

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

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1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /* */
3 /* This file is part of the program and library */
4 /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */
5 /* */
6 /* Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7 /* */
8 /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9 /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10 /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11 /* */
12 /* */
13 /* */
14 /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15 /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16 /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17 /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18 /* limitations under the License. */
19 /* */
20 /* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21 /* along with SCIP; see the file LICENSE. If not visit */
22 /* */
23 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25 /**@file conflict_graphanalysis.c
26  * @ingroup OTHER_CFILES
27  * @brief methods and datastructures for conflict analysis
28  * @author Tobias Achterberg
29  * @author Timo Berthold
30  * @author Stefan Heinz
31  * @author Marc Pfetsch
32  * @author Michael Winkler
33  * @author Jakob Witzig
34  *
35  * This file implements a conflict analysis method like the one used in modern
36  * SAT solvers like zchaff. The algorithm works as follows:
37  *
38  * Given is a set of bound changes that are not allowed being applied simultaneously, because they
39  * render the current node infeasible (e.g. because a single constraint is infeasible in the these
40  * bounds, or because the LP relaxation is infeasible). The goal is to deduce a clause on variables
41  * -- a conflict clause -- representing the "reason" for this conflict, i.e., the branching decisions
42  * or the deductions (applied e.g. in domain propagation) that lead to the conflict. This clause can
43  * then be added to the constraint set to help cutting off similar parts of the branch and bound
44  * tree, that would lead to the same conflict. A conflict clause can also be generated, if the
45  * conflict was detected by a locally valid constraint. In this case, the resulting conflict clause
46  * is also locally valid in the same depth as the conflict detecting constraint. If all involved
47  * variables are binary, a linear (set covering) constraint can be generated, otherwise a bound
48  * disjunction constraint is generated. Details are given in
49  *
50  * Tobias Achterberg, Conflict Analysis in Mixed Integer Programming@n
51  * Discrete Optimization, 4, 4-20 (2007)
52  *
53  * See also @ref CONF. Here is an outline of the algorithm:
54  *
55  * -# Put all the given bound changes to a priority queue, which is ordered,
56  * such that the bound change that was applied last due to branching or deduction
57  * is at the top of the queue. The variables in the queue are always active
58  * problem variables. Because binary variables are preferred over general integer
59  * variables, integer variables are put on the priority queue prior to the binary
60  * variables. Create an empty conflict set.
61  * -# Remove the top bound change b from the priority queue.
62  * -# Perform the following case distinction:
63  * -# If the remaining queue is non-empty, and bound change b' (the one that is now
64  * on the top of the queue) was applied at the same depth level as b, and if
65  * b was a deduction with known inference reason, and if the inference constraint's
66  * valid depth is smaller or equal to the conflict detecting constraint's valid
67  * depth:
68  * - Resolve bound change b by asking the constraint that inferred the
69  * bound change to put all the bound changes on the priority queue, that
70  * lead to the deduction of b.
71  * Note that these bound changes have at most the same inference depth
72  * level as b, and were deduced earlier than b.
73  * -# Otherwise, the bound change b was a branching decision or a deduction with
74  * missing inference reason, or the inference constraint's validity is more local
75  * than the one of the conflict detecting constraint.
76  * - If a the bound changed corresponds to a binary variable, add it or its
77  * negation to the conflict set, depending on which of them is currently fixed to
78  * FALSE (i.e., the conflict set consists of literals that cannot be FALSE
79  * altogether at the same time).
80  * - Otherwise put the bound change into the conflict set.
81  * Note that if the bound change was a branching, all deduced bound changes
82  * remaining in the priority queue have smaller inference depth level than b,
83  * since deductions are always applied after the branching decisions. However,
84  * there is the possibility, that b was a deduction, where the inference
85  * reason was not given or the inference constraint was too local.
86  * With this lack of information, we must treat the deduced bound change like
87  * a branching, and there may exist other deduced bound changes of the same
88  * inference depth level in the priority queue.
89  * -# If priority queue is non-empty, goto step 2.
90  * -# The conflict set represents the conflict clause saying that at least one
91  * of the conflict variables must take a different value. The conflict set is then passed
92  * to the conflict handlers, that may create a corresponding constraint (e.g. a logicor
93  * constraint or bound disjunction constraint) out of these conflict variables and
94  * add it to the problem.
95  *
96  * If all deduced bound changes come with (global) inference information, depending on
97  * the conflict analyzing strategy, the resulting conflict set has the following property:
98  * - 1-FirstUIP: In the depth level where the conflict was found, at most one variable
99  * assigned at that level is member of the conflict set. This conflict variable is the
100  * first unique implication point of its depth level (FUIP).
101  * - All-FirstUIP: For each depth level, at most one variable assigned at that level is
102  * member of the conflict set. This conflict variable is the first unique implication
103  * point of its depth level (FUIP).
104  *
105  * The user has to do the following to get the conflict analysis running in its
106  * current implementation:
107  * - A constraint handler or propagator supporting the conflict analysis must implement
108  * the CONSRESPROP/PROPRESPROP call, that processes a bound change inference b and puts all
109  * the reason bounds leading to the application of b with calls to
110  * SCIPaddConflictBound() on the conflict queue (algorithm step 3.(a)).
111  * - If the current bounds lead to a deduction of a bound change (e.g. in domain
112  * propagation), a constraint handler should call SCIPinferVarLbCons() or
113  * SCIPinferVarUbCons(), thus providing the constraint that inferred the bound change.
114  * A propagator should call SCIPinferVarLbProp() or SCIPinferVarUbProp() instead,
115  * thus providing a pointer to itself.
116  * - If (in the current bounds) an infeasibility is detected, the constraint handler or
117  * propagator should
118  * 1. call SCIPinitConflictAnalysis() to initialize the conflict queue,
119  * 2. call SCIPaddConflictBound() for each bound that lead to the conflict,
120  * 3. call SCIPanalyzeConflictCons() or SCIPanalyzeConflict() to analyze the conflict
121  * and add an appropriate conflict constraint.
122  */
124 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
126 #include "lpi/lpi.h"
129 #include "scip/clock.h"
130 #include "scip/conflict.h"
131 #include "scip/cons.h"
132 #include "scip/cons_linear.h"
133 #include "scip/cuts.h"
134 #include "scip/history.h"
135 #include "scip/lp.h"
136 #include "scip/presolve.h"
137 #include "scip/prob.h"
138 #include "scip/prop.h"
139 #include "scip/pub_conflict.h"
140 #include "scip/pub_cons.h"
141 #include "scip/pub_lp.h"
142 #include "scip/pub_message.h"
143 #include "scip/pub_misc.h"
144 #include "scip/pub_misc_sort.h"
145 #include "scip/pub_paramset.h"
146 #include "scip/pub_prop.h"
147 #include "scip/pub_tree.h"
148 #include "scip/pub_var.h"
149 #include "scip/scip_conflict.h"
150 #include "scip/scip_cons.h"
151 #include "scip/scip_mem.h"
152 #include "scip/scip_sol.h"
153 #include "scip/scip_var.h"
154 #include "scip/set.h"
155 #include "scip/sol.h"
156 #include "scip/struct_conflict.h"
157 #include "scip/struct_lp.h"
158 #include "scip/struct_prob.h"
159 #include "scip/struct_set.h"
160 #include "scip/struct_stat.h"
161 #include "scip/struct_tree.h"
162 #include "scip/struct_var.h"
163 #include "scip/tree.h"
164 #include "scip/var.h"
165 #include "scip/visual.h"
166 #include <string.h>
167 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
168 #else
169 #include <strings.h> /*lint --e{766}*/
170 #endif
172 /* #define SCIP_CONFGRAPH */
173 /* #define SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT */
176 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
177 /*
178  * Output of Conflict Graph
179  */
181 #include <stdio.h>
182 #include "scip/scip_message.h"
184 static FILE* confgraphfile = NULL; /**< output file for current conflict graph */
185 static SCIP_BDCHGINFO* confgraphcurrentbdchginfo = NULL; /**< currently resolved bound change */
186 static int confgraphnconflictsets = 0; /**< number of conflict sets marked in the graph */
188 /** writes a node section to the conflict graph file */
189 static
190 void confgraphWriteNode(
191  void* idptr, /**< id of the node */
192  const char* label, /**< label of the node */
193  const char* nodetype, /**< type of the node */
194  const char* fillcolor, /**< color of the node's interior */
195  const char* bordercolor /**< color of the node's border */
196  )
197 {
198  assert(confgraphfile != NULL);
201  SCIPdotWriteNode(confgraphfile, (int)(size_t) idptr, label, nodetype, fillcolor, bordercolor); /*lint !e571*/
203 #else
204  SCIPgmlWriteNode(confgraphfile, (unsigned int)(size_t)idptr, label, nodetype, fillcolor, bordercolor); /*lint !e571*/
206 #endif
207 }
209 /** writes an edge section to the conflict graph file */
210 static
211 void confgraphWriteEdge(
212  void* source, /**< source node of the edge */
213  void* target, /**< target node of the edge */
214  const char* color /**< color of the edge */
215  )
216 {
217  assert(confgraphfile != NULL);
220  SCIPdotWriteArc(confgraphfile, (int)(size_t)source, (int)(size_t)target, color); /*lint !e571*/
222 #else
224  SCIPgmlWriteArc(confgraphfile, (unsigned int)(size_t)source, (unsigned int)(size_t)target, NULL, color); /*lint !e571*/
226 #else
227  SCIPgmlWriteEdge(confgraphfile, (unsigned int)(size_t)source, (unsigned int)(size_t)target, NULL, color); /*lint !e571*/
228 #endif
229 #endif
230 }
232 /** creates a file to output the current conflict graph into; adds the conflict vertex to the graph */
233 static
234 SCIP_RETCODE confgraphCreate(
235  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
236  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict /**< conflict analysis data */
237  )
238 {
239  char fname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
241  assert(conflict != NULL);
242  assert(confgraphfile == NULL);
245  (void) SCIPsnprintf(fname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "", conflict, conflict->count);
246 #else
247  (void) SCIPsnprintf(fname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "conf%p%d.gml", conflict, conflict->count);
248 #endif
249  SCIPinfoMessage(set->scip, NULL, "storing conflict graph in file <%s>\n", fname);
251  confgraphfile = fopen(fname, "w");
253  if( confgraphfile == NULL )
254  {
255  SCIPerrorMessage("cannot open graph file <%s>\n", fname);
256  SCIPABORT(); /*lint !e527*/
257  return SCIP_WRITEERROR;
258  }
261  SCIPdotWriteOpening(confgraphfile);
262 #else
263  SCIPgmlWriteOpening(confgraphfile, TRUE);
264 #endif
265  confgraphWriteNode(NULL, "conflict", "ellipse", "#ff0000", "#000000");
267  confgraphcurrentbdchginfo = NULL;
269  return SCIP_OKAY;
270 }
272 /** closes conflict graph file */
273 static
274 void confgraphFree(
275  void
276  )
277 {
278  if( confgraphfile != NULL )
279  {
281  SCIPdotWriteClosing(confgraphfile);
282 #else
283  SCIPgmlWriteClosing(confgraphfile);
284 #endif
285  fclose(confgraphfile);
287  confgraphfile = NULL;
288  confgraphnconflictsets = 0;
289  }
290 }
292 /** adds a bound change node to the conflict graph and links it to the currently resolved bound change */
293 static
294 void confgraphAddBdchg(
295  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo /**< bound change to add to the conflict graph */
296  )
297 {
298  const char* colors[] = {
299  "#8888ff", /* blue for constraint resolving */
300  "#ffff00", /* yellow for propagator resolving */
301  "#55ff55" /* green branching decision */
302  };
303  char label[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
304  char depth[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
305  int col;
307  switch( SCIPbdchginfoGetChgtype(bdchginfo) )
308  {
310  col = 2;
311  break;
313  col = 0;
314  break;
316  col = (SCIPbdchginfoGetInferProp(bdchginfo) == NULL ? 1 : 0);
317  break;
318  default:
319  SCIPerrorMessage("invalid bound change type\n");
320  col = 0;
322  break;
323  }
325  if( SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo) == INT_MAX )
326  (void) SCIPsnprintf(depth, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "dive");
327  else
328  (void) SCIPsnprintf(depth, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "%d", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo));
329  (void) SCIPsnprintf(label, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "%s %s %g\n[%s:%d]", SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)),
330  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
331  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo), depth, SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo));
332  confgraphWriteNode(bdchginfo, label, "ellipse", colors[col], "#000000");
333  confgraphWriteEdge(bdchginfo, confgraphcurrentbdchginfo, "#000000");
334 }
336 /** links the already existing bound change node to the currently resolved bound change */
337 static
338 void confgraphLinkBdchg(
339  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo /**< bound change to add to the conflict graph */
340  )
341 {
342  confgraphWriteEdge(bdchginfo, confgraphcurrentbdchginfo, "#000000");
343 }
345 /** marks the given bound change to be the currently resolved bound change */
346 static
347 void confgraphSetCurrentBdchg(
348  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo /**< bound change to add to the conflict graph */
349  )
350 {
351  confgraphcurrentbdchginfo = bdchginfo;
352 }
354 /** marks given conflict set in the conflict graph */
355 static
356 void confgraphMarkConflictset(
357  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset /**< conflict set */
358  )
359 {
360  char label[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
361  int i;
363  assert(conflictset != NULL);
365  confgraphnconflictsets++;
366  (void) SCIPsnprintf(label, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "conf %d (%d)", confgraphnconflictsets, conflictset->validdepth);
367  confgraphWriteNode((void*)(size_t)confgraphnconflictsets, label, "rectangle", "#ff00ff", "#000000"); /*lint !e571*/
368  for( i = 0; i < conflictset->nbdchginfos; ++i )
369  confgraphWriteEdge((void*)(size_t)confgraphnconflictsets, conflictset->bdchginfos[i], "#ff00ff"); /*lint !e571*/
370 }
372 #endif
374 /** Conflict sets */
376 /** resizes the arrays of the conflict set to be able to store at least num bound change entries */
377 static
379  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set */
380  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
381  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
382  int num /**< minimal number of slots in arrays */
383  )
384 {
385  assert(conflictset != NULL);
386  assert(set != NULL);
388  if( num > conflictset->bdchginfossize )
389  {
390  int newsize;
392  newsize = SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(set, num);
393  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &conflictset->bdchginfos, conflictset->bdchginfossize, newsize) );
394  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &conflictset->relaxedbds, conflictset->bdchginfossize, newsize) );
395  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &conflictset->sortvals, conflictset->bdchginfossize, newsize) );
396  conflictset->bdchginfossize = newsize;
397  }
398  assert(num <= conflictset->bdchginfossize);
400  return SCIP_OKAY;
401 }
403 /** adds a bound change to a conflict set */
404 static
406  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set */
407  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
408  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
409  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo, /**< bound change to add to the conflict set */
410  SCIP_Real relaxedbd /**< relaxed bound */
411  )
412 {
413  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos;
414  SCIP_Real* relaxedbds;
415  int* sortvals;
416  SCIP_VAR* var;
417  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype;
418  int idx;
419  int sortval;
420  int pos;
422  assert(conflictset != NULL);
423  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
425  /* allocate memory for additional element */
426  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetEnsureBdchginfosMem(conflictset, blkmem, set, conflictset->nbdchginfos+1) );
428  /* insert the new bound change in the arrays sorted by increasing variable index and by bound type */
429  bdchginfos = conflictset->bdchginfos;
430  relaxedbds = conflictset->relaxedbds;
431  sortvals = conflictset->sortvals;
432  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
433  boundtype = SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo);
434  idx = SCIPvarGetIndex(var);
435  assert(idx < INT_MAX/2);
436  assert((int)boundtype == 0 || (int)boundtype == 1);
437  sortval = 2*idx + (int)boundtype; /* first sorting criteria: variable index, second criteria: boundtype */
439  /* insert new element into the sorted arrays; if an element exits with the same value insert the new element afterwards
440  *
441  * @todo check if it better (faster) to first search for the position O(log n) and compare the sort values and if
442  * they are equal just replace the element and if not run the insert method O(n)
443  */
445  SCIPsortedvecInsertIntPtrReal(sortvals, (void**)bdchginfos, relaxedbds, sortval, (void*)bdchginfo, relaxedbd, &conflictset->nbdchginfos, &pos);
446  assert(pos == conflictset->nbdchginfos - 1 || sortval < sortvals[pos+1]);
448  /* merge multiple bound changes */
449  if( pos > 0 && sortval == sortvals[pos-1] )
450  {
451  /* this is a multiple bound change */
452  if( SCIPbdchginfoIsTighter(bdchginfo, bdchginfos[pos-1]) )
453  {
454  /* remove the "old" bound change since the "new" one in tighter */
455  SCIPsortedvecDelPosIntPtrReal(sortvals, (void**)bdchginfos, relaxedbds, pos-1, &conflictset->nbdchginfos);
456  }
457  else if( SCIPbdchginfoIsTighter(bdchginfos[pos-1], bdchginfo) )
458  {
459  /* remove the "new" bound change since the "old" one is tighter */
460  SCIPsortedvecDelPosIntPtrReal(sortvals, (void**)bdchginfos, relaxedbds, pos, &conflictset->nbdchginfos);
461  }
462  else
463  {
464  /* both bound change are equivalent; hence, keep the worse relaxed bound and remove one of them */
465  relaxedbds[pos-1] = boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? MAX(relaxedbds[pos-1], relaxedbd) : MIN(relaxedbds[pos-1], relaxedbd);
466  SCIPsortedvecDelPosIntPtrReal(sortvals, (void**)bdchginfos, relaxedbds, pos, &conflictset->nbdchginfos);
467  }
468  }
470  if( SCIPvarIsRelaxationOnly(var) )
471  conflictset->hasrelaxonlyvar = TRUE;
473  return SCIP_OKAY;
474 }
476 /** calculates the conflict and the repropagation depths of the conflict set */
477 static
479  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset /**< conflict set */
480  )
481 {
482  int maxdepth[2];
483  int i;
485  assert(conflictset != NULL);
486  assert(conflictset->validdepth <= conflictset->insertdepth);
488  /* get the depth of the last and last but one bound change */
489  maxdepth[0] = conflictset->validdepth;
490  maxdepth[1] = conflictset->validdepth;
491  for( i = 0; i < conflictset->nbdchginfos; ++i )
492  {
493  int depth;
495  depth = SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(conflictset->bdchginfos[i]);
496  assert(depth >= 0);
497  if( depth > maxdepth[0] )
498  {
499  maxdepth[1] = maxdepth[0];
500  maxdepth[0] = depth;
501  }
502  else if( depth > maxdepth[1] )
503  maxdepth[1] = depth;
504  }
505  assert(maxdepth[0] >= maxdepth[1]);
507  conflictset->conflictdepth = maxdepth[0];
508  conflictset->repropdepth = maxdepth[1];
509 }
511 /** identifies the depth, at which the conflict set should be added:
512  * - if the branching rule operates on variables only, and if all branching variables up to a certain
513  * depth level are member of the conflict, the conflict constraint can only be violated in the subtree
514  * of the node at that depth, because in all other nodes, at least one of these branching variables
515  * violates its conflicting bound, such that the conflict constraint is feasible
516  * - if there is at least one branching variable in a node, we assume, that this branching was performed
517  * on variables, and that the siblings of this node are disjunct w.r.t. the branching variables' fixings
518  * - we have to add the conflict set at least in the valid depth of the initial conflict set,
519  * so we start searching at the first branching after this depth level, i.e. validdepth+1
520  */
521 static
523  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set */
524  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
525  SCIP_TREE* tree /**< branch and bound tree */
526  )
527 {
528  SCIP_Bool* branchingincluded;
529  int currentdepth;
530  int i;
532  assert(conflictset != NULL);
533  assert(set != NULL);
534  assert(tree != NULL);
536  /* the conflict set must not be inserted prior to its valid depth */
537  conflictset->insertdepth = conflictset->validdepth;
538  assert(conflictset->insertdepth >= 0);
540  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
541  assert(currentdepth == tree->pathlen-1);
543  /* mark the levels for which a branching variable is included in the conflict set */
544  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &branchingincluded, currentdepth+2) );
545  BMSclearMemoryArray(branchingincluded, currentdepth+2);
546  for( i = 0; i < conflictset->nbdchginfos; ++i )
547  {
548  int depth;
550  depth = SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(conflictset->bdchginfos[i]);
551  depth = MIN(depth, currentdepth+1); /* put diving/probing/strong branching changes in this depth level */
552  branchingincluded[depth] = TRUE;
553  }
555  /* skip additional depth levels where branching on the conflict variables was applied */
556  while( conflictset->insertdepth < currentdepth && branchingincluded[conflictset->insertdepth+1] )
557  conflictset->insertdepth++;
559  /* free temporary memory */
560  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &branchingincluded);
562  assert(conflictset->validdepth <= conflictset->insertdepth && conflictset->insertdepth <= currentdepth);
564  return SCIP_OKAY;
565 }
567 /** checks whether the first conflict set is redundant to the second one */
568 static
570  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset1, /**< first conflict conflict set */
571  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset2 /**< second conflict conflict set */
572  )
573 {
574  int i1;
575  int i2;
577  assert(conflictset1 != NULL);
578  assert(conflictset2 != NULL);
580  /* if conflictset1 has smaller validdepth, it is definitely not redundant to conflictset2 */
581  if( conflictset1->validdepth < conflictset2->validdepth )
582  return FALSE;
584  /* check, if all bound changes in conflictset2 are also present at least as tight in conflictset1;
585  * we can stop immediately, if more bound changes are remaining in conflictset2 than in conflictset1
586  */
587  for( i1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < conflictset2->nbdchginfos && conflictset1->nbdchginfos - i1 >= conflictset2->nbdchginfos - i2;
588  ++i1, ++i2 )
589  {
590  int sortval;
592  assert(i2 == 0 || conflictset2->sortvals[i2-1] < conflictset2->sortvals[i2]);
594  sortval = conflictset2->sortvals[i2];
595  for( ; i1 < conflictset1->nbdchginfos && conflictset1->sortvals[i1] < sortval; ++i1 ) /*lint !e445*/
596  {
597  /* while scanning conflictset1, check consistency */
598  assert(i1 == 0 || conflictset1->sortvals[i1-1] < conflictset1->sortvals[i1]);
599  }
600  if( i1 >= conflictset1->nbdchginfos || conflictset1->sortvals[i1] > sortval
601  || SCIPbdchginfoIsTighter(conflictset2->bdchginfos[i2], conflictset1->bdchginfos[i1]) )
602  return FALSE;
603  }
605  return (i2 == conflictset2->nbdchginfos);
606 }
608 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
609 /** prints a conflict set to the screen */
610 void conflictsetPrint(
611  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset /**< conflict set */
612  )
613 {
614  int i;
616  assert(conflictset != NULL);
617  for( i = 0; i < conflictset->nbdchginfos; ++i )
618  {
619  SCIPdebugPrintf(" [%d:<%s> %s %g(%g)]", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(conflictset->bdchginfos[i]),
621  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(conflictset->bdchginfos[i]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
622  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(conflictset->bdchginfos[i]), conflictset->relaxedbds[i]);
623  }
624  SCIPdebugPrintf("\n");
625 }
626 #endif
629 /** check conflict set for redundancy, other conflicts in the same conflict analysis could have led to global reductions
630  * an made this conflict set redundant
631  */
632 static
634  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
635  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset /**< conflict set */
636  )
637 {
638  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos;
639  SCIP_VAR* var;
640  SCIP_Real* relaxedbds;
642  int v;
644  assert(set != NULL);
645  assert(conflictset != NULL);
647  bdchginfos = conflictset->bdchginfos;
648  relaxedbds = conflictset->relaxedbds;
649  assert(bdchginfos != NULL);
650  assert(relaxedbds != NULL);
652  /* check all boundtypes and bounds for redundancy */
653  for( v = conflictset->nbdchginfos - 1; v >= 0; --v )
654  {
655  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfos[v]);
656  assert(var != NULL);
657  assert(SCIPvarGetProbindex(var) >= 0);
659  /* check if the relaxed bound is really a relaxed bound */
660  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER || SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbds[v], SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfos[v])));
661  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER || SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbds[v], SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfos[v])));
663  bound = relaxedbds[v];
665  if( SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER )
666  {
668  {
669  assert(SCIPsetIsIntegral(set, bound));
670  bound += 1.0;
671  }
673  /* check if the bound is already fulfilled globally */
674  if( SCIPsetIsFeasGE(set, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var), bound) )
675  return TRUE;
676  }
677  else
678  {
679  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER);
682  {
683  assert(SCIPsetIsIntegral(set, bound));
684  bound -= 1.0;
685  }
687  /* check if the bound is already fulfilled globally */
688  if( SCIPsetIsFeasLE(set, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var), bound) )
689  return TRUE;
690  }
691  }
693  return FALSE;
694 }
696 /** find global fixings which can be derived from the new conflict set */
697 static
699  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
700  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< transformed problem after presolve */
701  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic SCIP statistics */
702  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< tree data */
703  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
704  SCIP_PROB* origprob, /**< original problem */
705  SCIP_REOPT* reopt, /**< reoptimization data */
706  SCIP_LP* lp, /**< LP data */
707  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set to add to the tree */
708  int* nbdchgs, /**< number of global deducted bound changes due to the conflict set */
709  int* nredvars, /**< number of redundant and removed variables from conflict set */
710  SCIP_Bool* redundant /**< did we found a global reduction on a conflict set variable, which makes this conflict redundant */
711  )
712 {
713  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos;
714  SCIP_Real* relaxedbds;
715  SCIP_VAR* var;
716  SCIP_Bool* boundtypes;
717  SCIP_Real* bounds;
718  SCIP_Longint* nbinimpls;
719  int* sortvals;
721  SCIP_Bool isupper;
722  int ntrivialredvars;
723  int nbdchginfos;
724  int nzeroimpls;
725  int v;
727  assert(set != NULL);
728  assert(prob != NULL);
729  assert(SCIPprobIsTransformed(prob));
730  assert(conflictset != NULL);
731  assert(nbdchgs != NULL);
732  assert(nredvars != NULL);
733  /* only check conflict sets with more than one variable */
734  assert(conflictset->nbdchginfos > 1);
736  *nbdchgs = 0;
737  *nredvars = 0;
739  /* due to other conflict in the same conflict analysis, this conflict set might have become redundant */
740  *redundant = checkRedundancy(set, conflictset);
742  if( *redundant )
743  return SCIP_OKAY;
745  bdchginfos = conflictset->bdchginfos;
746  relaxedbds = conflictset->relaxedbds;
747  nbdchginfos = conflictset->nbdchginfos;
748  sortvals = conflictset->sortvals;
750  assert(bdchginfos != NULL);
751  assert(relaxedbds != NULL);
752  assert(sortvals != NULL);
754  /* check if the boolean representation of boundtypes matches the 'standard' definition */
755  assert(SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER == FALSE); /*lint !e641 !e506*/
756  assert(SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER == TRUE); /*lint !e641 !e506*/
758  ntrivialredvars = 0;
760  /* due to multiple conflict sets for one conflict, it can happen, that we already have redundant information in the
761  * conflict set
762  */
763  for( v = nbdchginfos - 1; v >= 0; --v )
764  {
765  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfos[v]);
766  bound = relaxedbds[v];
767  isupper = (SCIP_Bool) SCIPboundtypeOpposite(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]));
769  /* for integral variable we can increase/decrease the conflicting bound */
770  if( SCIPvarIsIntegral(var) )
771  bound += (isupper ? -1.0 : +1.0);
773  /* if conflict variable cannot fulfill the conflict we can remove it */
774  if( (isupper && SCIPsetIsFeasLT(set, bound, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var))) ||
775  (!isupper && SCIPsetIsFeasGT(set, bound, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var))) )
776  {
777  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "remove redundant variable <%s> from conflict set\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
779  bdchginfos[v] = bdchginfos[nbdchginfos - 1];
780  relaxedbds[v] = relaxedbds[nbdchginfos - 1];
781  sortvals[v] = sortvals[nbdchginfos - 1];
783  --nbdchginfos;
784  ++ntrivialredvars;
785  }
786  }
787  assert(ntrivialredvars + nbdchginfos == conflictset->nbdchginfos);
789  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "trivially removed %d redundant of %d variables from conflictset (%p)\n", ntrivialredvars, conflictset->nbdchginfos, (void*)conflictset);
790  conflictset->nbdchginfos = nbdchginfos;
792  /* all variables where removed, the conflict cannot be fulfilled, i.e., we have an infeasibility proof */
793  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos == 0 )
794  return SCIP_OKAY;
796  /* do not check to big or trivial conflicts */
797  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos > set->conf_maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds || conflictset->nbdchginfos == 1 )
798  {
799  *nredvars = ntrivialredvars;
800  return SCIP_OKAY;
801  }
803  /* create array of boundtypes, and bound values in conflict set */
804  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &boundtypes, nbdchginfos) );
805  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &bounds, nbdchginfos) );
806  /* memory for the estimates for binary implications used for sorting */
807  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &nbinimpls, nbdchginfos) );
809  nzeroimpls = 0;
811  /* collect estimates and initialize variables, boundtypes, and bounds array */
812  for( v = 0; v < nbdchginfos; ++v )
813  {
814  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfos[v]);
815  boundtypes[v] = (SCIP_Bool) SCIPboundtypeOpposite(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]));
816  bounds[v] = relaxedbds[v];
818  assert(SCIPvarGetProbindex(var) >= 0);
820  /* check if the relaxed bound is really a relaxed bound */
821  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER || SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbds[v], SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfos[v])));
822  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfos[v]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER || SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbds[v], SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfos[v])));
824  /* for continuous variables, we can only use the relaxed version of the bounds negation: !(x <= u) -> x >= u */
825  if( SCIPvarIsBinary(var) )
826  {
827  if( !boundtypes[v] )
828  {
829  assert(SCIPsetIsZero(set, bounds[v]));
830  bounds[v] = 1.0;
831  nbinimpls[v] = (SCIP_Longint)SCIPvarGetNCliques(var, TRUE) * 2;
832  }
833  else
834  {
835  assert(SCIPsetIsEQ(set, bounds[v], 1.0));
836  bounds[v] = 0.0;
837  nbinimpls[v] = (SCIP_Longint)SCIPvarGetNCliques(var, FALSE) * 2;
838  }
839  }
840  else if( SCIPvarIsIntegral(var) )
841  {
842  assert(SCIPsetIsIntegral(set, bounds[v]));
844  bounds[v] += ((!boundtypes[v]) ? +1.0 : -1.0);
845  nbinimpls[v] = (boundtypes[v] ? SCIPvarGetNVlbs(var) : SCIPvarGetNVubs(var));
846  }
847  else if( ((!boundtypes[v]) && SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(set, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var), bounds[v]))
848  || ((boundtypes[v]) && SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(set, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var), bounds[v])) )
849  {
850  /* the literal is satisfied in global bounds (may happen due to weak "negation" of continuous variables)
851  * -> discard the conflict constraint
852  */
853  break;
854  }
855  else
856  {
857  nbinimpls[v] = (boundtypes[v] ? SCIPvarGetNVlbs(var) : SCIPvarGetNVubs(var));
858  }
860  if( nbinimpls[v] == 0 )
861  ++nzeroimpls;
862  }
864  /* starting to derive global bound changes */
865  if( v == nbdchginfos && ((!set->conf_fullshortenconflict && nzeroimpls < 2) || (set->conf_fullshortenconflict && nzeroimpls < nbdchginfos)) )
866  {
867  SCIP_VAR** vars;
868  SCIP_Bool* redundants;
869  SCIP_Bool glbinfeas;
871  /* sort variables in increasing order of binary implications to gain speed later on */
872  SCIPsortLongPtrRealRealBool(nbinimpls, (void**)bdchginfos, relaxedbds, bounds, boundtypes, v);
874  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "checking for global reductions and redundant conflict variables(in %s) on conflict:\n", SCIPprobGetName(prob));
875  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "[");
876  for( v = 0; v < nbdchginfos; ++v )
877  {
878  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, "%s %s %g", SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfos[v])), (!boundtypes[v]) ? ">=" : "<=", bounds[v]);
879  if( v < nbdchginfos - 1 )
880  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, ", ");
881  }
882  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, "]\n");
884  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &vars, v) );
885  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocCleanBufferArray(set, &redundants, v) );
887  /* initialize conflict variable data */
888  for( v = 0; v < nbdchginfos; ++v )
889  vars[v] = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfos[v]);
891  SCIP_CALL( SCIPshrinkDisjunctiveVarSet(set->scip, vars, bounds, boundtypes, redundants, nbdchginfos, nredvars, \
892  nbdchgs, redundant, &glbinfeas, set->conf_fullshortenconflict) );
894  if( glbinfeas )
895  {
896  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "conflict set (%p) led to global infeasibility\n", (void*) conflictset);
898  SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(SCIPtreeGetRootNode(tree), set, stat, tree, prob, origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
900  /* clear the memory array before freeing it */
901  BMSclearMemoryArray(redundants, nbdchginfos);
902  goto TERMINATE;
903  }
905 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
906  if( *nbdchgs > 0 )
907  {
908  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "conflict set (%p) led to %d global bound reductions\n", (void*) conflictset, *nbdchgs);
909  }
910 #endif
912  /* remove as redundant marked variables */
913  if( *redundant )
914  {
915  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "conflict set (%p) is redundant because at least one global reduction, fulfills the conflict constraint\n", (void*)conflictset);
917  /* clear the memory array before freeing it */
918  BMSclearMemoryArray(redundants, nbdchginfos);
919  }
920  else if( *nredvars > 0 )
921  {
922  assert(bdchginfos == conflictset->bdchginfos);
923  assert(relaxedbds == conflictset->relaxedbds);
924  assert(sortvals == conflictset->sortvals);
926  for( v = nbdchginfos - 1; v >= 0; --v )
927  {
928  /* if conflict variable was marked to be redundant remove it */
929  if( redundants[v] )
930  {
931  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "remove redundant variable <%s> from conflict set\n", SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfos[v])));
933  bdchginfos[v] = bdchginfos[nbdchginfos - 1];
934  relaxedbds[v] = relaxedbds[nbdchginfos - 1];
935  sortvals[v] = sortvals[nbdchginfos - 1];
937  /* reset redundants[v] to 0 */
938  redundants[v] = 0;
940  --nbdchginfos;
941  }
942  }
943  assert((*nredvars) + nbdchginfos == conflictset->nbdchginfos);
945  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "removed %d redundant of %d variables from conflictset (%p)\n", (*nredvars), conflictset->nbdchginfos, (void*)conflictset);
946  conflictset->nbdchginfos = nbdchginfos;
947  }
948  else
949  {
950  /* clear the memory array before freeing it */
951  BMSclearMemoryArray(redundants, nbdchginfos);
952  }
955  SCIPsetFreeCleanBufferArray(set, &redundants);
956  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &vars);
957  }
959  /* free temporary memory */
960  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &nbinimpls);
961  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &bounds);
962  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &boundtypes);
964  *nredvars += ntrivialredvars;
966  return SCIP_OKAY;
967 }
969 /** clears the given conflict set */
970 static
972  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset /**< conflict set */
973  )
974 {
975  assert(conflictset != NULL);
977  conflictset->nbdchginfos = 0;
978  conflictset->validdepth = 0;
979  conflictset->insertdepth = 0;
980  conflictset->conflictdepth = 0;
981  conflictset->repropdepth = 0;
982  conflictset->repropagate = TRUE;
983  conflictset->usescutoffbound = FALSE;
984  conflictset->hasrelaxonlyvar = FALSE;
985  conflictset->conflicttype = SCIP_CONFTYPE_UNKNOWN;
986 }
988 /** creates an empty conflict set */
990  SCIP_CONFLICTSET** conflictset, /**< pointer to store the conflict set */
991  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem /**< block memory of transformed problem */
992  )
993 {
994  assert(conflictset != NULL);
996  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSallocBlockMemory(blkmem, conflictset) );
997  (*conflictset)->bdchginfos = NULL;
998  (*conflictset)->relaxedbds = NULL;
999  (*conflictset)->sortvals = NULL;
1000  (*conflictset)->bdchginfossize = 0;
1002  conflictsetClear(*conflictset);
1004  return SCIP_OKAY;
1005 }
1007 /** creates a copy of the given conflict set, allocating an additional amount of memory */
1008 static
1010  SCIP_CONFLICTSET** targetconflictset, /**< pointer to store the conflict set */
1011  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
1012  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* sourceconflictset, /**< source conflict set */
1013  int nadditionalelems /**< number of additional elements to allocate memory for */
1014  )
1015 {
1016  int targetsize;
1018  assert(targetconflictset != NULL);
1019  assert(sourceconflictset != NULL);
1021  targetsize = sourceconflictset->nbdchginfos + nadditionalelems;
1022  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSallocBlockMemory(blkmem, targetconflictset) );
1023  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*targetconflictset)->bdchginfos, targetsize) );
1024  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*targetconflictset)->relaxedbds, targetsize) );
1025  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSallocBlockMemoryArray(blkmem, &(*targetconflictset)->sortvals, targetsize) );
1026  (*targetconflictset)->bdchginfossize = targetsize;
1028  BMScopyMemoryArray((*targetconflictset)->bdchginfos, sourceconflictset->bdchginfos, sourceconflictset->nbdchginfos);
1029  BMScopyMemoryArray((*targetconflictset)->relaxedbds, sourceconflictset->relaxedbds, sourceconflictset->nbdchginfos);
1030  BMScopyMemoryArray((*targetconflictset)->sortvals, sourceconflictset->sortvals, sourceconflictset->nbdchginfos);
1032  (*targetconflictset)->nbdchginfos = sourceconflictset->nbdchginfos;
1033  (*targetconflictset)->validdepth = sourceconflictset->validdepth;
1034  (*targetconflictset)->insertdepth = sourceconflictset->insertdepth;
1035  (*targetconflictset)->conflictdepth = sourceconflictset->conflictdepth;
1036  (*targetconflictset)->repropdepth = sourceconflictset->repropdepth;
1037  (*targetconflictset)->usescutoffbound = sourceconflictset->usescutoffbound;
1038  (*targetconflictset)->hasrelaxonlyvar = sourceconflictset->hasrelaxonlyvar;
1039  (*targetconflictset)->conflicttype = sourceconflictset->conflicttype;
1041  return SCIP_OKAY;
1042 }
1044 /** frees a conflict set */
1046  SCIP_CONFLICTSET** conflictset, /**< pointer to the conflict set */
1047  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem /**< block memory of transformed problem */
1048  )
1049 {
1050  assert(conflictset != NULL);
1051  assert(*conflictset != NULL);
1053  BMSfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(blkmem, &(*conflictset)->bdchginfos, (*conflictset)->bdchginfossize);
1054  BMSfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(blkmem, &(*conflictset)->relaxedbds, (*conflictset)->bdchginfossize);
1055  BMSfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(blkmem, &(*conflictset)->sortvals, (*conflictset)->bdchginfossize);
1056  BMSfreeBlockMemory(blkmem, conflictset);
1057 }
1059 /** calculates the score of the conflict set
1060  *
1061  * the score is weighted sum of number of bound changes, repropagation depth, and valid depth
1062  */
1063 static
1065  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set */
1066  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1067  )
1068 {
1069  assert(conflictset != NULL);
1071  return -(set->conf_weightsize * conflictset->nbdchginfos
1072  + set->conf_weightrepropdepth * conflictset->repropdepth
1073  + set->conf_weightvaliddepth * conflictset->validdepth);
1074 }
1077 /*
1078  * Conflict Handler
1079  */
1081 /** compares two conflict handlers w. r. to their priority */
1082 SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(SCIPconflicthdlrComp)
1083 { /*lint --e{715}*/
1084  return ((SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR*)elem2)->priority - ((SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR*)elem1)->priority;
1085 }
1087 /** comparison method for sorting conflict handler w.r.t. to their name */
1088 SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(SCIPconflicthdlrCompName)
1089 {
1091 }
1093 /** method to call, when the priority of a conflict handler was changed */
1094 static
1095 SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD(paramChgdConflicthdlrPriority)
1096 { /*lint --e{715}*/
1097  SCIP_PARAMDATA* paramdata;
1099  paramdata = SCIPparamGetData(param);
1100  assert(paramdata != NULL);
1102  /* use SCIPsetConflicthdlrPriority() to mark the conflicthdlrs unsorted */
1103  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetConflicthdlrPriority(scip, (SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR*)paramdata, SCIPparamGetInt(param)) ); /*lint !e740*/
1105  return SCIP_OKAY;
1106 }
1108 /** copies the given conflict handler to a new scip */
1110  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1111  SCIP_SET* set /**< SCIP_SET of SCIP to copy to */
1112  )
1113 {
1114  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1115  assert(set != NULL);
1116  assert(set->scip != NULL);
1118  if( conflicthdlr->conflictcopy != NULL )
1119  {
1120  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "including conflict handler %s in subscip %p\n", SCIPconflicthdlrGetName(conflicthdlr), (void*)set->scip);
1121  SCIP_CALL( conflicthdlr->conflictcopy(set->scip, conflicthdlr) );
1122  }
1124  return SCIP_OKAY;
1125 }
1127 /** internal method for creating a conflict handler */
1128 static
1130  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR** conflicthdlr, /**< pointer to conflict handler data structure */
1131  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1132  SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR* messagehdlr, /**< message handler */
1133  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory for parameter settings */
1134  const char* name, /**< name of conflict handler */
1135  const char* desc, /**< description of conflict handler */
1136  int priority, /**< priority of the conflict handler */
1137  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTCOPY((*conflictcopy)), /**< copy method of conflict handler or NULL if you don't want to copy your plugin into sub-SCIPs */
1138  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTFREE((*conflictfree)), /**< destructor of conflict handler */
1139  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINIT((*conflictinit)), /**< initialize conflict handler */
1140  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXIT((*conflictexit)), /**< deinitialize conflict handler */
1141  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINITSOL((*conflictinitsol)),/**< solving process initialization method of conflict handler */
1142  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXITSOL((*conflictexitsol)),/**< solving process deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1143  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC((*conflictexec)), /**< conflict processing method of conflict handler */
1144  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLRDATA* conflicthdlrdata /**< conflict handler data */
1145  )
1146 {
1147  char paramname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
1148  char paramdesc[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
1150  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1151  assert(name != NULL);
1152  assert(desc != NULL);
1154  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSallocMemory(conflicthdlr) );
1155  BMSclearMemory(*conflicthdlr);
1157  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateMemoryArray(&(*conflicthdlr)->name, name, strlen(name)+1) );
1158  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSduplicateMemoryArray(&(*conflicthdlr)->desc, desc, strlen(desc)+1) );
1159  (*conflicthdlr)->priority = priority;
1160  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictcopy = conflictcopy;
1161  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictfree = conflictfree;
1162  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictinit = conflictinit;
1163  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictexit = conflictexit;
1164  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictinitsol = conflictinitsol;
1165  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictexitsol = conflictexitsol;
1166  (*conflicthdlr)->conflictexec = conflictexec;
1167  (*conflicthdlr)->conflicthdlrdata = conflicthdlrdata;
1168  (*conflicthdlr)->initialized = FALSE;
1170  SCIP_CALL( SCIPclockCreate(&(*conflicthdlr)->setuptime, SCIP_CLOCKTYPE_DEFAULT) );
1171  SCIP_CALL( SCIPclockCreate(&(*conflicthdlr)->conflicttime, SCIP_CLOCKTYPE_DEFAULT) );
1173  /* add parameters */
1174  (void) SCIPsnprintf(paramname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "conflict/%s/priority", name);
1175  (void) SCIPsnprintf(paramdesc, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "priority of conflict handler <%s>", name);
1176  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAddIntParam(set, messagehdlr, blkmem, paramname, paramdesc, &(*conflicthdlr)->priority, TRUE, \
1177  priority, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, paramChgdConflicthdlrPriority, (SCIP_PARAMDATA*)(*conflicthdlr)) ); /*lint !e740*/
1179  return SCIP_OKAY;
1180 }
1182 /** creates a conflict handler */
1184  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR** conflicthdlr, /**< pointer to conflict handler data structure */
1185  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1186  SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR* messagehdlr, /**< message handler */
1187  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory for parameter settings */
1188  const char* name, /**< name of conflict handler */
1189  const char* desc, /**< description of conflict handler */
1190  int priority, /**< priority of the conflict handler */
1191  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTCOPY((*conflictcopy)), /**< copy method of conflict handler or NULL if you don't want to
1192  * copy your plugin into sub-SCIPs */
1193  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTFREE((*conflictfree)), /**< destructor of conflict handler */
1194  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINIT((*conflictinit)), /**< initialize conflict handler */
1195  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXIT((*conflictexit)), /**< deinitialize conflict handler */
1196  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINITSOL((*conflictinitsol)),/**< solving process initialization method of conflict handler */
1197  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXITSOL((*conflictexitsol)),/**< solving process deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1198  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC((*conflictexec)), /**< conflict processing method of conflict handler */
1199  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLRDATA* conflicthdlrdata /**< conflict handler data */
1200  )
1201 {
1202  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1203  assert(name != NULL);
1204  assert(desc != NULL);
1206  SCIP_CALL_FINALLY( doConflicthdlrCreate(conflicthdlr, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, priority,
1207  conflictcopy, conflictfree, conflictinit, conflictexit, conflictinitsol, conflictexitsol, conflictexec,
1208  conflicthdlrdata), (void) SCIPconflicthdlrFree(conflicthdlr, set) );
1210  return SCIP_OKAY;
1211 }
1213 /** calls destructor and frees memory of conflict handler */
1215  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR** conflicthdlr, /**< pointer to conflict handler data structure */
1216  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1217  )
1218 {
1219  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1220  if( *conflicthdlr == NULL )
1221  return SCIP_OKAY;
1222  assert(!(*conflicthdlr)->initialized);
1223  assert(set != NULL);
1225  /* call destructor of conflict handler */
1226  if( (*conflicthdlr)->conflictfree != NULL )
1227  {
1228  SCIP_CALL( (*conflicthdlr)->conflictfree(set->scip, *conflicthdlr) );
1229  }
1231  SCIPclockFree(&(*conflicthdlr)->conflicttime);
1232  SCIPclockFree(&(*conflicthdlr)->setuptime);
1234  BMSfreeMemoryArrayNull(&(*conflicthdlr)->name);
1235  BMSfreeMemoryArrayNull(&(*conflicthdlr)->desc);
1236  BMSfreeMemory(conflicthdlr);
1238  return SCIP_OKAY;
1239 }
1241 /** calls initialization method of conflict handler */
1243  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1244  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1245  )
1246 {
1247  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1248  assert(set != NULL);
1250  if( conflicthdlr->initialized )
1251  {
1252  SCIPerrorMessage("conflict handler <%s> already initialized\n", conflicthdlr->name);
1253  return SCIP_INVALIDCALL;
1254  }
1256  if( set->misc_resetstat )
1257  {
1258  SCIPclockReset(conflicthdlr->setuptime);
1259  SCIPclockReset(conflicthdlr->conflicttime);
1260  }
1262  /* call initialization method of conflict handler */
1263  if( conflicthdlr->conflictinit != NULL )
1264  {
1265  /* start timing */
1266  SCIPclockStart(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1268  SCIP_CALL( conflicthdlr->conflictinit(set->scip, conflicthdlr) );
1270  /* stop timing */
1271  SCIPclockStop(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1272  }
1273  conflicthdlr->initialized = TRUE;
1275  return SCIP_OKAY;
1276 }
1278 /** calls exit method of conflict handler */
1280  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1281  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1282  )
1283 {
1284  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1285  assert(set != NULL);
1287  if( !conflicthdlr->initialized )
1288  {
1289  SCIPerrorMessage("conflict handler <%s> not initialized\n", conflicthdlr->name);
1290  return SCIP_INVALIDCALL;
1291  }
1293  /* call deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1294  if( conflicthdlr->conflictexit != NULL )
1295  {
1296  /* start timing */
1297  SCIPclockStart(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1299  SCIP_CALL( conflicthdlr->conflictexit(set->scip, conflicthdlr) );
1301  /* stop timing */
1302  SCIPclockStop(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1303  }
1304  conflicthdlr->initialized = FALSE;
1306  return SCIP_OKAY;
1307 }
1309 /** informs conflict handler that the branch and bound process is being started */
1311  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1312  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1313  )
1314 {
1315  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1316  assert(set != NULL);
1318  /* call solving process initialization method of conflict handler */
1319  if( conflicthdlr->conflictinitsol != NULL )
1320  {
1321  /* start timing */
1322  SCIPclockStart(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1324  SCIP_CALL( conflicthdlr->conflictinitsol(set->scip, conflicthdlr) );
1326  /* stop timing */
1327  SCIPclockStop(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1328  }
1330  return SCIP_OKAY;
1331 }
1333 /** informs conflict handler that the branch and bound process data is being freed */
1335  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1336  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1337  )
1338 {
1339  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1340  assert(set != NULL);
1342  /* call solving process deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1343  if( conflicthdlr->conflictexitsol != NULL )
1344  {
1345  /* start timing */
1346  SCIPclockStart(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1348  SCIP_CALL( conflicthdlr->conflictexitsol(set->scip, conflicthdlr) );
1350  /* stop timing */
1351  SCIPclockStop(conflicthdlr->setuptime, set);
1352  }
1354  return SCIP_OKAY;
1355 }
1357 /** calls execution method of conflict handler */
1359  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1360  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1361  SCIP_NODE* node, /**< node to add conflict constraint to */
1362  SCIP_NODE* validnode, /**< node at which the constraint is valid */
1363  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos, /**< bound change resembling the conflict set */
1364  SCIP_Real* relaxedbds, /**< array with relaxed bounds which are efficient to create a valid conflict */
1365  int nbdchginfos, /**< number of bound changes in the conflict set */
1366  SCIP_CONFTYPE conftype, /**< type of the conflict */
1367  SCIP_Bool usescutoffbound, /**< depends the conflict on the cutoff bound? */
1368  SCIP_Bool resolved, /**< was the conflict set already used to create a constraint? */
1369  SCIP_RESULT* result /**< pointer to store the result of the callback method */
1370  )
1371 {
1372  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1373  assert(set != NULL);
1374  assert(bdchginfos != NULL || nbdchginfos == 0);
1375  assert(result != NULL);
1377  /* call solution start method of conflict handler */
1378  *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
1379  if( conflicthdlr->conflictexec != NULL )
1380  {
1381  /* start timing */
1382  SCIPclockStart(conflicthdlr->conflicttime, set);
1384  SCIP_CALL( conflicthdlr->conflictexec(set->scip, conflicthdlr, node, validnode, bdchginfos, relaxedbds, nbdchginfos,
1385  conftype, usescutoffbound, set->conf_separate, (SCIPnodeGetDepth(validnode) > 0), set->conf_dynamic,
1386  set->conf_removable, resolved, result) );
1388  /* stop timing */
1389  SCIPclockStop(conflicthdlr->conflicttime, set);
1391  if( *result != SCIP_CONSADDED
1392  && *result != SCIP_DIDNOTFIND
1393  && *result != SCIP_DIDNOTRUN )
1394  {
1395  SCIPerrorMessage("execution method of conflict handler <%s> returned invalid result <%d>\n",
1396  conflicthdlr->name, *result);
1398  }
1399  }
1401  return SCIP_OKAY;
1402 }
1404 /** gets user data of conflict handler */
1406  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1407  )
1408 {
1409  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1411  return conflicthdlr->conflicthdlrdata;
1412 }
1414 /** sets user data of conflict handler; user has to free old data in advance! */
1416  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1417  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLRDATA* conflicthdlrdata /**< new conflict handler user data */
1418  )
1419 {
1420  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1422  conflicthdlr->conflicthdlrdata = conflicthdlrdata;
1423 }
1425 /** set copy method of conflict handler */
1427  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1428  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTCOPY((*conflictcopy)) /**< copy method of the conflict handler */
1429  )
1430 {
1431  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1433  conflicthdlr->conflictcopy = conflictcopy;
1434 }
1436 /** set destructor of conflict handler */
1438  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1439  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTFREE((*conflictfree)) /**< destructor of conflict handler */
1440  )
1441 {
1442  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1444  conflicthdlr->conflictfree = conflictfree;
1445 }
1447 /** set initialization method of conflict handler */
1450  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1451  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINIT((*conflictinit)) /**< initialization method conflict handler */
1452  )
1453 {
1454  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1456  conflicthdlr->conflictinit = conflictinit;
1457 }
1459 /** set deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1461  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1462  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXIT((*conflictexit)) /**< deinitialization method conflict handler */
1463  )
1464 {
1465  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1467  conflicthdlr->conflictexit = conflictexit;
1468 }
1470 /** set solving process initialization method of conflict handler */
1472  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1473  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINITSOL((*conflictinitsol))/**< solving process initialization method of conflict handler */
1474  )
1475 {
1476  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1478  conflicthdlr->conflictinitsol = conflictinitsol;
1479 }
1481 /** set solving process deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1483  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1484  SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXITSOL((*conflictexitsol))/**< solving process deinitialization method of conflict handler */
1485  )
1486 {
1487  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1489  conflicthdlr->conflictexitsol = conflictexitsol;
1490 }
1492 /** gets name of conflict handler */
1494  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1495  )
1496 {
1497  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1499  return conflicthdlr->name;
1500 }
1502 /** gets description of conflict handler */
1504  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1505  )
1506 {
1507  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1509  return conflicthdlr->desc;
1510 }
1512 /** gets priority of conflict handler */
1514  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1515  )
1516 {
1517  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1519  return conflicthdlr->priority;
1520 }
1522 /** sets priority of conflict handler */
1524  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< conflict handler */
1525  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1526  int priority /**< new priority of the conflict handler */
1527  )
1528 {
1529  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1530  assert(set != NULL);
1532  conflicthdlr->priority = priority;
1533  set->conflicthdlrssorted = FALSE;
1534 }
1536 /** is conflict handler initialized? */
1538  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1539  )
1540 {
1541  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1543  return conflicthdlr->initialized;
1544 }
1546 /** enables or disables all clocks of \p conflicthdlr, depending on the value of the flag */
1548  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr, /**< the conflict handler for which all clocks should be enabled or disabled */
1549  SCIP_Bool enable /**< should the clocks of the conflict handler be enabled? */
1550  )
1551 {
1552  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1554  SCIPclockEnableOrDisable(conflicthdlr->setuptime, enable);
1555  SCIPclockEnableOrDisable(conflicthdlr->conflicttime, enable);
1556 }
1558 /** gets time in seconds used in this conflict handler for setting up for next stages */
1560  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1561  )
1562 {
1563  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1565  return SCIPclockGetTime(conflicthdlr->setuptime);
1566 }
1568 /** gets time in seconds used in this conflict handler */
1570  SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR* conflicthdlr /**< conflict handler */
1571  )
1572 {
1573  assert(conflicthdlr != NULL);
1575  return SCIPclockGetTime(conflicthdlr->conflicttime);
1576 }
1578 /** return TRUE if conflict analysis is applicable; In case the function return FALSE there is no need to initialize the
1579  * conflict analysis since it will not be applied
1580  */
1582  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
1583  )
1584 {
1585  /* check, if propagation conflict analysis is enabled */
1586  if( !set->conf_enable || !set->conf_useprop )
1587  return FALSE;
1589  /* check, if there are any conflict handlers to use a conflict set */
1590  if( set->nconflicthdlrs == 0 )
1591  return FALSE;
1593  return TRUE;
1594 }
1596 /** resizes the array of the temporary bound change informations to be able to store at least num bound change entries */
1597 static
1599  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
1600  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1601  int num /**< minimal number of slots in arrays */
1602  )
1603 {
1604  assert(conflict != NULL);
1605  assert(set != NULL);
1607  if( num > conflict->tmpbdchginfossize )
1608  {
1609  int newsize;
1611  newsize = SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(set, num);
1612  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&conflict->tmpbdchginfos, newsize) );
1613  conflict->tmpbdchginfossize = newsize;
1614  }
1615  assert(num <= conflict->tmpbdchginfossize);
1617  return SCIP_OKAY;
1618 }
1620 /** creates a temporary bound change information object that is destroyed after the conflict sets are flushed */
1622  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
1623  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
1624  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1625  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< active variable that changed the bounds */
1626  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, /**< type of bound for var: lower or upper bound */
1627  SCIP_Real oldbound, /**< old value for bound */
1628  SCIP_Real newbound, /**< new value for bound */
1629  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfo /**< pointer to store bound change information */
1630  )
1631 {
1632  assert(conflict != NULL);
1634  SCIP_CALL( conflictEnsureTmpbdchginfosMem(conflict, set, conflict->ntmpbdchginfos+1) );
1635  SCIP_CALL( SCIPbdchginfoCreate(&conflict->tmpbdchginfos[conflict->ntmpbdchginfos], blkmem,
1636  var, boundtype, oldbound, newbound) );
1637  *bdchginfo = conflict->tmpbdchginfos[conflict->ntmpbdchginfos];
1638  conflict->ntmpbdchginfos++;
1640  return SCIP_OKAY;
1641 }
1643 /** frees all temporarily created bound change information data */
1644 static
1646  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
1647  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem /**< block memory */
1648  )
1649 {
1650  int i;
1652  assert(conflict != NULL);
1654  for( i = 0; i < conflict->ntmpbdchginfos; ++i )
1655  SCIPbdchginfoFree(&conflict->tmpbdchginfos[i], blkmem);
1656  conflict->ntmpbdchginfos = 0;
1657 }
1659 /** increases the conflict score of the variable in the given direction */
1660 static
1662  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< problem variable */
1663  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
1664  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1665  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
1666  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, /**< type of bound for which the score should be increased */
1667  SCIP_Real value, /**< value of the bound */
1668  SCIP_Real weight /**< weight of this VSIDS updates */
1669  )
1670 {
1671  SCIP_BRANCHDIR branchdir;
1673  assert(var != NULL);
1674  assert(stat != NULL);
1676  /* weight the VSIDS by the given weight */
1677  weight *= stat->vsidsweight;
1679  if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, weight) )
1680  return SCIP_OKAY;
1682  branchdir = (boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? SCIP_BRANCHDIR_UPWARDS : SCIP_BRANCHDIR_DOWNWARDS); /*lint !e641*/
1683  SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarIncVSIDS(var, blkmem, set, stat, branchdir, value, weight) );
1684  SCIPhistoryIncVSIDS(stat->glbhistory, branchdir, weight);
1685  SCIPhistoryIncVSIDS(stat->glbhistorycrun, branchdir, weight);
1687  return SCIP_OKAY;
1688 }
1690 /** update conflict statistics */
1691 static
1693  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
1694  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
1695  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1696  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
1697  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set to add to the tree */
1698  int insertdepth /**< depth level at which the conflict set should be added */
1699  )
1700 {
1701  if( insertdepth > 0 )
1702  {
1703  conflict->nappliedlocconss++;
1704  conflict->nappliedlocliterals += conflictset->nbdchginfos;
1705  }
1706  else
1707  {
1708  int i;
1709  int conflictlength;
1710  conflictlength = conflictset->nbdchginfos;
1712  for( i = 0; i < conflictlength; i++ )
1713  {
1714  SCIP_VAR* var;
1715  SCIP_BRANCHDIR branchdir;
1716  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype;
1717  SCIP_Real bound;
1719  assert(stat != NULL);
1721  var = conflictset->bdchginfos[i]->var;
1722  boundtype = SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(conflictset->bdchginfos[i]);
1723  bound = conflictset->relaxedbds[i];
1725  branchdir = (boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? SCIP_BRANCHDIR_UPWARDS : SCIP_BRANCHDIR_DOWNWARDS); /*lint !e641*/
1727  SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarIncNActiveConflicts(var, blkmem, set, stat, branchdir, bound, (SCIP_Real)conflictlength) );
1728  SCIPhistoryIncNActiveConflicts(stat->glbhistory, branchdir, (SCIP_Real)conflictlength);
1729  SCIPhistoryIncNActiveConflicts(stat->glbhistorycrun, branchdir, (SCIP_Real)conflictlength);
1731  /* each variable which is part of the conflict gets an increase in the VSIDS */
1732  SCIP_CALL( incVSIDS(var, blkmem, set, stat, boundtype, bound, set->conf_conflictweight) );
1733  }
1734  conflict->nappliedglbconss++;
1735  conflict->nappliedglbliterals += conflictset->nbdchginfos;
1736  }
1738  return SCIP_OKAY;
1739 }
1741 /** adds the given conflict set as conflict constraint to the problem */
1742 static
1744  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
1745  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
1746  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1747  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
1748  SCIP_PROB* transprob, /**< transformed problem after presolve */
1749  SCIP_PROB* origprob, /**< original problem */
1750  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
1751  SCIP_REOPT* reopt, /**< reoptimization data structure */
1752  SCIP_LP* lp, /**< current LP data */
1753  SCIP_BRANCHCAND* branchcand, /**< branching candidate storage */
1754  SCIP_EVENTQUEUE* eventqueue, /**< event queue */
1755  SCIP_CLIQUETABLE* cliquetable, /**< clique table data structure */
1756  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set to add to the tree */
1757  int insertdepth, /**< depth level at which the conflict set should be added */
1758  SCIP_Bool* success /**< pointer to store whether the addition was successful */
1759  )
1760 {
1761  SCIP_Bool redundant;
1762  int h;
1764  assert(conflict != NULL);
1765  assert(tree != NULL);
1766  assert(tree->path != NULL);
1767  assert(conflictset != NULL);
1768  assert(conflictset->validdepth <= insertdepth);
1769  assert(success != NULL);
1771  *success = FALSE;
1772  redundant = FALSE;
1774  /* try to derive global bound changes and shorten the conflictset by using implication and clique and variable bound
1775  * information
1776  */
1777  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos > 1 && insertdepth == 0 && !lp->strongbranching )
1778  {
1779  int nbdchgs;
1780  int nredvars;
1781 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
1782  int oldnbdchginfos = conflictset->nbdchginfos;
1783 #endif
1784  assert(conflictset->validdepth == 0);
1786  /* check conflict set on debugging solution */
1787  SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckConflict(blkmem, set, tree->root, conflictset->bdchginfos, conflictset->relaxedbds, conflictset->nbdchginfos) );
1789  SCIPclockStart(conflict->dIBclock, set);
1791  /* find global bound changes which can be derived from the new conflict set */
1792  SCIP_CALL( detectImpliedBounds(set, transprob, stat, tree, blkmem, origprob, reopt, lp, conflictset, &nbdchgs, &nredvars, &redundant) );
1794  /* all variables where removed, we have an infeasibility proof */
1795  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos == 0 )
1796  return SCIP_OKAY;
1798  /* debug check for reduced conflict set */
1799  if( nredvars > 0 )
1800  {
1801  /* check conflict set on debugging solution */
1802  SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckConflict(blkmem, set, tree->root, conflictset->bdchginfos, conflictset->relaxedbds, conflictset->nbdchginfos) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/
1803  }
1805 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
1806  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict set removed %d redundant variables (old nvars %d, new nvars = %d)\n", nredvars, oldnbdchginfos, conflictset->nbdchginfos);
1807  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict set led to %d global bound changes %s(cdpt:%d, fdpt:%d, confdpt:%d, len:%d):\n",
1808  nbdchgs, redundant ? "(conflict became redundant) " : "", SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree), SCIPtreeGetFocusDepth(tree),
1809  conflictset->conflictdepth, conflictset->nbdchginfos);
1810  conflictsetPrint(conflictset);
1811 #endif
1813  SCIPclockStop(conflict->dIBclock, set);
1815  if( redundant )
1816  {
1817  if( nbdchgs > 0 )
1818  *success = TRUE;
1820  return SCIP_OKAY;
1821  }
1822  }
1824  /* in case the conflict set contains only one bound change which is globally valid we apply that bound change
1825  * directly (except if we are in strong branching or diving - in this case a bound change would yield an unflushed LP
1826  * and is not handled when restoring the information)
1827  *
1828  * @note A bound change can only be applied if it is are related to the active node or if is a global bound
1829  * change. Bound changes which are related to any other node cannot be handled at point due to the internal
1830  * data structure
1831  */
1832  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos == 1 && insertdepth == 0 && !lp->strongbranching && !lp->diving )
1833  {
1834  SCIP_VAR* var;
1835  SCIP_Real bound;
1836  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype;
1838  var = conflictset->bdchginfos[0]->var;
1839  assert(var != NULL);
1841  boundtype = SCIPboundtypeOpposite((SCIP_BOUNDTYPE) conflictset->bdchginfos[0]->boundtype);
1842  bound = conflictset->relaxedbds[0];
1844  /* for continuous variables, we can only use the relaxed version of the bounds negation: !(x <= u) -> x >= u */
1845  if( SCIPvarIsIntegral(var) )
1846  {
1847  assert(SCIPsetIsIntegral(set, bound));
1848  bound += (boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? +1.0 : -1.0);
1849  }
1851  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> apply global bound change: <%s> %s %g\n",
1852  SCIPvarGetName(var), boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=", bound);
1854  SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeAddBoundchg(tree->path[conflictset->validdepth], blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree,
1855  reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, var, bound, boundtype, FALSE) );
1857  *success = TRUE;
1858  SCIP_CALL( updateStatistics(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, conflictset, insertdepth) );
1859  }
1860  else if( !conflictset->hasrelaxonlyvar )
1861  {
1862  /* sort conflict handlers by priority */
1865  /* call conflict handlers to create a conflict constraint */
1866  for( h = 0; h < set->nconflicthdlrs; ++h )
1867  {
1868  SCIP_RESULT result;
1870  assert(conflictset->conflicttype != SCIP_CONFTYPE_UNKNOWN);
1872  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflicthdlrExec(set->conflicthdlrs[h], set, tree->path[insertdepth],
1873  tree->path[conflictset->validdepth], conflictset->bdchginfos, conflictset->relaxedbds,
1874  conflictset->nbdchginfos, conflictset->conflicttype, conflictset->usescutoffbound, *success, &result) );
1875  if( result == SCIP_CONSADDED )
1876  {
1877  *success = TRUE;
1878  SCIP_CALL( updateStatistics(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, conflictset, insertdepth) );
1879  }
1881  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> call conflict handler <%s> (prio=%d) to create conflict set with %d bounds returned result %d\n",
1882  SCIPconflicthdlrGetName(set->conflicthdlrs[h]), SCIPconflicthdlrGetPriority(set->conflicthdlrs[h]),
1883  conflictset->nbdchginfos, result);
1884  }
1885  }
1886  else
1887  {
1888  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> skip conflict set with relaxation-only variable\n");
1889  /* TODO would be nice to still create a constraint?, if we can make sure that we the constraint does not survive a restart */
1890  }
1892  return SCIP_OKAY;
1893 }
1895 /** calculates the maximal size of conflict sets to be used */
1897  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1898  SCIP_PROB* prob /**< problem data */
1899  )
1900 {
1901  int maxsize;
1903  assert(set != NULL);
1904  assert(prob != NULL);
1906  maxsize = (int)(set->conf_maxvarsfac * (prob->nvars - prob->ncontvars));
1907  maxsize = MAX(maxsize, set->conf_minmaxvars);
1909  return maxsize;
1910 }
1912 /** adds the collected conflict constraints to the corresponding nodes; the best set->conf_maxconss conflict constraints
1913  * are added to the node of their validdepth; additionally (if not yet added, and if repropagation is activated), the
1914  * conflict constraint that triggers the earliest repropagation is added to the node of its validdepth
1915  */
1917  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
1918  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
1919  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
1920  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
1921  SCIP_PROB* transprob, /**< transformed problem */
1922  SCIP_PROB* origprob, /**< original problem */
1923  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
1924  SCIP_REOPT* reopt, /**< reoptimization data structure */
1925  SCIP_LP* lp, /**< current LP data */
1926  SCIP_BRANCHCAND* branchcand, /**< branching candidate storage */
1927  SCIP_EVENTQUEUE* eventqueue, /**< event queue */
1928  SCIP_CLIQUETABLE* cliquetable /**< clique table data structure */
1929  )
1930 {
1931  assert(conflict != NULL);
1932  assert(set != NULL);
1933  assert(stat != NULL);
1934  assert(transprob != NULL);
1935  assert(tree != NULL);
1937  /* is there anything to do? */
1938  if( conflict->nconflictsets > 0 )
1939  {
1940  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* repropconflictset;
1941  int nconflictsetsused;
1942  int focusdepth;
1943 #ifndef NDEBUG
1944  int currentdepth;
1945 #endif
1946  int cutoffdepth;
1947  int repropdepth;
1948  int maxconflictsets;
1949  int maxsize;
1950  int i;
1952  /* calculate the maximal number of conflict sets to accept, and the maximal size of each accepted conflict set */
1953  maxconflictsets = (set->conf_maxconss == -1 ? INT_MAX : set->conf_maxconss);
1954  maxsize = conflictCalcMaxsize(set, transprob);
1956  focusdepth = SCIPtreeGetFocusDepth(tree);
1957 #ifndef NDEBUG
1958  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
1959  assert(focusdepth <= currentdepth);
1960  assert(currentdepth == tree->pathlen-1);
1961 #endif
1963  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "flushing %d conflict sets at focus depth %d (maxconflictsets: %d, maxsize: %d)\n",
1964  conflict->nconflictsets, focusdepth, maxconflictsets, maxsize);
1966  /* mark the focus node to have produced conflict sets in the visualization output */
1967  SCIPvisualFoundConflict(stat->visual, stat, tree->path[focusdepth]);
1969  /* insert the conflict sets at the corresponding nodes */
1970  nconflictsetsused = 0;
1971  cutoffdepth = INT_MAX;
1972  repropdepth = INT_MAX;
1973  repropconflictset = NULL;
1974  for( i = 0; i < conflict->nconflictsets && nconflictsetsused < maxconflictsets; ++i )
1975  {
1976  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset;
1978  conflictset = conflict->conflictsets[i];
1979  assert(conflictset != NULL);
1980  assert(0 <= conflictset->validdepth);
1981  assert(conflictset->validdepth <= conflictset->insertdepth);
1982  assert(conflictset->insertdepth <= focusdepth);
1983  assert(conflictset->insertdepth <= conflictset->repropdepth);
1984  assert(conflictset->repropdepth <= currentdepth || conflictset->repropdepth == INT_MAX); /* INT_MAX for dive/probing/strong */
1985  assert(conflictset->conflictdepth <= currentdepth || conflictset->conflictdepth == INT_MAX); /* INT_MAX for dive/probing/strong */
1987  /* ignore conflict sets that are only valid at a node that was already cut off */
1988  if( conflictset->insertdepth >= cutoffdepth )
1989  {
1990  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> ignoring conflict set with insertdepth %d >= cutoffdepth %d\n",
1991  conflictset->validdepth, cutoffdepth);
1992  continue;
1993  }
1995  /* if no conflict bounds exist, the node and its sub tree in the conflict set's valid depth can be
1996  * cut off completely
1997  */
1998  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos == 0 )
1999  {
2000  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> empty conflict set in depth %d cuts off sub tree at depth %d\n",
2001  focusdepth, conflictset->validdepth);
2003  SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(tree->path[conflictset->validdepth], set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
2004  cutoffdepth = conflictset->validdepth;
2005  continue;
2006  }
2008  /* if the conflict set is too long, use the conflict set only if it decreases the repropagation depth */
2009  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos > maxsize )
2010  {
2011  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict set is too long: %d > %d literals\n", conflictset->nbdchginfos, maxsize);
2012  if( set->conf_keepreprop && conflictset->repropagate && conflictset->repropdepth < repropdepth )
2013  {
2014  repropdepth = conflictset->repropdepth;
2015  repropconflictset = conflictset;
2016  }
2017  }
2018  else
2019  {
2020  SCIP_Bool success;
2022  /* call conflict handlers to create a conflict constraint */
2023  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictCons(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, \
2024  branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, conflictset, conflictset->insertdepth, &success) );
2026  /* if no conflict bounds exist, the node and its sub tree in the conflict set's valid depth can be
2027  * cut off completely
2028  */
2029  if( conflictset->nbdchginfos == 0 )
2030  {
2031  assert(!success);
2033  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> empty conflict set in depth %d cuts off sub tree at depth %d\n",
2034  focusdepth, conflictset->validdepth);
2036  SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(tree->path[conflictset->validdepth], set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, \
2037  reopt, lp, blkmem) );
2038  cutoffdepth = conflictset->validdepth;
2039  continue;
2040  }
2042  if( success )
2043  {
2044  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict set %d/%d added (cdpt:%d, fdpt:%d, insert:%d, valid:%d, conf:%d, reprop:%d, len:%d):\n",
2045  nconflictsetsused+1, maxconflictsets, SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree), SCIPtreeGetFocusDepth(tree),
2046  conflictset->insertdepth, conflictset->validdepth, conflictset->conflictdepth, conflictset->repropdepth,
2047  conflictset->nbdchginfos);
2048  SCIPdebug(conflictsetPrint(conflictset));
2050  if( conflictset->repropagate && conflictset->repropdepth <= repropdepth )
2051  {
2052  repropdepth = conflictset->repropdepth;
2053  repropconflictset = NULL;
2054  }
2055  nconflictsetsused++;
2056  }
2057  }
2058  }
2060  /* reactivate propagation on the first node where one of the new conflict sets trigger a deduction */
2061  if( set->conf_repropagate && repropdepth < cutoffdepth && repropdepth < tree->pathlen )
2062  {
2063  assert(0 <= repropdepth && repropdepth < tree->pathlen);
2064  assert((int) tree->path[repropdepth]->depth == repropdepth);
2066  /* if the conflict constraint of smallest repropagation depth was not yet added, insert it now */
2067  if( repropconflictset != NULL )
2068  {
2069  SCIP_Bool success;
2071  assert(repropconflictset->repropagate);
2072  assert(repropconflictset->repropdepth == repropdepth);
2074  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictCons(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, \
2075  branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, repropconflictset, repropdepth, &success) );
2077  /* if no conflict bounds exist, the node and its sub tree in the conflict set's valid depth can be
2078  * cut off completely
2079  */
2080  if( repropconflictset->nbdchginfos == 0 )
2081  {
2082  assert(!success);
2084  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> empty reprop conflict set in depth %d cuts off sub tree at depth %d\n",
2085  focusdepth, repropconflictset->validdepth);
2087  SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(tree->path[repropconflictset->validdepth], set, stat, tree, transprob, \
2088  origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
2089  }
2091 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2092  if( success )
2093  {
2094  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> additional reprop conflict set added (cdpt:%d, fdpt:%d, insert:%d, valid:%d, conf:%d, reprop:%d, len:%d):\n",
2096  repropconflictset->insertdepth, repropconflictset->validdepth, repropconflictset->conflictdepth,
2097  repropconflictset->repropdepth, repropconflictset->nbdchginfos);
2098  SCIPdebug(conflictsetPrint(repropconflictset));
2099  }
2100 #endif
2101  }
2103  /* mark the node in the repropdepth to be propagated again */
2104  SCIPnodePropagateAgain(tree->path[repropdepth], set, stat, tree);
2106  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "marked node %p in depth %d to be repropagated due to conflicts found in depth %d\n",
2107  (void*)tree->path[repropdepth], repropdepth, focusdepth);
2108  }
2110  /* free the conflict store */
2111  for( i = 0; i < conflict->nconflictsets; ++i )
2112  {
2113  SCIPconflictsetFree(&conflict->conflictsets[i], blkmem);
2114  }
2115  conflict->nconflictsets = 0;
2116  }
2118  /* free all temporarily created bound change information data */
2119  conflictFreeTmpBdchginfos(conflict, blkmem);
2121  return SCIP_OKAY;
2122 }
2124 /** resizes conflictsets array to be able to store at least num entries */
2125 static
2127  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2128  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2129  int num /**< minimal number of slots in array */
2130  )
2131 {
2132  assert(conflict != NULL);
2133  assert(set != NULL);
2135  if( num > conflict->conflictsetssize )
2136  {
2137  int newsize;
2139  newsize = SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(set, num);
2140  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&conflict->conflictsets, newsize) );
2141  SCIP_ALLOC( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&conflict->conflictsetscores, newsize) );
2142  conflict->conflictsetssize = newsize;
2143  }
2144  assert(num <= conflict->conflictsetssize);
2146  return SCIP_OKAY;
2147 }
2149 /** inserts conflict set into sorted conflictsets array and deletes the conflict set pointer */
2150 static
2152  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2153  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
2154  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2155  SCIP_CONFLICTSET** conflictset /**< pointer to conflict set to insert */
2156  )
2157 {
2158  SCIP_Real score;
2159  int pos;
2160  int i;
2161  int j;
2163  assert(conflict != NULL);
2164  assert(set != NULL);
2165  assert(conflictset != NULL);
2166  assert(*conflictset != NULL);
2167  assert((*conflictset)->validdepth <= (*conflictset)->insertdepth);
2168  assert(set->conf_allowlocal || (*conflictset)->validdepth == 0);
2170  /* calculate conflict and repropagation depth */
2171  conflictsetCalcConflictDepth(*conflictset);
2173  /* if we apply repropagations, the conflict set should be inserted at most at its repropdepth */
2174  if( set->conf_repropagate )
2175  (*conflictset)->insertdepth = MIN((*conflictset)->insertdepth, (*conflictset)->repropdepth);
2176  else
2177  (*conflictset)->repropdepth = INT_MAX;
2178  assert((*conflictset)->insertdepth <= (*conflictset)->repropdepth);
2180  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "inserting conflict set (valid: %d, insert: %d, conf: %d, reprop: %d):\n",
2181  (*conflictset)->validdepth, (*conflictset)->insertdepth, (*conflictset)->conflictdepth, (*conflictset)->repropdepth);
2182  SCIPdebug(conflictsetPrint(*conflictset));
2184  /* get the score of the conflict set */
2185  score = conflictsetCalcScore(*conflictset, set);
2187  /* check, if conflict set is redundant to a better conflict set */
2188  for( pos = 0; pos < conflict->nconflictsets && score < conflict->conflictsetscores[pos]; ++pos )
2189  {
2190  /* check if conflict set is redundant with respect to conflictsets[pos] */
2191  if( conflictsetIsRedundant(*conflictset, conflict->conflictsets[pos]) )
2192  {
2193  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict set is redundant to: ");
2194  SCIPdebug(conflictsetPrint(conflict->conflictsets[pos]));
2195  SCIPconflictsetFree(conflictset, blkmem);
2196  return SCIP_OKAY;
2197  }
2199  /**@todo like in sepastore.c: calculate overlap between conflictsets -> large overlap reduces score */
2200  }
2202  /* insert conflictset into the sorted conflictsets array */
2203  SCIP_CALL( conflictEnsureConflictsetsMem(conflict, set, conflict->nconflictsets + 1) );
2204  for( i = conflict->nconflictsets; i > pos; --i )
2205  {
2206  assert(score >= conflict->conflictsetscores[i-1]);
2207  conflict->conflictsets[i] = conflict->conflictsets[i-1];
2208  conflict->conflictsetscores[i] = conflict->conflictsetscores[i-1];
2209  }
2210  conflict->conflictsets[pos] = *conflictset;
2211  conflict->conflictsetscores[pos] = score;
2212  conflict->nconflictsets++;
2214  /* remove worse conflictsets that are redundant to the new conflictset */
2215  for( i = pos+1, j = pos+1; i < conflict->nconflictsets; ++i )
2216  {
2217  if( conflictsetIsRedundant(conflict->conflictsets[i], *conflictset) )
2218  {
2219  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict set dominates: ");
2220  SCIPdebug(conflictsetPrint(conflict->conflictsets[i]));
2221  SCIPconflictsetFree(&conflict->conflictsets[i], blkmem);
2222  }
2223  else
2224  {
2225  assert(j <= i);
2226  conflict->conflictsets[j] = conflict->conflictsets[i];
2227  conflict->conflictsetscores[j] = conflict->conflictsetscores[i];
2228  j++;
2229  }
2230  }
2231  assert(j <= conflict->nconflictsets);
2232  conflict->nconflictsets = j;
2234 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
2235  confgraphMarkConflictset(*conflictset);
2236 #endif
2238  *conflictset = NULL; /* ownership of pointer is now in the conflictsets array */
2240  return SCIP_OKAY;
2241 }
2243 /** marks bound to be present in the current conflict and returns whether a bound which is at least as tight was already
2244  * member of the current conflict (i.e., the given bound change does not need to be added)
2245  */
2246 static
2248  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2249  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2250  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo, /**< bound change to add to the conflict set */
2251  SCIP_Real relaxedbd /**< relaxed bound */
2252  )
2253 {
2254  SCIP_VAR* var;
2255  SCIP_Real newbound;
2257  assert(conflict != NULL);
2259  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
2260  newbound = SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo);
2261  assert(var != NULL);
2263  switch( SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) )
2264  {
2266  /* check if the variables lower bound is already member of the conflict */
2267  if( var->conflictlbcount == conflict->count )
2268  {
2269  /* the variable is already member of the conflict; hence check if the new bound is redundant */
2270  if( var->conflictlb > newbound )
2271  {
2272  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "ignoring redundant bound change <%s> >= %g since a stronger lower bound exist <%s> >= %g\n",
2273  SCIPvarGetName(var), newbound, SCIPvarGetName(var), var->conflictlb);
2274  return TRUE;
2275  }
2276  else if( var->conflictlb == newbound ) /*lint !e777*/
2277  {
2278  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "ignoring redundant bound change <%s> >= %g since this lower bound is already present\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), newbound);
2279  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "adjust relaxed lower bound <%g> -> <%g>\n", var->conflictlb, relaxedbd);
2280  var->conflictrelaxedlb = MAX(var->conflictrelaxedlb, relaxedbd);
2281  return TRUE;
2282  }
2283  }
2285  /* add the variable lower bound to the current conflict */
2286  var->conflictlbcount = conflict->count;
2288  /* remember the lower bound and relaxed bound to allow only better/tighter lower bounds for that variables
2289  * w.r.t. this conflict
2290  */
2291  var->conflictlb = newbound;
2292  var->conflictrelaxedlb = relaxedbd;
2294  return FALSE;
2297  /* check if the variables upper bound is already member of the conflict */
2298  if( var->conflictubcount == conflict->count )
2299  {
2300  /* the variable is already member of the conflict; hence check if the new bound is redundant */
2301  if( var->conflictub < newbound )
2302  {
2303  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "ignoring redundant bound change <%s> <= %g since a stronger upper bound exist <%s> <= %g\n",
2304  SCIPvarGetName(var), newbound, SCIPvarGetName(var), var->conflictub);
2305  return TRUE;
2306  }
2307  else if( var->conflictub == newbound ) /*lint !e777*/
2308  {
2309  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "ignoring redundant bound change <%s> <= %g since this upper bound is already present\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), newbound);
2310  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "adjust relaxed upper bound <%g> -> <%g>\n", var->conflictub, relaxedbd);
2311  var->conflictrelaxedub = MIN(var->conflictrelaxedub, relaxedbd);
2312  return TRUE;
2313  }
2314  }
2316  /* add the variable upper bound to the current conflict */
2317  var->conflictubcount = conflict->count;
2319  /* remember the upper bound and relaxed bound to allow only better/tighter upper bounds for that variables
2320  * w.r.t. this conflict
2321  */
2322  var->conflictub = newbound;
2323  var->conflictrelaxedub = relaxedbd;
2325  return FALSE;
2327  default:
2328  SCIPerrorMessage("invalid bound type %d\n", SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo));
2329  SCIPABORT();
2330  return FALSE; /*lint !e527*/
2331  }
2332 }
2334 /** puts bound change into the current conflict set */
2335 static
2337  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2338  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
2339  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2340  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo, /**< bound change to add to the conflict set */
2341  SCIP_Real relaxedbd /**< relaxed bound */
2342  )
2343 {
2344  assert(conflict != NULL);
2345  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
2347  /* check if the relaxed bound is really a relaxed bound */
2348  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER || SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
2349  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER || SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
2351  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "putting bound change <%s> %s %g(%g) at depth %d to current conflict set\n",
2352  SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)),
2353  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=", SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo),
2354  relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo));
2356  /* mark the bound to be member of the conflict and check if a bound which is at least as tight is already member of
2357  * the conflict
2358  */
2359  if( !conflictMarkBoundCheckPresence(conflict, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) )
2360  {
2361  /* add the bound change to the current conflict set */
2362  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetAddBound(conflict->conflictset, blkmem, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) );
2364 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
2365  if( bdchginfo != confgraphcurrentbdchginfo )
2366  confgraphAddBdchg(bdchginfo);
2367 #endif
2368  }
2369 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
2370  else
2371  confgraphLinkBdchg(bdchginfo);
2372 #endif
2374  return SCIP_OKAY;
2375 }
2377 /** returns whether the negation of the given bound change would lead to a globally valid literal */
2378 static
2380  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2381  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo /**< bound change information */
2382  )
2383 {
2384  SCIP_VAR* var;
2385  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype;
2386  SCIP_Real bound;
2388  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
2389  boundtype = SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo);
2390  bound = SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo);
2392  return (SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS
2393  && ((boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER && SCIPsetIsFeasGE(set, bound, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var)))
2394  || (boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER && SCIPsetIsFeasLE(set, bound, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var)))));
2395 }
2397 /** adds given bound change information to the conflict candidate queue */
2398 static
2400  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2401  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2402  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo, /**< bound change information */
2403  SCIP_Real relaxedbd /**< relaxed bound */
2404  )
2405 {
2406  assert(conflict != NULL);
2407  assert(set != NULL);
2408  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
2409  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
2411  /* check if the relaxed bound is really a relaxed bound */
2412  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER || SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
2413  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER || SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
2415  /* mark the bound to be member of the conflict and check if a bound which is at least as tight is already member of
2416  * the conflict
2417  */
2418  if( !conflictMarkBoundCheckPresence(conflict, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) )
2419  {
2420  /* insert the bound change into the conflict queue */
2421  if( (!set->conf_preferbinary || SCIPvarIsBinary(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)))
2422  && !isBoundchgUseless(set, bdchginfo) )
2423  {
2424  SCIP_CALL( SCIPpqueueInsert(conflict->bdchgqueue, (void*)bdchginfo) );
2425  }
2426  else
2427  {
2428  SCIP_CALL( SCIPpqueueInsert(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue, (void*)bdchginfo) );
2429  }
2431 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
2432  confgraphAddBdchg(bdchginfo);
2433 #endif
2434  }
2435 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
2436  else
2437  confgraphLinkBdchg(bdchginfo);
2438 #endif
2440  return SCIP_OKAY;
2441 }
2443 /** adds variable's bound to conflict candidate queue */
2444 static
2446  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2447  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
2448  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2449  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
2450  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< problem variable */
2451  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, /**< type of bound that was changed: lower or upper bound */
2452  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo, /**< bound change info, or NULL */
2453  SCIP_Real relaxedbd /**< relaxed bound */
2454  )
2455 {
2456  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(var));
2457  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
2458  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
2460  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> adding bound <%s> %s %.15g(%.15g) [status:%d, type:%d, depth:%d, pos:%d, reason:<%s>, info:%d] to candidates\n",
2461  SCIPvarGetName(var),
2462  boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
2463  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo), relaxedbd,
2464  SCIPvarGetStatus(var), SCIPvarGetType(var),
2465  SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo),
2466  SCIPbdchginfoGetChgtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING ? "branch"
2470  : "none")),
2473  /* the local bound change may be resolved and has to be put on the candidate queue;
2474  * we even put bound changes without inference information on the queue in order to automatically
2475  * eliminate multiple insertions of the same bound change
2476  */
2477  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo) == var);
2478  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == boundtype);
2479  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo) >= 0);
2480  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo) >= 0);
2482  /* the relaxed bound should be a relaxation */
2483  assert(boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)) : SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
2485  /* the relaxed bound should be worse then the old bound of the bound change info */
2486  assert(boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? SCIPsetIsGT(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo)) : SCIPsetIsLT(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo)));
2488  /* put bound change information into priority queue */
2489  SCIP_CALL( conflictQueueBound(conflict, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) );
2491  /* each variable which is add to the conflict graph gets an increase in the VSIDS
2492  *
2493  * @note That is different to the VSIDS preseted in the literature
2494  */
2495  SCIP_CALL( incVSIDS(var, blkmem, set, stat, boundtype, relaxedbd, set->conf_conflictgraphweight) );
2497  return SCIP_OKAY;
2498 }
2500 /** applies conflict analysis starting with given bound changes, that could not be undone during previous
2501  * infeasibility analysis
2502  */
2504  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2505  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
2506  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2507  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< problem statistics */
2508  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
2509  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
2510  SCIP_Bool diving, /**< are we in strong branching or diving mode? */
2511  int* lbchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active lower bound change information in variables' arrays */
2512  int* ubchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active upper bound change information in variables' arrays */
2513  int* nconss, /**< pointer to store the number of generated conflict constraints */
2514  int* nliterals, /**< pointer to store the number of literals in generated conflict constraints */
2515  int* nreconvconss, /**< pointer to store the number of generated reconvergence constraints */
2516  int* nreconvliterals /**< pointer to store the number of literals generated reconvergence constraints */
2517  )
2518 {
2519  SCIP_VAR** vars;
2520  SCIP_VAR* var;
2521  SCIP_CONFTYPE conftype;
2522  SCIP_Bool usescutoffbound;
2523  int nvars;
2524  int v;
2525  int nbdchgs;
2526  int maxsize;
2528  assert(prob != NULL);
2529  assert(lbchginfoposs != NULL);
2530  assert(ubchginfoposs != NULL);
2531  assert(nconss != NULL);
2532  assert(nliterals != NULL);
2533  assert(nreconvconss != NULL);
2534  assert(nreconvliterals != NULL);
2536  *nconss = 0;
2537  *nliterals = 0;
2538  *nreconvconss = 0;
2539  *nreconvliterals = 0;
2541  vars = prob->vars;
2542  nvars = prob->nvars;
2543  assert(nvars == 0 || vars != NULL);
2545  maxsize = 2*conflictCalcMaxsize(set, prob);
2547  /* initialize conflict data */
2548  conftype = conflict->conflictset->conflicttype;
2549  usescutoffbound = conflict->conflictset->usescutoffbound;
2551  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictInit(conflict, set, stat, prob, conftype, usescutoffbound) );
2553  conflict->conflictset->conflicttype = conftype;
2554  conflict->conflictset->usescutoffbound = usescutoffbound;
2556  /* add remaining bound changes to conflict queue */
2557  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "initial conflict set after undoing bound changes:\n");
2559  nbdchgs = 0;
2560  for( v = 0; v < nvars && nbdchgs < maxsize; ++v )
2561  {
2562  var = vars[v];
2563  assert(var != NULL);
2564  assert(var->nlbchginfos >= 0);
2565  assert(var->nubchginfos >= 0);
2566  assert(-1 <= lbchginfoposs[v] && lbchginfoposs[v] <= var->nlbchginfos);
2567  assert(-1 <= ubchginfoposs[v] && ubchginfoposs[v] <= var->nubchginfos);
2569  if( lbchginfoposs[v] == var->nlbchginfos || ubchginfoposs[v] == var->nubchginfos )
2570  {
2571  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
2572  SCIP_Real relaxedbd;
2574  /* the strong branching or diving bound stored in the column is responsible for the conflict:
2575  * it cannot be resolved and therefore has to be directly put into the conflict set
2576  */
2577  assert((lbchginfoposs[v] == var->nlbchginfos) != (ubchginfoposs[v] == var->nubchginfos)); /* only one can be tight in the dual! */
2578  assert(lbchginfoposs[v] < var->nlbchginfos || SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set) > SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var));
2579  assert(ubchginfoposs[v] < var->nubchginfos || SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set) < SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var));
2581  /* create an artificial bound change information for the diving/strong branching bound change;
2582  * they are freed in the SCIPconflictFlushConss() call
2583  */
2584  if( lbchginfoposs[v] == var->nlbchginfos )
2585  {
2586  SCIP_CALL( conflictCreateTmpBdchginfo(conflict, blkmem, set, var, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER,
2587  SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set), &bdchginfo) );
2588  relaxedbd = SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set);
2589  }
2590  else
2591  {
2592  SCIP_CALL( conflictCreateTmpBdchginfo(conflict, blkmem, set, var, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER,
2593  SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set), &bdchginfo) );
2594  relaxedbd = SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set);
2595  }
2597  /* put variable into the conflict set */
2598  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " force: <%s> %s %g [status: %d, type: %d, dive/strong]\n",
2599  SCIPvarGetName(var), lbchginfoposs[v] == var->nlbchginfos ? ">=" : "<=",
2600  lbchginfoposs[v] == var->nlbchginfos ? SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set) : SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set),
2601  SCIPvarGetStatus(var), SCIPvarGetType(var));
2602  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictBound(conflict, blkmem, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) );
2604  /* each variable which is add to the conflict graph gets an increase in the VSIDS
2605  *
2606  * @note That is different to the VSIDS preseted in the literature
2607  */
2608  SCIP_CALL( incVSIDS(var, blkmem, set, stat, SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo), relaxedbd, set->conf_conflictgraphweight) );
2609  nbdchgs++;
2610  }
2611  else
2612  {
2613  /* put remaining bound changes into conflict candidate queue */
2614  if( lbchginfoposs[v] >= 0 )
2615  {
2616  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddBound(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, var, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER, \
2617  &var->lbchginfos[lbchginfoposs[v]], SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(&var->lbchginfos[lbchginfoposs[v]])) );
2618  nbdchgs++;
2619  }
2620  if( ubchginfoposs[v] >= 0 )
2621  {
2622  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(&var->ubchginfos[ubchginfoposs[v]]));
2623  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddBound(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, var, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER, \
2624  &var->ubchginfos[ubchginfoposs[v]], SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(&var->ubchginfos[ubchginfoposs[v]])) );
2625  nbdchgs++;
2626  }
2627  }
2628  }
2630  if( v == nvars )
2631  {
2632  /* analyze the conflict set, and create conflict constraints on success */
2633  SCIP_CALL( conflictAnalyze(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, prob, tree, diving, 0, FALSE, nconss, nliterals, \
2634  nreconvconss, nreconvliterals) );
2635  }
2637  return SCIP_OKAY;
2638 }
2640 /** check if the bound change info (which is the potential next candidate which is queued) is valid for the current
2641  * conflict analysis; a bound change info can get invalid if after this one was added to the queue, a weaker bound
2642  * change was added to the queue (due the bound widening idea) which immediately makes this bound change redundant; due
2643  * to the priority we did not removed that bound change info since that cost O(log(n)); hence we have to skip/ignore it
2644  * now
2645  *
2646  * The following situations can occur before for example the bound change info (x >= 3) is potentially popped from the
2647  * queue.
2648  *
2649  * Postcondition: the reason why (x >= 3) was queued is that at this time point no lower bound of x was involved yet in
2650  * the current conflict or the lower bound which was involved until then was stronger, e.g., (x >= 2).
2651  *
2652  * 1) during the time until (x >= 3) gets potentially popped no weaker lower bound was added to the queue, in that case
2653  * the conflictlbcount is valid and conflictlb is 3; that is (var->conflictlbcount == conflict->count &&
2654  * var->conflictlb == 3)
2655  *
2656  * 2) a weaker bound change info gets queued (e.g., x >= 4); this bound change is popped before (x >= 3) since it has
2657  * higher priority (which is the time stamp of the bound change info and (x >= 4) has to be done after (x >= 3)
2658  * during propagation or branching)
2659  *
2660  * a) if (x >= 4) is popped and added to the conflict set the conflictlbcount is still valid and conflictlb is at
2661  * most 4; that is (var->conflictlbcount == conflict->count && var->conflictlb >= 4); it follows that any bound
2662  * change info which is stronger than (x >= 4) gets ignored (for example x >= 2)
2663  *
2664  * b) if (x >= 4) is popped and resolved without introducing a new lower bound on x until (x >= 3) is a potentially
2665  * candidate the conflictlbcount indicates that bound change is currently not present; that is
2666  * (var->conflictlbcount != conflict->count)
2667  *
2668  * c) if (x >= 4) is popped and resolved and a new lower bound on x (e.g., x >= 2) is introduced until (x >= 3) is
2669  * pooped, the conflictlbcount indicates that bound change is currently present; that is (var->conflictlbcount ==
2670  * conflict->count); however the (x >= 3) only has be explained if conflictlb matches that one; that is
2671  * (var->conflictlb == bdchginfo->newbound); otherwise it redundant/invalid.
2672  */
2673 static
2675  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2676  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo /**< bound change information */
2677  )
2678 {
2679  SCIP_VAR* var;
2681  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
2683  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
2684  assert(var != NULL);
2686  /* the bound change info of a binary (domained) variable can never be invalid since the concepts of relaxed bounds
2687  * and bound widening do not make sense for these type of variables
2688  */
2689  if( SCIPvarIsBinary(var) )
2690  return FALSE;
2692  /* check if the bdchginfo is invalid since a tight/weaker bound change was already explained */
2694  {
2695  if( var->conflictlbcount != conflict->count || var->conflictlb != SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo) ) /*lint !e777*/
2696  {
2697  assert(!SCIPvarIsBinary(var));
2698  return TRUE;
2699  }
2700  }
2701  else
2702  {
2703  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER);
2705  if( var->conflictubcount != conflict->count || var->conflictub != SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo) ) /*lint !e777*/
2706  {
2707  assert(!SCIPvarIsBinary(var));
2708  return TRUE;
2709  }
2710  }
2712  return FALSE;
2713 }
2715 /** adds given bound changes to a conflict set */
2716 static
2718  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2719  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset, /**< conflict set */
2720  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
2721  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2722  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos, /**< bound changes to add to the conflict set */
2723  int nbdchginfos /**< number of bound changes to add */
2724  )
2725 {
2726  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** confbdchginfos;
2727  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
2728  SCIP_Real* confrelaxedbds;
2729  int* confsortvals;
2730  int confnbdchginfos;
2731  int idx;
2732  int sortval;
2733  int i;
2734  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype;
2736  assert(conflict != NULL);
2737  assert(conflictset != NULL);
2738  assert(blkmem != NULL);
2739  assert(set != NULL);
2740  assert(bdchginfos != NULL || nbdchginfos == 0);
2742  /* nothing to add */
2743  if( nbdchginfos == 0 )
2744  return SCIP_OKAY;
2746  assert(bdchginfos != NULL);
2748  /* only one element to add, use the single insertion method */
2749  if( nbdchginfos == 1 )
2750  {
2751  bdchginfo = bdchginfos[0];
2752  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
2754  if( !bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, bdchginfo) )
2755  {
2756  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetAddBound(conflictset, blkmem, set, bdchginfo, SCIPbdchginfoGetRelaxedBound(bdchginfo)) );
2757  }
2758  else
2759  {
2760  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "-> bound change info [%d:<%s> %s %g] is invalid -> ignore it\n", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo),
2761  SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)),
2762  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
2763  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo));
2764  }
2766  return SCIP_OKAY;
2767  }
2769  confnbdchginfos = conflictset->nbdchginfos;
2771  /* allocate memory for additional element */
2772  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetEnsureBdchginfosMem(conflictset, blkmem, set, confnbdchginfos + nbdchginfos) );
2774  confbdchginfos = conflictset->bdchginfos;
2775  confrelaxedbds = conflictset->relaxedbds;
2776  confsortvals = conflictset->sortvals;
2778  assert(SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER == FALSE); /*lint !e641 !e506*/
2779  assert(SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER == TRUE); /*lint !e641 !e506*/
2781  for( i = 0; i < nbdchginfos; ++i )
2782  {
2783  bdchginfo = bdchginfos[i];
2784  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
2786  /* add only valid bound change infos */
2787  if( !bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, bdchginfo) )
2788  {
2789  /* calculate sorting value */
2790  boundtype = SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo);
2791  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo) != NULL);
2793  idx = SCIPvarGetIndex(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo));
2794  assert(idx < INT_MAX/2);
2796  assert((int)boundtype == 0 || (int)boundtype == 1);
2797  sortval = 2*idx + (int)boundtype; /* first sorting criteria: variable index, second criteria: boundtype */
2799  /* add new element */
2800  confbdchginfos[confnbdchginfos] = bdchginfo;
2801  confrelaxedbds[confnbdchginfos] = SCIPbdchginfoGetRelaxedBound(bdchginfo);
2802  confsortvals[confnbdchginfos] = sortval;
2803  ++confnbdchginfos;
2806  conflictset->hasrelaxonlyvar = TRUE;
2807  }
2808  else
2809  {
2810  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "-> bound change info [%d:<%s> %s %g] is invalid -> ignore it\n", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo),
2811  SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)),
2812  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
2813  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo));
2814  }
2815  }
2816  assert(confnbdchginfos <= conflictset->nbdchginfos + nbdchginfos);
2818  /* sort and merge the new conflict set */
2819  if( confnbdchginfos > conflictset->nbdchginfos )
2820  {
2821  int k = 0;
2823  /* sort array */
2824  SCIPsortIntPtrReal(confsortvals, (void**)confbdchginfos, confrelaxedbds, confnbdchginfos);
2826  i = 1;
2827  /* merge multiple bound changes */
2828  while( i < confnbdchginfos )
2829  {
2830  assert(i > k);
2832  /* is this a multiple bound change */
2833  if( confsortvals[k] == confsortvals[i] )
2834  {
2835  if( SCIPbdchginfoIsTighter(confbdchginfos[k], confbdchginfos[i]) )
2836  ++i;
2837  else if( SCIPbdchginfoIsTighter(confbdchginfos[i], confbdchginfos[k]) )
2838  {
2839  /* replace worse bound change info by tighter bound change info */
2840  confbdchginfos[k] = confbdchginfos[i];
2841  confrelaxedbds[k] = confrelaxedbds[i];
2842  confsortvals[k] = confsortvals[i];
2843  ++i;
2844  }
2845  else
2846  {
2847  assert(confsortvals[k] == confsortvals[i]);
2849  /* both bound change are equivalent; hence, keep the worse relaxed bound and remove one of them */
2850  confrelaxedbds[k] = (confsortvals[k] % 2 == 0) ? MAX(confrelaxedbds[k], confrelaxedbds[i]) : MIN(confrelaxedbds[k], confrelaxedbds[i]);
2851  ++i;
2852  }
2853  }
2854  else
2855  {
2856  /* all bound change infos must be valid */
2857  assert(!bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, confbdchginfos[k]));
2859  ++k;
2860  /* move next comparison element to the correct position */
2861  if( k != i )
2862  {
2863  confbdchginfos[k] = confbdchginfos[i];
2864  confrelaxedbds[k] = confrelaxedbds[i];
2865  confsortvals[k] = confsortvals[i];
2866  }
2867  ++i;
2868  }
2869  }
2870  /* last bound change infos must also be valid */
2871  assert(!bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, confbdchginfos[k]));
2872  /* the number of bound change infos cannot be decreased, it would mean that the conflict set was not merged
2873  * before
2874  */
2875  assert(conflictset->nbdchginfos <= k + 1 );
2876  assert(k + 1 <= confnbdchginfos);
2878  conflictset->nbdchginfos = k + 1;
2879  }
2881  return SCIP_OKAY;
2882 }
2884 /** removes and returns next conflict analysis candidate from the candidate queue */
2885 static
2887  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict /**< conflict analysis data */
2888  )
2889 {
2890  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
2891  SCIP_VAR* var;
2893  assert(conflict != NULL);
2895  if( SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) > 0 )
2896  bdchginfo = (SCIP_BDCHGINFO*)(SCIPpqueueRemove(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue));
2897  else
2898  bdchginfo = (SCIP_BDCHGINFO*)(SCIPpqueueRemove(conflict->bdchgqueue));
2900  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
2902  /* if we have a candidate this one should be valid for the current conflict analysis */
2903  assert(!bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, bdchginfo));
2905  /* mark the bound change to be no longer in the conflict (it will be either added again to the conflict set or
2906  * replaced by resolving, which might add a weaker change on the same bound to the queue)
2907  */
2908  var = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
2910  {
2911  var->conflictlbcount = 0;
2913  }
2914  else
2915  {
2916  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER);
2917  var->conflictubcount = 0;
2919  }
2921 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
2922  confgraphSetCurrentBdchg(bdchginfo);
2923 #endif
2925  return bdchginfo;
2926 }
2928 /** returns next conflict analysis candidate from the candidate queue without removing it */
2929 static
2931  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict /**< conflict analysis data */
2932  )
2933 {
2934  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
2936  assert(conflict != NULL);
2938  if( SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) > 0 )
2939  {
2940  /* get next potential candidate */
2941  bdchginfo = (SCIP_BDCHGINFO*)(SCIPpqueueFirst(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue));
2943  /* check if this candidate is valid */
2944  if( bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, bdchginfo) )
2945  {
2946  SCIPdebugMessage("bound change info [%d:<%s> %s %g] is invalid -> pop it from the force queue\n", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo),
2947  SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)),
2948  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
2949  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo));
2951  /* pop the invalid bound change info from the queue */
2952  (void)(SCIPpqueueRemove(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue));
2954  /* call method recursively to get next conflict analysis candidate */
2955  bdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
2956  }
2957  }
2958  else
2959  {
2960  bdchginfo = (SCIP_BDCHGINFO*)(SCIPpqueueFirst(conflict->bdchgqueue));
2962  /* check if this candidate is valid */
2963  if( bdchginfo != NULL && bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, bdchginfo) )
2964  {
2965  SCIPdebugMessage("bound change info [%d:<%s> %s %g] is invalid -> pop it from the queue\n", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo),
2966  SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)),
2967  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
2968  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo));
2970  /* pop the invalid bound change info from the queue */
2971  (void)(SCIPpqueueRemove(conflict->bdchgqueue));
2973  /* call method recursively to get next conflict analysis candidate */
2974  bdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
2975  }
2976  }
2977  assert(bdchginfo == NULL || !SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
2979  return bdchginfo;
2980 }
2982 /** adds the current conflict set (extended by all remaining bound changes in the queue) to the pool of conflict sets */
2983 static
2985  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
2986  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
2987  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
2988  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
2989  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
2990  int validdepth, /**< minimal depth level at which the conflict set is valid */
2991  SCIP_Bool diving, /**< are we in strong branching or diving mode? */
2992  SCIP_Bool repropagate, /**< should the constraint trigger a repropagation? */
2993  SCIP_Bool* success, /**< pointer to store whether the conflict set is valid */
2994  int* nliterals /**< pointer to store the number of literals in the generated conflictset */
2995  )
2996 {
2997  SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset;
2998  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos;
2999  int nbdchginfos;
3000  int currentdepth;
3001  int focusdepth;
3003  assert(conflict != NULL);
3004  assert(conflict->conflictset != NULL);
3005  assert(set != NULL);
3006  assert(stat != NULL);
3007  assert(tree != NULL);
3008  assert(success != NULL);
3009  assert(nliterals != NULL);
3010  assert(SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) == 0);
3012  *success = FALSE;
3013  *nliterals = 0;
3015  /* check, whether local conflicts are allowed */
3016  validdepth = MAX(validdepth, conflict->conflictset->validdepth);
3017  if( !set->conf_allowlocal && validdepth > 0 )
3018  return SCIP_OKAY;
3020  focusdepth = SCIPtreeGetFocusDepth(tree);
3021  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
3022  assert(currentdepth == tree->pathlen-1);
3023  assert(focusdepth <= currentdepth);
3024  assert(0 <= conflict->conflictset->validdepth && conflict->conflictset->validdepth <= currentdepth);
3025  assert(0 <= validdepth && validdepth <= currentdepth);
3027  /* get the elements of the bound change queue */
3028  bdchginfos = (SCIP_BDCHGINFO**)SCIPpqueueElems(conflict->bdchgqueue);
3029  nbdchginfos = SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->bdchgqueue);
3031  /* create a copy of the current conflict set, allocating memory for the additional elements of the queue */
3032  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetCopy(&conflictset, blkmem, conflict->conflictset, nbdchginfos) );
3033  conflictset->validdepth = validdepth;
3034  conflictset->repropagate = repropagate;
3036  /* add the valid queue elements to the conflict set */
3037  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "adding %d variables from the queue as temporary conflict variables\n", nbdchginfos);
3038  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetAddBounds(conflict, conflictset, blkmem, set, bdchginfos, nbdchginfos) );
3040  /* calculate the depth, at which the conflictset should be inserted */
3041  SCIP_CALL( conflictsetCalcInsertDepth(conflictset, set, tree) );
3042  assert(conflictset->validdepth <= conflictset->insertdepth && conflictset->insertdepth <= currentdepth);
3043  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> conflict with %d literals found at depth %d is active in depth %d and valid in depth %d\n",
3044  conflictset->nbdchginfos, currentdepth, conflictset->insertdepth, conflictset->validdepth);
3046  /* if all branching variables are in the conflict set, the conflict set is of no use;
3047  * don't use conflict sets that are only valid in the probing path but not in the problem tree
3048  */
3049  if( (diving || conflictset->insertdepth < currentdepth) && conflictset->insertdepth <= focusdepth )
3050  {
3051  /* if the conflict should not be located only in the subtree where it is useful, put it to its valid depth level */
3052  if( !set->conf_settlelocal )
3053  conflictset->insertdepth = conflictset->validdepth;
3055  *nliterals = conflictset->nbdchginfos;
3056  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> final conflict set has %d literals\n", *nliterals);
3058  /* check conflict set on debugging solution */
3059  SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckConflict(blkmem, set, tree->path[validdepth], \
3060  conflictset->bdchginfos, conflictset->relaxedbds, conflictset->nbdchginfos) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/
3062  /* move conflictset to the conflictset storage */
3063  SCIP_CALL( conflictInsertConflictset(conflict, blkmem, set, &conflictset) );
3064  *success = TRUE;
3065  }
3066  else
3067  {
3068  /* free the temporary conflict set */
3069  SCIPconflictsetFree(&conflictset, blkmem);
3070  }
3072  return SCIP_OKAY;
3073 }
3075 /** tries to resolve given bound change
3076  * - resolutions on local constraints are only applied, if the constraint is valid at the
3077  * current minimal valid depth level, because this depth level is the topmost level to add the conflict
3078  * constraint to anyways
3079  *
3080  * @note it is sufficient to explain the relaxed bound change
3081  */
3082 static
3084  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
3085  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
3086  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo, /**< bound change to resolve */
3087  SCIP_Real relaxedbd, /**< the relaxed bound */
3088  int validdepth, /**< minimal depth level at which the conflict is valid */
3089  SCIP_Bool* resolved /**< pointer to store whether the bound change was resolved */
3090  )
3091 {
3092  SCIP_VAR* actvar;
3093  SCIP_CONS* infercons;
3094  SCIP_PROP* inferprop;
3095  SCIP_RESULT result;
3097 #ifndef NDEBUG
3098  int nforcedbdchgqueue;
3099  int nbdchgqueue;
3101  /* store the current size of the conflict queues */
3102  assert(conflict != NULL);
3103  nforcedbdchgqueue = SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue);
3104  nbdchgqueue = SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->bdchgqueue);
3105 #else
3106  assert(conflict != NULL);
3107 #endif
3109  assert(resolved != NULL);
3110  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
3112  *resolved = FALSE;
3114  actvar = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
3115  assert(actvar != NULL);
3116  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(actvar));
3118 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
3119  {
3120  int i;
3121  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "processing next conflicting bound (depth: %d, valid depth: %d, bdchgtype: %s [%s], vartype: %d): [<%s> %s %g(%g)]\n",
3122  SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo), validdepth,
3123  SCIPbdchginfoGetChgtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING ? "branch"
3124  : SCIPbdchginfoGetChgtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER ? "cons" : "prop",
3128  : SCIPbdchginfoGetInferProp(bdchginfo) == NULL ? "-"
3130  SCIPvarGetType(actvar), SCIPvarGetName(actvar),
3131  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3132  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo), relaxedbd);
3133  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " - conflict set :");
3135  for( i = 0; i < conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos; ++i )
3136  {
3137  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, " [%d:<%s> %s %g(%g)]", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(conflict->conflictset->bdchginfos[i]),
3139  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(conflict->conflictset->bdchginfos[i]) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3140  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(conflict->conflictset->bdchginfos[i]), conflict->conflictset->relaxedbds[i]);
3141  }
3142  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, "\n");
3143  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " - forced candidates :");
3145  for( i = 0; i < SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue); ++i )
3146  {
3148  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, " [%d:<%s> %s %g(%g)]", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(info), SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(info)),
3149  bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, info) ? "<!>" : SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(info) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3151  }
3152  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, "\n");
3153  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " - optional candidates:");
3155  for( i = 0; i < SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->bdchgqueue); ++i )
3156  {
3157  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* info = (SCIP_BDCHGINFO*)(SCIPpqueueElems(conflict->bdchgqueue)[i]);
3158  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, " [%d:<%s> %s %g(%g)]", SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(info), SCIPvarGetName(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(info)),
3159  bdchginfoIsInvalid(conflict, info) ? "<!>" : SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(info) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3161  }
3162  SCIPsetDebugMsgPrint(set, "\n");
3163  }
3164 #endif
3166  /* check, if the bound change can and should be resolved:
3167  * - resolutions on local constraints should only be applied, if the constraint is valid at the
3168  * current minimal valid depth level (which is initialized with the valid depth level of the initial
3169  * conflict set), because this depth level is the topmost level to add the conflict constraint to anyways
3170  */
3171  switch( SCIPbdchginfoGetChgtype(bdchginfo) )
3172  {
3174  infercons = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferCons(bdchginfo);
3175  assert(infercons != NULL);
3177  if( SCIPconsIsGlobal(infercons) || SCIPconsGetValidDepth(infercons) <= validdepth )
3178  {
3179  SCIP_VAR* infervar;
3180  int inferinfo;
3181  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE inferboundtype;
3182  SCIP_BDCHGIDX* bdchgidx;
3184  /* resolve bound change by asking the constraint that inferred the bound to put all bounds that were
3185  * the reasons for the conflicting bound change on the priority queue
3186  */
3187  infervar = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferVar(bdchginfo);
3188  inferinfo = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferInfo(bdchginfo);
3189  inferboundtype = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferBoundtype(bdchginfo);
3190  bdchgidx = SCIPbdchginfoGetIdx(bdchginfo);
3191  assert(infervar != NULL);
3193  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "resolving bound <%s> %s %g(%g) [status:%d, type:%d, depth:%d, pos:%d]: <%s> %s %g [cons:<%s>(%s), info:%d]\n",
3194  SCIPvarGetName(actvar),
3195  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3196  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo), relaxedbd,
3197  SCIPvarGetStatus(actvar), SCIPvarGetType(actvar),
3198  SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo),
3199  SCIPvarGetName(infervar),
3200  inferboundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3201  SCIPgetVarBdAtIndex(set->scip, infervar, inferboundtype, bdchgidx, TRUE),
3202  SCIPconsGetName(infercons),
3203  SCIPconsIsGlobal(infercons) ? "global" : "local",
3204  inferinfo);
3206  /* in case the inference variables is not an active variables, we need to transform the relaxed bound */
3207  if( actvar != infervar )
3208  {
3209  SCIP_VAR* var;
3210  SCIP_Real scalar;
3211  SCIP_Real constant;
3213  assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(infervar) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_AGGREGATED
3215  || (SCIPvarGetStatus(infervar) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_MULTAGGR && SCIPvarGetMultaggrNVars(infervar) == 1));
3217  scalar = 1.0;
3218  constant = 0.0;
3220  var = infervar;
3222  /* transform given variable to active variable */
3223  SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarGetProbvarSum(&var, set, &scalar, &constant) );
3224  assert(var == actvar);
3226  relaxedbd *= scalar;
3227  relaxedbd += constant;
3228  }
3230  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconsResolvePropagation(infercons, set, infervar, inferinfo, inferboundtype, bdchgidx, relaxedbd, &result) );
3231  *resolved = (result == SCIP_SUCCESS);
3232  }
3233  break;
3236  inferprop = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferProp(bdchginfo);
3237  if( inferprop != NULL )
3238  {
3239  SCIP_VAR* infervar;
3240  int inferinfo;
3241  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE inferboundtype;
3242  SCIP_BDCHGIDX* bdchgidx;
3244  /* resolve bound change by asking the propagator that inferred the bound to put all bounds that were
3245  * the reasons for the conflicting bound change on the priority queue
3246  */
3247  infervar = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferVar(bdchginfo);
3248  inferinfo = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferInfo(bdchginfo);
3249  inferboundtype = SCIPbdchginfoGetInferBoundtype(bdchginfo);
3250  bdchgidx = SCIPbdchginfoGetIdx(bdchginfo);
3251  assert(infervar != NULL);
3253  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "resolving bound <%s> %s %g(%g) [status:%d, depth:%d, pos:%d]: <%s> %s %g [prop:<%s>, info:%d]\n",
3254  SCIPvarGetName(actvar),
3255  SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo) == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3256  SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo), relaxedbd,
3257  SCIPvarGetStatus(actvar), SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo),
3258  SCIPvarGetName(infervar),
3259  inferboundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=",
3260  SCIPgetVarBdAtIndex(set->scip, infervar, inferboundtype, bdchgidx, TRUE),
3261  SCIPpropGetName(inferprop), inferinfo);
3263  SCIP_CALL( SCIPpropResolvePropagation(inferprop, set, infervar, inferinfo, inferboundtype, bdchgidx, relaxedbd, &result) );
3264  *resolved = (result == SCIP_SUCCESS);
3265  }
3266  break;
3269  assert(!(*resolved));
3270  break;
3272  default:
3273  SCIPerrorMessage("invalid bound change type <%d>\n", SCIPbdchginfoGetChgtype(bdchginfo));
3274  return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;
3275  }
3277  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "resolving status: %u\n", *resolved);
3279 #ifndef NDEBUG
3280  /* subtract the size of the conflicq queues */
3281  nforcedbdchgqueue -= SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue);
3282  nbdchgqueue -= SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->bdchgqueue);
3284  /* in case the bound change was not resolved, the conflict queues should have the same size (contents) */
3285  assert((*resolved) || (nforcedbdchgqueue == 0 && nbdchgqueue == 0));
3286 #endif
3288  return SCIP_OKAY;
3289 }
3291 /** clears the conflict queue and the current conflict set */
3292 static
3294  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict /**< conflict analysis data */
3295  )
3296 {
3297  assert(conflict != NULL);
3299  SCIPpqueueClear(conflict->bdchgqueue);
3300  SCIPpqueueClear(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue);
3301  conflictsetClear(conflict->conflictset);
3302 }
3304 /** initializes the propagation conflict analysis by clearing the conflict candidate queue */
3306  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
3307  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
3308  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< problem statistics */
3309  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
3310  SCIP_CONFTYPE conftype, /**< type of the conflict */
3311  SCIP_Bool usescutoffbound /**< depends the conflict on a cutoff bound? */
3312  )
3313 {
3314  assert(conflict != NULL);
3315  assert(set != NULL);
3316  assert(stat != NULL);
3317  assert(prob != NULL);
3319  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "initializing conflict analysis\n");
3321  /* clear the conflict candidate queue and the conflict set */
3322  conflictClear(conflict);
3324  /* set conflict type */
3325  assert(conftype == SCIP_CONFTYPE_BNDEXCEEDING || conftype == SCIP_CONFTYPE_INFEASLP
3326  || conftype == SCIP_CONFTYPE_PROPAGATION);
3327  conflict->conflictset->conflicttype = conftype;
3329  /* set whether a cutoff bound is involved */
3330  conflict->conflictset->usescutoffbound = usescutoffbound;
3332  /* increase the conflict counter, such that binary variables of new conflict set and new conflict queue are labeled
3333  * with this new counter
3334  */
3335  conflict->count++;
3336  if( conflict->count == 0 ) /* make sure, 0 is not a valid conflict counter (may happen due to integer overflow) */
3337  conflict->count = 1;
3339  /* increase the conflict score weight for history updates of future conflict reasons */
3340  if( stat->nnodes > stat->lastconflictnode )
3341  {
3342  assert(0.0 < set->conf_scorefac && set->conf_scorefac <= 1.0);
3343  stat->vsidsweight /= set->conf_scorefac;
3344  assert(stat->vsidsweight > 0.0);
3346  /* if the conflict score for the next conflict exceeds 1000.0, rescale all history conflict scores */
3347  if( stat->vsidsweight >= 1000.0 )
3348  {
3349  int v;
3351  for( v = 0; v < prob->nvars; ++v )
3352  {
3353  SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarScaleVSIDS(prob->vars[v], 1.0/stat->vsidsweight) );
3354  }
3355  SCIPhistoryScaleVSIDS(stat->glbhistory, 1.0/stat->vsidsweight);
3357  stat->vsidsweight = 1.0;
3358  }
3359  stat->lastconflictnode = stat->nnodes;
3360  }
3362 #if defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH) || defined(SCIP_CONFGRAPH_DOT)
3363  confgraphFree();
3364  SCIP_CALL( confgraphCreate(set, conflict) );
3365 #endif
3367  return SCIP_OKAY;
3368 }
3370 /** convert variable and bound change to active variable */
3371 static
3373  SCIP_VAR** var, /**< pointer to variable */
3374  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
3375  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtype, /**< pointer to type of bound that was changed: lower or upper bound */
3376  SCIP_Real* bound /**< pointer to bound to convert, or NULL */
3377  )
3378 {
3379  SCIP_Real scalar;
3380  SCIP_Real constant;
3382  scalar = 1.0;
3383  constant = 0.0;
3385  /* transform given variable to active variable */
3386  SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarGetProbvarSum(var, set, &scalar, &constant) );
3387  assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(*var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_FIXED || scalar != 0.0); /*lint !e777*/
3389  if( SCIPvarGetStatus(*var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_FIXED )
3390  return SCIP_OKAY;
3392  /* if the scalar of the aggregation is negative, we have to switch the bound type */
3393  if( scalar < 0.0 )
3394  (*boundtype) = SCIPboundtypeOpposite(*boundtype);
3396  if( bound != NULL )
3397  {
3398  (*bound) -= constant;
3399  (*bound) /= scalar;
3400  }
3402  return SCIP_OKAY;
3403 }
3405 /** returns whether bound change has a valid reason that can be resolved in conflict analysis */
3406 static
3408  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo /**< bound change information */
3409  )
3410 {
3411  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
3412  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
3416  && SCIPbdchginfoGetInferProp(bdchginfo) != NULL));
3417 }
3420 /** if only one conflicting bound change of the last depth level was used, and if this can be resolved,
3421  * creates GRASP-like reconvergence conflict constraints in the conflict graph up to the branching variable of this
3422  * depth level
3423  */
3424 static
3426  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
3427  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
3428  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
3429  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< problem statistics */
3430  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
3431  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
3432  SCIP_Bool diving, /**< are we in strong branching or diving mode? */
3433  int validdepth, /**< minimal depth level at which the initial conflict set is valid */
3434  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* firstuip, /**< first UIP of conflict graph */
3435  int* nreconvconss, /**< pointer to store the number of generated reconvergence constraints */
3436  int* nreconvliterals /**< pointer to store the number of literals generated reconvergence constraints */
3437  )
3438 {
3439  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* uip;
3440  SCIP_CONFTYPE conftype;
3441  SCIP_Bool usescutoffbound;
3442  int firstuipdepth;
3443  int focusdepth;
3444  int currentdepth;
3445  int maxvaliddepth;
3447  assert(conflict != NULL);
3448  assert(firstuip != NULL);
3449  assert(nreconvconss != NULL);
3450  assert(nreconvliterals != NULL);
3451  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(firstuip));
3453  focusdepth = SCIPtreeGetFocusDepth(tree);
3454  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
3455  assert(currentdepth == tree->pathlen-1);
3456  assert(focusdepth <= currentdepth);
3458  /* check, whether local constraints are allowed; however, don't generate reconvergence constraints that are only valid
3459  * in the probing path and not in the problem tree (i.e. that exceed the focusdepth)
3460  */
3461  maxvaliddepth = (set->conf_allowlocal ? MIN(currentdepth-1, focusdepth) : 0);
3462  if( validdepth > maxvaliddepth )
3463  return SCIP_OKAY;
3465  firstuipdepth = SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(firstuip);
3467  conftype = conflict->conflictset->conflicttype;
3468  usescutoffbound = conflict->conflictset->usescutoffbound;
3470  /* for each succeeding UIP pair of the last depth level, create one reconvergence constraint */
3471  uip = firstuip;
3472  while( uip != NULL && SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(uip) == SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(firstuip) && bdchginfoIsResolvable(uip) )
3473  {
3474  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* oppositeuip;
3475  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
3476  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* nextuip;
3477  SCIP_VAR* uipvar;
3478  SCIP_Real oppositeuipbound;
3479  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE oppositeuipboundtype;
3480  int nresolutions;
3482  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(uip));
3484  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "creating reconvergence constraint for UIP <%s> %s %g in depth %d pos %d\n",
3488  /* initialize conflict data */
3489  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictInit(conflict, set, stat, prob, conftype, usescutoffbound) );
3491  conflict->conflictset->conflicttype = conftype;
3492  conflict->conflictset->usescutoffbound = usescutoffbound;
3494  /* create a temporary bound change information for the negation of the UIP's bound change;
3495  * this bound change information is freed in the SCIPconflictFlushConss() call;
3496  * for reconvergence constraints for continuous variables we can only use the "negation" !(x <= u) == (x >= u);
3497  * during conflict analysis, we treat a continuous bound "x >= u" in the conflict set as "x > u", and in the
3498  * generated constraint this is negated again to "x <= u" which is correct.
3499  */
3500  uipvar = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(uip);
3501  oppositeuipboundtype = SCIPboundtypeOpposite(SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(uip));
3502  oppositeuipbound = SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(uip);
3503  if( SCIPvarIsIntegral(uipvar) )
3504  {
3505  assert(SCIPsetIsIntegral(set, oppositeuipbound));
3506  oppositeuipbound += (oppositeuipboundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? +1.0 : -1.0);
3507  }
3508  SCIP_CALL( conflictCreateTmpBdchginfo(conflict, blkmem, set, uipvar, oppositeuipboundtype, \
3509  oppositeuipboundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? SCIP_REAL_MIN : SCIP_REAL_MAX, oppositeuipbound, &oppositeuip) );
3511  /* put the negated UIP into the conflict set */
3512  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictBound(conflict, blkmem, set, oppositeuip, oppositeuipbound) );
3514  /* put positive UIP into priority queue */
3515  SCIP_CALL( conflictQueueBound(conflict, set, uip, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(uip) ) );
3517  /* resolve the queue until the next UIP is reached */
3518  bdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
3519  nextuip = NULL;
3520  nresolutions = 0;
3521  while( bdchginfo != NULL && validdepth <= maxvaliddepth )
3522  {
3523  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* nextbdchginfo;
3524  SCIP_Real relaxedbd;
3525  SCIP_Bool forceresolve;
3526  int bdchgdepth;
3528  /* check if the next bound change must be resolved in every case */
3529  forceresolve = (SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) > 0);
3531  /* remove currently processed candidate and get next conflicting bound from the conflict candidate queue before
3532  * we remove the candidate we have to collect the relaxed bound since removing the candidate from the queue
3533  * invalidates the relaxed bound
3534  */
3535  assert(bdchginfo == conflictFirstCand(conflict));
3536  relaxedbd = SCIPbdchginfoGetRelaxedBound(bdchginfo);
3537  bdchginfo = conflictRemoveCand(conflict);
3538  nextbdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
3539  bdchgdepth = SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo);
3540  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
3541  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
3542  assert(nextbdchginfo == NULL || SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo) >= SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(nextbdchginfo)
3543  || forceresolve);
3544  assert(bdchgdepth <= firstuipdepth);
3546  /* bound changes that are higher in the tree than the valid depth of the conflict can be ignored;
3547  * multiple insertions of the same bound change can be ignored
3548  */
3549  if( bdchgdepth > validdepth && bdchginfo != nextbdchginfo )
3550  {
3551  SCIP_VAR* actvar;
3552  SCIP_Bool resolved;
3554  actvar = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
3555  assert(actvar != NULL);
3556  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(actvar));
3558  /* check if we have to resolve the bound change in this depth level
3559  * - the starting uip has to be resolved
3560  * - a bound change should be resolved, if it is in the fuip's depth level and not the
3561  * next uip (i.e., if it is not the last bound change in the fuip's depth level)
3562  * - a forced bound change must be resolved in any case
3563  */
3564  resolved = FALSE;
3565  if( bdchginfo == uip
3566  || (bdchgdepth == firstuipdepth
3567  && nextbdchginfo != NULL
3568  && SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(nextbdchginfo) == bdchgdepth)
3569  || forceresolve )
3570  {
3571  SCIP_CALL( conflictResolveBound(conflict, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd, validdepth, &resolved) );
3572  }
3574  if( resolved )
3575  nresolutions++;
3576  else if( forceresolve )
3577  {
3578  /* variable cannot enter the conflict clause: we have to make the conflict clause local, s.t.
3579  * the unresolved bound change is active in the whole sub tree of the conflict clause
3580  */
3581  assert(bdchgdepth >= validdepth);
3582  validdepth = bdchgdepth;
3584  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "couldn't resolve forced bound change on <%s> -> new valid depth: %d\n",
3585  SCIPvarGetName(actvar), validdepth);
3586  }
3587  else if( bdchginfo != uip )
3588  {
3589  assert(conflict->conflictset != NULL);
3590  assert(conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos >= 1); /* starting UIP is already member of the conflict set */
3592  /* if this is the first variable of the conflict set besides the current starting UIP, it is the next
3593  * UIP (or the first unresolvable bound change)
3594  */
3595  if( bdchgdepth == firstuipdepth && conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos == 1 )
3596  {
3597  assert(nextuip == NULL);
3598  nextuip = bdchginfo;
3599  }
3601  /* put bound change into the conflict set */
3602  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictBound(conflict, blkmem, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) );
3603  assert(conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos >= 2);
3604  }
3605  else
3606  assert(conflictFirstCand(conflict) == NULL); /* the starting UIP was not resolved */
3607  }
3609  /* get next conflicting bound from the conflict candidate queue (this does not need to be nextbdchginfo, because
3610  * due to resolving the bound changes, a variable could be added to the queue which must be
3611  * resolved before nextbdchginfo)
3612  */
3613  bdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
3614  }
3615  assert(nextuip != uip);
3617  /* if only one propagation was resolved, the reconvergence constraint is already member of the constraint set
3618  * (it is exactly the constraint that produced the propagation)
3619  */
3620  if( nextuip != NULL && nresolutions >= 2 && bdchginfo == NULL && validdepth <= maxvaliddepth )
3621  {
3622  int nlits;
3623  SCIP_Bool success;
3625  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(nextuip) == SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(uip));
3627  /* check conflict graph frontier on debugging solution */
3628  SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckConflictFrontier(blkmem, set, tree->path[validdepth], \
3629  bdchginfo, conflict->conflictset->bdchginfos, conflict->conflictset->relaxedbds, \
3630  conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos, conflict->bdchgqueue, conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/
3632  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "creating reconvergence constraint from UIP <%s> to UIP <%s> in depth %d with %d literals after %d resolutions\n",
3634  SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(uip), conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos, nresolutions);
3636  /* call the conflict handlers to create a conflict set */
3637  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictset(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, tree, validdepth, diving, FALSE, &success, &nlits) );
3638  if( success )
3639  {
3640  (*nreconvconss)++;
3641  (*nreconvliterals) += nlits;
3642  }
3643  }
3645  /* clear the conflict candidate queue and the conflict set (to make sure, oppositeuip is not referenced anymore) */
3646  conflictClear(conflict);
3648  uip = nextuip;
3649  }
3651  conflict->conflictset->conflicttype = conftype;
3652  conflict->conflictset->usescutoffbound = usescutoffbound;
3654  return SCIP_OKAY;
3655 }
3657 /** analyzes conflicting bound changes that were added with calls to SCIPconflictAddBound() and
3658  * SCIPconflictAddRelaxedBound(), and on success, calls the conflict handlers to create a conflict constraint out of
3659  * the resulting conflict set; afterwards the conflict queue and the conflict set is cleared
3660  */
3662  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
3663  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory of transformed problem */
3664  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
3665  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< problem statistics */
3666  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
3667  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
3668  SCIP_Bool diving, /**< are we in strong branching or diving mode? */
3669  int validdepth, /**< minimal depth level at which the initial conflict set is valid */
3670  SCIP_Bool mustresolve, /**< should the conflict set only be used, if a resolution was applied? */
3671  int* nconss, /**< pointer to store the number of generated conflict constraints */
3672  int* nliterals, /**< pointer to store the number of literals in generated conflict constraints */
3673  int* nreconvconss, /**< pointer to store the number of generated reconvergence constraints */
3674  int* nreconvliterals /**< pointer to store the number of literals generated reconvergence constraints */
3675  )
3676 {
3677  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
3678  SCIP_BDCHGINFO** firstuips;
3679  SCIP_CONFTYPE conftype;
3680  int nfirstuips;
3681  int focusdepth;
3682  int currentdepth;
3683  int maxvaliddepth;
3684  int resolvedepth;
3685  int nresolutions;
3686  int lastconsnresolutions;
3687  int lastconsresoldepth;
3689  assert(conflict != NULL);
3690  assert(conflict->conflictset != NULL);
3691  assert(conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos >= 0);
3692  assert(set != NULL);
3693  assert(stat != NULL);
3694  assert(0 <= validdepth && validdepth <= SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree));
3695  assert(nconss != NULL);
3696  assert(nliterals != NULL);
3697  assert(nreconvconss != NULL);
3698  assert(nreconvliterals != NULL);
3700  focusdepth = SCIPtreeGetFocusDepth(tree);
3701  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
3702  assert(currentdepth == tree->pathlen-1);
3703  assert(focusdepth <= currentdepth);
3705  resolvedepth = ((set->conf_fuiplevels >= 0 && set->conf_fuiplevels <= currentdepth)
3706  ? currentdepth - set->conf_fuiplevels + 1 : 0);
3707  assert(0 <= resolvedepth && resolvedepth <= currentdepth + 1);
3709  /* if we must resolve at least one bound change, find the first UIP at least in the last depth level */
3710  if( mustresolve )
3711  resolvedepth = MIN(resolvedepth, currentdepth);
3713  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "analyzing conflict with %d+%d conflict candidates and starting conflict set of size %d in depth %d (resolvedepth=%d)\n",
3715  conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos, currentdepth, resolvedepth);
3717  *nconss = 0;
3718  *nliterals = 0;
3719  *nreconvconss = 0;
3720  *nreconvliterals = 0;
3722  /* check, whether local conflicts are allowed; however, don't generate conflict constraints that are only valid in the
3723  * probing path and not in the problem tree (i.e. that exceed the focusdepth)
3724  */
3725  maxvaliddepth = (set->conf_allowlocal ? MIN(currentdepth-1, focusdepth) : 0);
3726  if( validdepth > maxvaliddepth )
3727  return SCIP_OKAY;
3729  /* allocate temporary memory for storing first UIPs (in each depth level, at most two bound changes can be flagged
3730  * as UIP, namely a binary and a non-binary bound change)
3731  */
3732  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &firstuips, 2*(currentdepth+1)) ); /*lint !e647*/
3734  /* process all bound changes in the conflict candidate queue */
3735  nresolutions = 0;
3736  lastconsnresolutions = (mustresolve ? 0 : -1);
3737  lastconsresoldepth = (mustresolve ? currentdepth : INT_MAX);
3738  bdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
3739  nfirstuips = 0;
3741  /* check if the initial reason on debugging solution */
3742  SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckConflictFrontier(blkmem, set, tree->path[validdepth], \
3743  NULL, conflict->conflictset->bdchginfos, conflict->conflictset->relaxedbds, conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos, \
3744  conflict->bdchgqueue, conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/
3746  while( bdchginfo != NULL && validdepth <= maxvaliddepth )
3747  {
3748  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* nextbdchginfo;
3749  SCIP_Real relaxedbd;
3750  SCIP_Bool forceresolve;
3751  int bdchgdepth;
3753  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
3755  /* check if the next bound change must be resolved in every case */
3756  forceresolve = (SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) > 0);
3758  /* resolve next bound change in queue */
3759  bdchgdepth = SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo);
3760  assert(0 <= bdchgdepth && bdchgdepth <= currentdepth);
3761  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo)));
3762  assert(bdchgdepth < tree->pathlen);
3763  assert(tree->path[bdchgdepth] != NULL);
3764  assert(tree->path[bdchgdepth]->domchg != NULL);
3765  assert(SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo) < (int)tree->path[bdchgdepth]->domchg->domchgbound.nboundchgs);
3766  assert(tree->path[bdchgdepth]->domchg->domchgbound.boundchgs[SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo)].var
3767  == SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo));
3768  assert(tree->path[bdchgdepth]->domchg->domchgbound.boundchgs[SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo)].newbound
3769  == SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)
3772  == SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)); /*lint !e777*/
3773  assert((SCIP_BOUNDTYPE)tree->path[bdchgdepth]->domchg->domchgbound.boundchgs[SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo)].boundtype
3774  == SCIPbdchginfoGetBoundtype(bdchginfo));
3776  /* create intermediate conflict constraint */
3777  assert(nresolutions >= lastconsnresolutions);
3778  if( !forceresolve )
3779  {
3780  if( nresolutions == lastconsnresolutions )
3781  lastconsresoldepth = bdchgdepth; /* all intermediate depth levels consisted of only unresolved bound changes */
3782  else if( bdchgdepth < lastconsresoldepth && (set->conf_interconss == -1 || *nconss < set->conf_interconss) )
3783  {
3784  int nlits;
3785  SCIP_Bool success;
3787  /* call the conflict handlers to create a conflict set */
3788  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "creating intermediate conflictset after %d resolutions up to depth %d (valid at depth %d): %d conflict bounds, %d bounds in queue\n",
3789  nresolutions, bdchgdepth, validdepth, conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos,
3790  SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->bdchgqueue));
3792  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictset(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, tree, validdepth, diving, TRUE, &success, &nlits) );
3793  lastconsnresolutions = nresolutions;
3794  lastconsresoldepth = bdchgdepth;
3795  if( success )
3796  {
3797  (*nconss)++;
3798  (*nliterals) += nlits;
3799  }
3800  }
3801  }
3803  /* remove currently processed candidate and get next conflicting bound from the conflict candidate queue before
3804  * we remove the candidate we have to collect the relaxed bound since removing the candidate from the queue
3805  * invalidates the relaxed bound
3806  */
3807  assert(bdchginfo == conflictFirstCand(conflict));
3808  relaxedbd = SCIPbdchginfoGetRelaxedBound(bdchginfo);
3809  bdchginfo = conflictRemoveCand(conflict);
3810  nextbdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
3811  assert(bdchginfo != NULL);
3812  assert(!SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
3813  assert(nextbdchginfo == NULL || SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo) >= SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(nextbdchginfo)
3814  || forceresolve);
3816  /* we don't need to resolve bound changes that are already active in the valid depth of the current conflict set,
3817  * because the conflict set can only be added locally at the valid depth, and all bound changes applied in this
3818  * depth or earlier can be removed from the conflict constraint, since they are already applied in the constraint's
3819  * subtree;
3820  * if the next bound change on the remaining queue is equal to the current bound change,
3821  * this is a multiple insertion in the conflict candidate queue and we can ignore the current
3822  * bound change
3823  */
3824  if( bdchgdepth > validdepth && bdchginfo != nextbdchginfo )
3825  {
3826  SCIP_VAR* actvar;
3827  SCIP_Bool resolved;
3829  actvar = SCIPbdchginfoGetVar(bdchginfo);
3830  assert(actvar != NULL);
3831  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(actvar));
3833  /* check if we want to resolve the bound change in this depth level
3834  * - bound changes should be resolved, if
3835  * (i) we must apply at least one resolution and didn't resolve a bound change yet, or
3836  * (ii) their depth level is at least equal to the minimal resolving depth, and
3837  * they are not the last remaining conflicting bound change in their depth level
3838  * (iii) the bound change resolving is forced (i.e., the forced queue was non-empty)
3839  */
3840  resolved = FALSE;
3841  if( (mustresolve && nresolutions == 0)
3842  || (bdchgdepth >= resolvedepth
3843  && nextbdchginfo != NULL
3844  && SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(nextbdchginfo) == bdchgdepth)
3845  || forceresolve )
3846  {
3847  SCIP_CALL( conflictResolveBound(conflict, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd, validdepth, &resolved) );
3848  }
3850  if( resolved )
3851  nresolutions++;
3852  else if( forceresolve )
3853  {
3854  /* variable cannot enter the conflict clause: we have to make the conflict clause local, s.t.
3855  * the unresolved bound change is active in the whole sub tree of the conflict clause
3856  */
3857  assert(bdchgdepth >= validdepth);
3858  validdepth = bdchgdepth;
3860  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "couldn't resolve forced bound change on <%s> -> new valid depth: %d\n",
3861  SCIPvarGetName(actvar), validdepth);
3862  }
3863  else
3864  {
3865  /* if this is a UIP (the last bound change in its depth level), it can be used to generate a
3866  * UIP reconvergence constraint
3867  */
3868  if( nextbdchginfo == NULL || SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(nextbdchginfo) != bdchgdepth )
3869  {
3870  assert(nfirstuips < 2*(currentdepth+1));
3871  firstuips[nfirstuips] = bdchginfo;
3872  nfirstuips++;
3873  }
3875  /* put variable into the conflict set, using the literal that is currently fixed to FALSE */
3876  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictBound(conflict, blkmem, set, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) );
3877  }
3878  }
3880  /* check conflict graph frontier on debugging solution */
3881  SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckConflictFrontier(blkmem, set, tree->path[validdepth], \
3882  bdchginfo, conflict->conflictset->bdchginfos, conflict->conflictset->relaxedbds, conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos, \
3883  conflict->bdchgqueue, conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/
3885  /* get next conflicting bound from the conflict candidate queue (this needs not to be nextbdchginfo, because
3886  * due to resolving the bound changes, a bound change could be added to the queue which must be
3887  * resolved before nextbdchginfo)
3888  */
3889  bdchginfo = conflictFirstCand(conflict);
3890  }
3892  /* check, if a valid conflict set was found */
3893  if( bdchginfo == NULL
3894  && nresolutions > lastconsnresolutions
3895  && validdepth <= maxvaliddepth
3896  && (!mustresolve || nresolutions > 0 || conflict->conflictset->nbdchginfos == 0)
3897  && SCIPpqueueNElems(conflict->forcedbdchgqueue) == 0 )
3898  {
3899  int nlits;
3900  SCIP_Bool success;
3902  /* call the conflict handlers to create a conflict set */
3903  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddConflictset(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, tree, validdepth, diving, TRUE, &success, &nlits) );
3904  if( success )
3905  {
3906  (*nconss)++;
3907  (*nliterals) += nlits;
3908  }
3909  }
3911  /* produce reconvergence constraints defined by succeeding UIP's of the last depth level */
3912  if( set->conf_reconvlevels != 0 && validdepth <= maxvaliddepth )
3913  {
3914  int reconvlevels;
3915  int i;
3917  reconvlevels = (set->conf_reconvlevels == -1 ? INT_MAX : set->conf_reconvlevels);
3918  for( i = 0; i < nfirstuips; ++i )
3919  {
3920  if( SCIPbdchginfoHasInferenceReason(firstuips[i])
3921  && currentdepth - SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(firstuips[i]) < reconvlevels )
3922  {
3923  SCIP_CALL( conflictCreateReconvergenceConss(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, prob, tree, diving, \
3924  validdepth, firstuips[i], nreconvconss, nreconvliterals) );
3925  }
3926  }
3927  }
3929  /* free the temporary memory */
3930  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &firstuips);
3932  /* store last conflict type */
3933  conftype = conflict->conflictset->conflicttype;
3935  /* clear the conflict candidate queue and the conflict set */
3936  conflictClear(conflict);
3938  /* restore last conflict type */
3939  conflict->conflictset->conflicttype = conftype;
3941  return SCIP_OKAY;
3942 }
3944 /** calculates the score of a bound change within a conflict */
3945 static
3947  SCIP_Real prooflhs, /**< lhs of proof constraint */
3948  SCIP_Real proofact, /**< activity of the proof constraint */
3949  SCIP_Real proofactdelta, /**< activity change */
3950  SCIP_Real proofcoef, /**< coefficient in proof constraint */
3951  int depth, /**< bound change depth */
3952  int currentdepth, /**< current depth */
3953  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< variable corresponding to bound change */
3954  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
3955  )
3956 {
3957  SCIP_COL* col;
3958  SCIP_Real score;
3960  score = set->conf_proofscorefac * (1.0 - proofactdelta/(prooflhs - proofact));
3961  score = MAX(score, 0.0);
3962  score += set->conf_depthscorefac * (SCIP_Real)(depth+1)/(SCIP_Real)(currentdepth+1);
3965  col = SCIPvarGetCol(var);
3966  else
3967  col = NULL;
3969  if( proofcoef > 0.0 )
3970  {
3971  if( col != NULL && SCIPcolGetNNonz(col) > 0 )
3972  score += set->conf_uplockscorefac
3974  else
3975  score += set->conf_uplockscorefac * SCIPvarGetNLocksUpType(var, SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL);
3976  }
3977  else
3978  {
3979  if( col != NULL && SCIPcolGetNNonz(col) > 0 )
3980  score += set->conf_downlockscorefac
3982  else
3983  score += set->conf_downlockscorefac * SCIPvarGetNLocksDownType(var, SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL);
3984  }
3986  return score;
3987 }
3989 /** ensures, that candidate array can store at least num entries */
3990 static
3992  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
3993  SCIP_VAR*** cands, /**< pointer to candidate array */
3994  SCIP_Real** candscores, /**< pointer to candidate score array */
3995  SCIP_Real** newbounds, /**< pointer to candidate new bounds array */
3996  SCIP_Real** proofactdeltas, /**< pointer to candidate proof delta array */
3997  int* candssize, /**< pointer to size of array */
3998  int num /**< minimal number of candidates to store in array */
3999  )
4000 {
4001  assert(cands != NULL);
4002  assert(candssize != NULL);
4004  if( num > *candssize )
4005  {
4006  int newsize;
4008  newsize = SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(set, num);
4009  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, cands, newsize) );
4010  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, candscores, newsize) );
4011  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, newbounds, newsize) );
4012  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, proofactdeltas, newsize) );
4013  *candssize = newsize;
4014  }
4015  assert(num <= *candssize);
4017  return SCIP_OKAY;
4018 }
4020 /** after changing the global bound of a variable, the bdchginfos that are now redundant are replaced with
4021  * oldbound = newbound = global bound; if the current bdchginfo is of such kind, the bound is equal to the
4022  * global bound and we can ignore it by installing a -1 as the corresponding bound change info position
4023  */
4024 static
4026  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< problem variable */
4027  int* lbchginfopos, /**< pointer to lower bound change information position */
4028  int* ubchginfopos /**< pointer to upper bound change information position */
4029  )
4030 {
4031  assert(var != NULL);
4032  assert(lbchginfopos != NULL);
4033  assert(ubchginfopos != NULL);
4034  assert(-1 <= *lbchginfopos && *lbchginfopos <= var->nlbchginfos);
4035  assert(-1 <= *ubchginfopos && *ubchginfopos <= var->nubchginfos);
4036  assert(*lbchginfopos == -1 || *lbchginfopos == var->nlbchginfos
4037  || var->lbchginfos[*lbchginfopos].redundant
4038  == (var->lbchginfos[*lbchginfopos].oldbound == var->lbchginfos[*lbchginfopos].newbound)); /*lint !e777*/
4039  assert(*ubchginfopos == -1 || *ubchginfopos == var->nubchginfos
4040  || var->ubchginfos[*ubchginfopos].redundant
4041  == (var->ubchginfos[*ubchginfopos].oldbound == var->ubchginfos[*ubchginfopos].newbound)); /*lint !e777*/
4043  if( *lbchginfopos >= 0 && *lbchginfopos < var->nlbchginfos && var->lbchginfos[*lbchginfopos].redundant )
4044  {
4045  assert(SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var) == var->lbchginfos[*lbchginfopos].oldbound); /*lint !e777*/
4046  *lbchginfopos = -1;
4047  }
4048  if( *ubchginfopos >= 0 && *ubchginfopos < var->nubchginfos && var->ubchginfos[*ubchginfopos].redundant )
4049  {
4050  assert(SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var) == var->ubchginfos[*ubchginfopos].oldbound); /*lint !e777*/
4051  *ubchginfopos = -1;
4052  }
4053 }
4055 /** adds variable's bound to conflict candidate queue */
4057  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
4058  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
4059  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4060  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
4061  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< problem variable */
4062  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, /**< type of bound that was changed: lower or upper bound */
4063  SCIP_BDCHGIDX* bdchgidx /**< bound change index (time stamp of bound change), or NULL for current time */
4064  )
4065 {
4066  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
4068  assert(conflict != NULL);
4069  assert(stat != NULL);
4070  assert(var != NULL);
4072  /* convert bound to active problem variable */
4073  SCIP_CALL( convertToActiveVar(&var, set, &boundtype, NULL) );
4075  /* we can ignore fixed variables */
4077  return SCIP_OKAY;
4079  /* if the variable is multi-aggregated, add the bounds of all aggregation variables */
4081  {
4082  SCIP_VAR** vars;
4083  SCIP_Real* scalars;
4084  int nvars;
4085  int i;
4087  vars = SCIPvarGetMultaggrVars(var);
4088  scalars = SCIPvarGetMultaggrScalars(var);
4089  nvars = SCIPvarGetMultaggrNVars(var);
4090  for( i = 0; i < nvars; ++i )
4091  {
4092  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictAddBound(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, vars[i],
4093  (scalars[i] < 0.0 ? SCIPboundtypeOpposite(boundtype) : boundtype), bdchgidx) );
4094  }
4096  return SCIP_OKAY;
4097  }
4098  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(var));
4100  /* get bound change information */
4101  bdchginfo = SCIPvarGetBdchgInfo(var, boundtype, bdchgidx, FALSE);
4103  /* if bound of variable was not changed (this means it is still the global bound), we can ignore the conflicting
4104  * bound
4105  */
4106  if( bdchginfo == NULL )
4107  return SCIP_OKAY;
4109  assert(SCIPbdchgidxIsEarlier(SCIPbdchginfoGetIdx(bdchginfo), bdchgidx));
4111  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddBound(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, var, boundtype, bdchginfo, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)) );
4113  return SCIP_OKAY;
4114 }
4116 /** adds variable's bound to conflict candidate queue */
4118  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
4119  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
4120  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4121  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< dynamic problem statistics */
4122  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< problem variable */
4123  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, /**< type of bound that was changed: lower or upper bound */
4124  SCIP_BDCHGIDX* bdchgidx, /**< bound change index (time stamp of bound change), or NULL for current time */
4125  SCIP_Real relaxedbd /**< the relaxed bound */
4126  )
4127 {
4128  SCIP_BDCHGINFO* bdchginfo;
4129  int nbdchgs;
4131  assert(conflict != NULL);
4132  assert(stat != NULL);
4133  assert(var != NULL);
4135  if( !SCIPvarIsActive(var) )
4136  {
4137  /* convert bound to active problem variable */
4138  SCIP_CALL( convertToActiveVar(&var, set, &boundtype, &relaxedbd) );
4140  /* we can ignore fixed variables */
4142  return SCIP_OKAY;
4144  /* if the variable is multi-aggregated, add the bounds of all aggregation variables */
4146  {
4147  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "ignoring relaxed bound information since variable <%s> is multi-aggregated active\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
4149  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictAddBound(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, var, boundtype, bdchgidx) );
4151  return SCIP_OKAY;
4152  }
4153  }
4154  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(var));
4156  /* get bound change information */
4157  bdchginfo = SCIPvarGetBdchgInfo(var, boundtype, bdchgidx, FALSE);
4159  /* if bound of variable was not changed (this means it is still the global bound), we can ignore the conflicting
4160  * bound
4161  */
4162  if( bdchginfo == NULL )
4163  return SCIP_OKAY;
4165  /* check that the bound change info is not a temporary one */
4166  assert(SCIPbdchgidxGetPos(&bdchginfo->bdchgidx) >= 0);
4168  /* get the position of the bound change information within the bound change array of the variable */
4169  nbdchgs = (int) bdchginfo->pos;
4170  assert(nbdchgs >= 0);
4172  /* if the relaxed bound should be ignored, set the relaxed bound to the bound given by the bdchgidx; that ensures
4173  * that the loop(s) below will be skipped
4174  */
4175  if( set->conf_ignorerelaxedbd )
4176  relaxedbd = SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo);
4178  /* search for the bound change information which includes the relaxed bound */
4179  if( boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER )
4180  {
4181  SCIP_Real newbound;
4183  /* adjust relaxed lower bound w.r.t. variable type */
4184  SCIPvarAdjustLb(var, set, &relaxedbd);
4186  /* due to numericis we compare the relaxed lower bound to the one present at the particular time point and take
4187  * the better one
4188  */
4189  newbound = SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo);
4190  relaxedbd = MIN(relaxedbd, newbound);
4192  /* check if relaxed lower bound is smaller or equal to global lower bound; if so we can ignore the conflicting
4193  * bound
4194  */
4195  if( SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var)) )
4196  return SCIP_OKAY;
4198  while( nbdchgs > 0 )
4199  {
4200  assert(SCIPsetIsLE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
4202  /* check if the old lower bound is greater than or equal to relaxed lower bound; if not we found the bound
4203  * change info which we need to report
4204  */
4205  if( SCIPsetIsGT(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo)) )
4206  break;
4208  bdchginfo = SCIPvarGetBdchgInfoLb(var, nbdchgs-1);
4210  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "lower bound change %d oldbd=%.15g, newbd=%.15g, depth=%d, pos=%d, redundant=%u\n",
4211  nbdchgs, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo),
4212  SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo),
4213  SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
4215  /* if bound change is redundant (this means it now a global bound), we can ignore the conflicting bound */
4216  if( SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo) )
4217  return SCIP_OKAY;
4219  nbdchgs--;
4220  }
4221  assert(SCIPsetIsGT(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo)));
4222  }
4223  else
4224  {
4225  SCIP_Real newbound;
4227  assert(boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER);
4229  /* adjust relaxed upper bound w.r.t. variable type */
4230  SCIPvarAdjustUb(var, set, &relaxedbd);
4232  /* due to numericis we compare the relaxed upper bound to the one present at the particular time point and take
4233  * the better one
4234  */
4235  newbound = SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo);
4236  relaxedbd = MAX(relaxedbd, newbound);
4238  /* check if relaxed upper bound is greater or equal to global upper bound; if so we can ignore the conflicting
4239  * bound
4240  */
4241  if( SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var)) )
4242  return SCIP_OKAY;
4244  while( nbdchgs > 0 )
4245  {
4246  assert(SCIPsetIsGE(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo)));
4248  /* check if the old upper bound is smaller than or equal to the relaxed upper bound; if not we found the
4249  * bound change info which we need to report
4250  */
4251  if( SCIPsetIsLT(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo)) )
4252  break;
4254  bdchginfo = SCIPvarGetBdchgInfoUb(var, nbdchgs-1);
4256  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "upper bound change %d oldbd=%.15g, newbd=%.15g, depth=%d, pos=%d, redundant=%u\n",
4257  nbdchgs, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetNewbound(bdchginfo),
4258  SCIPbdchginfoGetDepth(bdchginfo), SCIPbdchginfoGetPos(bdchginfo),
4259  SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo));
4261  /* if bound change is redundant (this means it now a global bound), we can ignore the conflicting bound */
4262  if( SCIPbdchginfoIsRedundant(bdchginfo) )
4263  return SCIP_OKAY;
4265  nbdchgs--;
4266  }
4267  assert(SCIPsetIsLT(set, relaxedbd, SCIPbdchginfoGetOldbound(bdchginfo)));
4268  }
4270  assert(SCIPbdchgidxIsEarlier(SCIPbdchginfoGetIdx(bdchginfo), bdchgidx));
4272  /* put bound change information into priority queue */
4273  SCIP_CALL( conflictAddBound(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, var, boundtype, bdchginfo, relaxedbd) );
4275  return SCIP_OKAY;
4276 }
4278 /** checks if the given variable is already part of the current conflict set or queued for resolving with the same or
4279  * even stronger bound
4280  */
4282  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict analysis data */
4283  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< problem variable */
4284  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4285  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE boundtype, /**< type of bound for which the score should be increased */
4286  SCIP_BDCHGIDX* bdchgidx, /**< bound change index (time stamp of bound change), or NULL for current time */
4287  SCIP_Bool* used /**< pointer to store if the variable is already used */
4288  )
4289 {
4290  SCIP_Real newbound;
4292  /* convert bound to active problem variable */
4293  SCIP_CALL( convertToActiveVar(&var, set, &boundtype, NULL) );
4296  *used = FALSE;
4297  else
4298  {
4299  assert(SCIPvarIsActive(var));
4300  assert(var != NULL);
4302  switch( boundtype )
4303  {
4306  newbound = SCIPgetVarLbAtIndex(set->scip, var, bdchgidx, FALSE);
4308  if( var->conflictlbcount == conflict->count && var->conflictlb >= newbound )
4309  {
4310  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "already queued bound change <%s> >= %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), newbound);
4311  *used = TRUE;
4312  }
4313  else
4314  *used = FALSE;
4315  break;
4318  newbound = SCIPgetVarUbAtIndex(set->scip, var, bdchgidx, FALSE);
4320  if( var->conflictubcount == conflict->count && var->conflictub <= newbound )
4321  {
4322  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "already queued bound change <%s> <= %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), newbound);
4323  *used = TRUE;
4324  }
4325  else
4326  *used = FALSE;
4327  break;
4328  default:
4329  SCIPerrorMessage("invalid bound type %d\n", boundtype);
4330  SCIPABORT();
4331  *used = FALSE; /*lint !e527*/
4332  }
4333  }
4335  return SCIP_OKAY;
4336 }
4338 /** inserts variable's new bounds into bound change arrays */
4339 static
4341  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4342  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< variable to change the LP bounds for */
4343  SCIP_Real newlb, /**< new lower bound */
4344  SCIP_Real newub, /**< new upper bound */
4345  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* oldlpbdchgs, /**< old LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change */
4346  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* relaxedlpbdchgs, /**< relaxed LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change */
4347  SCIP_LPI* lpi /**< pointer to LPi to access infinity of LP solver; necessary to set correct value */
4348  )
4349 {
4350  assert(newlb <= newub);
4351  assert(oldlpbdchgs != NULL);
4352  assert(relaxedlpbdchgs != NULL);
4355  {
4356  SCIP_COL* col;
4357  int idx;
4358  int c;
4360  col = SCIPvarGetCol(var);
4361  c = SCIPcolGetLPPos(col);
4363  if( c >= 0 )
4364  {
4365  /* store old bound change for resetting the LP later */
4366  if( !oldlpbdchgs->usedcols[c] )
4367  {
4368  idx = oldlpbdchgs->nbdchgs;
4369  oldlpbdchgs->usedcols[c] = TRUE;
4370  oldlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c] = idx;
4371  oldlpbdchgs->nbdchgs++;
4373  oldlpbdchgs->bdchginds[idx] = c;
4374  oldlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[idx] = SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set);
4375  oldlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[idx] = SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set);
4376  }
4377  assert(oldlpbdchgs->bdchginds[oldlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c]] == c);
4378  assert((SCIPlpiIsInfinity(lpi, -oldlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[oldlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c]]) && SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set))) ||
4379  SCIPsetIsEQ(set, oldlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[oldlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c]], SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set)));
4380  assert((SCIPlpiIsInfinity(lpi, oldlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[oldlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c]]) && SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set))) ||
4381  SCIPsetIsEQ(set, oldlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[oldlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c]], SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set)));
4383  /* store bound change for conflict analysis */
4384  if( !relaxedlpbdchgs->usedcols[c] )
4385  {
4386  idx = relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs;
4387  relaxedlpbdchgs->usedcols[c] = TRUE;
4388  relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c] = idx;
4389  relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs++;
4391  /* remember the positive for later further bound widenings */
4392  relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchginds[idx] = c;
4393  }
4394  else
4395  {
4396  idx = relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchgcolinds[c];
4397  assert(relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchginds[idx] == c);
4399  /* the new bound should be the same or more relaxed */
4400  assert(relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[idx] >= newlb ||
4401  (SCIPlpiIsInfinity(lpi, -relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[idx]) && SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -newlb)));
4402  assert(relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[idx] <= newub ||
4403  (SCIPlpiIsInfinity(lpi, relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[idx]) && SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, newub)));
4404  }
4406  /* set the new bounds for the LP with the correct infinity value */
4407  relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[idx] = SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -newlb) ? -SCIPlpiInfinity(lpi) : newlb;
4408  relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[idx] = SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, newub) ? SCIPlpiInfinity(lpi) : newub;
4409  if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -oldlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[idx]) )
4410  oldlpbdchgs->bdchglbs[idx] = -SCIPlpiInfinity(lpi);
4411  if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, oldlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[idx]) )
4412  oldlpbdchgs->bdchgubs[idx] = SCIPlpiInfinity(lpi);
4413  }
4414  }
4416  return SCIP_OKAY;
4417 }
4419 /** adds variable to candidate list, if the current best bound corresponding to the proof coefficient is local;
4420  * returns the array position in the candidate list, where the new candidate was inserted, or -1 if the
4421  * variable can relaxed to global bounds immediately without increasing the proof's activity;
4422  * the candidates are sorted with respect to the following two criteria:
4423  * - prefer bound changes that have been applied deeper in the tree, to get a more global conflict
4424  * - prefer variables with small Farkas coefficient to get rid of as many bound changes as possible
4425  */
4426 static
4428  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4429  int currentdepth, /**< current depth in the tree */
4430  SCIP_VAR* var, /**< variable to add to candidate array */
4431  int lbchginfopos, /**< positions of currently active lower bound change information in variable's array */
4432  int ubchginfopos, /**< positions of currently active upper bound change information in variable's array */
4433  SCIP_Real proofcoef, /**< coefficient of variable in infeasibility/bound proof */
4434  SCIP_Real prooflhs, /**< left hand side of infeasibility/bound proof */
4435  SCIP_Real proofact, /**< activity of infeasibility/bound proof row */
4436  SCIP_VAR*** cands, /**< pointer to candidate array for undoing bound changes */
4437  SCIP_Real** candscores, /**< pointer to candidate score array for undoing bound changes */
4438  SCIP_Real** newbounds, /**< pointer to candidate new bounds array for undoing bound changes */
4439  SCIP_Real** proofactdeltas, /**< pointer to proof activity increase array for undoing bound changes */
4440  int* candssize, /**< pointer to size of cands arrays */
4441  int* ncands, /**< pointer to count number of candidates in bound change list */
4442  int firstcand /**< position of first unprocessed bound change candidate */
4443  )
4444 {
4445  SCIP_Real oldbound;
4446  SCIP_Real newbound;
4447  SCIP_Real QUAD(proofactdelta);
4448  SCIP_Real score;
4449  int depth;
4450  int i;
4451  SCIP_Bool resolvable;
4453  assert(set != NULL);
4454  assert(var != NULL);
4455  assert(-1 <= lbchginfopos && lbchginfopos <= var->nlbchginfos);
4456  assert(-1 <= ubchginfopos && ubchginfopos <= var->nubchginfos);
4457  assert(!SCIPsetIsZero(set, proofcoef));
4458  assert(SCIPsetIsGT(set, prooflhs, proofact));
4459  assert(cands != NULL);
4460  assert(candscores != NULL);
4461  assert(newbounds != NULL);
4462  assert(proofactdeltas != NULL);
4463  assert(candssize != NULL);
4464  assert(ncands != NULL);
4465  assert(*ncands <= *candssize);
4466  assert(0 <= firstcand && firstcand <= *ncands);
4468  /* in the infeasibility or dual bound proof, the variable's bound is chosen to maximize the proof's activity */
4469  if( proofcoef > 0.0 )
4470  {
4471  assert(ubchginfopos >= 0); /* otherwise, undoBdchgsProof() should already have relaxed the local bound */
4473  /* calculate the difference of current bound to the previous bound the variable was set to */
4474  if( ubchginfopos == var->nubchginfos )
4475  {
4476  /* current bound is the strong branching or diving bound */
4477  oldbound = SCIPvarGetUbLP(var, set);
4478  newbound = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var);
4479  depth = currentdepth+1;
4480  resolvable = FALSE;
4481  }
4482  else
4483  {
4484  /* current bound is the result of a local bound change */
4485  resolvable = bdchginfoIsResolvable(&var->ubchginfos[ubchginfopos]);
4486  depth = var->ubchginfos[ubchginfopos].bdchgidx.depth;
4487  oldbound = var->ubchginfos[ubchginfopos].newbound;
4488  newbound = var->ubchginfos[ubchginfopos].oldbound;
4489  }
4490  }
4491  else
4492  {
4493  assert(lbchginfopos >= 0); /* otherwise, undoBdchgsProof() should already have relaxed the local bound */
4495  /* calculate the difference of current bound to the previous bound the variable was set to */
4496  if( lbchginfopos == var->nlbchginfos )
4497  {
4498  /* current bound is the strong branching or diving bound */
4499  oldbound = SCIPvarGetLbLP(var, set);
4500  newbound = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var);
4501  depth = currentdepth+1;
4502  resolvable = FALSE;
4503  }
4504  else
4505  {
4506  /* current bound is the result of a local bound change */
4507  resolvable = bdchginfoIsResolvable(&var->lbchginfos[lbchginfopos]);
4508  depth = var->lbchginfos[lbchginfopos].bdchgidx.depth;
4509  oldbound = var->lbchginfos[lbchginfopos].newbound;
4510  newbound = var->lbchginfos[lbchginfopos].oldbound;
4511  }
4512  }
4514  /* calculate the increase in the proof's activity */
4515  SCIPquadprecSumDD(proofactdelta, newbound, -oldbound);
4516  SCIPquadprecProdQD(proofactdelta, proofactdelta, proofcoef);
4517  assert(QUAD_TO_DBL(proofactdelta) > 0.0);
4519  /* calculate score for undoing the bound change */
4520  score = calcBdchgScore(prooflhs, proofact, QUAD_TO_DBL(proofactdelta), proofcoef, depth, currentdepth, var, set);
4522  if( !resolvable )
4523  {
4524  score += 10.0;
4525  if( !SCIPvarIsBinary(var) )
4526  score += 10.0;
4527  }
4529  /* get enough memory to store new candidate */
4530  SCIP_CALL( ensureCandsSize(set, cands, candscores, newbounds, proofactdeltas, candssize, (*ncands)+1) );
4531  assert(*cands != NULL);
4532  assert(*candscores != NULL);
4533  assert(*newbounds != NULL);
4534  assert(*proofactdeltas != NULL);
4536  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> local <%s> %s %g, relax <%s> %s %g, proofcoef=%g, dpt=%d, resolve=%u, delta=%g, score=%g\n",
4537  SCIPvarGetName(var), proofcoef > 0.0 ? "<=" : ">=", oldbound,
4538  SCIPvarGetName(var), proofcoef > 0.0 ? "<=" : ">=", newbound,
4539  proofcoef, depth, resolvable, QUAD_TO_DBL(proofactdelta), score);
4541  /* insert variable in candidate list without touching the already processed candidates */
4542  for( i = *ncands; i > firstcand && score > (*candscores)[i-1]; --i )
4543  {
4544  (*cands)[i] = (*cands)[i-1];
4545  (*candscores)[i] = (*candscores)[i-1];
4546  (*newbounds)[i] = (*newbounds)[i-1];
4547  (*proofactdeltas)[i] = (*proofactdeltas)[i-1];
4548  }
4549  (*cands)[i] = var;
4550  (*candscores)[i] = score;
4551  (*newbounds)[i] = newbound;
4552  (*proofactdeltas)[i] = QUAD_TO_DBL(proofactdelta);
4553  (*ncands)++;
4555  return SCIP_OKAY;
4556 }
4558 /** undoes bound changes on variables, still leaving the given infeasibility proof valid */
4560  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4561  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
4562  int currentdepth, /**< current depth in the tree */
4563  SCIP_Real* proofcoefs, /**< coefficients in infeasibility proof */
4564  SCIP_Real prooflhs, /**< left hand side of proof */
4565  SCIP_Real* proofact, /**< current activity of proof */
4566  SCIP_Real* curvarlbs, /**< current lower bounds of active problem variables */
4567  SCIP_Real* curvarubs, /**< current upper bounds of active problem variables */
4568  int* lbchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active lower bound change information in variables' arrays */
4569  int* ubchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active upper bound change information in variables' arrays */
4570  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* oldlpbdchgs, /**< old LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change, or NULL */
4571  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* relaxedlpbdchgs, /**< relaxed LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change, or NULL */
4572  SCIP_Bool* resolve, /**< pointer to store whether the changed LP should be resolved again, or NULL */
4573  SCIP_LPI* lpi /**< pointer to LPi to access infinity of LP solver; necessary to set correct values */
4574  )
4575 {
4576  SCIP_VAR** vars;
4577  SCIP_VAR** cands;
4578  SCIP_Real* candscores;
4579  SCIP_Real* newbounds;
4580  SCIP_Real* proofactdeltas;
4581  int nvars;
4582  int ncands;
4583  int candssize;
4584  int v;
4585  int i;
4587  assert(prob != NULL);
4588  assert(proofcoefs != NULL);
4589  assert(SCIPsetIsFeasGT(set, prooflhs, (*proofact)));
4590  assert(curvarlbs != NULL);
4591  assert(curvarubs != NULL);
4592  assert(lbchginfoposs != NULL);
4593  assert(ubchginfoposs != NULL);
4595  if( resolve != NULL )
4596  *resolve = FALSE;
4598  vars = prob->vars;
4599  nvars = prob->nvars;
4600  assert(nvars == 0 || vars != NULL);
4602  /* calculate the order in which the bound changes are tried to be undone, and relax all bounds if this doesn't
4603  * increase the proof's activity
4604  */
4605  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &cands, nvars) );
4606  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &candscores, nvars) );
4607  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &newbounds, nvars) );
4608  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &proofactdeltas, nvars) );
4609  ncands = 0;
4610  candssize = nvars;
4611  for( v = 0; v < nvars; ++v )
4612  {
4613  SCIP_VAR* var;
4614  SCIP_Bool relaxed;
4616  var = vars[v];
4618  /* after changing the global bound of a variable, the bdchginfos that are now redundant are replaced with
4619  * oldbound = newbound = global bound; if the current bdchginfo is of such kind, the bound is equal to the
4620  * global bound and we can ignore it
4621  */
4622  skipRedundantBdchginfos(var, &lbchginfoposs[v], &ubchginfoposs[v]);
4624  /* ignore variables already relaxed to global bounds */
4625  if( (lbchginfoposs[v] == -1 && ubchginfoposs[v] == -1) )
4626  {
4627  proofcoefs[v] = 0.0;
4628  continue;
4629  }
4631  /* relax bounds that are not used in the proof to the global bounds */
4632  relaxed = FALSE;
4633  if( !SCIPsetIsNegative(set, proofcoefs[v]) )
4634  {
4635  /* the lower bound is not used */
4636  if( lbchginfoposs[v] >= 0 )
4637  {
4638  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> relaxing variable <%s>[%g,%g] to [%g,%g]: proofcoef=%g, %g <= %g\n",
4639  SCIPvarGetName(var), curvarlbs[v], curvarubs[v], SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var), curvarubs[v],
4640  proofcoefs[v], prooflhs, (*proofact));
4641  curvarlbs[v] = SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
4642  lbchginfoposs[v] = -1;
4643  relaxed = TRUE;
4644  }
4645  }
4646  if( !SCIPsetIsPositive(set, proofcoefs[v]) )
4647  {
4648  /* the upper bound is not used */
4649  if( ubchginfoposs[v] >= 0 )
4650  {
4651  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> relaxing variable <%s>[%g,%g] to [%g,%g]: proofcoef=%g, %g <= %g\n",
4652  SCIPvarGetName(var), curvarlbs[v], curvarubs[v], curvarlbs[v], SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var),
4653  proofcoefs[v], prooflhs, (*proofact));
4654  curvarubs[v] = SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
4655  ubchginfoposs[v] = -1;
4656  relaxed = TRUE;
4657  }
4658  }
4659  if( relaxed && oldlpbdchgs != NULL )
4660  {
4661  SCIP_CALL( addBdchg(set, var, curvarlbs[v], curvarubs[v], oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, lpi) );
4662  }
4664  /* add bound to candidate list */
4665  if( lbchginfoposs[v] >= 0 || ubchginfoposs[v] >= 0 )
4666  {
4667  SCIP_CALL( addCand(set, currentdepth, var, lbchginfoposs[v], ubchginfoposs[v], proofcoefs[v],
4668  prooflhs, (*proofact), &cands, &candscores, &newbounds, &proofactdeltas, &candssize, &ncands, 0) );
4669  }
4670  /* we can set the proof coefficient to zero, because the variable is not needed */
4671  else
4672  proofcoefs[v] = 0.0;
4673  }
4675  /* try to undo remaining local bound changes while still keeping the proof row violated:
4676  * bound changes can be undone, if prooflhs > proofact + proofactdelta;
4677  * afterwards, the current proof activity has to be updated
4678  */
4679  for( i = 0; i < ncands; ++i )
4680  {
4681  assert(proofactdeltas[i] > 0.0);
4682  assert((lbchginfoposs[SCIPvarGetProbindex(cands[i])] >= 0) != (ubchginfoposs[SCIPvarGetProbindex(cands[i])] >= 0));
4684  /* when relaxing a constraint we still need to stay infeasible; therefore we need to do the comparison in
4685  * feasibility tolerance because if 'prooflhs' is (feas-))equal to 'proofact + proofactdeltas[i]' it would mean
4686  * that there is no violation
4687  */
4688  if( SCIPsetIsFeasGT(set, prooflhs, (*proofact) + proofactdeltas[i]) )
4689  {
4690  v = SCIPvarGetProbindex(cands[i]);
4691  assert(0 <= v && v < nvars);
4692  assert((lbchginfoposs[v] >= 0) != (ubchginfoposs[v] >= 0));
4694  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> relaxing variable <%s>[%g,%g] to [%g,%g]: proofcoef=%g, %g <= %g + %g\n",
4695  SCIPvarGetName(cands[i]), curvarlbs[v], curvarubs[v],
4696  proofcoefs[v] > 0.0 ? curvarlbs[v] : newbounds[i],
4697  proofcoefs[v] > 0.0 ? newbounds[i] : curvarubs[v],
4698  proofcoefs[v], prooflhs, (*proofact), proofactdeltas[i]);
4700 #ifndef NDEBUG
4701  {
4702  SCIP_Real QUAD(verifylb);
4703  SCIP_Real QUAD(verifyub);
4705  SCIPquadprecSumDD(verifylb, newbounds[i], -curvarlbs[v]);
4706  SCIPquadprecProdQD(verifylb, verifylb, proofcoefs[v]);
4708  SCIPquadprecSumDD(verifyub, newbounds[i], -curvarubs[v]);
4709  SCIPquadprecProdQD(verifyub, verifyub, proofcoefs[v]);
4711  assert((SCIPsetIsPositive(set, proofcoefs[v]) && SCIPsetIsGT(set, newbounds[i], curvarubs[v]))
4712  || (SCIPsetIsNegative(set, proofcoefs[v]) && SCIPsetIsLT(set, newbounds[i], curvarlbs[v])));
4713  assert((SCIPsetIsPositive(set, proofcoefs[v])
4714  && SCIPsetIsEQ(set, proofactdeltas[i], QUAD_TO_DBL(verifyub)))
4715  || (SCIPsetIsNegative(set, proofcoefs[v])
4716  && SCIPsetIsEQ(set, proofactdeltas[i], QUAD_TO_DBL(verifylb))));
4717  assert(!SCIPsetIsZero(set, proofcoefs[v]));
4718  }
4719 #endif
4721  if( proofcoefs[v] > 0.0 )
4722  {
4723  assert(ubchginfoposs[v] >= 0);
4724  assert(lbchginfoposs[v] == -1);
4725  curvarubs[v] = newbounds[i];
4726  ubchginfoposs[v]--;
4727  }
4728  else
4729  {
4730  assert(lbchginfoposs[v] >= 0);
4731  assert(ubchginfoposs[v] == -1);
4732  curvarlbs[v] = newbounds[i];
4733  lbchginfoposs[v]--;
4734  }
4735  if( oldlpbdchgs != NULL )
4736  {
4737  SCIP_CALL( addBdchg(set, cands[i], curvarlbs[v], curvarubs[v], oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, lpi) );
4738  }
4739  (*proofact) += proofactdeltas[i];
4740  if( resolve != NULL && SCIPvarIsInLP(cands[i]) )
4741  *resolve = TRUE;
4743  /* after changing the global bound of a variable, the bdchginfos that are now redundant are replaced with
4744  * oldbound = newbound = global bound; if the current bdchginfo is of such kind, the bound is equal to the
4745  * global bound and we can ignore it
4746  */
4747  skipRedundantBdchginfos(cands[i], &lbchginfoposs[v], &ubchginfoposs[v]);
4749  /* insert the new local bound of the variable into the candidate list */
4750  if( lbchginfoposs[v] >= 0 || ubchginfoposs[v] >= 0 )
4751  {
4752  SCIP_CALL( addCand(set, currentdepth, cands[i], lbchginfoposs[v], ubchginfoposs[v], proofcoefs[v],
4753  prooflhs, (*proofact), &cands, &candscores, &newbounds, &proofactdeltas, &candssize, &ncands, i+1) );
4754  }
4755  else
4756  proofcoefs[v] = 0.0;
4757  }
4758  }
4760  /* free the buffer for the sorted bound change candidates */
4761  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &proofactdeltas);
4762  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &newbounds);
4763  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &candscores);
4764  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &cands);
4766  return SCIP_OKAY;
4767 }
4769 /** analyzes an infeasible LP and undoes additional bound changes while staying infeasible */
4770 static
4772  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4773  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
4774  SCIP_LP* lp, /**< LP data */
4775  int currentdepth, /**< current depth in the tree */
4776  SCIP_Real* curvarlbs, /**< current lower bounds of active problem variables */
4777  SCIP_Real* curvarubs, /**< current upper bounds of active problem variables */
4778  int* lbchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active lower bound change information in variables' arrays */
4779  int* ubchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active upper bound change information in variables' arrays */
4780  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* oldlpbdchgs, /**< old LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change, or NULL */
4781  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* relaxedlpbdchgs, /**< relaxed LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change, or NULL */
4782  SCIP_Bool* valid, /**< pointer to store whether the unfixings are valid */
4783  SCIP_Bool* resolve, /**< pointer to store whether the changed LP should be resolved again */
4784  SCIP_Real* farkascoefs, /**< coefficients in the proof constraint */
4785  SCIP_Real farkaslhs, /**< lhs of the proof constraint */
4786  SCIP_Real* farkasactivity /**< maximal activity of the proof constraint */
4787  )
4788 {
4789  SCIP_LPI* lpi;
4791  assert(prob != NULL);
4792  assert(lp != NULL);
4793  assert(lp->flushed);
4794  assert(lp->solved);
4795  assert(curvarlbs != NULL);
4796  assert(curvarubs != NULL);
4797  assert(lbchginfoposs != NULL);
4798  assert(ubchginfoposs != NULL);
4799  assert(valid != NULL);
4800  assert(resolve != NULL);
4802  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "undoing bound changes in infeasible LP: cutoff=%g\n", lp->cutoffbound);
4804  *valid = FALSE;
4805  *resolve = FALSE;
4807  lpi = SCIPlpGetLPI(lp);
4809  /* check, if the Farkas row is still violated (using current bounds and ignoring local rows) */
4810  if( SCIPsetIsFeasGT(set, farkaslhs, *farkasactivity) )
4811  {
4812  /* undo bound changes while keeping the infeasibility proof valid */
4813  SCIP_CALL( SCIPundoBdchgsProof(set, prob, currentdepth, farkascoefs, farkaslhs, farkasactivity, \
4814  curvarlbs, curvarubs, lbchginfoposs, ubchginfoposs, oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, resolve, lpi) );
4816  *valid = TRUE;
4818  /* resolving does not make sense: the old dual ray is still valid -> resolving will not change the solution */
4819  *resolve = FALSE;
4820  }
4822  return SCIP_OKAY;
4823 }
4826 /*
4827  * Conflict LP Bound Changes
4828  */
4830 /** create conflict LP bound change data structure */
4831 static
4833  SCIP_LPBDCHGS** lpbdchgs, /**< pointer to store the conflict LP bound change data structure */
4834  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4835  int ncols /**< number of columns */
4836  )
4837 {
4838  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBuffer(set, lpbdchgs) );
4840  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchginds, ncols) );
4841  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchglbs, ncols) );
4842  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchgubs, ncols) );
4843  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchgcolinds, ncols) );
4844  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->usedcols, ncols) );
4845  BMSclearMemoryArray((*lpbdchgs)->usedcols, ncols);
4847  (*lpbdchgs)->nbdchgs = 0;
4849  return SCIP_OKAY;
4850 }
4853 /*
4854  * Propagation Conflict Analysis
4855  */
4857 /** ensures, that side change arrays can store at least num entries */
4858 static
4860  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4861  int** sidechginds, /**< pointer to side change index array */
4862  SCIP_Real** sidechgoldlhss, /**< pointer to side change old left hand sides array */
4863  SCIP_Real** sidechgoldrhss, /**< pointer to side change old right hand sides array */
4864  SCIP_Real** sidechgnewlhss, /**< pointer to side change new left hand sides array */
4865  SCIP_Real** sidechgnewrhss, /**< pointer to side change new right hand sides array */
4866  int* sidechgssize, /**< pointer to size of side change arrays */
4867  int num /**< minimal number of entries to be able to store in side change arrays */
4868  )
4869 {
4870  assert(sidechginds != NULL);
4871  assert(sidechgoldlhss != NULL);
4872  assert(sidechgoldrhss != NULL);
4873  assert(sidechgnewlhss != NULL);
4874  assert(sidechgnewrhss != NULL);
4875  assert(sidechgssize != NULL);
4877  if( num > *sidechgssize )
4878  {
4879  int newsize;
4881  newsize = SCIPsetCalcMemGrowSize(set, num);
4882  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, sidechginds, newsize) );
4883  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, sidechgoldlhss, newsize) );
4884  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, sidechgoldrhss, newsize) );
4885  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, sidechgnewlhss, newsize) );
4886  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReallocBufferArray(set, sidechgnewrhss, newsize) );
4887  *sidechgssize = newsize;
4888  }
4889  assert(num <= *sidechgssize);
4891  return SCIP_OKAY;
4892 }
4894 /** adds removal of row's side to side change arrays; finite sides are only replaced by near infinite sides, such
4895  * that the row's sense in the LP solver is not changed
4896  */
4897 static
4899  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
4900  SCIP_ROW* row, /**< LP row to change the sides for */
4901  SCIP_Real lpiinfinity, /**< value treated as infinity in LP solver */
4902  int** sidechginds, /**< pointer to side change index array */
4903  SCIP_Real** sidechgoldlhss, /**< pointer to side change old left hand sides array */
4904  SCIP_Real** sidechgoldrhss, /**< pointer to side change old right hand sides array */
4905  SCIP_Real** sidechgnewlhss, /**< pointer to side change new left hand sides array */
4906  SCIP_Real** sidechgnewrhss, /**< pointer to side change new right hand sides array */
4907  int* sidechgssize, /**< pointer to size of side change arrays */
4908  int* nsidechgs /**< pointer to number of used slots in side change arrays */
4909  )
4910 {
4911  SCIP_Real lhs;
4912  SCIP_Real rhs;
4913  SCIP_Real constant;
4915  assert(sidechginds != NULL);
4916  assert(sidechgoldlhss != NULL);
4917  assert(sidechgoldrhss != NULL);
4918  assert(sidechgnewlhss != NULL);
4919  assert(sidechgnewrhss != NULL);
4920  assert(sidechgssize != NULL);
4921  assert(nsidechgs != NULL);
4923  lhs = SCIProwGetLhs(row);
4924  rhs = SCIProwGetRhs(row);
4925  constant = SCIProwGetConstant(row);
4926  assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -lhs) || !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, rhs));
4928  /* get memory to store additional side change */
4929  SCIP_CALL( ensureSidechgsSize(set, sidechginds, sidechgoldlhss, sidechgoldrhss, sidechgnewlhss, sidechgnewrhss, \
4930  sidechgssize, (*nsidechgs)+1) );
4931  assert(*nsidechgs < *sidechgssize);
4932  assert(*sidechginds != NULL);
4933  assert(*sidechgoldlhss != NULL);
4934  assert(*sidechgoldrhss != NULL);
4935  assert(*sidechgnewlhss != NULL);
4936  assert(*sidechgnewrhss != NULL);
4938  /* store side change */
4939  (*sidechginds)[*nsidechgs] = SCIProwGetLPPos(row);
4940  if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -lhs) )
4941  {
4942  (*sidechgoldlhss)[*nsidechgs] = -lpiinfinity;
4943  (*sidechgnewlhss)[*nsidechgs] = -lpiinfinity;
4944  }
4945  else
4946  {
4947  (*sidechgoldlhss)[*nsidechgs] = lhs - constant;
4948  (*sidechgnewlhss)[*nsidechgs] = -lpiinfinity;
4949  }
4950  if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, rhs) )
4951  {
4952  (*sidechgoldrhss)[*nsidechgs] = lpiinfinity;
4953  (*sidechgnewrhss)[*nsidechgs] = lpiinfinity;
4954  }
4955  else
4956  {
4957  (*sidechgoldrhss)[*nsidechgs] = rhs - constant;
4958  (*sidechgnewrhss)[*nsidechgs] = lpiinfinity;
4959  }
4960  (*nsidechgs)++;
4962  return SCIP_OKAY;
4963 }
4966 /*
4967  * Infeasible LP Conflict Analysis
4968  */
4970 /** reset conflict LP bound change data structure */
4971 static
4973  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* lpbdchgs, /**< conflict LP bound change data structure */
4974  int ncols /**< number of columns */
4975  )
4976 {
4977  assert(lpbdchgs != NULL);
4979  BMSclearMemoryArray(lpbdchgs->usedcols, ncols);
4980  lpbdchgs->nbdchgs = 0;
4981 }
4983 /** free conflict LP bound change data structure */
4984 static
4986  SCIP_LPBDCHGS** lpbdchgs, /**< pointer to store the conflict LP bound change data structure */
4987  SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */
4988  )
4989 {
4990  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->usedcols);
4991  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchgcolinds);
4992  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchgubs);
4993  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchglbs);
4994  SCIPsetFreeBufferArray(set, &(*lpbdchgs)->bdchginds);
4996  SCIPsetFreeBuffer(set, lpbdchgs);
4997 }
4999 /** analyzes an LP exceeding the objective limit and undoes additional bound changes while staying beyond the
5000  * objective limit
5001  */
5002 static
5004  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
5005  SCIP_PROB* prob, /**< problem data */
5006  SCIP_LP* lp, /**< LP data */
5007  int currentdepth, /**< current depth in the tree */
5008  SCIP_Real* curvarlbs, /**< current lower bounds of active problem variables */
5009  SCIP_Real* curvarubs, /**< current upper bounds of active problem variables */
5010  int* lbchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active lower bound change information in variables' arrays */
5011  int* ubchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active upper bound change information in variables' arrays */
5012  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* oldlpbdchgs, /**< old LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change, or NULL */
5013  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* relaxedlpbdchgs, /**< relaxed LP bound changes used for reset the LP bound change, or NULL */
5014  SCIP_Bool* valid, /**< pointer to store whether the unfixings are valid */
5015  SCIP_Bool* resolve, /**< pointer to store whether the changed LP should be resolved again */
5016  SCIP_Real* dualcoefs, /**< coefficients in the proof constraint */
5017  SCIP_Real duallhs, /**< lhs of the proof constraint */
5018  SCIP_Real* dualactivity /**< maximal activity of the proof constraint */
5019  )
5020 {
5021  SCIP_LPI* lpi;
5023  assert(set != NULL);
5024  assert(prob != NULL);
5025  assert(lp != NULL);
5026  assert(lp->flushed);
5027  assert(lp->solved);
5028  assert(curvarlbs != NULL);
5029  assert(curvarubs != NULL);
5030  assert(lbchginfoposs != NULL);
5031  assert(ubchginfoposs != NULL);
5032  assert(valid != NULL);
5033  assert(resolve != NULL);
5035  *valid = FALSE;
5036  *resolve = FALSE;
5038  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "undoing bound changes in LP exceeding cutoff: cutoff=%g\n", lp->cutoffbound);
5040  /* get LP solver interface */
5041  lpi = SCIPlpGetLPI(lp);
5043  /* check, if the dual row is still violated (using current bounds and ignoring local rows) */
5044  if( SCIPsetIsFeasGT(set, duallhs, *dualactivity) )
5045  {
5046  /* undo bound changes while keeping the infeasibility proof valid */
5047  SCIP_CALL( SCIPundoBdchgsProof(set, prob, currentdepth, dualcoefs, duallhs, dualactivity, curvarlbs, curvarubs, \
5048  lbchginfoposs, ubchginfoposs, oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, resolve, lpi) );
5050  *valid = TRUE;
5051  }
5053  return SCIP_OKAY;
5054 }
5056 /** try to find a subset of changed bounds leading to an infeasible LP
5057  *
5058  * 1. call undoBdchgsDualfarkas() or undoBdchgsDualsol()
5059  * -> update lb/ubchginfoposs arrays
5060  * -> store additional changes in bdchg and curvarlbs/ubs arrays
5061  * -> apply additional changes to the LPI
5062  * 2. (optional) if additional bound changes were undone:
5063  * -> resolve LP
5064  * -> goto 1.
5065  * 3. redo all bound changes in the LPI to restore the LPI to its original state
5066  * 4. analyze conflict
5067  * -> put remaining changed bounds (see lb/ubchginfoposs arrays) into starting conflict set
5068  */
5070  SCIP_CONFLICT* conflict, /**< conflict data */
5071  SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */
5072  SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< problem statistics */
5073  SCIP_PROB* origprob, /**< original problem */
5074  SCIP_PROB* transprob, /**< transformed problem */
5075  SCIP_TREE* tree, /**< branch and bound tree */
5076  SCIP_REOPT* reopt, /**< reoptimization data */
5077  SCIP_LP* lp, /**< LP data */
5078  SCIP_LPI* lpi, /**< LPI data */
5079  BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory */
5080  SCIP_Real* proofcoefs, /**< coefficients in the proof constraint */
5081  SCIP_Real* prooflhs, /**< lhs of the proof constraint */
5082  SCIP_Real* proofactivity, /**< maximal activity of the proof constraint */
5083  SCIP_Real* curvarlbs, /**< current lower bounds of active problem variables */
5084  SCIP_Real* curvarubs, /**< current upper bounds of active problem variables */
5085  int* lbchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active lower bound change information in variables' arrays */
5086  int* ubchginfoposs, /**< positions of currently active upper bound change information in variables' arrays */
5087  int* iterations, /**< pointer to store the total number of LP iterations used */
5088  SCIP_Bool marklpunsolved, /**< whether LP should be marked unsolved after analysis (needed for strong branching) */
5089  SCIP_Bool* dualproofsuccess, /**< pointer to store success result of dual proof analysis */
5090  SCIP_Bool* valid /**< pointer to store whether the result is still a valid proof */
5091  )
5092 {
5093  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* oldlpbdchgs;
5094  SCIP_LPBDCHGS* relaxedlpbdchgs;
5095  SCIP_Bool solvelp;
5096  SCIP_Bool resolve;
5097  int ncols;
5099  assert(set != NULL);
5101  /* get number of columns in the LP */
5102  ncols = SCIPlpGetNCols(lp);
5104  /* get temporary memory for remembering bound changes on LPI columns */
5105  SCIP_CALL( lpbdchgsCreate(&oldlpbdchgs, set, ncols) );
5106  SCIP_CALL( lpbdchgsCreate(&relaxedlpbdchgs, set, ncols) );
5108  /* undo as many bound changes as possible with the current LP solution */
5109  resolve = FALSE;
5110  if( (*valid) )
5111  {
5112  int currentdepth;
5113  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
5115  if( SCIPlpiIsPrimalInfeasible(lpi) )
5116  {
5117  SCIP_CALL( undoBdchgsDualfarkas(set, transprob, lp, currentdepth, curvarlbs, curvarubs, lbchginfoposs, \
5118  ubchginfoposs, oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, valid, &resolve, proofcoefs, *prooflhs, proofactivity) );
5119  }
5120  else
5121  {
5122  assert(SCIPlpiIsDualFeasible(lpi) || SCIPlpiIsObjlimExc(lpi));
5123  SCIP_CALL( undoBdchgsDualsol(set, transprob, lp, currentdepth, curvarlbs, curvarubs, lbchginfoposs, ubchginfoposs, \
5124  oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, valid, &resolve, proofcoefs, *prooflhs, proofactivity) );
5125  }
5126  }
5128  /* check if we want to solve the LP */
5129  assert(SCIPprobAllColsInLP(transprob, set, lp));
5130  solvelp = (set->conf_maxlploops != 0 && set->conf_lpiterations != 0);
5132  if( (*valid) && resolve && solvelp )
5133  {
5134  SCIP_RETCODE retcode;
5135  SCIP_ROW** rows;
5136  int* sidechginds;
5137  SCIP_Real* sidechgoldlhss;
5138  SCIP_Real* sidechgoldrhss;
5139  SCIP_Real* sidechgnewlhss;
5140  SCIP_Real* sidechgnewrhss;
5141  SCIP_Real lpiinfinity;
5142  SCIP_Bool globalinfeasible;
5143  int maxlploops;
5144  int lpiterations;
5145  int sidechgssize;
5146  int nsidechgs;
5147  int nrows;
5148  int nloops;
5149  int r;
5151  /* get infinity value of LP solver */
5152  lpiinfinity = SCIPlpiInfinity(lpi);
5154  /* temporarily disable objective limit and install an iteration limit */
5155  maxlploops = (set->conf_maxlploops >= 0 ? set->conf_maxlploops : INT_MAX);
5156  lpiterations = (set->conf_lpiterations >= 0 ? set->conf_lpiterations : INT_MAX);
5157  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiSetRealpar(lpi, SCIP_LPPAR_OBJLIM, lpiinfinity) );
5158  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiSetIntpar(lpi, SCIP_LPPAR_LPITLIM, lpiterations) );
5160  /* get LP rows */
5161  rows = SCIPlpGetRows(lp);
5162  nrows = SCIPlpGetNRows(lp);
5163  assert(nrows == 0 || rows != NULL);
5165  /* get temporary memory for remembering side changes on LPI rows */
5166  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &sidechginds, nrows) );
5167  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &sidechgoldlhss, nrows) );
5168  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &sidechgoldrhss, nrows) );
5169  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &sidechgnewlhss, nrows) );
5170  SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &sidechgnewrhss, nrows) );
5171  sidechgssize = nrows;
5172  nsidechgs = 0;
5174  /* remove all local rows by setting their sides to infinity;
5175  * finite sides are only changed to near infinity, such that the row's sense in the LP solver
5176  * is not affected (e.g. CPLEX cannot handle free rows)
5177  */
5178  for( r = 0; r < nrows; ++r )
5179  {
5180  assert(SCIProwGetLPPos(rows[r]) == r);
5182  if( SCIProwIsLocal(rows[r]) )
5183  {
5184  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> removing local row <%s> [%g,%g]\n",
5185  SCIProwGetName(rows[r]), SCIProwGetLhs(rows[r]), SCIProwGetRhs(rows[r]));
5186  SCIP_CALL( addSideRemoval(set, rows[r], lpiinfinity, &sidechginds, &sidechgoldlhss, &sidechgoldrhss,
5187  &sidechgnewlhss, &sidechgnewrhss, &sidechgssize, &nsidechgs) );
5188  }
5189  }
5191  /* apply changes of local rows to the LP solver */
5192  if( nsidechgs > 0 )
5193  {
5194  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiChgSides(lpi, nsidechgs, sidechginds, sidechgnewlhss, sidechgnewrhss) );
5195  }
5197  /* undo as many additional bound changes as possible by resolving the LP */
5198  assert((*valid));
5199  assert(resolve);
5200  nloops = 0;
5201  globalinfeasible = FALSE;
5202  while( (*valid) && resolve && nloops < maxlploops )
5203  {
5204  int iter;
5206  assert(!globalinfeasible);
5208  nloops++;
5209  resolve = FALSE;
5211  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "infeasible LP conflict analysis loop %d (changed col bounds: %d)\n", nloops, relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs);
5213  /* apply bound changes to the LP solver */
5214  assert(relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs >= 0);
5215  if( relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs > 0 )
5216  {
5217  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> applying %d bound changes to the LP solver\n", relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs);
5218  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiChgBounds(lpi, relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchginds, \
5219  relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchglbs, relaxedlpbdchgs->bdchgubs) );
5221  /* reset conflict LP bound change data structure */
5222  lpbdchgsReset(relaxedlpbdchgs, ncols);
5223  }
5225  /* start LP timer */
5226  SCIPclockStart(stat->conflictlptime, set);
5228  /* resolve LP */
5229  retcode = SCIPlpiSolveDual(lpi);
5231  /* stop LP timer */
5232  SCIPclockStop(stat->conflictlptime, set);
5234  /* check return code of LP solving call */
5235  if( retcode == SCIP_LPERROR )
5236  {
5237  (*valid) = FALSE;
5238  break;
5239  }
5240  SCIP_CALL( retcode );
5242  /* count number of LP iterations */
5243  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiGetIterations(lpi, &iter) );
5244  (*iterations) += iter;
5245  stat->nconflictlps++;
5246  stat->nconflictlpiterations += iter;
5247  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> resolved LP in %d iterations (total: %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") (infeasible:%u)\n",
5250  /* evaluate result */
5251  if( SCIPlpiIsDualFeasible(lpi) || SCIPlpiIsObjlimExc(lpi) )
5252  {
5253  SCIP_Real objval;
5255  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiGetObjval(lpi, &objval) );
5256  (*valid) = (objval >= lp->lpiobjlim && !SCIPlpDivingObjChanged(lp));
5257  }
5258  else
5259  (*valid) = SCIPlpiIsPrimalInfeasible(lpi);
5261  if( (*valid) )
5262  {
5263  int currentdepth;
5264  currentdepth = SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree);
5266  /* undo additional bound changes */
5267  if( SCIPlpiIsPrimalInfeasible(lpi) )
5268  {
5269  SCIP_AGGRROW* farkasrow;
5270  int* inds;
5271  int validdepth;
5272  int nnz;
5273  int v;
5275 #ifndef NDEBUG
5276  SCIP_VAR** vars = SCIPprobGetVars(transprob);
5277 #endif
5279  SCIP_CALL( SCIPaggrRowCreate(set->scip, &farkasrow) );
5281  /* the original LP exceeds the current cutoff bound, thus, we have not constructed the Farkas proof */
5282  SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetFarkasProof(set, transprob, lp, lpi, tree, farkasrow, proofactivity, &validdepth,
5283  curvarlbs, curvarubs, valid) );
5285  /* the constructed Farkas proof is not valid, we need to break here */
5286  if( !(*valid) )
5287  {
5288  SCIPaggrRowFree(set->scip, &farkasrow);
5289  break;
5290  }
5292  /* start dual proof analysis */
5293  if( set->conf_useinflp == 'd' || set->conf_useinflp == 'b' )
5294  {
5295  /* change the conflict type */
5296  SCIP_CONFTYPE oldconftype = conflict->conflictset->conflicttype;
5299  /* start dual proof analysis */
5300  SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictAnalyzeDualProof(conflict, set, stat, blkmem, origprob, transprob, tree, reopt, lp, \
5301  farkasrow, validdepth, curvarlbs, curvarubs, FALSE, &globalinfeasible, dualproofsuccess) );
5303  conflict->conflictset->conflicttype = oldconftype;
5304  }
5306  /* todo: in theory, we could apply conflict graph analysis for locally valid proofs, too, but this needs to be implemented */
5307  if( globalinfeasible || validdepth > SCIPtreeGetEffectiveRootDepth(tree) )
5308  {
5309  SCIPaggrRowFree(set->scip, &farkasrow);
5310  goto TERMINATE;
5311  }
5313  BMSclearMemoryArray(proofcoefs, SCIPprobGetNVars(transprob));
5314  (*prooflhs) = -SCIPaggrRowGetRhs(farkasrow);
5315  (*proofactivity) = -(*proofactivity);
5317  inds = SCIPaggrRowGetInds(farkasrow);
5318  nnz = SCIPaggrRowGetNNz(farkasrow);
5320  for( v = 0; v < nnz; v++ )
5321  {
5322  int i = inds[v];
5324  assert(SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[i]) == inds[v]);
5326  proofcoefs[i] = -SCIPaggrRowGetProbvarValue(farkasrow, i);
5327  }
5329  /* free aggregation rows */
5330  SCIPaggrRowFree(set->scip, &farkasrow);
5332  SCIP_CALL( undoBdchgsDualfarkas(set, transprob, lp, currentdepth, curvarlbs, curvarubs, lbchginfoposs, \
5333  ubchginfoposs, oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, valid, &resolve, proofcoefs, (*prooflhs), proofactivity) );
5334  }
5335  else
5336  {
5337  SCIP_AGGRROW* proofrow;
5338  int* inds;
5339  int validdepth;
5340  int nnz;
5341  int v;
5343 #ifndef NDEBUG
5344  SCIP_VAR** vars = SCIPprobGetVars(transprob);
5345 #endif
5347  assert(SCIPlpiIsDualFeasible(lpi) || SCIPlpiIsObjlimExc(lpi));
5349  SCIP_CALL( SCIPaggrRowCreate(set->scip, &proofrow) );
5351  SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetDualProof(set, transprob, lp, lpi, tree, proofrow, proofactivity, &validdepth,
5352  curvarlbs, curvarubs, valid) );
5354  /* the constructed dual proof is not valid, we need to break here */
5355  if( !(*valid) || validdepth > SCIPtreeGetEffectiveRootDepth(tree) )
5356  {
5357  SCIPaggrRowFree(set->scip, &proofrow);
5358  break;
5359  }
5360  /* in contrast to the infeasible case we don't want to analyze the (probably identical) proof again. */
5362  BMSclearMemoryArray(proofcoefs, SCIPprobGetNVars(transprob));
5363  (*prooflhs) = -SCIPaggrRowGetRhs(proofrow);
5364  (*proofactivity) = -(*proofactivity);
5366  inds = SCIPaggrRowGetInds(proofrow);
5367  nnz = SCIPaggrRowGetNNz(proofrow);
5369  for( v = 0; v < nnz; v++ )
5370  {
5371  int i = inds[v];
5373  assert(SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[i]) == inds[v]);
5375  proofcoefs[i] = -SCIPaggrRowGetProbvarValue(proofrow, i);
5376  }
5378  /* free aggregation rows */
5379  SCIPaggrRowFree(set->scip, &proofrow);
5381  SCIP_CALL( undoBdchgsDualsol(set, transprob, lp, currentdepth, curvarlbs, curvarubs, lbchginfoposs, \
5382  ubchginfoposs, oldlpbdchgs, relaxedlpbdchgs, valid, &resolve, proofcoefs, *prooflhs, proofactivity) );
5383  }
5384  }
5385  assert(!resolve || (*valid));
5386  assert(!resolve || relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs > 0);
5387  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> finished infeasible LP conflict analysis loop %d (iter: %d, nbdchgs: %d)\n",
5388  nloops, iter, relaxedlpbdchgs->nbdchgs);
5389  }
5391  SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "finished undoing bound changes after %d loops (valid=%u, nbdchgs: %d)\n",
5392  nloops, (*valid), oldlpbdchgs->nbdchgs);
5395  /* reset variables to local bounds */
5396  if( oldlpbdchgs->nbdchgs > 0 )
5397  {
5398  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiChgBounds(lpi, oldlpbdchgs->nbdchgs, oldlpbdchgs->bdchginds, oldlpbdchgs->bdchglbs, oldlpbdchgs->bdchgubs) );
5399  }
5401  /* reset changes of local rows */
5402  if( nsidechgs > 0 )
5403  {
5404  SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiChgSides(lpi, nsidechgs, sidechginds, sidechgoldlhss, sidechgoldrhss) );
5405  }
5407  /* mark the LP unsolved */
5408  if( oldlpbdchgs->nbdchgs > 0 || nsidechgs > 0 )
5409  {
5410  /* The LPI data are out of sync with LP data. Thus, the LP should be marked
5411  * unsolved. However, for strong branching calls, the LP has to have status 'solved'; in
5412  * this case, marklpunsolved is FALSE and synchronization is performed later. */
5413  if ( marklpunsolved )
5414  {
5415  lp->solved = FALSE;
5416  lp->primalfeasible = FALSE;
5417  lp->primalchecked = FALSE;
5418  lp->dualfeasible =