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79 /** variable expression mapping callback to call when copying expressions (within same or different SCIPs) */
100 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetVarCopy(sourcescip, targetscip, SCIPgetVarExprVar(sourceexpr), &targetvar, data->varmap,
108 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprVar(targetscip, targetexpr, targetvar, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
118 * Loosely speaking, a Base will be any "block", a Factor is a Base to a power, a Term is a product of Factors
129 * Note that Op and OpExpression are undefined. Op corresponds to the name of an expression handler and
203 debugParse("Variable <%s> has already been parsed, capturing its expression\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
209 debugParse("First time parsing variable <%s>, creating varexpr and adding it to hashmap\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
210 /* intentionally not using createExprVar here, since parsed expressions are not part of a constraint
220 SCIP_CALL( parseExpr(scip, vartoexprvarmap, ++expr, newpos, basetree, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
226 SCIPerrorMessage("Read a '(', parsed expression inside --> expecting closing ')'. Got <%c>: rest of string <%s>\n", *expr, expr);
281 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrParseExpr(exprhdlr, scip->set, expr, newpos, basetree, &success, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
300 SCIPerrorMessage("Expected a number, (expression), <varname>, Opname(Opexpr), instead got <%c> from %s\n", *expr, expr);
309 /** Parses a factor and builds a product-expression if there is an exponent, otherwise returns the base expression.
342 SCIP_CALL( parseBase(scip, vartoexprvarmap, expr, newpos, &basetree, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
379 SCIPerrorMessage("error in parsing exponent: expected ')', received <%c> from <%s>\n", *expr, expr);
401 SCIPerrorMessage("error in parsing exponent, expected a digit, received <%c> from <%s>\n", *expr, expr);
423 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, factortree, basetree, exponent, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
458 SCIP_CALL( parseFactor(scip, FALSE, vartoexprvarmap, expr, newpos, &factortree, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
468 /* initialize termtree as a product expression with a single term, so we can append the extra Factors */
469 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, termtree, 1, &factortree, 1.0, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
483 retcode = parseFactor(scip, isdivision, vartoexprvarmap, expr, newpos, &factortree, ownercreate, ownercreatedata);
549 SCIP_CALL( parseTerm(scip, vartoexprvarmap, expr, newpos, &termtree, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
552 debugParse("back to parsing expression (we have the following term), continue parsing from %s\n", expr); /*lint !e506 !e681*/
561 /* initialize exprtree as a sum expression with a constant only, so we can append the following terms */
562 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, exprtree, 0, NULL, NULL, sign * SCIPgetValueExprValue(termtree), ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
567 /* initialize exprtree as a sum expression with a single term, so we can append the following terms */
568 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, exprtree, 1, &termtree, &sign, 0.0, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
607 retcode = parseTerm(scip, vartoexprvarmap, expr, newpos, &termtree, ownercreate, ownercreatedata);
632 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, exprtree, 1, &termtree, &sign, 0.0, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
751 * The iterator must by of type DFS with allowrevisit=FALSE and only the leaveexpr stage enabled.
775 for( expr = SCIPexpriterRestartDFS(hashiterator, expr); !SCIPexpriterIsEnd(hashiterator); expr = SCIPexpriterGetNext(hashiterator) ) /*lint !e441*/
789 childrenhashes[i] = SCIPexpriterGetExprUserData(hashiterator, SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[i]).uintval;
791 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrHashExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), set, expr, &iterdata.uintval, childrenhashes) );
837 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrCreate(scip->mem->setmem, exprhdlr, name, desc, precedence, eval, data) );
987 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprCreate(scip->set, scip->mem->probmem, expr, exprhdlr, exprdata, nchildren, children, ownercreate,
1015 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExpr(scip, expr, exprhdlr, exprdata, 2, pair, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1019 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExpr(scip, expr, exprhdlr, exprdata, child1 == NULL ? 0 : 1, &child1, ownercreate,
1025 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExpr(scip, expr, exprhdlr, exprdata, 1, &child2, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1071 * since expression created here is not part of a constraint (they will be copied when a constraint is created)
1078 /* release variable expression; note that the variable expression is still captured by children[i] */
1086 * since expression created here is not part of a constraint (they will be copied when a constraint is created)
1092 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, &children[i], 2, exprs, 1.0, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1094 /* release variable expressions; note that the variable expressions are still captured by children[i] */
1109 * since expression created here is not part of a constraint (they will be copied when a constraint is created);
1112 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprVar(scip, &children[nquadterms + i], linvars[i], ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1119 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, expr, nquadterms + nlinvars, children, coefs, 0.0, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1137 * @note In deviation from the actual definition of monomials, we also allow for negative and rational exponents.
1174 * since expression created here is not part of a constraint (they will be copied when a constraint is created)
1177 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, expr, varexpr, exponents[0], ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1203 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, &children[i], varexpr, exponents[i], ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1209 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, expr, nfactors, children, 1.0, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1227 * @attention Only use if you really know what you are doing. The expression handler of the expression needs to be able to handle an increase in the number of children.
1245 * The old child is released and the newchild is captured, unless they are the same (=same pointer).
1257 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprReplaceChild(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, expr, childidx, newchild) );
1264 * @attention Only use if you really know what you are doing. The expression handler of the expression needs to be able to handle the removal of all children.
1284 SCIP_DECL_EXPR_MAPEXPR((*mapexpr)), /**< expression mapping function, or NULL for creating new expressions */
1286 SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), /**< function to call on expression copy to create ownerdata */
1293 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprCopy(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem,
1311 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprDuplicateShallow(scip->set, scip->mem->probmem, expr, copyexpr, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1322 SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), /**< function to call on expression copy to create ownerdata */
1324 SCIP_HASHMAP* varmap, /**< a SCIP_HASHMAP mapping variables of the source SCIP to the corresponding
1326 SCIP_HASHMAP* consmap, /**< a hashmap to store the mapping of source constraints to the corresponding
1329 SCIP_Bool* valid /**< pointer to store whether all checked or enforced constraints were validly copied */
1377 * `Op` corresponds to the name of an expression handler and `OpExpression` to whatever string the expression handler accepts (through its parse method).
1383 const char** finalpos, /**< buffer to store the position of exprstr where we finished reading, or NULL if not of interest */
1397 retcode = parseExpr(scip, vartoexprvarmap, exprstr, &finalpos_, expr, ownercreate, ownercreatedata);
1494 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprPrint(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, scip->messagehdlr, file, expr) );
1510 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprPrintDotInit(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, printdata, file, whattoprint) );
1526 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprPrintDotInit2(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, printdata, filename, whattoprint) );
1565 * It prints the expression into a temporary file in dot format, then calls dot to create a postscript file,
1594 SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE( retcode, SCIPprintExprDotInit(scip, &dotdata, f, SCIP_EXPRPRINT_ALL), TERMINATE );
1616 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprDismantle(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, scip->messagehdlr, file, expr) );
1677 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprEvalGradient(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, expr, sol, soltag) );
1693 SCIP_Longint soltag, /**< tag that uniquely identifies the solution (with its values), or 0. */
1700 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprEvalHessianDir(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, expr, sol, soltag, direction) );
1707 * Reevaluate activity if currently stored is no longer uptodate (some bound was changed since last evaluation).
1715 * Thus, ensure that the integrality information is valid (if set to TRUE; the default (FALSE) is always ok).
1786 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprSimplify(scip->set, scip->stat, scip->mem->probmem, rootexpr, simplified, changed, infeasible, ownercreate, ownercreatedata) );
1791 /** replaces common sub-expressions in a given expression graph by using a hash key for each expression
1795 * 1. traverse through all given expressions and compute for each of them a (not necessarily unique) hash
1797 * 2. initialize an empty hash table and traverse through all expression; check for each of them if we can find a
1798 * structural equivalent expression in the hash table; if yes we replace the expression by the expression inside the
1801 * @note the hash keys of the expressions are used for the hashing inside the hash table; to compute if two expressions
1808 SCIP_Bool* replacedroot /**< buffer to store whether any root expression (expression in exprs) was replaced */
1862 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "replacing common root expression of %dth expr: %p -> %p\n", i, (void*)exprs[i], (void*)newroot);
1892 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "replacing common child expression %p -> %p\n", (void*)child, (void*)newchild);
1894 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreplaceExprChild(scip, SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(repliterator), SCIPexpriterGetChildIdxDFS(repliterator), newchild) );
1916 * @note this function relies on information from the curvature callback of expression handlers only,
1917 * consider using function @ref SCIPhasExprCurvature() of the convex-nlhdlr instead, as that uses more information to deduce convexity
1943 for( expr = SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(it); !SCIPexpriterIsEnd(it); expr = SCIPexpriterGetNext(it) )
1963 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrCurvatureExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, trialcurv[i], &success, childcurv) );
2025 for( expr = SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(it); !SCIPexpriterIsEnd(it); expr = SCIPexpriterGetNext(it) )
2071 * the number of unique variable expressions in the expression which is given by SCIPgetExprNVars().
2073 * If every variable is represented by only one variable expression (common subexpression have been removed)
2075 * If, in addition, non-active variables have been removed from the expression, e.g., by simplifying,
2128 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrPrintExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, scip->messagehdlr, expr, stage, currentchild, parentprecedence, file) );
2144 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrCurvatureExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, exprcurvature, success, childcurv) );
2159 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrMonotonicityExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, childidx, result) );
2183 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrEvalExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, scip->mem->buffer, expr, val, childrenvalues, NULL) );
2190 * Does not iterates over expressions, but requires values for children and direction to be given.
2193 * If an evaluation error (division by zero, ...) occurs, this value will be set to `SCIP_INVALID`.
2196 * If an differentiation error (division by zero, ...) occurs, this value will be set to `SCIP_INVALID`.
2210 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrEvalFwDiffExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, scip->mem->buffer, expr, val, dot,
2226 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrIntEvalExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, interval, intevalvar, intevalvardata) );
2242 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrEstimateExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, localbounds, globalbounds, refpoint,
2259 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrInitEstimatesExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, bounds, overestimate, coefs,
2278 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrSimplifyExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, simplifiedexpr, ownercreate,
2295 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprhdlrReversePropExpr(SCIPexprGetHdlr(expr), scip->set, expr, bounds, childrenbounds, infeasible) );
2346 * An expression is quadratic if it is either a square (of some expression), a product (of two expressions),
2382 * \note This requires that every expression used in the quadratic data is a variable expression.
2401 SCIPexprGetQuadraticData(expr, &auxvalue, &nlinexprs, &linexprs, &lincoefs, &nquadexprs, &nbilinexprs, NULL, NULL);
2437 auxvalue += coef * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, SCIPgetVarExprVar(expr1)) * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, SCIPgetVarExprVar(expr2));
2460 SCIPexprGetQuadraticData(expr, &constant, &nlinexprs, &linexprs, &lincoefs, &nquadexprs, &nbilinexprs, NULL, NULL);
2551 * For this, it builds the matrix Q of quadratic coefficients and computes its eigenvalues using LAPACK.
2557 * If `assumevarfixed` is given and some expressions in quadratic terms correspond to variables present in
2564 SCIP_HASHMAP* assumevarfixed, /**< hashmap containing variables that should be assumed to be fixed, or NULL */
2571 SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprComputeQuadraticCurvature(scip->set, scip->mem->probmem, scip->mem->buffer, scip->messagehdlr,
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrHashExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, unsigned int *hashkey, unsigned int *childrenhashes)
Definition: expr.c:1092
void SCIPexprGetQuadraticData(SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *constant, int *nlinexprs, SCIP_EXPR ***linexprs, SCIP_Real **lincoefs, int *nquadexprs, int *nbilinexprs, SCIP_Real **eigenvalues, SCIP_Real **eigenvectors)
Definition: expr.c:4067
Definition: memory.c:2496
static SCIP_RETCODE eval(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRINTDATA *exprintdata, const vector< Type > &x, Type &val)
Definition: exprinterpret_cppad.cpp:1327
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrEstimateExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_INTERVAL *localbounds, SCIP_INTERVAL *globalbounds, SCIP_Real *refpoint, SCIP_Bool overestimate, SCIP_Real targetvalue, SCIP_Real *coefs, SCIP_Real *constant, SCIP_Bool *islocal, SCIP_Bool *success, SCIP_Bool *branchcand)
Definition: expr.c:1538
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexpriterInit(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRITER_TYPE type, SCIP_Bool allowrevisit)
Definition: expriter.c:500
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPduplicateExprShallow(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR **copyexpr, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1300
static SCIP_RETCODE parseTerm(SCIP *scip, SCIP_HASHMAP *vartoexprvarmap, const char *expr, const char **newpos, SCIP_EXPR **termtree, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:439
static SCIP_RETCODE parseExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_HASHMAP *vartoexprvarmap, const char *expr, const char **newpos, SCIP_EXPR **exprtree, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:521
void SCIPexprSetIntegrality(SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Bool isintegral)
Definition: expr.c:4037
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprPow(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_Real exponent, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_pow.c:3175
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsimplifyExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *rootexpr, SCIP_EXPR **simplified, SCIP_Bool *changed, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1773
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprEvalGradient(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *rootexpr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag)
Definition: expr.c:2729
Definition: scip_expr.c:701
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrIntEvalExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_INTERVAL *interval, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_INTEVALVAR((*intevalvar)), void *intevalvardata)
Definition: expr.c:1507
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, FILE *file)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1485
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprPrintDotInit2(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPRPRINTDATA **printdata, const char *filename, SCIP_EXPRPRINT_WHAT whattoprint)
Definition: expr.c:2331
Definition: struct_scip.h:68
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeExprQuadraticCurvature(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRCURV *curv, SCIP_HASHMAP *assumevarfixed, SCIP_Bool storeeigeninfo)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2560
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPevalExprActivity(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1717
public methods for memory management
Definition: type_expr.h:61
Definition: struct_misc.h:104
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterSkipDFS(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:929
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprSimplify(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *rootexpr, SCIP_EXPR **simplified, SCIP_Bool *changed, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr.c:3173
Definition: struct_var.h:207
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparseVarName(SCIP *scip, const char *str, SCIP_VAR **var, char **endptr)
Definition: scip_var.c:533
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPmultihashCreate(SCIP_MULTIHASH **multihash, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, int tablesize, SCIP_DECL_HASHGETKEY((*hashgetkey)), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYEQ((*hashkeyeq)), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL((*hashkeyval)), void *userptr)
Definition: misc.c:1910
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprEvalHessianDir(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *rootexpr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag, SCIP_SOL *direction)
Definition: expr.c:2828
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprPrintDotInit(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPRPRINTDATA **printdata, FILE *file, SCIP_EXPRPRINT_WHAT whattoprint)
Definition: expr.c:2299
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreplaceCommonSubexpressions(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **exprs, int nexprs, SCIP_Bool *replacedroot)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1804
SCIP_Real SCIPevalExprQuadratic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_SOL *sol)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2384
Definition: struct_misc.h:111
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcheckExprQuadratic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Bool *isquadratic)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2351
private functions to work with algebraic expressions
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprRemoveChildren(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr.c:1830
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashmapCreate(SCIP_HASHMAP **hashmap, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, int mapsize)
Definition: misc.c:3023
void SCIPexprSetCurvature(SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRCURV curvature)
Definition: expr.c:4016
Definition: struct_expr.h:43
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPduplicateExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR **copyexpr, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_MAPEXPR((*mapexpr)), void *mapexprdata, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1280
Definition: type_expr.h:62
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprDismantle(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, FILE *file, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr.c:2530
public methods for problem variables
Definition: scip_expr.c:2155
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeExprCurvature(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1919
Definition: scip_expr.c:2291
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprPrintDotFinal(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPRPRINTDATA **printdata)
Definition: expr.c:2477
void * SCIPhashmapGetImage(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin)
Definition: misc.c:3210
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprVar(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_var.c:390
static SCIP_RETCODE parseFactor(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool isdenominator, SCIP_HASHMAP *vartoexprvarmap, const char *expr, const char **newpos, SCIP_EXPR **factortree, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:315
void SCIPfreeExprQuadratic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2369
variable expression handler
public methods for SCIP variables
Definition: scip_expr.c:1532
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPappendExprSumExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR *child, SCIP_Real childcoef)
Definition: expr_sum.c:1116
Definition: scip_expr.c:2255
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrIntegralityExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Bool *isintegral)
Definition: expr.c:1062
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprComputeQuadraticCurvature(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, BMS_BUFMEM *bufmem, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRCURV *curv, SCIP_HASHMAP *assumevarfixed, SCIP_Bool storeeigeninfo)
Definition: expr.c:3583
SCIP_EXPRHDLR * SCIPsetFindExprhdlr(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:5140
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprSum(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nchildren, SCIP_EXPR **children, SCIP_Real *coefficients, SCIP_Real constant, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_sum.c:1079
SCIP_EXPRHDLR * SCIPfindExprhdlr(SCIP *scip, const char *name)
Definition: scip_expr.c:868
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:682
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPevalExprGradient(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1667
void SCIPinfoMessage(SCIP *scip, FILE *file, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: scip_message.c:208
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprPrint(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, FILE *file, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr.c:2250
SCIP_Bool SCIPisExprProduct(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1463
Definition: type_expr.h:686
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPevalExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1634
Definition: expr.c:2363
Definition: struct_sol.h:73
Definition: struct_set.h:72
int SCIPcompareExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr1, SCIP_EXPR *expr2)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1734
SCIP_Bool SCIPhashmapExists(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin)
Definition: misc.c:3372
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintExprDotInit2(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRPRINTDATA **printdata, const char *filename, SCIP_EXPRPRINT_WHAT whattoprint)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1516
Definition: expriter.c:789
Definition: struct_misc.h:137
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintExprDotInit(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRPRINTDATA **printdata, FILE *file, SCIP_EXPRPRINT_WHAT whattoprint)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1500
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcallExprEvalFwdiff(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *childrenvalues, SCIP_Real *direction, SCIP_Real *val, SCIP_Real *dot)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2198
Definition: type_retcode.h:45
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_EXPRDATA *exprdata, int nchildren, SCIP_EXPR **children, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:973
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrReversePropExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_INTERVAL bounds, SCIP_INTERVAL *childrenbounds, SCIP_Bool *infeasible)
Definition: expr.c:1662
Definition: type_expr.h:60
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrInitEstimatesExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_INTERVAL *bounds, SCIP_Bool overestimate, SCIP_Real *coefs[SCIP_EXPR_MAXINITESTIMATES], SCIP_Real constant[SCIP_EXPR_MAXINITESTIMATES], int *nreturned)
Definition: expr.c:1582
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrSimplifyExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR **simplifiedexpr, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr.c:1617
Definition: type_expr.h:700
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexpriterCreate(SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPRITER **iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:426
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprMonomial(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nfactors, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_Real *exponents, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1140
#define BMSreallocBufferMemoryArray(mem, ptr, num)
Definition: memory.h:735
public functions to work with algebraic expressions
Definition: type_expr.h:59
void SCIPexprGetQuadraticQuadTerm(SCIP_EXPR *quadexpr, int termidx, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_Real *lincoef, SCIP_Real *sqrcoef, int *nadjbilin, int **adjbilin, SCIP_EXPR **sqrexpr)
Definition: expr.c:4114
internal miscellaneous methods
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprProduct(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nchildren, SCIP_EXPR **children, SCIP_Real coefficient, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_product.c:2130
power and signed power expression handlers
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetExprVarExprs(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR **varexprs, int *nvarexprs)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2080
Definition: type_retcode.h:42
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreplaceExprChild(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, int childidx, SCIP_EXPR *newchild)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1247
public methods for problem copies
internal methods for global SCIP settings
int SCIPexpriterGetChildIdxDFS(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:706
SCIP main data structure.
SCIP_Bool SCIPexprhdlrHasCurvature(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr)
Definition: expr.c:644
static SCIP_RETCODE findEqualExpr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_MULTIHASH *key2expr, SCIP_EXPR **newexpr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:655
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprValue(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_Real value, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr_value.c:270
Definition: struct_expr.h:202
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprReplaceChild(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, int childidx, SCIP_EXPR *newchild)
Definition: expr.c:1800
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrCreate(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPRHDLR **exprhdlr, const char *name, const char *desc, unsigned int precedence, SCIP_DECL_EXPREVAL((*eval)), SCIP_EXPRHDLRDATA *data)
Definition: expr.c:303
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExpriter(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRITER **iterator)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2311
Definition: type_retcode.h:43
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprCreate(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_EXPRDATA *exprdata, int nchildren, SCIP_EXPR **children, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr.c:1712
Definition: struct_expr.h:104
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcallExprEval(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *childrenvalues, SCIP_Real *val)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2171
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintExprQuadratic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2444
void SCIPexprFreeQuadratic(BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expr.c:3538
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterRestartDFS(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: expriter.c:629
Definition: scip_expr.c:69
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcopyExpr(SCIP *sourcescip, SCIP *targetscip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR **copyexpr, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata, SCIP_HASHMAP *varmap, SCIP_HASHMAP *consmap, SCIP_Bool global, SCIP_Bool *valid)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1317
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPmultihashInsert(SCIP_MULTIHASH *multihash, void *element)
Definition: misc.c:1974
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreleaseExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1416
SCIP_Bool SCIPstrToRealValue(const char *str, SCIP_Real *value, char **endptr)
Definition: misc.c:10865
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPappendExprChild(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR *child)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1229
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrPrintExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRITER_STAGE stage, int currentchild, unsigned int parentprecedence, FILE *file)
Definition: expr.c:896
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparseExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, const char *exprstr, const char **finalpos, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1379
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetExprNVars(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, int *nvars)
Definition: scip_expr.c:2042
datastructures for block memory pools and memory buffers
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcomputeExprIntegrality(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1999
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterGetNext(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:857
static SCIP_RETCODE parseBase(SCIP *scip, SCIP_HASHMAP *vartoexprvarmap, const char *expr, const char **newpos, SCIP_EXPR **basetree, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:165
void * SCIPmultihashRetrieveNext(SCIP_MULTIHASH *multihash, SCIP_MULTIHASHLIST **multihashlist, void *key)
Definition: misc.c:2063
SCIP_EXPR * SCIPexpriterGetChildExprDFS(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator)
Definition: expriter.c:720
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExpr2(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_EXPRDATA *exprdata, SCIP_EXPR *child1, SCIP_EXPR *child2, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:994
datastructures for problem statistics
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprEval(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag)
Definition: expr.c:2638
constant value expression handler
Definition: type_retcode.h:48
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprDuplicateShallow(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR **copyexpr, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr.c:2017
void SCIPexpriterSetStagesDFS(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator, SCIP_EXPRITER_STAGE stopstages)
Definition: expriter.c:663
product expression handler
static SCIP_RETCODE hashExpr(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BUFMEM *bufmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRITER *hashiterator, int *nvisitedexprs)
Definition: scip_expr.c:755
public methods for solutions
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetVarCopy(SCIP *sourcescip, SCIP *targetscip, SCIP_VAR *sourcevar, SCIP_VAR **targetvar, SCIP_HASHMAP *varmap, SCIP_HASHMAP *consmap, SCIP_Bool global, SCIP_Bool *success)
Definition: scip_copy.c:711
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprCheckQuadratic(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Bool *isquadratic)
Definition: expr.c:3270
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPevalExprHessianDir(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Longint soltag, SCIP_SOL *direction)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1689
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExprhdlr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr)
Definition: set.c:5106
Definition: expriter.c:695
void SCIPexpriterSetCurrentUserData(SCIP_EXPRITER *iterator, SCIP_EXPRITER_USERDATA userdata)
Definition: expriter.c:805
int SCIPexprCompare(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr1, SCIP_EXPR *expr2)
Definition: expr.c:3066
void SCIPexprGetQuadraticBilinTerm(SCIP_EXPR *expr, int termidx, SCIP_EXPR **expr1, SCIP_EXPR **expr2, SCIP_Real *coef, int *pos2, SCIP_EXPR **prodexpr)
Definition: expr.c:4157
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrParseExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, const char *string, const char **endstring, SCIP_EXPR **expr, SCIP_Bool *success, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr.c:965
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprEvalActivity(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *rootexpr)
Definition: expr.c:2934
public methods for message handling
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrEvalExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BUFMEM *bufmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *val, SCIP_Real *childrenvals, SCIP_SOL *sol)
Definition: expr.c:1184
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrEvalFwDiffExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BUFMEM *bufmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_Real *val, SCIP_Real *dot, SCIP_Real *childrenvals, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_Real *childrendirs, SCIP_SOL *direction)
Definition: expr.c:1365
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintExprDotFinal(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRPRINTDATA **printdata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1546
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprAppendChild(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPR *child)
Definition: expr.c:1769
sum expression handler
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdismantleExpr(SCIP *scip, FILE *file, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1607
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashmapInsert(SCIP_HASHMAP *hashmap, void *origin, void *image)
Definition: misc.c:3105
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprRelease(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_EXPR **rootexpr)
Definition: expr.c:2058
Definition: objbenders.h:43
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeExprhdlr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPRHDLR **exprhdlr, const char *name, const char *desc, unsigned int precedence, SCIP_DECL_EXPREVAL((*eval)), SCIP_EXPRHDLRDATA *data)
Definition: scip_expr.c:823
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrCurvatureExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, SCIP_EXPRCURV exprcurvature, SCIP_Bool *success, SCIP_EXPRCURV *childcurv)
Definition: expr.c:1004
public methods for global and local (sub)problems
SCIP_Real SCIPgetSolVal(SCIP *scip, SCIP_SOL *sol, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: scip_sol.c:1361
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPremoveExprChildren(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1266
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateExprQuadratic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR **expr, int nlinvars, SCIP_VAR **linvars, SCIP_Real *lincoefs, int nquadterms, SCIP_VAR **quadvars1, SCIP_VAR **quadvars2, SCIP_Real *quadcoefs, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1032
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprCopy(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *targetset, SCIP_STAT *targetstat, BMS_BLKMEM *targetblkmem, SCIP_EXPR *sourceexpr, SCIP_EXPR **targetexpr, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_MAPEXPR((*mapexpr)), void *mapexprdata, SCIP_DECL_EXPR_OWNERCREATE((*ownercreate)), void *ownercreatedata)
Definition: expr.c:1862
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrMonotonicityExpr(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPR *expr, int childidx, SCIP_MONOTONE *result)
Definition: expr.c:1033
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashExpr(SCIP *scip, SCIP_EXPR *expr, unsigned int *hashval)
Definition: scip_expr.c:1746