Detailed Description
Public methods for constraints.
Function Documentation
◆ SCIPconsGetName()
const char * SCIPconsGetName | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
returns the name of the constraint
- Note
- to change the name of a constraint, use SCIPchgConsName() from scip.h
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8214 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::name, and NULL.
Referenced by addAllConss(), addBranchingDecisionConss(), addCliques(), addCoef(), addConflictBounds(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addCut(), addCuts(), addExtendedAsymmetricFormulation(), addExtendedFlowFormulation(), addKnapsackConstraints(), addLinearConstraints(), addLogicOrConstraints(), addNegatedCliques(), addNlrow(), addRelaxation(), addScenarioConsToProb(), addSetppcConstraints(), addSlackVars(), addSymresackInequality(), addVarboundConstraints(), addVarCardinality(), addVarSOS1(), addVarSOS2(), aggregateConstraints(), aggregateVariables(), analyzeZeroResultant(), applyFixings(), branchBalancedCardinality(), branchCons(), branchUnbalancedCardinality(), canonicalizeConstraints(), catchVarEvents(), checkAllConss(), checkBounddisjunction(), checkCons(), checkConsnames(), checkForOverlapping(), checkKnapsack(), checkLogicor(), checkOrigPbCons(), checkOverloadViaThetaTree(), checkPackingPartitioningOrbitopeSolution(), checkParallelObjective(), checkPartialObjective(), checkRedundancy(), checkSubproblemConvexity(), checkSymresackSolution(), checkSystemGF2(), checkVarbound(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), conflictAddBound(), conflictResolveBound(), consCapacityConstraintsFinder(), consdataCheckSuperindicator(), consdataDeletePos(), consdataFixOperandsOne(), consdataFixResultantZero(), consdataLinearize(), consdataTightenCoefs(), consHasName(), consPrintConsSol(), constraintNonOverlappingGraph(), convertBinaryEquality(), convertLongEquality(), convertUnaryEquality(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyCuts(), createBlockproblem(), createCapacityRestriction(), createCoveringProblem(), createDisjuctiveCons(), createNlRow(), createRelaxation(), createRow(), createRows(), createSubSCIP(), createVarUbs(), deleteAltLPConstraint(), deleteRedundantVars(), deleteTrivilCons(), delPosConflict(), detectImplications(), detectMinors(), detectRedundantConstraints(), detectRedundantVars(), disableCons(), dropVarEvent(), dropVarEvents(), dualPresolve(), dualPresolving(), dualWeightsTightening(), enfopsCons(), enfopsPackingPartitioningOrbitopeSolution(), enforceCardinality(), enforceConflictgraph(), enforceConssSOS1(), enforceConstraint(), enforceConstraints(), enforceCurrentSol(), enforceIndicators(), enforceSOS2(), extractCliques(), fillDigraph(), findAggregation(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), fixTriangle(), generateBoundInequalityFromSOS1Cons(), generateRowCardinality(), generateRowSOS2(), initCurrent(), initLP(), initPricing(), initSepa(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromCardinality(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromSOS1Cons(), initSolve(), liftCliqueVariables(), mergeMultiples(), normalizeWeights(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), presolRoundIndicator(), presolRoundSOS2(), presolStuffing(), presolveAddKKTKnapsackConss(), presolveAddKKTLinearConss(), presolveAddKKTLogicorConss(), presolveAddKKTSetppcConss(), presolveAddKKTVarboundConss(), presolveCumulativeCondition(), presolveImplint(), presolveMergeConss(), presolvePropagateCons(), presolveRedundantConss(), presolveSingleLockedVars(), presolveUpgrade(), printDualSol(), processBinvarFixings(), processContainedCons(), processFixings(), processRealBoundChg(), processWatchedVars(), propagateCons(), propagateTimetable(), propCardinality(), propConss(), propExprDomains(), propIndicator(), proposeFeasibleSolution(), propSOS2(), propVariables(), rangedRowPropagation(), readCols(), readIndicators(), readObjective(), readQCMatrix(), readQMatrix(), readSOS(), readSos(), reformulateFactorizedBinaryQuadratic(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), removeDoubleAndSingletonsAndPerformDualpresolve(), removeFixedVariables(), removeIrrelevantJobs(), removeOversizedJobs(), removeRedundantCons(), removeRedundantConstraints(), removeRedundantNonZeros(), replaceBinaryProducts(), resolvePropagation(), saveLocalConssData(), scaleCons(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDISABLE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENABLE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFORELAX(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXIT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINIT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSLOCK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRINT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSRESPROP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PROPPRESOL(), SCIPaddCoefLinear(), SCIPaddConsNode(), SCIPaddVarCardinality(), SCIPaddVarSOS1(), SCIPaddVarSOS2(), SCIPappendVarCardinality(), SCIPappendVarSOS1(), SCIPappendVarSOS2(), SCIPboundchgApply(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinConsPure(), SCIPcreateConsSuperindicator(), SCIPmatrixGetRowName(), SCIPmatrixPrintRow(), SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer(), SCIPnodeAddHoleinfer(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPreaderWrite(), SCIPreoptAddCons(), SCIPreoptReset(), SCIPseparateKnapsackCuts(), SCIPseparateRelaxedKnapsack(), SCIPsetBinaryVarIndicator(), SCIPtimConsGetStageName(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupgradeConsLinear(), SCIPvisualizeConsCumulative(), SCIPwriteGms(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwriteMps(), SCIPwritePip(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), separateCons(), separateConsBinaryRepresentation(), separateConsOnIntegerVariables(), separateCoverCutsCons(), separateIndicators(), separateSequLiftedExtendedWeightInequality(), separateSequLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), separateSupLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), setSetppcType(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), simplifyInequalities(), solveIndependentCons(), tightenBounds(), tightenCapacity(), tightenCoefs(), tightenSides(), tightenVarBounds(), tightenVarBoundsEasy(), tightenVarLb(), tightenVarUb(), tightenWeights(), tightenWeightsLift(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), upgradeLinearSuperindicator(), varAddLbchginfo(), varAddUbchginfo(), and writeOpbConstraints().
◆ SCIPconsGetPos()
int SCIPconsGetPos | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
returns the position of constraint in the corresponding handler's conss array
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8224 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::consspos, and NULL.
Referenced by detectRedundantConstraints(), and getParallelConsKey().
◆ SCIPconsGetHdlr()
SCIP_CONSHDLR * SCIPconsGetHdlr | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
returns the constraint handler of the constraint
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8234 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::conshdlr, and NULL.
Referenced by addCliques(), addCoef(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addNegatedCliques(), addScenarioConsToProb(), addSlackVars(), applyFixings(), cancelRow(), catchVarEvents(), checkConsnames(), checkOrigPbCons(), checkSubproblemConvexity(), compareConsnodes(), compareSymgraphs(), computeAndConstraintInfos(), consdataCollectLinkingCons(), consdataDeletePos(), consdataPrint(), consPrintConsSol(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createAltLP(), createAndAddProofcons(), createBlockproblem(), createNAryBranch(), createNlRow(), createSubSCIP(), delCoefPos(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantConstraints(), detectRedundantVars(), determineTotalNumberLinearConss(), enforceCurrentSol(), enforcePseudo(), estimateSymgraphSize(), extractLinearValues(), getConsRelViolation(), getLinVarsAndAndRess(), handleNewVariableSOS2(), initPricing(), isViolatedAndNotFixed(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolvePropagateCons(), printRangeSection(), processBinvarFixings(), processFixings(), processRealBoundChg(), processWatchedVars(), propagateCons(), rangedRowPropagation(), readIndicators(), registerBranchingCandidates(), saveConsBounddisjuction(), saveConsLinear(), saveLocalConssData(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRICERREDCOST(), SCIP_DECL_RELAXEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPaddBilinTermQuadratic(), SCIPaddCoefKnapsack(), SCIPaddCoefLinear(), SCIPaddCoefLogicor(), SCIPaddCoefPseudoboolean(), SCIPaddCoefSetppc(), SCIPaddConsElemConjunction(), SCIPaddConsElemDisjunction(), SCIPaddConstantQuadratic(), SCIPaddExprNonlinear(), SCIPaddLinearVarNonlinear(), SCIPaddLinearVarQuadratic(), SCIPaddQuadVarLinearCoefQuadratic(), SCIPaddQuadVarQuadratic(), SCIPaddSquareCoefQuadratic(), SCIPaddTermPseudoboolean(), SCIPaddVarCardinality(), SCIPaddVarIndicator(), SCIPaddVarSOS1(), SCIPaddVarSOS2(), SCIPappendVarCardinality(), SCIPappendVarSOS1(), SCIPappendVarSOS2(), SCIPapplyHeurDualval(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcheckQuadraticNonlinear(), SCIPchgAndConsCheckFlagWhenUpgr(), SCIPchgAndConsRemovableFlagWhenUpgr(), SCIPchgCapacityKnapsack(), SCIPchgCardvalCardinality(), SCIPchgCoefLinear(), SCIPchgExprNonlinear(), SCIPchgLhsLinear(), SCIPchgLhsNonlinear(), SCIPchgLhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPchgLhsQuadratic(), SCIPchgRhsLinear(), SCIPchgRhsNonlinear(), SCIPchgRhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPchgRhsQuadratic(), SCIPclassifyConstraintTypesLinear(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPconsAddCoef(), SCIPconsGetDualfarkas(), SCIPconsGetDualsol(), SCIPconsGetLhs(), SCIPconsGetRhs(), SCIPconsGetRow(), SCIPconsSetInitial(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinCons(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinConsPure(), SCIPcreateConsSuperindicator(), SCIPgetActiveOnIndicator(), SCIPgetActivityLinear(), SCIPgetAndDatasPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetBinaryVarIndicator(), SCIPgetBinaryVarIndicatorGeneric(), SCIPgetBinaryVarSuperindicator(), SCIPgetBinvarsDataLinking(), SCIPgetBinvarsLinking(), SCIPgetBoundsBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetBoundtypesBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetCapacityCumulative(), SCIPgetCapacityKnapsack(), SCIPgetCardvalCardinality(), SCIPgetConsVals(), SCIPgetCurvatureNonlinear(), SCIPgetDemandsCumulative(), SCIPgetDualfarkasKnapsack(), SCIPgetDualfarkasLinear(), SCIPgetDualfarkasLogicor(), SCIPgetDualfarkasSetppc(), SCIPgetDualfarkasVarbound(), SCIPgetDualsolKnapsack(), SCIPgetDualsolLinear(), SCIPgetDualsolLogicor(), SCIPgetDualsolSetppc(), SCIPgetDualSolVal(), SCIPgetDualsolVarbound(), SCIPgetDurationsCumulative(), SCIPgetExprNonlinear(), SCIPgetFeasibilityLinear(), SCIPgetHmaxCumulative(), SCIPgetHmaxOptcumulative(), SCIPgetHminCumulative(), SCIPgetHminOptcumulative(), SCIPgetIndVarPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetIntVarXor(), SCIPgetLhsLinear(), SCIPgetLhsNonlinear(), SCIPgetLhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLhsVarbound(), SCIPgetLinDatasWithoutAndPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPgetLinearConsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLinearConsTypePseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLinkvarLinking(), SCIPgetNAndsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetNBinvarsLinking(), SCIPgetNFixedonesSetppc(), SCIPgetNFixedzerosSetppc(), SCIPgetNLinVarsWithoutAndPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetNlRowAbspower(), SCIPgetNlRowNonlinear(), SCIPgetNlRowQuadratic(), SCIPgetNlRowSOC(), SCIPgetNVarsAnd(), SCIPgetNVarsBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetNVarsCardinality(), SCIPgetNVarsCumulative(), SCIPgetNVarsKnapsack(), SCIPgetNVarsLinear(), SCIPgetNVarsLogicor(), SCIPgetNVarsOr(), SCIPgetNVarsSetppc(), SCIPgetNVarsSOS1(), SCIPgetNVarsSOS2(), SCIPgetNVarsXor(), SCIPgetResultantAnd(), SCIPgetResultantOr(), SCIPgetRhsLinear(), SCIPgetRhsNonlinear(), SCIPgetRhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetRhsVarbound(), SCIPgetRhsXor(), SCIPgetRowKnapsack(), SCIPgetRowLinear(), SCIPgetRowLogicor(), SCIPgetRowSetppc(), SCIPgetRowVarbound(), SCIPgetSlackConsSuperindicator(), SCIPgetSlackVarIndicator(), SCIPgetTypeSetppc(), SCIPgetValsLinear(), SCIPgetValsLinking(), SCIPgetVarsAnd(), SCIPgetVarsBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetVarsCardinality(), SCIPgetVarsCumulative(), SCIPgetVarsKnapsack(), SCIPgetVarsLinear(), SCIPgetVarsLogicor(), SCIPgetVarsOr(), SCIPgetVarsSetppc(), SCIPgetVarsSOS1(), SCIPgetVarsSOS2(), SCIPgetVarsXor(), SCIPgetVarVarbound(), SCIPgetVbdcoefVarbound(), SCIPgetVbdvarVarbound(), SCIPgetWeightsCardinality(), SCIPgetWeightsKnapsack(), SCIPgetWeightsSOS1(), SCIPgetWeightsSOS2(), SCIPisAndConsSorted(), SCIPisDualSolAvailable(), SCIPmakeIndicatorFeasible(), SCIPprocessRowprepNonlinear(), SCIProwGetOriginConshdlr(), SCIPsetBinaryVarIndicator(), SCIPsetHmaxCumulative(), SCIPsetHmaxOptcumulative(), SCIPsetHminCumulative(), SCIPsetHminOptcumulative(), SCIPsetLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPsetSlackVarUb(), SCIPsolCheckOrig(), SCIPsortAndCons(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupgradeConsLinear(), SCIPwriteCcg(), SCIPwriteGms(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwriteMps(), SCIPwritePbm(), SCIPwritePip(), SCIPwritePpm(), SCIPwriteSolutionNl(), separateCons(), separateInequalities(), separateSequLiftedExtendedWeightInequality(), separateSequLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), separateSupLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), sepastoreApplyCut(), setSetppcType(), tightenWeights(), tightenWeightsLift(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), upgradeLinearSuperindicator(), upgradeSuperindicator(), writeFzn(), writeOpbConstraints(), and writeOpbObjective().
◆ SCIPconsGetData()
SCIP_CONSDATA * SCIPconsGetData | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
returns the constraint data field of the constraint
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8244 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::consdata, and NULL.
Referenced by addAllConss(), addCliques(), addCoef(), addCoefTerm(), addConflictBounds(), addConflictFixedVars(), addConsToOccurList(), addCut(), addCuts(), addExtendedAsymmetricFormulation(), addExtendedFlowFormulation(), addExtraCliques(), addLocks(), addNegatedCliques(), addNlrow(), addRelaxation(), addSymmetryInformation(), addSymresackInequality(), addVarCardinality(), addVarSOS1(), addVarSOS2(), aggregateConstraints(), aggregateVariables(), analyzeConflict(), analyzeConflictOne(), analyzeConflictRangedRow(), analyzeConflictZero(), analyzeViolation(), analyzeZeroResultant(), appendVarCardinality(), appendVarSOS1(), appendVarSOS2(), applyFixings(), applyGlobalBounds(), applyZeroFixings(), bilinearTermsInsertAll(), branchCons(), canonicalizeConstraints(), canTightenBounds(), catchAllEvents(), catchEvent(), catchEventBinvar(), catchEventIntvar(), catchEvents(), catchVarEvents(), checkAllConss(), checkCons(), checkDemands(), checkForOverlapping(), checkFullOrbitopeSolution(), checkLPBoundsClean(), checkOrigPbCons(), checkPackingPartitioningOrbitopeSolution(), checkParallelObjective(), checkPartialObjective(), checkRedundancy(), checkRedundantCons(), checkSwitchNonoverlappingSOS1Methods(), checkSymresackSolution(), checkSystemGF2(), chgCoefPos(), chgLhs(), chgRhs(), cliquePresolve(), collectBranchingCandidates(), collectBranchingCands(), collectCliqueConss(), collectCliqueData(), COLORconsGetComplementaryGraph(), COLORconsGetCurrentGraph(), COLORconsGetRepresentative(), COLORconsGetRepresentatives(), COLORconsGetUnion(), COLORconsGetUnions(), computeAlternativeBounds(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), computeViolation(), consCapacityConstraintsFinder(), consCatchAllEvents(), consCatchEvent(), consdataLinearize(), consdataPrint(), consdataTightenCoefs(), consDropAllEvents(), consDropEvent(), consFixLinkvar(), consPrintConsSol(), constraintNonOverlappingGraph(), convertBinaryEquality(), convertEquality(), convertLongEquality(), convertUnaryEquality(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), correctLocksAndCaptures(), createCapacityRestriction(), createCapacityRestrictionIntvars(), createCoverCuts(), createCoverCutsTimepoint(), createDisjuctiveCons(), createNAryBranch(), createNlRow(), createRelaxation(), createRow(), createRows(), createVarUbs(), deinitSolve(), delCoefPos(), deleteAltLPConstraint(), deleteRedundantVars(), deleteTrivilCons(), detectImplications(), detectNlhdlrs(), detectRedundantConstraints(), detectRedundantVars(), dropAllEvents(), dropEvent(), dropEventBinvar(), dropEventIntvar(), dropEvents(), dropVarEvents(), dualPresolve(), dualPresolving(), dualWeightsTightening(), enfopsCons(), enfopsPackingPartitioningOrbitopeSolution(), enforceCardinality(), enforceConflictgraph(), enforceConssSOS1(), enforceConstraint(), enforceConstraints(), enforceCuts(), enforceIndicators(), enforcePseudo(), enforceSOS2(), extendToCover(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractCliques(), findAggregation(), findUnlockedLinearVar(), fixAdditionalVars(), fixAltLPVariables(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), fixTriangle(), fixVariables(), forbidNonlinearVariablesMultiaggration(), fullDualPresolve(), generateBoundInequalityFromSOS1Cons(), generateRowCardinality(), generateRowSOS2(), getConsAbsViolation(), getConsRelViolation(), getDiveBdChgsSOS1constraints(), getHighestCapacityUsage(), getParallelConsKey(), initConflictgraph(), initializeDurations(), initLP(), initSepa(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromCardinality(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromSOS1Cons(), initSolve(), isConsIndependently(), isConsViolated(), liftCliqueVariables(), lockRounding(), makeSOS1conflictgraphFeasible(), makeSOS1constraintsFeasible(), mergeMultiples(), normalizeCons(), normalizeDemands(), normalizeWeights(), notifyNlhdlrNewsol(), performVarDeletions(), polishPrimalSolution(), prepareCons(), preprocessCliques(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundConssSOS1(), presolStuffing(), presolveBinaryProducts(), presolveConsEffectiveHorizon(), presolveCumulativeCondition(), presolveImplint(), presolveMergeConss(), presolvePropagateCons(), presolveRedundantConss(), presolveSingleLockedVars(), presolveUpgrade(), prettifyConss(), processBinvarFixings(), processContainedCons(), processFixings(), processRealBoundChg(), processWatchedVars(), propagateCons(), propagateFullOrbitopeCons(), propagatePackingPartitioningCons(), propConss(), propExprDomains(), proposeFeasibleSolution(), propVariables(), rangedRowPropagation(), rangedRowSimplify(), registerBranchingCandidates(), registerBranchingCandidatesAllUnfixed(), removeConsFromOccurList(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), removeDoubleAndSingletonsAndPerformDualpresolve(), removeFixedBinvars(), removeFixedVariables(), removeIrrelevantJobs(), removeOversizedJobs(), removeRedundantConss(), removeRedundantConssAndNonzeros(), removeRedundantConstraints(), removeRedundantNonZeros(), removeZeroWeights(), replaceBinaryProducts(), resolvePropagation(), resolvePropagationFullOrbitope(), scaleCons(), scaleConsSides(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDISABLE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENABLE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFORELAX(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXIT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETPERMSYMGRAPH(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETSIGNEDPERMSYMGRAPH(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINIT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSLOCK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRINT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSRESPROP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYEQ(), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPaddCoefLinear(), SCIPaddCoefPseudoboolean(), SCIPaddConsElemConjunction(), SCIPaddConsElemDisjunction(), SCIPaddExprNonlinear(), SCIPaddLinearVarNonlinear(), SCIPaddVarIndicator(), SCIPcheckQuadraticNonlinear(), SCIPchgAndConsCheckFlagWhenUpgr(), SCIPchgAndConsRemovableFlagWhenUpgr(), SCIPchgCapacityKnapsack(), SCIPchgCardvalCardinality(), SCIPchgCoefLinear(), SCIPchgExprNonlinear(), SCIPchgLhsNonlinear(), SCIPchgLhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPchgRhsNonlinear(), SCIPchgRhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPclassifyConstraintTypesLinear(), SCIPgetActiveOnIndicator(), SCIPgetActivityLinear(), SCIPgetAndDatasPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetBinaryVarIndicator(), SCIPgetBinaryVarIndicatorGeneric(), SCIPgetBinaryVarSuperindicator(), SCIPgetBinvarsDataLinking(), SCIPgetBinvarsLinking(), SCIPgetBoundsBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetBoundtypesBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetCapacityCumulative(), SCIPgetCapacityKnapsack(), SCIPgetCardvalCardinality(), SCIPgetCurvatureNonlinear(), SCIPgetDemandsCumulative(), SCIPgetDualfarkasKnapsack(), SCIPgetDualfarkasLinear(), SCIPgetDualfarkasLogicor(), SCIPgetDualfarkasSetppc(), SCIPgetDualfarkasVarbound(), SCIPgetDualsolKnapsack(), SCIPgetDualsolLinear(), SCIPgetDualsolLogicor(), SCIPgetDualsolSetppc(), SCIPgetDualsolVarbound(), SCIPgetDurationsCumulative(), SCIPgetExprActivityNonlinear(), SCIPgetExprNonlinear(), SCIPgetFeasibilityLinear(), SCIPgetHmaxCumulative(), SCIPgetHmaxOptcumulative(), SCIPgetHminCumulative(), SCIPgetHminOptcumulative(), SCIPgetIndVarPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetIntVarXor(), SCIPgetItemid1Samediff(), SCIPgetItemid2Samediff(), SCIPgetLhsLinear(), SCIPgetLhsNonlinear(), SCIPgetLhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLhsVarbound(), SCIPgetLinDatasWithoutAndPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPgetLinearConsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLinearConsTypePseudoboolean(), SCIPgetLinkvarLinking(), SCIPgetLinvarMayDecreaseNonlinear(), SCIPgetLinvarMayIncreaseNonlinear(), SCIPgetNAndsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetNBinvarsLinking(), SCIPgetNFixedonesSetppc(), SCIPgetNFixedzerosSetppc(), SCIPgetNLinVarsWithoutAndPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetNlRowNonlinear(), SCIPgetNVarsAnd(), SCIPgetNVarsBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetNVarsCardinality(), SCIPgetNVarsCumulative(), SCIPgetNVarsKnapsack(), SCIPgetNVarsLinear(), SCIPgetNVarsLogicor(), SCIPgetNVarsOr(), SCIPgetNVarsSetppc(), SCIPgetNVarsSOS1(), SCIPgetNVarsSOS2(), SCIPgetNVarsXor(), SCIPgetResultantAnd(), SCIPgetResultantOr(), SCIPgetRhsLinear(), SCIPgetRhsNonlinear(), SCIPgetRhsPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetRhsVarbound(), SCIPgetRhsXor(), SCIPgetRowKnapsack(), SCIPgetRowLinear(), SCIPgetRowLogicor(), SCIPgetRowSetppc(), SCIPgetRowVarbound(), SCIPgetSlackConsSuperindicator(), SCIPgetSlackVarIndicator(), SCIPgetTypeSamediff(), SCIPgetTypeSetppc(), SCIPgetValsLinear(), SCIPgetValsLinking(), SCIPgetVarsAnd(), SCIPgetVarsBounddisjunction(), SCIPgetVarsCardinality(), SCIPgetVarsCumulative(), SCIPgetVarsKnapsack(), SCIPgetVarsLinear(), SCIPgetVarsLogicor(), SCIPgetVarsOr(), SCIPgetVarsSetppc(), SCIPgetVarsSOS1(), SCIPgetVarsSOS2(), SCIPgetVarsXor(), SCIPgetVarVarbound(), SCIPgetVbdcoefVarbound(), SCIPgetVbdvarVarbound(), SCIPgetWeightsCardinality(), SCIPgetWeightsKnapsack(), SCIPgetWeightsSOS1(), SCIPgetWeightsSOS2(), SCIPisAndConsSorted(), SCIPisViolatedIndicator(), SCIPmakeIndicatorFeasible(), SCIPmakeIndicatorsFeasible(), SCIPmarkExprPropagateNonlinear(), SCIPsetBinaryVarIndicator(), SCIPsetHmaxCumulative(), SCIPsetHmaxOptcumulative(), SCIPsetHminCumulative(), SCIPsetHminOptcumulative(), SCIPsetLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPsetSlackVarUb(), SCIPsortAndCons(), SCIPupgradeConsLinear(), SCIPvisualizeConsCumulative(), separateCons(), separateConsBinaryRepresentation(), separateConsOnIntegerVariables(), separateConstraints(), separateCoverCutsCons(), separateCoversOrbisack(), separateIISRounding(), separateIndicators(), separatePerspective(), sepaSubtour(), setAltLPObj(), setAltLPObjZero(), setIntvar(), setppcCompare(), setppcCompare2(), setSetppcType(), shortenConss(), simplifyInequalities(), solveIndependentCons(), strengthenConss(), strengthenVarbounds(), switchWatchedvars(), tightenBounds(), tightenCapacity(), tightenCoefs(), tightenSides(), tightenVarBounds(), tightenVarBoundsEasy(), tightenVarLb(), tightenVarUb(), tightenWeights(), tightenWeightsLift(), tryUpgrading(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), unfixAltLPVariables(), unlockRounding(), updateAndConss(), updateConsanddataUses(), updateCutoffbound(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsGetNUses()
int SCIPconsGetNUses | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
gets number of times, the constraint is currently captured
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8254 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::nuses.
◆ SCIPconsGetActiveDepth()
int SCIPconsGetActiveDepth | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
for an active constraint, returns the depth in the tree at which the constraint was activated
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8264 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::activedepth, NULL, and SCIPconsIsActive().
Referenced by SCIPconsGetValidDepth(), and SCIPconshdlrInitLP().
◆ SCIPconsGetValidDepth()
int SCIPconsGetValidDepth | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
returns the depth in the tree at which the constraint is valid; returns INT_MAX, if the constraint is local and currently not active
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8297 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::local, NULL, SCIPconsGetActiveDepth(), SCIPconsIsActive(), and SCIP_Cons::validdepth.
Referenced by conflictResolveBound(), disableCons(), and SCIPanalyzeConflictCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsActive()
returns TRUE iff constraint is active in the current node
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8275 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::active, NULL, SCIP_Cons::updateactivate, and SCIP_Cons::updatedeactivate.
Referenced by addAllConss(), addAltLPConstraint(), addBranchingDecisionConss(), addCliques(), addCoef(), addConsToOccurList(), addNlrow(), aggregateConstraints(), analyzeViolation(), calcNonZeros(), catchEvent(), checkForOverlapping(), cleanupHashDatas(), cliquePresolve(), collectBranchingCands(), collectCliqueConss(), collectCliqueData(), consSepa(), copyToSubscip(), correctPresoldata(), createPresoldata(), detectRedundantConstraints(), dualPresolve(), dualPresolving(), enforceConstraints(), extractGates(), findAggregation(), initSolve(), liftCliqueVariables(), notifyNlhdlrNewsol(), preprocessCliques(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolvePropagateCons(), presolveRedundantConss(), propagateCons(), propConss(), propExprDomains(), removeConsFromOccurList(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), removeRedundantConss(), removeRedundantConssAndNonzeros(), removeRedundantConstraints(), removeRedundantNonZeros(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIPanalyzeConflictCons(), SCIPconflictstoreGetConflicts(), SCIPconsGetActiveDepth(), SCIPconsGetValidDepth(), SCIPconshdlrInitLP(), SCIPconssetchgAddAddedCons(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPmakeIndicatorFeasible(), SCIPnodeAddCons(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPreoptResetActiveConss(), SCIPreoptSaveActiveConss(), separatePerspective(), setppcCompare(), strengthenConss(), switchWatchedvars(), tryOneOpt(), trySolCandidate(), tryUpgrading(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), updateAndConss(), and upgradeConss().
◆ SCIPconsIsUpdatedeactivate()
returns TRUE iff constraint has to be deactivated in update phase
returns TRUE iff constraint is active in the current node
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8285 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::updatedeactivate.
Referenced by SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC().
◆ SCIPconsIsEnabled()
returns TRUE iff constraint is enabled in the current node
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8311 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::enabled, NULL, SCIP_Cons::updatedisable, and SCIP_Cons::updateenable.
Referenced by addFixedVarsConss(), addKnapsackConstraints(), addLinearConstraints(), addLogicOrConstraints(), addSetppcConstraints(), addVarboundConstraints(), analyzeViolation(), checkBounddisjunction(), checkConsnames(), checkKnapsack(), checkLogicor(), checkVarbound(), consSepa(), doPricing(), enforceConstraints(), initPricing(), notifyNlhdlrNewsol(), printRangeSection(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIPconsIsPropagationEnabled(), SCIPconsIsSeparationEnabled(), SCIPmarkConsPropagate(), SCIPunmarkConsPropagate(), SCIPwriteCcg(), SCIPwriteGms(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwriteMps(), SCIPwritePbm(), SCIPwritePip(), SCIPwritePpm(), writeFzn(), and writeOpbConstraints().
◆ SCIPconsIsSeparationEnabled()
returns TRUE iff constraint's separation is enabled in the current node
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8321 of file cons.c.
References NULL, SCIPconsIsEnabled(), SCIP_Cons::sepaenabled, SCIP_Cons::updatesepadisable, and SCIP_Cons::updatesepaenable.
Referenced by analyzeViolation(), consSepa(), enforceConstraints(), and notifyNlhdlrNewsol().
◆ SCIPconsIsPropagationEnabled()
returns TRUE iff constraint's propagation is enabled in the current node
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8332 of file cons.c.
References NULL, SCIP_Cons::propenabled, SCIPconsIsEnabled(), SCIP_Cons::updatepropdisable, and SCIP_Cons::updatepropenable.
Referenced by enforceCurrentSol(), enforcePseudo(), propConss(), propExprDomains(), and separateCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsDeleted()
returns TRUE iff constraint is deleted or marked to be deleted
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8343 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::deleted, and NULL.
Referenced by addCliques(), addExtraCliques(), addScenarioConsToProb(), analyzeViolation(), canonicalizeConstraints(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedConflicts(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedDualrayCons(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedDualsolCons(), cleanupHashDatas(), collectCliqueConss(), computeAlternativeBounds(), computeConsAndDataChanges(), conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), consSepa(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), correctConshdlrdata(), correctLocksAndCaptures(), delPosConflict(), delPosDualray(), delPosDualsol(), detectRedundantVars(), dualWeightsTightening(), enforceConstraints(), extractCliques(), findAggregation(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), getLinVarsAndAndRess(), mergeMultiples(), notifyNlhdlrNewsol(), prepareCons(), presolveCons(), presolveMergeConss(), presolveRedundantConss(), prettifyConss(), propagateCons(), propConss(), propExprDomains(), rangedRowSimplify(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), removeCoreVariablesAndConstraints(), removeDoubleAndSingletonsAndPerformDualpresolve(), removeRedundantConssAndNonzeros(), removeVariablesAndConstraintsFromMaster(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPactiveCons(), SCIPcleanupConssLogicor(), SCIPcleanupConssSetppc(), SCIPconflictstoreCleanNewIncumbent(), SCIPconflictstoreGetConflicts(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPisViolatedIndicator(), SCIPreoptResetActiveConss(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwriteMps(), setppcCompare2(), shortenConss(), simplifyInequalities(), strengthenConss(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgrading(), updateConsanddataUses(), and upgradeCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsObsolete()
returns TRUE iff constraint is marked obsolete
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8353 of file cons.c.
References NULL, SCIP_Cons::obsolete, and SCIP_Cons::updateobsolete.
◆ SCIPconsIsConflict()
returns TRUE iff constraint is marked as a conflict
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8363 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::conflict, and NULL.
Referenced by SCIPcopyConflicts(), and SCIPcopyConss().
◆ SCIPconsGetAge()
gets age of constraint
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8373 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::age, and NULL.
Referenced by conflictstoreCleanUpStorage(), delPosConflict(), delPosDualray(), delPosDualsol(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualraycons(), and SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons().
◆ SCIPconsIsInitial()
returns TRUE iff the LP relaxation of constraint should be in the initial LP
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8383 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::initial, and NULL.
Referenced by addCliques(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addExtendedAsymmetricFormulation(), addExtendedFlowFormulation(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), checkParallelObjective(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createNAryBranch(), createRelaxation(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectNlhdlrs(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsSeparated()
returns TRUE iff constraint should be separated during LP processing
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8393 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::separate.
Referenced by addCliques(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), checkParallelObjective(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createNAryBranch(), createRelaxation(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectNlhdlrs(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsEnforced()
returns TRUE iff constraint should be enforced during node processing
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8403 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::enforce, and NULL.
Referenced by addCliques(), addCoef(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createNAryBranch(), createRelaxation(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectNlhdlrs(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsChecked()
returns TRUE iff constraint should be checked for feasibility
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8413 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::check, and NULL.
Referenced by addAllConss(), addCoef(), addCoefTerm(), addConsToOccurList(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addKnapsackConstraints(), addLinearConstraints(), addLogicOrConstraints(), addNlrow(), addScenarioConsToProb(), addSetppcConstraints(), addVarboundConstraints(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), applyZeroFixings(), branchCons(), calcNonZeros(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedConflicts(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedDualrayCons(), cleanDeletedAndCheckedDualsolCons(), cliquePresolve(), computeAlternativeBounds(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), convertLongEquality(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createNAryBranch(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualPresolving(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fillVariableGraph(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), initCurrent(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), presolveConsEst(), presolveConsLct(), processRealBoundChg(), propagateCons(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), removeDoubleAndSingletonsAndPerformDualpresolve(), removeRedundantConss(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobDelCons(), SCIPsolCheckOrig(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), solveIndependentCons(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), updateAndConss(), updateConsanddataUses(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsMarkedPropagate()
returns whether the constraint is marked for propagation
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8423 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::markpropagate, NULL, SCIP_Cons::updatemarkpropagate, and SCIP_Cons::updateunmarkpropagate.
Referenced by addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIPmarkConsPropagate(), SCIPunmarkConsPropagate(), and upgradeConss().
◆ SCIPconsIsPropagated()
returns TRUE iff constraint should be propagated during node processing
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8433 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::propagate.
Referenced by addCliques(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createNAryBranch(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectNlhdlrs(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsGlobal()
returns TRUE iff constraint is globally valid
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8443 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::local, and NULL.
Referenced by conflictResolveBound(), SCIPaddCons(), SCIPanalyzeConflictCons(), and SCIPnodeAddCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsLocal()
returns TRUE iff constraint is only locally valid or not added to any (sub)problem
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8453 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::local, and NULL.
Referenced by addCliques(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addNlrow(), addRelaxation(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), createCoverCutsTimepoint(), createNAryBranch(), createRelaxation(), createRow(), createRows(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromCardinality(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPaddLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualraycons(), SCIPconflictstoreAddDualsolcons(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), separateSequLiftedExtendedWeightInequality(), separateSequLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), separateSupLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsModifiable()
returns TRUE iff constraint is modifiable (subject to column generation)
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8463 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::modifiable, and NULL.
Referenced by addAllConss(), addCliques(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addExtendedAsymmetricFormulation(), addExtendedFlowFormulation(), addRelaxation(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), analyzeConflictOne(), analyzeConflictZero(), applyFixings(), branchCons(), cleanupHashDatas(), cliquePresolve(), collectCliqueConss(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), correctPresoldata(), createCoverCutsTimepoint(), createNAryBranch(), createPresoldata(), createRelaxation(), createRow(), createRows(), createVarUbs(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantConstraints(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualPresolving(), dualWeightsTightening(), extractGates(), findAggregation(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), fullDualPresolve(), normalizeCons(), normalizeDemands(), normalizeWeights(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), presolRoundConssSOS1(), presolRoundIndicator(), presolRoundSOS2(), presolvePropagateCons(), presolveUpgrade(), processBinvarFixings(), processFixings(), processRealBoundChg(), processWatchedVars(), propagateCons(), propCardinality(), propConsSOS1(), propIndicator(), propSOS2(), rangedRowPropagation(), rangedRowSimplify(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), removeDoubleAndSingletonsAndPerformDualpresolve(), removeRedundantConss(), removeRedundantConssAndNonzeros(), removeRedundantConstraints(), removeRedundantNonZeros(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPaddLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPmatrixCreate(), SCIPsolCheckOrig(), SCIPupgradeConsLinear(), separateCons(), simplifyInequalities(), solveIndependentCons(), strengthenConss(), tightenBounds(), tightenVarBounds(), tightenVarBoundsEasy(), tightenWeights(), tightenWeightsLift(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsDynamic()
returns TRUE iff constraint is subject to aging
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8473 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::dynamic, and NULL.
Referenced by addCliques(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createNAryBranch(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsRemovable()
returns TRUE iff constraint's relaxation should be removed from the LP due to aging or cleanup
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8483 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::removable.
Referenced by addCliques(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addExtendedAsymmetricFormulation(), addExtendedFlowFormulation(), addRelaxation(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyToSubscip(), createCapacityRestriction(), createCapacityRestrictionIntvars(), createNAryBranch(), createRelaxation(), createRow(), createRows(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), readQCMatrix(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), separateSequLiftedExtendedWeightInequality(), separateSequLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), separateSupLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), setupAndSolveSubscipRapidlearning(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsStickingAtNode()
returns TRUE iff constraint's relaxation should be removed from the LP due to aging or cleanup
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8493 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::stickingatnode.
Referenced by addCliques(), addCoefTerm(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), aggregateConstraints(), applyFixings(), cliquePresolve(), computeEffectiveHorizon(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), createNAryBranch(), createSubSCIP(), deleteRedundantVars(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), processRealBoundChg(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NONLINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPconssetchgMakeGlobal(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), and upgradeLinearSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPconsIsInProb()
returns TRUE iff constraint belongs to the global problem
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8503 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::addarraypos, SCIP_Cons::addconssetchg, and NULL.
◆ SCIPconsIsOriginal()
returns TRUE iff constraint is belonging to original space
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8513 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::original.
Referenced by checkOrigPbCons(), consdataFree(), consdataPrint(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), getLinVarsAndAndRess(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIPaddExprNonlinear(), SCIPaddLinearVarNonlinear(), SCIPchgCoefLinear(), SCIPchgExprNonlinear(), SCIPchgLhsNonlinear(), SCIPchgRhsNonlinear(), SCIPconflictstoreAddConflict(), SCIPconflictstoreTransform(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPgetAndDatasPseudoboolean(), SCIPgetDualfarkasLinear(), SCIPgetDualsolLinear(), and SCIPreleaseCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsTransformed()
returns TRUE iff constraint is belonging to transformed space
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8523 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::original.
Referenced by addCoef(), addSymmetryInformation(), addVarCardinality(), addVarSOS1(), addVarSOS2(), appendVarCardinality(), appendVarSOS1(), appendVarSOS2(), applyFixings(), checkConsnames(), chgCoefPos(), chgLhs(), chgRhs(), consdataCreate(), consdataDeletePos(), delCoefPos(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDEACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINIT(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIPcreateConsPseudobooleanWithConss(), SCIPcreateConsSOS1(), SCIPgetDualSolVal(), SCIPgetTransformedCons(), SCIPgetTransformedConss(), SCIPmatrixCreate(), SCIPsetBinaryVarIndicator(), SCIPtransformCons(), SCIPtransformConss(), SCIPwriteCcg(), SCIPwriteGms(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwritePbm(), SCIPwritePip(), SCIPwritePpm(), setIntvar(), tryAddGadgetBilinearProductSignedPerm(), tryAddGadgetEvenOperatorSum(), tryAddGadgetEvenOperatorVariable(), tryAddGadgetSquaredDifference(), writeFzn(), and writeOpbConstraints().
◆ SCIPconsIsLockedPos()
returns TRUE iff roundings for variables in constraint are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8533 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlockspos, NULL, and SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL.
◆ SCIPconsIsLockedNeg()
returns TRUE iff roundings for variables in constraint's negation are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8543 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlocksneg, NULL, and SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL.
◆ SCIPconsIsLocked()
returns TRUE iff roundings for variables in constraint or in constraint's negation are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8553 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlocksneg, SCIP_Cons::nlockspos, NULL, and SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL.
Referenced by chgLhs(), chgRhs(), fullDualPresolve(), lockRoundingAndCons(), and unlockRoundingAndCons().
◆ SCIPconsGetNLocksPos()
int SCIPconsGetNLocksPos | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
get number of times the roundings for variables in constraint are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8563 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlockspos, NULL, and SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL.
Referenced by fullDualPresolve().
◆ SCIPconsGetNLocksNeg()
int SCIPconsGetNLocksNeg | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
get number of times the roundings for variables in constraint's negation are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8573 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlocksneg, NULL, and SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL.
Referenced by fullDualPresolve().
◆ SCIPconsIsLockedTypePos()
SCIP_Bool SCIPconsIsLockedTypePos | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons, |
SCIP_LOCKTYPE | locktype | ||
) |
returns TRUE iff roundings of the given locktype for variables in constraint are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint locktype variable lock type
Definition at line 8583 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlockspos, NLOCKTYPES, and NULL.
Referenced by SCIPlockVarCons(), and SCIPunlockVarCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsLockedTypeNeg()
SCIP_Bool SCIPconsIsLockedTypeNeg | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons, |
SCIP_LOCKTYPE | locktype | ||
) |
returns TRUE iff roundings of the given locktype for variables in constraint are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint locktype variable lock type
Definition at line 8595 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlocksneg, NLOCKTYPES, and NULL.
Referenced by SCIPlockVarCons(), and SCIPunlockVarCons().
◆ SCIPconsIsLockedType()
SCIP_Bool SCIPconsIsLockedType | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons, |
SCIP_LOCKTYPE | locktype | ||
) |
returns TRUE iff roundings of the given locktype for variables in constraint or in constraint's negation are locked
returns TRUE iff roundings of given locktype for variables in constraint or in constraint's negation are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint locktype variable lock type
Definition at line 8607 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlocksneg, SCIP_Cons::nlockspos, NLOCKTYPES, and NULL.
Referenced by chgCoefPos(), chgLhs(), chgRhs(), lockRounding(), lockRoundingAndCons(), setSetppcType(), unlockRounding(), and unlockRoundingAndCons().
◆ SCIPconsGetNLocksTypePos()
int SCIPconsGetNLocksTypePos | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons, |
SCIP_LOCKTYPE | locktype | ||
) |
get number of times the roundings of given locktype for variables in constraint are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint locktype variable lock type
Definition at line 8619 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlockspos, NLOCKTYPES, and NULL.
◆ SCIPconsGetNLocksTypeNeg()
int SCIPconsGetNLocksTypeNeg | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons, |
SCIP_LOCKTYPE | locktype | ||
) |
get number of times the roundings of given locktype for variables in constraint's negation are locked
- Parameters
cons constraint locktype variable lock type
Definition at line 8631 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::nlocksneg, NLOCKTYPES, and NULL.
◆ SCIPconsIsAdded()
returns if the constraint was already added to a SCIP instance
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8643 of file cons.c.
References SCIP_Cons::addarraypos, and NULL.
Referenced by applyFixings(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIPactiveCons(), SCIPchgConsName(), SCIPdeactiveCons(), SCIPdelCons(), SCIPdelConsLocal(), SCIPdelConsNode(), SCIPenfolpCons(), SCIPenfopsCons(), SCIPenforelaxCons(), SCIPinitlpCons(), and SCIPrespropCons().
◆ SCIPconsAddUpgradeLocks()
void SCIPconsAddUpgradeLocks | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons, |
int | nlocks | ||
) |
adds locks to (dis-)allow upgrading of constraint
- Parameters
cons constraint to add locks nlocks number of locks to add
Definition at line 8653 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::nupgradelocks.
Referenced by createAndAddLinearCons(), createSubSCIP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGeneric(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinCons(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinConsPure(), SCIPcreateConsPseudobooleanWithConss(), and tryUpgrading().
◆ SCIPconsGetNUpgradeLocks()
int SCIPconsGetNUpgradeLocks | ( | SCIP_CONS * | cons | ) |
gets number of locks against upgrading the constraint, 0 means this constraint can be upgraded
- Parameters
cons constraint
Definition at line 8665 of file cons.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Cons::nupgradelocks.
Referenced by aggregateConstraints(), detectRedundantConstraints(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGeneric(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinCons(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinConsPure(), SCIPupgradeConsLinear(), and tryUpgrading().
◆ SCIPcreateCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS ** | cons, | ||
const char * | name, | ||
SCIP_CONSHDLR * | conshdlr, | ||
SCIP_CONSDATA * | consdata, | ||
SCIP_Bool | initial, | ||
SCIP_Bool | separate, | ||
SCIP_Bool | enforce, | ||
SCIP_Bool | check, | ||
SCIP_Bool | propagate, | ||
SCIP_Bool | local, | ||
SCIP_Bool | modifiable, | ||
SCIP_Bool | dynamic, | ||
SCIP_Bool | removable, | ||
SCIP_Bool | stickingatnode | ||
) |
creates and captures a constraint of the given constraint handler
- Warning
- If a constraint is marked to be checked for feasibility but not to be enforced, a LP or pseudo solution may be declared feasible even if it violates this particular constraint. This constellation should only be used, if no LP or pseudo solution can violate the constraint – e.g. if a local constraint is redundant due to the variable's local bounds.
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- the constraint gets captured, hence at one point you have to release it using the method SCIPreleaseCons()
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons pointer to constraint name name of constraint conshdlr constraint handler for this constraint consdata data for this specific constraint initial should the LP relaxation of constraint be in the initial LP? Usually set to TRUE. Set to FALSE for 'lazy constraints'. separate should the constraint be separated during LP processing? Usually set to TRUE. enforce should the constraint be enforced during node processing? TRUE for model constraints, FALSE for additional, redundant constraints. check should the constraint be checked for feasibility? TRUE for model constraints, FALSE for additional, redundant constraints. propagate should the constraint be propagated during node processing? Usually set to TRUE. local is constraint only valid locally? Usually set to FALSE. Has to be set to TRUE, e.g., for branching constraints. modifiable is constraint modifiable (subject to column generation)? Usually set to FALSE. In column generation applications, set to TRUE if pricing adds coefficients to this constraint. dynamic is constraint subject to aging? Usually set to FALSE. Set to TRUE for own cuts which are separated as constraints. removable should the relaxation be removed from the LP due to aging or cleanup? Usually set to FALSE. Set to TRUE for 'lazy constraints' and 'user cuts'. stickingatnode should the constraint always be kept at the node where it was added, even if it may be moved to a more global node? Usually set to FALSE. Set to TRUE to for constraints that represent node data.
Definition at line 998 of file scip_cons.c.
Referenced by COLORcreateConsStoreGraph(), createCons(), createConsComponents(), createConsSetppc(), createConsStoreGraphAtRoot(), createConsXorIntvar(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIPcreateConsAnd(), SCIPcreateConsBounddisjunction(), SCIPcreateConsBounddisjunctionRedundant(), SCIPcreateConsConjunction(), SCIPcreateConsCumulative(), SCIPcreateConsDisjunction(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGeneric(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinCons(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinConsPure(), SCIPcreateConsKnapsack(), SCIPcreateConsLinear(), SCIPcreateConsLinking(), SCIPcreateConsLogicor(), SCIPcreateConsLOP(), SCIPcreateConsOptcumulative(), SCIPcreateConsOr(), SCIPcreateConsOrbisack(), SCIPcreateConsOrbitope(), SCIPcreateConsPseudoboolean(), SCIPcreateConsPseudobooleanWithConss(), SCIPcreateConsSamediff(), SCIPcreateConsSOS1(), SCIPcreateConsSOS2(), tsp::SCIPcreateConsSubtour(), SCIPcreateConsSuperindicator(), SCIPcreateConsSymresack(), SCIPcreateConsVarbound(), and SCIPcreateConsXor().
◆ SCIPparseCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparseCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS ** | cons, | ||
const char * | str, | ||
SCIP_Bool | initial, | ||
SCIP_Bool | separate, | ||
SCIP_Bool | enforce, | ||
SCIP_Bool | check, | ||
SCIP_Bool | propagate, | ||
SCIP_Bool | local, | ||
SCIP_Bool | modifiable, | ||
SCIP_Bool | dynamic, | ||
SCIP_Bool | removable, | ||
SCIP_Bool | stickingatnode, | ||
SCIP_Bool * | success | ||
) |
parses constraint information (in cip format) out of a string; if the parsing process was successful a constraint is creates and captures;
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Warning
- If a constraint is marked to be checked for feasibility but not to be enforced, a LP or pseudo solution may be declared feasible even if it violates this particular constraint. This constellation should only be used, if no LP or pseudo solution can violate the constraint – e.g. if a local constraint is redundant due to the variable's local bounds.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons pointer to store constraint str string to parse for constraint initial should the LP relaxation of constraint be in the initial LP? Usually set to TRUE. Set to FALSE for 'lazy constraints'. separate should the constraint be separated during LP processing? Usually set to TRUE. enforce should the constraint be enforced during node processing? TRUE for model constraints, FALSE for additional, redundant constraints. check should the constraint be checked for feasibility? TRUE for model constraints, FALSE for additional, redundant constraints. propagate should the constraint be propagated during node processing? Usually set to TRUE. local is constraint only valid locally? Usually set to FALSE. Has to be set to TRUE, e.g., for branching constraints. modifiable is constraint modifiable (subject to column generation)? Usually set to FALSE. In column generation applications, set to TRUE if pricing adds coefficients to this constraint. dynamic is constraint subject to aging? Usually set to FALSE. Set to TRUE for own cuts which are separated as constraints. removable should the relaxation be removed from the LP due to aging or cleanup? Usually set to FALSE. Set to TRUE for 'lazy constraints' and 'user cuts'. stickingatnode should the constraint always be kept at the node where it was added, even if it may be moved to a more global node? Usually set to FALSE. Set to TRUE to for constraints that represent node data. success pointer to store if the paring process was successful
Definition at line 1082 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsParse(), and TRUE.
Referenced by getConstraint(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE(), and SCIP_DECL_DIALOGEXEC().
◆ SCIPcaptureCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcaptureCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
increases usage counter of constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to capture
Definition at line 1139 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_Cons::scip, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsCapture(), and TRUE.
Referenced by consdataAddCons(), consdataCollectLinkingCons(), consdataCreate(), consdataCreateSuperindicator(), correctPresoldata(), createAndAddAndCons(), createAndAddLinearCons(), createPresoldata(), createSubSCIP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRICERINIT(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinCons(), SCIPcreateConsIndicatorGenericLinConsPure(), SCIPcreateConsPseudobooleanWithConss(), SCIPgetConsCopy(), SCIPpricerBinpackingActivate(), and SCIPsetLinearConsIndicator().
◆ SCIPreleaseCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreleaseCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS ** | cons | ||
) |
decreases usage counter of constraint, if the usage pointer reaches zero the constraint gets freed
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- the pointer of the constraint will be NULLed
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons pointer to constraint
Definition at line 1174 of file scip_cons.c.
Referenced by addBranchingComplementaritiesSOS1(), addBranchingDecisionConss(), addCliques(), addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addExtendedAsymmetricFormulation(), addExtendedFlowFormulation(), addExtraCliques(), addFixedVarsConss(), addLocalBranchingConstraint(), addLocalbranchingConstraintAndObjcutoff(), addLocalConss(), addLowerboundCons(), addScenarioConsToProb(), addSplitcons(), addTrustRegionConstraints(), adjustOversizedJobBounds(), aggregateConstraints(), aggregation(), applyBinaryConstraints(), applyFixings(), applyObbtBilinear(), applyRepair(), BENDERS_CUTORACLE(), branchBalancedCardinality(), cancelRow(), cleanupHashDatas(), cliquePresolve(), consdataDeletePos(), consdataFree(), consdataLinearize(), copyConsPseudoboolean(), copyCuts(), copyToSubscip(), correctConshdlrdata(), correctPresoldata(), CREATE_CONSTRAINT(), createAndAddAndCons(), createAndAddLinearCons(), createAndAddProofcons(), createAndAddTransferredCut(), createAndApplyStoredBendersCut(), createBlockproblem(), createBounddisjunctionCons(), createCapacityRestriction(), createCipFormulation(), createConflict(), createConflictCons(), createConsCumulative(), createConstraint(), createConstraints(), createCoveringProblem(), createCumulativeCons(), createIndicatorConstraint(), createIntervalRelaxation(), createKKTComplementarityBinary(), createKKTComplementarityBounds(), createKKTComplementarityLinear(), createLinearCons(), createMIP(), createMipCpFormulation(), createMipFormulation(), createNAryBranch(), createOriginalproblem(), createPrecedenceCons(), createProbOnlyEdge(), createProbQP(), createProbSimplified(), createProbSimplifiedTest(), createQuadraticCons(), createRow(), createRows(), createSetPackingCons(), createSubproblem(), createSubproblems(), createSubscip(), createSubSCIP(), createVarboundCons(), createVarUbs(), CUTOFF_CONSTRAINT(), deleteRedundantVars(), deleteSubproblem(), detectRedundantVars(), dualPresolve(), dualWeightsTightening(), AMPLProblemHandler::EndInput(), execmain(), executeStrongBranching(), extendToCover(), extensionOperatorSOS1(), extractGates(), findAggregation(), fixDeleteOrUpgradeCons(), fixVariableZeroNode(), forbidCover(), forbidFixation(), freeSymmetryData(), generateAndApplyBendersCuts(), generateAndApplyBendersIntegerCuts(), generateAndApplyBendersNogoodCut(), getBinaryProductExprDo(), getConstraint(), getFixedVariable(), initPricing(), main(), AMPLProblemHandler::OnBinaryLogical(), AMPLProblemHandler::OnLogicalCon(), AMPLProblemHandler::OnRelational(), performImplicationGraphAnalysis(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), presolRoundCardinality(), presolRoundConsSOS1(), presolveSingleLockedVars(), presolveUpgrade(), probdataFree(), processNlRow(), processRealBoundChg(), propIndicator(), rangedRowPropagation(), readBounds(), readCnf(), readConstraints(), readIndicators(), readLIBSVM(), readObjective(), readOPBFile(), readQCMatrix(), readQMatrix(), readRows(), readSemicontinuous(), readSOS(), readSos(), readSOScons(), readVariables(), reformulateFactorizedBinaryQuadratic(), releaseHashmapEntries(), removeConstraintsDueToNegCliques(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECPS(), SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSDELETE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSEXITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPARSE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIP_DECL_DIALOGEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXIT(), SCIP_DECL_PRICEREXITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_PRICERINIT(), SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG(), SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS(), SCIP_DECL_READERREAD(), SCIPaddConflict(), SCIPaddTrustregionNeighborhoodConstraint(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcopyConflicts(), SCIPcopyConss(), SCIPcopyOrigConss(), SCIPcreateSchedulingProblem(), SCIPgenerateAndApplyBendersOptCut(), SCIPgetVarCopy(), SCIPsetLinearConsIndicator(), SCIPtransformMinUC(), SCIPverifyCircularPatternNLP(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), setObjective(), setupAndSolveCumulativeSubscip(), setupAndSolveFiniteSolSubscip(), setupAndSolveSubscip(), setupProblem(), setupSubproblem(), setupSubScip(), solvePricingMINLP(), tightenWeights(), tryUpgradingLogicor(), tryUpgradingSetppc(), tryUpgradingXor(), updateConsanddataUses(), upgradeCons(), upgradeConss(), upgradeIndicatorSuperindicator(), upgradeLinearSuperindicator(), and scipexamples::QueensSolver::~QueensSolver().
◆ SCIPchgConsName()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPchgConsName | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
const char * | name | ||
) |
change constraint name
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- to get the current name of a constraint, use SCIPconsGetName() from pub_cons.h
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint name new name of constraint
Definition at line 1225 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_Cons::scip, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_INVALIDCALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_STAGE_PROBLEM, SCIPABORT, SCIPblkmem(), SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsChgName(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPgetStage(), SCIPprobAddConsName(), SCIPprobRemoveConsName(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPsetConsInitial()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsInitial | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | initial | ||
) |
sets the initial flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint initial new value
Definition at line 1272 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetInitial(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addFixedVarsConss(), checkParallelObjective(), correctConshdlrdata(), createRelaxation(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue(), and updateConsanddataUses().
◆ SCIPsetConsSeparated()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsSeparated | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | separate | ||
) |
sets the separate flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint separate new value
Definition at line 1297 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetSeparated(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkParallelObjective(), createRelaxation(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), and AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue().
◆ SCIPsetConsEnforced()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsEnforced | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | enforce | ||
) |
sets the enforce flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint enforce new value
Definition at line 1322 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetEnforced(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkParallelObjective(), checkPartialObjective(), createRelaxation(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue(), and updateCutoffbound().
◆ SCIPsetConsChecked()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsChecked | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | check | ||
) |
sets the check flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint check new value
Definition at line 1347 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetChecked(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addAllConss(), branchCons(), checkPartialObjective(), consdataCreate(), correctConshdlrdata(), propagateCons(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue(), updateAndConss(), and updateConsanddataUses().
◆ SCIPsetConsPropagated()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsPropagated | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | propagate | ||
) |
sets the propagate flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint propagate new value
Definition at line 1372 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetPropagated(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkParallelObjective(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue(), and updateCutoffbound().
◆ SCIPsetConsLocal()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsLocal | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | local | ||
) |
sets the local flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint local new value
Definition at line 1399 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetLocal(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPsetConsModifiable()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsModifiable | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | modifiable | ||
) |
sets the modifiable flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint modifiable new value
Definition at line 1425 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetModifiable(), and TRUE.
Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPprobdataCreate(), and setupProblem().
◆ SCIPsetConsDynamic()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsDynamic | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | dynamic | ||
) |
sets the dynamic flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint dynamic new value
Definition at line 1450 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetDynamic(), and TRUE.
Referenced by generateAndApplyBendersCuts(), generateAndApplyBendersIntegerCuts(), generateAndApplyBendersNogoodCut(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPgenerateAndApplyBendersOptCut(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), and AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue().
◆ SCIPsetConsRemovable()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsRemovable | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | removable | ||
) |
sets the removable flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint removable new value
Definition at line 1475 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetRemovable(), and TRUE.
Referenced by createAndAddTransferredCut(), createAndApplyStoredBendersCut(), generateAndApplyBendersCuts(), generateAndApplyBendersIntegerCuts(), generateAndApplyBendersNogoodCut(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPbendersMergeSubproblemIntoMaster(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), SCIPgenerateAndApplyBendersOptCut(), SCIPupdateConsFlags(), and AMPLProblemHandler::SuffixHandler< T >::SetValue().
◆ SCIPsetConsStickingAtNode()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetConsStickingAtNode | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | stickingatnode | ||
) |
sets the stickingatnode flag of the given constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint stickingatnode new value
Definition at line 1500 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSetStickingAtNode(), and TRUE.
Referenced by SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPcreateConsAbspower(), and SCIPupdateConsFlags().
◆ SCIPupdateConsFlags()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPupdateConsFlags | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons0, | ||
SCIP_CONS * | cons1 | ||
) |
updates the flags of the first constraint according to the ones of the second constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons0 constraint that should stay cons1 constraint that should be deleted
Definition at line 1525 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsIsChecked(), SCIPconsIsDynamic(), SCIPconsIsEnforced(), SCIPconsIsInitial(), SCIPconsIsPropagated(), SCIPconsIsRemovable(), SCIPconsIsSeparated(), SCIPconsIsStickingAtNode(), SCIPsetConsChecked(), SCIPsetConsDynamic(), SCIPsetConsEnforced(), SCIPsetConsInitial(), SCIPsetConsPropagated(), SCIPsetConsRemovable(), SCIPsetConsSeparated(), SCIPsetConsStickingAtNode(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkForOverlapping(), detectRedundantConstraints(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), removeRedundantCons(), removeRedundantConss(), and removeRedundantNonZeros().
◆ SCIPtransformCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtransformCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_CONS ** | transcons | ||
) |
gets and captures transformed constraint of a given constraint; if the constraint is not yet transformed, a new transformed constraint for this constraint is created
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to get/create transformed constraint for transcons pointer to store the transformed constraint
Definition at line 1585 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Cons::scip, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsCapture(), SCIPconsIsTransformed(), SCIPconsTransform(), and TRUE.
Referenced by consdataAddCons(), consdataCreate(), consdataCreateSuperindicator(), and SCIP_DECL_CONSTRANS().
◆ SCIPtransformConss()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtransformConss | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
int | nconss, | ||
SCIP_CONS ** | conss, | ||
SCIP_CONS ** | transconss | ||
) |
gets and captures transformed constraints for an array of constraints; if a constraint in the array is not yet transformed, a new transformed constraint for this constraint is created; it is possible to call this method with conss == transconss
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure nconss number of constraints to get/create transformed constraints for conss array with constraints to get/create transformed constraints for transconss array to store the transformed constraints
Definition at line 1626 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsCapture(), SCIPconsIsTransformed(), SCIPconsTransform(), and TRUE.
Referenced by consdataCreate(), and SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS().
◆ SCIPgetTransformedCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetTransformedCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_CONS ** | transcons | ||
) |
gets corresponding transformed constraint of a given constraint; returns NULL as transcons, if transformed constraint is not yet existing
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to get the transformed constraint for transcons pointer to store the transformed constraint
Definition at line 1675 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_Cons::scip, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsGetTransformed(), SCIPconsIsTransformed(), and TRUE.
Referenced by computeRanks(), createSubSCIP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCOPY(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITPRE(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PRICERINIT(), SCIPapplyHeurDualval(), and SCIPwriteSolutionNl().
◆ SCIPgetTransformedConss()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetTransformedConss | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
int | nconss, | ||
SCIP_CONS ** | conss, | ||
SCIP_CONS ** | transconss | ||
) |
gets corresponding transformed constraints for an array of constraints; stores NULL in a transconss slot, if the transformed constraint is not yet existing; it is possible to call this method with conss == transconss, but remember that constraints that are not yet transformed will be replaced with NULL
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure nconss number of constraints to get the transformed constraints for conss constraints to get the transformed constraints for transconss array to store the transformed constraints
Definition at line 1715 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsGetTransformed(), SCIPconsIsTransformed(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPaddConsAge()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddConsAge | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Real | deltaage | ||
) |
adds given value to age of constraint, but age can never become negative; should be called
- in constraint separation, if no cut was found for this constraint,
- in constraint enforcing, if constraint was feasible, and
- in constraint propagation, if no domain reduction was deduced;
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint deltaage value to add to the constraint's age
Definition at line 1756 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsAddAge(), and TRUE.
Referenced by processWatchedVars().
◆ SCIPincConsAge()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincConsAge | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
increases age of constraint by 1.0; should be called
- in constraint separation, if no cut was found for this constraint,
- in constraint enforcing, if constraint was feasible, and
- in constraint propagation, if no domain reduction was deduced;
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1785 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsIncAge(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkAndConss(), checkCons(), enforcePseudo(), propagateCons(), propIndicator(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFORELAX(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIPseparateKnapsackCuts(), and separateCons().
◆ SCIPresetConsAge()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPresetConsAge | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
resets age of constraint to zero; should be called
- in constraint separation, if a cut was found for this constraint,
- in constraint enforcing, if the constraint was violated, and
- in constraint propagation, if a domain reduction was deduced;
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1813 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsResetAge(), and TRUE.
Referenced by analyzeZeroResultant(), branchCons(), checkAndConss(), checkCons(), consdataFixOperandsOne(), consdataFixResultantZero(), enforceCardinality(), enforceConssSOS1(), enforceCurrentSol(), enforceIndicators(), enforcePseudo(), enforceSOS2(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromCardinality(), initsepaBoundInequalityFromSOS1Cons(), processBinvarFixings(), processFixings(), processWatchedVars(), propagateCons(), propCardinality(), propConsSOS1(), propIndicator(), propSOS2(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS(), SCIP_DECL_CONSENFORELAX(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP(), SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL(), separateCons(), separateConsBinaryRepresentation(), separateCoverCutsCons(), separateIndicators(), separatePerspective(), separateSequLiftedExtendedWeightInequality(), separateSequLiftedMinimalCoverInequality(), and separateSupLiftedMinimalCoverInequality().
◆ SCIPenableCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenableCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
enables constraint's separation, propagation, and enforcing capabilities
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1838 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsEnable(), and TRUE.
Referenced by consdataCreateBinvars(), and SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC().
◆ SCIPdisableCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdisableCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
disables constraint's separation, propagation, and enforcing capabilities, s.t. the constraint is not propagated, separated, and enforced anymore until it is enabled again with a call to SCIPenableCons(); in contrast to SCIPdelConsLocal() and SCIPdelConsNode(), the disabling is not associated to a node in the tree and does not consume memory; therefore, the constraint is neither automatically enabled on leaving the node nor automatically disabled again on entering the node again; note that the constraints enforcing capabilities are necessary for the solution's feasibility, if the constraint is a model constraint; that means, you must be sure that the constraint cannot be violated in the current subtree, and you have to enable it again manually by calling SCIPenableCons(), if this subtree is left (e.g. by using an appropriate event handler that watches the corresponding variables' domain changes)
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1872 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsDisable(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPenableConsSeparation()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenableConsSeparation | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
enables constraint's separation capabilities
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1897 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsEnableSeparation(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPdisableConsSeparation()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdisableConsSeparation | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
disables constraint's separation capabilities s.t. the constraint is not propagated anymore until the separation is enabled again with a call to SCIPenableConsSeparation(); in contrast to SCIPdelConsLocal() and SCIPdelConsNode(), the disabling is not associated to a node in the tree and does not consume memory; therefore, the constraint is neither automatically enabled on leaving the node nor automatically disabled again on entering the node again
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
disables constraint's separation capabilities s.t. the constraint is not separated anymore until the separation is enabled again with a call to SCIPenableConsSeparation(); in contrast to SCIPdelConsLocal() and SCIPdelConsNode(), the disabling is not associated to a node in the tree and does not consume memory; therefore, the constraint is neither automatically enabled on leaving the node nor automatically disabled again on entering the node again
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1925 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsDisableSeparation(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPenableConsPropagation()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenableConsPropagation | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
enables constraint's propagation capabilities
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1952 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsEnablePropagation(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addCoef(), delCoefPos(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), and SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC().
◆ SCIPdisableConsPropagation()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdisableConsPropagation | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
disables constraint's propagation capabilities s.t. the constraint is not propagated anymore until the propagation is enabled again with a call to SCIPenableConsPropagation(); in contrast to SCIPdelConsLocal() and SCIPdelConsNode(), the disabling is not associated to a node in the tree and does not consume memory; therefore, the constraint is neither automatically enabled on leaving the node nor automatically disabled again on entering the node again
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 1982 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsDisablePropagation(), and TRUE.
Referenced by processWatchedVars().
◆ SCIPmarkConsPropagate()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPmarkConsPropagate | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
marks constraint to be propagated
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- if a constraint is marked to be propagated, the age of the constraint will be ignored for propagation
marks constraint to be propagated
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- if a constraint is marked to be propagated, the age of the constraint will be ignored for propagation
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 2015 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsIsEnabled(), SCIPconsIsMarkedPropagate(), SCIPconsMarkPropagate(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addCoef(), catchEvent(), chgCoefPos(), chgLhs(), chgRhs(), delCoefPos(), preprocessConstraintPairs(), SCIP_DECL_CONSACTIVE(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), and tightenCoefs().
◆ SCIPunmarkConsPropagate()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPunmarkConsPropagate | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
unmarks the constraint to be propagated
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint
Definition at line 2043 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsIsEnabled(), SCIPconsIsMarkedPropagate(), SCIPconsUnmarkPropagate(), and TRUE.
Referenced by propagateCons(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), and SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP().
◆ SCIPaddConsLocksType()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddConsLocksType | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_LOCKTYPE | locktype, | ||
int | nlockspos, | ||
int | nlocksneg | ||
) |
adds given values to lock status of type locktype
of the constraint and updates the rounding locks of the involved variables
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint locktype type of the variable locks nlockspos increase in number of rounding locks for constraint nlocksneg increase in number of rounding locks for constraint's negation
Definition at line 2073 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsAddLocks(), and TRUE.
Referenced by SCIP_DECL_CONSLOCK(), and SCIPaddConsLocks().
◆ SCIPaddConsLocks()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddConsLocks | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
int | nlockspos, | ||
int | nlocksneg | ||
) |
adds given values to lock status of the constraint and updates the rounding locks of the involved variables
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This methods always adds locks of type model
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint nlockspos increase in number of rounding locks for constraint nlocksneg increase in number of rounding locks for constraint's negation
Definition at line 2106 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_LOCKTYPE_MODEL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPaddConsLocksType(), SCIPcheckStage(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPcheckCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcheckCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_SOL * | sol, | ||
SCIP_Bool | checkintegrality, | ||
SCIP_Bool | checklprows, | ||
SCIP_Bool | printreason, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
checks single constraint for feasibility of the given solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
checks single constraint for feasibility of the given solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to check sol primal CIP solution checkintegrality Has integrality to be checked? checklprows Do constraints represented by rows in the current LP have to be checked? printreason Should the reason for the violation be printed? result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2136 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsCheck(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkAllConss(), checkCons(), and consdataCheckSuperindicator().
◆ SCIPenfopsCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenfopsCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | solinfeasible, | ||
SCIP_Bool | objinfeasible, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
enforces single constraint for a given pseudo solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to enforce solinfeasible was the solution already declared infeasible by a constraint handler? objinfeasible is the solution infeasible anyway due to violating lower objective bound? result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2164 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsEnfops(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), and TRUE.
Referenced by extendToCover(), and SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOPS().
◆ SCIPenfolpCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenfolpCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool | solinfeasible, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
enforces single constraint for a given LP solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to enforce solinfeasible was the solution already declared infeasible by a constraint handler? result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2195 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsEnfolp(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), and TRUE.
Referenced by enforceConstraint(), and extendToCover().
◆ SCIPenforelaxCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenforelaxCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_SOL * | sol, | ||
SCIP_Bool | solinfeasible, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
enforces single constraint for a given relaxation solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to enforce sol solution to enforce solinfeasible was the solution already declared infeasible by a constraint handler? result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2225 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsEnforelax(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), and TRUE.
Referenced by enforceConstraint(), and extendToCover().
◆ SCIPinitlpCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPinitlpCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_Bool * | infeasible | ||
) |
calls LP initialization method for single constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to initialize infeasible pointer to store whether infeasibility was detected while building the LP
Definition at line 2257 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsInitlp(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPsepalpCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsepalpCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
calls separation method of single constraint for LP solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to separate result pointer to store the result of the separation call
Definition at line 2284 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSepalp(), and TRUE.
Referenced by extendToCover(), and SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPALP().
◆ SCIPsepasolCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsepasolCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_SOL * | sol, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
calls separation method of single constraint for given primal solution
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to separate sol primal solution that should be separated result pointer to store the result of the separation call
Definition at line 2311 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsSepasol(), and TRUE.
Referenced by extendToCover(), and SCIP_DECL_CONSSEPASOL().
◆ SCIPpropCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpropCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_PROPTIMING | proptiming, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
calls domain propagation method of single constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to propagate proptiming current point in the node solving loop result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2341 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsProp(), and TRUE.
Referenced by SCIP_DECL_CONSPROP().
◆ SCIPrespropCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPrespropCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_VAR * | infervar, | ||
int | inferinfo, | ||
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE | boundtype, | ||
SCIP_BDCHGIDX * | bdchgidx, | ||
SCIP_Real | relaxedbd, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
resolves propagation conflict of single constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to resolve conflict for infervar the conflict variable whose bound change has to be resolved inferinfo the user information passed to the corresponding SCIPinferVarLbCons() or SCIPinferVarUbCons() call boundtype the type of the changed bound (lower or upper bound) bdchgidx the index of the bound change, representing the point of time where the change took place relaxedbd the relaxed bound which is sufficient to be explained result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2372 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), SCIPconsResprop(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPpresolCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpresolCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
int | nrounds, | ||
SCIP_PRESOLTIMING | presoltiming, | ||
int | nnewfixedvars, | ||
int | nnewaggrvars, | ||
int | nnewchgvartypes, | ||
int | nnewchgbds, | ||
int | nnewholes, | ||
int | nnewdelconss, | ||
int | nnewaddconss, | ||
int | nnewupgdconss, | ||
int | nnewchgcoefs, | ||
int | nnewchgsides, | ||
int * | nfixedvars, | ||
int * | naggrvars, | ||
int * | nchgvartypes, | ||
int * | nchgbds, | ||
int * | naddholes, | ||
int * | ndelconss, | ||
int * | naddconss, | ||
int * | nupgdconss, | ||
int * | nchgcoefs, | ||
int * | nchgsides, | ||
SCIP_RESULT * | result | ||
) |
presolves of single constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to presolve nrounds number of presolving rounds already done presoltiming presolving timing(s) to be performed nnewfixedvars number of variables fixed since the last call to the presolving method nnewaggrvars number of variables aggregated since the last call to the presolving method nnewchgvartypes number of variable type changes since the last call to the presolving method nnewchgbds number of variable bounds tightened since the last call to the presolving method nnewholes number of domain holes added since the last call to the presolving method nnewdelconss number of deleted constraints since the last call to the presolving method nnewaddconss number of added constraints since the last call to the presolving method nnewupgdconss number of upgraded constraints since the last call to the presolving method nnewchgcoefs number of changed coefficients since the last call to the presolving method nnewchgsides number of changed left or right hand sides since the last call to the presolving method nfixedvars pointer to count total number of variables fixed of all presolvers naggrvars pointer to count total number of variables aggregated of all presolvers nchgvartypes pointer to count total number of variable type changes of all presolvers nchgbds pointer to count total number of variable bounds tightened of all presolvers naddholes pointer to count total number of domain holes added of all presolvers ndelconss pointer to count total number of deleted constraints of all presolvers naddconss pointer to count total number of added constraints of all presolvers nupgdconss pointer to count total number of upgraded constraints of all presolvers nchgcoefs pointer to count total number of changed coefficients of all presolvers nchgsides pointer to count total number of changed left/right hand sides of all presolvers result pointer to store the result of the callback method
Definition at line 2407 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsPresol(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPactiveCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPactiveCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
calls constraint activation notification method of single constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to notify
Definition at line 2469 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsActive(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), SCIPconsIsDeleted(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPdeactiveCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdeactiveCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons | ||
) |
calls constraint deactivation notification method of single constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- This is an advanced method and should be used with caution. It may only be called for constraints that were not added to SCIP beforehand.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint to notify
Definition at line 2498 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsDeactive(), SCIPconsIsAdded(), and TRUE.
◆ SCIPprintCons()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprintCons | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
FILE * | file | ||
) |
outputs constraint information to file stream via the message handler system
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- If the message handler is set to a NULL pointer nothing will be printed.
- The file stream will not be flushed directly, this can be achieved by calling SCIPinfoMessage() printing a newline character.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint file output file (or NULL for standard output)
Definition at line 2537 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsPrint(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addStrongSBCsSubgroup(), addWeakSBCsSubgroup(), applyBinaryConstraints(), BENDERS_CUTORACLE(), checkAllConss(), checkCons(), checkCumulativeCondition(), checkOrigPbCons(), checkSymmetriesAreSymmetries(), cliquePresolve(), consdataCreate(), createRow(), detectDominatingVlbs(), detectDominatingVubs(), dualPresolving(), enforceConstraints(), enforceIndicators(), extendToCover(), notifyNlhdlrNewsol(), resolvePropagation(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK(), SCIP_DECL_CONSINITSOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRESOL(), SCIP_DECL_CONSPRINT(), SCIP_DECL_LINCONSUPGD(), SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRENFO(), SCIP_DECL_READERWRITE(), SCIPwriteCcg(), SCIPwriteGms(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwritePbm(), SCIPwritePip(), SCIPwritePpm(), selectVarMultAggrBranching(), and writeOpbConstraints().
◆ SCIPgetConsVars()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetConsVars | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SCIP_VAR ** | vars, | ||
int | varssize, | ||
SCIP_Bool * | success | ||
) |
method to collect the variables of a constraint
If the number of variables is greater than the available slots in the variable array, nothing happens except that the success point is set to FALSE. With the method SCIPgetConsNVars() it is possible to get the number of variables a constraint has in its scope.
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- The success pointer indicates if all variables were copied into the vars arrray.
- It might be that a constraint handler does not support this functionality, in that case the success pointer is set to FALSE.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint for which the variables are wanted vars array to store the involved variable of the constraint varssize available slots in vars array which is needed to check if the array is large enough success pointer to store whether the variables are successfully copied
Definition at line 2578 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsGetVars(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), createBlockproblem(), decompGetConsVarsAndLabels(), fillDigraph(), fillVariableGraph(), hasUnfixedSCIndicator(), initCurrent(), reuseSolution(), roundPartition(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETVARS(), SCIP_DECL_DIVESETGETSCORE(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIPhasConsOnlyLinkVars(), SCIPvariablegraphBreadthFirst(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwritePbm(), and SCIPwritePip().
◆ SCIPgetConsNVars()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetConsNVars | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
int * | nvars, | ||
SCIP_Bool * | success | ||
) |
method to collect the number of variables of a constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if
is in one of the following stages:
- Note
- The success pointer indicates if the contraint handler was able to return the number of variables
- It might be that a constraint handler does not support this functionality, in that case the success pointer is set to FALSE
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint for which the number of variables is wanted nvars pointer to store the number of variables success pointer to store whether the constraint successfully returned the number of variables
Definition at line 2622 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsGetNVars(), and TRUE.
Referenced by addConstraintToBendersSubproblem(), addScenarioConsToProb(), addSymmetryInformation(), createBlockproblem(), decompGetConsVarsAndLabels(), estimateSymgraphSize(), fillDigraph(), fillVariableGraph(), hasUnfixedSCIndicator(), initCurrent(), roundPartition(), SCIP_DECL_CONSGETNVARS(), SCIP_DECL_DIVESETGETSCORE(), SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPgetConsVals(), SCIPhasConsOnlyLinkVars(), SCIPvariablegraphBreadthFirst(), SCIPwriteLp(), SCIPwritePbm(), and SCIPwritePip().
◆ SCIPgetConsPermsymGraph()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetConsPermsymGraph | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SYM_GRAPH * | graph, | ||
SCIP_Bool * | success | ||
) |
method to get the permutation symmetry detection graph of a constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if SCIP is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint for which the symmetry graph is requested graph symmetry detection graph success pointer to store whether the constraint successfully returned the graph
Definition at line 2655 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsGetPermsymGraph(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkSymmetriesAreSymmetries(), and computeSymmetryGroup().
◆ SCIPgetConsSignedPermsymGraph()
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPgetConsSignedPermsymGraph | ( | SCIP * | scip, |
SCIP_CONS * | cons, | ||
SYM_GRAPH * | graph, | ||
SCIP_Bool * | success | ||
) |
method to get the signed permutation symmetry detection graph of a constraint
- Returns
- SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See SCIP_RETCODE for a complete list of error codes.
- Precondition
- This method can be called if SCIP is in one of the following stages:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure cons constraint for which the symmetry graph is requested graph symmetry detection graph success pointer to store whether the constraint successfully returned the graph
Definition at line 2688 of file scip_cons.c.
References FALSE, NULL, SCIP_CALL, SCIP_OKAY, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPconsGetSignedPermsymGraph(), and TRUE.
Referenced by checkSymmetriesAreSymmetries(), and computeSymmetryGroup().