), parseBounds(), performInteriorSolCutStrengthening(), priceAndCutLoop(), primalAddOrigPartialSol(), primalAddOrigSol(), primalAddSol(), primalSetCutoffbound(), primalSetUpperbound(), propagateDomains(), propagationRound(), propAndSolve(), reoptAddChild(), reoptCheckLocalRestart(), reoptMoveIDs(), reoptSaveNewObj(), rowAddCoef(), rowLink(), rowMerge(), rowScale(), rowUnlink(), saveAfterDualBranchings(), saveAncestorBranchings(), saveLocalConssData(), SCIPbendersCopyInclude(), SCIPbenderscutCopyInclude(), SCIPbenderscutExec(), SCIPbendersExec(), SCIPbendersExecSubproblemSolve(), SCIPbendersSubproblemIsOptimal(), SCIPboundchgApply(), SCIPboundchgUndo(), SCIPbranchcandAddExternCand(), SCIPbranchExecExtern(), SCIPbranchExecLP(), SCIPbranchExecPseudo(), SCIPbranchruleCopyInclude(), SCIPbranchruleExecExternSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecLPSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecPseudoSol(), SCIPcliqueAddVar(), SCIPcliquelistAdd(), SCIPcliquetableAdd(), SCIPcliquetableCleanup(), SCIPcliquetableComputeCliqueComponents(), SCIPcolChgLb(), SCIPcolChgObj(), SCIPcolChgUb(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranch(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranches(), SCIPcomprCopyInclude(), SCIPcomprExec(), SCIPconflictAddRelaxedBound(), SCIPconflictAnalyze(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeDualProof(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeRemainingBdchgs(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPconflictFlushConss(), SCIPconflictFlushProofset(), SCIPconflicthdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPconflictInit(), SCIPconflictIsVarUsed(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), SCIPconflictstoreClean(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPconflictstoreClear(), SCIPconflictstoreTransform(), SCIPconsActivate(), SCIPconsAddAge(), SCIPconsCheck(), SCIPconsCreate(), SCIPconsDeactivate(), SCIPconsDelete(), SCIPconsEnfolp(), SCIPconsEnfops(), SCIPconsFree(), SCIPconshdlrCheck(), SCIPconshdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPconshdlrDelVars(), SCIPconshdlrEnforceLPSol(), SCIPconshdlrEnforcePseudoSol(), SCIPconshdlrInitLP(), SCIPconshdlrPresolve(), SCIPconshdlrPropagate(), SCIPconshdlrSeparateLP(), SCIPconshdlrSeparateSol(), SCIPconsParse(), SCIPconsPresol(), SCIPconsProp(), SCIPconsRelease(), SCIPconsResetAge(), SCIPconsResprop(), SCIPconsSepalp(), SCIPconsSepasol(), SCIPconssetchgApply(), SCIPconssetchgMakeGlobal(), SCIPconssetchgUndo(), SCIPconstructCurrentLP(), SCIPcutpoolSeparate(), SCIPcutselCopyInclude(), SCIPdialogCopyInclude(), SCIPdispCopyInclude(), SCIPdomchgAddBoundchg(), SCIPdomchgApply(), SCIPdomchgApplyGlobal(), SCIPdomchgMakeStatic(), SCIPdomchgUndo(), SCIPeventfilterProcess(), SCIPeventhdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPeventhdlrExec(), SCIPeventProcess(), SCIPeventqueueAdd(), SCIPeventqueueProcess(), SCIPexprCheckQuadratic(), SCIPexprEvalActivity(), SCIPexprhdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPgetDualProof(), SCIPgetFarkasProof(), SCIPheurCopyInclude(), SCIPheurExec(), SCIPhistoryUpdatePseudocost(), SCIPimplicsAdd(), SCIPimplicsDel(), SCIPinitConssLP(), SCIPlpAddCol(), SCIPlpAddRow(), SCIPlpCleanupAll(), SCIPlpCleanupNew(), SCIPlpClear(), SCIPlpComputeRelIntPoint(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPlpFlush(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetPrimalRay(), SCIPlpGetProvedLowerbound(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpIsInfeasibilityProved(), SCIPlpRemoveAllObsoletes(), SCIPlpRemoveNewObsoletes(), SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows(), SCIPlpResetFeastol(), SCIPlpSetCutoffbound(), SCIPlpSetFeastol(), SCIPlpShrinkCols(), SCIPlpShrinkRows(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPlpStartDive(), SCIPlpWriteMip(), SCIPnlrowRelease(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeAddHolechg(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPnodeCreateChild(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeDelCons(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodeFree(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPnodepqInsert(), SCIPnodePropagateAgain(), SCIPnodePropagateImplics(), SCIPnodeselCopyInclude(), SCIPparamSetToDefault(), SCIPpresolCopyInclude(), SCIPpresolExec(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPpricerCopyInclude(), SCIPpricerFarkas(), SCIPpricerRedcost(), SCIPpricestoreAddBdviolvar(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPpricestoreAddVar(), SCIPpricestoreApplyVars(), SCIPpricestoreResetBounds(), SCIPprimalHeuristics(), SCIPprimalSetCutoffbound(), SCIPprimalTransformSol(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobExitSolve(), SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPprobTransform(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPpropCopyInclude(), SCIPpropExec(), SCIPpropPresol(), SCIPreaderCopyInclude(), SCIPreaderWrite(), SCIPrelaxCopyInclude(), SCIPrelaxExec(), SCIPreoptAddCons(), SCIPreoptAddDualBndchg(), SCIPreoptApply(), SCIPreoptApplyCompression(), SCIPreoptApplyCuts(), SCIPreoptApplyGlbConss(), SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(), SCIPreoptCheckRestart(), SCIPreoptMergeVarHistory(), SCIPreoptnodeAddCons(), SCIPreoptReset(), SCIPreoptResetActiveConss(), SCIPreoptSaveActiveConss(), SCIPreoptSaveOpenNodes(), SCIPreoptUpdateVarHistory(), SCIProwCalcIntegralScalar(), SCIProwCatchEvent(), SCIProwDropEvent(), SCIProwRelease(), SCIPrunBoundHeuristic(), SCIPsepaCopyInclude(), SCIPsepaExecLP(), SCIPsepaExecSol(), SCIPsepastoreAddCut(), SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(), SCIPsepastoreClearCuts(), SCIPsepastoreRemoveInefficaciousCuts(), SCIPsetCopyPlugins(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolIncVal(), SCIPsolLinkCurrentSol(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), SCIPsolLinkPseudoSol(), SCIPsolLinkRelaxSol(), SCIPsolSetVal(), SCIPsolUnlink(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPtableCopyInclude(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(), SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(), SCIPtreeClear(), SCIPtreeCreateProbingNode(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPtreeEndProbing(), SCIPtreeFree(), SCIPtreeLoadLP(), SCIPtreeLoadLPState(), SCIPtreeStartProbing(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), SCIPvarAddHoleGlobal(), SCIPvarAddHoleLocal(), SCIPvarAddHoleOriginal(), SCIPvarAddLocks(), SCIPvarAddObj(), SCIPvarAddToRow(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarAddVub(), SCIPvarAdjustLb(), SCIPvarAdjustUb(), SCIPvarAggregate(), SCIPvarCatchEvent(), SCIPvarChgLbDive(), SCIPvarChgLbGlobal(), SCIPvarChgLbLocal(), SCIPvarChgLbOriginal(), SCIPvarChgObj(), SCIPvarChgObjDive(), SCIPvarChgUbDive(), SCIPvarChgUbGlobal(), SCIPvarChgUbLocal(), SCIPvarChgUbOriginal(), SCIPvarColumn(), SCIPvarCopy(), SCIPvarDropEvent(), SCIPvarFix(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), SCIPvarIncVSIDS(), SCIPvarLoose(), SCIPvarMultiaggregate(), SCIPvarNegate(), SCIPvarRelease(), SCIPvarRemoveCliquesImplicsVbs(), SCIPvarTransform(), SCIPvarUpdateBestRootSol(), separationRoundLP(), separationRoundResolveLP(), separationRoundSol(), sepastoreApplyLb(), sepastoreApplyUb(), sepastoreIsCutRedundant(), sepastoreIsCutRedundantOrInfeasible(), shrinkNode(), solnodeAddChild(), soltreeAddSol(), solUnlinkVar(), solveBendersSubproblems(), solveNode(), solveNodeInitialLP(), solveNodeLP(), solveNodeRelax(), sortAndMergeClique(), tightenCoefficients(), tightenDualproof(), tightenSingleVar(), treeApplyPendingBdchgs(), treeBacktrackProbing(), treeCreateProbingNode(), treeSwitchPath(), tryAggregateIntVars(), undoBdchgsDualfarkas(), undoBdchgsDualsol(), updateAuxiliaryVarLowerbound(), updateLazyBounds(), updatePrimalRay(), updatePseudocost(), varAddImplic(), varAddLbchginfo(), varAddParent(), varAddUbchginfo(), varAddVbound(), varEventGholeAdded(), varEventGlbChanged(), varEventGubChanged(), varEventLbChanged(), varEventUbChanged(), varFree(), varFreeParents(), varParse(), varProcessAddHoleGlobal(), varProcessAddHoleLocal(), varProcessChgBranchFactor(), varProcessChgLbGlobal(), varProcessChgLbLocal(), varProcessChgUbGlobal(), varProcessChgUbLocal(), and varUpdateAggregationBounds().

◆ SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint

#define SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint   while ( FALSE ) SCIPsetDebugMessagePrint

Function Documentation

◆ SCIPsetCopyPlugins()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCopyPlugins ( SCIP_SET sourceset,
SCIP_SET targetset,
SCIP_Bool  copyreaders,
SCIP_Bool  copypricers,
SCIP_Bool  copyconshdlrs,
SCIP_Bool  copyconflicthdlrs,
SCIP_Bool  copypresolvers,
SCIP_Bool  copyrelaxators,
SCIP_Bool  copyseparators,
SCIP_Bool  copycutselectors,
SCIP_Bool  copypropagators,
SCIP_Bool  copyheuristics,
SCIP_Bool  copyeventhdlrs,
SCIP_Bool  copynodeselectors,
SCIP_Bool  copybranchrules,
SCIP_Bool  copydisplays,
SCIP_Bool  copydialogs,
SCIP_Bool  copytables,
SCIP_Bool  copyexprhdlrs,
SCIP_Bool  copynlpis,
SCIP_Bool allvalid 

copies plugins from sourcescip to targetscip; in case that a constraint handler which does not need constraints cannot be copied, valid will return FALSE. All plugins can declare that, if their copy process failed, the copied SCIP instance might not represent the same problem semantics as the original. Note that in this case dual reductions might be invalid.

sourcesetsource SCIP_SET data structure
targetsettarget SCIP_SET data structure
copyreadersshould the file readers be copied
copypricersshould the variable pricers be copied
copyconshdlrsshould the constraint handlers be copied
copyconflicthdlrsshould the conflict handlers be copied
copypresolversshould the presolvers be copied
copyrelaxatorsshould the relaxators be copied
copyseparatorsshould the separators be copied
copycutselectorsshould the cut selectors be copied
copypropagatorsshould the propagators be copied
copyheuristicsshould the heuristics be copied
copyeventhdlrsshould the event handlers be copied
copynodeselectorsshould the node selectors be copied
copybranchrulesshould the branchrules be copied
copydisplaysshould the display columns be copied
copydialogsshould the dialogs be copied
copytablesshould the statistics tables be copied
copyexprhdlrsshould the expression handlers be copied
copynlpisshould the NLP interfaces be copied
allvalidpointer to store whether all plugins were validly copied

Definition at line 940 of file set.c.

References BMSallocMemory, SCIP_Set::branchrules, SCIP_Set::conflicthdlrs, SCIP_Set::conshdlrs_include, SCIP_Set::cutsels, SCIP_Set::disps, SCIP_Set::eventhdlrs, SCIP_Set::exprhdlrs, FALSE, SCIP_Set::heurs, SCIP_Set::nbranchrules, SCIP_Set::nconflicthdlrs, SCIP_Set::ncutsels, SCIP_Set::ndisps, SCIP_Set::neventhdlrs, SCIP_Set::nexprhdlrs, SCIP_Set::nheurs, SCIP_Set::nlpis, SCIP_Set::nnlpis, SCIP_Set::nnodesels, SCIP_Set::nodesels, SCIP_Set::npresols, SCIP_Set::nprops, SCIP_Set::nrelaxs, SCIP_Set::nsepas, SCIP_Set::ntables, NULL, SCIP_Set::paramset, SCIP_Set::presols, SCIP_Set::props, SCIP_Set::relaxs, SCIP_Set::scip, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_STAGE_INIT, SCIPbranchruleCopyInclude(), SCIPbuffer(), SCIPcleanbuffer(), SCIPconflicthdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPconshdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPconshdlrGetName(), SCIPconshdlrNeedsCons(), SCIPcutselCopyInclude(), SCIPdebugSolDataCreate, SCIPdispCopyInclude(), SCIPeventhdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPexprhdlrCopyInclude(), SCIPheurCopyInclude(), SCIPnlpiCopyInclude(), SCIPnodeselCopyInclude(), SCIPparamsetCopyParams(), SCIPparamsetCreate(), SCIPpresolCopyInclude(), SCIPpropCopyInclude(), SCIPrelaxCopyInclude(), SCIPsepaCopyInclude(), SCIPsetCopyParams(), SCIPsetCreate(), SCIPsetDebugMsg, SCIPtableCopyInclude(), SCIP_Set::sepas, and SCIP_Set::tables.

Referenced by SCIPcopyPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetCopyParams()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCopyParams ( SCIP_SET sourceset,
SCIP_SET targetset,

copies parameters from sourcescip to targetscip

sourcesetsource SCIP_SET data structure
targetsettarget SCIP_SET data structure
messagehdlrmessage handler of target SCIP

Definition at line 1166 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPcopyParamSettings(), and SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetCreate()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCreate ( SCIP_SET **  set,
BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
SCIP scip 

creates global SCIP settings

setpointer to SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
scipSCIP data structure

Definition at line 1183 of file set.c.

Referenced by doScipCreate(), and SCIPsetCopyPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetFree()

BMS_BLKMEM blkmem 

frees global SCIP settings

setpointer to SCIP settings
blkmemblock memory

Definition at line 2839 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfree().

◆ SCIPsetGetStage()

◆ SCIPsetAddBoolParam()

BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
SCIP_Bool valueptr,
SCIP_Bool  isadvanced,
SCIP_Bool  defaultvalue,
SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd))  ,

creates a SCIP_Bool parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
namename of the parameter
descdescription of the parameter
valueptrpointer to store the current parameter value, or NULL
isadvancedis this parameter an advanced parameter?
defaultvaluedefault value of the parameter
paramdatalocally defined parameter specific data

Definition at line 3044 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetAddReal(), and SCIPsetAddCharParam().

Referenced by doBendersCreate(), doBenderscutCreate(), doConshdlrCreate(), doPropCreate(), doSepaCreate(), doTableCreate(), SCIPaddBoolParam(), and SCIPdivesetCreate().

◆ SCIPsetAddIntParam()

BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
int *  valueptr,
SCIP_Bool  isadvanced,
int  defaultvalue,
int  minvalue,
int  maxvalue,
SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd))  ,

creates a int parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

creates an int parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
namename of the parameter
descdescription of the parameter
valueptrpointer to store the current parameter value, or NULL
isadvancedis this parameter an advanced parameter?
defaultvaluedefault value of the parameter
minvalueminimum value for parameter
maxvaluemaximum value for parameter
paramdatalocally defined parameter specific data

Definition at line 3066 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetAddChar(), and SCIPsetAddStringParam().

Referenced by doBendersCreate(), doBenderscutCreate(), doBranchruleCreate(), doComprCreate(), doConflicthdlrCreate(), doConshdlrCreate(), doCutselCreate(), doDispCreate(), doHeurCreate(), doNodeselCreate(), doPresolCreate(), doPricerCreate(), doPropCreate(), doRelaxCreate(), doSepaCreate(), SCIPaddIntParam(), and SCIPdivesetCreate().

◆ SCIPsetAddLongintParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddLongintParam ( SCIP_SET set,
BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
SCIP_Longint valueptr,
SCIP_Bool  isadvanced,
SCIP_Longint  defaultvalue,
SCIP_Longint  minvalue,
SCIP_Longint  maxvalue,
SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd))  ,

creates a SCIP_Longint parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
namename of the parameter
descdescription of the parameter
valueptrpointer to store the current parameter value, or NULL
isadvancedis this parameter an advanced parameter?
defaultvaluedefault value of the parameter
minvalueminimum value for parameter
maxvaluemaximum value for parameter
paramdatalocally defined parameter specific data

Definition at line 3090 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetAddString(), SCIPparamsetIsFixed(), and SCIPsetIsParamFixed().

Referenced by SCIPaddLongintParam().

◆ SCIPsetAddRealParam()

BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
SCIP_Real valueptr,
SCIP_Bool  isadvanced,
SCIP_Real  defaultvalue,
SCIP_Real  minvalue,
SCIP_Real  maxvalue,
SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd))  ,

creates a SCIP_Real parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
namename of the parameter
descdescription of the parameter
valueptrpointer to store the current parameter value, or NULL
isadvancedis this parameter an advanced parameter?
defaultvaluedefault value of the parameter
minvalueminimum value for parameter
maxvaluemaximum value for parameter
paramdatalocally defined parameter specific data

Definition at line 3114 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetGetBool(), SCIPparamsetGetParam(), and SCIPsetGetBoolParam().

Referenced by doBendersCreate(), doBranchruleCreate(), doConcsolverTypeCreate(), doSepaCreate(), SCIPaddRealParam(), and SCIPdivesetCreate().

◆ SCIPsetAddCharParam()

BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
char *  valueptr,
SCIP_Bool  isadvanced,
char  defaultvalue,
const char *  allowedvalues,
SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd))  ,

creates a char parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
namename of the parameter
descdescription of the parameter
valueptrpointer to store the current parameter value, or NULL
isadvancedis this parameter an advanced parameter?
defaultvaluedefault value of the parameter
allowedvaluesarray with possible parameter values, or NULL if not restricted
paramdatalocally defined parameter specific data

Definition at line 3138 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_Longint, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetGetInt(), and SCIPsetGetLongintParam().

Referenced by doBendersCreate(), SCIPaddCharParam(), and SCIPsetAddBoolParam().

◆ SCIPsetAddStringParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddStringParam ( SCIP_SET set,
BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
const char *  name,
const char *  desc,
char **  valueptr,
SCIP_Bool  isadvanced,
const char *  defaultvalue,
SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd))  ,

creates a string parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
blkmemblock memory
namename of the parameter
descdescription of the parameter
valueptrpointer to store the current parameter value, or NULL
isadvancedis this parameter an advanced parameter?
defaultvaluedefault value of the parameter
paramdatalocally defined parameter specific data

Definition at line 3161 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPaddStringParam(), and SCIPsetAddIntParam().

◆ SCIPsetIsParamFixed()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsParamFixed ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

gets the fixing status value of an existing parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter

Definition at line 3183 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPparamsetGetChar().

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(), SCIPisParamFixed(), SCIPparamsetCopyParams(), and SCIPsetAddLongintParam().

◆ SCIPsetGetParam()

const char *  name 

returns the pointer to the SCIP parameter with the given name

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter

Definition at line 3194 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIPparamsetGetString().

Referenced by SCIPgetParam().

◆ SCIPsetGetBoolParam()

const char *  name,
SCIP_Bool value 

gets the value of an existing SCIP_Bool parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
valuepointer to store the parameter

Definition at line 3205 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIPparamsetFix().

Referenced by SCIPgetBoolParam(), and SCIPsetAddRealParam().

◆ SCIPsetGetIntParam()

const char *  name,
int *  value 

gets the value of an existing Int parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
valuepointer to store the value of the parameter

Definition at line 3219 of file set.c.

Referenced by initConflictstore(), SCIPgetIntParam(), SCIPreoptAddDualBndchg(), and solveBendersSubproblems().

◆ SCIPsetGetLongintParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetLongintParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
SCIP_Longint value 

gets the value of an existing SCIP_Longint parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
valuepointer to store the value of the parameter

Definition at line 3233 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPgetLongintParam(), and SCIPsetAddCharParam().

◆ SCIPsetGetRealParam()

const char *  name,
SCIP_Real value 

gets the value of an existing SCIP_Real parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
valuepointer to store the value of the parameter

Definition at line 3247 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPparamsetSetBool().

Referenced by SCIPbendersInit(), and SCIPgetRealParam().

◆ SCIPsetGetCharParam()

const char *  name,
char *  value 

gets the value of an existing Char parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
valuepointer to store the value of the parameter

Definition at line 3261 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPparamsetSetDefaultBool().

Referenced by SCIPgetCharParam(), and SCIPlpSolveAndEval().

◆ SCIPsetGetStringParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetStringParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
char **  value 

gets the value of an existing String parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
valuepointer to store the value of the parameter

Definition at line 3275 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPparamSetInt(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPgetStringParam().

◆ SCIPsetChgParamFixed()

const char *  name,
SCIP_Bool  fixed 

changes the fixing status of an existing parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
fixednew fixing status of the parameter

Definition at line 3289 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, and SCIPsetSetIntParam().

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(), SCIPfixParam(), SCIPparamsetCopyParams(), and SCIPunfixParam().

◆ SCIPsetChgBoolParam()

SCIP_Bool  value 

changes the value of an existing SCIP_Bool parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3303 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetSetDefaultInt(), SCIPparamsetSetInt(), and SCIPsetSetDefaultIntParam().

Referenced by SCIPchgBoolParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetBoolParam()

const char *  name,
SCIP_Bool  value 

changes the value of an existing SCIP_Bool parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3325 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by SCIPsetBoolParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetDefaultBoolParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDefaultBoolParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
SCIP_Bool  defaultvalue 

changes the default value of an existing SCIP_Bool parameter

sets the default value of an existing SCIP_Bool parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
defaultvaluenew default value of the parameter

Definition at line 3340 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetConshdlrProp(), and SCIPsetConshdlrSepa().

◆ SCIPsetChgIntParam()

int  value 

changes the value of an existing Int parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3355 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIPparamsetSetLongint(), and SCIPsetChgRealParam().

Referenced by SCIPchgIntParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetIntParam()

const char *  name,
int  value 

changes the value of an existing Int parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3378 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetChgParamFixed(), and SCIPsetIntParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetDefaultIntParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDefaultIntParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
int  defaultvalue 

changes the default value of an existing Int parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the parameter
defaultvaluenew default value of the parameter

Definition at line 3393 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetSetReal(), and SCIPsetChgCharParam().

Referenced by SCIPsetChgBoolParam(), SCIPsetConshdlrPresol(), SCIPsetConshdlrProp(), SCIPsetConshdlrSepa(), and SCIPsetPropPresol().

◆ SCIPsetChgLongintParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgLongintParam ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Longint  value 

changes the value of an existing SCIP_Longint parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3407 of file set.c.


Referenced by SCIPchgLongintParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetLongintParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetLongintParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
SCIP_Longint  value 

changes the value of an existing SCIP_Longint parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3430 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetSetChar(), and SCIPsetChgStringParam().

Referenced by SCIPsetLongintParam().

◆ SCIPsetChgRealParam()

SCIP_Real  value 

changes the value of an existing SCIP_Real parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3445 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_PARAMETERWRONGVAL, SCIPparamSetString(), SCIPsetSetStringParam(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPchgRealParam(), and SCIPsetChgIntParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetRealParam()

const char *  name,
SCIP_Real  value 

changes the value of an existing SCIP_Real parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3468 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetSetString(), and SCIPsetSetParam().

Referenced by SCIPsetRealParam().

◆ SCIPsetChgCharParam()

char  value 

changes the value of an existing Char parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3483 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetRead(), SCIPparamsetSet(), and SCIPsetReadParams().

Referenced by SCIPchgCharParam(), and SCIPsetSetDefaultIntParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetCharParam()

const char *  name,
char  value 

changes the value of an existing Char parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3506 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, and SCIPparamsetWrite().

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPsetCharParam(), and SCIPsetChgLongintParam().

◆ SCIPsetChgStringParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgStringParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  value 

changes the value of an existing String parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3521 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetSetToDefault(), SCIPparamsetSetToDefaults(), and SCIPsetResetParams().

Referenced by SCIPchgStringParam(), and SCIPsetSetLongintParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetStringParam()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetStringParam ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

changes the value of an existing String parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter

Definition at line 3544 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetChgRealParam(), and SCIPsetStringParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetParam()

const char *  name,
const char *  value 

changes the value of an existing parameter

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter
valuenew value of the parameter as string

Definition at line 3559 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPparamsetSetEmphasis().

Referenced by SCIPsetParam(), and SCIPsetSetRealParam().

◆ SCIPsetReadParams()

const char *  filename 

reads parameters from a file

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
filenamefile name

Definition at line 3574 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPparamsetSetToSubscipsOff().

Referenced by SCIPreadParams(), and SCIPsetChgCharParam().

◆ SCIPsetWriteParams()

const char *  filename,
SCIP_Bool  comments,
SCIP_Bool  onlychanged 

writes all parameters in the parameter set to a file

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
filenamefile name, or NULL for stdout
commentsshould parameter descriptions be written as comments?
onlychangedshould only the parameters been written, that are changed from default?

Definition at line 3588 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPparamsetSetHeuristics().

Referenced by SCIPwriteParams().

◆ SCIPsetResetParam()

const char *  name 

resets a single parameters to its default value

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
namename of the parameter

Definition at line 3604 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(), and SCIPresetParam().

◆ SCIPsetResetParams()


resets all parameters to their default values

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler

Definition at line 3616 of file set.c.

References SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPparamsetSetPresolving(), SCIPparamsetSetSeparating(), and SCIPsetSetSeparating().

Referenced by SCIPresetParams(), and SCIPsetChgStringParam().

◆ SCIPsetSetEmphasis()

SCIP_PARAMEMPHASIS  paramemphasis,
SCIP_Bool  quiet 

sets parameters to

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
paramemphasisparameter settings
quietshould the parameter be set quiet (no output)

Definition at line 3639 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIPparamsetGetParams(), and SCIPsetGetNParams().

Referenced by SCIPsetEmphasis().

◆ SCIPsetSetReoptimizationParams()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetReoptimizationParams ( SCIP_SET set,

set parameters for reoptimization

setSCIP data structure
messagehdlrmessage handler

Definition at line 819 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPenableReoptimization(), and SCIPparamsetCopyParams().

◆ SCIPsetEnableOrDisablePluginClocks()

void SCIPsetEnableOrDisablePluginClocks ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Bool  enabled 

enable or disable all plugin timers depending on the value of the flag enabled

setSCIP settings
enabledshould plugin clocks be enabled?

Definition at line 877 of file set.c.

References SCIP_Set::dialogs, FALSE, SCIP_Set::ndialogs, SCIP_Set::npricers, SCIP_Set::nreaders, NULL, SCIP_Set::pricers, SCIP_Set::readers, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_CALL, SCIPdialogCopyInclude(), SCIPpricerActivate(), SCIPpricerCopyInclude(), SCIPpricerIsActive(), SCIPreaderCopyInclude(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(), and SCIPenableOrDisableStatisticTiming().

◆ SCIPsetSetSubscipsOff()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetSubscipsOff ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Bool  quiet 

sets parameters to deactivate separators and heuristics that use auxiliary SCIP instances; should be called for auxiliary SCIP instances to avoid recursion

setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
quietshould the parameter be set quiet (no output)

Definition at line 3654 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIPparamsetGetNParams(), and SCIPsetIncludeReader().

Referenced by SCIPsetSubscipsOff().

◆ SCIPsetSetHeuristics()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetHeuristics ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_PARAMSETTING  paramsetting,
SCIP_Bool  quiet 

sets heuristic parameters values to

  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_DEFAULT which are the default values of all heuristic parameters
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_FAST such that the time spend for heuristic is decreased
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_AGGRESSIVE such that the heuristic are called more aggregative
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF which turn off all heuristics

sets heuristic parameters values to

  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_DEFAULT which are the default values of all heuristic parameters
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_FAST such that the time spent on heuristics is decreased
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_AGGRESSIVE such that the heuristics are called more aggressively
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF which turn off all heuristics
setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
paramsettingparameter settings
quietshould the parameter be set quiet (no output)

Definition at line 3671 of file set.c.

Referenced by emphasisParse(), and SCIPsetHeuristics().

◆ SCIPsetSetPresolving()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetPresolving ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_PARAMSETTING  paramsetting,
SCIP_Bool  quiet 

sets presolving parameters to

  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_DEFAULT which are the default values of all presolving parameters
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_FAST such that the time spend for presolving is decreased
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_AGGRESSIVE such that the presolving is more aggregative
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF which turn off all presolving

sets presolving parameters to

  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_DEFAULT which are the default values of all presolving parameters
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_FAST such that the time spent on presolving is decreased
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_AGGRESSIVE such that the presolving is more aggressive
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF which turn off all presolving
setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
paramsettingparameter settings
quietshould the parameter be set quiet (no output)

Definition at line 3689 of file set.c.

Referenced by emphasisParse(), and SCIPsetPresolving().

◆ SCIPsetSetSeparating()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetSeparating ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_PARAMSETTING  paramsetting,
SCIP_Bool  quiet 

sets separating parameters to

  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_DEFAULT which are the default values of all separating parameters
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_FAST such that the time spend for separating is decreased
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_AGGRESSIVE such that the separating is done more aggregative
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF which turn off all separating

sets separating parameters to

  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_DEFAULT which are the default values of all separating parameters
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_FAST such that the time spent on separating is decreased
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_AGGRESSIVE such that separating is more aggressive
  • SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF which turn off all separating
setglobal SCIP settings
messagehdlrmessage handler
paramsettingparameter settings
quietshould the parameter be set quiet (no output)

Definition at line 3707 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, and SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize().

Referenced by emphasisParse(), SCIPsetResetParams(), and SCIPsetSeparating().

◆ SCIPsetGetParams()

SCIP_PARAM** SCIPsetGetParams ( SCIP_SET set)

returns the array of all available SCIP parameters

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 3720 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPgetParams().

◆ SCIPsetGetNParams()

int SCIPsetGetNParams ( SCIP_SET set)

returns the total number of all available SCIP parameters

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 3730 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPpricerGetName().

Referenced by SCIPgetNParams(), and SCIPsetSetEmphasis().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeReader()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeReader ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts file reader in file reader list

setglobal SCIP settings
readerfile reader

Definition at line 3740 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortPricersName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPincludeReader(), SCIPincludeReaderBasic(), and SCIPsetSetSubscipsOff().

◆ SCIPsetFindReader()

SCIP_READER* SCIPsetFindReader ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the file reader of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of file reader

Definition at line 3762 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetIncludeBenders(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPfindReader().

◆ SCIPsetIncludePricer()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludePricer ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts variable pricer in variable pricer list

setglobal SCIP settings
pricervariable pricer

Definition at line 3782 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludePricer(), and SCIPincludePricerBasic().

◆ SCIPsetFindPricer()

SCIP_PRICER* SCIPsetFindPricer ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the variable pricer of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of variable pricer

Definition at line 3805 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindPricer().

◆ SCIPsetSortPricers()

void SCIPsetSortPricers ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts pricers by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 3825 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortBendersName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPgetPricers(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPsetFindNlpi(), SCIPsetInitPlugins(), SCIPsetInitprePlugins(), and SCIPsetInitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetSortPricersName()

void SCIPsetSortPricersName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts pricers by name

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 3840 of file set.c.

References FALSE, SCIPsetIncludeConshdlr(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPprintPricerStatistics(), and SCIPsetIncludeReader().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeBenders()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBenders ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts Benders' decomposition into the Benders' decomposition list

inserts Benders' decomposition in the Benders' decomposition list

setglobal SCIP settings
bendersBenders' decomposition structure

Definition at line 3855 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeBenders(), SCIPincludeBendersBasic(), and SCIPsetFindReader().

◆ SCIPsetFindBenders()

SCIP_BENDERS* SCIPsetFindBenders ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the Benders' decomposition of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of the Benders' decomposition

Definition at line 3878 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPbendersCopyInclude(), and SCIPfindBenders().

◆ SCIPsetSortBenders()

void SCIPsetSortBenders ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts Benders' decomposition by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 3898 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPgetBenders(), SCIPsetFindNlpi(), SCIPsetInitPlugins(), SCIPsetInitprePlugins(), and SCIPsetInitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetSortBendersName()

void SCIPsetSortBendersName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts Benders' decomposition by name

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 3913 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetSortPricers().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeConshdlr()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConshdlr ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts constraint handler in constraint handler list

setglobal SCIP settings
conshdlrconstraint handler

Definition at line 3928 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeConshdlr(), SCIPincludeConshdlrBasic(), and SCIPsetSortPricersName().

◆ SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio()

void SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio ( SCIP_SET set,
int  oldpriority 

reinserts a constraint handler with modified sepa priority into the sepa priority sorted array

setglobal SCIP settings
conshdlrconstraint handler to be reinserted
oldprioritythe old separation priority of constraint handler

Definition at line 3984 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, FALSE, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPconflicthdlrGetName(), SCIPconflicthdlrIsInitialized(), SCIPconshdlrGetName(), SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPsetFindConflicthdlr(), SCIPsetIncludeConflicthdlr(), SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrs(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPsetConshdlrSepa().

◆ SCIPsetFindConshdlr()

SCIP_CONSHDLR* SCIPsetFindConshdlr ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the constraint handler of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of constraint handler

Definition at line 4067 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetIncludePresol(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by paramsetSetPresolvingAggressive(), paramsetSetPresolvingFast(), paramsetSetSeparatingAggressive(), paramsetSetSeparatingFast(), SCIPconsParse(), SCIPfindConshdlr(), SCIPparamsetSetEmphasis(), and SCIPparamsetSetToSubscipsOff().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeConflicthdlr()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConflicthdlr ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts conflict handler in conflict handler list

setglobal SCIP settings
conflicthdlrconflict handler

Definition at line 4087 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeConflicthdlr(), SCIPincludeConflicthdlrBasic(), and SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio().

◆ SCIPsetFindConflicthdlr()

SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* SCIPsetFindConflicthdlr ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the conflict handler of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of conflict handler

Definition at line 4111 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindConflicthdlr(), and SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio().

◆ SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrs()

void SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrs ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts conflict handlers by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4131 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortPresolsName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by conflictAddConflictCons(), SCIPgetConflicthdlrs(), and SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio().

◆ SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrsName()

void SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrsName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts conflict handlers by name

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4146 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetIncludeRelax(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

◆ SCIPsetIncludePresol()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludePresol ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts presolver in presolver list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4161 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludePresol(), SCIPincludePresolBasic(), and SCIPsetFindConshdlr().

◆ SCIPsetFindPresol()

SCIP_PRESOL* SCIPsetFindPresol ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the presolver of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of presolver

Definition at line 4184 of file set.c.

Referenced by paramsetSetPresolvingFast(), and SCIPfindPresol().

◆ SCIPsetSortPresols()

void SCIPsetSortPresols ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts presolvers by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4204 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortRelaxsName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by presolve(), and SCIPgetPresols().

◆ SCIPsetSortPresolsName()

void SCIPsetSortPresolsName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts presolvers by name

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4219 of file set.c.

References FALSE, SCIPsetIncludeSepa(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPprintPresolverStatistics(), and SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrs().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeRelax()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeRelax ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts relaxator in relaxator list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4234 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeRelax(), SCIPincludeRelaxBasic(), and SCIPsetSortConflicthdlrsName().

◆ SCIPsetFindRelax()

SCIP_RELAX* SCIPsetFindRelax ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the relaxator of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of relaxator

Definition at line 4258 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindRelax().

◆ SCIPsetSortRelaxs()

void SCIPsetSortRelaxs ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts relaxators by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4278 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortSepasName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPgetRelaxs(), SCIPsolveProbingRelax(), and solveNodeRelax().

◆ SCIPsetSortRelaxsName()

void SCIPsetSortRelaxsName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts relaxators by name

sorts relaxators by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4293 of file set.c.

References FALSE, SCIPsetIncludeCutsel(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPprintRelaxatorStatistics(), and SCIPsetSortPresols().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeSepa()


inserts separator in separator list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4308 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeSepa(), SCIPincludeSepaBasic(), and SCIPsetSortPresolsName().

◆ SCIPsetFindSepa()

SCIP_SEPA* SCIPsetFindSepa ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the separator of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of separator

Definition at line 4332 of file set.c.

Referenced by paramsetSetSeparatingAggressive(), paramsetSetSeparatingFast(), and SCIPfindSepa().

◆ SCIPsetSortSepas()

void SCIPsetSortSepas ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts separators by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4352 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIPsetIncludeProp(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPgetSepas(), separationRoundLP(), and separationRoundSol().

◆ SCIPsetSortSepasName()

void SCIPsetSortSepasName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts separators by name

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4367 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPprintSeparatorStatistics(), and SCIPsetSortRelaxs().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeCutsel()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeCutsel ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts cut selector in cut selector list

setglobal SCIP settings
cutselcut selector

Definition at line 4382 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPpropGetName().

Referenced by SCIPincludeCutsel(), SCIPincludeCutselBasic(), and SCIPsetSortRelaxsName().

◆ SCIPsetFindCutsel()

SCIP_CUTSEL* SCIPsetFindCutsel ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the cut selector of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of separator

Definition at line 4406 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortPropsPresol(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPfindCutsel().

◆ SCIPsetSortCutsels()

void SCIPsetSortCutsels ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts cut selectors by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4426 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortPropsName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPcutselsSelect(), SCIPgetCutsels(), and SCIPprintCutselectorStatistics().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeProp()


inserts propagator in propagator list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4440 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, FALSE, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPsetIncludeBanditvtable(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPincludeProp(), SCIPincludePropBasic(), and SCIPsetSortSepas().

◆ SCIPsetFindProp()

SCIP_PROP* SCIPsetFindProp ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the propagator of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of propagator

Definition at line 4467 of file set.c.

Referenced by paramsetSetPresolvingFast(), and SCIPfindProp().

◆ SCIPsetSortProps()

void SCIPsetSortProps ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts propagators by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4487 of file set.c.

References b, NULL, SCIPbanditvtableGetName(), and SCIPsetIncludeConcsolverType().

Referenced by propagationRound(), and SCIPgetProps().

◆ SCIPsetSortPropsPresol()

void SCIPsetSortPropsPresol ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts propagators by priorities for presolving

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4502 of file set.c.

Referenced by presolve(), and SCIPsetFindCutsel().

◆ SCIPsetSortPropsName()

void SCIPsetSortPropsName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts propagators w.r.t. names

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4517 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPconcsolverTypeGetName().

Referenced by SCIPprintPresolverStatistics(), SCIPprintPropagatorStatistics(), and SCIPsetSortCutsels().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeConcsolverType()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConcsolverType ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts concurrent solver type into the concurrent solver type list

setglobal SCIP settings
concsolvertypeconcurrent solver type

Definition at line 4575 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeConcsolverType(), and SCIPsetSortProps().

◆ SCIPsetFindConcsolverType()

const char *  name 

returns the concurrent solver type with the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of concurrent solver type

Definition at line 4597 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindConcsolverType().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeConcsolver()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConcsolver ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts concurrent solver into the concurrent solver list

setglobal SCIP settings
concsolverconcurrent solver

Definition at line 4617 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPheurGetName(), SCIPsetSortHeurs(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPaddConcurrentSolver().

◆ SCIPsetFreeConcsolvers()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetFreeConcsolvers ( SCIP_SET set)

frees all concurrent solvers in the concurrent solver list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4641 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetIncludeCompr(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPfreeProb().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeHeur()


inserts primal heuristic in primal heuristic list

setglobal SCIP settings
heurprimal heuristic

Definition at line 4663 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeHeur(), and SCIPincludeHeurBasic().

◆ SCIPsetFindHeur()

SCIP_HEUR* SCIPsetFindHeur ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the primal heuristic of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of primal heuristic

Definition at line 4687 of file set.c.

Referenced by paramsetSetHeuristicsAggressive(), and SCIPfindHeur().

◆ SCIPsetSortHeurs()

void SCIPsetSortHeurs ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts heuristics by priorities

sorts heuristics by their delay positions and priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4707 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetSortComprsName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPprimalHeuristics(), and SCIPsetIncludeConcsolver().

◆ SCIPsetSortHeursName()

void SCIPsetSortHeursName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts heuristics by name

sorts heuristics by names

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4722 of file set.c.

References FALSE, SCIPsetIncludeEventhdlr(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPprintHeuristicStatistics().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeCompr()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeCompr ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts tree compression in tree compression list

setglobal SCIP settings
comprtree compression

Definition at line 4737 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeCompr(), SCIPincludeComprBasic(), and SCIPsetFreeConcsolvers().

◆ SCIPsetFindCompr()

SCIP_COMPR* SCIPsetFindCompr ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the tree compression of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of tree compression

Definition at line 4761 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindCompr().

◆ SCIPsetSortComprs()

void SCIPsetSortComprs ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts compressions by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4781 of file set.c.

Referenced by compressReoptTree(), and SCIPgetComprs().

◆ SCIPsetSortComprsName()

void SCIPsetSortComprsName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts heuristics by names

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4796 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPprintCompressionStatistics(), and SCIPsetSortHeurs().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeEventhdlr()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeEventhdlr ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts event handler in event handler list

setglobal SCIP settings
eventhdlrevent handler

Definition at line 4811 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPconflictstoreCreate(), SCIPincludeEventhdlr(), SCIPincludeEventhdlrBasic(), SCIPnlpInclude(), SCIPreoptCreate(), and SCIPsetSortHeursName().

◆ SCIPsetFindEventhdlr()

SCIP_EVENTHDLR* SCIPsetFindEventhdlr ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the event handler of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of event handler

Definition at line 4834 of file set.c.

References SCIP_Stat::memsavemode, and SCIPnodeselGetMemsavePriority().

Referenced by SCIPconflictstoreCreate(), SCIPfindEventhdlr(), SCIPnlpCreate(), and SCIPnlpInclude().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeNodesel()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeNodesel ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts node selector in node selector list

setglobal SCIP settings
nodeselnode selector

Definition at line 4854 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, FALSE, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPbranchruleIsInitialized(), and SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize().

Referenced by SCIPincludeNodesel(), and SCIPincludeNodeselBasic().

◆ SCIPsetFindNodesel()

SCIP_NODESEL* SCIPsetFindNodesel ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the node selector of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of event handler

Definition at line 4885 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPbranchruleGetName().

Referenced by SCIPfindNodesel().

◆ SCIPsetGetNodesel()


returns node selector with highest priority in the current mode

setglobal SCIP settings
statdynamic problem statistics

Definition at line 4905 of file set.c.

References FALSE, NULL, SCIPsetIncludeDisp(), SCIPsetSortBranchrulesName(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPgetNodesel(), SCIPsolve(), SCIPsolveCIP(), and SCIPtransformProb().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeBranchrule()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBranchrule ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts branching rule in branching rule list

setglobal SCIP settings
branchrulebranching rule

Definition at line 4943 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeBranchrule(), and SCIPincludeBranchruleBasic().

◆ SCIPsetFindBranchrule()

SCIP_BRANCHRULE* SCIPsetFindBranchrule ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the branching rule of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of event handler

Definition at line 4967 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPdispGetName().

Referenced by SCIPfindBranchrule(), and SCIPreoptAddDualBndchg().

◆ SCIPsetSortBranchrules()

void SCIPsetSortBranchrules ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts branching rules by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 4987 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), and SCIPtableIsInitialized().

Referenced by SCIPbranchExecExtern(), SCIPbranchExecLP(), SCIPbranchExecPseudo(), and SCIPfindBranchrule().

◆ SCIPsetSortBranchrulesName()

void SCIPsetSortBranchrulesName ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts branching rules by name

sorts branching rules by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5002 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPprintBranchruleStatistics(), and SCIPsetGetNodesel().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeDisp()


inserts display column in display column list

setglobal SCIP settings
dispdisplay column

Definition at line 5017 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPsetIncludeDialog(), and SCIPtableGetName().

Referenced by SCIPincludeDisp(), and SCIPsetGetNodesel().

◆ SCIPsetFindDisp()

SCIP_DISP* SCIPsetFindDisp ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the display column of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of display

Definition at line 5049 of file set.c.

References FALSE, and NULL.

Referenced by SCIPfindDisp().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeTable()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeTable ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts statistics table in statistics table list

setglobal SCIP settings
tablestatistics table

Definition at line 5069 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, FALSE, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPsetIncludeExprhdlr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPincludeTable().

◆ SCIPsetFindTable()

SCIP_TABLE* SCIPsetFindTable ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the statistics table of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of statistics table

Definition at line 5094 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindTable().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeDialog()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeDialog ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts dialog in dialog list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5114 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIPexprhdlrGetName(), and SCIPsetSortExprhdlrs().

Referenced by SCIPincludeDialog(), and SCIPsetIncludeDisp().

◆ SCIPsetExistsDialog()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetExistsDialog ( SCIP_SET set,

returns if the dialog already exists

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5136 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPsetIncludeNlpi(), SCIPsortPtr(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SCIPexistsDialog().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeExprhdlr()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExprhdlr ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts expression handler in expression handler list

setglobal SCIP settings
exprhdlrexpression handler

Definition at line 5158 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPincludeExprhdlr(), and SCIPsetIncludeTable().

◆ SCIPsetFindExprhdlr()

SCIP_EXPRHDLR* SCIPsetFindExprhdlr ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the expression handler of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of expression handler

Definition at line 5192 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPexprCopy(), and SCIPfindExprhdlr().

◆ SCIPsetSortExprhdlrs()

void SCIPsetSortExprhdlrs ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts expression handlers by name

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5210 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetIncludeDialog().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeNlpi()


inserts NLPI in NLPI list

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5224 of file set.c.

References BMSduplicateMemoryArray, BMSreallocMemoryArray, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, SCIP_OKAY, and SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize().

Referenced by SCIPincludeNlpi(), and SCIPsetExistsDialog().

◆ SCIPsetFindNlpi()

SCIP_NLPI* SCIPsetFindNlpi ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the NLPI of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of NLPI

Definition at line 5247 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIPpricerInit(), SCIPsetSortBenders(), and SCIPsetSortPricers().

Referenced by SCIPfindNlpi(), SCIPmergeNLPIStatistics(), and SCIPnlpCreate().

◆ SCIPsetSortNlpis()

void SCIPsetSortNlpis ( SCIP_SET set)

sorts NLPIs by priorities

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5267 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIPbendersInit(), and SCIPconshdlrInit().

Referenced by SCIPgetNlpis(), and SCIPnlpCreate().

◆ SCIPsetSetPriorityNlpi()

void SCIPsetSetPriorityNlpi ( SCIP_SET set,
int  priority 

set priority of an NLPI

setglobal SCIP settings
prioritynew priority of NLPI

Definition at line 5281 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetNlpiPriority().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeExternalCode()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExternalCode ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name,
const char *  description 

inserts information about an external code in external codes list

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of external code
descriptiondescription of external code, can be NULL

Definition at line 5295 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIPcomprInit(), SCIPcutselInit(), SCIPheurInit(), SCIPpropInit(), and SCIPsepaInit().

Referenced by doScipCreate(), SCIPdialoghdlrCreate(), and SCIPincludeExternalCodeInformation().

◆ SCIPsetIncludeBanditvtable()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBanditvtable ( SCIP_SET set,

inserts bandit virtual function table into set

setglobal SCIP settings
banditvtablebandit algorithm virtual function table

Definition at line 4532 of file set.c.

References BMSreallocMemoryArray, NULL, SCIP_ALLOC, and SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize().

Referenced by SCIPincludeBanditvtable(), and SCIPsetIncludeProp().

◆ SCIPsetFindBanditvtable()

SCIP_BANDITVTABLE* SCIPsetFindBanditvtable ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  name 

returns the bandit virtual function table of the given name, or NULL if not existing

setglobal SCIP settings
namename of bandit algorithm virtual function table

Definition at line 4554 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfindBanditvtable().

◆ SCIPsetInitPlugins()

◆ SCIPsetExitPlugins()

BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,

◆ SCIPsetInitprePlugins()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitprePlugins ( SCIP_SET set,
BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,

calls initpre methods of all plugins

setglobal SCIP settings
blkmemblock memory
statdynamic problem statistics

Definition at line 5560 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALID, SCIPbendersInitsol(), SCIPconshdlrInitsol(), SCIPpricerInitsol(), SCIPsetSortBenders(), and SCIPsetSortPricers().

Referenced by initPresolve(), and SCIPsetExitPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetExitprePlugins()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitprePlugins ( SCIP_SET set,
BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,

calls exitpre methods of all plugins

setglobal SCIP settings
blkmemblock memory
statdynamic problem statistics

Definition at line 5598 of file set.c.

References SCIP_CALL, SCIPconflicthdlrInitsol(), SCIPcutselInitsol(), SCIPeventhdlrInitsol(), SCIPheurInitsol(), SCIPpropInitsol(), SCIPrelaxInitsol(), and SCIPsepaInitsol().

Referenced by exitPresolve(), and SCIPsetExitPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetInitsolPlugins()

◆ SCIPsetExitsolPlugins()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitsolPlugins ( SCIP_SET set,
BMS_BLKMEM blkmem,
SCIP_Bool  restart 

calls exitsol methods of all plugins

setglobal SCIP settings
blkmemblock memory
statdynamic problem statistics
restartwas this exit solve call triggered by a restart?

Definition at line 5745 of file set.c.

References calcGrowSize(), NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_Real, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, SCIPbranchruleExitsol(), SCIPdispExitsol(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPlpGetFeastol(), SCIPlpResetFeastol(), SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPsetCalcPathGrowSize(), SCIPsetCalcTreeGrowSize(), SCIPsetFeastol(), SCIPsetSetDualfeastol(), SCIPsetSetFeastol(), SCIPsetSetVerbLevel(), and SCIPtableExitsol().

Referenced by freeReoptSolve(), freeSolve(), and SCIPsetInitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize()

int SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize ( SCIP_SET set,
int  num 

calculate memory size for dynamically allocated arrays

setglobal SCIP settings
numminimum number of entries to store

Definition at line 5846 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by checkMemDualCons(), checkMemGlbCons(), cliqueEnsureSize(), cliquelistEnsureSize(), cliquetableEnsureSize(), colEnsureSize(), conflictEnsureConflictsetsMem(), conflictEnsureProofsetsMem(), conflictEnsureTmpbdchginfosMem(), conflictsetEnsureBdchginfosMem(), conflictstoreAddOrigConflict(), conflictstoreEnsureMem(), conshdlrEnsureCheckconssMem(), conshdlrEnsureConssMem(), conshdlrEnsureEnfoconssMem(), conshdlrEnsureInitconssMem(), conshdlrEnsurePropconssMem(), conshdlrEnsureSepaconssMem(), conshdlrEnsureUpdateconssMem(), conssetchgEnsureAddedconssSize(), conssetchgEnsureDisabledconssSize(), cutpoolEnsureCutsMem(), domchgEnsureBoundchgsSize(), domchgEnsureHolechgsSize(), ensureActiveconssSize(), ensureCandsSize(), ensureChgcolsSize(), ensureChgrowsSize(), ensureColsSize(), ensureExistingsolsSize(), ensureExterncandsSize(), ensureLazycolsSize(), ensureLpcandsSize(), ensureLpicolsSize(), ensureLpirowsSize(), ensurePartialsolsSize(), ensurePropagationStorage(), ensurePseudocandsSize(), ensureRowsSize(), ensureRunSize(), ensureSidechgsSize(), ensureSolsSize(), ensureSubdialogMem(), eventfilterEnsureMem(), eventqueueEnsureEventsMem(), hashExpr(), implicsEnsureSize(), nlpCalcFracVars(), nlpEnsureNlRowsSolverSize(), nlpEnsureVarsSolverSize(), pricestoreEnsureBdviolvarsMem(), pricestoreEnsureVarsMem(), probEnsureConssMem(), probEnsureDeletedvarsMem(), probEnsureFixedvarsMem(), probEnsureVarsMem(), reoptnodeCheckMemory(), reoptSaveNewObj(), reopttreeCheckMemory(), saveAfterDualBranchings(), SCIPbendersIncludeBenderscut(), SCIPbendersStoreCut(), SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(), SCIPensureBlockMemoryArray_call(), SCIPexprAppendChild(), SCIPnlpEnsureNlRowsSize(), SCIPnlpEnsureVarsSize(), SCIPnlrowEnsureLinearSize(), SCIPreoptAddCons(), SCIProwEnsureSize(), SCIPsetExistsDialog(), SCIPsetExitsolPlugins(), SCIPsetIncludeBanditvtable(), SCIPsetIncludeDisp(), SCIPsetIncludeNlpi(), SCIPsetIncludeNodesel(), SCIPsetIncludeProp(), SCIPsetIncludeTable(), SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio(), SCIPsetSetSeparating(), SCIPsetSortBranchrules(), SCIPvaluehistoryFind(), sepastoreEnsureCutsMem(), treeEnsureChildrenMem(), treeEnsurePendingbdchgsMem(), varEnsureLbchginfosSize(), varEnsureParentvarsSize(), varEnsureUbchginfosSize(), and vboundsEnsureSize().

◆ SCIPsetCalcTreeGrowSize()

int SCIPsetCalcTreeGrowSize ( SCIP_SET set,
int  num 

calculate memory size for tree array

setglobal SCIP settings
numminimum number of entries to store

Definition at line 5855 of file set.c.

Referenced by nodepqResize(), and SCIPsetExitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetCalcPathGrowSize()

int SCIPsetCalcPathGrowSize ( SCIP_SET set,
int  num 

calculate memory size for path array

setglobal SCIP settings
numminimum number of entries to store

Definition at line 5864 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Real.

Referenced by SCIPsetExitsolPlugins(), and treeEnsurePathMem().

◆ SCIPsetSetVerbLevel()

SCIP_VERBLEVEL  verblevel 

sets verbosity level for message output

setglobal SCIP settings
verblevelverbosity level for message output

Definition at line 5873 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetExitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetSetFeastol()

SCIP_Real  feastol 

sets feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
lpLP data, or NULL
feastolnew feasibility tolerance

Definition at line 5892 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor().

Referenced by SCIPchgFeastol(), and SCIPsetExitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetSetDualfeastol()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDualfeastol ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  dualfeastol 

sets feasibility tolerance for reduced costs in LP solution

setglobal SCIP settings
dualfeastolnew reduced costs feasibility tolerance

Definition at line 5913 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by SCIPchgDualfeastol(), and SCIPsetExitsolPlugins().

◆ SCIPsetSetBarrierconvtol()

SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetBarrierconvtol ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  barrierconvtol 

sets LP convergence tolerance used in barrier algorithm

setglobal SCIP settings
barrierconvtolnew convergence tolerance used in barrier algorithm

Definition at line 5926 of file set.c.

References SCIP_Real.

Referenced by SCIPchgBarrierconvtol().

◆ SCIPsetSetRelaxfeastol()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetSetRelaxfeastol ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  relaxfeastol 

sets primal feasibility tolerance for relaxations (relaxfeastol)

Set to SCIP_INVALID to apply relaxation-specific feasibility tolerance only.
Previous value of relaxfeastol.
setglobal SCIP settings
relaxfeastolnew primal feasibility tolerance for relaxations, or SCIP_INVALID

Definition at line 5944 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPsetGetDebugSolData().

Referenced by SCIPchgRelaxfeastol().

◆ SCIPsetSetLimitChanged()

void SCIPsetSetLimitChanged ( SCIP_SET set)

marks that some limit parameter was changed

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 5961 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by SCIPmarkLimitChanged().

◆ SCIPsetGetPriceMaxvars()

int SCIPsetGetPriceMaxvars ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Bool  root 

returns the maximal number of variables priced into the LP per round

setglobal SCIP settings
rootare we at the root node?

Definition at line 5971 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), and SCIPpricestoreAddVar().

◆ SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Bool  root 

returns factor for the maximal number of cuts generated per round

returns factor for the maximal number of cuts that can be generated per round

setglobal SCIP settings
rootare we at the root node?

Definition at line 5985 of file set.c.

Referenced by cutpoolSeparate(), priceAndCutLoop(), SCIPsetSetFeastol(), separationRoundLP(), and separationRoundSol().

◆ SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts()

int SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Bool  root 

returns the maximal number of cuts separated per round

setglobal SCIP settings
rootare we at the root node?

Definition at line 5999 of file set.c.

Referenced by cutpoolSeparate(), priceAndCutLoop(), SCIPcutpoolSeparate(), SCIPsepastoreAddCut(), SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(), separationRoundLP(), and separationRoundSol().

◆ SCIPsetGetSepaMaxCoefRatioRowprep()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetSepaMaxCoefRatioRowprep ( SCIP_SET set)

returns the maximal ratio between coefficients to ensure in rowprep cleanup

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6013 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPcleanupRowprep(), and SCIPcleanupRowprep2().

◆ SCIPsetGetReferencevalue()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetReferencevalue ( SCIP_SET set)

returns user defined objective value (in original space) for reference purposes

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6027 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPstatResetCurrentRun().

◆ SCIPsetGetDebugSolData()


returns debug solution data

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6038 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetBarrierconvtol(), SCIPsetDualfeastol(), SCIPsetEpsilon(), SCIPsetFeastol(), SCIPsetGetHugeValue(), SCIPsetLPFeastolFactor(), and SCIPsetSumepsilon().

Referenced by SCIPsetSetRelaxfeastol().

◆ SCIPsetIsUpdateUnreliable()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsUpdateUnreliable ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  newvalue,
SCIP_Real  oldvalue 

Checks, if an iteratively updated value is reliable or should be recomputed from scratch. This is useful, if the value, e.g., the activity of a linear constraint or the pseudo objective value, gets a high absolute value during the optimization process which is later reduced significantly. In this case, the last digits were cancelled out when increasing the value and are random after decreasing it. We dot not consider the cancellations which can occur during increasing the absolute value because they just cannot be expressed using fixed precision floating point arithmetic, anymore. The idea to get more reliable values is to always store the last reliable value, where increasing the absolute of the value is viewed as preserving reliability. Then, after each update, the new absolute value can be compared against the last reliable one with this method, checking whether it was decreased by a factor of at least "lp/recompfac" and should be recomputed.

Checks, if an iteratively updated value is reliable or should be recomputed from scratch. This is useful, if the value, e.g., the activity of a linear constraint or the pseudo objective value, gets a high absolute value during the optimization process which is later reduced significantly. In this case, the last digits were canceled out when increasing the value and are random after decreasing it. We dot not consider the cancellations which can occur during increasing the absolute value because they just cannot be expressed using fixed precision floating point arithmetic, anymore. The idea to get more reliable values is to always store the last reliable value, where increasing the absolute of the value is viewed as preserving reliability. Then, after each update, the new absolute value can be compared against the last reliable one with this method, checking whether it was decreased by a factor of at least "lp/recompfac" and should be recomputed.

setglobal SCIP settings
newvaluenew value after update
oldvalueold value, i.e., last reliable value

Definition at line 7398 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by lpUpdateObjval(), and SCIPisUpdateUnreliable().

◆ SCIPsetInitializeRandomSeed()

unsigned int SCIPsetInitializeRandomSeed ( SCIP_SET set,
unsigned int  initialseedvalue 

modifies an initial seed value with the global shift of random seeds

setglobal SCIP settings
initialseedvalueinitial seed value to be modified

Definition at line 7475 of file set.c.

Referenced by lpSolveStable(), SCIPdivesetReset(), SCIPinitializeRandomSeed(), SCIPreoptCreate(), SCIPsepastoreCreate(), and SCIPsetGetSubscipsOff().

◆ SCIPsetInfinity()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetInfinity ( SCIP_SET set)

returns value treated as infinity

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6146 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetPseudocostdelta().

Referenced by addGlobalCut(), adjustedLb(), adjustedUb(), adjustLPobjval(), applyBounding(), collectDualInformation(), computeRelIntPoint(), conflictstoreEnsureMem(), createAndAddProofcons(), createReoptnode(), delPosConflict(), doBendersCreate(), domMerge(), executeUserDefinedSolvesub(), getMaxActivity(), getMinActivity(), initSolve(), lpSolve(), lpUpdateVarColumnProved(), lpUpdateVarLooseProved(), lpUpdateVarProved(), nlrowCalcActivityBounds(), nodeCreate(), parseValue(), priceAndCutLoop(), primalSetCutoffbound(), primalSetUpperbound(), propAndSolve(), provedBound(), reoptnodeReset(), resetSubproblemObjectiveValue(), rowCalcActivityBounds(), rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), rowCalcNorms(), rowScale(), saveConsLinear(), SCIPaggrRowGetMinActivity(), SCIPbendersActivate(), SCIPbendersExecSubproblemSolve(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPbranchExecExtern(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPbranchGetScoreMultiple(), SCIPchgVarObjDive(), SCIPchgVarObjProbing(), SCIPcolGetFeasibility(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranch(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranches(), SCIPconcsolverSync(), SCIPconflictstoreTransform(), SCIPgetGap(), SCIPgetTransGap(), SCIPinfinity(), SCIPlpCreate(), SCIPlpGetGlobalPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetLooseObjval(), SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetModifiedPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetObjval(), SCIPlpGetPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPlpSumRows(), SCIPnlpChgVarObjDive(), SCIPnlrowGetSolActivity(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodepqGetLowerbound(), SCIPnodeUpdateLowerbound(), SCIPpricerExec(), SCIPprimalHeuristics(), SCIPprimalSetCutoffbound(), SCIPprimalSetUpperbound(), SCIPprimalUpdateObjlimit(), SCIPprimalUpdateObjoffset(), SCIPprobExternObjval(), SCIPprobGetAbsMaxObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetObjlim(), SCIPprobInternObjval(), SCIPrelaxExec(), SCIPreoptApply(), SCIPreoptnodeInit(), SCIProwCreate(), SCIProwGetLPActivity(), SCIProwGetNLPFeasibility(), SCIProwGetPseudoActivity(), SCIProwGetRelaxFeasibility(), SCIProwGetSolActivity(), SCIPsolGetVal(), SCIPsolRecomputeObj(), SCIPsolRetransform(), SCIPsolSetVal(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPstatGetDualReferenceIntegral(), SCIPstatGetPrimalDualIntegral(), SCIPstatGetPrimalReferenceIntegral(), SCIPstatResetCurrentRun(), SCIPstatResetPrimalDualIntegrals(), SCIPstoreSolutionGap(), SCIPtreeCalcNodeselPriority(), SCIPtreeCreateRoot(), SCIPtreeGetLowerboundNode(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarAddVub(), SCIPvarGetActiveRepresentatives(), SCIPvarGetLbLP(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrLbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrUbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrUbLocal(), SCIPvarGetProbvarSum(), SCIPvarGetRelaxSol(), SCIPvarGetUbLP(), SCIPvisualInit(), separateAlternativeProofs(), solveBendersSubproblems(), solveNode(), solveNodeLP(), solveNodeRelax(), tightenCoefficients(), tightenSingleVar(), transformDualredsToLinear(), tryAggregateIntVars(), varCreate(), varParse(), and varUpdateAggregationBounds().

◆ SCIPsetGetHugeValue()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetHugeValue ( SCIP_SET set)

returns the minimum value that is regarded as huge and should be handled separately (e.g., in activity computation)

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6158 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetCutoffbounddelta().

Referenced by SCIPgetHugeValue(), SCIPsetGetDebugSolData(), SCIPvarTryAggregateVars(), and tryAggregateIntVars().

◆ SCIPsetEpsilon()

◆ SCIPsetSumepsilon()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumepsilon ( SCIP_SET set)

returns value treated as zero for sums of floating point values

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6178 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by rowCalcActivityBounds(), SCIPbranchGetScore(), SCIProwGetLPEfficacy(), SCIProwGetNLPEfficacy(), SCIProwGetRelaxEfficacy(), SCIProwGetSolEfficacy(), SCIPsetGetDebugSolData(), and SCIPsumepsilon().

◆ SCIPsetFeastol()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeastol ( SCIP_SET set)

returns feasibility tolerance for constraints

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6188 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by branchcandCalcLPCands(), nlpCalcFracVars(), rowCalcActivityBounds(), SCIPfeastol(), SCIPlpResetFeastol(), SCIPsetEpsilon(), SCIPsetExitsolPlugins(), SCIPsetGetDebugSolData(), SCIPvarTryAggregateVars(), and tryAggregateIntVars().

◆ SCIPsetLPFeastolFactor()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetLPFeastolFactor ( SCIP_SET set)

returns factor w.r.t. primal feasibility tolerance that determines default (and maximal) feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6208 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPlpResetFeastol(), and SCIPsetGetDebugSolData().

◆ SCIPsetDualfeastol()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeastol ( SCIP_SET set)

returns feasibility tolerance for reduced costs

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6198 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by computeRelIntPoint(), lpSolveStable(), SCIPchgDualfeastol(), SCIPdualfeastol(), SCIPlpCreate(), and SCIPsetGetDebugSolData().

◆ SCIPsetBarrierconvtol()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetBarrierconvtol ( SCIP_SET set)

returns convergence tolerance used in barrier algorithm

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6216 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Bool, and SCIPsetIsEQ().

Referenced by lpSolveStable(), SCIPbarrierconvtol(), SCIPchgBarrierconvtol(), SCIPlpCreate(), and SCIPsetGetDebugSolData().

◆ SCIPsetPseudocosteps()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetPseudocosteps ( SCIP_SET set)

returns minimal variable distance value to use for pseudo cost updates

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6226 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPhistoryUpdatePseudocost().

◆ SCIPsetPseudocostdelta()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetPseudocostdelta ( SCIP_SET set)

returns minimal minimal objective distance value to use for pseudo cost updates

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6236 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPhistoryUpdatePseudocost(), and SCIPsetInfinity().

◆ SCIPsetCutoffbounddelta()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetCutoffbounddelta ( SCIP_SET set)

return the delta to use for computing the cutoff bound for integral objectives

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6246 of file set.c.

References EPSLT, NULL, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by initSolve(), primalSetUpperbound(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPcutoffbounddelta(), SCIPgetDualProof(), and SCIPsetGetHugeValue().

◆ SCIPsetRelaxfeastol()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetRelaxfeastol ( SCIP_SET set)

return the primal feasibility tolerance for relaxations

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6260 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPlpResetFeastol(), and SCIPrelaxfeastol().

◆ SCIPsetRecompfac()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetRecompfac ( SCIP_SET set)

returns minimal decrease factor that causes the recomputation of a value (e.g., pseudo objective) instead of an update

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 6271 of file set.c.

◆ SCIPsetIsEQ()

SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if values are in range of epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6303 of file set.c.

Referenced by addBdchg(), addGlobalCut(), colChgCoefPos(), computeRelIntPoint(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), detectImpliedBounds(), domMerge(), getGap(), getObjvalDeltaObj(), isPseudocostUpdateValid(), nlpFlushNlRowAdditions(), nlrowChgLinearCoefPos(), primalSearchSolPos(), propagateLongProof(), reoptSaveNewObj(), rowChgCoefPos(), rowScale(), SCIPbranchcandAddExternCand(), SCIPbranchExecExtern(), SCIPbranchExecLP(), SCIPbranchExecPseudo(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPbranchVar(), SCIPbranchVarVal(), SCIPbranchVarValNary(), SCIPcolChgCoef(), SCIPcolChgLb(), SCIPcolChgObj(), SCIPcolChgUb(), SCIPcolDelCoef(), SCIPcolGetFeasibility(), SCIPcolIncCoef(), SCIPdomchgAddBoundchg(), SCIPeventqueueAdd(), SCIPfixVarProbing(), SCIPgetDualSolVal(), SCIPinferBinvarCons(), SCIPinferBinvarProp(), SCIPisEQ(), SCIPlpEndDive(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpUpdateVarLb(), SCIPlpUpdateVarLbGlobal(), SCIPlpUpdateVarObj(), SCIPlpUpdateVarUb(), SCIPlpUpdateVarUbGlobal(), SCIPlpWriteMip(), SCIPmergeVariableStatistics(), SCIPnlrowChgConstant(), SCIPnlrowChgLhs(), SCIPnlrowChgRhs(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPnodeCutoff(), SCIPnodeUpdateLowerbound(), SCIPprimalTransformSol(), SCIPprimalUpperboundIsSol(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPreoptAddDualBndchg(), SCIProwChgCoef(), SCIProwChgConstant(), SCIProwChgLhs(), SCIProwChgRhs(), SCIProwDelCoef(), SCIProwIncCoef(), SCIPsetBarrierconvtol(), SCIPsolsAreEqual(), SCIPtightenVarLbGlobal(), SCIPtightenVarUbGlobal(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), SCIPvarAddHoleGlobal(), SCIPvarAddHoleLocal(), SCIPvarAddHoleOriginal(), SCIPvarAddImplic(), SCIPvarAddObj(), SCIPvarAddToRow(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarAddVub(), SCIPvarAggregate(), SCIPvarChgBranchFactor(), SCIPvarChgLbGlobal(), SCIPvarChgLbLocal(), SCIPvarChgLbOriginal(), SCIPvarChgObj(), SCIPvarChgUbGlobal(), SCIPvarChgUbLocal(), SCIPvarChgUbOriginal(), SCIPvarFix(), SCIPvarGetActiveRepresentatives(), SCIPvarMultiaggregate(), SCIPvarSetNLPSol(), SCIPvarSetRelaxSol(), SCIPvarTransform(), solnodeAddChild(), tightenBounds(), tightenDualproof(), transformDualredsToLinear(), treeAddPendingBdchg(), varAddImplic(), varAddLbchginfo(), varAddUbchginfo(), varCreate(), varEventGlbChanged(), varEventGubChanged(), varEventLbChanged(), varEventObjChanged(), varEventUbChanged(), varProcessAddHoleGlobal(), varProcessAddHoleLocal(), varProcessChgBranchFactor(), varProcessChgLbGlobal(), varProcessChgLbLocal(), varProcessChgUbGlobal(), varProcessChgUbLocal(), and varUpdateAggregationBounds().

◆ SCIPsetIsLT()

SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is (more than epsilon) lower than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6321 of file set.c.

Referenced by addSplitcons(), changeAncestorBranchings(), conflictAddBound(), conflictAnalyzeLP(), domMerge(), fixBounds(), fixInterdiction(), holelistCreate(), initSolve(), isPseudocostUpdateValid(), lpUpdateObjNorms(), nodeToLeaf(), priceAndCutLoop(), primalExistsOrigSol(), primalExistsSol(), reoptCheckLocalRestart(), rowAddNorms(), rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), SCIPboundchgApply(), SCIPbranchcandGetPseudoCands(), SCIPbranchcandUpdateVar(), SCIPbranchExecExtern(), SCIPconflictAddRelaxedBound(), SCIPfixVarProbing(), SCIPisLT(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(), SCIPreoptAddDualBndchg(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolveIsStopped(), SCIPstatUpdateMemsaveMode(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(), SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(), SCIPtreeGetLowerboundNode(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), SCIPvarAddHoleGlobal(), SCIPvarAddHoleLocal(), SCIPvarAddHoleOriginal(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarAddVub(), SCIPvarGetConflictingBdchgDepth(), sepastoreApplyUb(), sepastoreIsBdchgApplicable(), solnodeAddChild(), solveNode(), tightenSingleVar(), treeApplyPendingBdchgs(), updateLazyBounds(), varAddImplic(), varAddLbchginfo(), varEventGholeAdded(), varParse(), varProcessAddHoleGlobal(), varProcessAddHoleLocal(), and varUpdateAggregationBounds().

◆ SCIPsetIsLE()

SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is not (more than epsilon) greater than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6339 of file set.c.

References EPSISINT, EPSN, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsIntegral().

Referenced by addLocalRows(), addSplitcons(), checkRedundancy(), computeLPBounds(), conflictAddBound(), conflictAddConflictBound(), conflictQueueBound(), createAndAddProofcons(), detectImpliedBounds(), domMerge(), getGap(), lpSolve(), priceAndCutLoop(), primalExistsOrigSol(), primalExistsSol(), primalSetCutoffbound(), propagateLongProof(), rowAddNorms(), rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), rowDelNorms(), SCIPbendersExec(), SCIPboundchgApply(), SCIPbranchcandGetPseudoCands(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPbranchruleExecExternSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecLPSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecPseudoSol(), SCIPconflictAddRelaxedBound(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPinferBinvarCons(), SCIPinferBinvarProp(), SCIPinferVarLbCons(), SCIPinferVarLbProp(), SCIPinferVarUbCons(), SCIPinferVarUbProp(), SCIPisLE(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPprimalAddOrigObjoffset(), SCIPprimalAddSol(), SCIPreoptnodeAddCons(), SCIPsepaExecLP(), SCIPsetIsDualfeasFracIntegral(), SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT(), SCIPsetIsFeasGT(), SCIPsetIsGE(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolveIsStopped(), SCIPtightenVarLb(), SCIPtightenVarLbGlobal(), SCIPtightenVarUb(), SCIPtightenVarUbGlobal(), SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(), SCIPtreeGetLowerboundNode(), SCIPvarAddHoleGlobal(), SCIPvarAddHoleLocal(), SCIPvarAddHoleOriginal(), SCIPvarChgLbOriginal(), SCIPvarGetConflictingBdchgDepth(), sepastoreIsCutRedundant(), sepastoreIsCutRedundantOrInfeasible(), tightenSingleVar(), varAddVbound(), varProcessAddHoleGlobal(), varProcessAddHoleLocal(), varProcessChgLbGlobal(), and varProcessChgLbLocal().

◆ SCIPsetIsGT()

◆ SCIPsetIsGE()

SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is not (more than epsilon) lower than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6375 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetFloor(), SCIPsetIsGE(), and SCIPsetIsLE().

Referenced by addSplitcons(), analyzeStrongbranch(), applyBounding(), branchcandCalcLPCands(), checkRedundancy(), computeLPBounds(), conflictAddBound(), conflictAddConflictBound(), conflictQueueBound(), conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), detectImpliedBounds(), domMerge(), getGap(), holelistDuplicate(), lpSolve(), lpUpdateObjNorms(), nlpCalcFracVars(), nodeToLeaf(), priceAndCutLoop(), primalExistsOrigSol(), primalExistsSol(), propagateLongProof(), rowAddNorms(), rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), rowDelNorms(), SCIPboundchgApply(), SCIPbranchcandUpdateVar(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPbranchruleExecExternSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecLPSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecPseudoSol(), SCIPconcsolverSync(), SCIPconflictAddRelaxedBound(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualraycons(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPgetVarStrongbranchFrac(), SCIPgetVarStrongbranchInt(), SCIPinferVarUbCons(), SCIPinferVarUbProp(), SCIPisGE(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpRecalculateObjSqrNorm(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPreoptGetSolveLP(), SCIPreoptnodeAddCons(), SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT(), SCIPsetIsFeasGT(), SCIPsetIsGE(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(), SCIPtightenVarUb(), SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPvarAddHoleGlobal(), SCIPvarAddHoleLocal(), SCIPvarAddHoleOriginal(), SCIPvarChgUbOriginal(), SCIPvarGetConflictingBdchgDepth(), tightenSingleVar(), varAddVbound(), varProcessAddHoleGlobal(), varProcessAddHoleLocal(), varProcessChgUbGlobal(), and varProcessChgUbLocal().

◆ SCIPsetIsInfinity()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsInfinity ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is (positive) infinite

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to be compared against infinity

Definition at line 6281 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by addBdchg(), addLocalRows(), addNode(), addRowToAggrRow(), addSideRemoval(), adjustedLb(), adjustedUb(), adjustLPobjval(), applyBounding(), branchcandCalcLPCands(), checkDualFeasibility(), checkLazyBounds(), checkLazyColArray(), computeLPBounds(), computeRelIntPoint(), createAndAddProofcons(), delPosConflict(), displayRelevantStats(), executeUserDefinedSolvesub(), getGap(), getMaxActivity(), getMinActivity(), getObjvalDeltaLb(), getObjvalDeltaObj(), getObjvalDeltaUb(), initSolve(), isPseudocostUpdateValid(), lpFlushAddRows(), lpFlushChgCols(), lpFlushChgRows(), lpLexDualSimplex(), lpSetObjlim(), lpSolve(), lpSolveStable(), lpUpdateVarColumn(), lpUpdateVarColumnProved(), lpUpdateVarLoose(), lpUpdateVarLooseProved(), lpUpdateVarProved(), nlpFlushNlRowAdditions(), nlpSolve(), nlpUpdateVarBounds(), nlrowAddToStat(), nlrowConstantChanged(), nlrowSideChanged(), nodeAssignParent(), nodeToLeaf(), primalAddSol(), primalSetUpperbound(), printBounds(), proofsetCancelVarWithBound(), propagateLongProof(), recomputeGlbPseudoObjectiveValue(), recomputeLooseObjectiveValue(), recomputePseudoObjectiveValue(), rowCalcActivityBounds(), rowScale(), saveConsBounddisjuction(), saveConsLinear(), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYEQ(), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL(), SCIPaggrRowGetMinActivity(), SCIPbranchExecExtern(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPbranchruleExecExternSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecLPSol(), SCIPbranchruleExecPseudoSol(), SCIPcliquetableAdd(), SCIPconcsolverSync(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPcutpoolAddRow(), SCIPcutpoolIsCutNew(), SCIPexprEvalActivity(), SCIPgetDualboundRoot(), SCIPgetGap(), SCIPgetLowerboundRoot(), SCIPgetTransGap(), SCIPhistoryUpdatePseudocost(), SCIPisInfinity(), SCIPlpAddCol(), SCIPlpComputeRelIntPoint(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetGlobalPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetModifiedPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetObjval(), SCIPlpGetPrimalRay(), SCIPlpGetPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpIsFeasEQ(), SCIPlpIsFeasGE(), SCIPlpIsFeasGT(), SCIPlpIsFeasLE(), SCIPlpIsFeasLT(), SCIPlpMarkFlushed(), SCIPlpRecomputeLocalAndGlobalPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpSetCutoffbound(), SCIPlpSumRows(), SCIPlpWriteMip(), SCIPnlrowCreate(), SCIPnlrowIsRedundant(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeFocus(), SCIPnodepqBound(), SCIPprimalTransformSol(), SCIPprintReal(), SCIPprintRootStatistics(), SCIPprintSolutionStatistics(), SCIPprobExternObjval(), SCIPprobInternObjval(), SCIPrelaxExec(), SCIProwAddConstant(), SCIProwCalcIntegralScalar(), SCIProwChgConstant(), SCIProwGetSolActivity(), SCIProwIsRedundant(), SCIPsepastoreAddCut(), SCIPsetCutoffbounddelta(), SCIPsetFeasCeil(), SCIPsetFeasFrac(), SCIPsetIsEfficacious(), SCIPsetIsFeasFracIntegral(), SCIPsetIsFracIntegral(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), SCIPsetIsLbBetter(), SCIPsetIsScalingIntegral(), SCIPsetIsSumNegative(), SCIPsetIsSumZero(), SCIPsetIsUbBetter(), SCIPsetPseudocosteps(), SCIPsetRelaxfeastol(), SCIPsetRound(), SCIPsetSumCeil(), SCIPsetSumFrac(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolGetRayVal(), SCIPsolGetVal(), SCIPsolIncVal(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), SCIPsolPrint(), SCIPsolPrintRay(), SCIPsolRecomputeObj(), SCIPsolRetransform(), SCIPsolsAreEqual(), SCIPsolSetVal(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPstatResetCurrentRun(), SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(), SCIPtreeCutoff(), SCIPupdateVarPseudocost(), SCIPvarAddToRow(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarAddVub(), SCIPvarChgLbDive(), SCIPvarChgLbGlobal(), SCIPvarChgLbLocal(), SCIPvarChgUbDive(), SCIPvarChgUbGlobal(), SCIPvarChgUbLocal(), SCIPvarFix(), SCIPvarGetActiveRepresentatives(), SCIPvarGetLbLP(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrLbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrLbLocal(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrUbGlobal(), SCIPvarGetMultaggrUbLocal(), SCIPvarGetProbvarSum(), SCIPvarGetRelaxSol(), SCIPvarGetUbLP(), SCIPvarNegate(), SCIPvarPrint(), SCIPvisualLowerbound(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), sepastoreApplyLb(), sepastoreApplyUb(), sepastoreIsBdchgApplicable(), sepastoreIsCutRedundant(), sepastoreIsCutRedundantOrInfeasible(), solIncArrayVal(), solnodeAddChild(), solOfInterest(), solSetArrayVal(), solveBendersSubproblems(), solveNode(), storeCuts(), tightenDualproof(), updateEstimate(), updateLazyBounds(), updatePseudocost(), varParse(), varProcessChgLbGlobal(), varProcessChgLbLocal(), varProcessChgUbGlobal(), varProcessChgUbLocal(), and varUpdateAggregationBounds().

◆ SCIPsetIsHugeValue()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsHugeValue ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is huge and should be handled separately (e.g., in activity computation)

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to be checked whether it is huge

Definition at line 6292 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisHugeValue().

◆ SCIPsetIsZero()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsZero ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is in range epsilon of 0.0

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6393 of file set.c.

References EPSFLOOR, NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetCeil().

Referenced by addBoundViolated(), addCand(), colAddCoef(), colChgCoefPos(), colLink(), computeRelIntPoint(), createAndAddProofcons(), cutpoolSeparate(), detectImpliedBounds(), incVSIDS(), initSolve(), isNewValueUnreliable(), lpCleanupCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), nlpFlushObjective(), nlpFlushVarAdditions(), nlrowAddLinearCoef(), nlrowChgLinearCoefPos(), nlrowRemoveFixedLinearCoefPos(), priceAndCutLoop(), propagateLongProof(), reoptSimilarity(), rowAddCoef(), rowAddNorms(), rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), rowCalcNorms(), rowChgCoefPos(), rowDelNorms(), rowLink(), rowMerge(), rowScale(), saveConsBounddisjuction(), saveConsLinear(), SCIPaggregateVars(), SCIPcolChgLb(), SCIPcolChgObj(), SCIPcolChgUb(), SCIPcolCreate(), SCIPcolIncCoef(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPisZero(), SCIPlpAddRow(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpGetModifiedProvedPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetModifiedPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), SCIPlpSumRows(), SCIPnlrowChgLinearCoef(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(), SCIPprobGetAbsMaxObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetNObjVars(), SCIPprobPrintPseudoSol(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPprobUpdateNObjVars(), SCIPreoptMergeVarHistory(), SCIProwAddConstant(), SCIProwCalcIntegralScalar(), SCIProwCreate(), SCIProwIncCoef(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), SCIPsolIncVal(), SCIPsolPrint(), SCIPsolPrintRay(), SCIPsolSetVal(), SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegrals(), SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), SCIPvarAddImplic(), SCIPvarAddObj(), SCIPvarAddToRow(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarAddVub(), SCIPvarAggregate(), SCIPvarChgLbOriginal(), SCIPvarChgObjDive(), SCIPvarChgUbOriginal(), SCIPvarFix(), SCIPvarGetActiveRepresentatives(), SCIPvarIncVSIDS(), SCIPvarMultiaggregate(), SCIPvarPrint(), SCIPvarRemoveCliquesImplicsVbs(), SCIPvarSetNLPSol(), SCIPvarSetRelaxSol(), SCIPvarTryAggregateVars(), SCIPvarUpdatePseudocost(), SCIPvboundsAdd(), separationRoundLP(), separationRoundSol(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), sepastoreIsBdchgApplicable(), storeCuts(), tightenDualproof(), tryAggregateIntVars(), varAddImplic(), varAddTransitiveImplic(), varProcessChgLbGlobal(), varProcessChgLbLocal(), varProcessChgUbLocal(), and varUpdateAggregationBounds().

◆ SCIPsetIsPositive()

◆ SCIPsetIsNegative()

◆ SCIPsetIsIntegral()

◆ SCIPsetIsScalingIntegral()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsScalingIntegral ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val,
SCIP_Real  scalar 

checks whether the product val * scalar is integral in epsilon scaled by scalar

setglobal SCIP settings
valunscaled value to check for scaled integrality
scalarvalue to scale val with for checking for integrality

Definition at line 6437 of file set.c.

References EPSEQ, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetIsInfinity(), and SCIPsetIsSumLT().

Referenced by SCIPisScalingIntegral().

◆ SCIPsetIsFracIntegral()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFracIntegral ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if given fractional part is smaller than epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6455 of file set.c.

References EPSLT, NULL, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPisFracIntegral().

◆ SCIPsetFloor()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFloor ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value + feasibility tolerance down to the next integer in epsilon tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6468 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by SCIPbranchcandAddExternCand(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPexprEvalActivity(), SCIPfloor(), SCIPsetIsGE(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarCalcPscostConfidenceBound(), and SCIPvarGetMinPseudocostScore().

◆ SCIPsetCeil()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetCeil ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value - feasibility tolerance up to the next integer in epsilon tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6479 of file set.c.

Referenced by cutpoolSeparate(), numSubproblemsToCheck(), paramsetSetHeuristicsAggressive(), SCIPbranchcandAddExternCand(), SCIPceil(), SCIPexprEvalActivity(), SCIPsetIsZero(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPtreeBranchVarNary(), SCIPvarAddVlb(), SCIPvarGetMinPseudocostScore(), separationRoundLP(), and separationRoundSol().

◆ SCIPsetRound()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetRound ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value to the nearest integer in epsilon tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6490 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by addGlobalCut(), colAddCoef(), colChgCoefPos(), rowAddCoef(), rowChgCoefPos(), rowMerge(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPround(), SCIProwCreate(), SCIPsetIsPositive(), and SCIPvarFix().

◆ SCIPsetFrac()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFrac ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

returns fractional part of value, i.e. x - floor(x) in epsilon tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to return fractional part for

Definition at line 6501 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPexprPrintDot(), SCIPfrac(), and SCIPsetIsNegative().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumEQ()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumEQ ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if values are in range of sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6512 of file set.c.

Referenced by lpFlushChgRows(), SCIPisSumEQ(), SCIPlpMarkFlushed(), and SCIPsetIsIntegral().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumLT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumLT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is (more than sumepsilon) lower than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6530 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisSumLT(), and SCIPsetIsScalingIntegral().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumLE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumLE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is not (more than sumepsilon) greater than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6548 of file set.c.

References EPSFLOOR, EPSN, NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetSumFloor().

Referenced by SCIPisSumLE(), and SCIProwGetObjParallelism().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumGT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumGT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is (more than sumepsilon) greater than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6566 of file set.c.

References EPSCEIL, NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetSumRound().

Referenced by SCIPisSumGT().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumGE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumGE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if val1 is not (more than sumepsilon) lower than val2

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6584 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisSumGE(), and SCIProwGetObjParallelism().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumZero()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumZero ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is in range sumepsilon of 0.0

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6602 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPisSumZero(), and SCIProwGetLPSolCutoffDistance().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumPositive()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumPositive ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is greater than sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6613 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisSumPositive().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumNegative()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumNegative ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is lower than -sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6624 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPisSumNegative().

◆ SCIPsetSumFloor()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumFloor ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value + sumepsilon tolerance down to the next integer

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6635 of file set.c.

Referenced by rowScale(), and SCIPsetIsSumLE().

◆ SCIPsetSumCeil()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumCeil ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value - sumepsilon tolerance up to the next integer

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6646 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by rowScale().

◆ SCIPsetSumRound()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumRound ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value to the nearest integer in sumepsilon tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6657 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPsetIsSumGT().

◆ SCIPsetSumFrac()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetSumFrac ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

returns fractional part of value, i.e. x - floor(x) in sumepsilon tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6668 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasEQ()

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasLT()

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasLE()

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasGT()

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasGE()

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasZero()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasZero ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is in range feasibility tolerance of 0.0

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6789 of file set.c.

References EPSROUND, and NULL.

Referenced by computeRelIntPoint(), focusnodeCleanupVars(), lpLexDualSimplex(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPisFeasZero(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), SCIPlpGetUnboundedSol(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), sepastoreIsBdchgApplicable(), and varAddImplic().

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasPositive()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasPositive ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasNegative()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasNegative ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is lower than -feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6811 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Real.

Referenced by focusnodeCleanupVars(), provedBound(), SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPisFeasNegative(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPsetIsFeasLE(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), SCIPvarAddVub(), and sepastoreIsCutRedundantOrInfeasible().

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral()

◆ SCIPsetIsFeasFracIntegral()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasFracIntegral ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if given fractional part is smaller than feastol

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6833 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by branchcandCalcLPCands(), nlpCalcFracVars(), SCIPisFeasFracIntegral(), and SCIPsetIsFeasGT().

◆ SCIPsetFeasFloor()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasFloor ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value + feasibility tolerance down to the next integer

rounds value + feasibility tolerance down to the next integer in feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6846 of file set.c.

Referenced by adjustedUb(), analyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPcalcChildEstimateIncrease(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPfeasFloor(), SCIPgetVarPseudocostScore(), SCIPgetVarPseudocostScoreCurrentRun(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPsolRound(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(), SCIPtreeCalcChildEstimate(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), tightenSingleVar(), and tryAggregateIntVars().

◆ SCIPsetFeasCeil()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasCeil ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value - feasibility tolerance up to the next integer

rounds value - feasibility tolerance up to the next integer in feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6857 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by adjustedLb(), analyzeStrongbranch(), primalSetUpperbound(), SCIPcalcChildEstimateIncrease(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPfeasCeil(), SCIPgetVarPseudocostScore(), SCIPgetVarPseudocostScoreCurrentRun(), SCIPsetIsFeasGE(), SCIPsolRound(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), SCIPtreeBranchVarHole(), SCIPtreeCalcChildEstimate(), and selectVarMultAggrBranching().

◆ SCIPsetFeasRound()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasRound ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value to the nearest integer in feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6868 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPfeasRound().

◆ SCIPsetFeasFrac()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetFeasFrac ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

returns fractional part of value, i.e. x - floor(x) in feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 6879 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by branchcandCalcLPCands(), nlpCalcFracVars(), and SCIPfeasFrac().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasEQ()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasEQ ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of values is in range of dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6890 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasEQ().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasLT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasLT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is lower than dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6912 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasLT(), and SCIPlpGetDualfarkas().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasLE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasLE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not greater than dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6934 of file set.c.

References EPSN, EPSP, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetIsDualfeasIntegral(), and SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative().

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasLE().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is greater than dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6956 of file set.c.

References EPSISINT, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, SCIPsetIsDualfeasFracIntegral(), SCIPsetIsGE(), and SCIPsetIsLE().

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasGT(), and SCIPlpGetDualfarkas().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasGE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasGE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not lower than -dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 6978 of file set.c.

References EPSCEIL, EPSFLOOR, NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetDualfeasCeil().

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasGE().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasZero()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasZero ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is in range dual feasibility tolerance of 0.0

checks, if value is in range feasibility tolerance of 0.0

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7000 of file set.c.

References EPSROUND, and NULL.

Referenced by addLocalRows(), checkDualFeasibility(), lpLexDualSimplex(), SCIPgetDualProof(), SCIPgetFarkasProof(), SCIPisDualfeasZero(), and SCIPvarUpdateBestRootSol().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasPositive()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasPositive ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is greater than dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7011 of file set.c.

References EPSFRAC, and NULL.

Referenced by getImplVarRedcost(), SCIPisDualfeasPositive(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), and SCIPvarGetImplRedcost().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is lower than -dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7022 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by getImplVarRedcost(), SCIPisDualfeasNegative(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpGetSol(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPsetIsDualfeasLE(), and SCIPvarGetImplRedcost().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasIntegral()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasIntegral ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if value is integral within the dual feasibility bounds

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7033 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasIntegral(), and SCIPsetIsDualfeasLE().

◆ SCIPsetIsDualfeasFracIntegral()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasFracIntegral ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

checks, if given fractional part is smaller than dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7044 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIPsetIsLE().

Referenced by SCIPisDualfeasFracIntegral(), and SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT().

◆ SCIPsetDualfeasFloor()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasFloor ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value + dual feasibility tolerance down to the next integer

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7057 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPdualfeasFloor().

◆ SCIPsetDualfeasCeil()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasCeil ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value - dual feasibility tolerance up to the next integer

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7068 of file set.c.

References EPSP, and NULL.

Referenced by SCIPdualfeasCeil(), and SCIPsetIsDualfeasGE().

◆ SCIPsetDualfeasRound()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasRound ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

rounds value to the nearest integer in dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7079 of file set.c.

References NULL, and SCIP_Real.

Referenced by SCIPdualfeasRound().

◆ SCIPsetDualfeasFrac()

SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasFrac ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val 

returns fractional part of value, i.e. x - floor(x) in dual feasibility tolerance

setglobal SCIP settings
valvalue to process

Definition at line 7090 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPdualfeasFrac().

◆ SCIPsetIsLbBetter()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLbBetter ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  newlb,
SCIP_Real  oldlb,
SCIP_Real  oldub 

checks, if the given new lower bound is at least min(oldub - oldlb, |oldlb|) times the bound strengthening epsilon better than the old one or the change in the lower bound would fix the sign of the variable

setglobal SCIP settings
newlbnew lower bound
oldlbold lower bound
oldubold upper bound

Definition at line 7104 of file set.c.

References EPSN, NULL, SCIP_Bool, SCIP_Real, SCIPrelDiff(), SCIPsetIsInfinity(), and SCIPsetIsRelLE().

Referenced by SCIPinferVarLbCons(), SCIPinferVarLbProp(), SCIPisLbBetter(), SCIPtightenVarLb(), and SCIPtightenVarLbGlobal().

◆ SCIPsetIsUbBetter()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsUbBetter ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  newub,
SCIP_Real  oldlb,
SCIP_Real  oldub 

checks, if the given new upper bound is at least min(oldub - oldlb, |oldub|) times the bound strengthening epsilon better than the old one or the change in the upper bound would fix the sign of the variable

setglobal SCIP settings
newubnew upper bound
oldlbold lower bound
oldubold upper bound

Definition at line 7125 of file set.c.

References EPSP, NULL, SCIP_Real, SCIPrelDiff(), and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPinferVarUbCons(), SCIPinferVarUbProp(), SCIPisUbBetter(), SCIPtightenVarUb(), and SCIPtightenVarUbGlobal().

◆ SCIPsetIsEfficacious()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEfficacious ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Bool  root,
SCIP_Real  efficacy 

checks, if the given cut's efficacy is larger than the minimal cut efficacy

setglobal SCIP settings
rootshould the root's minimal cut efficacy be used?
efficacyefficacy of the cut

Definition at line 7143 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIP_Real, and SCIPsetIsInfinity().

Referenced by SCIPisEfficacious(), SCIProwIsLPEfficacious(), SCIProwIsSolEfficacious(), and SCIPsepastoreRemoveInefficaciousCuts().

◆ SCIPsetIsRelEQ()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelEQ ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of values is in range of epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7158 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisRelEQ(), SCIPtreeBranchVar(), and SCIPtreeBranchVarNary().

◆ SCIPsetIsRelLT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is lower than epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7180 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPisRelLT(), and SCIPtreeBranchVarNary().

◆ SCIPsetIsRelLE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not greater than epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7202 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisRelLE(), SCIPnlrowCreate(), and SCIPsetIsLbBetter().

◆ SCIPsetIsRelGT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is greater than epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7224 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPbranchGetBranchingPoint(), SCIPisRelGT(), SCIPrelaxExec(), and SCIPtreeBranchVarNary().

◆ SCIPsetIsRelGE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not lower than -epsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7246 of file set.c.

Referenced by lpSolve(), SCIPisRelGE(), and SCIPnodeSetEstimate().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumRelEQ()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelEQ ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of values is in range of sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7268 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisSumRelEQ().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumRelLT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelLT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is lower than sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7290 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisSumRelLT().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumRelLE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelLE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not greater than sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7312 of file set.c.

References ABS, MAX, NULL, and SCIP_Real.

Referenced by SCIPisSumRelLE().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumRelGT()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelGT ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is greater than sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7334 of file set.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by SCIPisSumRelGT().

◆ SCIPsetIsSumRelGE()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelGE ( SCIP_SET set,
SCIP_Real  val1,
SCIP_Real  val2 

checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not lower than -sumepsilon

setglobal SCIP settings
val1first value to be compared
val2second value to be compared

Definition at line 7356 of file set.c.

Referenced by SCIPisSumRelGE().

◆ SCIPsetGetSubscipsOff()

SCIP_Bool SCIPsetGetSubscipsOff ( SCIP_SET set)

returns the flag indicating whether sub-SCIPs that could cause recursion have been deactivated

setglobal SCIP settings

Definition at line 7378 of file set.c.

References NULL, SCIPmessageVFPrintInfo(), and SCIPsetInitializeRandomSeed().

Referenced by executeUserDefinedSolvesub(), generateBendersCuts(), numSubproblemsToCheck(), SCIPbendersExec(), SCIPgetSubscipsOff(), and solveBendersSubproblems().

◆ SCIPsetPrintDebugMessage()

void SCIPsetPrintDebugMessage ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  sourcefile,
int  sourceline,
const char *  formatstr,

prints a debug message

setglobal SCIP settings
sourcefilename of the source file that called the function
sourcelineline in the source file where the function was called
formatstrformat string like in printf() function

Definition at line 7414 of file set.c.

◆ SCIPsetDebugMessagePrint()

void SCIPsetDebugMessagePrint ( SCIP_SET set,
const char *  formatstr,

prints a debug message without precode

setglobal SCIP settings
formatstrformat string like in printf() function

Definition at line 7458 of file set.c.